In this notebook we show the usage of the package ApApproximation.jl, based on the results exposed in the paper Generalized Fourier-Bessel operator and almost-periodic interpolation and approximation by J.-P. Gauthier and D. Prandi.

In [1]:
push!(LOAD_PATH, "./../src/")

using Images, TestImages
using ApApproximation

Plotly javascript loaded.

To load again call


We will use the following image for the tests.

In [2]:
img = testimage("lena_gray_256") |> x->convert(Array{Float64,2}, data(x))
convert(Image, img)


Since we will deal with polar representations, we will actually only consider the central circle.

In [3]:
circle(i,j) = (i-size(img,1)/2)^2 + (j-size(img,1)/2)^2 <= (min(size(img)...)/2)^2*.95
global C = eltype(img)[circle(i,j) for i in 1:size(img,1), j in 1:size(img,2)]
img = C.*img + (1-C)

convert(Image, img)


Almost-periodic interpolation

Sets of spatial and frequency samples

Fix $Q,N\in\mathbb N$.

In [4]:
Q, N = 20, 15


By Corollary 4, the first step is to define the sets of spatial samples $E$ and frequencies $F$, which will be invariant under rotations of $2\pi/N$ and have the same number of elements. Namely, in the notation of the paper,

$$ E = \{ R_{\frac{2\pi m}M}\varrho_k \mid \{\varrho_k\}_{k=0}^{Q-1}\subset\mathcal S_N,\,m=0,\ldots,N-1\}, \quad F = \{ R_{\frac{2\pi m}M}\Lambda_k \mid \{\Lambda_k\}_{k=0}^{Q-1}\subset\mathcal S_N,\,m=0,\ldots,N-1\} $$

The frequencies $\Lambda$ are dealt internally via the Frequency type. This type essentially stores a triple $(\lambda,n,\omega)$ such that $$ \Lambda = \lambda e^{i\left(\omega + \frac{2\pi}N n \right)}, \qquad \lambda>0, \, n\in\{0,\ldots,N-1\},\, \omega\in [0,2\pi/N). $$ The same is true for the spatial samples $\varrho$. Obviously, $n=0$ for the elements of $\{\Lambda_k\}_{k=0}^{Q-1}$ and $\{\varrho_k\}_{k=0}^{Q-1}$.

A convenient way to define the subsets $\{\varrho_k\}_{k=0}^{Q-1}$ and $\{\Lambda_k\}_{k=0}^{Q-1}$ of $\mathcal S_N$ is through a vector of tuples $\{(n_i,R_i)\}_i$, where:

  • $R_i\subset \mathbb R_+$ are discrete sets;
  • $n_i\in \mathbb N$.


$$ \{\Lambda_k\}_{k=0}^{Q-1} = \bigcup_i \left\{ \lambda\exp\left( \frac{2\pi}N \frac{m}{n_i} \right) \mid \lambda\in R_i, m=0,\ldots, n_i-1 \right\}, $$

and similarly for $\{\varrho_k\}_{k=0}^{Q-1}$. In particular $\sum_i n_i\#(R_i) = Q$.

In [5]:
def = Q/2

v = [  (1, 1:1.:def/2),
    (3, def/2+1:1.:def)

Qv = sum([v[i][1]*length(v[i][2]) for i in 1:length(v)])

println("Does v agree with Q? $(Qv == Q)")

Does v agree with Q? true

In [6]:
E = BispectralSet(N, v);

println("Size of the set E: (Q,N) = $(size(E))")

# plot(E)

Size of the set E: (Q,N) = (20,15)

The following function will plot the corresponding frequencies.

Clearly, with a so little number of points ($20\times 15 = 300$ w.r.t. the resolution of the image, $256\times256 = 65\,536$) the approximation is quite bad.

In [7]:
# Since the image is fixed we conveniently define the interpolation functions 
# to take into account the size of `img`.
ApApproximation.bispectral2cart(f; clamped = true) = bispectral2cart(f, size(img)...; clamped = clamped)

# approximation of the set E
f1 = cartesian2bispectral(img, E); 

# interpolation on a cartesian grid
img2 = pol2cart(bispectral2pol(f1), 256, 256)

convert(Image, bispectral2cart(f1))


Defining a bigger frequency set ($Q = 340$, $N=64$, so that $Q\times N = 21\,760$) however, allows for a good interpolation.

In [8]:
Q, N = 340, 64

max_ϱ = Q/4
step_ϱ = 1.

v = [ (4, 1:step_ϱ:max_ϱ) ];

Qv = sum([v[i][1]*length(v[i][2]) for i in 1:length(v)])

println("Does v agree with Q? $(Qv == Q)")

E = BispectralSet(N, v);

# approximation of the set E
f = cartesian2bispectral(img, E); 

convert(Image, bispectral2cart(f))

Does v agree with Q? true

Almost periodic interpolation

We start by considering the AP interpolation problem. For simplicity, we choose the set of frequencies $F = E$.

We then compute the the matrix operator $\mathcal J:\mathbb C^{Q}\otimes \mathbb C^N \to \mathbb C^{Q}\otimes \mathbb C^N$: $$ \mathcal J = \bigoplus_{n=0}^{N-1} \mathcal J_n , \qquad (\mathcal J_{\hat n})_{j,k} = J_{\hat n}(\lambda_k e^{i\omega_k}, \rho_j e^{i\alpha_j}) \quad \text{for } 0\le j\le Q-1,\, 0\le k\le Q-1. $$

Being block-diagonal, we only store the matrices $\mathcal J_n$ that compose $\mathcal J$.

In [9]:
BesselMatrix(E) ## Dry run for compilation
@time J = BesselMatrix(E)

println("Dimension of J is (N,Q,Q): $(size(J.matrix)==(N,Q,Q))")

  3.067850 seconds (15.72 M allocations: 772.104 MB, 9.39% gc time)
Dimension of J is (N,Q,Q): true

Finally, the AP interpolation of the test image is obtained as follows. This is a vector $a_f$ in $\mathbb C^Q\otimes\mathbb C^N$.

In [10]:
ap(f, J) ## Dry run for compilation
@time af = ap(f, J);

println("The size of af is (Q,N): $(size(af)==(Q,N))")

println("Norm: $(norm(vec(af.f),2) |> x->round(x,2))")

diff = norm(vec(af.f))/norm(vec(f.f)) |> x->round(x,2) #|> log10 |> x->round(x,1)
# println("L^2 norm of the resulting AP approximation $(round(Int,norm(vec(af.f),2)/norm(f.f,2)*100))% of the norm of the image")
println("The norm of the AP interpolation is $diff time bigger than that of the image")

  0.486073 seconds (57.13 k allocations: 232.091 MB, 4.51% gc time)
The size of af is (Q,N): true

Norm: 1.539326506653e10

The norm of the AP interpolation is 1.9160285718e8 time bigger than that of the image

We now visualize the magnitude of af by plotting (in logarithmic scale) the mean magnitude on the slices of the bispectral set.

In [11]:
# Function to visualize the magnitude on the bispectral set
function ApApproximation.bispectral2cart{N,T<:Complex}(af::BispInterpolation{N,T}) 
    normalize(x) = C.*x/maximum(C.*x) + (1-C)
    bispectral2cart(abs(af)) |> normalize



To check the correctedness of the approximation, let us invert it and plot the result.

In [12]:
@time f2 = iap(af, J);

println("Norm: $(norm(vec(f2.f),2) |> x->round(x,2))")

extr = extrema(bispectral2cart(f2, clamped = false))
println("Maximal and minimum values of the resulting image: $extr")

convert(Image, bispectral2cart(f2))

  0.310831 seconds (89.25 k allocations: 120.502 MB, 7.37% gc time)

Norm: 80.34

Maximal and minimum values of the resulting image: (0.00114868342988095,1.1690480646497152)

Comparison with direct computation

Let us check that this is indeed correct, by comparing the results obtained via the inverse interpolation iap and those given by a direct (although arguably naive) implementation of the operator $\text{ev}$ which iap encodes. Namely, we will directly compute $$ \text{ev}(v)_{i,j} = \sum_{k=0}^{Q-1} \sum_{m=0}^{M-1} v_{k,m} e^{i \lambda_k \rho_j \cos\left(\alpha_j-\omega_k + 2\pi\left(\frac n N- \frac m M\right)\right)}, \quad j=0,\ldots,Q-1, \,n=0,\ldots,N-1. $$

In [13]:
Base.exp(x::Frequency) =  exp(im*x.λ*cos(angle(x)))

function Base.exp(x::Frequency, y::Frequency)
    ApApproximation.composition(x,y) |> exp

ev(af::BispInterpolation) = ev(af, af.E)
function ev{N,T}(af::BispInterpolation, F::BispectralSet{N,T})
    f = Array{Complex128, 2}(size(F)...)
    for n in 1:size(f,2), j in 1:size(f,1)
        f[j,n] = sum([ af.f[k,m]*exp(af.E[k,m],F[j,n]) for k in 1:size(af.E,1), m in 1:size(af.E,2) ])
    BispInterpolation{N,Float64}(real(f), F)

ev (generic function with 2 methods)

Since this implementation is very slow, we will check this on a smaller bispectral set, using the f1 we computed earlier.

In [14]:
af1 = ap(f1)
convert(Image, bispectral2cart(af1))


In [15]:
ev(f1) # Dry run for compilation
iap(f1) # Dry run for compilation

f1_ap = iap(f1)
t_ap = toq()

f1_ev = ev(f1)
t_ev = toq()

println("AP interpolation timing: $t_ap")
println("Direct computation timing: $t_ev")
println("Direct computation is $(round(Int,t_ev/t_ap)) times slower")
println("Relative L^2 error between the two: $(norm(vec(f1_ev.f - f1_ap.f) ,2)/norm(vec(f1_ap.f),2))")

AP interpolation timing: 0.023765741
Direct computation timing: 0.585881294
Direct computation is 25 times slower
Relative L^2 error between the two: 8.367031079887469e-15

Effect of rototranslations

Let us first consider the effects of a rotation of a multiple of $2\pi/N$. Since both $E$ and $F$ are invariant under such operation, this works perfectly.

In [16]:
# Rotation angle
rot = 2pi/N * 10

println("Rotation of $(round(2/N*10,2)) π radiants")
@time f2 = rotate(af, rot) |> x -> iap(x, J);

extr = extrema(bispectral2cart(f2, clamped = false))
println("Maximal and minimum values of the resulting image: $extr")

println("Norm: $(norm(vec(f2.f),2) |> x->round(x,2))")

convert(Image, bispectral2cart(f2))

Rotation of 0.31 π radiants
  0.500582 seconds (552.11 k allocations: 140.418 MB, 4.71% gc time)
Maximal and minimum values of the resulting image: (-0.002656607925107941,1.1732923937002935)

Norm: 80.34


Although the interpolation procedure yields a good approximation on the set $E$, the almost periodic function hereby obtained has very huge values outside of this set. This is evident when applying the effect of a translation on the frequencies af.

In [17]:
# Translation (in polar coordinates)
ρ = 30.
θ = pi/3
println("Translation of $(map(x->round(x,1),(ρ*cos(θ), ρ*sin(θ))))")
@time f2 = translate(af, ρ, θ) |> x -> iap(x, J);

extr = extrema(bispectral2cart(f2, clamped = false))
println("Maximal and minimum values of the resulting image: $extr")

println("Norm: $(norm(vec(f2.f),2) |> x->round(x,2))")

convert(Image, bispectral2cart(f2))

Translation of (15.0,26.0)
  0.386654 seconds (612.09 k allocations: 132.744 MB, 4.09% gc time)
Maximal and minimum values of the resulting image: (-5.251488268890373e9,5.227383188592967e9)

Norm: 3.038669619154e10


Almost periodic approximation

To solve the above problem, the solution we propose is to look for an AP approximation of the starting image. That is, one considers a set of frequencies $F$ of size $P\times N$, where $P\le Q$, and looks for the AP function having frequencies in $F$ which better approximates the image on the set $E$.

In [18]:
P, M = Q, N

max_λ = 2. 
step_λ = max_λ / (Q/4)

v = [ (4, step_λ:step_λ:max_λ) ];

Pv = sum([v[i][1]*length(v[i][2]) for i in 1:length(v)])
println("Does v agree with P? $(Pv == P)")

F = BispectralSet(N, v);

Does v agree with P? true

We have also the possibility of fixing weights on the frequencies of $F$. In this example, we want the image to be concentrated on low frequencies and so we use the following weight function, in this case for $\alpha = 100$, $$ w(\Lambda) = \begin{cases} \frac \alpha{10} &\qquad \text{if } |\Lambda|\le 1\\ \alpha &\qquad \text{if } 1<|\Lambda|\le\frac32\\ 100\alpha &\qquad \text{if } |\Lambda|>\frac32\\ \end{cases} $$

In [19]:
quarter = round(Int,size(F,1)/4)
α = 100
d = [   ones(2quarter)*α/10; 
        ones(size(F,1) - 3*quarter)*1e2α; ]

println("Generating Bessel matrices: ")
@time J_int = BesselMatrix(E,F, weights = d);
println("AP approximation: ")
@time af_int = ap(f, F, J_int)

println("Norm: $(norm(vec(af_int.f),2) |> x->round(x,2))")

diff = norm(vec(af_int.f))/norm(vec(f.f)) |> x->round(x,4) 
println("The norm of the AP interpolation is $diff time bigger than that of the image")

diff = norm(vec(af.f))/norm(vec(af_int.f)) |> log10 |> x->round(x,1)
println("The norm of the AP approximation is 10^($diff) time bigger than that of the AP interpolation")

convert(Image, bispectral2cart(af_int))

Generating Bessel matrices: 
  4.234691 seconds (20.67 M allocations: 1.159 GB, 11.04% gc time)
AP approximation: 
  0.833126 seconds (57.38 k allocations: 514.658 MB, 5.07% gc time)

Norm: 0.21

The norm of the AP interpolation is 0.0026 time bigger than that of the image
The norm of the AP approximation is 10^(10.9) time bigger than that of the AP interpolation

In [20]:
println("Inverse AP approximation: ")
@time f_int = iap(af_int, E, J_int)

println("Norm: $(norm(vec(f_int.f),2) |> x->round(x,2))")

extr = extrema(bispectral2cart(f_int, clamped = false))
println("Maximal and minimum values of the resulting image: $extr")

convert(Image, bispectral2cart(f_int))

Inverse AP approximation: 
  0.299711 seconds (56.57 k allocations: 119.100 MB, 40.29% gc time)

Norm: 80.04

Maximal and minimum values of the resulting image: (0.04979510184542568,1.1218260495103878)

Rotations are still ok.

In [21]:
# Rotation angle
rot = 2pi/N * 10

println("Rotation of $(round(2/N*10,2)) π radiants")
@time f_rot = rotate(af_int, rot) |> x -> iap(x, E, J_int);

extr = extrema(bispectral2cart(f_rot, clamped = false))
println("Maximal and minimum values of the resulting image: $extr")

println("Norm: $(norm(vec(f_rot.f),2) |> x->round(x,2))")

convert(Image, bispectral2cart(f_rot))

Rotation of 0.31 π radiants
  0.228769 seconds (62.29 k allocations: 119.683 MB, 8.75% gc time)
Maximal and minimum values of the resulting image: (0.04603306009408884,1.115020067738925)

Norm: 80.04


The same translation test as before, now yields a correct result.

In [22]:
@time f_trans = translate(af_int, ρ, θ) |> x -> iap(x, E, J_int)

println("Norm: $(norm(vec(f_trans.f),2) |> x->round(x,2))")

extr = extrema(bispectral2cart(f_trans, clamped = false))
println("Maximal and minimum values of the resulting image: $extr")

convert(Image, bispectral2cart(f_trans))

  0.379982 seconds (579.12 k allocations: 131.404 MB, 4.45% gc time)

Norm: 79.05

Maximal and minimum values of the resulting image: (-4.034788932307314,1.572113018642201)