In [2]:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
In [6]:
def knapsack(W,n,items):
This is the unoptimized version of the knapsack
dynamic programming algorithm. I've coded this similar
to the videos on Stanford's Algorithms course on Coursera
W: Size of Knapsack
n: Number of items
items: basket of items
A = np.zeros((W+1,n))
for i in range(n):
w = items[i][1]
v = items[i][0]
for x in range(W+1):
# set lookup column
prev = i-1
# for first iteration, do something special
if prev < 0 and x >= w:
cases = [v]
cases = [A[x, prev]]
if x >= w: cases.append(A[x-w, prev] + v)
A[x, i] = np.max(cases)
return A
def knapsackSvSp(W,items):
Knapsack algorithm with some optimizations. The optimizations are
only storing the previous column of subproblems and only iterating
over points where the value could possibly change.
W: weight of knapsack
items: list of items in (value, weight) format
# initialize variables
n = len(items)
A = np.zeros((W+1,2))
B = []
for i in range(n):
# move results from previous subproblem to subproblem lookup column
A[:,0] = A[:,1]
A[:,1] = np.zeros(W+1)
# set weight and value for convenience
w = items[i][1]
v = items[i][0]
# adds the unique elements that need to be checked
B = list(set(B + [w + z for z in B if w+z < W+1] + [w] + [W]))
# initialize some variables from the elements changed part of the program
last = (W,None)
G = []
for x in B:
# backfill results
if x - last[0] > 1:
A[last[0]+1:x, 1] = last[1]
# add item from previous iteration
cases = [A[x, 0]]
# add current val + val of lookup x-w
if x >= w: cases.append(A[x-w, 0] + v)
case_max = np.argmax(cases)
A[x, 1] = cases[case_max]
# if this item is the same as the last ignore this place
if A[x, 1] != last[1]:
last = (x,A[x, 1])
B = G
return A, B
In [7]:
# Test Case
W_test = 6
n_test = 4
items_test = np.random.permutation([(3, 4), (2, 3), (4, 2), (4, 3)])
items_test = [(3, 4), (2, 3), (4, 2), (4, 3)]
A_test, B_test = knapsackSvSp(W_test,items_test)
print(np.where(A_test[:,0] != A_test[:,1])[0], B_test)
In [8]:
dat = pd.read_table("data/knapsack1.txt", delim_whitespace=True, header=None)
items_s = dat.ix[1:,:]
W_s = dat.ix[0,0]
n_s = dat.ix[0,1]
print W_s, n_s
items_s.columns = ['value', 'weight']
items_s.plot(kind='scatter', x='weight', y='value')
In [17]:
#A_small = knapsack(W_s,n_s,np.array(items_s))
#print A_small[W_s,n_s-1]
#A_sSvSp, B_sSvSp = knapsackSvSp(W_s,n_s,np.array(items_s))
#print A_sSvSp[W_s,1]
# 2493893.0
%timeit knapsack(W_s,n_s,np.array(items_s))
# 1 loop, best of 3: 6.86 s per loop
%timeit knapsackSvSp(W_s,np.array(items_s))
# 1 loop, best of 3: 466 ms per loop
In [167]:
dat_b = pd.read_table("data/knapsack_big.txt", delim_whitespace=True, header=None)
items_b = dat_b.ix[1:,:]
W_b = dat_b.ix[0,0]
n_b = dat_b.ix[0,1]
print W_b, n_b
items_b.columns = ['value', 'weight']
print items_b.tail()
items_b.plot(kind='scatter', x='weight', y='value')
In [136]:
A_bSvSp, B_bSvSp = knapsackSvSp(W_b,np.array(items_b))
print A_bSvSp
# 4243395
In [137]:
%timeit knapsackSvSp(W_b,np.array(items_b))
# 1 loop, best of 3: 1min 6s per loop
In [216]:
s = B_bSvSp[0]
f = B_bSvSp[1]
#while len(B_bSvSp > 0)
print A_bSvSp[s,1]
print A_bSvSp[f,1]
print A_bSvSp[s,1] - A_bSvSp[f,1], s - f
s = list()
for j in range(len(B_bSvSp)):
wgt = B_bSvSp[j]
val = A_bSvSp[B_bSvSp[j],1]
entry = items_b[items_b['value'][B_bSvSp[j],1])].values.tolist()
if len(entry) == 1:
print np.array(s)[:,0] - val
print j, s, val, wgt
In [ ]: