Machine Learning em Atributos Estatísticos de Baixa Frequência

Carregando ambiente e parâmetros

In [15]:
import csv, time, os, sys

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 
%matplotlib inline'ggplot')
plt.rc('text', usetex=False)
#plt.rc('font', family='serif')

from sklearn.naive_bayes import MultinomialNB 
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
from sklearn.svm import SVC
from sklearn.svm import SVR
from sklearn.discriminant_analysis import LinearDiscriminantAnalysis as LDA
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans

import pandas as pd
from scipy import interpolate

BENCHMARKING_RESOURCES_PATH = 'benchmarkings/cs446 project-electric-load-identification-using-machine-learning/'

sys.path.append(os.path.join(BENCHMARKING_RESOURCES_PATH, 'src'))
from MLData import createInstances, deviceErrors
from energyCalcs import actDevEnergy,appDevEnergy,energyComp

Pré-processamento dos dados

Parâmetros gerais dos dados utilizados na modelagem (treino e teste)

In [2]:
datapath = os.path.join(REDD_RESOURCES_PATH, 'low_freq/house_3/')

# Dados climáticos (não disponibilizado  pelos autores - algoritmo adaptado)
weatherfile = 'Data/weather/20110405hourly_Boston.txt'
weatherfile_test = 'Data/weather/20110405hourly_Boston.txt'
available_weatherdata = True if os.path.isdir(weatherfile) else False

fileprefix = 'channel_'

# specify the timewindow for instances
timewindow = 90

# devices to be used in training and testing
use_idx = np.array([3,4,6,7,10,11,13,17,19])

Gerando dados de Treino

In [3]:
train_vals_start = 0
train_vals_end = 120001

# training data arrays
device_timer = np.zeros(shape=(train_vals_end - train_vals_start,9))
device_power = np.zeros(shape=(train_vals_end - train_vals_start,9))
total_device_power = np.zeros(shape=(train_vals_end - train_vals_start))

weather_timer = np.zeros(shape=(1980))
weather_temp = np.zeros(shape=(1980))
weather_data = np.zeros(shape=(train_vals_end - train_vals_start))

uidx = 0

print("Generating train data (from index {} to {})...".format(train_vals_start, train_vals_end))

# For each device (index), do...
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(20, 10))
for device in range(0, 20):
    # If the device is in our list of interest..
    if (device in use_idx):
        # Load energy data
        channel = device + 3
        filename = 'channel_'+ str(channel) +'.dat'
        filepath = datapath + filename

        # x = timestamp / y = energy
        xtemp, ytemp = np.loadtxt(filepath,unpack=True)
        print('Iter: {} / Device: {}'.format(uidx, device))
        device_timer[:, uidx] = xtemp[train_vals_start:train_vals_end]# - 1302930690
        device_power[:, uidx] = ytemp[train_vals_start:train_vals_end]
        total_device_power += ytemp[train_vals_start:train_vals_end]           

        plt.plot(device_timer[:,uidx], device_power[:,uidx])

        uidx = uidx + 1     

plt.title('Train Data - Power usage by Appliance')
#ticks = xtemp[list(range(train_vals_start, train_vals_end-1, 10000)) + [train_vals_end]]
#plt.xticks(ticks, rotation='vertical')
plt.xlim(xtemp[train_vals_start], xtemp[train_vals_end])

# read the weather data
if available_weatherdata:

    wfile = open(weatherfile,'rt')
    rownum = 0
        wreader = csv.reader(wfile, delimiter=',')
        for row in wreader:
            #print row[1]+','+row[2]+','+row[10]
            wdate = row[1]
            wtime = row[2]
            wdatelist = list(wdate)
            wtimelist = list(wtime)
            timedatestr = ''.join(wdatelist[0:4])+'-'+ ''.join(wdatelist[4:6])+'-'+''.join(wdatelist[6:8]) +'-'+ ''.join(wtimelist[0:2])+'-'+''.join(wtimelist[2:4])+'-'+'00'
            weather_timer[rownum] = int(time.mktime(time.strptime(timedatestr,"%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S")))
            weather_temp[rownum] = int(row[10])
            #print str(weather_timer[rownum]) + ','+ str(weather_temp[rownum])
            rownum = rownum + 1
        interp_func = interpolate.interp1d(weather_timer, weather_temp)
        weather_data = interp_func(device_timer[:,0])


Generating train data (from index 0 to 120001)...
Iter: 0 / Device: 3
Iter: 1 / Device: 4
Iter: 2 / Device: 6
Iter: 3 / Device: 7
Iter: 4 / Device: 10
Iter: 5 / Device: 11
Iter: 6 / Device: 13
Iter: 7 / Device: 17
Iter: 8 / Device: 19
C:\Users\diego\anaconda3\envs\doutorado\lib\site-packages\IPython\core\ UserWarning: Creating legend with loc="best" can be slow with large amounts of data.
  fig.canvas.print_figure(bytes_io, **kw)

In [4]:
xtemp[list(range(train_vals_start, train_vals_end-1, 100)) + [train_vals_end]]

array([1.30293069e+09, 1.30293107e+09, 1.30293282e+09, ...,
       1.30354745e+09, 1.30354783e+09, 1.30354821e+09])

Gerando dados de Teste

In [5]:
test_vals_start = 120001
test_vals_end = 240002

# test data arrays
device_timer_test = np.zeros(shape=(test_vals_end - test_vals_start, 9))
device_power_test = np.zeros(shape=(test_vals_end - test_vals_start, 9))
total_device_power_test = np.zeros(shape=(test_vals_end - test_vals_start))

weather_timer_test = np.zeros(shape= (1980))
weather_temp_test = np.zeros(shape= (1980))
weather_data_test = np.zeros(shape=(test_vals_end - test_vals_start))

uidx = 0

print("Generating test data (from index {} to {})...".format(test_vals_start, test_vals_end))

# For each device (index), do...
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(20, 10))
for device in range(0, 20):
    # If the device is in our list of interest..
    if (device in use_idx):
        # Load energy data
        channel = device + 3
        filename = 'channel_'+ str(channel) +'.dat'
        filepath = datapath + filename

        # x = timestamp / y = energy
        xtemp, ytemp = np.loadtxt(filepath,unpack=True)
        print('Iter: {} / Device: {}'.format(uidx, device))
        device_timer_test[:,uidx] = xtemp[test_vals_start:test_vals_end]# - 1302930690
        device_power_test[:,uidx] = ytemp[test_vals_start:test_vals_end]
        total_device_power_test += ytemp[test_vals_start:test_vals_end]  

        plt.plot(device_timer_test[:,uidx], device_power_test[:,uidx])

        uidx = uidx + 1     

plt.title('Test Data - Power usage by Appliance')
#ticks = xtemp[list(range(test_vals_start, test_vals_end-1, 10000)) + [test_vals_end]]
#plt.xticks(ticks, rotation='vertical')
plt.xlim(xtemp[test_vals_start], xtemp[test_vals_end])

# read the weather data
if available_weatherdata:

    wfile = open(weatherfile,'rt')
    rownum = 0
        wreader = csv.reader(wfile, delimiter=',')
        for row in wreader:
            #print row[1]+','+row[2]+','+row[10]
            wdate = row[1]
            wtime = row[2]
            wdatelist = list(wdate)
            wtimelist = list(wtime)
            timedatestr = ''.join(wdatelist[0:4])+'-'+ ''.join(wdatelist[4:6])+'-'+''.join(wdatelist[6:8]) +'-'+ ''.join(wtimelist[0:2])+'-'+''.join(wtimelist[2:4])+'-'+'00'
            weather_timer_test[rownum] = int(time.mktime(time.strptime(timedatestr,"%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S")))
            weather_temp_test[rownum] = int(row[10])
            #print str(weather_timer[rownum]) + ','+ str(weather_temp[rownum])
            rownum = rownum + 1
        interp_func = interpolate.interp1d(weather_timer_test, weather_temp_test)
        weather_data_test = interp_func(device_timer_test[:,0])


Generating test data (from index 120001 to 240002)...
Iter: 0 / Device: 3
Iter: 1 / Device: 4
Iter: 2 / Device: 6
Iter: 3 / Device: 7
Iter: 4 / Device: 10
Iter: 5 / Device: 11
Iter: 6 / Device: 13
Iter: 7 / Device: 17
Iter: 8 / Device: 19

Extração de Características

In [6]:
# create the instances and labels from the training data
classifier = 3 # 1 - Naive Bayes, 2 - Regression, 3 - SVM, 4 - Linear Discriminant Analysis, 5 - Random Forest Classifier

# Treino / Teste
print('Train -> ', end='')
train_instances, train_labels, train_labels_binary, train_power_chunks = createInstances(
    total_device_power, device_timer, device_power, weather_data,

print('Test -> ', end='')
test_instances,test_labels,test_labels_binary, test_power_chunks = createInstances(
    total_device_power_test, device_timer_test, device_power_test, weather_data_test,

Train -> instances: 4000
Test -> instances: 4000


In [43]:
from IPython.display import display

# Data persistence os.path.join(BENCHMARKING_RESOURCES_PATH, 'datasets/train_instances.npy'), train_instances) os.path.join(BENCHMARKING_RESOURCES_PATH, 'datasets/train_labels.npy'), train_labels) os.path.join(BENCHMARKING_RESOURCES_PATH, 'datasets/train_labels_binary.npy'), train_labels_binary) os.path.join(BENCHMARKING_RESOURCES_PATH, 'datasets/train_power_chunks.npy'), train_power_chunks) os.path.join(BENCHMARKING_RESOURCES_PATH, 'datasets/test_instances.npy'), test_instances) os.path.join(BENCHMARKING_RESOURCES_PATH, 'datasets/test_labels.npy'), test_labels) os.path.join(BENCHMARKING_RESOURCES_PATH, 'datasets/test_labels_binary.npy'), test_labels_binary) os.path.join(BENCHMARKING_RESOURCES_PATH, 'datasets/test_power_chunks.npy'), test_power_chunks)

# Dataframe DE TREINO com as estatísticas para cada chunk (projeto benchmarking analisado)
print('Benchmarking dataset...')
df_statistics = pd.DataFrame(
    np.concatenate([train_instances, train_labels_binary], axis=1),
    columns = statistics + ["APLIANCE_{}".format(i) for i in use_idx]
df_statistics.to_csv( os.path.join(BENCHMARKING_RESOURCES_PATH, 'datasets/df_statistics.csv') )

# Dataframe com a carga da residencia e labels de aparelhos (usados para tese)
print('Thesis benchmarking dataset...')
df_power_chunks = pd.DataFrame(
    np.concatenate([train_power_chunks, train_labels_binary], axis=1),
    columns = ["POWER_{}".format(i) for i in range(train_power_chunks.shape[1])] + ["APLIANCE_{}".format(i) for i in use_idx]
df_power_chunks.to_csv( os.path.join(BENCHMARKING_RESOURCES_PATH, 'datasets/df_power_chunks.csv') )

Benchmarking dataset...
0 254.233333 5.024496 4.0 0.0 267.0 27926.0 5.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1 253.066667 3.463460 4.0 0.0 259.0 27864.5 5.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2 207.433333 54.322913 4.0 0.0 266.0 22766.0 5.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
3 134.066667 2.448582 4.0 0.0 140.0 14860.5 5.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
4 627.000000 360.632315 4.0 0.0 1217.0 704625.5 5.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Thesis benchmarking dataset...
0 252.0 251.0 250.0 253.0 251.0 254.0 252.0 252.0 253.0 249.0 ... 256.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1 259.0 259.0 258.0 255.0 257.0 249.0 256.0 259.0 256.0 256.0 ... 250.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2 248.0 250.0 252.0 250.0 251.0 249.0 251.0 250.0 248.0 253.0 ... 142.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
3 133.0 135.0 135.0 134.0 134.0 134.0 138.0 135.0 137.0 133.0 ... 133.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
4 131.0 134.0 136.0 132.0 660.0 668.0 659.0 247.0 242.0 240.0 ... 963.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

5 rows × 39 columns


Benchmarking (replicando estudo)

In [8]:
for clf_idx in range (1,7):
    #clf = i
    if clf_idx == 1:
        cLabel = 'Naive Bayes'
        clf = MultinomialNB()
        MultinomialNB(alpha=1.0, class_prior=None, fit_prior=True)
    elif clf_idx == 2:
        cLabel = 'Logistic Regression'
        clf = LogisticRegression()
        LogisticRegression(C = 1.0, penalty = 'l1', tol=1e-6)
    elif clf_idx == 3:
        cLabel = 'SVM'
        clf = SVC()
    elif clf_idx == 4:
        cLabel = 'Linear Discriminant Analysis'
        clf = LDA()
    elif clf_idx == 5:
        cLabel = 'Random Forest Classifier'
        clf = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=10)
        SVR(C = 1.0, epsilon=0.2)
    elif clf_idx ==6:
        cLabel = 'K-means clustering'
        clf = KMeans(n_clusters=512, init='random')

    t0 = time.time(), train_labels)   
    t1 = time.time()
    nd = len(use_idx)
    # prediction on training and test data
    accuracyTr, dev_acc_train, predicted_labels_binary_train = deviceErrors(
    accuracyTs, dev_acc_test, predicted_labels_binary_test = deviceErrors(
    # prediction of device energy consumption
    agg_energy_train = train_instances[:,5]
    actEnergy_train = actDevEnergy(device_power,device_timer,nd)
    appEnergy_train = appDevEnergy(train_labels_binary,agg_energy_train,nd)
    preEnergy_train = appDevEnergy(predicted_labels_binary_train,agg_energy_train,nd)

    acTap_train, acTpre_train, apTde_train = energyComp(actEnergy_train, appEnergy_train, preEnergy_train)

    agg_energy_test = test_instances[:,5]
    actEnergy_test = actDevEnergy(device_power_test,device_timer_test,nd)
    appEnergy_test = appDevEnergy(test_labels_binary,agg_energy_test,nd)
    preEnergy_test = appDevEnergy(predicted_labels_binary_test,agg_energy_test,nd)
    acTap_test, acTpre_test, apTde_test = energyComp(actEnergy_test, appEnergy_test, preEnergy_test)

    t2 = time.time()
    t3 = time.time()

    trainTime = t1-t0
    test1Time = t2-t1
    test2Time = t3-t2
    print( '================================================================================')
    print( 'Classifier = ' + cLabel)
    print( 'Computational Expense for Training Classifier = ' + str(trainTime)  + 's')
    print( '------------------------- Results for Traning Data -----------------------------')
    print( 'Percent Accuracy on Training Data = ' + str(accuracyTr) + '%')
    print( 'Percent Accuracy per device on Training Data = ' + str(dev_acc_train) + '%')
    print( 'Actual Device Energy on Training Data = ' +  str(actEnergy_train))
    print( 'Approx Device Energy on Training Data = ' +  str(appEnergy_train))
    print( 'Predicted Device Energy on Training Data = ' +  str(preEnergy_train))
    print( 'Computational Expense Classifying Training Data = ' + str(test1Time)  + 's')
    print( 'Device Accuracy Approx. vs Actual = ' + str(acTap_train))
    print( 'Device Accuracy Pre. vs. Actual = ' + str(acTpre_train))
    print( 'Device Accuracy Pre. vs. approx. = ' + str(apTde_train))
    print( '------------------------- Results for Test Data -----------------------------')
    print( 'Percent Accuracy on Test Data = ' + str(accuracyTs) + '%')
    print( 'Percent Accuracy per device on Test Data = ' + str(dev_acc_test) + '%')
    print( 'Actual Device Energy on Test Data = ' +  str(actEnergy_test))
    print( 'Approx Device Energy on Test Data = ' +  str(appEnergy_test))
    print( 'Predicted Device Energy on Test Data = ' +  str(preEnergy_test))
    print( 'Computational Expense Classifying Test Data = ' + str(test2Time)  + 's')
    print( 'Device Accuracy Approx. vs Actual = ' + str(acTap_test))
    print( 'Device Accuracy Pre. vs. Actual = ' + str(acTpre_test))
    print( 'Device Accuracy Pre. vs. approx. = ' + str(apTde_test))

Classifier = Naive Bayes
Computational Expense for Training Classifier = 0.005944728851318359s
------------------------- Results for Traning Data -----------------------------
Percent Accuracy on Training Data = 27.849999999999998%
Percent Accuracy per device on Training Data = [53.15  62.975 95.05  90.35  97.5   85.95  94.75  94.25  92.225]%
Actual Device Energy on Training Data = [66120450.   27392535.5   4449121.5  19128794.5  15390170.   28580011.25
  4341837.5  15216350.25  5500048.25]
Approx Device Energy on Training Data = [61753506.44166666 45844281.02500001  2540501.39583333 12911220.4
 15640700.5125     17332266.62916667  1987370.3125      9165130.67916667
Predicted Device Energy on Training Data = [34506972.77916667 29000747.00833333  2893159.52083333 18142838.57083333
  5318590.91666667 22028142.44583333  7095129.125      12302105.8625
Computational Expense Classifying Training Data = 0.11170125007629395s
Device Accuracy Approx. vs Actual = [ 6.60452789 67.36048777 42.89880832 32.50374246  1.62786059 39.35528409
 54.22743683 39.76787779 45.5622484 ]
Device Accuracy Pre. vs. Actual = [ 47.8119511    5.87098448  34.97234182   5.15430248  65.44163634
  22.92465439  63.41305093  19.15205907 143.92915591]
Device Accuracy Pre. vs. approx. = [ 44.12143574  36.74075291  13.88143795  40.51993544  65.99518728
  27.09325859 257.01092445  34.22728266 348.08822691]
------------------------- Results for Test Data -----------------------------
Percent Accuracy on Test Data = 27.175000000000004%
Percent Accuracy per device on Test Data = [52.2   61.2   94.625 95.475 98.1   83.725 96.55  93.125 84.6  ]%
Actual Device Energy on Test Data = [1.86852212e+08 2.17513613e+08 3.94863000e+06 1.23842395e+07
 1.14932375e+07 1.53197538e+07 6.43228900e+06 4.55543375e+06
Approx Device Energy on Test Data = [4.03886653e+07 3.83448584e+08 9.00818833e+05 1.11910315e+06
 7.82719717e+06 8.99514155e+06 1.25683983e+06 2.81681673e+06
Predicted Device Energy on Test Data = [1.32323863e+08 1.32373745e+08 2.85331079e+06 1.22493667e+08
 3.39844729e+06 1.81443021e+07 4.11548429e+06 7.12924137e+06
Computational Expense Classifying Test Data = 0.0s
Device Accuracy Approx. vs Actual = [78.38470054 76.2871661  77.1865474  90.96348915 31.89736856 41.28403304
 80.46045765 38.16578434 24.21801795]
Device Accuracy Pre. vs. Actual = [ 29.18260857  39.14231681  27.73922116 889.10931844  70.43089654
  18.43729589  36.01835534  56.49972684  26.28309841]
Device Accuracy Pre. vs. approx. = [2.27626233e+02 6.54780977e+01 2.16746352e+02 1.08456995e+04
 5.65815552e+01 1.01712246e+02 2.27446997e+02 1.53095677e+02

C:\Users\diego\anaconda3\envs\doutorado\lib\site-packages\sklearn\linear_model\ FutureWarning: Default solver will be changed to 'lbfgs' in 0.22. Specify a solver to silence this warning.
C:\Users\diego\anaconda3\envs\doutorado\lib\site-packages\sklearn\linear_model\ FutureWarning: Default multi_class will be changed to 'auto' in 0.22. Specify the multi_class option to silence this warning.
  "this warning.", FutureWarning)
C:\Users\diego\anaconda3\envs\doutorado\lib\site-packages\sklearn\svm\ ConvergenceWarning: Liblinear failed to converge, increase the number of iterations.
  "the number of iterations.", ConvergenceWarning)
C:\Users\diego\anaconda3\envs\doutorado\lib\site-packages\sklearn\svm\ FutureWarning: The default value of gamma will change from 'auto' to 'scale' in version 0.22 to account better for unscaled features. Set gamma explicitly to 'auto' or 'scale' to avoid this warning.
  "avoid this warning.", FutureWarning)
Classifier = Logistic Regression
Computational Expense for Training Classifier = 2.19213604927063s
------------------------- Results for Traning Data -----------------------------
Percent Accuracy on Training Data = 37.475%
Percent Accuracy per device on Training Data = [57.25  75.35  98.275 93.875 97.4   96.125 98.875 96.675 97.925]%
Actual Device Energy on Training Data = [66120450.   27392535.5   4449121.5  19128794.5  15390170.   28580011.25
  4341837.5  15216350.25  5500048.25]
Approx Device Energy on Training Data = [61753506.44166666 45844281.02500001  2540501.39583333 12911220.4
 15640700.5125     17332266.62916667  1987370.3125      9165130.67916667
Predicted Device Energy on Training Data = [9.07359962e+07 5.03644887e+07 6.01085000e+04 8.81436421e+05
 1.57066301e+07 1.64512647e+07 5.02842500e+04 6.06406190e+06
Computational Expense Classifying Training Data = 0.10471844673156738s
Device Accuracy Approx. vs Actual = [ 6.60452789 67.36048777 42.89880832 32.50374246  1.62786059 39.35528409
 54.22743683 39.76787779 45.5622484 ]
Device Accuracy Pre. vs. Actual = [ 37.22834039  83.86209145  98.64898048  95.39209635   2.05624843
  42.43786488  98.84186707  60.14772402 100.        ]
Device Accuracy Pre. vs. approx. = [ 46.93254103   9.8599161   97.63399067  93.17309756   0.42152598
   5.0830163   97.46980974  33.83551083 100.        ]
------------------------- Results for Test Data -----------------------------
Percent Accuracy on Test Data = 40.349999999999994%
Percent Accuracy per device on Test Data = [58.05  71.425 99.15  99.025 98.3   97.25  99.45  98.775 89.125]%
Actual Device Energy on Test Data = [1.86852212e+08 2.17513613e+08 3.94863000e+06 1.23842395e+07
 1.14932375e+07 1.53197538e+07 6.43228900e+06 4.55543375e+06
Approx Device Energy on Test Data = [4.03886653e+07 3.83448584e+08 9.00818833e+05 1.11910315e+06
 7.82719717e+06 8.99514155e+06 1.25683983e+06 2.81681673e+06
Predicted Device Energy on Test Data = [1.47893835e+08 1.22755244e+08 8.75247112e+07 8.91432186e+07
 6.22922398e+06 6.89587806e+06 1.17371417e+05 4.16097938e+06
Computational Expense Classifying Test Data = 0.0s
Device Accuracy Approx. vs Actual = [78.38470054 76.2871661  77.1865474  90.96348915 31.89736856 41.28403304
 80.46045765 38.16578434 24.21801795]
Device Accuracy Pre. vs. Actual = [  20.84983459   43.56433961 2116.58426467  619.81181115   45.80096361
   54.98701761   98.17527762    8.6589861    99.66841275]
Device Accuracy Pre. vs. approx. = [ 266.17658505   67.98651789 9616.12803943 7865.5945007    20.41565025
   23.33774827   90.66138632   47.71920842   99.5624458 ]

