Regression Week 5: Feature Selection and LASSO (Interpretation)

In this notebook, you will use LASSO to select features, building on a pre-implemented solver for LASSO (using GraphLab Create, though you can use other solvers). You will:

  • Run LASSO with different L1 penalties.
  • Choose best L1 penalty using a validation set.
  • Choose best L1 penalty using a validation set, with additional constraint on the size of subset.

In the second notebook, you will implement your own LASSO solver, using coordinate descent.

Fire up graphlab create

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import graphlab

Load in house sales data

Dataset is from house sales in King County, the region where the city of Seattle, WA is located.

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sales = graphlab.SFrame('')

Create new features

As in Week 2, we consider features that are some transformations of inputs.

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from math import log, sqrt
sales['sqft_living_sqrt'] = sales['sqft_living'].apply(sqrt)
sales['sqft_lot_sqrt'] = sales['sqft_lot'].apply(sqrt)
sales['bedrooms_square'] = sales['bedrooms']*sales['bedrooms']

# In the dataset, 'floors' was defined with type string, 
# so we'll convert them to int, before creating a new feature.
sales['floors'] = sales['floors'].astype(int) 
sales['floors_square'] = sales['floors']*sales['floors']
  • Squaring bedrooms will increase the separation between not many bedrooms (e.g. 1) and lots of bedrooms (e.g. 4) since 1^2 = 1 but 4^2 = 16. Consequently this variable will mostly affect houses with many bedrooms.
  • On the other hand, taking square root of sqft_living will decrease the separation between big house and small house. The owner may not be exactly twice as happy for getting a house that is twice as big.

Learn regression weights with L1 penalty

Let us fit a model with all the features available, plus the features we just created above.

In [ ]:
all_features = ['bedrooms', 'bedrooms_square',
            'sqft_living', 'sqft_living_sqrt',
            'sqft_lot', 'sqft_lot_sqrt',
            'floors', 'floors_square',
            'waterfront', 'view', 'condition', 'grade',
            'yr_built', 'yr_renovated']

Applying L1 penalty requires adding an extra parameter (l1_penalty) to the linear regression call in GraphLab Create. (Other tools may have separate implementations of LASSO.) Note that it's important to set l2_penalty=0 to ensure we don't introduce an additional L2 penalty.

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model_all = graphlab.linear_regression.create(sales, target='price', features=all_features,
                                              l2_penalty=0., l1_penalty=1e10)

Find what features had non-zero weight.

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Note that a majority of the weights have been set to zero. So by setting an L1 penalty that's large enough, we are performing a subset selection.

QUIZ QUESTION: According to this list of weights, which of the features have been chosen?

Selecting an L1 penalty

To find a good L1 penalty, we will explore multiple values using a validation set. Let us do three way split into train, validation, and test sets:

  • Split our sales data into 2 sets: training and test
  • Further split our training data into two sets: train, validation

Be very careful that you use seed = 1 to ensure you get the same answer!

In [ ]:
(training_and_validation, testing) = sales.random_split(.9,seed=1) # initial train/test split
(training, validation) = training_and_validation.random_split(0.5, seed=1) # split training into train and validate

Next, we write a loop that does the following:

  • For l1_penalty in [10^1, 10^1.5, 10^2, 10^2.5, ..., 10^7] (to get this in Python, type np.logspace(1, 7, num=13).)
    • Fit a regression model with a given l1_penalty on TRAIN data. Specify l1_penalty=l1_penalty and l2_penalty=0. in the parameter list.
    • Compute the RSS on VALIDATION data (here you will want to use .predict()) for that l1_penalty
  • Report which l1_penalty produced the lowest RSS on validation data.

When you call linear_regression.create() make sure you set validation_set = None.

Note: you can turn off the print out of linear_regression.create() with verbose = False

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  1. What was the best value for the l1_penalty?
  2. What is the RSS on TEST data of the model with the best l1_penalty?

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QUIZ QUESTION Also, using this value of L1 penalty, how many nonzero weights do you have?

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Limit the number of nonzero weights

What if we absolutely wanted to limit ourselves to, say, 7 features? This may be important if we want to derive "a rule of thumb" --- an interpretable model that has only a few features in them.

In this section, you are going to implement a simple, two phase procedure to achive this goal:

  1. Explore a large range of l1_penalty values to find a narrow region of l1_penalty values where models are likely to have the desired number of non-zero weights.
  2. Further explore the narrow region you found to find a good value for l1_penalty that achieves the desired sparsity. Here, we will again use a validation set to choose the best value for l1_penalty.

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max_nonzeros = 7

Exploring the larger range of values to find a narrow range with the desired sparsity

Let's define a wide range of possible l1_penalty_values:

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l1_penalty_values = np.logspace(8, 10, num=20)

Now, implement a loop that search through this space of possible l1_penalty values:

  • For l1_penalty in np.logspace(8, 10, num=20):
    • Fit a regression model with a given l1_penalty on TRAIN data. Specify l1_penalty=l1_penalty and l2_penalty=0. in the parameter list. When you call linear_regression.create() make sure you set validation_set = None
    • Extract the weights of the model and count the number of nonzeros. Save the number of nonzeros to a list.
      • Hint: model['coefficients']['value'] gives you an SArray with the parameters you learned. If you call the method .nnz() on it, you will find the number of non-zero parameters!

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Out of this large range, we want to find the two ends of our desired narrow range of l1_penalty. At one end, we will have l1_penalty values that have too few non-zeros, and at the other end, we will have an l1_penalty that has too many non-zeros.

More formally, find:

  • The largest l1_penalty that has more non-zeros than max_nonzero (if we pick a penalty smaller than this value, we will definitely have too many non-zero weights)
    • Store this value in the variable l1_penalty_min (we will use it later)
  • The smallest l1_penalty that has fewer non-zeros than max_nonzero (if we pick a penalty larger than this value, we will definitely have too few non-zero weights)
    • Store this value in the variable l1_penalty_max (we will use it later)

Hint: there are many ways to do this, e.g.:

  • Programmatically within the loop above
  • Creating a list with the number of non-zeros for each value of l1_penalty and inspecting it to find the appropriate boundaries.

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l1_penalty_min = 
l1_penalty_max =


What values did you find for l1_penalty_min andl1_penalty_max?

Exploring the narrow range of values to find the solution with the right number of non-zeros that has lowest RSS on the validation set

We will now explore the narrow region of l1_penalty values we found:

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l1_penalty_values = np.linspace(l1_penalty_min,l1_penalty_max,20)
  • For l1_penalty in np.linspace(l1_penalty_min,l1_penalty_max,20):
    • Fit a regression model with a given l1_penalty on TRAIN data. Specify l1_penalty=l1_penalty and l2_penalty=0. in the parameter list. When you call linear_regression.create() make sure you set validation_set = None
    • Measure the RSS of the learned model on the VALIDATION set

Find the model that the lowest RSS on the VALIDATION set and has sparsity equal to max_nonzero.

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  1. What value of l1_penalty in our narrow range has the lowest RSS on the VALIDATION set and has sparsity equal to max_nonzeros?
  2. What features in this model have non-zero coefficients?

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