In [1]:
from scipy import optimize
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import seaborn
This OLG Model calculates the time path and steady state for s periods, with
labor endogenous, stationarizied population and GDP growth, and Taxes.
#### Paramaters ###
beta = discount factor, (0,1)**years per period
delta = depreciation, (0,1)**years per period
gamma = consumption relative risk averstion, <1
sigma = labor relative risk aversion, <1
alpha = cobb-douglas ouput elasticity of labor (0,1)
A = Firm productivity coeffecient >0
periods = number of periods you wish to use (3,80)
years = number of years per period (1,20)
error = Intializes an error for the TPI >5
xi = Used to calculate your convex combonation for TPI
epsilon = Accuracy parameter in TPI calculation
T = Number of periods to reach the steady state, should be large
shock = How much to shock the economy away from the Steady State
guess_vector = intial guess for the cap fsolve. The first s entries are capital guess, the last s entries are labor guesses
### Paramaters ###
periods = 60
years = 60./periods
beta = .96**years
delta = 1-(1-.05)**years
gamma = 2.9
alpha = .35 # Labor Capital split in Cobb-Doublas
sigma = 2.9
A = 1 # Production multiplier
xi = .5 # Convex combination constant
epsilon = 10e-9 # tolerance
T = 50
shock = .9 # Shock to GDP
labor_guess = .8
cap_guess = .1
error = 1.
guess_vector = np.ones(2*periods-1)*cap_guess
guess_vector[-periods:] = labor_guess
def wage (kvector, lvector):
market_k = np.sum(kvector)
market_l = np.sum(lvector)
w = (1-alpha)*A*((market_k)/market_l)**(alpha)
return w
def rate (kvector, lvector):
market_k = np.sum(kvector)
market_l = np.sum(lvector)
r = (alpha)*A*(market_l/(market_k))**(1-alpha)
return r
def cap(guess_vector):
This takes the Euler equations, and sets them equal to zero for an f-solve
Remember that Keq was found by taking the derivative of the sum of the
utility functions, with respect to k in each time period, and that
leq was the same, but because l only shows up in 1 period, it has a
much smaller term.
### Paramaters ###
guess_vector: The first half is the intial guess for the kapital, and
the second half is the intial guess for the labor
#equations for keq
ks = np.zeros(periods)
ks[1:] = guess_vector[:periods-1]
ls = guess_vector[periods-1:]
kk = ks[:-1]
kk1 = ks[1:]
kk2 = np.zeros(periods-1)
kk2[:-1] = ks[2:]
lk = ls[:-1]
lk1 = ls[1:]
#equation for leq
ll = np.copy(ls)
kl = np.copy(ks)
kl1 = np.zeros(periods)
kl1[:-1] = kl[1:]
w = wage(ks, ls)
r = rate(ks, ls)
keq = ((lk*w+(1.+r-delta)*kk - kk1)**-gamma - (beta*(1+r-delta)*(lk1*w+(1+r-delta)*kk1-kk2)**-gamma))
leq = ((w*(ll*w + (1+r-delta)*kl-kl1)**-gamma)-(1-ll)**-sigma)
error = np.append(keq, leq)
return np.append(keq, leq)
In [2]:
ssvalue = optimize.fsolve(cap, guess_vector)
kbars = np.zeros(periods -1)
kbars = ssvalue[:periods-1]
lbars = np.zeros(periods)
lbars = ssvalue[periods-1:]
print 'Capital steady state values: {}'.format(kbars)
print 'Labor steady state values: {}'.format(lbars)
wbar = wage(kbars, lbars)
rbar = rate(kbars, lbars)
print("Wage steady state: ", wbar)
print("Rate stead state: ", rbar)
Kss = np.sum(kbars)
Lss = np.sum(lbars)
print('Market Capital steady state: ', Kss)
print('Market Labor steady state: ', Lss)
K0 = Kss*shock
kshock = kbars*shock
In [3]:
#################### Exercises 3,4 ##############################
def wage_path(K_guess,L_guess):
return list((1-alpha)*(K_guess/L_guess)**alpha)
def rate_path(K_guess, L_guess):
path = list(alpha*(L_guess/K_guess)**(1-alpha))
return path
def L2_norm_func(path1, path2):
dif = path1 - path2
sq = dif ** 2
summed = sq.sum()
rooted = summed ** .5
return rooted
def TPI_Euler(guess, wage, rate, kbars, counter):
This is a period general version of the equations, that will take in vectors
for each of the values, and return the same number of equations to optimize.
K_guess will be the capital values thus calculated,
wage will be the wage vector that we can pull wage1, wage2 from
rate will be the rate vector that we can pull rate1 and rate2 from
kbars = np.append(np.array([0.]),kbars)
k_guess = guess[:counter-1]
l_guess = guess[counter-1:]
wage1 = wage[:counter-1]
wage2 = wage[1:counter]
rate1 = rate[:counter-1]
rate2 = rate[1:counter]
k1 = np.zeros(counter-1)
k1[0] = kbars[-counter]
k2 = np.copy(k_guess)
k3 = np.zeros(counter-1)
if counter >2:
k1[1:] = k_guess[:-1]
k3[:-1] = k_guess[1:]
l1 = l_guess[:-1]
l2 = l_guess[1:]
w = wage[:counter]
l = np.copy(l_guess)
r = rate[:counter]
lk1 = np.append(k1, k_guess[-1])
lk2 = np.append(k2, 0)
error1 = ((l1*wage1 + (1+rate1 - delta)*k1-k2)**-gamma - beta * (1+rate2 - delta) *
(wage2*l2 + (1+rate2 - delta)*k2 - k3)**-gamma)
error2 = w*(l*w + (1+r-delta)*lk1-lk2)**-gamma-(1-l)**-gamma
return np.append(error1, error2)
def TPI_Euler_2(guess, wage, rate, K_guess_init, counter):
This is a period general version of the equations, that will take in vectors
for each of the values, and return the same number of equations to optimize.
K_guess will be the capital values thus calculated,
wage will be the wage vector that we can pull wage1, wage2 from
rate will be the rate vector that we can pull rate1 and rate2 from
k_guess = guess[:periods-1]
l_guess = guess[periods-1:]
wagess = np.ones(periods + T + 2) * wage[-1]
ratess = np.ones(periods + T + 2) * rate[-1]
wagess[:T] = wage
ratess[:T] = rate
wage = wagess
rate = ratess
wage1 = np.ones(periods-1) * wage[-1]
wage2 = np.ones(periods-1) * wage[-1]
wage1 = wage[counter:periods + counter-1]
wage2 = wage[1+counter:periods+counter]
rate1 = np.ones(periods-1) * rate[-1]
rate2 = np.ones(periods-1) * rate[-1]
rate1 = rate[counter:periods-1 + counter]
rate2 = rate[1+counter:periods+counter]
k1 = np.zeros(periods-1)
k1[1:] = k_guess[:-1]
k2 = np.copy(k_guess)
k3 = np.zeros(periods-1)
k3[:-1] = k_guess[1:]
l1 = l_guess[:-1]
l2 = l_guess[1:]
w = wage[counter+1:counter+1+periods]
l = np.copy(l_guess)
r = rate[counter+1:counter+1+periods]
lk1 = np.append(k1, k_guess[-1])
lk2 = np.append(k2, 0)
error1 = ((l1*wage1 + (1+rate1 - delta)*k1-k2)**-gamma - beta * (1+rate2 - delta) *
(wage2*l2 + (1+rate2 - delta)*k2 - k3)**-gamma)
error2 = w*(l*w + (1+r-delta)*lk1-lk2)**-gamma-(1-l)**-gamma
return np.append(error1, error2)
def Scaler_Euler(labor, wage, rate, kap):
return wage*(labor*wage + (1+rate-delta)*kap)**-gamma-(1-labor)**-gamma
print 'Working on TPI...'
K_new = np.linspace(K0, Kss, T)
L_new = np.ones(T)*Lss
iters = 0
while error > epsilon:
iters += 1
counter = 2
K_old = np.copy(K_new)
L_old = np.copy(L_new)
wage_guess = np.asarray(wage_path(K_new,L_new))
rate_guess = np.asarray(rate_path(K_new,L_new))
K_matrix = np.zeros((T+periods,periods-1))
K_matrix[0,:] = kshock
L_matrix = np.zeros((T+periods,periods))
lcorner = optimize.fsolve(Scaler_Euler, lbars[-1], args =(wage_guess[0], rate_guess[0], kbars[-1]))
L_matrix[0,-1] = lcorner
while counter <= periods:
guess = np.ones(counter*2-1)
guess[:counter-1] = kbars[periods-counter:]
guess[counter-1:] = lbars[periods-counter:]
newvec = optimize.fsolve(TPI_Euler, guess, args = (wage_guess, rate_guess, kshock, counter))
newk = newvec[:counter-1]
newl = newvec[counter-1:]
if counter == periods:
K_matrix[:periods,:] += np.diag(newk, -1)[:,:-1]
K_matrix[1:periods-1, 1:] += np.diag(newk, periods-1-counter)
L_matrix[:periods,:] += np.diag(newl, periods-counter)
counter +=1
for t_period in xrange(T):
guess = np.ones(periods*2-1)
guess[:periods-1] = kbars
guess[periods-1:] = lbars
newvec = optimize.fsolve(TPI_Euler_2, guess, args = (wage_guess, rate_guess, K_new, t_period))
newk = newvec[:periods-1]
newl = newvec[periods-1:]
K_matrix[t_period+2:periods+t_period+1, :periods] += np.diag(newk, 0)
L_matrix[t_period+1:periods+t_period+1, :periods]+= np.diag(newl, 0)
t_period += 1
K_new = K_matrix.sum(axis = 1)
K_new = K_new[:T]
L_new = L_matrix.sum(axis = 1)
L_new = L_new[:T]
Kerror = L2_norm_func(K_new, K_old)
Lerror = L2_norm_func(L_new, L_old)
error = max(Kerror, Lerror)
print error
if error > epsilon:
K_new = xi * K_new + (1-xi) * K_old
L_new = xi * L_new + (1-xi) * L_old
In [4]:
x = np.linspace(0,T,T)+1
fig = plt.figure()
fig.suptitle("TPI for Capital and Labor", fontsize = 16)
ax = plt.subplot("211")
ax.set_title("Capital TPI")
fig = plt.figure()
ax = plt.subplot("211")
ax.set_title("Labor TPI")
ax.plot(x, L_new)
In [ ]:
Evan Magnusson
OLG Homework
from __future__ import division
import numpy as np
import scipy.optimize as opt
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
Exercise 3.1
Solve OLG model
# Parameter Values
beta = .98 # Discount rate
delta = .6415 # depreciation
gamma = 3.0 # We called this sigma
A = 1.0 # Marginal multiplier of producition
alpha = .35 # Capital/Labor split in Cobb-Douglas production
# Functions
def ut_func(cons):
u = ((cons) ** (1 - gamma) - 1) / (1 - gamma)
return u
def ut_deriv_func(cons):
u_prime = cons ** (-gamma)
return u_prime
def c1_func(w_t, k2_t1):
c1 = w_t - k2_t1
return c1
def c2_func(w_t1, r_t1, k2_t1, k3_t2):
c2 = w_t1 + (1 + r_t1 - delta) * k2_t1 - k3_t2
return c2
def c3_func(r_t2, k3_t2):
c3 = (1 + r_t2 - delta) * k3_t2
return c3
def w_func(K):
w = (1-alpha) * A * (K / 2.0) ** alpha
return w
def r_func(K):
r = alpha * A * (2.0 / K) ** (1 - alpha)
return r
def K_func(k2, k3):
K = k2 + k3
return K
def Steady_State(list_of_ks):
k2, k3 = list_of_ks
K = K_func(k2, k3)
error1 = ut_deriv_func(w_func(K) - k2) - beta * (
1 + r_func(K) - delta) * ut_deriv_func(w_func(K) + (1 + r_func(K) - delta)*k2 - k3)
error2 = ut_deriv_func(w_func(K) + (1 + r_func(K) - delta)*k2 - k3) - beta * (
1+r_func(K)-delta) * ut_deriv_func((1+r_func(K) - delta)*k3)
return [error1] + [error2]
k2_ss, k3_ss = opt.fsolve(Steady_State, [.5, .5])
K_ss = K_func(k2_ss, k3_ss)
w_ss = w_func(K_ss)
r_ss = r_func(K_ss)
c1_ss = c1_func(w_ss, k2_ss)
c2_ss = c2_func(w_ss, r_ss, k2_ss, k3_ss)
c3_ss = c3_func(r_ss, k3_ss)
print 'Exercise 1:'
print 'k2_ss:', k2_ss
print 'k3_ss:', k3_ss
print 'c1_ss:', c1_ss
print 'c2_ss:', c2_ss
print 'c3_ss:', c3_ss
print 'w_ss: ', w_ss
print 'r_ss: ', r_ss
Exercise 3.2
Change parameter value of beta
beta = .55
k2_ss_2, k3_ss_2 = opt.fsolve(Steady_State, [.5, .5])
K_ss_2 = K_func(k2_ss_2, k3_ss_2)
w_ss_2 = w_func(K_ss_2)
r_ss_2 = r_func(K_ss_2)
c1_ss_2 = c1_func(w_ss_2, k2_ss_2)
c2_ss_2 = c2_func(w_ss_2, r_ss_2, k2_ss_2, k3_ss_2)
c3_ss_2 = c3_func(r_ss_2, k3_ss_2)
print '\nExercise 2:'
print 'k2_ss:', k2_ss_2
print 'k3_ss:', k3_ss_2
print 'c1_ss:', c1_ss_2
print 'c2_ss:', c2_ss_2
print 'c3_ss:', c3_ss_2
print 'w_ss: ', w_ss_2
print 'r_ss: ', r_ss_2
Exercise 3.3
# Parameters
beta = .442
T = 70
epsilon = 1e-9
xi = .1
k2_init = .8 * k2_ss
k3_init = 1.1 * k3_ss
K_init = K_func(k2_init, k3_init)
print K_init
K_path = np.linspace(K_init, K_ss, T+1)
w_path = w_func(K_path)
r_path = r_func(K_path)
error = 10.0
# Functions
def L2_norm_func(path1, path2):
dif = path1 - path2
sq = dif ** 2
summed = sq.sum()
rooted = summed ** .5
return rooted
def Euler_Equation_TPI_little(k3_2, w1, r1, r2, k2_1):
error1 = ut_deriv_func(w1 + (1 + r1 - delta)*k2_1 - k3_2) - beta * (1 + r2 - delta) * ut_deriv_func((1+r2-delta)*k3_2)
return error1
def Euler_Equation_TPI(guesses, w1, w2, r2, r3):
k2, k3 = guesses
error1 = ut_deriv_func(w1 - k2) - beta * (1 + r2 - delta) * ut_deriv_func(w2 + (1 + r2 - delta) * k2 - k3)
error2 = ut_deriv_func(w2 + (1 + r2 - delta)*k2 - k3) - beta * (1 + r3 - delta) * ut_deriv_func((1 + r3 -delta) * k3)
return [error1] + [error2]
while error > epsilon:
k_mat = np.zeros((T+1, 2))
k_mat[1, 1] = opt.fsolve(Euler_Equation_TPI_little, k3_init, args=(w_path[0], r_path[0], r_path[1], k2_init))
for t in xrange(1, T):
k_mat[t, 0], k_mat[t+1, 1] = opt.fsolve(Euler_Equation_TPI, [k2_init, k3_init], args=(w_path[t-1], w_path[t], r_path[t], r_path[t+1]))
K_path_new = k_mat.sum(axis=1)
K_path_new[0] = K_init
K_path_new[-1] = K_ss
error = L2_norm_func(K_path, K_path_new)
if error > epsilon:
K_path = xi * K_path_new + (1-xi) * K_path
w_path = w_func(K_path)
r_path = r_func(K_path)
Exercise 3.4
Plot TPI
time_to_converge = 0
for t in xrange(T):
dif = np.abs(K_path[t] - K_ss)
if dif > .0001:
print "\nExercise 4"
print "Time to Converge:", time_to_converge
plt.plot(np.linspace(0, T, T), K_path[:T])
plt.title("Time path for Aggregate Capital Stock")
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