Classifier = SVM
Computational Expense for Training Classifier = 12.366969347000122s
------------------------- Results for Traning Data -----------------------------
Percent Accuracy on Training Data = 100.0%
Percent Accuracy per device on Training Data = [100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 100.]%
Actual Device Energy on Training Data = [66120450.   27392535.5   4449121.5  19128794.5  15390170.   28580011.25
  4341837.5  15216350.25  5500048.25]
Approx Device Energy on Training Data = [61753506.44166666 45844281.02500001  2540501.39583333 12911220.4
 15640700.5125     17332266.62916667  1987370.3125      9165130.67916667
Predicted Device Energy on Training Data = [61753506.44166667 45844281.025       2540501.39583333 12911220.4
 15640700.5125     17332266.62916667  1987370.3125      9165130.67916667
Computational Expense Classifying Training Data = 4.041175127029419s
Device Accuracy Approx. vs Actual = [ 6.60452789 67.36048777 42.89880832 32.50374246  1.62786059 39.35528409
 54.22743683 39.76787779 45.5622484 ]
Device Accuracy Pre. vs. Actual = [ 6.60452789 67.36048777 42.89880832 32.50374246  1.62786059 39.35528409
 54.22743683 39.76787779 45.5622484 ]
Device Accuracy Pre. vs. approx. = [1.20650325e-14 1.62519303e-14 0.00000000e+00 1.44265615e-14
 1.19089624e-14 2.14933821e-14 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00
------------------------- Results for Test Data -----------------------------
Percent Accuracy on Test Data = 36.475%
Percent Accuracy per device on Test Data = [64.35  58.425 99.175 99.425 98.    96.775 99.525 99.025 89.15 ]%
Actual Device Energy on Test Data = [1.86852212e+08 2.17513613e+08 3.94863000e+06 1.23842395e+07
 1.14932375e+07 1.53197538e+07 6.43228900e+06 4.55543375e+06
Approx Device Energy on Test Data = [4.03886653e+07 3.83448584e+08 9.00818833e+05 1.11910315e+06
 7.82719717e+06 8.99514155e+06 1.25683983e+06 2.81681673e+06
Predicted Device Energy on Test Data = [4.61833804e+08 1.91664625e+05 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00
 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00
Computational Expense Classifying Test Data = 0.0s
Device Accuracy Approx. vs Actual = [78.38470054 76.2871661  77.1865474  90.96348915 31.89736856 41.28403304
 80.46045765 38.16578434 24.21801795]
Device Accuracy Pre. vs. Actual = [147.16528531  99.91188385 100.         100.         100.
 100.         100.         100.         100.        ]
Device Accuracy Pre. vs. approx. = [1043.47379626   99.95001556  100.          100.          100.
  100.          100.          100.          100.        ]

Classifier = Linear Discriminant Analysis
Computational Expense for Training Classifier = 0.015958070755004883s
------------------------- Results for Traning Data -----------------------------
Percent Accuracy on Training Data = 43.175%
Percent Accuracy per device on Training Data = [ 63.625  68.225  98.275  96.45  100.     98.8    98.275  98.55   98.525]%
Actual Device Energy on Training Data = [66120450.   27392535.5   4449121.5  19128794.5  15390170.   28580011.25
  4341837.5  15216350.25  5500048.25]
Approx Device Energy on Training Data = [61753506.44166666 45844281.02500001  2540501.39583333 12911220.4
 15640700.5125     17332266.62916667  1987370.3125      9165130.67916667
Predicted Device Energy on Training Data = [64329479.19999999 29731179.22083333   753362.5625     15485588.5125
 16710480.82916667 17373704.075       3183191.97916667  7897492.55833333
  2750985.3125    ]
Computational Expense Classifying Training Data = 0.10975265502929688s
Device Accuracy Approx. vs Actual = [ 6.60452789 67.36048777 42.89880832 32.50374246  1.62786059 39.35528409
 54.22743683 39.76787779 45.5622484 ]
Device Accuracy Pre. vs. Actual = [ 2.70864884  8.53752191 83.0671614  19.04566431  8.57892297 39.21029658
 26.68560306 48.09864108 49.98252402]
Device Accuracy Pre. vs. approx. = [ 4.17137893 35.1474632  70.34591031 19.93899905  6.83972125  0.2390769
 60.17105414 13.83109707  8.11987175]
------------------------- Results for Test Data -----------------------------
Percent Accuracy on Test Data = 44.925000000000004%
Percent Accuracy per device on Test Data = [68.275 71.35  99.125 98.15  99.95  98.65  98.825 99.35  89.05 ]%
Actual Device Energy on Test Data = [1.86852212e+08 2.17513613e+08 3.94863000e+06 1.23842395e+07
 1.14932375e+07 1.53197538e+07 6.43228900e+06 4.55543375e+06
Approx Device Energy on Test Data = [4.03886653e+07 3.83448584e+08 9.00818833e+05 1.11910315e+06
 7.82719717e+06 8.99514155e+06 1.25683983e+06 2.81681673e+06
Predicted Device Energy on Test Data = [1.35243446e+08 1.07041506e+08 1.60487500e+04 4.98280229e+06
 9.55983432e+07 9.57947285e+07 1.98073727e+06 2.37666213e+06
Computational Expense Classifying Test Data = 0.0s
Device Accuracy Approx. vs Actual = [78.38470054 76.2871661  77.1865474  90.96348915 31.89736856 41.28403304
 80.46045765 38.16578434 24.21801795]
Device Accuracy Pre. vs. Actual = [ 27.62009927  50.78859446  99.59356156  59.76497151 731.77906334
 525.30201244  69.20633897  47.82797293  83.76385293]
Device Accuracy Pre. vs. approx. = [ 234.85495245   72.08452173   98.21842646  345.24960101 1121.36112184
  964.96076763   57.5966339    15.62595803   78.57518814]

C:\Users\diego\anaconda3\envs\doutorado\lib\site-packages\sklearn\ UserWarning: Variables are collinear.
  warnings.warn("Variables are collinear.")
Classifier = Random Forest Classifier
Computational Expense for Training Classifier = 0.06682038307189941s
------------------------- Results for Traning Data -----------------------------
Percent Accuracy on Training Data = 99.52499999999999%
Percent Accuracy per device on Training Data = [ 99.6    99.85   99.975  99.975 100.    100.    100.     99.975 100.   ]%
Actual Device Energy on Training Data = [66120450.   27392535.5   4449121.5  19128794.5  15390170.   28580011.25
  4341837.5  15216350.25  5500048.25]
Approx Device Energy on Training Data = [61753506.44166666 45844281.02500001  2540501.39583333 12911220.4
 15640700.5125     17332266.62916667  1987370.3125      9165130.67916667
Predicted Device Energy on Training Data = [61652828.81666667 45835146.58749999  2492966.64583333 12919162.4
 15663337.95       17354904.06666667  2004548.75        9189083.74166667
Computational Expense Classifying Training Data = 0.14466571807861328s
Device Accuracy Approx. vs Actual = [ 6.60452789 67.36048777 42.89880832 32.50374246  1.62786059 39.35528409
 54.22743683 39.76787779 45.5622484 ]
Device Accuracy Pre. vs. Actual = [ 6.75679186 67.32714132 43.96721587 32.4622239   1.77495083 39.27607685
 53.83178781 39.61046118 45.24991591]
Device Accuracy Pre. vs. approx. = [0.16303143 0.01992492 1.8710775  0.06151239 0.14473417 0.13060864
 0.8643803  0.26134993 0.57374245]
------------------------- Results for Test Data -----------------------------
Percent Accuracy on Test Data = 81.075%
Percent Accuracy per device on Test Data = [ 89.7    90.925  99.05   98.95  100.     98.3    99.     99.675  89.1  ]%
Actual Device Energy on Test Data = [1.86852212e+08 2.17513613e+08 3.94863000e+06 1.23842395e+07
 1.14932375e+07 1.53197538e+07 6.43228900e+06 4.55543375e+06
Approx Device Energy on Test Data = [4.03886653e+07 3.83448584e+08 9.00818833e+05 1.11910315e+06
 7.82719717e+06 8.99514155e+06 1.25683983e+06 2.81681673e+06
Predicted Device Energy on Test Data = [2.13363592e+08 2.17021679e+08 7.23659583e+04 2.63085936e+06
 7.26959024e+06 9.64643828e+06 1.29105844e+06 2.93963654e+06
Computational Expense Classifying Test Data = 0.0s
Device Accuracy Approx. vs Actual = [78.38470054 76.2871661  77.1865474  90.96348915 31.89736856 41.28403304
 80.46045765 38.16578434 24.21801795]
Device Accuracy Pre. vs. Actual = [14.18842161  0.22616257 98.16731478 78.75639144 36.7489775  37.03268057
 79.92847589 35.46966759 81.23982242]
Device Accuracy Pre. vs. approx. = [428.27591781  43.4026653   91.96664683 135.08640578   7.12396692
   7.24053897   2.72259068   4.36023442  75.24454089]

C:\Users\diego\anaconda3\envs\doutorado\lib\site-packages\sklearn\cluster\ ConvergenceWarning: Number of distinct clusters (511) found smaller than n_clusters (512). Possibly due to duplicate points in X.
Classifier = K-means clustering
Computational Expense for Training Classifier = 5.234997034072876s
------------------------- Results for Traning Data -----------------------------
Percent Accuracy on Training Data = 0.024999999999997247%
Percent Accuracy per device on Training Data = [51.    45.075 50.35  48.725 47.1   49.875 49.275 48.825 52.525]%
Actual Device Energy on Training Data = [66120450.   27392535.5   4449121.5  19128794.5  15390170.   28580011.25
  4341837.5  15216350.25  5500048.25]
Approx Device Energy on Training Data = [61753506.44166666 45844281.02500001  2540501.39583333 12911220.4
 15640700.5125     17332266.62916667  1987370.3125      9165130.67916667
Predicted Device Energy on Training Data = [17822244.67668652 16445840.75228174 17111516.23382936 15263334.53799602
 22829382.55704365 18997941.63799604 18081736.88412698 26201060.61448411
Computational Expense Classifying Training Data = 0.1855030059814453s
Device Accuracy Approx. vs Actual = [ 6.60452789 67.36048777 42.89880832 32.50374246  1.62786059 39.35528409
 54.22743683 39.76787779 45.5622484 ]
Device Accuracy Pre. vs. Actual = [ 73.04579041  39.9623275  284.60438165  20.20754607  48.33742939
  33.52717229 316.45356106  72.19017822 412.47794245]
Device Accuracy Pre. vs. approx. = [ 71.13970412  64.12673427 573.548783    18.21759729  45.96138158
   9.61025493 809.83229298 185.87765447 841.40174309]
------------------------- Results for Test Data -----------------------------
Percent Accuracy on Test Data = 0.024999999999997247%
Percent Accuracy per device on Test Data = [53.075 46.    49.25  48.2   42.4   50.425 48.075 48.45  52.   ]%
Actual Device Energy on Test Data = [1.86852212e+08 2.17513613e+08 3.94863000e+06 1.23842395e+07
 1.14932375e+07 1.53197538e+07 6.43228900e+06 4.55543375e+06
Approx Device Energy on Test Data = [4.03886653e+07 3.83448584e+08 9.00818833e+05 1.11910315e+06
 7.82719717e+06 8.99514155e+06 1.25683983e+06 2.81681673e+06
Predicted Device Energy on Test Data = [1.29531622e+07 1.24658806e+07 1.31511959e+07 1.14410165e+07
 1.79033089e+07 1.27652055e+07 1.32541628e+07 1.85195905e+08
Computational Expense Classifying Test Data = 0.0s
Device Accuracy Approx. vs Actual = [78.38470054 76.2871661  77.1865474  90.96348915 31.89736856 41.28403304
 80.46045765 38.16578434 24.21801795]
Device Accuracy Pre. vs. Actual = [  93.06769666   94.26891933  233.05718358    7.61631722   55.77254837
   16.67486501  106.05670522 3965.38466097 1336.38514948]
Device Accuracy Pre. vs. approx. = [  67.9287194    96.74900856 1359.91573236  922.33798351  128.73205496
   41.91222474  954.56259679 6474.652266   1795.41776373]

In [9]:
# # compute the energy consumption of each device.
# ################################################################
# #plot 4 of the devices for illustration
# fig = plt.figure(0)
# lendev = len(device_timer[:,0])
# ax1 = plt.subplot(221)
# plt.plot((device_timer[:,0]-device_timer[0,0])/(device_timer[lendev-1,0]-device_timer[0,0]),device_power[:,0])
# ax1.set_title('Electronics')
# plt.ylabel('Device Power (W)')

# ax2 = plt.subplot(222)
# plt.plot((device_timer[:,0]-device_timer[0,0])/(device_timer[lendev-1,0]-device_timer[0,0]),device_power[:,1])
# ax2.set_title('Refrigerator')
# #plt.ylabel('Device Power (W)')

# ax3 = plt.subplot(223)
# plt.plot((device_timer[:,0]-device_timer[0,0])/(device_timer[lendev-1,0]-device_timer[0,0]),device_power[:,3])
# ax3.set_title('Furnace')
# plt.xlabel('Normalized Time')
# plt.ylabel('Device Power (W)')

# ax4 = plt.subplot(224)
# plt.plot((device_timer[:,0]-device_timer[0,0])/(device_timer[lendev-1,0]-device_timer[0,0]),device_power[:,5])
# ax4.set_title('Washer Dryer 2')
# plt.xlabel('Normalized Time')
# #plt.ylabel('Device Power (W)')

# fig = plt.figure(1)
# plt.plot((device_timer[0:288,0]-device_timer[0,0])/(device_timer[288-1,0]-device_timer[0,0]),device_power[0:288,0])

# plt.ylabel('Mains Power Consumption (W)')
# plt.xlabel('time (s)')


Foi possível reproduzir o experimento conduzido no projeto CS446 Project: Electric Load Identification using Machine Learning, onde se extrai atributos para cada subset (chunks) de séries temporais de medições de energia residencial de baixa frequência, tais como:

* Average power instance        
* Std deviation of power        
* Local hour of the day fraction
* Local average temperature during the 5 minute window
* Maximum power reading
* The energy (integral of power) reading
* Day of the week 

Todavia, no processo de implementação foram detectadas algumas limitações, destacando-se:

1. O autor não compartilhou os dados metereológicos utilizados no estudo. Sobre esta questão, a saída foi adaptar o algoritmo para pré-processar os dados de modo que ignora-se este atributo;
2. Muitas inconsitências na implementação, como a definição do intervalo de medição a partir do cabeçãlho da série. Este é um ponto problemático, uma vez que as medições individuais dos aparelhos não estão normalizadas por padrão, e o intervalo pode sofrer variação (como ocorre no conjunto de TESTE, que resultou em um `timestep` de 9 unidades (diferente dos 3 (segundos) existentes na corrente principal da casa. 

Sendo assim, um ponto de evolução é implementar a extração de características a partir do pacote NILMTK, que permite processar os dados mantendo a integridade das informações. Por ora, foi fixado o timestep em 3 segundos (sampling_rate) no código do projeto (mais especificamente na linha 14 do arquivo PROJETO_PATH/src/

In [10]:
# timestep = device_timer[2, 1] - device_timer[1, 1]
# print('timestep: {}'.format(timestep))

# numdata = len(total_device_power)
# print('numdata: {}'.format(numdata))

# numdevices = len(device_power[0])
# print('numdevices: {}'.format(numdevices))

# idxstep = int(timewindow/timestep)
# print('idxstep: {}'.format(idxstep))

# numinstances = int(numdata/idxstep)
# print('numinstances: {}'.format(numinstances))

# binarylabels = np.zeros(shape=(numinstances,numdevices),
# print('binarylabels: {}'.format(binarylabels.shape))

In [11]:
# Timestep inconsistence
device_timer_test[2, 1] - device_timer_test[1, 1]


In [14]:

(4000, 7)

In [13]:

(4000, 7)

In [ ]: