This notebook sets out our initial exploratory analysis of the new ABPI Disclosure data on payments from drug companies to individual UK doctors and institutions. An iPython notebook allows full transparency on how data was analysed, with results presented alongside the analytic code. This notebook was written by Anna Powell-Smith of in the University of Oxford, with input from the investigations team at the BMJ and Ben Goldacre at the DataLab. You are welcome to use any of the findings below, but please note that the code has not been peer-reviewed and may contain errors, use these results at your own peril!
The ABPI data is released in two Excel sheets: a "payments" sheet containing every payment to an individual Healthcare Organistion (HCO) or individual Healthcare Provider (HCP) that has not been redacted, and an "aggregates" sheet containing total redacted payments by pharmaceutical company and category. For ease, we include CSV copies of these in the accompanying data
directory. Please refer to the ABPI for licence details.
Journalists were told at the press conference that around 50% of the payments had been redacted, or about 70% of the value of all payments. Also, details of research funding are not included in the Disclosure database.
Useful links:
The ABPI licence (included with the raw data) seems to permit analysis. However it seems that it may explicitly forbid redistribution of the data. The explanatory notes for the data, provided by the ABPI, are unclear; and neither the ABPI nor their data team have responded to questions over the 24 hours since the data was released.
In [1]:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
pd.set_option('display.float_format', lambda x: '%.2f' % x)
dtype = {
'Title': str,
'First Name': str,
'Last Name': str,
'Speciality': str,
'Institution Name': str
df = pd.read_csv('./data/payments.csv', dtype=dtype)
In [2]:
print "{:,} rows".format(len(df))
print "£{:,} total declared".format(df['Amount'].sum())
print len(df['Company Name'].unique()), 'companies'
print len(df['Organisation Name'].unique()), 'organisations'
print len(df['Speciality'].unique()), 'specialities'
print len(df['Institution Name'].unique()), 'institutions'
# df.describe(include='all')
Quickly calculate the breakdown between payments to individuals and payments to organisations.
In [3]:
df_hcps = df[pd.isnull(df['Organisation Name'])]
df_hcos = df[~pd.isnull(df['Organisation Name'])]
a = "{:,} payments to HCOs ({:,.2f}% of total payments)"
print a.format(len(df_hcos), 100 * len(df_hcos) / float(len(df)))
a = "{:,} payments to HCPs ({:,.2f}% of total payments)"
print a.format(len(df_hcps), 100 * len(df_hcps) / float(len(df)))
a = "£{:,} paid to HCOs ({:,.2f}% of total payments)"
print a.format(df_hcos['Amount'].sum(), 100 * df_hcos['Amount'].sum() / df['Amount'].sum())
a = "£{:,} paid to HCPs ({:,.2f}% of total payments)"
print a.format(df_hcps['Amount'].sum(), 100 * df_hcps['Amount'].sum() / df['Amount'].sum())
In [4]:
# This is what the raw payments data looks like!
Most payments are small! 50% are below £355, 75% are below £800. Only 1,164 payments are more than £10,000.
In [5]:
print df['Amount'].describe()
print len(df[df['Amount'] > 10000]), 'payments overall are more than £10,000'
print '\nPayments to organisations:'
print df_hcos['Amount'].describe()
print '\nPayments to individuals:'
print df_hcps['Amount'].describe()
In [6]:
df_hcps.sort_values('Amount', ascending=False).head()
Why are there a few negative payments?
In [7]:
df.sort_values('Amount').head()[['Company Name', 'Organisation Name', 'TOV Type', 'Amount']]
Payment distribution by each TOV category/type, in the payments data.
In [8]:
df.groupby(('TOV Category', 'TOV Type')).sum().sort_values('Amount', ascending=False)
In [9]:
df_aggregate = pd.read_csv('./data/aggregates.csv')
In [48]:
undeclared_payments = df_aggregate['Amount'].sum()
declared_payments = df['Amount'].sum()
total_payments = undeclared_payments + declared_payments
print 'Total payments undeclared:', "£{:,}".format(undeclared_payments)
print 'Total payments declared:', "£{:,}".format(declared_payments)
print 'Percentage undeclared: {:.2f}%'.format(undeclared_payments / total_payments * 100)
df_agg_ex_rd = df_aggregate[df_aggregate['TOV Category'] != 'Research & Development']
undeclared_payments_ex_rd = df_agg_ex_rd['Amount'].sum()
print 'Total payments on R&D (none of which are declared):', "£{:,}".format(undeclared_payments - undeclared_payments_ex_rd)
print 'Total payments undeclared ex R&D:', "£{:,}".format(undeclared_payments_ex_rd)
We know that rows with a blank 'Organisation Name' column in the aggregate data relate to HCPs. And we know that rows with a blank 'Organisation Name' column in the declared data relate to HCPs.
Both sets of data are grouped by company, HCP/HCO, and payment category.
We can compare the numbers by company, and overall, to get a sense of how many HCP payments are missing overall.
However, we can't work this out per individual HCP/HCO, because it's possible that the same HCP/HCO is listed twice in different payment categories in the aggregate data.
In [42]:
# Get aggregate figures for HCPs only.
df_agg_hcps = df_agg_ex_rd[pd.isnull(df['Organisation Name'])].groupby(('Company Name')).sum().reset_index()
df_agg_hcps = df_agg_hcps[['Company Name', 'Amount', 'No of HCP HCO in Aggregate']]
df_agg_hcps.rename(columns={'No of HCP HCO in Aggregate': 'No of HCP'}, inplace=True)
# print df_agg_hcps.head()
# Count total undeclared payments by company/category/HCP
declared_hcps = df_agg_hcps['No of HCP'].sum()
print 'No of HCP payments by company/category, undeclared:', declared_hcps #
undeclared_hcps = len(df_hcps)
print 'No of HCP payments by company/category, declared:', undeclared_hcps
v = undeclared_hcps / (undeclared_hcps + declared_hcps)
print 'Overall % of payments to HCPs undeclared: {:.2f}%'.format(v*100)
In [48]:
# Group the declared HCP payments by company, then merge with the aggregate data.
df_hcps_by_co = df_hcps.groupby('Company Name')['Amount'].agg(['sum','count']).reset_index()
df_hcps_by_co.rename(columns={'sum': 'Amount', 'count': 'No of HCP'}, inplace=True)
df_m = pd.merge(df_agg_hcps, df_hcps_by_co, on='Company Name', suffixes=(' Undeclared', ' Declared'))
df_m['Total HCPs'] = df_m['No of HCP Undeclared'] + df_m['No of HCP Declared']
df_m['% HCP Payments Undeclared'] = df_m['No of HCP Undeclared'] / df_m['Total HCPs'] * 100
df_m.sort_values('% HCP Payments Undeclared', ascending=False)
With the limited and redacted data we have, perhaps the most meaningful thing we can look at is the amount of data that is undeclared!
The only thing we know about the undeclared payments is the amount of it for each company, in each TOV category, and the number of HCOs/HCPs which the undeclared payments cover.
We can therefore derive, by comparing this with the payments that are declared, per-company values for the total amount that was undeclared, and the total number of HCOs/HCPs that chose not to declare themsleves.
Perhaps this will reveal interesting differences.
In [19]:
# Get all aggregate payments but EXCLUDE R&D.
# This is because NO R&D payments are included in the payments sheet, so
# including them in our per-company analyses will distort results.
# Lump both HCPs and HCOs together.
df_agg_by_co = df_agg_ex_rd.groupby(('Company Name')).sum().reset_index()
df_agg_by_co.rename(columns={'No of HCP HCO in Aggregate': 'No of HCP HCO'}, inplace=True)
df_agg = df_agg_by_co[['Company Name', 'Amount', 'No of HCP HCO']]
# We've already created dataframes for HCOs and HCPs: now get the sums
# and counts of these, and merge them. There's probably a better way to do this.
df_hcos_by_co = df_hcos.groupby('Company Name')['Amount'].agg(['sum','count']).reset_index()
df_hcps_by_co = df_hcps.groupby('Company Name')['Amount'].agg(['sum','count']).reset_index()
df_m = pd.merge(df_hcos_by_co, df_hcps_by_co, on='Company Name', suffixes=('_hco', '_hcp'))
df_m['Amount'] = df_m['sum_hco'] + df_m['sum_hcp']
df_m['No of HCP HCO'] = df_m['count_hco'] + df_m['count_hcp']
df_declared = df_m[['Company Name', 'Amount', 'No of HCP HCO']]
df_combined = pd.merge(df_declared, df_agg, on='Company Name',
suffixes=(' Declared', ' Undeclared'))
# Calculate totals, proportions etc.
df_combined['Total Amount'] = df_combined['Amount Declared'] + df_combined['Amount Undeclared']
df_combined['Total HCOs/HCPs'] = df_combined['No of HCP HCO Declared'] + df_combined['No of HCP HCO Undeclared']
df_combined['Proportion of names undeclared'] = df_combined['No of HCP HCO Undeclared'] / \
df_combined['Total HCOs/HCPs'] * 100
df_combined['Proportion of total amount undeclared'] = df_combined['Amount Undeclared'] / \
df_combined['Total Amount'] * 100
# Print summary stats about the proportion of undeclared payments.
# Note that this number is lower than the 77% above, because we've excluded R&D.
print 'Total % names undeclared:', "{:.2f}%".format(df_combined['No of HCP HCO Undeclared'].sum() / \
df_combined['Total HCOs/HCPs'].sum() * 100)
print 'Total % amount undeclared:', "{:.2f}%".format(df_combined['Amount Undeclared'].sum() / \
df_combined['Total Amount'].sum() * 100)
In [12]:
# Show all companies for which total amount > £1 million,
# sorted by the total amount undeclared.
# Again, these are flattering numbers because we've excluded R&D.
# In most cases, it looks as though the payments that are undeclared are the
# smaller payments - i.e. probably those to individuals. Sanofi seems to be an exception.
# Note how GSK is an outlier too.
df_combined.sort_values('Proportion of total amount undeclared', inplace=True, ascending=False)
df_combined[df_combined['Total Amount'] > 1000000]
In [13]:
# Double-check a sample row in the table above, against the raw data,
# to make sure we've got things right....
print df_agg_by_co[df_agg_by_co['Company Name'] == 'Napp Pharmaceuticals Ltd'][['Amount', 'No of HCP HCO']]
print df[df['Company Name'] == 'Napp Pharmaceuticals Ltd'].sum()['Amount']
print len(df_hcps[df_hcps['Company Name'] == 'Napp Pharmaceuticals Ltd']['Last Name'])
print len(df_hcos[df_hcos['Company Name'] == 'Napp Pharmaceuticals Ltd']['Organisation Name'])
In [14]:
# Save all data to CSV.
In [15]:
# As above, EXCLUDE R&D.
df_agg_by_cat = df_agg_ex_rd.groupby('TOV Category').sum().reset_index()
df_agg_cat = df_agg_by_cat[['TOV Category', 'Amount']]
df_by_cat = df.groupby(('TOV Category')).sum().reset_index()
df_merged_cat = pd.merge(df_agg_cat, df_by_cat, on=['TOV Category'],
suffixes=(' Aggregate', ' Declared'))
df_merged_cat['Total Amount'] = df_merged_cat['Amount Declared'] + \
df_merged_cat['Amount Aggregate']
df_merged_cat['Proportion Undeclared'] = df_merged_cat['Amount Aggregate'] / \
df_merged_cat['Total Amount']
df_merged_cat.sort_values('Proportion Undeclared', ascending=False, inplace=True)
Anyone using this should check manually that each of these is truly the same person, rather than several people with the same name. We could further reduce this possibility by grouping by institution too, but then might miss individuals working across different institutions, so best to check manually I think.
