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Recall the Planck function from the Stefan-Boltzman notebook:
$E_\lambda* =\pi \frac{2 hc^2}{\lambda^5}\frac{1}{ e^{\frac{hc}{\lambda kT}}-1}$
$h$=Planck's constant ($6.63 \times 10^{-34}$ Joule seconds})
$c$= Speed of light in a vacuum ($3.00 \times 10^{8}\ \mathrm{meters/second}$)
$k_b$ =Boltzman's constant ($1.38 \times 10^{-23}\ \mathrm{Joules/Kelvin}$)
With this Python function that returns $E_\lambda^*$ given $\lambda$ and temperature:
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import numpy as np
c=2.99792458e+08 #m/s -- speed of light in vacumn
h=6.62606876e-34 #J s -- Planck's constant
kb=1.3806503e-23 # J/K -- Boltzman's constant
def planckwavelen(wavel,Temp):
"""input wavelength in microns and Temp in K, output
bbr in W/m^2/micron
wavel=wavel*1.e-6 #convert to meters
Elambda=1.e-6*np.pi*c1/(wavel**5.*(np.exp(c2/(wavel*Temp)) - 1))
return Elambda
In the cell below, write a new function, called planckInvert, that takes (wavel,Elambda) and returns a temperature. That is, use algebra to turn planckwavelen inside out so it returns the temperature that a blackbody must have to emit flux Elambda
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def planckInvert(wavel,Elambda):
"""input wavelength in microns and Elambda in W/m^2/micron, output
output brightness temperature in K
Elambda=Elambda*1.e6 #convert to W/m^2/m
wavel=wavel*1.e-6 #convert wavelength to m
Tbright=c2/(wavel*np.log(np.pi*c1/(wavel**5.*Elambda) + 1.))
return Tbright
show that planckInvert is correct by doing a "round trip" test. That is, in the cell below, find Elambda=planckInvert(wavel,Temp) for Temp=300 K and wavel=10 microns. Then print planckInvert(wavel,Elambda) and show that it gives 300 K.
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print Tbright