[<CollectionItem: <Release> The Album of the Soundtrack of the Trailer of the Film of Monty Python and the Holy Grail: Executive Version>, <CollectionItem: <Release> The Ultimate Monty Python Rip Off>, <CollectionItem: <Release> Monty Python Sings>, <CollectionItem: <Release> Monty Python's Contractual Obligation Album>, <CollectionItem: <Release> Flash>, <CollectionItem: <Release> Wild Thing>, <CollectionItem: <Release> Beckology>, <CollectionItem: <Release> Another Monty Python CD>, <CollectionItem: <Release> Monty Python's Previous Record>, <CollectionItem: <Release> Monty Python Live at Drury Lane>, <CollectionItem: <Release> Dice>, <CollectionItem: <Release> The Instant Monty Python CD Collection>, <CollectionItem: <Release> Give Me Convenience or Give Me Death>, <CollectionItem: <Release> Monty Python's Life of Brian>, <CollectionItem: <Release> Fresh Fruit for Rotting Vegetables>, <CollectionItem: <Release> George & James>, <CollectionItem: <Release> Monty Python's Flying Circus>, <CollectionItem: <Release> In the Flat Field>, <CollectionItem: <Release> New York City, NY 11.11.05>, <CollectionItem: <Release> Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas>, '...(remaining elements truncated)...']