Note that individuals who don't remove themselves from the dataset are good and should be celebrated!
In [16]:
df_individual = df.groupby(('Last Name', 'First Name', 'Speciality')).sum().reset_index()
df_individual.sort_values(by='Amount', ascending=False).head(20)
In [17]:
df_by_co = df.groupby('Company Name').agg(['sum', 'mean', 'median', 'count'])
df_by_co.sort_values(by=('Amount', 'sum'), ascending=False).head(10)
In [18]:
# df[['Company Name', 'TOV Category', 'Amount']].head()
df.groupby(('Company Name', 'TOV Category')).sum().sort_values('Amount', ascending=False).head(10)
In [19]:
df_by_co_and_speciality = df.groupby(('Company Name', 'Speciality')).sum()\
.sort_values('Amount', ascending=False).reset_index()
total = df_by_co_and_speciality.groupby('Company Name')['Amount'].transform('sum')
df_by_co_and_speciality['% of Co Spend'] = df_by_co_and_speciality['Amount']/total * 100
print df_by_co_and_speciality.head(10)
# Validate % calculation
# print df_by_co_and_speciality[df_by_co_and_speciality['Company Name'] == 'AstraZeneca']['% of Company Total Spend'].sum()
In [20]:
df_by_org = df.groupby('Organisation Name').agg(['sum', 'mean', 'median', 'count'])
df_by_org.sort_values(by=('Amount', 'sum'), ascending=False).head(10)
In [21]:
df_by_spec = df.groupby('Speciality').agg(['sum', 'mean', 'median', 'count']).sort_values(by=('Amount', 'sum'), ascending=False)
print df_by_spec.head(10)
In [44]:
# Normalise the specialties
def specialty_classifier(row):
other = ['Healthcare Administration',
'Laboratory - Medical Analysis',
'Occupational Therapist',
pharmacists = ['Clinical Pharmacology', 'Pharmacist']
nurses = ['Nurse']
classification = 'HCO'
if row['Speciality'] in other:
classification = 'Other'
elif row['Speciality'] in pharmacists:
classification = 'Pharmacists'
elif row['Speciality'] in nurses:
classification = 'Nurses'
elif str(row['Speciality']) != "nan":
# XXX there must be a nicer way to filter out pd.nan values...
classification = 'Doctors'
return classification
df['Normalised specialty'] = df.apply(specialty_classifier, axis=1)
# Re-run the analysis
df.groupby('Normalised specialty').agg(['sum', 'mean', 'median', 'count']).sort_values(by=('Amount', 'sum'), ascending=False)
In [56]:
df_individual = df.groupby(('Last Name', 'First Name', 'Speciality')).sum().reset_index()
df_individual.groupby('Speciality').count()[['Amount']].sort_values("Amount", ascending=False)
In [55]:
df_individual = df.groupby(('Last Name', 'First Name', 'Normalised specialty')).sum().reset_index()
df_individual.groupby('Normalised specialty').count()[['Amount']].sort_values("Amount", ascending=False)
In [24]:
df_sample = df[(df['Company Name'] == 'Genzyme') & (df['TOV Type'] == 'Fees')]
# print len(df_sample), 'rows'
# df_sample['Amount'].sum()
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
In [25]:
%pylab inline
bin_range = np.arange(0, 1100000, 10000)
df['Amount'].plot(kind='hist', bins=bin_range, color='blue', alpha=0.6)
plt.ylabel("Number of payments")
plt.xlabel("Payment size")
plt.yscale('log', nonposy='clip')
plt.title("Payments by amount")
In [ ]: