In [1]:
import matplotlib
matplotlib.rc('text', usetex=True)
%matplotlib inline
In [2]:
import logging
import matplotlib_venn
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import scipy.stats
import as bio
import misc.latex as latex
import misc.math_utils as math_utils
import riboutils.ribo_utils as ribo_utils
In [3]:
def get_uniprot_nt_lengths(uniprot_file, min_nt_length=0, types=None):
""" This function parses a file exported from UniProt giving protein
information. It then filters based on the 'Status' types, and
finally filters based on the nucleotide lengths of the sequences.
It returns a list of lengths.
uniprot_file (string) : the path to the file
min_nt_length (int) : the minimum length to include in the result
types (None, or list of strings) : the types to keep after
filtering; or, if None is given, no filtering will be applied
The available types seem to be:
* 'unreviewed'
* 'reviewed'
* 'unreviewed and UniParc'
* 'reviewed and UniParc'
* 'partially reviewed and UniParc'
* 'partially reviewed'
np.array of ints : the lengths (in nucleotides) of the
proteins remaining after filtering
uniprot = pd.read_csv(uniprot_file, sep='\t')
if types is not None:
m_types = uniprot['Status'].isin(types)
uniprot = uniprot[m_types]
uniprot_nt_lengths = uniprot['Length'] * 3
m_uniprot_nt_lengths = uniprot_nt_lengths > min_nt_length
uniprot_nt_lengths = uniprot_nt_lengths[m_uniprot_nt_lengths]
return np.array(uniprot_nt_lengths)
In [4]:
def get_orf_lengths(orfs, orf_types):
m_orf_type = orfs['orf_type'].isin(orf_types)
lengths = np.array(orfs.loc[m_orf_type, 'orf_len'])
return lengths
In [5]:
orfs_file = "/prj/grosshans-riboseq/RPF/orf-predictions/early-samples-unique.smooth.predicted-orfs.bed.gz"
orfs = bio.read_bed(orfs_file)
title = "ORF length distributions"
image_name = None # "/data/projects/departments/Christoph_Dieterich/riboseq/orf-coverage.eps"
In [6]:
# read in the ground truth protein lengths
#uniprot_file = "/data/projects/departments/Christoph_Dieterich/riboseq/"
uniprot_file = "/genomes/caenorhabditis_elegans/"
truth_nt_lengths = get_uniprot_nt_lengths(uniprot_file)
truth_label = 'UniRef90'
In [7]:
orf_lengths = [ get_orf_lengths(orfs, ribo_utils.orf_type_labels_mapping[label])
for label in ribo_utils.orf_type_labels]
In [9]:
prediction_labels = [latex.get_latex_safe_string(l) for l in ribo_utils.orf_type_labels]
prediction_lengths_list = orf_lengths
#prediction_lengths_list = [bf_lengths, chisq_lengths]
#prediction_labels = ['BF', r'$\chi^2$']
# input: truth_nt_lengths (array-like)
# prediction_lengths_list (list of array-likes)
# truth_label (string)
# prediction_labels (list of array-likes)
# if truth_nt_lengths is not defined, then the KL-divergence calculations
# will be skipped (and it will not be shown)
fontsize = 20
legend_fontsize = 20
title_fontsize = 20
linewidth = 4
# plot the empirical distribution of ORF lengths
hist_min = 200
hist_max = 5250
hist_step = 200
hist_range = (hist_min, hist_max)
hist_bins = np.arange(hist_min, hist_max, hist_step)
if truth_nt_lengths is not None:
truth_hist, _ = np.histogram(truth_nt_lengths, bins=hist_bins, range=hist_range, density=True)
truth_hist = None
prediction_hists = []
for prediction_lengths in prediction_lengths_list:
prediction_hist, _ = np.histogram(prediction_lengths, bins=hist_bins, range=hist_range, density=True)
# now, normalize the histograms
if truth_hist is not None:
truth_hist = truth_hist / np.sum(truth_hist)
truth_hist += 1e-3
for i, prediction_hist in enumerate(prediction_hists):
prediction_hists[i] = prediction_hist / np.sum(prediction_hist)
prediction_hists[i] += 1e-3
kls = []
if truth_hist is not None:
for i, prediction_hist in enumerate(prediction_hists):
kl = math_utils.calculate_symmetric_kl_divergence(truth_hist, prediction_hist, scipy.stats.entropy)
# and update the label
prediction_labels[i] = '{}, KL: ${:.2f}$'.format(prediction_labels[i], kl)
if truth_hist is not None:
truth_hist = 100 * truth_hist
for i, prediction_hist in enumerate(prediction_hists):
prediction_hists[i] *= 100
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10,5))
cm =
x = np.arange(len(hist_bins)-1)
truth_cm_offset = 0.1
if truth_hist is not None:
color = cm(truth_cm_offset)
ax.plot(x, truth_hist, label=truth_label, linewidth=linewidth, color=color)
color_range = 1 - 2*truth_cm_offset
for i, prediction_hist in enumerate(prediction_hists):
color = i / len(prediction_hists) * color_range
color += truth_cm_offset
color = cm(color)
ax.plot(x, prediction_hist, label=prediction_labels[i], linewidth=linewidth, color=color)
ax.set_xlabel('Length (bp)', fontsize=fontsize)
ax.set_ylabel('\% of predicted ORFs', fontsize=fontsize)
ax.set_title(title, fontsize=fontsize)
ax.set_xticklabels(hist_bins[::2], fontsize=fontsize, rotation=90)
ax.set_ylim((0, 20))
ax.set_xlim((0, len(hist_bins)))
# hide the "0" tick label
yticks = ax.yaxis.get_major_ticks()
# chop off everything from 3000 on
index_of_3000 = 14
ax.set_xlim((0, index_of_3000))
#ax.set_xlim((0, len(uniprot_hist)-1))
ax.legend(loc='center right', fontsize=legend_fontsize, bbox_to_anchor=(1.75,0.5))
ax.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=fontsize)
if image_name is not None:
In [29]:
min_signal = 10
min_bf_mean = 5
max_bf_var = 2
min_length = 20
chisq_alpha = 0.01
bf = bio.read_bed(bf_file)
orf_types = None # ['noncoding', 'canonical', 'canonical_truncated', 'within',
# 'three_prime', 'suspect_overlap', 'three_prime_overlap',
# 'five_prime', 'canonical_extended', 'five_prime_overlap']
if orf_types is not None:
m_orf_type = bf['orf_type'].isin(orf_types)
bf_filtered = bf[m_orf_type]
bf_filtered = bf
longest_orfs, bf_orfs, chisq_orfs = rpbp.rpbp_utils.get_predicted_orfs(bf_filtered,
bf_lengths = bf_orfs.apply(bio.get_bed_12_feature_length, axis=1)
chisq_lengths = chisq_orfs.apply(bio.get_bed_12_feature_length, axis=1)