In [ ]:
from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals, print_function
import pymultinest
import math
import os
import threading, subprocess
from sys import platform
from pylab import *;ion()
if not os.path.exists("chains"): os.mkdir("chains")
Straight Line
In [ ]:
%matplotlib inline
from pylab import *;ion()
from pymultinest.solve import Solver,solve
from numpy import pi, sin, cos, linspace
def gaussian1D(cube):
# cube = np.float32(cube)
return lambda y: np.exp(-0.5*(( (cube[0] - y) / cube[1])**2)) / sqrt(2*pi*cube[1]**2)
def straight_line(cube):
offset = cube[0]
slope = cube[1]
return lambda abscissa: offset + slope * abscissa
def sine_wave(cube):
amp = cube[0]
period = cube[1]
return lambda abscissa: amp*sin(2*pi / period * abscissa)
param0= 0.5#0.05
param1= 0.9#5*pi
yunc = 0.1
nPts = int(50)
nThPts= int(1e3)
xmin = -1#*pi
xmax = 1#*pi
dx = 0.1*(xmax - xmin)
model = straight_line; parameters = ["offset", "slope"]
# model = sine_wave; parameters = ["amp", "period"]
# model = gaussian1D; parameters = ["center", "width"]
yuncs = np.random.normal(yunc, 1e-2 * yunc, nPts)
thdata= np.linspace(xmin-dx, xmax+dx, nThPts)
xdata = np.random.uniform(xmin, xmax, nPts)
xdata = sort(xdata)
ydata = model([param0,param1])(xdata)
yerr = np.random.normal(0, yuncs, nPts)
zdata = ydata + yerr
plot(thdata, model([param0,param1])(thdata))
errorbar(xdata, zdata, yunc*ones(zdata.size), fmt='o')
In [ ]:
# our probability functions
# If you want to "mess up" the model (for model comparison),
# then uncomment here a *different* model than above
# model = sine_wave; parameters = ["amp", "period"]
# model = gaussian1D; parameters = ["center", "width"]
# model = straight_line; parameters = ["offset", "slope"]
def myprior(cube, ndim, nparams):
# assumes a uniform(0,1) prior in nparams-space
def myloglike(cube, ndim, nparams):
# Normal Log Likelihood
modelNow = model(cube)(xdata)
return -0.5*((modelNow - ydata)**2. / yuncs**2.).sum()
In [ ]:
if not os.path.exists("chains"): os.mkdir("chains")
# number of dimensions our problem has
# parameters = ["x", "y"]
n_params = len(parameters)
plt.figure(figsize=(5*n_params, 5*n_params))
# we want to see some output while it is running
progress = pymultinest.ProgressPlotter(n_params = n_params, outputfiles_basename='chains/2-'); progress.start()
# threading.Timer(2, show, ["chains/2-phys_live.points.pdf"]).start() # delayed opening
# run MultiNest, myprior, n_params, importance_nested_sampling = False, resume = False, verbose = True, \
sampling_efficiency = 'model', n_live_points = 1000, outputfiles_basename='chains/2-')
# ok, done. Stop our progress watcher
# lets analyse the results
a = pymultinest.Analyzer(n_params = n_params, outputfiles_basename='chains/2-')
s = a.get_stats()
In [ ]:
import json
# store name of parameters, always useful
with open('%sparams.json' % a.outputfiles_basename, 'w') as f:
json.dump(parameters, f, indent=2)
# store derived stats
with open('%sstats.json' % a.outputfiles_basename, mode='w') as f:
json.dump(s, f, indent=2)
print("-" * 30, 'ANALYSIS', "-" * 30)
print("Global Evidence:\n\t%.15e +- %.15e" % ( s['nested sampling global log-evidence'], s['nested sampling global log-evidence error'] ))
In [ ]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Here we will plot all the marginals and whatnot, just to show off
# You may configure the format of the output here, or in matplotlibrc
# All pymultinest does is filling in the data of the plot.
# Copy and edit this file, and play with it.
p = pymultinest.PlotMarginalModes(a)
plt.figure(figsize=(5*n_params, 5*n_params))
#plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0, hspace=0)
for i in range(n_params):
plt.subplot(n_params, n_params, n_params * i + i + 1)
p.plot_marginal(i, with_ellipses = True, with_points = False, grid_points=50)
for j in range(i):
plt.subplot(n_params, n_params, n_params * j + i + 1)
#plt.subplots_adjust(left=0, bottom=0, right=0, top=0, wspace=0, hspace=0)
p.plot_conditional(i, j, with_ellipses = False, with_points = True, grid_points=30)
# plt.savefig("chains/marginals_multinest.pdf") #, bbox_inches='tight')
# show("chains/marginals_multinest.pdf")
plt.figure(figsize=(5*n_params, 5*n_params))
plt.subplot2grid((5*n_params, 5*n_params), loc=(0,0))
for i in range(n_params):
#plt.subplot(n_params, n_params, i + 1)
# outfile = '%s-mode-marginal-%d.pdf' % (a.outputfiles_basename,i)
p.plot_modes_marginal(i, with_ellipses = True, with_points = False)
# plt.savefig(outfile, format='pdf', bbox_inches='tight')
# plt.close()
# outfile = '%s-mode-marginal-cumulative-%d.pdf' % (a.outputfiles_basename,i)
p.plot_modes_marginal(i, cumulative = True, with_ellipses = True, with_points = False)
plt.ylabel("Cumulative probability")
# plt.savefig(outfile, format='pdf', bbox_inches='tight')
# plt.close()
print("Take a look at the pdf files in chains/")
In [ ]:
print('best\t', np.round(p.analyser.get_best_fit()['parameters'],3))
for k,mode in enumerate(p.analyser.get_stats()['modes']):
print('mode' + str(k) + '\t', np.round(mode['mean'],3))
