2. Scrape and Plot 2015 Baseball Standings (matplotlib)

Begin by importing our modules

In [1]:
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import ipywidgets
from IPython.display import display
from collections import OrderedDict

%matplotlib inline

pd.options.mode.chained_assignment = None  # default='warn'

Now load the master data we'll use

In [2]:
dfMaster = pd.read_csv('../data/dayByDayStandings2015.csv')
dfMaster.fillna(0, inplace=True)
dfMaster['date'] = pd.to_datetime(dfMaster['date'])
dfMaster['date'] = dfMaster['date'].apply(pd.datetools.normalize_date)
dfMaster.set_index(['division', 'date'], inplace=True)
dfMaster = dfMaster[['Tm', 'W', 'L', 'GB', 'RS', 'RA', 'W-L%', 'pythW-L%']]

Review the data

First look at the metadata

In [3]:

<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
MultiIndex: 5460 entries, (AL East, 2015-04-05 00:00:00) to (NL West, 2015-10-03 00:00:00)
Data columns (total 8 columns):
Tm          5460 non-null object
W           5460 non-null int64
L           5460 non-null int64
GB          5460 non-null object
RS          5460 non-null int64
RA          5460 non-null int64
W-L%        5460 non-null float64
pythW-L%    5460 non-null float64
dtypes: float64(2), int64(4), object(2)
memory usage: 358.8+ KB

Now examine the data itself

In [4]:

Tm W L GB RS RA W-L% pythW-L%
division date
NL West 2015-10-03 LAD 91 70 -- 661 592 0.565 0.550
2015-10-03 SFG 84 77 7.0 693 620 0.522 0.551
2015-10-03 ARI 78 83 13.0 715 710 0.484 0.503
2015-10-03 SDP 74 87 17.0 647 725 0.460 0.448
2015-10-03 COL 67 94 24.0 730 841 0.416 0.436

Make a plot - the hard way

Also the intuititive way

In [5]:
dfALCentral = dfMaster.ix['AL Central', ['Tm', 'GB']]

In [6]:
dfALCentral.replace({'--': 0}, inplace=True)
dfALCentral['GB'] = dfALCentral['GB'].astype(float)

In [7]:
cle = dfALCentral[dfALCentral.Tm == 'CLE']
kcr = dfALCentral[dfALCentral.Tm == 'KCR']
minn = dfALCentral[dfALCentral.Tm == 'MIN']
chw = dfALCentral[dfALCentral.Tm == 'CHW']
det = dfALCentral[dfALCentral.Tm == 'DET']
plt.plot(cle.index.values, cle['GB'], label='CLE')
plt.plot(kcr.index.values, kcr['GB'], label='KCR')
plt.plot(minn.index.values, minn['GB'], label='MIN')
plt.plot(chw.index.values, chw['GB'], label='CHW')
plt.plot(det.index.values, det['GB'], label='DET')

What's wrong here?

  • Y-scale is inverted.
  • Too small and crowded.
  • Colors are wrong.
  • Only covers one division - there are five others.

How to fix?

  • Invert the Y values prior to plotting.
  • Set the figure size manually - don't rely on defaults.
  • Make the plot dynamic so you can switch divisions on the fly.

1. Create some metadata for a dropdown list and colormap.

In [8]:
dropList = OrderedDict(zip(dfMaster.index.levels[0].values, dfMaster.index.levels[0].values))

mlb_colors = {'HOU': '#072854', 'CIN': '#C6011F', 'NYM': '#FB4F14', 'PHI': '#BA0C2F',
              'LAD': '#083C6B', 'LAA': '#B71234', 'COL': '#333366', 'TOR': '#003DA5', 
              'WSN': '#BA122B', 'BAL': '#ED4C09', 'STL': '#C41E3A', 'SDP': '#002147', 
              'ARI': '#A71930', 'MIL': '#92754C', 'MIN': '#C6011F', 'MIA': '#F9423A', 
              'BOS': '#C60C30', 'OAK': '#003831', 'PIT': '#FDB829', 'CHC': '#003279', 
              'CHW': '#000000', 'SFG': '#F2552C', 'DET': '#001742', 'TBR': '#00285D', 
              'KCR': '#15317E', 'ATL': '#B71234', 'TEX': '#BD1021', 'SEA': '#005C5C', 
              'CLE': '#003366', 'NYY': '#1C2841'}

2. Embed a dropdown in the notebook that handles the plotting for us.

  • Pass the division into a plotting function.
  • Plot each series with a for loop.
  • Since it's a timeline, extend the X-axis - make it a rectangle.
  • Remove axes

In [11]:
def plot_division(division):
    tmpMaster = dfMaster.ix[division, ['Tm', 'GB']]

    ax = plt.subplot(111)
    for team in enumerate(tmpMaster.Tm.value_counts().index.values):
        tmp = tmpMaster[tmpMaster.Tm == team[1]]
        tmp.replace({'--': 0}, inplace=True)
        tmp['GB'] = tmp['GB'].astype(float)
        tmp.loc[:,'GB'] = tmp.loc[:,'GB'] * -1
        plt.plot(tmp.index.values, tmp['GB'], label=team[1], color=mlb_colors[team[1]])


divW = ipywidgets.Dropdown(options=dropList)
init = divW.value
j = ipywidgets.interactive(plot_division, division=divW)


In [ ]: