In [11]:
%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
%matplotlib inline
import warnings
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from load_utils import *
from analysis_utils import compare_groups
In [12]:
df_diffs = load_diffs()
In [4]:
df_block_events, df_blocked_user_text = load_block_events_and_users()
In [20]:
t = 0.5
df_first_attack = df_diffs['2015'].query('pred_recipient_score>=%s' % t).sort('rev_timestamp')\
.assign(timestamp = lambda x: x.rev_timestamp)\
.groupby(['user_text'], as_index=False).first()[['user_text', 'timestamp']]
df_counts = df_diffs['2015'].merge(df_first_attack, how = 'inner', on = 'user_text')\
.assign(delta = lambda x: (x['timestamp'] - x['rev_timestamp']).apply(lambda x: x.days) + 1)\
.query('delta >=1')
def atleast(s):
s = s.value_counts().value_counts().sort_index()
n = s.sum()
return 1 - s.cumsum()/n
s = atleast(df_counts['user_text'])
sr = atleast(df_counts.query('not author_anon')['user_text'])
sa = atleast(df_counts.query('author_anon')['user_text'])
#plt.plot(s.head(20), label = '')
plt.plot(sr.head(20), label = 'registered')
plt.plot(sa.head(20), label = 'anon')
plt.xlabel('n comments')
plt.ylabel('fraction of users who made > n comments')
Anons produce far fewer comments before their first attack than registered users. This could indicate that anons are more likely to by "drive-by" vandals. Or just be a product of anons not staying around very long in general.
In [21]:
t = 0.5
d_first_post = df_diffs['2015'].sort('rev_timestamp', inplace= False)\
.groupby(['user_text', 'author_anon'], as_index=False).first()\
[['user_text', 'author_anon', 'rev_timestamp']]
df_first_attack = df_diffs['2015'].query('pred_recipient_score>=%s' % t).sort('rev_timestamp')\
.assign(timestamp = lambda x: x.rev_timestamp)\
.groupby(['user_text'], as_index=False).first()[['user_text', 'timestamp']]
dd = d_first_post.merge(df_first_block, how = 'inner', on = 'user_text')\
.assign(delta = lambda x: (x['timestamp'] - x['rev_timestamp']).apply(lambda x: x.days) + 1)\
.query('delta >=1')
def atleast(s):
s = s.value_counts().sort_index()
n = s.sum()
return 1 - s.cumsum()/n
s = atleast(d['delta'])
sr = atleast(d.query('not author_anon')['delta'])
sa = atleast(d.query('author_anon')['delta'])
#plt.plot(s.head(20), label = '')
plt.plot(sr.head(20), label = 'registered')
plt.plot(sa.head(20), label = 'anon')
plt.xlabel('n days')
plt.ylabel('fraction of users active for > n days before first attack')
Similarly, anons are registered for fewer days than registered users before their first attack. Half of registered users where registered for over 14 days before attack.