In [1]:
# set some ipython notebook properties
%matplotlib inline

# set degree of verbosity (adapt to INFO for more verbose output)
import logging

# set figure sizes
import pylab
pylab.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (10.0, 8.0)

# set display width for pandas data frames
import pandas as pd
pd.set_option('display.width', 1000)

In [6]:
# import the algorithm
from fastlmm.association import single_snp
from pysnptools.snpreader import Pheno

# set up data
bed_fn = "./data/plink_files/atchely_imputed_thinned.bed"
pheno = "./data/fastlmm/fastlmm_pheno.txt"
cov_fn = "./data/fastlmm/fastlmm_cov.txt"

# run gwas
results_df = single_snp( bed_fn, pheno=pheno, covar = cov_fn, count_A1=True)

In [7]:
# manhattan plot
import pylab
import fastlmm.util.util as flutil
flutil.manhattan_plot(results_df.as_matrix(["Chr", "ChrPos", "PValue"]),pvalue_line=1e-5,xaxis_unit_bp=False)

# qq plot
from fastlmm.util.stats import plotp
plotp.qqplot(results_df["PValue"].values, xlim=[0,5], ylim=[0,5])

# print head of results data frame
import pandas as pd
pd.set_option('display.width', 2000)

sid_index SNP Chr GenDist ChrPos PValue SnpWeight SnpWeightSE SnpFractVarExpl Mixing Nullh2
0 168 AX-168402685 5 0 122117180 1.595729e-08 -0.562675 0.099165 0.125530 0.0 0.240913
1 174 AX-168384185 5 0 125381228 4.519056e-08 -0.552896 0.100703 0.121524 0.0 0.240913
2 175 AX-168408061 5 0 125994131 4.519056e-08 -0.552896 0.100703 0.121524 0.0 0.240913
3 173 AX-168408931 5 0 124901784 4.964021e-08 -0.551142 0.100693 0.121157 0.0 0.240913
4 169 AX-168380597 5 0 122692405 5.851123e-08 -0.541298 0.099433 0.120510 0.0 0.240913
5 128 AX-168403658 10 0 98142348 6.509680e-08 0.544155 0.100313 0.120089 0.0 0.240452
6 170 AX-168391783 5 0 123243870 7.863634e-08 -0.543358 0.100804 0.119340 0.0 0.240913
7 33 AX-168392378 17 0 25967379 2.163195e-07 -0.516381 0.099251 0.115246 0.0 0.248269
8 32 AX-168412541 17 0 25397397 2.609939e-07 -0.512725 0.099225 0.114471 0.0 0.248269
9 113 AX-168415797 14 0 88336162 3.725987e-07 -0.506408 0.099306 0.112987 0.0 0.249278

In [13]:
# example for two kernel feature selection
# this takes a couple of minutes to run on a 20-proc machine.
from pysnptools.snpreader import Bed
from fastlmm.association import single_snp_all_plus_select

from fastlmm.util.runner import LocalMultiProc
runner = LocalMultiProc(20,mkl_num_threads=5)
# define file names
snp_reader = Bed("./data/plink_files/atchely_imputed_thinned", count_A1=True)
pheno = Pheno("./data/fastlmm/fastlmm_pheno.txt")
cov_fn = "./data/fastlmm/fastlmm_cov.txt"

# find the chr5 SNPs
test_snps = snp_reader[:,snp_reader.pos[:,0] == 5]

In [15]:
#select the 2nd kernel and run GWAS
results_df = single_snp_all_plus_select(test_snps=test_snps,G=snp_reader,

import fastlmm.util.util as flutil
flutil.manhattan_plot(results_df.as_matrix(["Chr", "ChrPos", "PValue"]),pvalue_line=1e-5,xaxis_unit_bp=False)


KeyboardInterrupt                         Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-15-0a5f194e9019> in <module>()
      1 #select the 2nd kernel and run GWAS
      2 results_df = single_snp_all_plus_select(test_snps=test_snps,G=snp_reader,
----> 3                                         pheno=pheno,GB_goal=2,do_plot=True,runner=runner)
      5 import fastlmm.util.util as flutil

/home/diogro/bin/anaconda3/envs/limmbo/lib/python2.7/site-packages/fastlmm/association/single_snp_all_plus_select.pyc in single_snp_all_plus_select(test_snps, pheno, G, covar, k_list, n_folds, seed, output_file_name, GB_goal, force_full_rank, force_low_rank, mixing, h2, do_plot, runner)
    405     common_input_files = [test_snps, G, pheno, covar]
--> 407     chrom_index_to_best_sid = _best_snps_for_each_chrom(chrom_list, common_input_files, runner, G, n_folds, seed, pheno, covar, force_full_rank, force_low_rank, mixing, h2, k_list, GB_goal)
    409     frame = _gwas_2k_via_loo_chrom(test_snps, chrom_list, common_input_files, runner, G, chrom_index_to_best_sid, pheno, covar, force_full_rank, force_low_rank, mixing, h2, output_file_name, GB_goal)

/home/diogro/bin/anaconda3/envs/limmbo/lib/python2.7/site-packages/fastlmm/association/single_snp_all_plus_select.pyc in _best_snps_for_each_chrom(chrom_list, input_files, runner, G, n_folds, seed, pheno, covar, force_full_rank, force_low_rank, mixing, h2, k_list, GB_goal)
    341                 input_files=input_files,
    342                 name="best snps for each chrom",
--> 343                 runner=runner)
    344         return chrom_index_to_best_sid

/home/diogro/bin/anaconda3/envs/limmbo/lib/python2.7/site-packages/fastlmm/util/mapreduce.pyc in map_reduce(input_seq, mapper, reducer, input_files, output_files, name, runner, nested)
    178         runner = Local()
--> 180     result =
    181     return result

/home/diogro/bin/anaconda3/envs/limmbo/lib/python2.7/site-packages/fastlmm/util/runner/LocalMultiProc.pyc in run(self, distributable)
     63             for taskindex, proc in enumerate(proc_list):
---> 64                 rc = proc.wait()
     65                 #for line in proc.stdout.readlines():
     66                 #    sys.stdout.write(line)

/home/diogro/bin/anaconda3/envs/limmbo/lib/python2.7/subprocess.pyc in wait(self)
   1075             while self.returncode is None:
   1076                 try:
-> 1077                     pid, sts = _eintr_retry_call(os.waitpid,, 0)
   1078                 except OSError as e:
   1079                     if e.errno != errno.ECHILD:

/home/diogro/bin/anaconda3/envs/limmbo/lib/python2.7/subprocess.pyc in _eintr_retry_call(func, *args)
    119     while True:
    120         try:
--> 121             return func(*args)
    122         except (OSError, IOError) as e:
    123             if e.errno == errno.EINTR:


In [ ]: