
In [1]:
# Show all figures inline.  
%matplotlib inline

# Add olfaction-prediction to the Python path.  
import os
import sys
curr_path = os.getcwd()
gerkin_path = os.path.split(curr_path)[0]
olfaction_prediction_path = os.path.split(gerkin_path)[0]
import opc_python

# Import numerical libraries.  
import numpy as np
from matplotlib.pyplot import plot

In [2]:
# Import generic utility modules I wrote to load the data from the tab-delimited text files and to score predictions.  
from opc_python.utils import loading, scoring

# Import the modules I wrote for actually shaping and fitting the data to the model.  
from opc_python.gerkin import dream,fit1
from opc_python.gerkin.fit1 import rfc_cv

In [3]:
# Load the perceptual descriptors data.  
perceptual_headers, perceptual_obs_data = loading.load_perceptual_data('training')
# Show the perceptual metadata types and perceptual descriptor names.

['Compound Identifier', 'Odor', 'Replicate', 'Intensity', 'Dilution', 'subject #', 'INTENSITY/STRENGTH', 'VALENCE/PLEASANTNESS', 'BAKERY', 'SWEET', 'FRUIT', 'FISH', 'GARLIC', 'SPICES', 'COLD', 'SOUR', 'BURNT', 'ACID', 'WARM', 'MUSKY', 'SWEATY', 'AMMONIA/URINOUS', 'DECAYED', 'WOOD', 'GRASS', 'FLOWER', 'CHEMICAL']

In [4]:
# Show the metadata and perceptual descriptor values for the first compound.

['126', '4-Hydroxybenzaldehyde', False, 'high', '1/10', '1', 37, 60, 0, 72, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]

In [5]:
num_descriptors = len(perceptual_headers[6:])
num_subjects = 49
print('There are %d different perceptual descriptors and %d different subjects' % (num_descriptors,num_subjects))

There are 21 different perceptual descriptors and 49 different subjects

In [6]:
# Load the molecular descriptors data.  
molecular_headers, molecular_data = loading.load_molecular_data()
print("First ten molecular descriptor types are %s" % molecular_headers[:10])
print("First ten descriptor values for the first compound are %s" % molecular_data[0][:10])
total_size = len(set([int(row[0]) for row in molecular_data]))
print("We have molecular descriptors for %d unique molecules" % total_size)

First ten molecular descriptor types are ['CID', 'complexity from pubmed', 'MW', 'AMW', 'Sv', 'Se', 'Sp', 'Si', 'Mv', 'Me']
First ten descriptor values for the first compound are ['126', 93.1, 122.13, 8.142, 10.01, 15.305, 10.193, 16.664, 0.667, 1.02]
We have molecular descriptors for 476 unique molecules

In [7]:
training_size = len(set([int(row[0]) for row in perceptual_obs_data]))
print("We have perceptual data for %d unique molecules" % training_size)
remaining_size = total_size - training_size
print ("%d are left out for testing in the competition; half of these (%d) are used for the leaderboard." \
       % (remaining_size,remaining_size/2))

We have perceptual data for 338 unique molecules
138 are left out for testing in the competition; half of these (69) are used for the leaderboard.

In [8]:
print("There are %d rows in the perceptual data set (at least one for each subject and molecule)" % len(perceptual_obs_data))
print("%d of these are replicates (same subject and molecules)" % sum([x[2] for x in perceptual_obs_data]))

There are 35084 rows in the perceptual data set (at least one for each subject and molecule)
1960 of these are replicates (same subject and molecules)

In [9]:
all_CIDs = sorted(loading.get_CIDs('training')+loading.get_CIDs('leaderboard')+loading.get_CIDs('testset'))
DATA = '/Users/rgerkin/Dropbox/science/olfaction-prediction/data/'
import pandas

In [10]:
episuite = pandas.read_table('%s/DREAM_episuite_descriptors.txt' % DATA)
episuite.iloc[:,49] = 1*(episuite.iloc[:,49]=='YES ')
episuite = episuite.iloc[:,2:].as_matrix()

(476, 62)

In [11]:
verbal = pandas.read_table('%s/name_features.txt' % DATA, sep='\t', header=None)
verbal = verbal.as_matrix()[:,1:]

(476, 11786)

In [12]:
morgan = pandas.read_csv('%s/morgan_sim.csv' % DATA)
morgan = morgan.as_matrix()[:,1:]

(476, 2437)

In [13]:
with open('%s/derived/nspdk_r3_d4_unaug.svm' % DATA) as f:
    nspdk_dict = {}
    i = 0
    while True:
        x = f.readline()
            key_vals = x.split(' ')[1:]
            for key_val in key_vals:
                key,val = key_val.split(':')
                if key in nspdk_dict:
                    nspdk_dict[key][all_CIDs[i]] = val
                    nspdk_dict[key] = {all_CIDs[i]:val}
            if i == len(all_CIDs):
nspdk_dict = {key:value for key,value in nspdk_dict.items() if len(value)>1}

In [14]:
nspdk = np.zeros((len(all_CIDs),len(nspdk_dict)))
for j,(feature,facts) in enumerate(nspdk_dict.items()):
    for CID,value in facts.items():
        i = all_CIDs.index(CID)
        nspdk[i,j] = value

(476, 6163)

In [15]:
nspdk_gramian = pandas.read_table('%s/derived/nspdk_r3_d4_unaug_gramian.mtx' % DATA, delimiter=' ', header=None)
nspdk_gramian = nspdk_gramian.as_matrix()[:len(all_CIDs),:]

(476, 2437)

In [16]:
molecular_data_types = ['dragon','dragon+episuite','dragon+verbal','dragon+morgan',
molecular_data = {mdt:molecular_data.copy() for mdt in molecular_data_types}
for i,line in enumerate(molecular_data['dragon']):
    CID = int(line[0])
    index = all_CIDs.index(CID)
    molecular_data['dragon+episuite'][i] = line + list(episuite[index])
    molecular_data['dragon+verbal'][i] = line + list(verbal[index])
    molecular_data['dragon+morgan'][i] = line + list(morgan[index])
    molecular_data['dragon+nspdk'][i] = line + list(nspdk[index])
    molecular_data['dragon+nspdk_gramian'][i] = line + list(nspdk_gramian[index])
    molecular_data['dragon+all'][i] = line + list(episuite[index]) + list(morgan[index]) + list(nspdk[index]) + list(nspdk_gramian[index])

Create Molecular Matrix

In [17]:
X_training = {mdt:None for mdt in molecular_data_types}
X_leaderboard_other = {mdt:None for mdt in molecular_data_types}
X_leaderboard_int = {mdt:None for mdt in molecular_data_types}
X_testset_other = {mdt:None for mdt in molecular_data_types}
X_testset_int = {mdt:None for mdt in molecular_data_types}
X_all = {mdt:None for mdt in molecular_data_types}
for mdt in molecular_data_types:
    X_training[mdt],good1,good2,means,stds,imputer = dream.make_X(molecular_data[mdt],"training")
    X_leaderboard_other[mdt],good1,good2,means,stds,imputer = dream.make_X(molecular_data[mdt],"leaderboard",target_dilution='high',good1=good1,good2=good2,means=means,stds=stds)
    X_leaderboard_int[mdt],good1,good2,means,stds,imputer = dream.make_X(molecular_data[mdt],"leaderboard",target_dilution=-3,good1=good1,good2=good2,means=means,stds=stds)
    X_testset_other[mdt],good1,good2,means,stds,imputer = dream.make_X(molecular_data[mdt],"testset",target_dilution='high',good1=good1,good2=good2,means=means,stds=stds)
    X_testset_int[mdt],good1,good2,means,stds,imputer = dream.make_X(molecular_data[mdt],"testset",target_dilution=-3,good1=good1,good2=good2,means=means,stds=stds)
    X_all[mdt],good1,good2,means,stds,imputer = dream.make_X(molecular_data[mdt],['training','leaderboard'],good1=good1,good2=good2,means=means,stds=stds)

There are now 676 molecular vectors of length 4871, one for each molecule and dilution
The X matrix now has shape (676x3033) molecules by non-NaN good molecular descriptors
There are now 69 molecular vectors of length 4871, one for each molecule and dilution
The X matrix now has shape (69x3033) molecules by non-NaN good molecular descriptors
There are now 69 molecular vectors of length 4871, one for each molecule and dilution
The X matrix now has shape (69x3033) molecules by non-NaN good molecular descriptors
There are now 69 molecular vectors of length 4871, one for each molecule and dilution
The X matrix now has shape (69x3033) molecules by non-NaN good molecular descriptors
There are now 69 molecular vectors of length 4871, one for each molecule and dilution
The X matrix now has shape (69x3033) molecules by non-NaN good molecular descriptors
There are now 814 molecular vectors of length 4871, one for each molecule and dilution
The X matrix now has shape (814x3033) molecules by non-NaN good molecular descriptors
There are now 676 molecular vectors of length 4933, one for each molecule and dilution
The X matrix now has shape (676x3089) molecules by non-NaN good molecular descriptors
There are now 69 molecular vectors of length 4933, one for each molecule and dilution
The X matrix now has shape (69x3089) molecules by non-NaN good molecular descriptors
There are now 69 molecular vectors of length 4933, one for each molecule and dilution
The X matrix now has shape (69x3089) molecules by non-NaN good molecular descriptors
There are now 69 molecular vectors of length 4933, one for each molecule and dilution
The X matrix now has shape (69x3089) molecules by non-NaN good molecular descriptors
There are now 69 molecular vectors of length 4933, one for each molecule and dilution
The X matrix now has shape (69x3089) molecules by non-NaN good molecular descriptors
There are now 814 molecular vectors of length 4933, one for each molecule and dilution
The X matrix now has shape (814x3089) molecules by non-NaN good molecular descriptors
There are now 676 molecular vectors of length 16657, one for each molecule and dilution
The X matrix now has shape (676x14801) molecules by non-NaN good molecular descriptors
There are now 69 molecular vectors of length 16657, one for each molecule and dilution
The X matrix now has shape (69x14801) molecules by non-NaN good molecular descriptors
There are now 69 molecular vectors of length 16657, one for each molecule and dilution
The X matrix now has shape (69x14801) molecules by non-NaN good molecular descriptors
There are now 69 molecular vectors of length 16657, one for each molecule and dilution
The X matrix now has shape (69x14801) molecules by non-NaN good molecular descriptors
There are now 69 molecular vectors of length 16657, one for each molecule and dilution
The X matrix now has shape (69x14801) molecules by non-NaN good molecular descriptors
There are now 814 molecular vectors of length 16657, one for each molecule and dilution
The X matrix now has shape (814x14801) molecules by non-NaN good molecular descriptors
There are now 676 molecular vectors of length 7308, one for each molecule and dilution
The X matrix now has shape (676x5467) molecules by non-NaN good molecular descriptors
There are now 69 molecular vectors of length 7308, one for each molecule and dilution
The X matrix now has shape (69x5467) molecules by non-NaN good molecular descriptors
There are now 69 molecular vectors of length 7308, one for each molecule and dilution
The X matrix now has shape (69x5467) molecules by non-NaN good molecular descriptors
There are now 69 molecular vectors of length 7308, one for each molecule and dilution
The X matrix now has shape (69x5467) molecules by non-NaN good molecular descriptors
There are now 69 molecular vectors of length 7308, one for each molecule and dilution
The X matrix now has shape (69x5467) molecules by non-NaN good molecular descriptors
There are now 814 molecular vectors of length 7308, one for each molecule and dilution
The X matrix now has shape (814x5467) molecules by non-NaN good molecular descriptors
There are now 676 molecular vectors of length 11034, one for each molecule and dilution
The X matrix now has shape (676x8989) molecules by non-NaN good molecular descriptors
There are now 69 molecular vectors of length 11034, one for each molecule and dilution
The X matrix now has shape (69x8989) molecules by non-NaN good molecular descriptors
There are now 69 molecular vectors of length 11034, one for each molecule and dilution
The X matrix now has shape (69x8989) molecules by non-NaN good molecular descriptors
There are now 69 molecular vectors of length 11034, one for each molecule and dilution
The X matrix now has shape (69x8989) molecules by non-NaN good molecular descriptors
There are now 69 molecular vectors of length 11034, one for each molecule and dilution
The X matrix now has shape (69x8989) molecules by non-NaN good molecular descriptors
There are now 814 molecular vectors of length 11034, one for each molecule and dilution
The X matrix now has shape (814x8989) molecules by non-NaN good molecular descriptors
There are now 676 molecular vectors of length 7308, one for each molecule and dilution
The X matrix now has shape (676x5468) molecules by non-NaN good molecular descriptors
There are now 69 molecular vectors of length 7308, one for each molecule and dilution
The X matrix now has shape (69x5468) molecules by non-NaN good molecular descriptors
There are now 69 molecular vectors of length 7308, one for each molecule and dilution
The X matrix now has shape (69x5468) molecules by non-NaN good molecular descriptors
There are now 69 molecular vectors of length 7308, one for each molecule and dilution
The X matrix now has shape (69x5468) molecules by non-NaN good molecular descriptors
There are now 69 molecular vectors of length 7308, one for each molecule and dilution
The X matrix now has shape (69x5468) molecules by non-NaN good molecular descriptors
There are now 814 molecular vectors of length 7308, one for each molecule and dilution
The X matrix now has shape (814x5468) molecules by non-NaN good molecular descriptors
There are now 676 molecular vectors of length 15970, one for each molecule and dilution
The X matrix now has shape (676x13914) molecules by non-NaN good molecular descriptors
There are now 69 molecular vectors of length 15970, one for each molecule and dilution
The X matrix now has shape (69x13914) molecules by non-NaN good molecular descriptors
There are now 69 molecular vectors of length 15970, one for each molecule and dilution
The X matrix now has shape (69x13914) molecules by non-NaN good molecular descriptors
There are now 69 molecular vectors of length 15970, one for each molecule and dilution
The X matrix now has shape (69x13914) molecules by non-NaN good molecular descriptors
There are now 69 molecular vectors of length 15970, one for each molecule and dilution
The X matrix now has shape (69x13914) molecules by non-NaN good molecular descriptors
There are now 814 molecular vectors of length 15970, one for each molecule and dilution
The X matrix now has shape (814x13914) molecules by non-NaN good molecular descriptors

In [18]:
Y_training_imp,imputer = dream.make_Y_obs('training',target_dilution=None,imputer='median')
Y_training_mask,imputer = dream.make_Y_obs('training',target_dilution=None,imputer='mask')

Getting basic perceptual data...
Flattening into vectors...
Assembling into matrices...
Y_obs['subject'] contains 49 matrices each with shape (676x21) (molecules by perceptual descriptors)
The Y_obs['mean_std'] matrix has shape (676x42) (molecules by 2 x perceptual descriptors)
Combining Y matrices...
The Y['mean_std'] matrix now has shape (676x42) molecules by 2 x perceptual descriptors
The Y['subject'] dict now has 49 matrices of shape (676x21) molecules by perceptual descriptors, one for each subject
Getting basic perceptual data...
Flattening into vectors...
Assembling into matrices...
Y_obs['subject'] contains 49 matrices each with shape (676x21) (molecules by perceptual descriptors)
The Y_obs['mean_std'] matrix has shape (676x42) (molecules by 2 x perceptual descriptors)
Combining Y matrices...
The Y['mean_std'] matrix now has shape (676x42) molecules by 2 x perceptual descriptors
The Y['subject'] dict now has 49 matrices of shape (676x21) molecules by perceptual descriptors, one for each subject

In [19]:
Y_leaderboard,imputer = dream.make_Y_obs('leaderboard',target_dilution='gold',imputer='mask')

Getting basic perceptual data...
Flattening into vectors...
Assembling into matrices...
Y_obs['subject'] contains 49 matrices each with shape (69x21) (molecules by perceptual descriptors)
The Y_obs['mean_std'] matrix has shape (69x42) (molecules by 2 x perceptual descriptors)
Combining Y matrices...
The Y['mean_std'] matrix now has shape (69x42) molecules by 2 x perceptual descriptors
The Y['subject'] dict now has 49 matrices of shape (69x21) molecules by perceptual descriptors, one for each subject
Getting basic perceptual data...
Flattening into vectors...
Assembling into matrices...
Y_obs['subject'] contains 49 matrices each with shape (69x21) (molecules by perceptual descriptors)
The Y_obs['mean_std'] matrix has shape (69x42) (molecules by 2 x perceptual descriptors)
Combining Y matrices...
The Y['mean_std'] matrix now has shape (69x42) molecules by 2 x perceptual descriptors
The Y['subject'] dict now has 49 matrices of shape (69x21) molecules by perceptual descriptors, one for each subject

In [20]:
Y_leaderboard_noimpute,_ = dream.make_Y_obs('leaderboard',target_dilution='gold',imputer=None)

Getting basic perceptual data...
Flattening into vectors...
Assembling into matrices...
Y_obs['subject'] contains 49 matrices each with shape (69x21) (molecules by perceptual descriptors)
The Y_obs['mean_std'] matrix has shape (69x42) (molecules by 2 x perceptual descriptors)
Combining Y matrices...
The Y['mean_std'] matrix now has shape (69x42) molecules by 2 x perceptual descriptors
The Y['subject'] dict now has 49 matrices of shape (69x21) molecules by perceptual descriptors, one for each subject
Getting basic perceptual data...
Flattening into vectors...
Assembling into matrices...
Y_obs['subject'] contains 49 matrices each with shape (69x21) (molecules by perceptual descriptors)
The Y_obs['mean_std'] matrix has shape (69x42) (molecules by 2 x perceptual descriptors)
Combining Y matrices...
The Y['mean_std'] matrix now has shape (69x42) molecules by 2 x perceptual descriptors
The Y['subject'] dict now has 49 matrices of shape (69x21) molecules by perceptual descriptors, one for each subject

In [21]:
Y_all_imp,imputer = dream.make_Y_obs(['training','leaderboard'],target_dilution=None,imputer='median')

Getting basic perceptual data...
Flattening into vectors...
Assembling into matrices...
Y_obs['subject'] contains 49 matrices each with shape (676x21) (molecules by perceptual descriptors)
The Y_obs['mean_std'] matrix has shape (676x42) (molecules by 2 x perceptual descriptors)
Getting basic perceptual data...
Flattening into vectors...
Assembling into matrices...
Y_obs['subject'] contains 49 matrices each with shape (138x21) (molecules by perceptual descriptors)
The Y_obs['mean_std'] matrix has shape (138x42) (molecules by 2 x perceptual descriptors)
Combining Y matrices...
The Y['mean_std'] matrix now has shape (814x42) molecules by 2 x perceptual descriptors
The Y['subject'] dict now has 49 matrices of shape (814x21) molecules by perceptual descriptors, one for each subject

In [22]:
Y_all_mask,imputer = dream.make_Y_obs(['training','leaderboard'],target_dilution=None,imputer='mask')

Getting basic perceptual data...
Flattening into vectors...
Assembling into matrices...
Y_obs['subject'] contains 49 matrices each with shape (676x21) (molecules by perceptual descriptors)
The Y_obs['mean_std'] matrix has shape (676x42) (molecules by 2 x perceptual descriptors)
Getting basic perceptual data...
Flattening into vectors...
Assembling into matrices...
Y_obs['subject'] contains 49 matrices each with shape (138x21) (molecules by perceptual descriptors)
The Y_obs['mean_std'] matrix has shape (138x42) (molecules by 2 x perceptual descriptors)
Combining Y matrices...
The Y['mean_std'] matrix now has shape (814x42) molecules by 2 x perceptual descriptors
The Y['subject'] dict now has 49 matrices of shape (814x21) molecules by perceptual descriptors, one for each subject

In [23]:
Y_all_zero,imputer = dream.make_Y_obs(['training','leaderboard'],target_dilution=None,imputer='zero')

Getting basic perceptual data...
Flattening into vectors...
Assembling into matrices...
Y_obs['subject'] contains 49 matrices each with shape (676x21) (molecules by perceptual descriptors)
The Y_obs['mean_std'] matrix has shape (676x42) (molecules by 2 x perceptual descriptors)
Getting basic perceptual data...
Flattening into vectors...
Assembling into matrices...
Y_obs['subject'] contains 49 matrices each with shape (138x21) (molecules by perceptual descriptors)
The Y_obs['mean_std'] matrix has shape (138x42) (molecules by 2 x perceptual descriptors)
Combining Y matrices...
The Y['mean_std'] matrix now has shape (814x42) molecules by 2 x perceptual descriptors
The Y['subject'] dict now has 49 matrices of shape (814x21) molecules by perceptual descriptors, one for each subject

In [24]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

<matplotlib.collections.PathCollection at 0x1103bc470>

Data preparation

In [25]:
# Show the range of values for the molecular and perceptual descriptors.  
plt.xlabel('Cube root transformed, N(0,1) normalized molecular descriptor values')
_ = plt.xlabel('Perceptual descriptor subject-averaged values')

Fitting and Generating Submission Files

In [26]:
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor,ExtraTreesRegressor
from sklearn.cross_validation import ShuffleSplit
n_obs = len(Y_training_imp['mean_std'])

In [82]:
# How much should subjected be pooled for estimating individual subjects' responses?  
n_estimators_list = [5,18,50,150]
#rfcs = {subject:[None for _ in range(len(n_estimators_list))] for subject in range(1,50)}
X = X_all['dragon+all']
Y = Y_all_imp['subject']
for subject in range(1,50):
    for i,n_estimators in enumerate(n_estimators_list):
        if i<3:
        rfcs[subject][i] = RandomForestRegressor(n_estimators=n_estimators,max_features=None,min_samples_leaf=1,

33 150
34 150
35 150
36 150
37 150
38 150
39 150
40 150
41 150
42 150
43 150
44 150
45 150
46 150
47 150
48 150
49 150

In [83]:
fig,axes = plt.subplots(7,3,sharex=True,sharey=True,figsize=(10,12))
a_list = np.linspace(0.01,0.99,35)
for col,ax in enumerate(axes.flat):
    rs = np.zeros((35,len(n_estimators_list)))
    x_max = np.zeros(len(n_estimators_list))
    y_max = np.zeros(len(n_estimators_list))
    for i,n_estimators in enumerate(n_estimators_list):
        prediction_pooled = np.zeros(rfcs[1][i].oob_prediction_.shape)
        for subject in range(1,50):
            prediction = rfcs[subject][i].oob_prediction_
            prediction_pooled += prediction
        prediction_pooled /= subject
        for j,a in enumerate(a_list):
            r = 0
            denom = 0
            for subject in range(1,50):
                observation = Y[subject][:,col]
                prediction = rfcs[subject][i].oob_prediction_[:,col]
                prediction_weighted = a*prediction_pooled[:,col] + (1-a)*prediction
                r_ = np.corrcoef(prediction_weighted,observation)[0,1]
                if not np.isnan(r_):
                    r += r_
                    denom += 1    
            r /= denom
            rs[j,i] = r
        x_max[i] = a_list[np.argmax(rs[:,i])]
        y_max[i] = np.amax(rs[:,i])

In [85]:
import pickle
with open('/Users/rgerkin/Desktop/rfcs1_oob.pickle','wb') as f:

OSError                                   Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-85-8f587475779c> in <module>()
      1 import pickle
      2 with open('/Users/rgerkin/Desktop/rfcs1_oob.pickle','wb') as f:
----> 3     pickle.dump(rfcs,f)

OSError: [Errno 22] Invalid argument

In [41]:

{'base_estimator': DecisionTreeRegressor(criterion='mse', max_depth=None, max_features=None,
            max_leaf_nodes=None, min_samples_leaf=1, min_samples_split=2,
            min_weight_fraction_leaf=0.0, random_state=None,
 'base_estimator_': DecisionTreeRegressor(criterion='mse', max_depth=None, max_features=None,
            max_leaf_nodes=None, min_samples_leaf=1, min_samples_split=2,
            min_weight_fraction_leaf=0.0, random_state=None,
 'bootstrap': True,
 'class_weight': None,
 'criterion': 'mse',
 'estimator_params': ('criterion',
 'estimators_': [DecisionTreeRegressor(criterion='mse', max_depth=None, max_features=None,
             max_leaf_nodes=None, min_samples_leaf=1, min_samples_split=2,
             min_weight_fraction_leaf=0.0, random_state=209652396,
  DecisionTreeRegressor(criterion='mse', max_depth=None, max_features=None,
             max_leaf_nodes=None, min_samples_leaf=1, min_samples_split=2,
             min_weight_fraction_leaf=0.0, random_state=398764591,
  DecisionTreeRegressor(criterion='mse', max_depth=None, max_features=None,
             max_leaf_nodes=None, min_samples_leaf=1, min_samples_split=2,
             min_weight_fraction_leaf=0.0, random_state=924231285,
  DecisionTreeRegressor(criterion='mse', max_depth=None, max_features=None,
             max_leaf_nodes=None, min_samples_leaf=1, min_samples_split=2,
             min_weight_fraction_leaf=0.0, random_state=1478610112,
  DecisionTreeRegressor(criterion='mse', max_depth=None, max_features=None,
             max_leaf_nodes=None, min_samples_leaf=1, min_samples_split=2,
             min_weight_fraction_leaf=0.0, random_state=441365315,
 'max_depth': None,
 'max_features': None,
 'max_leaf_nodes': None,
 'min_samples_leaf': 1,
 'min_samples_split': 2,
 'min_weight_fraction_leaf': 0.0,
 'n_estimators': 5,
 'n_features_': 13914,
 'n_jobs': -1,
 'n_outputs_': 21,
 'oob_prediction_': array([[ 25.        ,  71.        ,   0.        , ...,   0.        ,
           0.        ,   0.        ],
        [ 90.        ,  70.        ,   0.        , ...,   0.        ,
           0.        ,  43.5       ],
        [  1.33333333,  27.66666667,   0.        , ...,   0.        ,
           0.        ,   0.        ],
        [  0.        ,  48.        ,   0.        , ...,   0.        ,
           0.        ,   0.        ],
        [ 35.66666667,  38.33333333,   0.        , ...,   7.66666667,
           0.        ,   0.        ],
        [  9.        ,  31.        ,   0.        , ...,  23.        ,
           0.        ,   0.        ]]),
 'oob_score': True,
 'oob_score_': -0.37090791721993288,
 'random_state': 0,
 'verbose': 0,
 'warm_start': False}

In [35]:
# When do we want ExtraTrees instead of the usual RandomForest?
n_splits = 10
results = np.zeros((42,2,n_splits))
shuffle_split = ShuffleSplit(n_obs,n_splits,test_size=0.2,random_state=0)
for col in range(42):
    rfc = RandomForestRegressor(n_estimators=20,max_features=None,min_samples_leaf=1,
    etc = ExtraTreesRegressor(n_estimators=20,max_features=None,min_samples_leaf=1,
    for j,(train,test) in enumerate(shuffle_split):
        for i,estimator in enumerate([etc,rfc]):
            X = X_all['dragon+all']
            observed = Y_all_mask['mean_std'][:,col]
            predicted = estimator.predict(X[test,:])
            results[col,i,j] = np.corrcoef(predicted,observed[test])[1,0]
    means = results[col,:,:].mean(axis=1)
    sems = results[col,:,:].std(axis=1)/np.sqrt(n_splits)
    print('Desc. %d: [%.3f +/- %.3f], [%.3f +/- %.3f]' % \

Desc. 0: [0.664 +/- 0.020], [0.593 +/- 0.020]
Desc. 1: [0.626 +/- 0.011], [0.635 +/- 0.009]
Desc. 2: [0.557 +/- 0.071], [0.586 +/- 0.057]
Desc. 3: [0.678 +/- 0.024], [0.669 +/- 0.023]
Desc. 4: [0.705 +/- 0.022], [0.690 +/- 0.025]
Desc. 5: [0.365 +/- 0.017], [0.424 +/- 0.014]
Desc. 6: [0.557 +/- 0.048], [0.608 +/- 0.038]
Desc. 7: [0.247 +/- 0.020], [0.303 +/- 0.022]
Desc. 8: [0.269 +/- 0.024], [0.302 +/- 0.021]
Desc. 9: [0.531 +/- 0.027], [0.544 +/- 0.023]
Desc. 10: [0.426 +/- 0.034], [0.462 +/- 0.030]
Desc. 11: [0.415 +/- 0.019], [0.414 +/- 0.017]
Desc. 12: [0.180 +/- 0.020], [0.216 +/- 0.022]
Desc. 13: [0.395 +/- 0.014], [0.406 +/- 0.022]
Desc. 14: [0.494 +/- 0.021], [0.499 +/- 0.021]
Desc. 15: [0.289 +/- 0.023], [0.301 +/- 0.029]
Desc. 16: [0.494 +/- 0.044], [0.512 +/- 0.037]
Desc. 17: [0.260 +/- 0.042], [0.295 +/- 0.038]
Desc. 18: [0.235 +/- 0.036], [0.244 +/- 0.041]
Desc. 19: [0.494 +/- 0.026], [0.519 +/- 0.022]
Desc. 20: [0.574 +/- 0.025], [0.583 +/- 0.024]
Desc. 21: [-0.060 +/- 0.039], [-0.065 +/- 0.029]
Desc. 22: [0.237 +/- 0.015], [0.231 +/- 0.008]
Desc. 23: [0.298 +/- 0.032], [0.317 +/- 0.024]
Desc. 24: [0.445 +/- 0.022], [0.472 +/- 0.020]
Desc. 25: [0.486 +/- 0.023], [0.502 +/- 0.018]
Desc. 26: [0.335 +/- 0.020], [0.377 +/- 0.018]
Desc. 27: [0.394 +/- 0.016], [0.445 +/- 0.011]
Desc. 28: [0.174 +/- 0.019], [0.204 +/- 0.015]
Desc. 29: [0.251 +/- 0.016], [0.245 +/- 0.016]
Desc. 30: [0.442 +/- 0.020], [0.447 +/- 0.025]
Desc. 31: [0.297 +/- 0.021], [0.335 +/- 0.022]
Desc. 32: [0.358 +/- 0.011], [0.349 +/- 0.019]
Desc. 33: [0.096 +/- 0.013], [0.118 +/- 0.011]
Desc. 34: [0.370 +/- 0.017], [0.373 +/- 0.014]
Desc. 35: [0.413 +/- 0.017], [0.425 +/- 0.016]
Desc. 36: [0.223 +/- 0.021], [0.241 +/- 0.026]
Desc. 37: [0.324 +/- 0.027], [0.358 +/- 0.028]
Desc. 38: [0.216 +/- 0.035], [0.229 +/- 0.026]
Desc. 39: [0.119 +/- 0.027], [0.129 +/- 0.024]
Desc. 40: [0.310 +/- 0.027], [0.357 +/- 0.025]
Desc. 41: [0.408 +/- 0.026], [0.430 +/- 0.022]

In [36]:
# Answer: Probably only for intensity.  
means = results[:,:,:].mean(axis=2)
sems = results[:,:,:].std(axis=2)/np.sqrt(n_splits)
plt.plot(means[:,0] - means[:,1])
plt.xlabel("Descriptor #")
plt.ylabel("ETC - RFC")

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x11079edd8>

In [37]:
# How does performance increase with the number of features?  
n_splits = 3
n_features = [10,33,100,333,1000,3333,13914]
results = np.zeros((42,len(n_features),n_splits))
shuffle_split = ShuffleSplit(n_obs,n_splits,test_size=0.2,random_state=0)
for col in range(42):
    for i,max_features in enumerate(n_features):
        rfc = RandomForestRegressor(n_estimators=100,max_features=max_features,min_samples_leaf=1,
        for j,(train,test) in enumerate(shuffle_split):
            X = X_all['dragon+all']
            observed = Y_all_mask['mean_std'][:,col]
            predicted = rfc.predict(X[test,:])
            results[col,i,j] = np.corrcoef(predicted,observed[test])[1,0]
    means = results[col,:,:].mean(axis=1)
    sems = results[col,:,:].std(axis=1)/np.sqrt(n_splits)
    print(('Desc. %d:'+len(n_features)*' [%.3f],') % \
          tuple([col]+[means[i] for i in range(len(n_features))]))

Desc. 0: [0.134], [0.150], [0.171], [0.235], [0.344], [0.547], [0.619],
Desc. 1: [0.635], [0.624], [0.630], [0.637], [0.642], [0.644], [0.669],
Desc. 2: [0.600], [0.595], [0.603], [0.615], [0.605], [0.616], [0.608],
Desc. 3: [0.669], [0.675], [0.682], [0.688], [0.694], [0.698], [0.705],
Desc. 4: [0.647], [0.648], [0.662], [0.670], [0.679], [0.694], [0.726],
Desc. 5: [0.411], [0.417], [0.414], [0.411], [0.405], [0.411], [0.407],
Desc. 6: [0.613], [0.656], [0.639], [0.658], [0.681], [0.688], [0.679],
Desc. 7: [0.314], [0.310], [0.326], [0.326], [0.325], [0.336], [0.360],
Desc. 8: [0.303], [0.311], [0.303], [0.311], [0.299], [0.314], [0.328],
Desc. 9: [0.552], [0.559], [0.563], [0.566], [0.560], [0.569], [0.576],
Desc. 10: [0.372], [0.386], [0.383], [0.389], [0.385], [0.405], [0.421],
Desc. 11: [0.280], [0.288], [0.302], [0.323], [0.363], [0.427], [0.452],
Desc. 12: [0.167], [0.166], [0.163], [0.173], [0.168], [0.175], [0.175],
Desc. 13: [0.400], [0.404], [0.405], [0.411], [0.409], [0.425], [0.418],
Desc. 14: [0.486], [0.487], [0.483], [0.480], [0.478], [0.477], [0.483],
Desc. 15: [0.311], [0.320], [0.313], [0.326], [0.335], [0.355], [0.388],
Desc. 16: [0.539], [0.538], [0.532], [0.521], [0.533], [0.523], [0.520],
Desc. 17: [0.327], [0.324], [0.324], [0.316], [0.322], [0.334], [0.339],
Desc. 18: [0.272], [0.305], [0.326], [0.330], [0.338], [0.338], [0.363],
Desc. 19: [0.490], [0.482], [0.491], [0.497], [0.493], [0.500], [0.516],
Desc. 20: [0.396], [0.410], [0.423], [0.450], [0.524], [0.606], [0.646],
Desc. 21: [-0.065], [-0.071], [-0.069], [-0.065], [-0.067], [-0.057], [-0.017],
Desc. 22: [0.218], [0.215], [0.209], [0.220], [0.220], [0.239], [0.248],
Desc. 23: [0.317], [0.326], [0.328], [0.316], [0.331], [0.328], [0.338],
Desc. 24: [0.470], [0.484], [0.472], [0.479], [0.482], [0.479], [0.485],
Desc. 25: [0.442], [0.448], [0.449], [0.455], [0.458], [0.472], [0.490],
Desc. 26: [0.343], [0.351], [0.353], [0.346], [0.347], [0.354], [0.361],
Desc. 27: [0.435], [0.428], [0.442], [0.438], [0.461], [0.464], [0.484],
Desc. 28: [0.181], [0.188], [0.189], [0.186], [0.197], [0.211], [0.238],
Desc. 29: [0.274], [0.275], [0.262], [0.277], [0.283], [0.288], [0.296],
Desc. 30: [0.454], [0.457], [0.463], [0.471], [0.469], [0.469], [0.474],
Desc. 31: [0.273], [0.280], [0.276], [0.287], [0.285], [0.305], [0.306],
Desc. 32: [0.243], [0.250], [0.257], [0.268], [0.281], [0.352], [0.385],
Desc. 33: [0.090], [0.089], [0.090], [0.087], [0.096], [0.096], [0.112],
Desc. 34: [0.350], [0.350], [0.357], [0.357], [0.358], [0.364], [0.370],
Desc. 35: [0.382], [0.387], [0.377], [0.385], [0.375], [0.376], [0.388],
Desc. 36: [0.232], [0.247], [0.241], [0.246], [0.263], [0.274], [0.302],
Desc. 37: [0.339], [0.323], [0.331], [0.345], [0.338], [0.346], [0.355],
Desc. 38: [0.259], [0.248], [0.258], [0.252], [0.270], [0.261], [0.270],
Desc. 39: [0.114], [0.122], [0.127], [0.136], [0.124], [0.140], [0.145],
Desc. 40: [0.323], [0.335], [0.332], [0.338], [0.335], [0.339], [0.343],
Desc. 41: [0.251], [0.264], [0.268], [0.300], [0.343], [0.419], [0.462],

In [40]:
fig,ax = plt.subplots(14,3,sharex=True,sharey=True,figsize=(10,20))
for col in range(42):
    ax_ = ax[int(col / 3), col % 3]
    ax_.set_title('Feature %d' % col)
fig.text(0.5, 0.00, '# features', ha='center')
fig.text(0.00, 0.5, 'Correlation', va='center', rotation='vertical')

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x195260320>

In [42]:
# Does having more samples per leaf or less depth help?  
n_splits = 12
n_samples_leaf = [1,4,16,64]
n_depth = [2,6,15,32,None]
#results = np.zeros((42,len(n_samples_leaf),len(n_depth),n_splits))
shuffle_split = ShuffleSplit(n_obs,n_splits,test_size=0.2,random_state=0)
for col in range(3,42):
    for i,min_samples_leaf in enumerate(n_samples_leaf):
        for j,max_depth in enumerate(n_depth):
            rfc = RandomForestRegressor(n_estimators=25,max_features=None,
            X = X_all['dragon+all']
            Y = Y_all_mask['mean_std'][:,col]
            for k,(train,test) in enumerate(shuffle_split):
                observed = Y[test]
                predicted = rfc.predict(X[test,:])
                results[col,i,j,k] = np.corrcoef(predicted,observed)[1,0]
            mean = results[col,i,j,:].mean()
            sem = results[col,i,j,:].std()/np.sqrt(n_splits)
            print('Feature %d: %s min samples per leaf, %s max depth: %.3f +/- %.3f' % (col,min_samples_leaf,max_depth,mean,sem))

