In [1]:
import pandas as pd
import collections
import matplotlib as plt
import scipy
from scipy import stats
%matplotlib inline
import pandas as pd
pd.options.display.float_format = '{:,.1f}'.format
In [13]:
def load_data():
cases = pd.read_excel('navdata/cases_occupation.xlsx') #from navaratnum uses soc 1990
controls = pd.read_excel('navdata/controls_occupation.xlsx') #from navaratnum uses soc 1990
sclass = pd.read_excel("./navdata/nssecderivationtablessoc90.xls")
return cases, controls, sclass
def clean_list(messylist):
#cleans a list containing ranges by expanding ranges e.g 1-4 becomes 1,2,3,4.
#like the ones we have in table 2.3.2
nums = []
expandnums = []
messylist = messylist.split(",")
messylist = [s.strip() for s in messylist]
for s in messylist:
if '-' in s:
s = s.split("-")
s = [int(i) for i in s]
expandnums.append(range(s[0], s[1]+1))
expandnums = [item for sublist in expandnums for item in sublist]
cleanlist = nums + expandnums
return cleanlist
def makejobcatlookup():
#makes a jobgrouplookup that maps soc codes to asbestos exposure group
#from table 2.3.2
#and ***edited to remove duplicates so it doesn't break the reverse lookup***
#uses soc 1990
#need to add nec to office and low risk
#manually added by me 5:'551'
#?579 woodworking n.e.c
jobclassification = ((5, clean_list("""
101, 120-127, 130-132, 139, 154, 155, 160, 169, 170, 172-
179, 190, 191, 220-224, 230-235, 239-242, 250-253, 260,
261, 270, 271, 290-293, 320, 340-347, 361-363, 370, 371,
380, 381, 383-387, 390, 392, 399-401, 410-412, 420, 421,
430, 450-452, 459-462, 490, 551, 556, 559, 560, 569, 580-582,
592, 594, 595, 598, 610, 619-622, 630, 640-644, 650-652,
659-661, 670, 671, 673, 690, 691, 699, 700-703, 710, 719-
722, 730, 732, 790-792, 900-904, 950-956, 958,
134, 394, 140, 152, 800, 550, 551, 555, 557, 957, 199,
364, 360, 100, 209, 331, 350, 393""")),
(4, clean_list("""540,
150-151, 600-601,
731, 870-875,
113, 153, 171, 304, 348, 396, 531, 542-544, 553, 561, 569,
571, 590, 596, 597, 599, 611, 612, 615, 619, 631, 642, 672,
699, 733, 801, 809, 811, 820, 822, 824, 825, 829, 910, 911-
913, 919, 923, 924, 931, 933, 934, 940, 941, 955, 956, 958,
990, 999,
812, 395, 141, 142, 572, 112, 823, 552, 821, 814""")),
(3, clean_list("""516, 913,
881-884, 922,
200, 300-302, 309,
110, 260, 262, 311,
510-515, 517-519,
520, 522-529,
887-892, 894, 897-899,
391, 394, 554""")),
(2, clean_list("""570, 920,
532, 913,
521, 913,
111, 500-506, 509, 885, 886, 895, 896, 921, 923, 924, 929, 990, 913,
530, 579""")),
(1, clean_list("""533, 534,
893, 896, 921, 929, 990,
880, 332, 903, 69, 173, 174, 239, 385, 463, 620, 621,
630, 900, 930, 952, 953""")))
jobclassification = collections.OrderedDict(jobclassification)
#invert the dictionary to make our look up
jobcatlookup = {value: key for key in jobclassification for value in jobclassification[key]}
return jobcatlookup, jobclassification
def menonly(df):
df = df[df['Gender'] == 'Male']
return df
def job_cat_analysis(df):
df = menonly(df)
df = df.ix[:,1:11].applymap(jobcatlookup.get)
df = df.min(axis=1).value_counts()
return df
def soc_class_analysis(df):
df = menonly(df)
df = df.ix[:,1:11].applymap(lambda x: sclasslookup.get(x))
df = df.min(axis=1).value_counts()
return df
In [50]:
jobgroups = ((1,'Non-construction high risk occupations'), (2,'Construction'),
(3,'Medium risk industrial'), (4,'Low risk industrial'),
(5,'Office and other low risk'))
jobgroups = collections.OrderedDict(jobgroups)
cases, controls, sclass = load_data()
jobcatlookup, jobclassification = makejobcatlookup()
soclookup = dict(zip(sclass.soc90, sclass['STANDARD OCCUPATIONAL CLASSIFICATION 1990 OCCUPATION UNIT GROUP TITLE']))
sclasslookup = dict(zip(sclass.soc90, sclass.ssec))
highestrisklist = [541,534,532,570,896,521,893,533,913,211,516] #from table 2.3.1
highestrisklist = [float(i) for i in highestrisklist]
In [15]:
#are all of the soc90 codes in our data in our lookup? nope, some aren't soc codes at all.
