Creating an animation from lmatools NetCDF grid files

In [1]:
import glob

['/data/20130606/grids/', '/data/20130606/grids/', '/data/20130606/grids/', '/data/20130606/grids/', '/data/20130606/grids/', '/data/20130606/grids/', '/data/20130606/grids/', '/data/20130606/grids/', '/data/20130606/grids/', '/data/20130606/grids/', '/data/20130606/grids/', '/data/20130606/grids/', '/data/20130606/grids/', '/data/20130606/grids/', '/data/20130606/grids/', '/data/20130606/grids/', '/data/20130606/grids/', '/data/20130606/grids/']

In [2]:
save_files = False
if save_files:
    import matplotlib
    %matplotlib qt

In [3]:
import numpy as np
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from lmatools.vis.multiples_nc import centers_to_edges
import pupynere as nc
import itertools
from lmatools.grid.grid_collection import LMAgridFileCollection

In [4]:
Here we will provide a class to accept a file collection object
and produce a series of plots, one per time frame.

As a matplotlib animation object?
def update_pcolor(pcolor, x, y, C):
    """updates coordinates and scalar data for a pcolormesh plot
       basically a hybrid of matplotlib.axes.Axes.pcolormesh and matplotlib.collections.QuadMesh
       # Tests that updated pcolormesh is equivalent to creating a new pcolormesh
       import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
       from acuity.MPLutils.managerhelpers import update_pcolor
       import numpy as np

       x = np.arange(10)
       y = np.arange(10)

       x, y = np.meshgrid(x,y)

       pc = plt.pcolormesh(x,y,z, shading='flat')

       # x += 5
       # y += 5
       # z = z**2.0
       x2 = x[:-5,:]
       y2 = y[:-5,:]
       z2 = z[:-5,:]


       if True:
           pc2 = plt.pcolormesh(x2,y2,z2, shading='flat')

           print 'Comparing attrs in pc2'
           for key in pc2.__dict__:
               if np.asarray(pc2.__dict__[key] != pc.__dict__[key]).all(): print key

           print '------------------------'
           print 'Comparing attrs in pc'
           for key in pc.__dict__:
               if np.asarray(pc2.__dict__[key] != pc.__dict__[key]).all(): print key

    import matplotlib.transforms as transforms
    from matplotlib.collections import QuadMesh
    assert isinstance(pcolor, QuadMesh)

    # Axes.pcolormesh.__init__()
    Ny, Nx = x.shape
    coords = np.zeros(((Nx * Ny), 2), dtype=float)
    # no effort made to handle masked arrays here
    C = np.ravel(C[0:Ny-1, 0:Nx-1])
    coords[:, 0] = x.ravel()
    coords[:, 1] = y.ravel()
    # QuadMesh.__init__()
    pcolor._meshWidth = Nx-1
    pcolor._meshHeight = Ny-1

    pcolor._bbox = transforms.Bbox.unit()
            (Nx * Ny, 2)))
    coords=coords.reshape((Ny, Nx, 2))
    pcolor._coordinates = coords
    # end quadmesh init
    if pcolor.get_array() != None:
class GridAnimation(object):
    def __init__(self, gridcollection, vmin, vmax, ax=None, titler=None, grid_label='Data', log=False):
        """ gridcollection is an iterable that yields 
            t, xedge, yedge, density
            where t is a datetime object, and xedge, yedge, and density
            are ready for use in pcolormesh.
            The optional titler function accepts a datetime object for the current frame,
            and should return the title to be set on the axes for each frame.
            If ax is not passed in, a new figure with a single set of axes 
            will be created along with a colorbar.
            The class can used as follows, for an instance of this class a:
            matplotlib.animation.FuncAnimation(, a.animate, frames=a.framer, 
                         init_func=a.setup, interval=20, blit=True)

        self.gridcollection = gridcollection
        if titler is None:
            self.titler = self.title_default
            self.titler = titler
        self.grid_label = grid_label
        if ax is not None:
   = axes
            import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
            from import get_cmap
            from matplotlib.colors import LogNorm, Normalize
            from matplotlib.colorbar import ColorbarBase, make_axes
            fig = plt.figure()
   = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1)
            cbar_ax, cbar_kw = make_axes(
            self.cbar_ax = cbar_ax
            if log:
                self.norm = LogNorm(vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax)
                self.norm = Normalize(vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax)
            cbar_kw['norm'] = self.norm
            self.cmap = get_cmap('gist_earth')
            cbar_kw['cmap'] = self.cmap
            self.pc = None
            self.cbar = ColorbarBase(self.cbar_ax, **cbar_kw)
    def title_default(self, t):
        return "{0}".format(t)
    def setup(self):
        title_art ='')
        if self.pc is None:
            x, y = np.meshgrid(np.array([0,1]),
            c = np.ones((1,1))
            self.pc =,y,c, cmap=self.cmap, norm=self.norm)
        return self.pc, title_art
    def animate(self, payload):
        t, xedge, yedge, data = payload
        x,y = np.meshgrid(xedge, yedge)
        update_pcolor(self.pc, x,y,data)
        title_art =
        return self.pc, title_art

    def framer(self):
        for a in self.gridcollection:
            yield a

#         self.area_range = (0.0, 100000.0)
#         self.rate_range = (0, 10000)
#         self.source_range = (0, 100000)
#         self.init_range = (0,100)

In [5]:
# names are 'x', 'y' for data that have been map projected
# or 'longtiude', 'latitude' otherwise
NCs = LMAgridFileCollection(filenames, 'flash_extent', x_name='x', y_name='y')

In [6]:
GA = GridAnimation(NCs, 1, 1000, ax=None, titler=None, grid_label='Flashes per pixel', log=True)

In [7]:
t  = datetime(2013,6,6,2,30,0)
xedge, yedge, data = NCs.data_for_time(t)
print xedge.min(), yedge.min()

-200.0 -200.0

In [8]:, xedge.max(), yedge.min(), yedge.max())), 200, -200.0, 200.0))
from matplotlib.animation import FuncAnimation
FA = FuncAnimation(, GA.animate, frames=GA.framer, 
                         init_func=GA.setup, interval=100.0, blit=False)

In [9]:
if save_files:
    # It's not clear that the anim's save function knows to save the right number of frames.
    # Sometimes, for short animations, it seems to start resaving frames.
    import matplotlib.animation as anim
    anim.writers.list()'0529-0530.png', writer='imagemagick_file')#, clear_temp=False)
    # FIXME: Blitting of the title artist isn't working right. 
    # Is the text object being recreated each time?
    # If so, try changing the text artist instead of recreating new text with set_title?
    from matplotlib.pyplot import show

/Users/ebruning/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipykernel/ FutureWarning: comparison to `None` will result in an elementwise object comparison in the future.

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