In [5]:
import numpy
import cPickle as pickle 
import gzip
import image

In [10]:
def load_data():
    with'lasagne-study/mnist.pkl.gz', 'rb') as f:
        tr,te,vl = pickle.load(f)
    return tr, te, vl

In [7]:
def visualize_weights(weights, panel_shape, tile_size):
    def scale(x):
        eps = 1e-8
        x = x.copy()
        x -= x.min()
        x *= 1.0 / (x.max() + eps)
        return 255.0*x
    margin_y = numpy.zeros(tile_size[1])
    margin_x = numpy.zeros((tile_size[0] + 1) * panel_shape[0])
    image = margin_x.copy()
    for y in range(panel_shape[1]):
        tmp = numpy.hstack( [ numpy.c_[ scale( x.reshape(tile_size) ), margin_y ] 
            for x in weights[y*panel_shape[0]:(y+1)*panel_shape[0]]])
        tmp = numpy.vstack([tmp, margin_x])
        image = numpy.vstack([image, tmp])
    img = Image.fromarray(image)
    img = img.convert('RGB')
    return img

In [29]:
class Autoencoder(object):
    def __init__(self, n_visible = 784, n_hidden = 784, \
        W1 = None, W2 = None, b1 =None, b2 = None, 
        noise = 0.0, untied = False):
        self.rng = numpy.random.RandomState(1)
        r = numpy.sqrt(6. / (n_hidden + n_visible + 1))
        if W1 == None:
            self.W1 = self.random_init(r, (n_hidden, n_visible))
        if W2 == None:
            if untied:
                W2 = self.random_init(r, (n_visible, n_hidden))
                W2 = self.W1.T
        self.W2 = W2
        if b1 == None:
            self.b1 = numpy.zeros(n_hidden)
        if b2 == None:
            self.b2 = numpy.zeros(n_visible)
        self.n_visible = n_visible
        self.n_hidden = n_hidden
        self.alpha = 0.1
        self.noise = noise
        self.untied = untied
    def random_init(self, r, size):
        return numpy.array(self.rng.uniform(low = -r, high = r, size=size))
    def sigmoid(self, x):
        return 1. / (1. + numpy.exp(-x))
    def sigmoid_prime(self, x):
        return x * (1. - x)
    def corrupt(self, x, noise):
        return self.rng.binomial(size = x.shape, n = 1, p = 1.0 - noise) * x
    def encode(self, x):
        return self.sigmoid(, x) + self.b1)
    def decode(self, y):
        return self.sigmoid(, y) + self.b2)
    def get_cost(self, x, z):
        eps = 1e-10
        return - numpy.sum((x * numpy.log(z + eps) + (1.-x) * numpy.log(1.-z + eps)))
    def get_cost_and_grad(self, x_batch, dnum):
        cost = 0.
        grad_W1 = numpy.zeros(self.W1.shape)
        grad_W2 = numpy.zeros(self.W2.shape)
        grad_b1 = numpy.zeros(self.b1.shape)
        grad_b2 = numpy.zeros(self.b2.shape)
        for x in x_batch:
            tilde_x = self.corrupt(x, self.noise)
            p = self.encode(tilde_x)
            y = self.decode(p)
            cost += self.get_cost(x,y)
            delta1 = - (x - y)
            if self.untied:
                grad_W2 += numpy.outer(delta1, p)
                grad_W1 += numpy.outer(delta1, p).T
            grad_b2 += delta1
            delta2 =, delta1) * self.sigmoid_prime(p)
            grad_W1 += numpy.outer(delta2, tilde_x)
            grad_b1 += delta2
        cost /= len(x_batch)
        grad_W1 /= len(x_batch)
        grad_W2 /= len(x_batch)
        grad_b1 /= len(x_batch)
        grad_b2 /= len(x_batch)
        return cost, grad_W1, grad_W2, grad_b1, grad_b2
    def train(self, X, epochs = 15, batch_size = 20):
        batch_num = len(X) / batch_size
        for epoch in range(epochs): 
            total_cost = 0.0
            for i in range(batch_num):
                batch = X[i*batch_size : (i+1)*batch_size]
                cost, gradW1, gradW2, gradb1, gradb2 = \
                    self.get_cost_and_grad(batch, len(X))
                total_cost += cost
                self.W1 -= self.alpha * gradW1
                self.W2 -= self.alpha * gradW2
                self.b1 -= self.alpha * gradb1
                self.b2 -= self.alpha * gradb2
                grad_sum = gradW1.sum() + gradW2.sum() + gradb1.sum() + gradb2.sum()
            print epoch,
            print (1. / batch_num) * total_cost
    def dump_weights(self, save_path):
        with open(save_path, 'w') as f:
            d = {
                "W1" : self.W1,
                "W2" : self.W2,
                "b1" : self.b1,
                "b2" : self.b2,
            pickle.dump(d, f)
    def visualize_weights(self):
        tile_size = (int(numpy.sqrt(self.W1[0].size)), int(numpy.sqrt(self.W1[0].size)))
        panel_shape = (10, 10)
        return visualize_weights(self.W1, panel_shape, tile_size)
        #panel_shape = (int(numpy.sqrt(self.W1.shape[0])), int(numpy.sqrt(self.W1.shape[0])))
        #return utils.visualize_weights(self.W1, panel_shape, tile_size)

In [11]:
tr, te, vl = load_data()
ae = Autoencoder(n_hidden = 50)

In [20]:
print ae.n_hidden
print ae.n_visible
print ae.noise


In [21]:
x = [tr[0][0]]
noise = 0.0
tilde_x = [ae.corrupt(x[0], noise)]
c, gW1, gW2, gb1, gb2 = ae.get_cost_and_grad(tilde_x, len(tr[0]))
print c


In [22]:
epsilon = 1e-4
print "W1"


In [23]:
for i in range(len(ae.W1)):
    for j in range(len(ae.W1[i])):
        ae.W1[i][j] += epsilon
        y = ae.decode(ae.encode(tilde_x[0]))
        e_p = ae.get_cost(x[0], y)
        ae.W1[i][j] -= 2. * epsilon
        y = ae.decode(ae.encode(tilde_x[0]))
        e_m = ae.get_cost(x[0], y)
        g = ( e_p - e_m ) / (2. * epsilon)
        ae.W1[i][j] += epsilon
        diff = gW1[i][j] - g
        if numpy.absolute(diff) >= epsilon**2:
            print i,j, gW1[i][j],  g, diff

In [24]:
print "W2"
for i in range(len(ae.W2)):
    for j in range(len(ae.W2[i])):
        ae.W2[i][j] += epsilon
        e_p = ae.get_cost(tilde_x[0], x[0])
        ae.W2[i][j] -= 2 * epsilon
        e_m = ae.get_cost(tilde_x[0], x[0])
        g = ( e_p - e_m ) / (2 * epsilon)
        ae.W2[i][j] += epsilon
        diff = gW2[i][j] - g
        if numpy.absolute(diff) >= epsilon**2:
            print i,j, gW2[i][j],  g, diff


In [25]:
train_data, test_data, valid_data = load_data()

In [31]:
ae = Autoencoder(n_hidden = 50)

In [32]:
ae.train(train_data[0], epochs = 2, batch_size = 1000)

0 221.972526694
1 158.667426564

In [33]:
img = ae.visualize_weights()

IndexError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-33-1649b5fa5048> in <module>()
----> 1 img = ae.visualize_weights()

<ipython-input-29-3dcee2f6d4f2> in visualize_weights(self)
    131         panel_shape = (10, 10)
--> 132         return visualize_weights(self.W1, panel_shape, tile_size)
    133         #panel_shape = (int(numpy.sqrt(self.W1.shape[0])), int(numpy.sqrt(self.W1.shape[0])))
    134         #return utils.visualize_weights(self.W1, panel_shape, tile_size)

<ipython-input-7-249dc81cd1d3> in visualize_weights(weights, panel_shape, tile_size)
     14     for y in range(panel_shape[1]):
     15         tmp = numpy.hstack( [ numpy.c_[ scale( x.reshape(tile_size) ), margin_y ] 
---> 16             for x in weights[y*panel_shape[0]:(y+1)*panel_shape[0]]])
     17         tmp = numpy.vstack([tmp, margin_x])

/Users/dikien/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/numpy/core/shape_base.pyc in hstack(tup)
    272     arrs = [atleast_1d(_m) for _m in tup]
    273     # As a special case, dimension 0 of 1-dimensional arrays is "horizontal"
--> 274     if arrs[0].ndim == 1:
    275         return _nx.concatenate(arrs, 0)
    276     else:

IndexError: list index out of range

In [34]:
from PIL import Image