Feature 3: 1 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.258 +/- 0.083
Feature 3: 1 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: 0.310 +/- 0.095
Feature 3: 1 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: 0.314 +/- 0.096
Feature 3: 1 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: 0.315 +/- 0.096
Feature 3: 1 min samples per leaf, None max depth: 0.315 +/- 0.096
Feature 3: 4 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.259 +/- 0.083
Feature 3: 4 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: 0.301 +/- 0.092
Feature 3: 4 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: 0.306 +/- 0.093
Feature 3: 4 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: 0.306 +/- 0.093
Feature 3: 4 min samples per leaf, None max depth: 0.306 +/- 0.093
Feature 3: 16 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.248 +/- 0.079
Feature 3: 16 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: 0.278 +/- 0.085
Feature 3: 16 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: 0.278 +/- 0.085
Feature 3: 16 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: 0.278 +/- 0.085
Feature 3: 16 min samples per leaf, None max depth: 0.278 +/- 0.085
Feature 3: 64 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.227 +/- 0.070
Feature 3: 64 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: 0.229 +/- 0.070
Feature 3: 64 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: 0.229 +/- 0.070
Feature 3: 64 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: 0.229 +/- 0.070
Feature 3: 64 min samples per leaf, None max depth: 0.229 +/- 0.070
Feature 4: 1 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.260 +/- 0.084
Feature 4: 1 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: 0.318 +/- 0.097
Feature 4: 1 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: 0.321 +/- 0.098
Feature 4: 1 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: 0.319 +/- 0.097
Feature 4: 1 min samples per leaf, None max depth: 0.318 +/- 0.097
Feature 4: 4 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.261 +/- 0.084
Feature 4: 4 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: 0.309 +/- 0.095
Feature 4: 4 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: 0.310 +/- 0.095
Feature 4: 4 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: 0.310 +/- 0.095
Feature 4: 4 min samples per leaf, None max depth: 0.310 +/- 0.095
Feature 4: 16 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.252 +/- 0.082
Feature 4: 16 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: 0.271 +/- 0.084
Feature 4: 16 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: 0.271 +/- 0.084
Feature 4: 16 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: 0.271 +/- 0.084
Feature 4: 16 min samples per leaf, None max depth: 0.271 +/- 0.084
Feature 4: 64 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.220 +/- 0.068
Feature 4: 64 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: 0.218 +/- 0.067
Feature 4: 64 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: 0.218 +/- 0.067
Feature 4: 64 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: 0.218 +/- 0.067
Feature 4: 64 min samples per leaf, None max depth: 0.218 +/- 0.067
Feature 5: 1 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.183 +/- 0.060
Feature 5: 1 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: 0.195 +/- 0.061
Feature 5: 1 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: 0.195 +/- 0.060
Feature 5: 1 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: 0.191 +/- 0.060
Feature 5: 1 min samples per leaf, None max depth: 0.192 +/- 0.060
Feature 5: 4 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.195 +/- 0.063
Feature 5: 4 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: 0.205 +/- 0.064
Feature 5: 4 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: 0.201 +/- 0.063
Feature 5: 4 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: 0.201 +/- 0.062
Feature 5: 4 min samples per leaf, None max depth: 0.200 +/- 0.062
Feature 5: 16 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.201 +/- 0.065
Feature 5: 16 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: 0.210 +/- 0.066
Feature 5: 16 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: 0.210 +/- 0.066
Feature 5: 16 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: 0.210 +/- 0.066
Feature 5: 16 min samples per leaf, None max depth: 0.210 +/- 0.066
Feature 5: 64 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.168 +/- 0.054
Feature 5: 64 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: 0.168 +/- 0.053
Feature 5: 64 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: 0.168 +/- 0.053
Feature 5: 64 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: 0.168 +/- 0.053
Feature 5: 64 min samples per leaf, None max depth: 0.168 +/- 0.053
Feature 6: 1 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.263 +/- 0.087
Feature 6: 1 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: 0.281 +/- 0.088
Feature 6: 1 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: 0.279 +/- 0.087
Feature 6: 1 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: 0.279 +/- 0.087
Feature 6: 1 min samples per leaf, None max depth: 0.279 +/- 0.087
Feature 6: 4 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.261 +/- 0.086
Feature 6: 4 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: 0.271 +/- 0.086
Feature 6: 4 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: 0.275 +/- 0.086
Feature 6: 4 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: 0.275 +/- 0.086
Feature 6: 4 min samples per leaf, None max depth: 0.275 +/- 0.086
Feature 6: 16 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.242 +/- 0.074
Feature 6: 16 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: 0.252 +/- 0.077
Feature 6: 16 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: 0.253 +/- 0.077
Feature 6: 16 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: 0.253 +/- 0.077
Feature 6: 16 min samples per leaf, None max depth: 0.253 +/- 0.077
Feature 6: 64 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.217 +/- 0.066
Feature 6: 64 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: 0.219 +/- 0.066
Feature 6: 64 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: 0.219 +/- 0.066
Feature 6: 64 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: 0.219 +/- 0.066
Feature 6: 64 min samples per leaf, None max depth: 0.219 +/- 0.066
Feature 7: 1 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.155 +/- 0.052
Feature 7: 1 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: 0.164 +/- 0.051
Feature 7: 1 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: 0.149 +/- 0.047
Feature 7: 1 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: 0.149 +/- 0.047
Feature 7: 1 min samples per leaf, None max depth: 0.149 +/- 0.047
Feature 7: 4 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.159 +/- 0.054
Feature 7: 4 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: 0.170 +/- 0.054
Feature 7: 4 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: 0.155 +/- 0.048
Feature 7: 4 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: 0.153 +/- 0.048
Feature 7: 4 min samples per leaf, None max depth: 0.153 +/- 0.048
Feature 7: 16 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.154 +/- 0.052
Feature 7: 16 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: 0.163 +/- 0.052
Feature 7: 16 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: 0.158 +/- 0.051
Feature 7: 16 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: 0.158 +/- 0.051
Feature 7: 16 min samples per leaf, None max depth: 0.158 +/- 0.051
Feature 7: 64 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.131 +/- 0.042
Feature 7: 64 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: 0.132 +/- 0.042
Feature 7: 64 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: 0.132 +/- 0.042
Feature 7: 64 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: 0.132 +/- 0.042
Feature 7: 64 min samples per leaf, None max depth: 0.132 +/- 0.042
Feature 8: 1 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.112 +/- 0.038
Feature 8: 1 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: 0.134 +/- 0.043
Feature 8: 1 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: 0.142 +/- 0.045
Feature 8: 1 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: 0.142 +/- 0.044
Feature 8: 1 min samples per leaf, None max depth: 0.142 +/- 0.044
Feature 8: 4 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.113 +/- 0.038
Feature 8: 4 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: 0.135 +/- 0.045
Feature 8: 4 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: 0.142 +/- 0.046
Feature 8: 4 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: 0.143 +/- 0.046
Feature 8: 4 min samples per leaf, None max depth: 0.143 +/- 0.046
Feature 8: 16 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.126 +/- 0.042
Feature 8: 16 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: 0.141 +/- 0.046
Feature 8: 16 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: 0.143 +/- 0.046
Feature 8: 16 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: 0.143 +/- 0.046
Feature 8: 16 min samples per leaf, None max depth: 0.143 +/- 0.046
Feature 8: 64 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.115 +/- 0.038
Feature 8: 64 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: 0.119 +/- 0.039
Feature 8: 64 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: 0.119 +/- 0.039
Feature 8: 64 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: 0.119 +/- 0.039
Feature 8: 64 min samples per leaf, None max depth: 0.119 +/- 0.039
Feature 9: 1 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.221 +/- 0.068
Feature 9: 1 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: 0.253 +/- 0.078
Feature 9: 1 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: 0.252 +/- 0.078
Feature 9: 1 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: 0.253 +/- 0.078
Feature 9: 1 min samples per leaf, None max depth: 0.253 +/- 0.078
Feature 9: 4 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.218 +/- 0.068
Feature 9: 4 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: 0.247 +/- 0.076
Feature 9: 4 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: 0.248 +/- 0.076
Feature 9: 4 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: 0.248 +/- 0.076
Feature 9: 4 min samples per leaf, None max depth: 0.248 +/- 0.076
Feature 9: 16 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.220 +/- 0.068
Feature 9: 16 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: 0.234 +/- 0.072
Feature 9: 16 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: 0.233 +/- 0.072
Feature 9: 16 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: 0.233 +/- 0.072
Feature 9: 16 min samples per leaf, None max depth: 0.233 +/- 0.072
Feature 9: 64 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.184 +/- 0.057
Feature 9: 64 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: 0.186 +/- 0.058
Feature 9: 64 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: 0.186 +/- 0.058
Feature 9: 64 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: 0.186 +/- 0.058
Feature 9: 64 min samples per leaf, None max depth: 0.186 +/- 0.058
Feature 10: 1 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.168 +/- 0.064
Feature 10: 1 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: 0.216 +/- 0.070
Feature 10: 1 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: 0.222 +/- 0.070
Feature 10: 1 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: 0.221 +/- 0.070
Feature 10: 1 min samples per leaf, None max depth: 0.221 +/- 0.070
Feature 10: 4 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.179 +/- 0.063
Feature 10: 4 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: 0.218 +/- 0.068
Feature 10: 4 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: 0.217 +/- 0.067
Feature 10: 4 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: 0.217 +/- 0.068
Feature 10: 4 min samples per leaf, None max depth: 0.217 +/- 0.068
Feature 10: 16 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.161 +/- 0.051
Feature 10: 16 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: 0.188 +/- 0.058
Feature 10: 16 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: 0.189 +/- 0.058
Feature 10: 16 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: 0.189 +/- 0.058
Feature 10: 16 min samples per leaf, None max depth: 0.189 +/- 0.058
Feature 10: 64 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.149 +/- 0.047
Feature 10: 64 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: 0.153 +/- 0.048
Feature 10: 64 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: 0.153 +/- 0.048
Feature 10: 64 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: 0.153 +/- 0.048
Feature 10: 64 min samples per leaf, None max depth: 0.153 +/- 0.048
Feature 11: 1 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.181 +/- 0.056
Feature 11: 1 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: 0.197 +/- 0.060
Feature 11: 1 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: 0.201 +/- 0.061
Feature 11: 1 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: 0.199 +/- 0.061
Feature 11: 1 min samples per leaf, None max depth: 0.199 +/- 0.061
Feature 11: 4 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.181 +/- 0.055
Feature 11: 4 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: 0.190 +/- 0.058
Feature 11: 4 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: 0.189 +/- 0.058
Feature 11: 4 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: 0.189 +/- 0.058
Feature 11: 4 min samples per leaf, None max depth: 0.189 +/- 0.058
Feature 11: 16 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.185 +/- 0.058
Feature 11: 16 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: 0.205 +/- 0.063
Feature 11: 16 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: 0.206 +/- 0.063
Feature 11: 16 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: 0.206 +/- 0.063
Feature 11: 16 min samples per leaf, None max depth: 0.206 +/- 0.063
Feature 11: 64 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.190 +/- 0.059
Feature 11: 64 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: 0.191 +/- 0.059
Feature 11: 64 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: 0.191 +/- 0.059
Feature 11: 64 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: 0.191 +/- 0.059
Feature 11: 64 min samples per leaf, None max depth: 0.191 +/- 0.059
Feature 12: 1 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.118 +/- 0.041
Feature 12: 1 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: 0.113 +/- 0.038
Feature 12: 1 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: 0.100 +/- 0.034
Feature 12: 1 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: 0.099 +/- 0.033
Feature 12: 1 min samples per leaf, None max depth: 0.099 +/- 0.033
Feature 12: 4 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.120 +/- 0.043
Feature 12: 4 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: 0.112 +/- 0.038
Feature 12: 4 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: 0.099 +/- 0.033
Feature 12: 4 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: 0.097 +/- 0.033
Feature 12: 4 min samples per leaf, None max depth: 0.097 +/- 0.033
Feature 12: 16 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.076 +/- 0.027
Feature 12: 16 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: 0.078 +/- 0.026
Feature 12: 16 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: 0.075 +/- 0.025
Feature 12: 16 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: 0.075 +/- 0.025
Feature 12: 16 min samples per leaf, None max depth: 0.075 +/- 0.025
Feature 12: 64 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.068 +/- 0.027
Feature 12: 64 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: 0.069 +/- 0.026
Feature 12: 64 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: 0.069 +/- 0.026
Feature 12: 64 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: 0.069 +/- 0.026
Feature 12: 64 min samples per leaf, None max depth: 0.069 +/- 0.026
Feature 13: 1 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.167 +/- 0.055
Feature 13: 1 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: 0.201 +/- 0.064
Feature 13: 1 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: 0.196 +/- 0.061
Feature 13: 1 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: 0.195 +/- 0.061
Feature 13: 1 min samples per leaf, None max depth: 0.195 +/- 0.061
Feature 13: 4 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.169 +/- 0.055
Feature 13: 4 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: 0.193 +/- 0.061
Feature 13: 4 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: 0.191 +/- 0.060
Feature 13: 4 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: 0.191 +/- 0.059
Feature 13: 4 min samples per leaf, None max depth: 0.191 +/- 0.059
Feature 13: 16 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.180 +/- 0.057
Feature 13: 16 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: 0.200 +/- 0.063
Feature 13: 16 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: 0.199 +/- 0.062
Feature 13: 16 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: 0.199 +/- 0.062
Feature 13: 16 min samples per leaf, None max depth: 0.199 +/- 0.062
Feature 13: 64 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.163 +/- 0.051
Feature 13: 64 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: 0.168 +/- 0.052
Feature 13: 64 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: 0.168 +/- 0.052
Feature 13: 64 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: 0.168 +/- 0.052
Feature 13: 64 min samples per leaf, None max depth: 0.168 +/- 0.052
Feature 14: 1 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.181 +/- 0.059
Feature 14: 1 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: 0.220 +/- 0.068
Feature 14: 1 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: 0.230 +/- 0.071
Feature 14: 1 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: 0.227 +/- 0.070
Feature 14: 1 min samples per leaf, None max depth: 0.227 +/- 0.070
Feature 14: 4 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.180 +/- 0.058
Feature 14: 4 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: 0.218 +/- 0.067
Feature 14: 4 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: 0.225 +/- 0.069
Feature 14: 4 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: 0.224 +/- 0.069
Feature 14: 4 min samples per leaf, None max depth: 0.224 +/- 0.069
Feature 14: 16 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.199 +/- 0.063
Feature 14: 16 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: 0.220 +/- 0.068
Feature 14: 16 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: 0.222 +/- 0.068
Feature 14: 16 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: 0.222 +/- 0.068
Feature 14: 16 min samples per leaf, None max depth: 0.222 +/- 0.068
Feature 14: 64 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.177 +/- 0.055
Feature 14: 64 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: 0.182 +/- 0.056
Feature 14: 64 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: 0.182 +/- 0.056
Feature 14: 64 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: 0.182 +/- 0.056
Feature 14: 64 min samples per leaf, None max depth: 0.182 +/- 0.056
Feature 15: 1 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.145 +/- 0.045
Feature 15: 1 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: 0.153 +/- 0.050
Feature 15: 1 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: 0.150 +/- 0.048
Feature 15: 1 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: 0.146 +/- 0.047
Feature 15: 1 min samples per leaf, None max depth: 0.146 +/- 0.047
Feature 15: 4 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.146 +/- 0.045
Feature 15: 4 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: 0.147 +/- 0.046
Feature 15: 4 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: 0.137 +/- 0.043
Feature 15: 4 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: 0.137 +/- 0.043
Feature 15: 4 min samples per leaf, None max depth: 0.137 +/- 0.043
Feature 15: 16 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.145 +/- 0.045
Feature 15: 16 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: 0.149 +/- 0.047
Feature 15: 16 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: 0.149 +/- 0.047
Feature 15: 16 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: 0.149 +/- 0.047
Feature 15: 16 min samples per leaf, None max depth: 0.149 +/- 0.047
Feature 15: 64 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.144 +/- 0.045
Feature 15: 64 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: 0.148 +/- 0.046
Feature 15: 64 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: 0.148 +/- 0.046
Feature 15: 64 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: 0.148 +/- 0.046
Feature 15: 64 min samples per leaf, None max depth: 0.148 +/- 0.046
Feature 16: 1 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.204 +/- 0.069
Feature 16: 1 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: 0.243 +/- 0.077
Feature 16: 1 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: 0.242 +/- 0.076
Feature 16: 1 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: 0.236 +/- 0.075
Feature 16: 1 min samples per leaf, None max depth: 0.237 +/- 0.075
Feature 16: 4 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.206 +/- 0.069
Feature 16: 4 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: 0.231 +/- 0.073
Feature 16: 4 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: 0.231 +/- 0.072
Feature 16: 4 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: 0.232 +/- 0.073
Feature 16: 4 min samples per leaf, None max depth: 0.232 +/- 0.073
Feature 16: 16 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.215 +/- 0.071
Feature 16: 16 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: 0.230 +/- 0.073
Feature 16: 16 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: 0.231 +/- 0.073
Feature 16: 16 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: 0.231 +/- 0.073
Feature 16: 16 min samples per leaf, None max depth: 0.231 +/- 0.073
Feature 16: 64 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.170 +/- 0.055
Feature 16: 64 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: 0.173 +/- 0.055
Feature 16: 64 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: 0.173 +/- 0.055
Feature 16: 64 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: 0.173 +/- 0.055
Feature 16: 64 min samples per leaf, None max depth: 0.173 +/- 0.055
Feature 17: 1 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.156 +/- 0.053
Feature 17: 1 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: 0.149 +/- 0.051
Feature 17: 1 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: 0.145 +/- 0.049
Feature 17: 1 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: 0.144 +/- 0.049
Feature 17: 1 min samples per leaf, None max depth: 0.144 +/- 0.049
Feature 17: 4 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.158 +/- 0.054
Feature 17: 4 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: 0.153 +/- 0.052
Feature 17: 4 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: 0.148 +/- 0.050
Feature 17: 4 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: 0.148 +/- 0.050
Feature 17: 4 min samples per leaf, None max depth: 0.148 +/- 0.050
Feature 17: 16 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.162 +/- 0.055
Feature 17: 16 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: 0.156 +/- 0.051
Feature 17: 16 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: 0.155 +/- 0.050
Feature 17: 16 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: 0.155 +/- 0.050
Feature 17: 16 min samples per leaf, None max depth: 0.155 +/- 0.050
Feature 17: 64 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.129 +/- 0.043
Feature 17: 64 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: 0.130 +/- 0.043
Feature 17: 64 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: 0.130 +/- 0.043
Feature 17: 64 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: 0.130 +/- 0.043
Feature 17: 64 min samples per leaf, None max depth: 0.130 +/- 0.043
Feature 18: 1 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.136 +/- 0.056
Feature 18: 1 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: 0.151 +/- 0.056
Feature 18: 1 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: 0.136 +/- 0.049
Feature 18: 1 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: 0.131 +/- 0.047
Feature 18: 1 min samples per leaf, None max depth: 0.131 +/- 0.047
Feature 18: 4 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.138 +/- 0.054
Feature 18: 4 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: 0.151 +/- 0.055
Feature 18: 4 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: 0.127 +/- 0.045
Feature 18: 4 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: 0.123 +/- 0.044
Feature 18: 4 min samples per leaf, None max depth: 0.123 +/- 0.044
Feature 18: 16 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.105 +/- 0.041
Feature 18: 16 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: 0.112 +/- 0.040
Feature 18: 16 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: 0.104 +/- 0.037
Feature 18: 16 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: 0.104 +/- 0.037
Feature 18: 16 min samples per leaf, None max depth: 0.104 +/- 0.037
Feature 18: 64 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.083 +/- 0.029
Feature 18: 64 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: 0.082 +/- 0.029
Feature 18: 64 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: 0.082 +/- 0.029
Feature 18: 64 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: 0.082 +/- 0.029
Feature 18: 64 min samples per leaf, None max depth: 0.082 +/- 0.029
Feature 19: 1 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.225 +/- 0.069
Feature 19: 1 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: 0.261 +/- 0.080
Feature 19: 1 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: 0.252 +/- 0.077
Feature 19: 1 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: 0.254 +/- 0.078
Feature 19: 1 min samples per leaf, None max depth: 0.254 +/- 0.078
Feature 19: 4 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.232 +/- 0.071
Feature 19: 4 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: 0.264 +/- 0.080
Feature 19: 4 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: 0.261 +/- 0.079
Feature 19: 4 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: 0.261 +/- 0.079
Feature 19: 4 min samples per leaf, None max depth: 0.261 +/- 0.079
Feature 19: 16 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.230 +/- 0.070
Feature 19: 16 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: 0.253 +/- 0.077
Feature 19: 16 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: 0.253 +/- 0.077
Feature 19: 16 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: 0.253 +/- 0.077
Feature 19: 16 min samples per leaf, None max depth: 0.253 +/- 0.077
Feature 19: 64 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.214 +/- 0.066
Feature 19: 64 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: 0.219 +/- 0.067
Feature 19: 64 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: 0.219 +/- 0.067
Feature 19: 64 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: 0.219 +/- 0.067
Feature 19: 64 min samples per leaf, None max depth: 0.219 +/- 0.067
Feature 20: 1 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.243 +/- 0.075
Feature 20: 1 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: 0.281 +/- 0.086
Feature 20: 1 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: 0.284 +/- 0.087
Feature 20: 1 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: 0.284 +/- 0.087
Feature 20: 1 min samples per leaf, None max depth: 0.284 +/- 0.087
Feature 20: 4 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.243 +/- 0.075
Feature 20: 4 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: 0.280 +/- 0.085
Feature 20: 4 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: 0.278 +/- 0.085
Feature 20: 4 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: 0.278 +/- 0.085
Feature 20: 4 min samples per leaf, None max depth: 0.278 +/- 0.085
Feature 20: 16 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.248 +/- 0.076
Feature 20: 16 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: 0.279 +/- 0.085
Feature 20: 16 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: 0.278 +/- 0.084
Feature 20: 16 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: 0.278 +/- 0.084
Feature 20: 16 min samples per leaf, None max depth: 0.278 +/- 0.084
Feature 20: 64 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.254 +/- 0.077
Feature 20: 64 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: 0.255 +/- 0.077
Feature 20: 64 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: 0.255 +/- 0.077
Feature 20: 64 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: 0.255 +/- 0.077
Feature 20: 64 min samples per leaf, None max depth: 0.255 +/- 0.077
Feature 21: 1 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.001 +/- 0.008
Feature 21: 1 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: -0.029 +/- 0.019
Feature 21: 1 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: -0.041 +/- 0.022
Feature 21: 1 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: -0.039 +/- 0.023
Feature 21: 1 min samples per leaf, None max depth: -0.039 +/- 0.023
Feature 21: 4 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: -0.002 +/- 0.009
Feature 21: 4 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: -0.035 +/- 0.019
Feature 21: 4 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: -0.054 +/- 0.025
Feature 21: 4 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: -0.053 +/- 0.025
Feature 21: 4 min samples per leaf, None max depth: -0.053 +/- 0.025
Feature 21: 16 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.001 +/- 0.011
Feature 21: 16 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: -0.040 +/- 0.021
Feature 21: 16 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: -0.046 +/- 0.023
Feature 21: 16 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: -0.046 +/- 0.023
Feature 21: 16 min samples per leaf, None max depth: -0.046 +/- 0.023
Feature 21: 64 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.004 +/- 0.013
Feature 21: 64 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: -0.004 +/- 0.015
Feature 21: 64 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: -0.004 +/- 0.015
Feature 21: 64 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: -0.004 +/- 0.015
Feature 21: 64 min samples per leaf, None max depth: -0.004 +/- 0.015
Feature 22: 1 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.056 +/- 0.023
Feature 22: 1 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: 0.090 +/- 0.030
Feature 22: 1 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: 0.106 +/- 0.034
Feature 22: 1 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: 0.108 +/- 0.034
Feature 22: 1 min samples per leaf, None max depth: 0.108 +/- 0.034
Feature 22: 4 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.058 +/- 0.023
Feature 22: 4 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: 0.086 +/- 0.028
Feature 22: 4 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: 0.102 +/- 0.033
Feature 22: 4 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: 0.102 +/- 0.033
Feature 22: 4 min samples per leaf, None max depth: 0.102 +/- 0.033
Feature 22: 16 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.064 +/- 0.026
Feature 22: 16 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: 0.088 +/- 0.029
Feature 22: 16 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: 0.094 +/- 0.030
Feature 22: 16 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: 0.094 +/- 0.030
Feature 22: 16 min samples per leaf, None max depth: 0.094 +/- 0.030
Feature 22: 64 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.063 +/- 0.022
Feature 22: 64 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: 0.069 +/- 0.024
Feature 22: 64 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: 0.069 +/- 0.024
Feature 22: 64 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: 0.069 +/- 0.024
Feature 22: 64 min samples per leaf, None max depth: 0.069 +/- 0.024
Feature 23: 1 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.154 +/- 0.050
Feature 23: 1 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: 0.178 +/- 0.055
Feature 23: 1 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: 0.156 +/- 0.049
Feature 23: 1 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: 0.155 +/- 0.049
Feature 23: 1 min samples per leaf, None max depth: 0.155 +/- 0.049
Feature 23: 4 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.152 +/- 0.049
Feature 23: 4 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: 0.177 +/- 0.055
Feature 23: 4 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: 0.158 +/- 0.050
Feature 23: 4 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: 0.156 +/- 0.049
Feature 23: 4 min samples per leaf, None max depth: 0.156 +/- 0.049
Feature 23: 16 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.128 +/- 0.043
Feature 23: 16 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: 0.146 +/- 0.046
Feature 23: 16 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: 0.140 +/- 0.044
Feature 23: 16 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: 0.140 +/- 0.044
Feature 23: 16 min samples per leaf, None max depth: 0.140 +/- 0.044
Feature 23: 64 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.128 +/- 0.043
Feature 23: 64 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: 0.128 +/- 0.042
Feature 23: 64 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: 0.128 +/- 0.042
Feature 23: 64 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: 0.128 +/- 0.042
Feature 23: 64 min samples per leaf, None max depth: 0.128 +/- 0.042
Feature 24: 1 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.199 +/- 0.061
Feature 24: 1 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: 0.233 +/- 0.071
Feature 24: 1 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: 0.229 +/- 0.070
Feature 24: 1 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: 0.230 +/- 0.070
Feature 24: 1 min samples per leaf, None max depth: 0.230 +/- 0.070
Feature 24: 4 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.198 +/- 0.061
Feature 24: 4 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: 0.233 +/- 0.071
Feature 24: 4 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: 0.231 +/- 0.070
Feature 24: 4 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: 0.231 +/- 0.070
Feature 24: 4 min samples per leaf, None max depth: 0.231 +/- 0.070
Feature 24: 16 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.200 +/- 0.061
Feature 24: 16 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: 0.230 +/- 0.070
Feature 24: 16 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: 0.231 +/- 0.070
Feature 24: 16 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: 0.231 +/- 0.070
Feature 24: 16 min samples per leaf, None max depth: 0.231 +/- 0.070
Feature 24: 64 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.194 +/- 0.059
Feature 24: 64 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: 0.200 +/- 0.061
Feature 24: 64 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: 0.200 +/- 0.061
Feature 24: 64 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: 0.200 +/- 0.061
Feature 24: 64 min samples per leaf, None max depth: 0.200 +/- 0.061
Feature 25: 1 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.223 +/- 0.069
Feature 25: 1 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: 0.250 +/- 0.076
Feature 25: 1 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: 0.236 +/- 0.072
Feature 25: 1 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: 0.238 +/- 0.073
Feature 25: 1 min samples per leaf, None max depth: 0.238 +/- 0.073
Feature 25: 4 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.223 +/- 0.069
Feature 25: 4 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: 0.248 +/- 0.076
Feature 25: 4 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: 0.240 +/- 0.073
Feature 25: 4 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: 0.240 +/- 0.073
Feature 25: 4 min samples per leaf, None max depth: 0.240 +/- 0.073
Feature 25: 16 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.223 +/- 0.069
Feature 25: 16 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: 0.242 +/- 0.074
Feature 25: 16 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: 0.240 +/- 0.073
Feature 25: 16 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: 0.240 +/- 0.073
Feature 25: 16 min samples per leaf, None max depth: 0.240 +/- 0.073
Feature 25: 64 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.207 +/- 0.064
Feature 25: 64 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: 0.210 +/- 0.064
Feature 25: 64 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: 0.210 +/- 0.064
Feature 25: 64 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: 0.210 +/- 0.064
Feature 25: 64 min samples per leaf, None max depth: 0.210 +/- 0.064
Feature 26: 1 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.186 +/- 0.059
Feature 26: 1 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: 0.186 +/- 0.057
Feature 26: 1 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: 0.176 +/- 0.054
Feature 26: 1 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: 0.173 +/- 0.054
Feature 26: 1 min samples per leaf, None max depth: 0.174 +/- 0.054
Feature 26: 4 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.186 +/- 0.059
Feature 26: 4 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: 0.185 +/- 0.057
Feature 26: 4 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: 0.176 +/- 0.054
Feature 26: 4 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: 0.175 +/- 0.054
Feature 26: 4 min samples per leaf, None max depth: 0.175 +/- 0.054
Feature 26: 16 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.188 +/- 0.059
Feature 26: 16 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: 0.192 +/- 0.059
Feature 26: 16 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: 0.191 +/- 0.059
Feature 26: 16 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: 0.191 +/- 0.059
Feature 26: 16 min samples per leaf, None max depth: 0.191 +/- 0.059
Feature 26: 64 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.164 +/- 0.052
Feature 26: 64 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: 0.163 +/- 0.051
Feature 26: 64 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: 0.163 +/- 0.051
Feature 26: 64 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: 0.163 +/- 0.051
Feature 26: 64 min samples per leaf, None max depth: 0.163 +/- 0.051
Feature 27: 1 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.219 +/- 0.068
Feature 27: 1 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: 0.229 +/- 0.070
Feature 27: 1 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: 0.218 +/- 0.066
Feature 27: 1 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: 0.220 +/- 0.067
Feature 27: 1 min samples per leaf, None max depth: 0.220 +/- 0.067
Feature 27: 4 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.220 +/- 0.068
Feature 27: 4 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: 0.229 +/- 0.070
Feature 27: 4 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: 0.221 +/- 0.067
Feature 27: 4 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: 0.221 +/- 0.067
Feature 27: 4 min samples per leaf, None max depth: 0.221 +/- 0.067
Feature 27: 16 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.214 +/- 0.065
Feature 27: 16 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: 0.224 +/- 0.068
Feature 27: 16 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: 0.224 +/- 0.068
Feature 27: 16 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: 0.224 +/- 0.068
Feature 27: 16 min samples per leaf, None max depth: 0.224 +/- 0.068
Feature 27: 64 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.199 +/- 0.061
Feature 27: 64 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: 0.202 +/- 0.062
Feature 27: 64 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: 0.202 +/- 0.062
Feature 27: 64 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: 0.202 +/- 0.062
Feature 27: 64 min samples per leaf, None max depth: 0.202 +/- 0.062
Feature 28: 1 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.125 +/- 0.041
Feature 28: 1 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: 0.112 +/- 0.036
Feature 28: 1 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: 0.101 +/- 0.032
Feature 28: 1 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: 0.101 +/- 0.032
Feature 28: 1 min samples per leaf, None max depth: 0.101 +/- 0.032
Feature 28: 4 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.125 +/- 0.041
Feature 28: 4 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: 0.112 +/- 0.035
Feature 28: 4 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: 0.100 +/- 0.031
Feature 28: 4 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: 0.100 +/- 0.031
Feature 28: 4 min samples per leaf, None max depth: 0.100 +/- 0.031
Feature 28: 16 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.123 +/- 0.040
Feature 28: 16 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: 0.120 +/- 0.038
Feature 28: 16 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: 0.114 +/- 0.037
Feature 28: 16 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: 0.114 +/- 0.037
Feature 28: 16 min samples per leaf, None max depth: 0.114 +/- 0.037
Feature 28: 64 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.103 +/- 0.033
Feature 28: 64 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: 0.103 +/- 0.032
Feature 28: 64 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: 0.103 +/- 0.032
Feature 28: 64 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: 0.103 +/- 0.032
Feature 28: 64 min samples per leaf, None max depth: 0.103 +/- 0.032
Feature 29: 1 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.105 +/- 0.034
Feature 29: 1 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: 0.119 +/- 0.037
Feature 29: 1 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: 0.127 +/- 0.039
Feature 29: 1 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: 0.129 +/- 0.040
Feature 29: 1 min samples per leaf, None max depth: 0.129 +/- 0.040
Feature 29: 4 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.106 +/- 0.034
Feature 29: 4 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: 0.119 +/- 0.037
Feature 29: 4 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: 0.124 +/- 0.038
Feature 29: 4 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: 0.125 +/- 0.039
Feature 29: 4 min samples per leaf, None max depth: 0.125 +/- 0.039
Feature 29: 16 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.108 +/- 0.035
Feature 29: 16 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: 0.117 +/- 0.037
Feature 29: 16 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: 0.120 +/- 0.038
Feature 29: 16 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: 0.120 +/- 0.038
Feature 29: 16 min samples per leaf, None max depth: 0.120 +/- 0.038
Feature 29: 64 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.117 +/- 0.038
Feature 29: 64 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: 0.122 +/- 0.039
Feature 29: 64 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: 0.122 +/- 0.039
Feature 29: 64 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: 0.122 +/- 0.039
Feature 29: 64 min samples per leaf, None max depth: 0.122 +/- 0.039
Feature 30: 1 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.180 +/- 0.057
Feature 30: 1 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: 0.211 +/- 0.066
Feature 30: 1 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: 0.210 +/- 0.065
Feature 30: 1 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: 0.210 +/- 0.065
Feature 30: 1 min samples per leaf, None max depth: 0.210 +/- 0.065
Feature 30: 4 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.180 +/- 0.057
Feature 30: 4 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: 0.209 +/- 0.065
Feature 30: 4 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: 0.206 +/- 0.064
Feature 30: 4 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: 0.206 +/- 0.064
Feature 30: 4 min samples per leaf, None max depth: 0.206 +/- 0.064
Feature 30: 16 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.182 +/- 0.058
Feature 30: 16 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: 0.202 +/- 0.064
Feature 30: 16 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: 0.203 +/- 0.064
Feature 30: 16 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: 0.203 +/- 0.064
Feature 30: 16 min samples per leaf, None max depth: 0.203 +/- 0.064
Feature 30: 64 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.161 +/- 0.052
Feature 30: 64 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: 0.165 +/- 0.053
Feature 30: 64 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: 0.165 +/- 0.053
Feature 30: 64 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: 0.165 +/- 0.053
Feature 30: 64 min samples per leaf, None max depth: 0.165 +/- 0.053
Feature 31: 1 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.155 +/- 0.049
Feature 31: 1 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: 0.173 +/- 0.054
Feature 31: 1 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: 0.161 +/- 0.050
Feature 31: 1 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: 0.160 +/- 0.050
Feature 31: 1 min samples per leaf, None max depth: 0.160 +/- 0.050
Feature 31: 4 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.156 +/- 0.049
Feature 31: 4 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: 0.168 +/- 0.052
Feature 31: 4 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: 0.153 +/- 0.048
Feature 31: 4 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: 0.152 +/- 0.048
Feature 31: 4 min samples per leaf, None max depth: 0.152 +/- 0.048
Feature 31: 16 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.148 +/- 0.047
Feature 31: 16 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: 0.159 +/- 0.049
Feature 31: 16 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: 0.157 +/- 0.049
Feature 31: 16 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: 0.157 +/- 0.049
Feature 31: 16 min samples per leaf, None max depth: 0.157 +/- 0.049
Feature 31: 64 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.137 +/- 0.044
Feature 31: 64 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: 0.139 +/- 0.045
Feature 31: 64 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: 0.139 +/- 0.045
Feature 31: 64 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: 0.139 +/- 0.045
Feature 31: 64 min samples per leaf, None max depth: 0.139 +/- 0.045
Feature 32: 1 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.172 +/- 0.053
Feature 32: 1 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: 0.165 +/- 0.051
Feature 32: 1 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: 0.163 +/- 0.051
Feature 32: 1 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: 0.164 +/- 0.051
Feature 32: 1 min samples per leaf, None max depth: 0.164 +/- 0.051
Feature 32: 4 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.172 +/- 0.053
Feature 32: 4 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: 0.166 +/- 0.052
Feature 32: 4 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: 0.163 +/- 0.051
Feature 32: 4 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: 0.163 +/- 0.051
Feature 32: 4 min samples per leaf, None max depth: 0.163 +/- 0.051
Feature 32: 16 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.174 +/- 0.054
Feature 32: 16 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: 0.169 +/- 0.053
Feature 32: 16 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: 0.169 +/- 0.053
Feature 32: 16 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: 0.169 +/- 0.053
Feature 32: 16 min samples per leaf, None max depth: 0.169 +/- 0.053
Feature 32: 64 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.173 +/- 0.053
Feature 32: 64 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: 0.174 +/- 0.054
Feature 32: 64 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: 0.174 +/- 0.054
Feature 32: 64 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: 0.174 +/- 0.054
Feature 32: 64 min samples per leaf, None max depth: 0.174 +/- 0.054
Feature 33: 1 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.052 +/- 0.022
Feature 33: 1 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: 0.047 +/- 0.016
Feature 33: 1 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: 0.047 +/- 0.017
Feature 33: 1 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: 0.053 +/- 0.018
Feature 33: 1 min samples per leaf, None max depth: 0.053 +/- 0.018
Feature 33: 4 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.052 +/- 0.022
Feature 33: 4 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: 0.045 +/- 0.016
Feature 33: 4 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: 0.046 +/- 0.018
Feature 33: 4 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: 0.047 +/- 0.018
Feature 33: 4 min samples per leaf, None max depth: 0.047 +/- 0.018
Feature 33: 16 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.043 +/- 0.021
Feature 33: 16 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: 0.042 +/- 0.017
Feature 33: 16 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: 0.043 +/- 0.017
Feature 33: 16 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: 0.043 +/- 0.017
Feature 33: 16 min samples per leaf, None max depth: 0.043 +/- 0.017
Feature 33: 64 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.046 +/- 0.021
Feature 33: 64 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: 0.046 +/- 0.020
Feature 33: 64 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: 0.046 +/- 0.020
Feature 33: 64 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: 0.046 +/- 0.020
Feature 33: 64 min samples per leaf, None max depth: 0.046 +/- 0.020
Feature 34: 1 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.148 +/- 0.046
Feature 34: 1 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: 0.183 +/- 0.056
Feature 34: 1 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: 0.182 +/- 0.055
Feature 34: 1 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: 0.181 +/- 0.055
Feature 34: 1 min samples per leaf, None max depth: 0.181 +/- 0.055
Feature 34: 4 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.149 +/- 0.046
Feature 34: 4 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: 0.182 +/- 0.056
Feature 34: 4 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: 0.178 +/- 0.054
Feature 34: 4 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: 0.178 +/- 0.054
Feature 34: 4 min samples per leaf, None max depth: 0.178 +/- 0.054
Feature 34: 16 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.147 +/- 0.046
Feature 34: 16 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: 0.169 +/- 0.052
Feature 34: 16 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: 0.171 +/- 0.053
Feature 34: 16 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: 0.171 +/- 0.053
Feature 34: 16 min samples per leaf, None max depth: 0.171 +/- 0.053
Feature 34: 64 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.143 +/- 0.044
Feature 34: 64 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: 0.148 +/- 0.046
Feature 34: 64 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: 0.148 +/- 0.046
Feature 34: 64 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: 0.148 +/- 0.046
Feature 34: 64 min samples per leaf, None max depth: 0.148 +/- 0.046
Feature 35: 1 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.162 +/- 0.050
Feature 35: 1 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: 0.196 +/- 0.060
Feature 35: 1 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: 0.195 +/- 0.060
Feature 35: 1 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: 0.197 +/- 0.061
Feature 35: 1 min samples per leaf, None max depth: 0.197 +/- 0.061
Feature 35: 4 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.161 +/- 0.050
Feature 35: 4 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: 0.196 +/- 0.060
Feature 35: 4 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: 0.193 +/- 0.059
Feature 35: 4 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: 0.192 +/- 0.059
Feature 35: 4 min samples per leaf, None max depth: 0.192 +/- 0.059
Feature 35: 16 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.163 +/- 0.050
Feature 35: 16 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: 0.187 +/- 0.057
Feature 35: 16 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: 0.187 +/- 0.057
Feature 35: 16 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: 0.187 +/- 0.057
Feature 35: 16 min samples per leaf, None max depth: 0.187 +/- 0.057
Feature 35: 64 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.157 +/- 0.048
Feature 35: 64 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: 0.160 +/- 0.049
Feature 35: 64 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: 0.160 +/- 0.049
Feature 35: 64 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: 0.160 +/- 0.049
Feature 35: 64 min samples per leaf, None max depth: 0.160 +/- 0.049
Feature 36: 1 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.135 +/- 0.044
Feature 36: 1 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: 0.119 +/- 0.040
Feature 36: 1 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: 0.115 +/- 0.039
Feature 36: 1 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: 0.115 +/- 0.038
Feature 36: 1 min samples per leaf, None max depth: 0.115 +/- 0.038
Feature 36: 4 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.134 +/- 0.044
Feature 36: 4 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: 0.115 +/- 0.039
Feature 36: 4 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: 0.107 +/- 0.037
Feature 36: 4 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: 0.107 +/- 0.037
Feature 36: 4 min samples per leaf, None max depth: 0.107 +/- 0.037
Feature 36: 16 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.134 +/- 0.043
Feature 36: 16 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: 0.131 +/- 0.043
Feature 36: 16 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: 0.129 +/- 0.042
Feature 36: 16 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: 0.129 +/- 0.042
Feature 36: 16 min samples per leaf, None max depth: 0.129 +/- 0.042
Feature 36: 64 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.133 +/- 0.042
Feature 36: 64 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: 0.132 +/- 0.042
Feature 36: 64 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: 0.132 +/- 0.042
Feature 36: 64 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: 0.132 +/- 0.042
Feature 36: 64 min samples per leaf, None max depth: 0.132 +/- 0.042
Feature 37: 1 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.162 +/- 0.053
Feature 37: 1 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: 0.180 +/- 0.057
Feature 37: 1 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: 0.169 +/- 0.053
Feature 37: 1 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: 0.171 +/- 0.054
Feature 37: 1 min samples per leaf, None max depth: 0.171 +/- 0.054
Feature 37: 4 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.162 +/- 0.053
Feature 37: 4 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: 0.179 +/- 0.057
Feature 37: 4 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: 0.169 +/- 0.053
Feature 37: 4 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: 0.168 +/- 0.053
Feature 37: 4 min samples per leaf, None max depth: 0.168 +/- 0.053
Feature 37: 16 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.161 +/- 0.053
Feature 37: 16 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: 0.176 +/- 0.056
Feature 37: 16 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: 0.172 +/- 0.055
Feature 37: 16 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: 0.172 +/- 0.055
Feature 37: 16 min samples per leaf, None max depth: 0.172 +/- 0.055
Feature 37: 64 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.134 +/- 0.043
Feature 37: 64 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: 0.136 +/- 0.044
Feature 37: 64 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: 0.136 +/- 0.044
Feature 37: 64 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: 0.136 +/- 0.044
Feature 37: 64 min samples per leaf, None max depth: 0.136 +/- 0.044
Feature 38: 1 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.129 +/- 0.042
Feature 38: 1 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: 0.126 +/- 0.042
Feature 38: 1 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: 0.115 +/- 0.038
Feature 38: 1 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: 0.115 +/- 0.038
Feature 38: 1 min samples per leaf, None max depth: 0.115 +/- 0.038
Feature 38: 4 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.130 +/- 0.042
Feature 38: 4 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: 0.130 +/- 0.042
Feature 38: 4 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: 0.122 +/- 0.040
Feature 38: 4 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: 0.122 +/- 0.040
Feature 38: 4 min samples per leaf, None max depth: 0.122 +/- 0.040
Feature 38: 16 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.125 +/- 0.040
Feature 38: 16 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: 0.132 +/- 0.043
Feature 38: 16 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: 0.128 +/- 0.041
Feature 38: 16 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: 0.128 +/- 0.041
Feature 38: 16 min samples per leaf, None max depth: 0.128 +/- 0.041
Feature 38: 64 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.121 +/- 0.039
Feature 38: 64 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: 0.124 +/- 0.041
Feature 38: 64 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: 0.124 +/- 0.041
Feature 38: 64 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: 0.124 +/- 0.041
Feature 38: 64 min samples per leaf, None max depth: 0.124 +/- 0.041
Feature 39: 1 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.092 +/- 0.032
Feature 39: 1 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: 0.088 +/- 0.031
Feature 39: 1 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: 0.072 +/- 0.025
Feature 39: 1 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: 0.069 +/- 0.024
Feature 39: 1 min samples per leaf, None max depth: 0.069 +/- 0.024
Feature 39: 4 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.090 +/- 0.031
Feature 39: 4 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: 0.082 +/- 0.029
Feature 39: 4 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: 0.063 +/- 0.023
Feature 39: 4 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: 0.063 +/- 0.023
Feature 39: 4 min samples per leaf, None max depth: 0.063 +/- 0.023
Feature 39: 16 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.091 +/- 0.031
Feature 39: 16 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: 0.079 +/- 0.028
Feature 39: 16 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: 0.072 +/- 0.026
Feature 39: 16 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: 0.072 +/- 0.026
Feature 39: 16 min samples per leaf, None max depth: 0.072 +/- 0.026
Feature 39: 64 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.074 +/- 0.025
Feature 39: 64 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: 0.074 +/- 0.025
Feature 39: 64 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: 0.074 +/- 0.025
Feature 39: 64 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: 0.074 +/- 0.025
Feature 39: 64 min samples per leaf, None max depth: 0.074 +/- 0.025
Feature 40: 1 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.197 +/- 0.061
Feature 40: 1 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: 0.188 +/- 0.058
Feature 40: 1 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: 0.176 +/- 0.055
Feature 40: 1 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: 0.174 +/- 0.054
Feature 40: 1 min samples per leaf, None max depth: 0.174 +/- 0.054
Feature 40: 4 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.198 +/- 0.061
Feature 40: 4 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: 0.194 +/- 0.060
Feature 40: 4 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: 0.186 +/- 0.057
Feature 40: 4 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: 0.186 +/- 0.057
Feature 40: 4 min samples per leaf, None max depth: 0.186 +/- 0.057
Feature 40: 16 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.197 +/- 0.061
Feature 40: 16 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: 0.202 +/- 0.062
Feature 40: 16 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: 0.202 +/- 0.062
Feature 40: 16 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: 0.202 +/- 0.062
Feature 40: 16 min samples per leaf, None max depth: 0.202 +/- 0.062
Feature 40: 64 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.189 +/- 0.059
Feature 40: 64 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: 0.193 +/- 0.060
Feature 40: 64 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: 0.193 +/- 0.060
Feature 40: 64 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: 0.193 +/- 0.060
Feature 40: 64 min samples per leaf, None max depth: 0.193 +/- 0.060
Feature 41: 1 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.214 +/- 0.065
Feature 41: 1 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: 0.209 +/- 0.064
Feature 41: 1 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: 0.211 +/- 0.065
Feature 41: 1 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: 0.211 +/- 0.065
Feature 41: 1 min samples per leaf, None max depth: 0.211 +/- 0.065
Feature 41: 4 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.214 +/- 0.065
Feature 41: 4 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: 0.212 +/- 0.065
Feature 41: 4 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: 0.206 +/- 0.063
Feature 41: 4 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: 0.206 +/- 0.063
Feature 41: 4 min samples per leaf, None max depth: 0.206 +/- 0.063
Feature 41: 16 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.213 +/- 0.065
Feature 41: 16 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: 0.215 +/- 0.065
Feature 41: 16 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: 0.215 +/- 0.065
Feature 41: 16 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: 0.215 +/- 0.065
Feature 41: 16 min samples per leaf, None max depth: 0.215 +/- 0.065
Feature 41: 64 min samples per leaf, 2 max depth: 0.205 +/- 0.062
Feature 41: 64 min samples per leaf, 6 max depth: 0.207 +/- 0.063
Feature 41: 64 min samples per leaf, 15 max depth: 0.207 +/- 0.063
Feature 41: 64 min samples per leaf, 32 max depth: 0.207 +/- 0.063
Feature 41: 64 min samples per leaf, None max depth: 0.207 +/- 0.063

In [45]:
import pickle
with open('data.pickle','wb') as f:

In [59]:

array([  0.00000000e+00,   0.00000000e+00,  -1.69723722e-04,
         0.00000000e+00,   1.69704999e-03,  -1.61904458e-03,
         0.00000000e+00,   1.37203856e-04,   1.99234317e-04,
         0.00000000e+00,   3.85266740e-05,  -1.39141356e-04,
        -3.18332595e-04,   0.00000000e+00,   0.00000000e+00,
         0.00000000e+00,  -2.32184524e-03,  -2.05099956e-05,
         2.70573941e-04,   0.00000000e+00,   0.00000000e+00,
        -1.02199441e-04,  -3.67148617e-04,  -2.51297232e-05,
         0.00000000e+00,   0.00000000e+00,  -2.10769807e-03,
         0.00000000e+00,  -1.48029305e-04,   2.95277257e-04,
         3.69270851e-05,   0.00000000e+00,   0.00000000e+00,
        -9.05272440e-05,   0.00000000e+00,   0.00000000e+00,
         0.00000000e+00,   9.19217603e-05,  -1.43068347e-04,
        -2.40110541e-04,   0.00000000e+00,   0.00000000e+00])

In [78]:
results2 = results - np.tile(results[:,0:1,4:5,:],(1,4,5,1)) # Subtract the no max depth, no min sample condition.  
results2 = results2[:,:,:,:n_splits] # Only 12 splits used.  
results2 = results2.mean(axis=3) / (results2.std(axis=3)/np.sqrt(n_splits)) 
results2[np.where(np.isnan(results2))] = 0

fig,axes = plt.subplots(14,3,sharex=True,sharey=True,figsize=(10,20))
for col,ax in enumerate(axes.flat):
    im = ax.pcolormesh(results2[col,:,:],vmin=-5,vmax=5,cmap='RdBu')
    ax.set_title('Feature %d' % col)
cbar_ax = fig.add_axes([1.05, 0.15, 0.05, 0.7])
cbar_ax.set_xlabel('Z-Score for correlation vs default condition')
plt.colorbar(im, cax=cbar_ax)
fig.text(0.5, -0.02, 'max_depth', ha='center')
fig.text(-0.02, 0.5, 'min_samples_leaf', va='center', rotation='vertical')

In [46]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fig,axes = plt.subplots(14,3,sharex=True,sharey=True,figsize=(10,20))
for col,ax in enumerate(axes.flat):
    im = ax.pcolormesh(results[col,:,:,:].mean(axis=2)-results[col,:,:,:].mean(axis=2).max(),vmin=-0.3,vmax=0.0,cmap='gray')
    ax.set_title('Feature %d' % col)
cbar_ax = fig.add_axes([1.05, 0.15, 0.05, 0.7])
cbar_ax.set_xlabel('Correlation - \nBest Correlation')
plt.colorbar(im, cax=cbar_ax)
fig.text(0.5, -0.02, 'max_depth', ha='center')
fig.text(-0.02, 0.5, 'min_samples_leaf', va='center', rotation='vertical')

/anaconda/lib/python3.4/site-packages/matplotlib/ UserWarning: This figure includes Axes that are not compatible with tight_layout, so its results might be incorrect.
  warnings.warn("This figure includes Axes that are not "

In [44]:
# Now we focus just on max_depth?  
n_splits = 10
n_depth = [2,5,8,12,16,25,None]
results = np.zeros((42,len(n_depth),n_splits))
shuffle_split = ShuffleSplit(n_obs,n_splits,test_size=0.2,random_state=0)
for col in range(42):
    for j,max_depth in enumerate(n_depth):
        rfc = RandomForestRegressor(n_estimators=10,max_features=None,
        X = X_all['dragon+all']
        Y = Y_all_mask['mean_std'][:,col]
        for k,(train,test) in enumerate(shuffle_split):
            observed = Y[test]
            predicted = rfc.predict(X[test,:])
            results[col,j,k] = np.corrcoef(predicted,observed)[1,0]
    means = results[col,:,:].mean(axis=1)
    sems = results[col,:,:].std(axis=1)/np.sqrt(n_splits)
    print(('Desc. %d:'+len(n_depth)*' [%.3f],') % \
          tuple([col]+[means[i] for i in range(len(n_depth))]))

Desc. 0: [0.509], [0.566], [0.577], [0.581], [0.579], [0.576], [0.576],
Desc. 1: [0.502], [0.600], [0.619], [0.623], [0.622], [0.618], [0.617],
Desc. 2: [0.547], [0.588], [0.593], [0.591], [0.584], [0.576], [0.573],
Desc. 3: [0.524], [0.624], [0.642], [0.640], [0.649], [0.641], [0.641],
Desc. 4: [0.548], [0.651], [0.664], [0.675], [0.663], [0.667], [0.672],
Desc. 5: [0.393], [0.415], [0.399], [0.407], [0.409], [0.399], [0.402],
Desc. 6: [0.589], [0.630], [0.606], [0.604], [0.604], [0.605], [0.604],
Desc. 7: [0.312], [0.330], [0.304], [0.283], [0.280], [0.290], [0.285],
Desc. 8: [0.216], [0.267], [0.282], [0.291], [0.287], [0.281], [0.286],
Desc. 9: [0.452], [0.541], [0.542], [0.537], [0.535], [0.534], [0.531],
Desc. 10: [0.335], [0.437], [0.449], [0.444], [0.451], [0.451], [0.447],
Desc. 11: [0.380], [0.394], [0.380], [0.389], [0.384], [0.383], [0.382],
Desc. 12: [0.257], [0.232], [0.209], [0.207], [0.204], [0.207], [0.208],
Desc. 13: [0.347], [0.414], [0.416], [0.402], [0.400], [0.404], [0.402],
Desc. 14: [0.379], [0.462], [0.472], [0.478], [0.476], [0.478], [0.478],
Desc. 15: [0.261], [0.295], [0.298], [0.292], [0.291], [0.292], [0.292],
Desc. 16: [0.399], [0.479], [0.493], [0.482], [0.490], [0.483], [0.489],
Desc. 17: [0.299], [0.274], [0.276], [0.271], [0.275], [0.273], [0.274],
Desc. 18: [0.251], [0.279], [0.267], [0.264], [0.252], [0.245], [0.243],
Desc. 19: [0.441], [0.500], [0.517], [0.509], [0.507], [0.504], [0.504],
Desc. 20: [0.514], [0.571], [0.573], [0.572], [0.564], [0.569], [0.570],
Desc. 21: [0.019], [-0.041], [-0.054], [-0.066], [-0.065], [-0.067], [-0.066],
Desc. 22: [0.109], [0.192], [0.198], [0.218], [0.219], [0.221], [0.222],
Desc. 23: [0.308], [0.349], [0.347], [0.316], [0.296], [0.305], [0.305],
Desc. 24: [0.398], [0.459], [0.464], [0.457], [0.453], [0.451], [0.451],
Desc. 25: [0.465], [0.514], [0.501], [0.491], [0.491], [0.486], [0.486],
Desc. 26: [0.386], [0.406], [0.381], [0.370], [0.366], [0.364], [0.366],
Desc. 27: [0.462], [0.462], [0.441], [0.434], [0.440], [0.431], [0.431],
Desc. 28: [0.239], [0.203], [0.201], [0.190], [0.189], [0.190], [0.190],
Desc. 29: [0.184], [0.214], [0.242], [0.239], [0.240], [0.241], [0.241],
Desc. 30: [0.357], [0.426], [0.434], [0.434], [0.435], [0.434], [0.433],
Desc. 31: [0.290], [0.342], [0.348], [0.329], [0.329], [0.332], [0.331],
Desc. 32: [0.365], [0.334], [0.343], [0.341], [0.336], [0.337], [0.337],
Desc. 33: [0.120], [0.098], [0.087], [0.100], [0.103], [0.103], [0.103],
Desc. 34: [0.294], [0.369], [0.373], [0.368], [0.375], [0.369], [0.369],
Desc. 35: [0.324], [0.404], [0.412], [0.402], [0.409], [0.414], [0.414],
Desc. 36: [0.253], [0.247], [0.220], [0.219], [0.224], [0.223], [0.223],
Desc. 37: [0.327], [0.368], [0.366], [0.343], [0.340], [0.334], [0.334],
Desc. 38: [0.229], [0.243], [0.236], [0.223], [0.221], [0.211], [0.213],
Desc. 39: [0.166], [0.171], [0.158], [0.133], [0.129], [0.126], [0.124],
Desc. 40: [0.397], [0.379], [0.345], [0.333], [0.337], [0.332], [0.333],
Desc. 41: [0.453], [0.426], [0.422], [0.419], [0.423], [0.423], [0.423],

In [45]:
# Visualizing the dependence on n_depth
plt.pcolormesh(results.mean(axis=2) - np.tile(results.mean(axis=2).max(axis=1),(7,1)).T, vmin=-0.2, vmax=0.0)
plt.ylabel('Feature #')
ax = plt.colorbar()
ax.set_label('Correlation - \nBest Correlation')
n_depth_ = [_ if _ is not None else 100 for _ in n_depth]
plt.xlabel('Max Features')
_ = plt.xlim(2,100)

In [30]:
def f_transformation(x, k0=1.0, k1=1.0):
    return 100*(k0*(x/100)**(k1*0.5) - k0*(x/100)**(k1*2))
def sse(x, mean, stdev):
    predicted_stdev = f_transformation(mean, k0=x[0], k1=x[1])
    #predicted_mean = f_transformation2(predicted[i], k0=x[0], k1=x[1], k2=x[2])
    sse = np.sum((predicted_stdev - stdev)**2)
    return sse
fig,axes = plt.subplots(7,3,figsize=(7,12))
ax = axes.flat
f_coefs = {col:None for col in range(21)}
from scipy.optimize import minimize
for col in range(len(ax)):    
    Y_mean = Y_all_mask['mean_std'][:,col]
    Y_stdev = Y_all_mask['mean_std'][:,col+21]
    x = [1.0,1.0]
    res = minimize(sse, x, args=(Y_mean,Y_stdev), method='L-BFGS-B')
    f_coefs[col] = res.x
    x_ = np.linspace(0,100,100)
    ax[col].plot(x_,f_transformation(x_, k0=res.x[0], k1=res.x[1]))#, k2=res.x[2]))

0 [ 0.71787708  1.0783493 ]
1 [ 0.53926198  1.11949144]
2 [ 0.92942102  1.16972938]
3 [ 0.77463092  1.13112086]
4 [ 0.86310257  1.14042383]
5 [ 1.14091214  1.30928986]
6 [ 0.90388954  1.14596541]
7 [ 0.92814885  1.21977815]
8 [ 1.01172533  1.22356058]
9 [ 0.89110208  1.19840522]
10 [ 0.94056219  1.21105179]
11 [ 0.89759906  1.23709485]
12 [ 1.00520858  1.27475276]
13 [ 0.91949363  1.23973119]
14 [ 1.02708055  1.27648987]
15 [ 1.05155092  1.26929085]
16 [ 0.95116679  1.19434156]
17 [ 1.13320597  1.3030216 ]
18 [ 1.07812377  1.25676318]
19 [ 0.90582241  1.13672918]
20 [ 0.80440721  1.12741897]

In [31]:
# Balance between directly fitting stdev and applying a function to the fit of the mean.  

n_splits = 10
shuffle_split = ShuffleSplit(n_obs,n_splits,test_size=0.2,random_state=0)
#predictions_mean = {i:[None]*n_splits for i in range(21)}
#predictions_stdev = {i:[None]*n_splits for i in range(21)}
for col in range(21):
    X = X_all['dragon+all']
    Y_mean = Y_all_mask['mean_std'][:,col]
    Y_stdev = Y_all_mask['mean_std'][:,col+21]
    for k,(train,test) in enumerate(shuffle_split):
        rfc_mean = RandomForestRegressor(n_estimators=30,max_features=None,
        rfc_stdev = RandomForestRegressor(n_estimators=30,max_features=None,
        predictions_mean[col][k] = rfc_mean.predict(X[test,:])
        predictions_stdev[col][k] = rfc_stdev.predict(X[test,:])

0 0
0 1
0 2
0 3
0 4
0 5
0 6
0 7
0 8
0 9
1 0
1 1
1 2
1 3
1 4
1 5
1 6
1 7
1 8
1 9
2 0
2 1
2 2
2 3
2 4
2 5
2 6
2 7
2 8
2 9
3 0
3 1
3 2
3 3
3 4
3 5
3 6
3 7
3 8
3 9
4 0
4 1
4 2
4 3
4 4
4 5
4 6
4 7
4 8
4 9
5 0
5 1
5 2
5 3
5 4
5 5
5 6
5 7
5 8
5 9
6 0
6 1
6 2
6 3
6 4
6 5
6 6
6 7
6 8
6 9
7 0
7 1
7 2
7 3
7 4
7 5
7 6
7 7
7 8
7 9
8 0
8 1
8 2
8 3
8 4
8 5
8 6
8 7
8 8
8 9
9 0
9 1
9 2
9 3
9 4
9 5
9 6
9 7
9 8
9 9
10 0
10 1
10 2
10 3
10 4
10 5
10 6
10 7
10 8
10 9
11 0
11 1
11 2
11 3
11 4
11 5
11 6
11 7
11 8
11 9
12 0
12 1
12 2
12 3
12 4
12 5
12 6
12 7
12 8
12 9
13 0
13 1
13 2
13 3
13 4
13 5
13 6
13 7
13 8
13 9
14 0
14 1
14 2
14 3
14 4
14 5
14 6
14 7
14 8
14 9
15 0
15 1
15 2
15 3
15 4
15 5
15 6
15 7
15 8
15 9
16 0
16 1
16 2
16 3
16 4
16 5
16 6
16 7
16 8
16 9
17 0
17 1
17 2
17 3
17 4
17 5
17 6
17 7
17 8
17 9
18 0
18 1
18 2
18 3
18 4
18 5
18 6
18 7
18 8
18 9
19 0
19 1
19 2
19 3
19 4
19 5
19 6
19 7
19 8
19 9
20 0
20 1
20 2
20 3
20 4
20 5
20 6
20 7
20 8
20 9

In [40]:
# Balance between directly fitting stdev and applying a function to the fit of the mean.  

results = np.zeros((21,n_splits,35))
#predictions_mean = {i:[None]*n_splits for i in range(21)}
#predictions_stdev = {i:[None]*n_splits for i in range(21)}
for col in range(21):
    X = X_all['dragon+all']
    Y_mean = Y_all_mask['mean_std'][:,col]
    Y_stdev = Y_all_mask['mean_std'][:,col+21]
    for k,(train,test) in enumerate(shuffle_split):
        observed = Y_stdev[test]
        p_m = predictions_mean[col][k]
        p_s = predictions_stdev[col][k]
        for i,a in enumerate(np.linspace(0,1,35)):
            p_s_transformed = f_transformation(p_m, k0=f_coefs[col][0], k1=f_coefs[col][0])
            predicted = a*p_s_transformed + (1-a)*p_s
            results[col,k,i] = np.corrcoef(predicted,observed)[1,0]
plt.pcolormesh(np.linspace(0,1,35),np.arange(21),results.mean(axis=1))# - np.tile(results.mean(axis=1).max(axis=1),(35,1)).T)
plt.xlabel('Weight given to transformation of the mean')
plt.ylabel('Feature #')
plt.xlabel('Weight given to transformation of the mean')
for col in range(21):
    max_loc = np.argmax(results.mean(axis=1)[col,:])

0 1.0
1 0.0294117647059
2 1.0
3 0.617647058824
4 0.794117647059
5 0.970588235294
6 0.676470588235
7 0.882352941176
8 1.0
9 0.764705882353
10 0.911764705882
11 0.5
12 1.0
13 0.352941176471
14 0.676470588235
15 1.0
16 1.0
17 1.0
18 1.0
19 1.0
20 0.382352941176

In [ ]:
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor,ExtraTreesRegressor
from sklearn.cross_validation import ShuffleSplit
col = 1
rfc = RandomForestRegressor(n_estimators=25,max_features=None,
n_obs = int(len(Y_all_mask['mean_std'][:,col])/2)
n_splits = 10
shuffle_split = ShuffleSplit(n_obs,n_splits,test_size=0.2,random_state=0)

X = X_all
Y = Y_all_mask['mean_std']
rs = np.zeros((n_splits,3))
for k,(train,test) in enumerate(shuffle_split):
    train = np.concatenate((2*train,2*train+1))
    test = np.concatenate((2*test,2*test+1))
    assert len(set(train).intersection(test))==0
    # Intensity fitting[train,:],Y[train,0])
    int_predicted_oob = rfc.oob_prediction_
    int_predicted = rfc.predict(X[test,:])
    # Naive ple fitting
    int_observed = Y[test,0]
    ple_observed = Y[test,1][train,:],Y[train,1])
    ple_predicted = rfc.predict(X[test,:])
    r1 = np.corrcoef(ple_predicted,ple_observed)[1,0]
    # ple fitting with oob intensity predictions
    X_train2 = np.hstack((X[train,:],int_predicted_oob.reshape(-1,1)))
    X_test2 = np.hstack((X[test,:],int_predicted.reshape(-1,1))),Y[train,1])
    ple_predicted = rfc.predict(X_test2)
    r2 = np.corrcoef(ple_predicted,ple_observed)[1,0]
    # ple fitting with exact intensities
    X_train3 = np.hstack((X[train,:],Y[train,0].reshape(-1,1))),Y[train,1])
    ple_predicted = rfc.predict(X_test2)
    r3 = np.corrcoef(ple_predicted,ple_observed)[1,0]
    print('%.2f %.2f %.2f' % (r1,r2,r3))
    rs[k,0] = r1
    rs[k,1] = r2
    rs[k,2] = r3

In [26]:
write = True # Set to True to actually generate the prediction files.  
n_estimators = 1000 # Set this to a high number (e.g. 1000) to get a good fit.  

# Best parameters, determined independently.  
max_features = {'int':{'mean':None,'sigma':None},
min_samples_leaf = {'int':{'mean':1,'sigma':4},
max_depth = {'int':{'mean':None,'sigma':2},
et = {'int':{'mean':True,'sigma':True},
#et['int'] = {'mean':False,'sigma':False} # Uncomment to get a correct score estimate, or leave commented to get best fit.  
use_mask = {'int':{'mean':False,'sigma':True},

In [27]:
for mdt in molecular_data_types:
                                  'leaderboard_%s' % mdt,2,Y_test=Y_leaderboard_noimpute,write=False)

Score: 8.614029; rs = 0.658,0.517,0.522,0.385,0.244,0.479
Score: 8.716942; rs = 0.665,0.509,0.535,0.372,0.238,0.487
Score: 8.299890; rs = 0.662,0.498,0.506,0.260,0.274,0.468
Score: 8.746169; rs = 0.650,0.532,0.535,0.330,0.272,0.492
Score: 9.138397; rs = 0.684,0.577,0.551,0.447,0.256,0.500
Score: 8.953301; rs = 0.633,0.571,0.543,0.429,0.233,0.499
Score: 9.055417; rs = 0.648,0.573,0.555,0.371,0.273,0.504

In [28]:
rs_ = [[0.658,0.517,0.522,0.385,0.244,0.479],[0.665,0.509,0.535,0.372,0.238,0.487],[0.662,0.498,0.506,0.260,0.274,0.468],
for i,challenge in enumerate(rs_):
    print(molecular_data_types[i]+'\t'.join(str(x) for x in challenge))

dragon0.658	0.517	0.522	0.385	0.244	0.479
dragon+episuite0.665	0.509	0.535	0.372	0.238	0.487
dragon+verbal0.662	0.498	0.506	0.26	0.274	0.468
dragon+morgan0.65	0.532	0.535	0.33	0.272	0.492
dragon+nspdk0.684	0.577	0.551	0.447	0.256	0.5
dragon+all0.655	0.551	0.535	0.269	0.311	0.486

In [29]:
rfcs,score,rs = fit2.rfc_final(X_all,Y_all_imp['mean_std'],Y_all_mask['mean_std'],

For subchallenge 2:
	Score = 2.83
	int_mean = 1.000
	int_sigma = 0.126
	ple_mean = 0.009
	ple_sigma = -0.010
	dec_mean = 0.133
	dec_sigma = 0.072

In [30]:

{'mean_std': array([[ 33.26530612,  44.62244898,   2.12244898, ...,   9.93389033,
          10.11045229,  21.72142009],
        [ 12.95918367,  48.15306122,   0.91836735, ...,   7.59583474,
          18.41829388,  22.26213039],
        [ 21.16326531,  44.62244898,   8.12244898, ...,   4.7887756 ,
           8.37787436,  24.78012562],
        [ 39.53061224,  59.50204082,   3.82780612, ...,  12.27196668,
          22.87507041,  19.62084018],
        [ 18.3877551 ,  57.82653061,   1.42212675, ...,   8.39165909,
          14.20939341,  23.09079336],
        [ 29.08163265,  49.21836735,   3.95918367, ...,  11.30602357,
          31.18954828,  22.55003619]]), 'subject': {}}