In [39]:
%matplotlib inline
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt, cm
import numpy as np
import cv2
from imutils.convenience import resize
from skimage.transform import pyramid_gaussian
In [3]:
def pyramid(image, scale=1.5, minSize=(30, 30)):
# yield the original image
yield image
# keep looping over the pyramid
while True:
# compute the new dimensions of the image and resize it
w = int(image.shape[1] / scale)
image = resize(image, width=w)
# if the resized image does not meet the supplied minimum
# size, then stop constructing the pyramid
if image.shape[0] < minSize[1] or image.shape[1] < minSize[0]:
# yield the next image in the pyramid
yield image
In [37]:
# load the image
image = cv2.imread("./data/hr.jpeg")
# METHOD #1: No smooth, just scaling.
# loop over the image pyramid
# plt.figure(figsize=(14,10))
for (i, resized) in enumerate(pyramid(cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB), scale=1.5)):
# show the resized image
# fig.add_subplot()
plt.title("Layer {}".format(i + 1))
In [40]:
# METHOD #2: Resizing + Gaussian smoothing.
for (i, resized) in enumerate(pyramid_gaussian(image, downscale=2)):
# if the image is too small, break from the loop
if resized.shape[0] < 30 or resized.shape[1] < 30:
# show the resized image
cv2.imshow("Layer {}".format(i + 1), resized)