In [ ]:
! pip install pandas
! pip install numpy
from __future__ import print_function
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

nba = pd.read_csv("/home/ubuntu/sparkipynb/sparknotebook/dataFile/nba.csv")

In [ ]:
point_guards = nba[nba['pos'] == 'PG'].copy()

In [ ]:
point_guards['ppg'] = point_guards['pts'] / point_guards['g']

# Sanity check, make sure ppg = pts/g.
point_guards[['pts', 'g', 'ppg']].head(5)

In [ ]:
point_guards = point_guards[point_guards['tov'] != 0]
point_guards['atr'] = point_guards['ast'] / point_guards['tov']

point_guards[['pts', 'g', 'ppg', 'atr']].head(5)

In [ ]:
! pip install matplotlib
! sudo apt-get install python-matplotlib -y
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline

plt.scatter(point_guards['ppg'], point_guards['atr'], c='y')
plt.title("Point Guards")
plt.xlabel('Points Per Game', fontsize=13)
plt.ylabel('Assist Turnover Ratio', fontsize=13)

In [ ]:
import numpy as np
import random

num_clusters = 5

# Use numpy's random function to generate a list, length: num_clusters, of indices.
random_initial_points = np.random.choice(point_guards.index, size=num_clusters)

# Use the random indices to create the centroids.
centroids = point_guards.ix[random_initial_points]

In [ ]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline

plt.scatter(point_guards['ppg'], point_guards['atr'], c='yellow')
plt.scatter(centroids['ppg'], centroids['atr'], c='red')
plt.xlabel('Points Per Game', fontsize=13)
plt.ylabel('Assist Turnover Ratio', fontsize=13)

In [ ]:
def centroids_to_dict(centroids):
    dictionary = dict()
    # Iterating counter we use to generate a cluster_id.
    counter = 0

    # Iterate a pandas data frame row-wise using .iterrows().
    for index, row in centroids.iterrows():
        coordinates = [row['ppg'], row['atr']]
        dictionary[counter] = coordinates
        counter += 1

    return dictionary

centroids_dict = centroids_to_dict(centroids)
print("centroids_dict", centroids_dict)

In [ ]:
import math

def calculate_distance(centroid, player_values):
    root_distance = 0
    for x in range(0, len(centroid)):
        difference = centroid[x] - player_values[x]
        squared_difference = difference**2
        root_distance += squared_difference

    euclid_distance = math.sqrt(root_distance)
    return euclid_distance

q = [5, 2]
p = [3,1]

# Sqrt(5) = ~2.24
print("calculate_distance(q, p)", calculate_distance(q, p))

In [ ]:
def assign_to_cluster(row):
    lowest_distance = -1
    closest_cluster = -1
    for cluster_id, centroid in centroids_dict.items():
        df_row = [row['ppg'], row['atr']]
        euclidean_distance = calculate_distance(centroid, df_row)
        if lowest_distance == -1:
            lowest_distance = euclidean_distance
            closest_cluster = cluster_id 
        elif euclidean_distance < lowest_distance:
            lowest_distance = euclidean_distance
            closest_cluster = cluster_id
    return closest_cluster

point_guards['cluster'] = point_guards.apply(lambda row: assign_to_cluster(row), axis=1)

In [ ]:
# Visualizing clusters
def visualize_clusters(df, num_clusters):
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    %matplotlib inline
    colors = ['b', 'g', 'r', 'c', 'm', 'y', 'k']

    for n in range(num_clusters):
        clustered_df = df[df['cluster'] == n]
        plt.scatter(clustered_df['ppg'], clustered_df['atr'], c=colors[n-1])
        plt.xlabel('Points Per Game', fontsize=13)
        plt.ylabel('Assist Turnover Ratio', fontsize=13)

visualize_clusters(point_guards, 5)

In [ ]:
def recalculate_centroids(df):
    new_centroids_dict = dict()
    for cluster_id in range(0, num_clusters):
        values_in_cluster = df[df['cluster'] == cluster_id]
        # Calculate new centroid using mean of values in the cluster.
        new_centroid = [np.average(values_in_cluster['ppg']), np.average(values_in_cluster['atr'])]
        new_centroids_dict[cluster_id] = new_centroid
    return new_centroids_dict

centroids_dict = recalculate_centroids(point_guards)
print("centroids_dict:", centroids_dict)

In [ ]:
point_guards['cluster'] = point_guards.apply(lambda row: assign_to_cluster(row), axis=1)
visualize_clusters(point_guards, num_clusters)

In [ ]:
centroids_dict = recalculate_centroids(point_guards)
point_guards['cluster'] = point_guards.apply(lambda row: assign_to_cluster(row), axis=1)
visualize_clusters(point_guards, num_clusters)

In [ ]:
! sudo pip install sklearn
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans

kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=num_clusters)[['ppg', 'atr']])
point_guards['cluster'] = kmeans.labels_

visualize_clusters(point_guards, num_clusters)