In [1]:
import pandas as pd
import collections
import matplotlib as plt
import scipy
from scipy import stats
%matplotlib inline
import pandas as pd
pd.options.display.float_format = '{:,.1f}'.format

In [13]:
def load_data():
    cases = pd.read_excel('navdata/cases_occupation.xlsx') #from navaratnum uses soc 1990
    controls = pd.read_excel('navdata/controls_occupation.xlsx') #from navaratnum uses soc 1990
    sclass = pd.read_excel("./navdata/nssecderivationtablessoc90.xls")
    return cases, controls, sclass

def clean_list(messylist):
#cleans a list containing ranges by expanding ranges e.g 1-4 becomes 1,2,3,4. 
#like the ones we have in table 2.3.2

    nums = []
    expandnums = []

    messylist = messylist.split(",")
    messylist = [s.strip() for s in messylist]

    for s in messylist:
        if '-' in s:
            s = s.split("-")
            s = [int(i) for i in s]
            expandnums.append(range(s[0], s[1]+1))
    expandnums = [item for sublist in expandnums for item in sublist]
    cleanlist = nums + expandnums
    return cleanlist

def makejobcatlookup():
    #makes a jobgrouplookup that maps soc codes to asbestos exposure group
    #from table 2.3.2
    #and ***edited to remove duplicates so it doesn't break the reverse lookup***
    #uses soc 1990
    #need to add nec to office and low risk
    #manually added by me 5:'551'
    #?579 woodworking n.e.c
    jobclassification = ((5, clean_list("""
    101, 120-127, 130-132, 139, 154, 155, 160, 169, 170, 172-
    179, 190, 191, 220-224, 230-235, 239-242, 250-253, 260,
    261, 270, 271, 290-293, 320, 340-347, 361-363, 370, 371,
    380, 381, 383-387, 390, 392, 399-401, 410-412, 420, 421,
    430, 450-452, 459-462, 490, 551, 556, 559, 560, 569, 580-582,
    592, 594, 595, 598, 610, 619-622, 630, 640-644, 650-652,
    659-661, 670, 671, 673, 690, 691, 699, 700-703, 710, 719-
    722, 730, 732, 790-792, 900-904, 950-956, 958,
    134, 394, 140, 152, 800, 550, 551, 555, 557, 957, 199,
    364, 360, 100, 209, 331, 350, 393""")),
                              (4, clean_list("""540,
    150-151, 600-601,
    731, 870-875,
    113, 153, 171, 304, 348, 396, 531, 542-544, 553, 561, 569,
    571, 590, 596, 597, 599, 611, 612, 615, 619, 631, 642, 672,
    699, 733, 801, 809, 811, 820, 822, 824, 825, 829, 910, 911-
    913, 919, 923, 924, 931, 933, 934, 940, 941, 955, 956, 958,
    990, 999,
    812, 395, 141, 142, 572, 112, 823, 552, 821, 814""")),
                           (3, clean_list("""516, 913,
    881-884, 922,
    200, 300-302, 309,
    110, 260, 262, 311,
    510-515, 517-519,
    520, 522-529,
    887-892, 894, 897-899,
    391, 394, 554""")),
                           (2, clean_list("""570, 920,
    532, 913,
    521, 913,
    111, 500-506, 509, 885, 886, 895, 896, 921, 923, 924, 929, 990, 913,
    530, 579""")),
                                (1, clean_list("""533, 534,
    893, 896, 921, 929, 990,
    880, 332, 903, 69, 173, 174, 239, 385, 463, 620, 621,
    630, 900, 930, 952, 953""")))

    jobclassification = collections.OrderedDict(jobclassification)                    

    #invert the dictionary to make our look up
    jobcatlookup = {value: key for key in jobclassification for value in jobclassification[key]}

    return jobcatlookup, jobclassification

def menonly(df):
    df = df[df['Gender'] == 'Male']
    return df

def job_cat_analysis(df):
    df = menonly(df)
    df = df.ix[:,1:11].applymap(jobcatlookup.get)
    df = df.min(axis=1).value_counts()
    return df

def soc_class_analysis(df):
    df = menonly(df)
    df = df.ix[:,1:11].applymap(lambda x: sclasslookup.get(x))
    df = df.min(axis=1).value_counts()
    return df

In [50]:
jobgroups = ((1,'Non-construction high risk occupations'), (2,'Construction'), 
           (3,'Medium risk industrial'), (4,'Low risk industrial'),
           (5,'Office and other low risk'))
jobgroups = collections.OrderedDict(jobgroups)    

cases, controls, sclass = load_data()

jobcatlookup, jobclassification = makejobcatlookup()

soclookup = dict(zip(sclass.soc90, sclass['STANDARD OCCUPATIONAL CLASSIFICATION 1990 OCCUPATION UNIT GROUP TITLE']))

sclasslookup = dict(zip(sclass.soc90, sclass.ssec))

highestrisklist = [541,534,532,570,896,521,893,533,913,211,516] #from table 2.3.1
highestrisklist = [float(i) for i in highestrisklist]

In [15]:
#are all of the soc90 codes in our data in our lookup? nope, some aren't soc codes at all.

cases_codes_set = set(cases.ix[:,1:11].stack().unique())
jobcatlookup_codes_set = set(jobcatlookup.keys())

missingfrompeto = pd.concat([pd.DataFrame(list(cases_codes_set - jobcatlookup_codes_set)), pd.DataFrame(list(cases_codes_set - jobcatlookup_codes_set)).applymap(soclookup.get)], axis=1)
missingfrompeto.columns = ['code', 'soc90 job']
#missingfrompeto.to_csv('missingfrompeto.csv') #saved before added to our lookup manually

missingfrompetoandnotasoc90code = missingfrompeto[missingfrompeto['soc90 job'].isnull()]

code soc90 job
0 305.0 NaN
1 607.0 NaN
2 3.0 NaN
3 203.0 NaN
4 439.0 NaN

In [16]:

Drivers of road goods vehicles                              58
NCOs and other ranks, UK armed forces                       53
Sales assistants                                            48
Clerks (n.o.s.)                                             45
Face trained coalmining workers, shotfirers and deputies    36
dtype: int64

In [17]:

NCOs and other ranks, UK armed forces                                              37
Secondary (and middle school deemed secondary) education teaching professionals    32
Production, works and maintenance managers                                         32
Managers and proprietors in service industries n.e.c.                              29
Drivers of road goods vehicles                                                     28
dtype: int64

In [18]:
exp_table = pd.concat([job_cat_analysis(cases), job_cat_analysis(controls)], axis = 1)
exp_table['odds ratio'] = 0
exp_table.columns = ['cases', 'controls', 'odds ratio']
exp_table['odds ratio'] = (exp_table['cases'].astype(float) / exp_table['controls'].astype(float)) \
                        / (exp_table.iloc[4]['cases'].astype(float) / exp_table.iloc[4]['controls'].astype(float))
exp_table.index = jobgroups.values()

cases controls odds ratio
Non-construction high risk occupations 55 48 2.5
Construction 52 35 3.3
Medium risk industrial 43 45 2.1
Low risk industrial 58 35 3.6
Office and other low risk 15 33 1.0

In [198]:
exp_table2 =  pd.concat([job_cat_analysis(cases), job_cat_analysis(controls)], axis = 1)
notofficecases = exp_table['cases'].sum() - exp_table['cases'][4]
notofficecontrols = exp_table['controls'].sum() - exp_table['controls'][4]
notoffice = pd.DataFrame([[notofficecases,notofficecontrols]], columns=[0,1], index=[6])
exp_table2 = notoffice.append(exp_table2[5:])
exp_table2['odds ratio'] = 0
exp_table2.columns = ['cases', 'controls', 'odds ratio']
exp_table2['odds ratio'] = (exp_table2['cases'].astype(float) / exp_table2['controls'].astype(float)) \
                        / (exp_table2.iloc[1]['cases'].astype(float) / exp_table2.iloc[1]['controls'].astype(float))
exp_table2.index = ['Not office and other low risk','Office and other low risk']

cases controls odds ratio
Not office and other low risk 208 163 2.8
Office and other low risk 15 33 1.0

In [195]:
catdist = pd.concat([cases.ix[:,1:11].applymap(jobcatlookup.get).stack().value_counts(),
controls.ix[:,1:11].applymap(jobcatlookup.get).stack().value_counts()], axis=1)
catdist.columns = ['cases', 'controls']
catdist.apply(lambda x: 100*x/float(x.sum())).plot(kind='bar')

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7f88b576f190>

In [20]:
caseclass = soc_class_analysis(cases)
contclass = soc_class_analysis(controls)

caseclass = pd.DataFrame(caseclass)
caseclass = caseclass.apply(lambda x: 100*x/float(x.sum()))
#caseclass.sort().plot(kind='bar', title='Percentage of cases in each social class', ylim=(0,30), legend=False)

contclass = pd.DataFrame(contclass)
contclass = contclass.apply(lambda x: 100*x/float(x.sum()))
#contclass.sort().plot(kind='bar', ylim=(0,30), legend=False, title ='Percentage of controls in each social class')

caseclass.columns = ['cases']
contclass.columns = ['controls']
casecont = [caseclass, contclass]

np = pd.concat(casecont, axis=1)
np = pd.concat([np,pd.DataFrame(np.sum(axis=0),columns=['Total']).T]).fillna(0)
np = np.reset_index()
np.columns = ['SEC', '% cases', '% controls']


SEC % cases % controls
0 1.1 16.6 27.0
1 1.2 14.3 18.4
2 2.0 19.7 25.5
3 3.0 16.1 12.2
4 4.0 7.6 11.2
5 5.0 7.6 3.1
6 6.0 11.2 2.6
7 7.0 6.7 0.0
8 Total 100.0 100.0

In [21]:
pd.concat(casecont, axis=1).plot(kind='bar', title ='Percentage in each social class for cases and controls')

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7f88c73ef810>

In [209]:
def whatsinthegroup(groupnum):
    group = groupnum
    socname = pd.DataFrame(jobclassification[group]).applymap(soclookup.get)
    df = pd.concat([pd.DataFrame(jobclassification[group]), socname], axis=1)
    df.columns = ['SOC90 code', jobgroups[group]]
    return df

In [210]:

SOC90 code Non-construction high risk occupations
0 69 None
1 173 Hotel and accommodation managers
2 174 Restaurant and catering managers
3 239 Other teaching professionals n.e.c.
4 332 Ship and hovercraft officers
5 385 Musicians
6 463 Radio and telegraph operators, other office co...
7 533 Sheet metal workers
8 534 Metal plate workers, shipwrights, riveters
9 541 Coach and vehicle body builders
10 620 Chefs, cooks
11 621 Waiters, waitresses
12 630 Travel and flight attendants
13 880 Seafarers (merchant navy); barge, lighter and ...
14 893 Electrical, energy, boiler and related plant o...
15 896 Construction and related operatives
16 900 Farm workers
17 903 Fishing and related workers
18 921 Mates to building trades workers
19 929 Other building and civil engineering labourers...
20 930 Stevedores, dockers
21 952 Kitchen porters, hands
22 953 Counterhands, catering assistants
23 990 All other labourers and related workers