cases_codes_set = set(cases.ix[:,1:11].stack().unique())
jobcatlookup_codes_set = set(jobcatlookup.keys())
missingfrompeto = pd.concat([pd.DataFrame(list(cases_codes_set - jobcatlookup_codes_set)), pd.DataFrame(list(cases_codes_set - jobcatlookup_codes_set)).applymap(soclookup.get)], axis=1)
missingfrompeto.columns = ['code', 'soc90 job']
#missingfrompeto.to_csv('missingfrompeto.csv') #saved before added to our lookup manually
missingfrompetoandnotasoc90code = missingfrompeto[missingfrompeto['soc90 job'].isnull()]
In [16]:
In [17]:
In [18]:
exp_table = pd.concat([job_cat_analysis(cases), job_cat_analysis(controls)], axis = 1)
exp_table['odds ratio'] = 0
exp_table.columns = ['cases', 'controls', 'odds ratio']
exp_table['odds ratio'] = (exp_table['cases'].astype(float) / exp_table['controls'].astype(float)) \
/ (exp_table.iloc[4]['cases'].astype(float) / exp_table.iloc[4]['controls'].astype(float))
exp_table.index = jobgroups.values()
In [198]:
exp_table2 = pd.concat([job_cat_analysis(cases), job_cat_analysis(controls)], axis = 1)
notofficecases = exp_table['cases'].sum() - exp_table['cases'][4]
notofficecontrols = exp_table['controls'].sum() - exp_table['controls'][4]
notoffice = pd.DataFrame([[notofficecases,notofficecontrols]], columns=[0,1], index=[6])
exp_table2 = notoffice.append(exp_table2[5:])
exp_table2['odds ratio'] = 0
exp_table2.columns = ['cases', 'controls', 'odds ratio']
exp_table2['odds ratio'] = (exp_table2['cases'].astype(float) / exp_table2['controls'].astype(float)) \
/ (exp_table2.iloc[1]['cases'].astype(float) / exp_table2.iloc[1]['controls'].astype(float))
exp_table2.index = ['Not office and other low risk','Office and other low risk']
In [195]:
catdist = pd.concat([cases.ix[:,1:11].applymap(jobcatlookup.get).stack().value_counts(),
controls.ix[:,1:11].applymap(jobcatlookup.get).stack().value_counts()], axis=1)
catdist.columns = ['cases', 'controls']
catdist.apply(lambda x: 100*x/float(x.sum())).plot(kind='bar')
In [20]:
caseclass = soc_class_analysis(cases)
contclass = soc_class_analysis(controls)
caseclass = pd.DataFrame(caseclass)
caseclass = caseclass.apply(lambda x: 100*x/float(x.sum()))
#caseclass.sort().plot(kind='bar', title='Percentage of cases in each social class', ylim=(0,30), legend=False)
contclass = pd.DataFrame(contclass)
contclass = contclass.apply(lambda x: 100*x/float(x.sum()))
#contclass.sort().plot(kind='bar', ylim=(0,30), legend=False, title ='Percentage of controls in each social class')
caseclass.columns = ['cases']
contclass.columns = ['controls']
casecont = [caseclass, contclass]
np = pd.concat(casecont, axis=1)
np = pd.concat([np,pd.DataFrame(np.sum(axis=0),columns=['Total']).T]).fillna(0)
np = np.reset_index()
np.columns = ['SEC', '% cases', '% controls']
In [21]:
pd.concat(casecont, axis=1).plot(kind='bar', title ='Percentage in each social class for cases and controls')
In [209]:
def whatsinthegroup(groupnum):
group = groupnum
socname = pd.DataFrame(jobclassification[group]).applymap(soclookup.get)
df = pd.concat([pd.DataFrame(jobclassification[group]), socname], axis=1)
df.columns = ['SOC90 code', jobgroups[group]]
return df
In [210]: