In [1]:
# Preliminaries to work with the data.
# Assumes this notebook is in olfaction-prediction/opc_python/gerkin
%matplotlib inline
import os
import sys
curr_path = os.getcwd()
gerkin_path = os.path.split(curr_path)[0]
olfaction_prediction_path = os.path.split(gerkin_path)[0]
import opc_python
from opc_python.utils import loading, scoring
from opc_python.gerkin import dream
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas
In [4]:
descriptors = loading.get_descriptors()
all_CIDs = sorted(loading.get_CIDs('training')+loading.get_CIDs('leaderboard')+loading.get_CIDs('testset'))
mdx_full = dream.get_molecular_data(['dragon','episuite','morgan','nspdk','gramian'],all_CIDs)
mdx_drag = dream.get_molecular_data(['dragon'],all_CIDs)
mdx_drag_morg = dream.get_molecular_data(['dragon','morgan'],all_CIDs)
In [5]:
# Create the feature matrices from the feature dicts.
from sklearn.preprocessing import Imputer,MinMaxScaler
#X_all,good1,good2,means,stds,imputer = dream.make_X(mdx_full,['training','leaderboard'])
X_drag,good1,good2,means,stds,imputer = dream.make_X(mdx_drag,['training','leaderboard'])
X_drag_morg,good1,good2,means,stds,imputer = dream.make_X(mdx_drag_morg,['training','leaderboard'])
def quad_prep(mdx):
X_temp,_,_,_,_,_ = dream.make_X(mdx,['training','leaderboard'],raw=True)
X_temp[np.isnan(X_temp)] = 0
X_scaled = MinMaxScaler().fit_transform(X_temp[:,:-2])
X_scaled_sq = np.hstack((X_scaled,X_scaled**2,X_temp[:,-2:]))
return X_scaled_sq
X_drag_sq = quad_prep(mdx_drag)
X_drag_morg_sq = quad_prep(mdx_drag_morg)
Y_all,imputer = dream.make_Y_obs(['training','leaderboard'],target_dilution=None,imputer='mask')
In [53]:
import pandas as pd
linear_mean_noleak = pd.read_csv('../../data/2e_mean_noleak.csv')
linear_sem_noleak = pd.read_csv('../../data/2e_se_noleak.csv')
In [45]:
lin_importances = np.zeros((250,21,14613)) # 10 splits, 21 descriptors, 14613 features without the leak (7606*2 + negLogD)
lin_ranked = np.zeros((250,21,14613)).astype(int) # Matrix to store the score rankings.
lin_features = pd.read_csv('../../data/linear_scores_and_features/features_dragon_morgan.csv',nrows=0)
for split in range(250):
if split % 25 == 0:
for desc in range(21):
scores = pd.read_csv('../../data/linear_scores_and_features/LB_scores_morgan%d/scores_%d.csv' % (split,desc),index_col=0)
if 'Intensity' in scores.index:
scores.drop(['0','Intensity'],inplace=1) # Get rid of that weird "0" feature and the leak feature.
if 'neglog10d' not in scores.index:
scores.loc[14612] = 1 # Add in the dilution if it isn't there. Assume it is as important as possible.
scores['int'] = np.arange(14613).astype(int) # Temp index to use for ranking.
lin_ranked[split,desc,:] = scores.sort_values(by='0',ascending=0)['int'] # Sort and store the ranking.
In [46]:
lin_ranked[0,0,:] # The feature ranking for the first split, for intensity.
# negLogD appears first, so presumably this is working.
In [47]:
from sklearn.cross_validation import ShuffleSplit
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor
from sklearn.linear_model import Ridge
n_features = [1,2,3,4,5,10,33,100,333,1000,3333,10000]
n_splits = 10
# This class produces a new iterator that makes sure that the training and test set do not contains the same molecule
# at different dilutions, and also that the higher concentration is tested (or 10^-3 for intensity).
class DoubleSS:
def __init__(self, ss, col, concs):
self.splits = ss
self.col = col
self.concs = concs
def __iter__(self):
for train, test in self.splits:
train = np.concatenate((2*train,2*train+1))
if self.col>0:
test = 2*test+1 # The second (higher) concentration of the pair
test = np.concatenate((2*test,2*test+1))
test = test[self.concs[test]==-3]
yield train, test
def __len__(self):
return len(self.splits)
Y = Y_all['mean_std'] # Use the perceptual means (second 21 columns are std's which are ignored here)
In [51]:
# Produces correlations for each split for each descriptor, for varying numbers of (ranked) features.
def feature_sweep(X_all,Y,n_estimators,n_splits=n_splits,n_features=n_features,model='rf',alpha=1.0,random_state=0):
rs = np.zeros((21,len(n_features),n_splits)) # Empty matrix to store correlations.
n_obs = int(X_all.shape[0]/2) # Number of molecules.
shuffle_split = ShuffleSplit(n_obs,n_splits,test_size=0.17,random_state=0) # This will produce the splits in
# train/test_big that I put on GitHub
for col in range(21): # For each descriptor.
X = X_all[:,:-1] # Remove high/low dilution feature, i.e. remove the leak.
observed = Y[:,col] # Perceptual data for this descriptor.
n_features_ = list(np.array(n_features)+(col==0))
cv = DoubleSS(shuffle_split, col, X_all[:,-2]) # Produce the correct train and test indices.
for j,(train,test) in enumerate(cv):
if j % 50 == 0:
if model == 'rf': # If the model is random forest regression.
est = RandomForestRegressor(n_estimators=n_estimators,max_features='auto',
elif model == 'ridge': # If the model is ridge regression.
est = Ridge(alpha=alpha,fit_intercept=True, normalize=False,
copy_X=True, max_iter=None, tol=0.001, solver='auto', random_state=random_state)[train,:],observed[train]) # Fit the model on the training data.
if model == 'rf':
importance_ranks = np.argsort(est.feature_importances_)[::-1] # Use feature importances to get ranks.
elif model == 'ridge':
importance_ranks = lin_ranked[j,col,:] # Use the pre-computed ranks.
for i,max_features in enumerate(n_features_): # For each number of features to keep...[train,:][:,importance_ranks[:max_features]],
observed[train]) # Fit the model on the training data with max_features features.
predicted = est.predict(X[test,:][:,importance_ranks[:max_features]]) # Predict the test data.
rs[col,i,j] = np.corrcoef(predicted,observed[test])[1,0] # Compute the correlation coefficient.
means = rs[col,:,:].mean(axis=1) # Compute the mean correlation across splits.
sems = rs[col,:,:].std(axis=1)/np.sqrt(n_splits) # Compute the SEM of the correlation across splits.
print(('Desc. %d:'+len(n_features)*' [%.3f],') % \
tuple([col]+[means[i] for i in range(len(n_features))])) # Print the results.
return rs
In [56]:
rs_250 = feature_sweep(X_drag_morg_sq,Y,None,n_splits=250,model='ridge',random_state=0) # Use the linear and squared terms,
# and negLogD with ridge regression.'../../data/gabor_rs_250',rs_250)
rs_10 = np.load('../../data/gabor_rs_10.npy')
In [59]:
assert np.array_equal(np.array(n_features),np.array(linear_mean_noleak['number of features']))
fig,axes = plt.subplots(3,7,sharex=False,sharey=True,figsize=(20,10))
for col,ax in enumerate(axes.flat):
lin_means = linear_mean_noleak[descriptors[col]]
if col==0:
handles, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels()
lg = ax.legend(handles[1:], labels[1:], loc=4, fontsize=10)
ax.set_yticklabels([_ for _ in np.linspace(0,0.6,4)],size=20)
descriptor = descriptors[col].split('/')[1 if col==1 else 0]
descriptor = descriptor[0]+descriptor[1:].lower()
ax.set_title(descriptor, size=25)
fig.text(0.5, -0.025, 'Number of features', ha='center', size=25)
fig.text(-0.02, 0.5, 'Correlation', va='center', rotation='vertical', size=25);
In [ ]: