Better Understand Your Data with Feature Importance and Data Frame Analytics

This is a companion notebook to the blog post Feature importance for data frame analytics with Elastic machine learning.

In [1]:
%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2

from itertools import groupby
from operator import itemgetter
import pprint

import eland
from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch, helpers
import ipywidgets as widgets
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as pl
import pandas as pd
import plotly.graph_objects as go
import as pio
from plotly.subplots import make_subplots
import requests
import seaborn as sns

This notebook assumes that you have Elasticsearch 7.6 running locally on the port 9200.

In [2]:
# Some general notebook setting
host = 'http://localhost:9200'
es = Elasticsearch(host)
analysis_job_id = "world-happiness-report"
dataset_index = "world-happiness-report"
result_index = "whr-regression-results"
write_images = False # this variable controle writing images for the blog post

In [3]:
# Get the dataset direclty from the official source
df = pd.read_excel('', 'Table2.1')
dataset = df.loc[:, :'Negative affect']
dataset = dataset.dropna()
dataset.columns = [col.lower().replace(' ', '_') for col in dataset.columns]
input_features = list(dataset.columns)

In [4]:

country_name year life_ladder log_gdp_per_capita social_support healthy_life_expectancy_at_birth freedom_to_make_life_choices generosity perceptions_of_corruption positive_affect negative_affect
0 Afghanistan 2008 3.723590 7.168690 0.450662 50.799999 0.718114 0.177889 0.881686 0.517637 0.258195
1 Afghanistan 2009 4.401778 7.333790 0.552308 51.200001 0.678896 0.200178 0.850035 0.583926 0.237092
2 Afghanistan 2010 4.758381 7.386629 0.539075 51.599998 0.600127 0.134353 0.706766 0.618265 0.275324
3 Afghanistan 2011 3.831719 7.415019 0.521104 51.919998 0.495901 0.172137 0.731109 0.611387 0.267175
4 Afghanistan 2012 3.782938 7.517126 0.520637 52.240002 0.530935 0.244273 0.775620 0.710385 0.267919

We use eland to upload the dataset to Elasticsearch.

In [5]:
eland.pandas_to_eland(dataset, es, dataset_index, es_if_exists='replace', es_refresh=True)

country_name freedom_to_make_life_choices generosity healthy_life_expectancy_at_birth life_ladder log_gdp_per_capita negative_affect perceptions_of_corruption positive_affect social_support year
0 Afghanistan 0.718114 0.177889 50.799999 3.723590 7.168690 0.258195 0.881686 0.517637 0.450662 2008
1 Afghanistan 0.678896 0.200178 51.200001 4.401778 7.333790 0.237092 0.850035 0.583926 0.552308 2009
2 Afghanistan 0.600127 0.134353 51.599998 4.758381 7.386629 0.275324 0.706766 0.618265 0.539075 2010
3 Afghanistan 0.495901 0.172137 51.919998 3.831719 7.415019 0.267175 0.731109 0.611387 0.521104 2011
4 Afghanistan 0.530935 0.244273 52.240002 3.782938 7.517126 0.267919 0.775620 0.710385 0.520637 2012
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
1699 Zimbabwe 0.642034 -0.048634 52.380001 4.184451 7.562753 0.239111 0.820217 0.725214 0.765839 2014
1700 Zimbabwe 0.667193 -0.097354 53.799999 3.703191 7.556052 0.178861 0.810457 0.715079 0.735800 2015
1701 Zimbabwe 0.732971 -0.068105 54.400002 3.735400 7.538829 0.208555 0.723612 0.737636 0.768425 2016
1702 Zimbabwe 0.752826 -0.069670 55.000000 3.638300 7.549491 0.224051 0.751208 0.806428 0.754147 2017
1703 Zimbabwe 0.762675 -0.038384 55.599998 3.616480 7.553395 0.211726 0.844209 0.710119 0.775388 2018

1512 rows × 11 columns

Create Regression Job

Now, we create a data frame analytics regression job to analyze the data. We exclude fields year, country_name and country_name.keyword from analysis, since we don't want those to influence our model.

Note that we set the parameter num_top_feature_importance_values to 8, meaning we want to get feature importance for all input feature.

In [6]:
api = '/_ml/data_frame/analytics/{}'.format(analysis_job_id)
config = {
  "id": analysis_job_id,
  "description": "",
  "source": {
    "index": [
    "query": {
      "match_all": {}
  "dest": {
    "index": result_index,
    "results_field": "ml"
  "analysis": {
    "regression": {
      "dependent_variable": "life_ladder",
      "num_top_feature_importance_values": 8, 
  "analyzed_fields": {
    "includes": [],
    "excludes": [

pprint.pprint(requests.put(host+api, json=config).json())

{'allow_lazy_start': False,
 'analysis': {'regression': {'dependent_variable': 'life_ladder',
                             'num_top_feature_importance_values': 8,
                             'prediction_field_name': 'life_ladder_prediction',
                             'randomize_seed': -2725393660543450313,
                             'training_percent': 100.0}},
 'analyzed_fields': {'excludes': ['year', 'country_name'], 'includes': []},
 'create_time': 1582205185677,
 'description': '',
 'dest': {'index': 'whr-regression-results', 'results_field': 'ml'},
 'id': 'world-happiness-report',
 'model_memory_limit': '1gb',
 'source': {'index': ['world-happiness-report'], 'query': {'match_all': {}}},
 'version': '7.6.0'}

Start Analysis

Let's start the data frame analytics job. If everything goes smoothly, we receive {'acknowledged': True} as a result.

In [7]:
api = "/_ml/data_frame/analytics/{}/_start".format(analysis_job_id)

{'acknowledged': True}

The analysis can take a couple of minutes. We can query the _stats API for progress. Once, all phases are at 100% and the state is "stopped", the job is done.

In [8]:
api = "/_ml/data_frame/analytics/{}/_stats".format(analysis_job_id)

{'count': 1,
 'data_frame_analytics': [{'id': 'world-happiness-report',
                           'progress': [{'phase': 'reindexing',
                                         'progress_percent': 100},
                                        {'phase': 'loading_data',
                                         'progress_percent': 100},
                                        {'phase': 'analyzing',
                                         'progress_percent': 100},
                                        {'phase': 'writing_results',
                                         'progress_percent': 100}],
                           'state': 'stopped'}]}

We use eland to read out the results as a data frame.

In [9]:
result = eland.DataFrame(host, result_index)

freedom_to_make_life_choices generosity healthy_life_expectancy_at_birth life_ladder log_gdp_per_capita ml.feature_importance.freedom_to_make_life_choices ml.feature_importance.generosity ml.feature_importance.healthy_life_expectancy_at_birth ml.feature_importance.log_gdp_per_capita ml.feature_importance.negative_affect ml.feature_importance.perceptions_of_corruption ml.feature_importance.positive_affect ml.feature_importance.social_support ml.life_ladder_prediction negative_affect perceptions_of_corruption positive_affect social_support year
count 1512.000000 1512.000000 1512.000000 1512.000000 1512.000000 1512.000000 1512.000000 1512.000000 1512.000000 1512.000000 1512.000000 1512.000000 1512.000000 1512.000000 1512.000000 1512.000000 1512.000000 1512.000000 1512.000000
mean 0.729690 0.001999 62.959863 5.409960 9.171052 -0.004103 -0.002247 0.019618 0.007107 0.000812 -0.011679 -0.003905 -0.005602 5.410009 0.265886 0.754519 0.707982 0.807877 2012.413360
std 0.145450 0.163199 7.757576 1.135926 1.185309 0.079271 0.062254 0.544845 0.283028 0.049033 0.070746 0.176999 0.248083 1.129786 0.082820 0.186170 0.108593 0.121685 3.587590
min 0.257534 -0.336385 32.299999 2.661718 6.457201 -0.391376 -0.282606 -1.156878 -0.649802 -0.292035 -0.348986 -0.612048 -0.803056 2.625077 0.094316 0.035198 0.362498 0.290184 2005.000000
25% 0.634053 -0.109475 57.680834 4.555756 8.222128 -0.046729 -0.040778 -0.518731 -0.194008 -0.029062 -0.052148 -0.120019 -0.194140 4.553412 0.206123 0.700817 0.619016 0.740086 2009.076923
50% 0.747040 -0.020337 64.900002 5.306705 9.363767 0.002419 -0.001344 0.034621 0.011989 0.008435 -0.010465 -0.009805 -0.006797 5.299802 0.253639 0.808815 0.716696 0.831893 2013.000000
75% 0.846806 0.095960 68.393416 6.217162 10.130584 0.047567 0.036186 0.486662 0.224262 0.034174 0.030711 0.118931 0.222982 6.209506 0.313533 0.879489 0.800659 0.904775 2015.428571
max 0.985178 0.669101 76.500000 7.970892 11.670484 0.227002 0.253046 0.988484 0.737218 0.158346 0.243821 0.537137 0.458581 7.924716 0.704590 0.983276 0.943621 0.987343 2018.000000

Data Analysis

For our analysis we focus only on the data from the latest survey in 2018.

In [10]:
dataset = eland.eland_to_pandas(result[result.year==2018])
dataset.index = dataset.country_name
# Note that data frame analytics reports only the feature importance values that are different from zero.
# Hence, we need to fill the missing values in the data frame with zeros.
dataset = dataset.fillna(0) 
# feature improtance baseline is the prediction average for the training set
base_line = result[result['ml.is_training'] == True]['ml.life_ladder_prediction'].mean()

For convenience, we create a data frame consisting solely of the feature importance values.

In [11]:
feature_importance_df = dataset[['ml.feature_importance.{}'.format(feature) for feature in input_features]]
feature_importance_df.columns = input_features

log_gdp_per_capita social_support healthy_life_expectancy_at_birth freedom_to_make_life_choices generosity perceptions_of_corruption positive_affect negative_affect
Afghanistan -0.593632 -0.480017 -0.782510 -0.126955 -0.068387 -0.102996 -0.429456 -0.136437
Moldova -0.090517 0.183065 0.080556 0.143671 0.038303 -0.028691 -0.144087 0.051797
Mongolia -0.075222 0.253702 -0.052248 0.040877 0.003333 0.023333 -0.171364 0.017292
Montenegro 0.018458 -0.086684 0.572892 -0.021426 -0.027756 0.049633 -0.230666 -0.050989
Morocco -0.042927 -0.353456 -0.042791 0.043565 0.015816 0.012439 -0.074167 -0.075258

Feature Importance

The figure above shows the decision path our model takes when predicting the happiness score of Argentina. The path starts at the baseline of 5.41 and then incrementally adds the feature importance values until it finally results in the predicted happiness score of 5.83. If the decision path goes left, the feature has a negative effect on the model prediction (e .g., “generosity”). If the decision path goes right, the feature has a positive effect (e.g., “healthy_life_expectancy_at_birth”).

In [12]:
def plot_decision(countries, annotate=False):
    y = np.arange(0, len(input_features)+1)
    x = {c:[base_line] for c in countries}

    pl.plot([base_line]*y.size, y, c='k', label='baseline')
    for feature in input_features[::-1]:
        feature_importance_column = 'ml.feature_importance.'+feature
        for country in countries:
            x[country].append(x[country][-1] + dataset.loc[country, feature_importance_column])
    for country in countries:
        pl.plot(x[country], y, '.-', label=country)
        if annotate:
                    xy=(x[country][-1], y[-1]),
                   textcoords="offset points", ha='center')
    pl.yticks(ticks=np.arange(len(input_features)+1), labels=['baseline'] + input_features[::-1])
    pl.xlim(dataset['ml.life_ladder_prediction'].min(), dataset['ml.life_ladder_prediction'].max())
    pl.title("Decision path")
if write_images:
    pl.savefig("images/decision.png", bbox_inches = "tight")

Feature Importance Summary Barplot

Since feature importance is computed for individual data points, we, of course, can aggregate those to average magnitudes over the complete dataset and get a quick summary of which features are, in general, more important than others.

In [13]:
# aggregate the feature importance values
total_feature_importance = feature_importance_df.abs().mean().sort_values(ascending=False).to_frame().reset_index()
total_feature_importance.columns = ['feature', 'value']

feature value
0 healthy_life_expectancy_at_birth 0.484172
1 log_gdp_per_capita 0.223408
2 social_support 0.213599
3 positive_affect 0.142607
4 freedom_to_make_life_choices 0.056362

In [14]:
barplot = sns.barplot(data=total_feature_importance, x='value', y='feature', color='b')
barplot.set_xlabel("Feature importance avg. magnitude", fontsize='small')
barplot.set_title("Feature importance summary")
if write_images:
    fig = barplot.get_figure()
    fig.savefig("images/total_feature_importance.png", bbox_inches = "tight")

Feature Importance Distribution Plot

Here, we see a combination of a scatter plot and a violin plot showing the importance values for individual features. Features with higher overall feature importance tend to have a more extensive spread from minimum to maximum.

In [15]:
# Prepare data in the right format
fi = feature_importance_df.stack().reset_index()
fi.columns = ['country_name', 'feature', 'importance']

country_name feature importance
0 Afghanistan log_gdp_per_capita -0.593632
1 Afghanistan social_support -0.480017
2 Afghanistan healthy_life_expectancy_at_birth -0.782510
3 Afghanistan freedom_to_make_life_choices -0.126955
4 Afghanistan generosity -0.068387

In [16]:
# Estimate optimal kernel density bandwidth for the violin plot
from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV, LeaveOneOut
from sklearn.neighbors import KernelDensity

# We can have only one bandwidth, we choose the best for the most 
# important feature
most_important_feature = total_feature_importance['feature'][0]
x = fi[fi.feature==most_important_feature]['importance'].to_numpy()
bandwidths = 10 ** np.linspace(-1, 1, 100)
grid = GridSearchCV(KernelDensity(kernel='gaussian'),
                    {'bandwidth': bandwidths},
bw = grid.best_params_['bandwidth']

In [17]:
pl.figure(figsize=(15, 10))
ax = sns.violinplot(x='importance', y='feature', data=fi, order=total_feature_importance['feature'],
                  inner=None, color='.8', scale='count', linewidth=0, bw=bw)
ax = sns.stripplot(x='importance', y='feature', data=fi, order=total_feature_importance['feature'], 
ax.set_title("Feature importance distribution")
ax.set_xlabel("Feature importance")
if write_images:
    fig = ax.get_figure()
    fig.savefig("images/feature_importance_distribution.png", bbox_inches = "tight")

Dependency Plot

Dependence plot show the feature importance values as a function of feature values. Additionally, the color of the markers indicate the target score.

In [18]:
def dependence_plot(feature, annotations):
    text = ["{}: {:.1f}".format(, row['life_ladder']) for _, row in dataset.iterrows()]
    text = [t.replace('\n', '<br>') for t in text]
    fig = go.Figure()
    feature_importance_column = 'ml.feature_importance.'+feature
    target = dataset['life_ladder']
    fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x = dataset[feature], y=dataset[feature_importance_column], 
                            marker=dict(size=8, color=target, showscale=True, line_width=1,
                                                     tickvals=[target.min(), target.max()], 
                                                     ticktext=['low', 'high']))))
        title='Dependence plot',
        xaxis_title='Value of \"{}\"'.format(feature), 
        yaxis_title="Importance of \"{}\"".format(feature),
    for annotation, ay in annotations:
                x=dataset.loc[annotation, feature],
                y=dataset.loc[annotation, feature_importance_column],
                font = dict(size=12)
    if write_images:
        fig.write_image('images/dependence_plot_{}.png'.format(feature), width=800, height=600)

In [19]:
dependence_plot("healthy_life_expectancy_at_birth", [('Switzerland', -20), ('Japan', 10), 
                                                     ('South Korea', 40), ('Spain',10), ('France', -10),
                                                    ('Chad', 10), ('Ivory Coast', -10), ('Nigeria', 10),
                                                    ('Mali', 10), ('Sierra Leone',-15)])

In [22]:
dependence_plot("log_gdp_per_capita", [("Luxembourg", -10), ("United Kingdom", -40)])

In [ ]: