In [25]:
using Plots, ComplexPhasePortrait, ApproxFun
Dr. Sheehan Olver
This lecture we cover
In this course, we will always think of Laurent series living on a circle $ \gamma_r(z_0) = \{z : |z-z_0| = r \}$. That is, $$ f(z) \approx \sum_{k=-\infty}^\infty f_k (z-z_0)^k $$
for $z \in \gamma_r(z_0)$.
Proposition (Residue on a circle) Suppose the Laurent series is absolutely summable on $\gamma_r$. Then $$ \oint_{\gamma_r} f(z) dz = 2 \pi i f_{-1} $$ We refer to $f_{-1}$ as the _residue over $\gamma_r$_.
Example For all $0 < r < \infty$,
$$ \oint_{\gamma_r} {1 \over z} dz = 2 \pi i $$
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phaseplot(-2..2, -2..2, z-> 1/z)
In [3]:
γ = Circle(0.0, 1.0)
z = Fun(γ)
Example This works for functions not analytic: $$ \oint_{\gamma_1} (\sqrt{z-1}\sqrt{z+1})^3 dz $$
In [42]:
f = z -> (sqrt(z-1)*sqrt(z+1))^3
phaseplot(-2..2, -2..2, f)
plot!(Circle(1.1); color=:black, label="contour", linewidth=1.5, arrow=true)
In [29]:
@show sum(Fun(f, Laurent(Circle(1.1)))) # integral over circle
f₋₁ = Fun(f, Laurent(Circle(1.1))).coefficients[2] # numerical Laurent coefficient
@show 2π*im*f₋₁;
When $f$ is holomorphic in a neighbourhood of the circle, we can extend it to an annulus (like Taylor series and disks):
Proposition (Laurent series in an annulus) Suppose $f$ is holomorphic in an open annulus $A_{\rho R}(z_0) = \{z : \rho < | z - z_0| < R\}$. Then the Laurent series converges uniformly in any closed annulus inside $A_{\rho R}$
Proof Exercise. Hint: use the decay in the Laurent coefficients $f_k$ from last lecture.
Proposition (Residue on a circle) holds true regardless of the radius.
Definition (isolated singularity) $f$ has an isolated singularity at $z_0$ if it is holomorphic in an open annulus with inner radius 0: $$ A_{0R}(z_0) = \{z : 0 < |z - z_0| < R \}. $$
Definition (Removable singularity) $f$ has a removable singularity at $z_0$ if it has an isolated singularity at $z_0$ and all negative terms in the Laurent series in $A_{0R}(z_0)$ are zero: $$ f(z) = f_0 + f_1 (z-z_0) + f_2 (z-z_0)^2 + \cdots $$
In [31]:
f = z -> (exp(z)-1)/z
In [32]:
phaseplot(-1..1, -1..1, f) # no singularity appears because
Proposition (Removing a removable singularity) If $f$ has a removable singularity at $z_0$, then $$ \tilde f(z) = \begin{cases} f_0 & z = z_0 \\ f(z) & 0 < |z-z_0| < R \end{cases} $$ is analytic in the disk $B_R(z_0) = \{ z : |z-z_0| < R \}$, with a convergent Taylor series. Hence the name.
In [33]:
f̃ = z -> z ≈ 0 ? 1 : f(z)
phaseplot(-1..1, -1..1, f̃)
Definition (simple pole) $f$ has a simple pole at $z_0$ if it is holomorphic in $$ A_{0R}(z_0) = \{z : 0 < |z - z_0| < R \} $$ with only one negative term in the Laurent series in $A_{0R}(z_0)$: $$ f(z) = {f_{-1} \over z - z_0} + f_0 + f_1 (z - z_0) + \cdots $$ where $f_{-1} \neq 0$.
In [34]:
phaseplot(-1..1, -1..1, z -> exp(z)/z)
Definition (higher order pole) $f$ has a pole of order $N$ at ${z_0}$ if it is holomorphic in $$ A_{0R}(z_0) = \{z : 0 < |z - z_0| < R \} $$ with only $N$ negative coefficients in the Laurent series: $$ f(z) = {f_{-N} \over (z - z_0)^N} + {f_{1-N} \over (z - z_0)^{N-1}} + \cdots + {f_{-1} \over z-z_0} + f_0 + f_1 (z-z_0) + \cdots $$ where $f_{-N} \neq 0$.
In [35]:
phaseplot(-1..1, -1..1, z -> exp(z)/z^3)
Definition (essential singularity) $f$ has an essential singularity at $z_0$ if it is holomorphic in $A_{0R}(z_0)$ and has an infinite number of negative Laurent coefficients.
In [36]:
phaseplot(-1..1, -1..1, z -> exp(1/z))