In [22]:
import pickle
import numpy
import seaborn
import pandas
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
aminotonumber = pickle.load(open("aminotonumber.pkl", "rb"))
allele_dic = pickle.load(open("allele_dic.pkl", "rb"))
translate = pickle.load(open("translate.pkl", "rb"))
translate2 = {}
for key, value in translate.items():
translate2[key.replace("U", "T")] = value
In [23]:
# confirm there are no duplicate barcodes
for key, value in allele_dic.items():
if (len(value) > 1):
# check GC content
gcs = []
total_length = 0
for barcode in allele_dic.keys():
gcs.append((barcode.count('G') + barcode.count('C')) / len(barcode))
print(sum(gcs) / len(gcs))
seaborn.set(rc={"figure.figsize": (10, 6)})
seaborn.distplot(gcs, kde=False, hist=True)
In [24]:
# Is there a combination of residue number and mutated-to residue that is enriched?
array = numpy.zeros((78, 21))
# normalize by number of codons coding for the AA
num_codons = {aa: 0 for aa in aminotonumber.keys()}
for codon, aa in translate2.items():
num_codons[aa] += 1
for key, value in allele_dic.items():
resnum, codon = value[0].split("_")
resnum = int(resnum)
aa = translate2[codon]
array[resnum, aminotonumber[aa]] += 1.0 / num_codons[aa]
array = array / array.max()
df = pandas.DataFrame(array, columns = aminotonumber.keys()).T
seaborn.set(rc={"figure.figsize": (18, 8)})
#plt.figure(figsize=(18, 8))
seaborn.heatmap(df, xticklabels = 5)
seaborn.axlabel("residue number", "mutation to amino acid")
plt.title("Barcodes by mutation")
In [26]:
# Are GC-rich codons favored?
gcs = []
for key, value in allele_dic.items():
resnum, codon = value[0].split("_")
gcs.append((codon.count('G') + codon.count('C')) / len(codon))
print(sum(gcs) / len(gcs))
seaborn.set(rc={"figure.figsize": (10, 6)})
seaborn.distplot(gcs, kde=False, hist=True)
In [ ]: