Projects Jupyter and IPython

In [1]:
from IPython.display import display, Image, HTML
from talktools import website, nbviewer


Jupyter and IPython are a pair of open source projects that together offer an open-source (BSD-licensed), interactive computing environment for Python, Julia, R and other languages.


  • Provide a set of reusable software tools that span the entire lifecycle of scientific computing and data science:
    • Individual exploration, analysis and visualization
    • Debugging, testing
    • Production runs
    • Parallel computing
    • Collaboration
    • Publication
    • Presentation
    • Teaching/Learning
  • Enable the creation and sharing of code/data driven narratives across a wide range of contexts and audiences.
  • Make computational reproducibility possible and enjoyable.
  • Minimize the "distance" between a human user and their data through interactivity.


  • Started in 2001 by Fernando Perez, who continues to lead the project from UC Berkeley.
  • Originally focused on interactive computing in Python only.
  • Starting in 2011, IPython began to include other languages such as Julia, R, Ruby, etc.
  • Moving forward, IPython will contain the Python specific parts of the architecture:
    • Interactive Python shell
    • A kernel for running Python code in the Jupyter architecture
    • Tools for interactive parallel computing in Python


  • Created in Summer 2014 by the IPython development team.
  • To carry forward a vision of reproducible interactive computing for all programming languages:
    • Python
    • Julia
    • R
    • Ruby
    • Haskell
    • Scala
    • Go
    • ...
  • A home for the language independent parts of the architecture:
    • A network protocol for applications to talk to kernels that run code for interactive computations.
    • A set of applications that enable users to write and run code on those kernels.
    • Notebook file format and conversion tools (nbconvert).
    • Notebook sharing service (


  • Over the past 13 years, much of Jupyter/IPython has been "funded" by volunteer developer time.
  • Past funding: NASA, DOD, NIH, Enthought Corporation
  • Current funding:


Jupyter/IPython development team

  • A talented team of $\approx9$ core developers and a larger community of $\approx375$ contributors.
  • Through the above funding sources, there are currently 6 full time people working on IPython at UC Berkeley and Cal Poly.

In [ ]:
import ipythonproject

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  • Kayur Patel
  • Kester Tong
  • Mark Sandler
  • Corinna Cortes


  • Jason Grout
  • Sylvain Corlay


  • Matthew Turk