print('true\t', [param0, param1])
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
# figure(figsize=(10,10))
# plot(thdata, model(p.analyser.get_best_fit()['parameters'])(thdata))
# errorbar(xdata, zdata, yunc*ones(zdata.size), fmt='o')
# plot(thdata, model([param0,param1])(thdata))
# plot(thdata, model([param0a,param1a])(thdata) + model([param0b,param1b])(thdata))
errorbar(xdata, zdata, yunc*ones(zdata.size), fmt='o')
modelAll = np.zeros(thdata.size)
for m in p.analyser.get_stats()['modes']:
modelAll = modelAll + model(m['mean'])(thdata)
plot(thdata, model(m['mean'])(thdata))
plot(thdata, modelAll)
plot(thdata, model(p.analyser.get_best_fit()['parameters'])(thdata))
Sine Wave
In [ ]:
%matplotlib inline
from pylab import *;ion()
from pymultinest.solve import Solver,solve
from numpy import pi, sin, cos, linspace
def gaussian1D(cube):
# cube = np.float32(cube)
return lambda y: np.exp(-0.5*(( (cube[0] - y) / cube[1])**2)) / sqrt(2*pi*cube[1]**2)
def straight_line(cube):
offset = cube[0]
slope = cube[1]
return lambda abscissa: offset + slope * abscissa
def sine_wave(cube):
amp = cube[0]
period = cube[1]
return lambda abscissa: amp*sin(2*pi / period * abscissa)
param0= 0.5#0.05
param1= 0.9#5*pi
yunc = 0.1
nPts = int(50)
nThPts= int(1e3)
xmin = -1#*pi
xmax = 1#*pi
dx = 0.1*(xmax - xmin)
model = sine_wave; parameters = ["amp", "period"]
# model = straight_line; parameters = ["offset", "slope"]
# model = gaussian1D; parameters = ["center", "width"]
yuncs = np.random.normal(yunc, 1e-2 * yunc, nPts)
thdata= np.linspace(xmin-dx, xmax+dx, nThPts)
xdata = np.random.uniform(xmin, xmax, nPts)
xdata = sort(xdata)
ydata = model([param0,param1])(xdata)
yerr = np.random.normal(0, yuncs, nPts)
zdata = ydata + yerr
plot(thdata, model([param0,param1])(thdata))
errorbar(xdata, zdata, yunc*ones(zdata.size), fmt='o')
In [ ]:
# our probability functions
# If you want to "mess up" the model (for model comparison),
# then uncomment here a *different* model than above
# model = sine_wave; parameters = ["amp", "period"]
# model = gaussian1D; parameters = ["center", "width"]
# model = straight_line; parameters = ["offset", "slope"]
def myprior(cube, ndim, nparams):
# assumes a uniform(0,1) prior in nparams-space
def myloglike(cube, ndim, nparams):
# Normal Log Likelihood
modelNow = model(cube)(xdata)
return -0.5*((modelNow - ydata)**2. / yuncs**2.).sum()
In [ ]:
if not os.path.exists("chains"): os.mkdir("chains")
# number of dimensions our problem has
# parameters = ["x", "y"]
n_params = len(parameters)
plt.figure(figsize=(5*n_params, 5*n_params))
# we want to see some output while it is running
progress = pymultinest.ProgressPlotter(n_params = n_params, outputfiles_basename='chains/2-'); progress.start()
# threading.Timer(2, show, ["chains/2-phys_live.points.pdf"]).start() # delayed opening
# run MultiNest, myprior, n_params, importance_nested_sampling = False, resume = False, verbose = True, \
sampling_efficiency = 'model', n_live_points = 1000, outputfiles_basename='chains/2-')
# ok, done. Stop our progress watcher
# lets analyse the results
a = pymultinest.Analyzer(n_params = n_params, outputfiles_basename='chains/2-')
s = a.get_stats()
In [ ]:
import json
# store name of parameters, always useful
with open('%sparams.json' % a.outputfiles_basename, 'w') as f:
json.dump(parameters, f, indent=2)
# store derived stats
with open('%sstats.json' % a.outputfiles_basename, mode='w') as f:
json.dump(s, f, indent=2)
print("-" * 30, 'ANALYSIS', "-" * 30)
print("Global Evidence:\n\t%.15e +- %.15e" % ( s['nested sampling global log-evidence'], s['nested sampling global log-evidence error'] ))
In [ ]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Here we will plot all the marginals and whatnot, just to show off
# You may configure the format of the output here, or in matplotlibrc
# All pymultinest does is filling in the data of the plot.
# Copy and edit this file, and play with it.
p = pymultinest.PlotMarginalModes(a)
plt.figure(figsize=(5*n_params, 5*n_params))
#plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0, hspace=0)
for i in range(n_params):
plt.subplot(n_params, n_params, n_params * i + i + 1)
p.plot_marginal(i, with_ellipses = True, with_points = False, grid_points=50)
for j in range(i):
plt.subplot(n_params, n_params, n_params * j + i + 1)
#plt.subplots_adjust(left=0, bottom=0, right=0, top=0, wspace=0, hspace=0)
p.plot_conditional(i, j, with_ellipses = False, with_points = True, grid_points=30)
# plt.savefig("chains/marginals_multinest.pdf") #, bbox_inches='tight')
# show("chains/marginals_multinest.pdf")
plt.figure(figsize=(5*n_params, 5*n_params))
plt.subplot2grid((5*n_params, 5*n_params), loc=(0,0))
for i in range(n_params):
#plt.subplot(n_params, n_params, i + 1)
# outfile = '%s-mode-marginal-%d.pdf' % (a.outputfiles_basename,i)
p.plot_modes_marginal(i, with_ellipses = True, with_points = False)
# plt.savefig(outfile, format='pdf', bbox_inches='tight')
# plt.close()
# outfile = '%s-mode-marginal-cumulative-%d.pdf' % (a.outputfiles_basename,i)
p.plot_modes_marginal(i, cumulative = True, with_ellipses = True, with_points = False)
plt.ylabel("Cumulative probability")
# plt.savefig(outfile, format='pdf', bbox_inches='tight')
# plt.close()
print("Take a look at the pdf files in chains/")
In [ ]:
print('best\t', np.round(p.analyser.get_best_fit()['parameters'],3))
for k,mode in enumerate(p.analyser.get_stats()['modes']):
print('mode' + str(k) + '\t', np.round(mode['mean'],3))
print('true\t', [param0, param1])
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
errorbar(xdata, zdata, yunc*ones(zdata.size), fmt='o')
modelAll = np.zeros(thdata.size)
sumLogE = -
for m in p.analyser.get_stats()['modes']:
sumLogE += modelAll + model(m['mean'])(thdata)
for m in p.analyser.get_stats()['modes']:
modelAll = modelAll + model(m['mean'])(thdata)
plot(thdata, model(m['mean'])(thdata))
plot(thdata, modelAll)
plot(thdata, model(p.analyser.get_best_fit()['parameters'])(thdata))
modelAll = np.zeros(thdata.size)
errorbar(xdata[1:], np.diff(zdata),yunc*ones(zdata.size-1), fmt='o')
for km, mode in enumerate(p.analyser.get_stats()['modes']):
if km:
plot(thdata, model(mode['mean'])(thdata))
modelAll = modelAll + model(m['mean'])(thdata)
plot(thdata, modelAll)
Gaussian Normal
In [ ]:
%matplotlib inline
from pylab import *;ion()
from pymultinest.solve import Solver,solve
from numpy import pi, sin, cos, linspace
def gaussian1Dp(cube):
center = cube[0]
width = cube[1]
height = cube[2]
return lambda y: height*np.exp(-0.5*(( (center - y) / width)**2))# / sqrt(2*pi*width**2)
def gaussian1D(cube):
center = cube[0]
width = cube[1]
return lambda y: np.exp(-0.5*(( (center - y) / width)**2)) / sqrt(2*pi*width**2)
def straight_line(cube):
offset = cube[0]
slope = cube[1]
return lambda abscissa: offset + slope * abscissa
def sine_wave(cube):
amp = cube[0]
period = cube[1]
return lambda abscissa: amp*sin(2*pi / period * abscissa)
param0= 0.5#0.05
param1= 0.1#0.05
# param2= 0.8
yunc = 0.1
nPts = int(100)
nThPts= int(1e3)
xmin = -0#*pi
xmax = 1#*pi
dx = 0.1*(xmax - xmin)
# model = straight_line; parameters = ["offset", "slope"]
# model = sine_wave; parameters = ["amp", "period"]
model = gaussian1D; parameters = ["center", "width"]
# model = gaussian1Dp; parameters = ["center", "width", "height"]
yuncs = np.random.normal(yunc, 1e-2 * yunc, nPts)
thdata= np.linspace(xmin-dx, xmax+dx, nThPts)
xdata = np.random.uniform(xmin, xmax, nPts)
xdata = sort(xdata)
ydata = model([param0,param1])(xdata)
yerr = np.random.normal(0, yuncs, nPts)
zdata = ydata + yerr
plot(thdata, model([param0,param1])(thdata))
errorbar(xdata, zdata, yunc*ones(zdata.size), fmt='o')
In [ ]:
# our probability functions
# Taken from the eggbox problem.
# model = sine_wave; parameters = ["amp", "period"]
# model = gaussian1D; parameters = ["center", "width"]
# model = straight_line; parameters = ["offset", "slope"]
def myprior(cube, ndim, nparams):
def myloglike(cube, ndim, nparams):
modelNow = model(cube)(xdata)
return -0.5*((modelNow - ydata)**2. / yuncs**2.).sum()
In [ ]:
if not os.path.exists("chains"): os.mkdir("chains")
# number of dimensions our problem has
# parameters = ["x", "y"]
n_params = len(parameters)
plt.figure(figsize=(5*n_params, 5*n_params))
# we want to see some output while it is running
progress = pymultinest.ProgressPlotter(n_params = n_params, outputfiles_basename='chains/2-'); progress.start()
# threading.Timer(2, show, ["chains/2-phys_live.points.pdf"]).start() # delayed opening
# run MultiNest, myprior, n_params, importance_nested_sampling = False, resume = False, verbose = True, \
sampling_efficiency = 'model', n_live_points = 1000, outputfiles_basename='chains/2-')
# ok, done. Stop our progress watcher
# lets analyse the results
a = pymultinest.Analyzer(n_params = n_params, outputfiles_basename='chains/2-')
s = a.get_stats()
# fig = gcf()
# axs = fig.get_axes()
# for ax in axs:
# ax.set_ylim(-16,0)
In [ ]:
import json
# store name of parameters, always useful
with open('%sparams.json' % a.outputfiles_basename, 'w') as f:
json.dump(parameters, f, indent=2)
# store derived stats
with open('%sstats.json' % a.outputfiles_basename, mode='w') as f:
json.dump(s, f, indent=2)
print("-" * 30, 'ANALYSIS', "-" * 30)
print("Global Evidence:\n\t%.15e +- %.15e" % ( s['nested sampling global log-evidence'], s['nested sampling global log-evidence error'] ))
In [ ]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Here we will plot all the marginals and whatnot, just to show off
# You may configure the format of the output here, or in matplotlibrc
# All pymultinest does is filling in the data of the plot.
# Copy and edit this file, and play with it.
p = pymultinest.PlotMarginalModes(a)
plt.figure(figsize=(5*n_params, 5*n_params))
#plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0, hspace=0)
for i in range(n_params):
plt.subplot(n_params, n_params, n_params * i + i + 1)
p.plot_marginal(i, with_ellipses = True, with_points = False, grid_points=50)
for j in range(i):
plt.subplot(n_params, n_params, n_params * j + i + 1)
#plt.subplots_adjust(left=0, bottom=0, right=0, top=0, wspace=0, hspace=0)
p.plot_conditional(i, j, with_ellipses = False, with_points = True, grid_points=30)
# plt.savefig("chains/marginals_multinest.pdf") #, bbox_inches='tight')
# show("chains/marginals_multinest.pdf")
plt.figure(figsize=(5*n_params, 5*n_params))
plt.subplot2grid((5*n_params, 5*n_params), loc=(0,0))
for i in range(n_params):
#plt.subplot(n_params, n_params, i + 1)
# outfile = '%s-mode-marginal-%d.pdf' % (a.outputfiles_basename,i)
p.plot_modes_marginal(i, with_ellipses = True, with_points = False)
# plt.savefig(outfile, format='pdf', bbox_inches='tight')
# plt.close()
# outfile = '%s-mode-marginal-cumulative-%d.pdf' % (a.outputfiles_basename,i)
p.plot_modes_marginal(i, cumulative = True, with_ellipses = True, with_points = False)
plt.ylabel("Cumulative probability")
# plt.savefig(outfile, format='pdf', bbox_inches='tight')
# plt.close()
print("Take a look at the pdf files in chains/")
In [ ]:
print('best\t', np.round(p.analyser.get_best_fit()['parameters'],3))
for k,mode in enumerate(p.analyser.get_stats()['modes']):
print('mode' + str(k) + '\t', np.round(mode['mean'],3))
print('True\t', [param0, param1])
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
errorbar(xdata, zdata, yunc*ones(zdata.size), fmt='o')
modelAll = np.zeros(thdata.size)
for m in p.analyser.get_stats()['modes']:
modelAll = modelAll + model(m['mean'])(thdata) #* model(m[''])
plot(thdata, model(m['mean'])(thdata))
plot(thdata, modelAll)
plot(thdata, model(p.analyser.get_best_fit()['parameters'])(thdata))
MultiModel Gaussian Normal
In [ ]:
%matplotlib inline
from pylab import *;ion()
from pymultinest.solve import Solver,solve
from numpy import pi, sin, cos, linspace
def gaussian1Dp(cube):
center = cube[0]
width = cube[1]
height = cube[2]
return lambda y: height*np.exp(-0.5*(( (center - y) / width)**2))# / sqrt(2*pi*width**2)
def gaussian1D(cube):
center = cube[0]
width = cube[1]
return lambda y: np.exp(-0.5*(( (center - y) / width)**2)) / sqrt(2*pi*width**2)
def straight_line(cube):
offset = cube[0]
slope = cube[1]
return lambda abscissa: offset + slope * abscissa
def sine_wave(cube):
amp = cube[0]
period = cube[1]
return lambda abscissa: amp*sin(2*pi / period * abscissa)
param0a= -0.5#0.05
param0b= 0.5#0.05
param1a= 0.1#5*pi
param1b= 0.1#5*pi
# param2= 0.8
yunc = 0.1
nPts = int(100)
nThPts= int(1e3)
xmin = -1#*pi
xmax = 1#*pi
dx = 0.1*(xmax - xmin)
# model = sine_wave; parameters = ["amp", "period"]
# model = straight_line; parameters = ["offset", "slope"]
model = gaussian1D; parameters = ["center", "width"]
# model = gaussian1Dp; parameters = ["center", "width", "height"]
yuncs = np.random.normal(yunc, 1e-2 * yunc, nPts)
thdata= np.linspace(xmin-dx, xmax+dx, nThPts)
xdata = np.linspace(xmin,xmax,nPts)
# xdata = np.random.uniform(xmin, xmax, nPts)
# xdata = sort(xdata)
ydata = model([param0a,param1a])(xdata) + model([param0b,param1b])(xdata)
yerr = np.random.normal(0, yuncs, nPts)
zdata = ydata + yerr
plot(thdata, model([param0a,param1a])(thdata) + model([param0b,param1b])(thdata))
errorbar(xdata, zdata, yunc*ones(zdata.size), fmt='o')
In [ ]:
# our probability functions
# Taken from the eggbox problem.
# model = sine_wave; parameters = ["amp", "period"]
# model = gaussian1D; parameters = ["center", "width"]
# model = straight_line; parameters = ["offset", "slope"]
def myprior(cube, ndim, nparams):
cube[0] = cube[0]*2 - 1
cube[1] = cube[1]*2
def myloglike(cube, ndim, nparams):
modelNow = model(cube)(xdata)
return -0.5*((modelNow - ydata)**2. / yuncs**2.).sum()
In [ ]:
if not os.path.exists("chains"): os.mkdir("chains")
# number of dimensions our problem has
# parameters = ["x", "y"]
n_params = len(parameters)
plt.figure(figsize=(5*n_params, 5*n_params))
# we want to see some output while it is running
progress = pymultinest.ProgressPlotter(n_params = n_params, outputfiles_basename='chains/2-'); progress.start()
# threading.Timer(2, show, ["chains/2-phys_live.points.pdf"]).start() # delayed opening
# run MultiNest, myprior, n_params, importance_nested_sampling = False, resume = False, verbose = True, \
sampling_efficiency = 'model', n_live_points = 1000, outputfiles_basename='chains/2-')
# ok, done. Stop our progress watcher
# lets analyse the results
a = pymultinest.Analyzer(n_params = n_params, outputfiles_basename='chains/2-')
s = a.get_stats()
# fig = gcf()
# axs = fig.get_axes()
# for ax in axs:
# ax.set_ylim(-16,0)
In [ ]:
import json
# store name of parameters, always useful
with open('%sparams.json' % a.outputfiles_basename, 'w') as f:
json.dump(parameters, f, indent=2)
# store derived stats
with open('%sstats.json' % a.outputfiles_basename, mode='w') as f:
json.dump(s, f, indent=2)
print("-" * 30, 'ANALYSIS', "-" * 30)
print("Global Evidence:\n\t%.15e +- %.15e" % ( s['nested sampling global log-evidence'], s['nested sampling global log-evidence error'] ))
In [ ]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Here we will plot all the marginals and whatnot, just to show off
# You may configure the format of the output here, or in matplotlibrc
# All pymultinest does is filling in the data of the plot.
# Copy and edit this file, and play with it.
p = pymultinest.PlotMarginalModes(a)
plt.figure(figsize=(5*n_params, 5*n_params))
#plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0, hspace=0)
for i in range(n_params):
plt.subplot(n_params, n_params, n_params * i + i + 1)
p.plot_marginal(i, with_ellipses = True, with_points = False, grid_points=50)
for j in range(i):
plt.subplot(n_params, n_params, n_params * j + i + 1)
#plt.subplots_adjust(left=0, bottom=0, right=0, top=0, wspace=0, hspace=0)
p.plot_conditional(i, j, with_ellipses = False, with_points = True, grid_points=30)
# plt.savefig("chains/marginals_multinest.pdf") #, bbox_inches='tight')
# show("chains/marginals_multinest.pdf")
plt.figure(figsize=(5*n_params, 5*n_params))
plt.subplot2grid((5*n_params, 5*n_params), loc=(0,0))
for i in range(n_params):
#plt.subplot(n_params, n_params, i + 1)
# outfile = '%s-mode-marginal-%d.pdf' % (a.outputfiles_basename,i)
p.plot_modes_marginal(i, with_ellipses = True, with_points = False)
# plt.savefig(outfile, format='pdf', bbox_inches='tight')
# plt.close()
# outfile = '%s-mode-marginal-cumulative-%d.pdf' % (a.outputfiles_basename,i)
p.plot_modes_marginal(i, cumulative = True, with_ellipses = True, with_points = False)
plt.ylabel("Cumulative probability")
# plt.savefig(outfile, format='pdf', bbox_inches='tight')
# plt.close()
print("Take a look at the pdf files in chains/")
In [ ]:
print('best\t', np.round(p.analyser.get_best_fit()['parameters'],3))
for k,mode in enumerate(p.analyser.get_stats()['modes']):
print('mode' + str(k) + '\t', np.round(mode['mean'],3))
print('True a\t', [param0a, param1a])
print('True b\t', [param0b, param1b])
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
errorbar(xdata, zdata, yunc*ones(zdata.size), fmt='o')
modelAll = np.zeros(thdata.size)
for m in p.analyser.get_stats()['modes']:
modelAll = modelAll + model(m['mean'])(thdata)# * model(m[''])
plot(thdata, model(m['mean'])(thdata))
plot(thdata, modelAll)
plot(thdata, model(p.analyser.get_best_fit()['parameters'])(thdata))
MultiModel Gaussian Normal with Height Free
In [ ]:
%matplotlib inline
from pylab import *;ion()
from pymultinest.solve import Solver,solve
from numpy import pi, sin, cos, linspace
def gaussian1Dp(cube):
center = cube[0]
width = cube[1]
height = cube[2]
return lambda y: height*np.exp(-0.5*(( (center - y) / width)**2))# / sqrt(2*pi*width**2)
def gaussian1D(cube):
center = cube[0]
width = cube[1]
return lambda y: np.exp(-0.5*(( (center - y) / width)**2)) / sqrt(2*pi*width**2)
def straight_line(cube):
offset = cube[0]
slope = cube[1]
return lambda abscissa: offset + slope * abscissa
def sine_wave(cube):
amp = cube[0]
period = cube[1]
return lambda abscissa: amp*sin(2*pi / period * abscissa)
param0a= -0.5#0.05
param0b= 0.5#0.05
param1a= 0.1#5*pi
param1b= 0.1#5*pi
param2a= 0.8
param2b= 0.8
yunc = 0.1
nPts = int(100)
nThPts= int(1e3)
xmin = -1#*pi
xmax = 1#*pi
dx = 0.1*(xmax - xmin)
# model = sine_wave; parameters = ["amp", "period"]
# model = straight_line; parameters = ["offset", "slope"]
# model = gaussian1D; parameters = ["center", "width"]
model = gaussian1Dp; parameters = ["center", "width", "height"]
yuncs = np.random.normal(yunc, 1e-2 * yunc, nPts)
thdata= np.linspace(xmin-dx, xmax+dx, nThPts)
xdata = np.linspace(xmin,xmax,nPts)
# xdata = np.random.uniform(xmin, xmax, nPts)
# xdata = sort(xdata)
ydata = model([param0a,param1a,param2a])(xdata) + model([param0b,param1b,param2b])(xdata)
yerr = np.random.normal(0, yuncs, nPts)
zdata = ydata + yerr
plot(thdata, model([param0a,param1a,param2a])(thdata) + model([param0b,param1b,param2b])(thdata))
errorbar(xdata, zdata, yunc*ones(zdata.size), fmt='o')
In [ ]:
# our probability functions
# Taken from the eggbox problem.
# model = sine_wave; parameters = ["amp", "period"]
# model = gaussian1D; parameters = ["center", "width"]
# model = straight_line; parameters = ["offset", "slope"]
def myprior(cube, ndim, nparams):
cube[0] = cube[0]*2 - 1
cube[1] = cube[1]*2
cube[2] = cube[2]*2
def myloglike(cube, ndim, nparams):
modelNow = model(cube)(xdata)
return -0.5*((modelNow - ydata)**2. / yuncs**2.).sum()
In [ ]:
if not os.path.exists("chains"): os.mkdir("chains")
# number of dimensions our problem has
# parameters = ["x", "y"]
n_params = len(parameters)
plt.figure(figsize=(5*n_params, 5*n_params))
# we want to see some output while it is running
progress = pymultinest.ProgressPlotter(n_params = n_params, outputfiles_basename='chains/2-'); progress.start()
# threading.Timer(2, show, ["chains/2-phys_live.points.pdf"]).start() # delayed opening
# run MultiNest, myprior, n_params, importance_nested_sampling = False, resume = False, verbose = True, \
sampling_efficiency = 'model', n_live_points = 1000, outputfiles_basename='chains/2-')
# ok, done. Stop our progress watcher
# lets analyse the results
a = pymultinest.Analyzer(n_params = n_params, outputfiles_basename='chains/2-')
s = a.get_stats()
# fig = gcf()
# axs = fig.get_axes()
# for ax in axs:
# ax.set_ylim(-16,0)
In [ ]:
import json
# store name of parameters, always useful
with open('%sparams.json' % a.outputfiles_basename, 'w') as f:
json.dump(parameters, f, indent=2)
# store derived stats
with open('%sstats.json' % a.outputfiles_basename, mode='w') as f:
json.dump(s, f, indent=2)
print("-" * 30, 'ANALYSIS', "-" * 30)
print("Global Evidence:\n\t%.15e +- %.15e" % ( s['nested sampling global log-evidence'], s['nested sampling global log-evidence error'] ))
In [ ]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Here we will plot all the marginals and whatnot, just to show off
# You may configure the format of the output here, or in matplotlibrc
# All pymultinest does is filling in the data of the plot.
# Copy and edit this file, and play with it.
p = pymultinest.PlotMarginalModes(a)
plt.figure(figsize=(5*n_params, 5*n_params))
#plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0, hspace=0)
for i in range(n_params):
plt.subplot(n_params, n_params, n_params * i + i + 1)
p.plot_marginal(i, with_ellipses = True, with_points = False, grid_points=50)
for j in range(i):
plt.subplot(n_params, n_params, n_params * j + i + 1)
#plt.subplots_adjust(left=0, bottom=0, right=0, top=0, wspace=0, hspace=0)
p.plot_conditional(i, j, with_ellipses = False, with_points = True, grid_points=30)
# plt.savefig("chains/marginals_multinest.pdf") #, bbox_inches='tight')
# show("chains/marginals_multinest.pdf")
plt.figure(figsize=(5*n_params, 5*n_params))
plt.subplot2grid((5*n_params, 5*n_params), loc=(0,0))
for i in range(n_params):
#plt.subplot(n_params, n_params, i + 1)
# outfile = '%s-mode-marginal-%d.pdf' % (a.outputfiles_basename,i)
p.plot_modes_marginal(i, with_ellipses = True, with_points = False)
# plt.savefig(outfile, format='pdf', bbox_inches='tight')
# plt.close()
# outfile = '%s-mode-marginal-cumulative-%d.pdf' % (a.outputfiles_basename,i)
p.plot_modes_marginal(i, cumulative = True, with_ellipses = True, with_points = False)
plt.ylabel("Cumulative probability")
# plt.savefig(outfile, format='pdf', bbox_inches='tight')
# plt.close()
print("Take a look at the pdf files in chains/")
In [ ]:
print('best\t', np.round(p.analyser.get_best_fit()['parameters'],3))
for k,mode in enumerate(p.analyser.get_stats()['modes']):
print('mode' + str(k) + '\t', np.round(mode['mean'],3))
print('True a\t', [param0a, param1a])
print('True b\t', [param0b, param1b])
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
errorbar(xdata, zdata, yunc*ones(zdata.size), fmt='o')
modelAll = np.zeros(thdata.size)
for m in p.analyser.get_stats()['modes']:
modelAll = modelAll + model(m['mean'])(thdata)# * model(m[''])
plot(thdata, model(m['mean'])(thdata))
plot(thdata, modelAll)
plot(thdata, model(p.analyser.get_best_fit()['parameters'])(thdata))
2D Gaussian Normal Mono-Modal
In [ ]:
nPts = int(100)
nThPts= int(1e3)
xmin = -0#*pi
xmax = 1#*pi
dx = 0.1*(xmax - xmin)
ymin = -0#*pi
ymax = 1#*pi
dy = 0.1*(ymax - ymin)
xdata = np.ones((nPts,nPts))*np.linspace(xmin,xmax,nPts)
ydata = (np.ones((nPts,nPts))*np.linspace(ymin,ymax,nPts)).T
fig = figure(figsize=(16,8))
ax = fig.add_subplot(221)
ax = fig.add_subplot(222)
In [ ]:
%matplotlib inline
from pylab import *;ion()
from pymultinest.solve import Solver,solve
from numpy import pi, sin, cos, linspace
def gaussian2D(cube):
center = cube[0]
width = cube[1]
return lambda y,x: np.exp(-0.5*((( (center - y) / width)**2) + (( (center - x) / width)**2))) / sqrt(2*pi*width**2)
param0= 0.5#0.05
param1= 0.1#0.05
# param2= 0.8
yunc = 0.1
nPts = int(100)
nThPts= int(1e3)
xmin = -0#*pi
xmax = 1#*pi
dx = 0.1*(xmax - xmin)
ymin = -0#*pi
ymax = 1#*pi
dy = 0.1*(ymax - ymin)
model = gaussian2D; parameters = ["center", "width"]
yuncs = np.random.normal(yunc, 1e-2 * yunc, (nPts,nPts))
# thdata= np.linspace(xmin-dx, xmax+dx, nThPts)
xdata = np.ones((nPts,nPts))*np.linspace(xmin,xmax,nPts)
ydata = (np.ones((nPts,nPts))*np.linspace(ymin,ymax,nPts)).T
zmodel = model([param0,param1])(ydata,xdata)
zerr = np.random.normal(0, yuncs, (nPts,nPts))
zdata = zmodel + zerr
# imshow(thdata, model([param0,param1])(thdata))
imshow(zdata, extent=[xdata.min(), xdata.max(), ydata.min(), ydata.max()])
In [ ]:
# our probability functions
# Taken from the eggbox problem.
# model = sine_wave; parameters = ["amp", "period"]
# model = gaussian1D; parameters = ["center", "width"]
# model = straight_line; parameters = ["offset", "slope"]
def myprior(cube, ndim, nparams):
def myloglike(cube, ndim, nparams):
modelNow = gaussian2D(cube)(ydata,xdata)
return -0.5*((modelNow - zdata)**2. / yuncs**2.).sum()
In [ ]:
if not os.path.exists("chains"): os.mkdir("chains")
# number of dimensions our problem has
# parameters = ["x", "y"]
n_params = len(parameters)
plt.figure(figsize=(5*n_params, 5*n_params))
# we want to see some output while it is running
progress = pymultinest.ProgressPlotter(n_params = n_params, outputfiles_basename='chains/2-'); progress.start()
# threading.Timer(2, show, ["chains/2-phys_live.points.pdf"]).start() # delayed opening
# run MultiNest, myprior, n_params, importance_nested_sampling = False, \
resume = False, verbose = True, sampling_efficiency = 'model', n_live_points = 1000, \
# ok, done. Stop our progress watcher
# lets analyse the results
a = pymultinest.Analyzer(n_params = n_params, outputfiles_basename='chains/2-')
s = a.get_stats()
# fig = gcf()
# axs = fig.get_axes()
# for ax in axs:
# ax.set_ylim(-16,0)
In [ ]:
import json
# store name of parameters, always useful
with open('%sparams.json' % a.outputfiles_basename, 'w') as f:
json.dump(parameters, f, indent=2)
# store derived stats
with open('%sstats.json' % a.outputfiles_basename, mode='w') as f:
json.dump(s, f, indent=2)
print("-" * 30, 'ANALYSIS', "-" * 30)
print("Global Evidence:\n\t%.15e +- %.15e" % ( s['nested sampling global log-evidence'], s['nested sampling global log-evidence error'] ))
In [ ]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Here we will plot all the marginals and whatnot, just to show off
# You may configure the format of the output here, or in matplotlibrc
# All pymultinest does is filling in the data of the plot.
# Copy and edit this file, and play with it.
p = pymultinest.PlotMarginalModes(a)
plt.figure(figsize=(5*n_params, 5*n_params))
#plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0, hspace=0)
for i in range(n_params):
plt.subplot(n_params, n_params, n_params * i + i + 1)
p.plot_marginal(i, with_ellipses = True, with_points = False, grid_points=50)
for j in range(i):
plt.subplot(n_params, n_params, n_params * j + i + 1)
#plt.subplots_adjust(left=0, bottom=0, right=0, top=0, wspace=0, hspace=0)
p.plot_conditional(i, j, with_ellipses = False, with_points = True, grid_points=30)
# plt.savefig("chains/marginals_multinest.pdf") #, bbox_inches='tight')
# show("chains/marginals_multinest.pdf")
plt.figure(figsize=(5*n_params, 5*n_params))
plt.subplot2grid((5*n_params, 5*n_params), loc=(0,0))
for i in range(n_params):
#plt.subplot(n_params, n_params, i + 1)
# outfile = '%s-mode-marginal-%d.pdf' % (a.outputfiles_basename,i)
p.plot_modes_marginal(i, with_ellipses = True, with_points = False)
# plt.savefig(outfile, format='pdf', bbox_inches='tight')
# plt.close()
# outfile = '%s-mode-marginal-cumulative-%d.pdf' % (a.outputfiles_basename,i)
p.plot_modes_marginal(i, cumulative = True, with_ellipses = True, with_points = False)
plt.ylabel("Cumulative probability")
# plt.savefig(outfile, format='pdf', bbox_inches='tight')
# plt.close()
print("Take a look at the pdf files in chains/")
In [ ]:
print('best\t', np.round(p.analyser.get_best_fit()['parameters'],3))
for k,mode in enumerate(p.analyser.get_stats()['modes']):
print('mode' + str(k) + '\t', np.round(mode['mean'],3),'\t', np.round(mode['local log-evidence'],3))
print('True\t', [param0, param1])
In [ ]:
modelAll = np.zeros((nPts, nPts))
for km,mode in enumerate(p.analyser.get_stats()['modes']):
modelAll = modelAll + model(mode['mean'])(ydata,xdata) #* model(m[''])
ax = fig.add_subplot(1,len(p.analyser.get_stats()['modes']), km+1)
ims = ax.imshow(model(mode['mean'])(ydata,xdata))
fig = figure(figsize=(20,10))
ax = fig.add_subplot(131)
ims = ax.imshow(modelAll)
ax = fig.add_subplot(132)
ims = ax.imshow(model(p.analyser.get_best_fit()['parameters'])(ydata,xdata))
ax = fig.add_subplot(133)
# ims = ax.imshow(model([param0, param1])(ydata,xdata))
ims = ax.imshow(zdata)
In [ ]:
2D Gaussian Normal Multi-Modal
In [ ]:
%matplotlib inline
from pylab import *;ion()
from pymultinest.solve import Solver,solve
from numpy import pi, sin, cos, linspace
def gaussian2D(cube):
center = cube[0]
width = cube[1]
return lambda y,x: np.exp(-0.5*((( (center - y) / width)**2) + (( (center - x) / width)**2))) / sqrt(2*pi*width**2)
param0a= 0.75#0.05
param1a= 0.05#0.05
param0b= 0.25#0.05
param1b= 0.05#0.05
# param2= 0.8
yunc = 0.1
nPts = int(100)
nThPts= int(1e3)
xmin = -0#*pi
xmax = 1#*pi
dx = 0.1*(xmax - xmin)
ymin = -0#*pi
ymax = 1#*pi
dy = 0.1*(ymax - ymin)
model = gaussian2D; parameters = ["center", "width"]
yuncs = np.random.normal(yunc, 1e-2 * yunc, (nPts,nPts))
# thdata= np.linspace(xmin-dx, xmax+dx, nThPts)
xdata = np.ones((nPts,nPts))*np.linspace(xmin,xmax,nPts)
ydata = (np.ones((nPts,nPts))*np.linspace(ymin,ymax,nPts)).T
zmodel = model([param0a,param1a])(ydata,xdata) + model([param0b,param1b])(ydata,xdata)
zerr = np.random.normal(0, yuncs, (nPts,nPts))
zdata = zmodel + zerr
imshow(zdata, extent=[xdata.min(), xdata.max(), ydata.min(), ydata.max()])
In [ ]:
# our probability functions
# Taken from the eggbox problem.
# model = sine_wave; parameters = ["amp", "period"]
# model = gaussian1D; parameters = ["center", "width"]
# model = straight_line; parameters = ["offset", "slope"]
def myprior(cube, ndim, nparams):
def myloglike(cube, ndim, nparams):
modelNow = gaussian2D(cube)(ydata,xdata)
return -0.5*((modelNow - zdata)**2. / yuncs**2.).sum()
def null_loglike(cube, ndim, nparams):
modelNow = gaussian2D(cube)(ydata,xdata)
return -0.5*((modelNow)**2. / yuncs**2.).sum()
In [ ]:
if not os.path.exists("chains"): os.mkdir("chains")
# number of dimensions our problem has
# parameters = ["x", "y"]
n_params = len(parameters)
plt.figure(figsize=(5*n_params, 5*n_params))
# we want to see some output while it is running
progress = pymultinest.ProgressPlotter(n_params = n_params, outputfiles_basename='chains/2-'); progress.start()
# threading.Timer(2, show, ["chains/2-phys_live.points.pdf"]).start() # delayed opening
# run MultiNest, myprior, n_params, importance_nested_sampling = False, \
resume = False, verbose = True, sampling_efficiency = 'model', n_live_points = 1000, \
# ok, done. Stop our progress watcher
# lets analyse the results
a = pymultinest.Analyzer(n_params = n_params, outputfiles_basename='chains/2-')
s = a.get_stats()
# fig = gcf()
# axs = fig.get_axes()
# for ax in axs:
# ax.set_ylim(-16,0)
In [ ]:
import json
# store name of parameters, always useful
with open('%sparams.json' % a.outputfiles_basename, 'w') as f:
json.dump(parameters, f, indent=2)
# store derived stats
with open('%sstats.json' % a.outputfiles_basename, mode='w') as f:
json.dump(s, f, indent=2)
print("-" * 30, 'ANALYSIS', "-" * 30)
print("Global Evidence:\n\t%.15e +- %.15e" % ( s['nested sampling global log-evidence'], s['nested sampling global log-evidence error'] ))
In [ ]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Here we will plot all the marginals and whatnot, just to show off
# You may configure the format of the output here, or in matplotlibrc
# All pymultinest does is filling in the data of the plot.
# Copy and edit this file, and play with it.
p = pymultinest.PlotMarginalModes(a)
plt.figure(figsize=(5*n_params, 5*n_params))
#plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0, hspace=0)
for i in range(n_params):
plt.subplot(n_params, n_params, n_params * i + i + 1)
p.plot_marginal(i, with_ellipses = True, with_points = False, grid_points=50)
for j in range(i):
plt.subplot(n_params, n_params, n_params * j + i + 1)
#plt.subplots_adjust(left=0, bottom=0, right=0, top=0, wspace=0, hspace=0)
p.plot_conditional(i, j, with_ellipses = False, with_points = True, grid_points=30)
# plt.savefig("chains/marginals_multinest.pdf") #, bbox_inches='tight')
# show("chains/marginals_multinest.pdf")
plt.figure(figsize=(5*n_params, 5*n_params))
plt.subplot2grid((5*n_params, 5*n_params), loc=(0,0))
for i in range(n_params):
#plt.subplot(n_params, n_params, i + 1)
# outfile = '%s-mode-marginal-%d.pdf' % (a.outputfiles_basename,i)
p.plot_modes_marginal(i, with_ellipses = True, with_points = False)
# plt.savefig(outfile, format='pdf', bbox_inches='tight')
# plt.close()
# outfile = '%s-mode-marginal-cumulative-%d.pdf' % (a.outputfiles_basename,i)
p.plot_modes_marginal(i, cumulative = True, with_ellipses = True, with_points = False)
plt.ylabel("Cumulative probability")
# plt.savefig(outfile, format='pdf', bbox_inches='tight')
# plt.close()
print("Take a look at the pdf files in chains/")
In [ ]:
null_logE = -4.43430028425182973E+04
print('best\t', np.round(p.analyser.get_best_fit()['parameters'],3))
for k,mode in enumerate(p.analyser.get_stats()['modes']):
print('mode' + str(k) + '\t', np.round(mode['mean'],3),'\t', np.round(mode['local log-evidence'],3))
print('True a\t', [param0a, param1a])
print('True b\t', [param0b, param1b])
In [ ]:
modelAll = np.zeros((nPts, nPts))
for km,mode in enumerate(p.analyser.get_stats()['modes']):
modelAll = modelAll + model(mode['mean'])(ydata,xdata)
ax = fig.add_subplot(1,len(p.analyser.get_stats()['modes']), km+1)
ims = ax.imshow(model(mode['mean'])(ydata,xdata))
fig = figure(figsize=(20,10))
ax = fig.add_subplot(131)
ims = ax.imshow(modelAll)
ax = fig.add_subplot(132)
ims = ax.imshow(model(p.analyser.get_best_fit()['parameters'])(ydata,xdata))
ax = fig.add_subplot(133)
ims = ax.imshow(zdata)
# Residuals
modelAll = np.zeros((nPts, nPts))
for km,mode in enumerate(p.analyser.get_stats()['modes']):
if np.round(mode['local log-evidence'],3) > -400000.:
modelAll = modelAll + model(mode['mean'])(ydata,xdata)
fig = figure(figsize=(20,10))
ax = fig.add_subplot(131)
ims = ax.imshow(zdata - modelAll)
ax = fig.add_subplot(132)
ax.hist((zdata - modelAll).ravel(), bins=1000, normed=True);
# plt.colorbar(ims)
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
%matplotlib inline
from pylab import *;ion()
from pandas import read_csv
In [ ]:
import os
if not os.path.exists('chains/'):
Initial Example
In [ ]:
#!/usr/bin/env python
from pymultinest.solve import Solver
from numpy import pi, sin
class EggboxProblem(Solver):
def Prior(self, cube):
return cube * 10 * pi
def LogLikelihood(self, cube):
chi = (sin(cube)).prod()
return (2. + chi)**5
solution = EggboxProblem(n_dims = 1)
solution = EggboxProblem(n_dims = 2)
My PyMultiNest Test
In [ ]:
%matplotlib inline
from pylab import *;ion()
from pymultinest.solve import Solver,solve
from numpy import pi, sin, cos, linspace
def straight_line(cube):
offset = cube[0]
slope = cube[1]
return lambda abscissa: offset + slope * abscissa
def sine_wave(cube):
amp = cube[0]
period = cube[1]
return lambda abscissa: amp*sin(2*pi / period * abscissa)
param0= 0.1#0.05
param1= 0.1#5*pi
yunc = 0.025
nPts = int(10)
nThPts= int(1e3)
xmin = -0.5*pi
xmax = 0.5*pi
dx = 0.1*(xmax - xmin)
# model = sine_wave
model = straight_line
yuncs = np.random.normal(yunc, 1e-2 * yunc, nPts)
thdata= np.linspace(xmin-dx, xmax+dx, nThPts)
xdata = np.random.uniform(xmin, xmax, nPts)
xdata = sort(xdata)
ydata = model([param0,param1])(xdata)
yerr = np.random.normal(0, yuncs, nPts)
zdata = ydata + yerr
plot(thdata, model([param0, param1])(thdata))
errorbar(xdata, zdata, yuncs, fmt='o')
In [ ]:
class ChisqFit(Solver):
def Prior(self, cube):
return cube
def LogLikelihood(self, cube):
chisq = (-0.5*((model(cube)(xdata) - ydata)**2.) )#/ yuncs**2.
# solution = ChisqFit(n_dims = 2, resume=False, outputfiles_basename='./42-')
solution = ChisqFit(n_dims = 2, n_params=None, n_clustering_params=None, wrapped_params=None , \
importance_nested_sampling=True, multimodal=True, const_efficiency_mode=False , \
n_live_points=400, evidence_tolerance=0.5, sampling_efficiency=0.8 , \
n_iter_before_update=100, null_log_evidence=-1e+90, max_modes=100 , \
mode_tolerance=-1e+90, outputfiles_basename='chains/1-', seed=-1, verbose=False , \
resume=False, context=0, write_output=True, log_zero=-1e+100, max_iter=0 , \
init_MPI=False, dump_callback=None)
Simplest Example
In [ ]:
if not os.path.exists("chains"): os.mkdir("chains")
import pymultinest
def prior(cube, ndim, nparams):
cube[0] = cube[0] * 2
def loglikelihood(cube, ndim, nparams):
return ((cube[0] - 0.2) / 0.1)**2, prior, n_dims=1, max_iter=2)
In [ ]:
#!/usr/bin/env python
from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals, print_function
import numpy
from numpy import pi, cos
from pymultinest.solve import solve
import os
if not os.path.exists("chains"): os.mkdir("chains")
# probability function, taken from the eggbox problem.
def myprior(cube):
return cube * 10 * pi
def myloglike(cube):
chi = (cos(cube / 2.)).prod()
return (2. + chi)**5
In [ ]:
# number of dimensions our problem has
parameters = ["x", "y"]
n_params = len(parameters)
# run MultiNest
result = solve(LogLikelihood=myloglike, Prior=myprior,
n_dims=n_params, outputfiles_basename="chains/3-")
print('evidence: %(logZ).1f +- %(logZerr).1f' % result)
print('parameter values:')
for name, col in zip(parameters, result['samples'].transpose()):
print('%15s : %.3f +- %.3f' % (name, col.mean(), col.std()))