Parsing Natural Language in Python

(C) 2018 by Damir Cavar

This is a tutorial related to the discussion of parsing with Probabilistic Context Free Grammars (PCFG) in the class Advanced Natural Language Processing taught at Indiana University in Fall 2018.

This code and tutorial is based on different summer school courses that I taught and tutorials that I gave at different occasions in Europe and the US. This particular example will use code from the and other scripts developed since 2002. Most of this material was used in general introduction courses to algorithms in Natural Language Processing that I taught at Indiana University, University of Konstanz, University of Zadar, University of Nova Gorica.

In [1]:
import sys

The Grammar Class

Let us assume that our Phrase Structure Grammar consists of rules that contain one symbol in the Left-Hand Side, followed by a production symbol, an arrow, and by a list of at least one terminal and symbol. Comments can be introduced using the # symbol. Every rule has to be contained in one line.

In [14]:
grammarText = """
# PSG1
# small English grammar
# (C) 2005 by Damir Cavar, Indiana University

# Grammar:
S  -> NP VP

NP -> N
NP -> Adj N
NP -> Art Adj N
NP -> Art N
NP -> Art N PP
#NP -> Art N NP

VP -> V
VP -> V NP
VP -> Adv V NP
VP -> V PP

PP -> P NP

# Lexicon:
N   -> John
N   -> Mary
N   -> bench
N   -> cat
N   -> mouse

Art -> the
Art -> a

Adj -> green
Adj -> yellow
Adj -> big
Adj -> small

Adv -> often
Adv -> yesterday

V -> kissed
V -> loves
V -> sees
V -> meets
V -> chases

P -> on
P -> in
P -> beside
P -> under

We can parse this grammar into a representation that allows us to fetch the left- and the right-hand side of a rule for top- or bottom-up parsing.

In [5]:
class PSG:
    def __init__(self, grammar):
        self.LHS = {}
        self.RHS = {}

    def __str__(self):
        text = ""
        for i in self.LHS.keys():
            if len(text) > 0:
                text += "\n"
            for x in self.LHS[i]:
                text += i + " -> " + " ".join(x) + "\n"
        return text

    def __read__(self, g):
        for i in g.split("\n"):
            i = i.split("#")[0].strip()  # cut off comment string and strip
            if len(i) == 0: continue
            tokens = i.split("->")
            if len(tokens) != 2: continue
            lhs = tokens[0].split()
            if len(lhs) != 1: continue
            rhs = tuple(tokens[1].split())
            value = self.LHS.get(lhs[0], [])
            if rhs not in value: value.append(rhs)
            self.LHS[lhs[0]] = value
            value = self.RHS.get(rhs, [])
            if lhs[0] not in value: value.append(lhs[0])
            self.RHS[rhs] = value

    def getRHS(self, left):
        return self.LHS.get(left, [])

    def getLHS(self, right):
        return self.RHS.get(right, [])

The grammar file:

The Top-Down Parser

Defining some parameters:

In [15]:
LIFO = -1
FIFO = 0
strategy = FIFO

In [18]:
def tdparse(inp, goal, grammar, agenda):
    print("Got : %s\tinput: %s" % (goal, inp))
    if goal == inp == []:  print("Success")
    elif goal == [] or inp == []:
        if agenda == []:  print("Fail: Agenda empty!")
            entry = agenda.pop(strategy)
            print("Backing up to: %s with %s" % (entry[0], entry[1]))
            tdparse(entry[1], entry[0], grammar, agenda)
    else: # there is something in goal and input
        if goal[0] == inp[0]: # if initial symbols match, reduce lists, parse
            tdparse(inp[1:], goal[1:], grammar, agenda)
            for i in grammar.LHS.get(goal[0], []):
                if [list(i) + goal[1:], inp] not in agenda:
                    agenda.append([list(i) + goal[1:], inp])
            if len(agenda) > 0:
                entry = agenda.pop(strategy)
                tdparse(entry[1], entry[0], grammar, agenda)
            else:  print("Fail: Agenda empty!")

In [19]:
myGrammar = PSG(grammarText)
tdparse( ('John', 'loves', 'Mary') , ["S"], myGrammar, [])

S -> NP VP

NP -> N
NP -> Adj N
NP -> Art Adj N
NP -> Art N
NP -> Art N PP

VP -> V
VP -> V NP
VP -> Adv V NP
VP -> V PP

PP -> P NP

N -> John
N -> Mary
N -> bench
N -> cat
N -> mouse

Art -> the
Art -> a

Adj -> green
Adj -> yellow
Adj -> big
Adj -> small

Adv -> often
Adv -> yesterday

V -> kissed
V -> loves
V -> sees
V -> meets
V -> chases

P -> on
P -> in
P -> beside
P -> under

Got : ['S']	input: ('John', 'loves', 'Mary')
Got : ['NP', 'VP']	input: ('John', 'loves', 'Mary')
Got : ['N', 'VP']	input: ('John', 'loves', 'Mary')
Got : ['Adj', 'N', 'VP']	input: ('John', 'loves', 'Mary')
Got : ['Art', 'Adj', 'N', 'VP']	input: ('John', 'loves', 'Mary')
Got : ['Art', 'N', 'VP']	input: ('John', 'loves', 'Mary')
Got : ['Art', 'N', 'PP', 'VP']	input: ('John', 'loves', 'Mary')
Got : ['John', 'VP']	input: ('John', 'loves', 'Mary')
Got : ['VP']	input: ('loves', 'Mary')
Got : ['Mary', 'VP']	input: ('John', 'loves', 'Mary')
Got : ['bench', 'VP']	input: ('John', 'loves', 'Mary')
Got : ['cat', 'VP']	input: ('John', 'loves', 'Mary')
Got : ['mouse', 'VP']	input: ('John', 'loves', 'Mary')
Got : ['green', 'N', 'VP']	input: ('John', 'loves', 'Mary')
Got : ['yellow', 'N', 'VP']	input: ('John', 'loves', 'Mary')
Got : ['big', 'N', 'VP']	input: ('John', 'loves', 'Mary')
Got : ['small', 'N', 'VP']	input: ('John', 'loves', 'Mary')
Got : ['the', 'Adj', 'N', 'VP']	input: ('John', 'loves', 'Mary')
Got : ['a', 'Adj', 'N', 'VP']	input: ('John', 'loves', 'Mary')
Got : ['the', 'N', 'VP']	input: ('John', 'loves', 'Mary')
Got : ['a', 'N', 'VP']	input: ('John', 'loves', 'Mary')
Got : ['the', 'N', 'PP', 'VP']	input: ('John', 'loves', 'Mary')
Got : ['a', 'N', 'PP', 'VP']	input: ('John', 'loves', 'Mary')
Got : ['V']	input: ('loves', 'Mary')
Got : ['V', 'NP']	input: ('loves', 'Mary')
Got : ['Adv', 'V', 'NP']	input: ('loves', 'Mary')
Got : ['V', 'PP']	input: ('loves', 'Mary')
Got : ['V', 'NP', 'PP']	input: ('loves', 'Mary')
Got : ['kissed']	input: ('loves', 'Mary')
Got : ['loves']	input: ('loves', 'Mary')
Got : []	input: ('Mary',)
Backing up to: ['sees'] with ('loves', 'Mary')
Got : ['sees']	input: ('loves', 'Mary')
Got : ['meets']	input: ('loves', 'Mary')
Got : ['chases']	input: ('loves', 'Mary')
Got : ['kissed', 'NP']	input: ('loves', 'Mary')
Got : ['loves', 'NP']	input: ('loves', 'Mary')
Got : ['NP']	input: ('Mary',)
Got : ['sees', 'NP']	input: ('loves', 'Mary')
Got : ['meets', 'NP']	input: ('loves', 'Mary')
Got : ['chases', 'NP']	input: ('loves', 'Mary')
Got : ['often', 'V', 'NP']	input: ('loves', 'Mary')
Got : ['yesterday', 'V', 'NP']	input: ('loves', 'Mary')
Got : ['kissed', 'PP']	input: ('loves', 'Mary')
Got : ['loves', 'PP']	input: ('loves', 'Mary')
Got : ['PP']	input: ('Mary',)
Got : ['sees', 'PP']	input: ('loves', 'Mary')
Got : ['meets', 'PP']	input: ('loves', 'Mary')
Got : ['chases', 'PP']	input: ('loves', 'Mary')
Got : ['kissed', 'NP', 'PP']	input: ('loves', 'Mary')
Got : ['loves', 'NP', 'PP']	input: ('loves', 'Mary')
Got : ['NP', 'PP']	input: ('Mary',)
Got : ['sees', 'NP', 'PP']	input: ('loves', 'Mary')
Got : ['meets', 'NP', 'PP']	input: ('loves', 'Mary')
Got : ['chases', 'NP', 'PP']	input: ('loves', 'Mary')
Got : ['N']	input: ('Mary',)
Got : ['Adj', 'N']	input: ('Mary',)
Got : ['Art', 'Adj', 'N']	input: ('Mary',)
Got : ['Art', 'N']	input: ('Mary',)
Got : ['Art', 'N', 'PP']	input: ('Mary',)
Got : ['P', 'NP']	input: ('Mary',)
Got : ['N', 'PP']	input: ('Mary',)
Got : ['Adj', 'N', 'PP']	input: ('Mary',)
Got : ['Art', 'Adj', 'N', 'PP']	input: ('Mary',)
Got : ['Art', 'N', 'PP', 'PP']	input: ('Mary',)
Got : ['John']	input: ('Mary',)
Got : ['Mary']	input: ('Mary',)
Got : []	input: ()
Backing up to: ['bench'] with ('Mary',)
Got : ['bench']	input: ('Mary',)
Got : ['cat']	input: ('Mary',)
Got : ['mouse']	input: ('Mary',)
Got : ['green', 'N']	input: ('Mary',)
Got : ['yellow', 'N']	input: ('Mary',)
Got : ['big', 'N']	input: ('Mary',)
Got : ['small', 'N']	input: ('Mary',)
Got : ['the', 'Adj', 'N']	input: ('Mary',)
Got : ['a', 'Adj', 'N']	input: ('Mary',)
Got : ['the', 'N']	input: ('Mary',)
Got : ['a', 'N']	input: ('Mary',)
Got : ['the', 'N', 'PP']	input: ('Mary',)
Got : ['a', 'N', 'PP']	input: ('Mary',)
Got : ['on', 'NP']	input: ('Mary',)
Got : ['in', 'NP']	input: ('Mary',)
Got : ['beside', 'NP']	input: ('Mary',)
Got : ['under', 'NP']	input: ('Mary',)
Got : ['John', 'PP']	input: ('Mary',)
Got : ['Mary', 'PP']	input: ('Mary',)
Got : ['PP']	input: ()
IndexError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-19-0f0cc64033ab> in <module>()
      1 myGrammar = PSG(grammarText)
      2 print(myGrammar)
----> 3 tdparse( ('John', 'loves', 'Mary') , ["S"], myGrammar, [])

<ipython-input-18-139594fe9f50> in tdparse(inp, goal, grammar, agenda)
     17             if len(agenda) > 0:
     18                 entry = agenda.pop(strategy)
---> 19                 tdparse(entry[1], entry[0], grammar, agenda)
     20             else:  print("Fail: Agenda empty!")

<ipython-input-18-139594fe9f50> in tdparse(inp, goal, grammar, agenda)
     17             if len(agenda) > 0:
     18                 entry = agenda.pop(strategy)
---> 19                 tdparse(entry[1], entry[0], grammar, agenda)
     20             else:  print("Fail: Agenda empty!")

<ipython-input-18-139594fe9f50> in tdparse(inp, goal, grammar, agenda)
     17             if len(agenda) > 0:
     18                 entry = agenda.pop(strategy)
---> 19                 tdparse(entry[1], entry[0], grammar, agenda)
     20             else:  print("Fail: Agenda empty!")

<ipython-input-18-139594fe9f50> in tdparse(inp, goal, grammar, agenda)
     17             if len(agenda) > 0:
     18                 entry = agenda.pop(strategy)
---> 19                 tdparse(entry[1], entry[0], grammar, agenda)
     20             else:  print("Fail: Agenda empty!")

<ipython-input-18-139594fe9f50> in tdparse(inp, goal, grammar, agenda)
     17             if len(agenda) > 0:
     18                 entry = agenda.pop(strategy)
---> 19                 tdparse(entry[1], entry[0], grammar, agenda)
     20             else:  print("Fail: Agenda empty!")

<ipython-input-18-139594fe9f50> in tdparse(inp, goal, grammar, agenda)
     17             if len(agenda) > 0:
     18                 entry = agenda.pop(strategy)
---> 19                 tdparse(entry[1], entry[0], grammar, agenda)
     20             else:  print("Fail: Agenda empty!")

<ipython-input-18-139594fe9f50> in tdparse(inp, goal, grammar, agenda)
     17             if len(agenda) > 0:
     18                 entry = agenda.pop(strategy)
---> 19                 tdparse(entry[1], entry[0], grammar, agenda)
     20             else:  print("Fail: Agenda empty!")

<ipython-input-18-139594fe9f50> in tdparse(inp, goal, grammar, agenda)
     10     else: # there is something in goal and input
     11         if goal[0] == inp[0]: # if initial symbols match, reduce lists, parse
---> 12             tdparse(inp[1:], goal[1:], grammar, agenda)
     13         else:
     14             for i in grammar.LHS.get(goal[0], []):

<ipython-input-18-139594fe9f50> in tdparse(inp, goal, grammar, agenda)
     17             if len(agenda) > 0:
     18                 entry = agenda.pop(strategy)
---> 19                 tdparse(entry[1], entry[0], grammar, agenda)
     20             else:  print("Fail: Agenda empty!")

<ipython-input-18-139594fe9f50> in tdparse(inp, goal, grammar, agenda)
     17             if len(agenda) > 0:
     18                 entry = agenda.pop(strategy)
---> 19                 tdparse(entry[1], entry[0], grammar, agenda)
     20             else:  print("Fail: Agenda empty!")

<ipython-input-18-139594fe9f50> in tdparse(inp, goal, grammar, agenda)
     17             if len(agenda) > 0:
     18                 entry = agenda.pop(strategy)
---> 19                 tdparse(entry[1], entry[0], grammar, agenda)
     20             else:  print("Fail: Agenda empty!")

<ipython-input-18-139594fe9f50> in tdparse(inp, goal, grammar, agenda)
     17             if len(agenda) > 0:
     18                 entry = agenda.pop(strategy)
---> 19                 tdparse(entry[1], entry[0], grammar, agenda)
     20             else:  print("Fail: Agenda empty!")

<ipython-input-18-139594fe9f50> in tdparse(inp, goal, grammar, agenda)
     17             if len(agenda) > 0:
     18                 entry = agenda.pop(strategy)
---> 19                 tdparse(entry[1], entry[0], grammar, agenda)
     20             else:  print("Fail: Agenda empty!")

<ipython-input-18-139594fe9f50> in tdparse(inp, goal, grammar, agenda)
     17             if len(agenda) > 0:
     18                 entry = agenda.pop(strategy)
---> 19                 tdparse(entry[1], entry[0], grammar, agenda)
     20             else:  print("Fail: Agenda empty!")

<ipython-input-18-139594fe9f50> in tdparse(inp, goal, grammar, agenda)
     17             if len(agenda) > 0:
     18                 entry = agenda.pop(strategy)
---> 19                 tdparse(entry[1], entry[0], grammar, agenda)
     20             else:  print("Fail: Agenda empty!")

<ipython-input-18-139594fe9f50> in tdparse(inp, goal, grammar, agenda)
     17             if len(agenda) > 0:
     18                 entry = agenda.pop(strategy)
---> 19                 tdparse(entry[1], entry[0], grammar, agenda)
     20             else:  print("Fail: Agenda empty!")

<ipython-input-18-139594fe9f50> in tdparse(inp, goal, grammar, agenda)
     17             if len(agenda) > 0:
     18                 entry = agenda.pop(strategy)
---> 19                 tdparse(entry[1], entry[0], grammar, agenda)
     20             else:  print("Fail: Agenda empty!")

<ipython-input-18-139594fe9f50> in tdparse(inp, goal, grammar, agenda)
     17             if len(agenda) > 0:
     18                 entry = agenda.pop(strategy)
---> 19                 tdparse(entry[1], entry[0], grammar, agenda)
     20             else:  print("Fail: Agenda empty!")

<ipython-input-18-139594fe9f50> in tdparse(inp, goal, grammar, agenda)
     17             if len(agenda) > 0:
     18                 entry = agenda.pop(strategy)
---> 19                 tdparse(entry[1], entry[0], grammar, agenda)
     20             else:  print("Fail: Agenda empty!")

<ipython-input-18-139594fe9f50> in tdparse(inp, goal, grammar, agenda)
     17             if len(agenda) > 0:
     18                 entry = agenda.pop(strategy)
---> 19                 tdparse(entry[1], entry[0], grammar, agenda)
     20             else:  print("Fail: Agenda empty!")

<ipython-input-18-139594fe9f50> in tdparse(inp, goal, grammar, agenda)
     17             if len(agenda) > 0:
     18                 entry = agenda.pop(strategy)
---> 19                 tdparse(entry[1], entry[0], grammar, agenda)
     20             else:  print("Fail: Agenda empty!")

<ipython-input-18-139594fe9f50> in tdparse(inp, goal, grammar, agenda)
     17             if len(agenda) > 0:
     18                 entry = agenda.pop(strategy)
---> 19                 tdparse(entry[1], entry[0], grammar, agenda)
     20             else:  print("Fail: Agenda empty!")

<ipython-input-18-139594fe9f50> in tdparse(inp, goal, grammar, agenda)
     17             if len(agenda) > 0:
     18                 entry = agenda.pop(strategy)
---> 19                 tdparse(entry[1], entry[0], grammar, agenda)
     20             else:  print("Fail: Agenda empty!")

<ipython-input-18-139594fe9f50> in tdparse(inp, goal, grammar, agenda)
     17             if len(agenda) > 0:
     18                 entry = agenda.pop(strategy)
---> 19                 tdparse(entry[1], entry[0], grammar, agenda)
     20             else:  print("Fail: Agenda empty!")

<ipython-input-18-139594fe9f50> in tdparse(inp, goal, grammar, agenda)
     17             if len(agenda) > 0:
     18                 entry = agenda.pop(strategy)
---> 19                 tdparse(entry[1], entry[0], grammar, agenda)
     20             else:  print("Fail: Agenda empty!")

<ipython-input-18-139594fe9f50> in tdparse(inp, goal, grammar, agenda)
     17             if len(agenda) > 0:
     18                 entry = agenda.pop(strategy)
---> 19                 tdparse(entry[1], entry[0], grammar, agenda)
     20             else:  print("Fail: Agenda empty!")

<ipython-input-18-139594fe9f50> in tdparse(inp, goal, grammar, agenda)
     17             if len(agenda) > 0:
     18                 entry = agenda.pop(strategy)
---> 19                 tdparse(entry[1], entry[0], grammar, agenda)
     20             else:  print("Fail: Agenda empty!")

<ipython-input-18-139594fe9f50> in tdparse(inp, goal, grammar, agenda)
     17             if len(agenda) > 0:
     18                 entry = agenda.pop(strategy)
---> 19                 tdparse(entry[1], entry[0], grammar, agenda)
     20             else:  print("Fail: Agenda empty!")

<ipython-input-18-139594fe9f50> in tdparse(inp, goal, grammar, agenda)
     17             if len(agenda) > 0:
     18                 entry = agenda.pop(strategy)
---> 19                 tdparse(entry[1], entry[0], grammar, agenda)
     20             else:  print("Fail: Agenda empty!")

<ipython-input-18-139594fe9f50> in tdparse(inp, goal, grammar, agenda)
     10     else: # there is something in goal and input
     11         if goal[0] == inp[0]: # if initial symbols match, reduce lists, parse
---> 12             tdparse(inp[1:], goal[1:], grammar, agenda)
     13         else:
     14             for i in grammar.LHS.get(goal[0], []):

<ipython-input-18-139594fe9f50> in tdparse(inp, goal, grammar, agenda)
      7             entry = agenda.pop(strategy)
      8             print("Backing up to: %s with %s" % (entry[0], entry[1]))
----> 9             tdparse(entry[1], entry[0], grammar, agenda)
     10     else: # there is something in goal and input
     11         if goal[0] == inp[0]: # if initial symbols match, reduce lists, parse

<ipython-input-18-139594fe9f50> in tdparse(inp, goal, grammar, agenda)
     17             if len(agenda) > 0:
     18                 entry = agenda.pop(strategy)
---> 19                 tdparse(entry[1], entry[0], grammar, agenda)
     20             else:  print("Fail: Agenda empty!")

<ipython-input-18-139594fe9f50> in tdparse(inp, goal, grammar, agenda)
     17             if len(agenda) > 0:
     18                 entry = agenda.pop(strategy)
---> 19                 tdparse(entry[1], entry[0], grammar, agenda)
     20             else:  print("Fail: Agenda empty!")

<ipython-input-18-139594fe9f50> in tdparse(inp, goal, grammar, agenda)
     17             if len(agenda) > 0:
     18                 entry = agenda.pop(strategy)
---> 19                 tdparse(entry[1], entry[0], grammar, agenda)
     20             else:  print("Fail: Agenda empty!")

<ipython-input-18-139594fe9f50> in tdparse(inp, goal, grammar, agenda)
     17             if len(agenda) > 0:
     18                 entry = agenda.pop(strategy)
---> 19                 tdparse(entry[1], entry[0], grammar, agenda)
     20             else:  print("Fail: Agenda empty!")

<ipython-input-18-139594fe9f50> in tdparse(inp, goal, grammar, agenda)
     10     else: # there is something in goal and input
     11         if goal[0] == inp[0]: # if initial symbols match, reduce lists, parse
---> 12             tdparse(inp[1:], goal[1:], grammar, agenda)
     13         else:
     14             for i in grammar.LHS.get(goal[0], []):

<ipython-input-18-139594fe9f50> in tdparse(inp, goal, grammar, agenda)
     17             if len(agenda) > 0:
     18                 entry = agenda.pop(strategy)
---> 19                 tdparse(entry[1], entry[0], grammar, agenda)
     20             else:  print("Fail: Agenda empty!")

<ipython-input-18-139594fe9f50> in tdparse(inp, goal, grammar, agenda)
     17             if len(agenda) > 0:
     18                 entry = agenda.pop(strategy)
---> 19                 tdparse(entry[1], entry[0], grammar, agenda)
     20             else:  print("Fail: Agenda empty!")

<ipython-input-18-139594fe9f50> in tdparse(inp, goal, grammar, agenda)
     17             if len(agenda) > 0:
     18                 entry = agenda.pop(strategy)
---> 19                 tdparse(entry[1], entry[0], grammar, agenda)
     20             else:  print("Fail: Agenda empty!")

<ipython-input-18-139594fe9f50> in tdparse(inp, goal, grammar, agenda)
     17             if len(agenda) > 0:
     18                 entry = agenda.pop(strategy)
---> 19                 tdparse(entry[1], entry[0], grammar, agenda)
     20             else:  print("Fail: Agenda empty!")

<ipython-input-18-139594fe9f50> in tdparse(inp, goal, grammar, agenda)
     17             if len(agenda) > 0:
     18                 entry = agenda.pop(strategy)
---> 19                 tdparse(entry[1], entry[0], grammar, agenda)
     20             else:  print("Fail: Agenda empty!")

<ipython-input-18-139594fe9f50> in tdparse(inp, goal, grammar, agenda)
     17             if len(agenda) > 0:
     18                 entry = agenda.pop(strategy)
---> 19                 tdparse(entry[1], entry[0], grammar, agenda)
     20             else:  print("Fail: Agenda empty!")

<ipython-input-18-139594fe9f50> in tdparse(inp, goal, grammar, agenda)
     17             if len(agenda) > 0:
     18                 entry = agenda.pop(strategy)
---> 19                 tdparse(entry[1], entry[0], grammar, agenda)
     20             else:  print("Fail: Agenda empty!")

<ipython-input-18-139594fe9f50> in tdparse(inp, goal, grammar, agenda)
     10     else: # there is something in goal and input
     11         if goal[0] == inp[0]: # if initial symbols match, reduce lists, parse
---> 12             tdparse(inp[1:], goal[1:], grammar, agenda)
     13         else:
     14             for i in grammar.LHS.get(goal[0], []):

<ipython-input-18-139594fe9f50> in tdparse(inp, goal, grammar, agenda)
     17             if len(agenda) > 0:
     18                 entry = agenda.pop(strategy)
---> 19                 tdparse(entry[1], entry[0], grammar, agenda)
     20             else:  print("Fail: Agenda empty!")

<ipython-input-18-139594fe9f50> in tdparse(inp, goal, grammar, agenda)
     17             if len(agenda) > 0:
     18                 entry = agenda.pop(strategy)
---> 19                 tdparse(entry[1], entry[0], grammar, agenda)
     20             else:  print("Fail: Agenda empty!")

<ipython-input-18-139594fe9f50> in tdparse(inp, goal, grammar, agenda)
     17             if len(agenda) > 0:
     18                 entry = agenda.pop(strategy)
---> 19                 tdparse(entry[1], entry[0], grammar, agenda)
     20             else:  print("Fail: Agenda empty!")

<ipython-input-18-139594fe9f50> in tdparse(inp, goal, grammar, agenda)
     17             if len(agenda) > 0:
     18                 entry = agenda.pop(strategy)
---> 19                 tdparse(entry[1], entry[0], grammar, agenda)
     20             else:  print("Fail: Agenda empty!")

<ipython-input-18-139594fe9f50> in tdparse(inp, goal, grammar, agenda)
     17             if len(agenda) > 0:
     18                 entry = agenda.pop(strategy)
---> 19                 tdparse(entry[1], entry[0], grammar, agenda)
     20             else:  print("Fail: Agenda empty!")

<ipython-input-18-139594fe9f50> in tdparse(inp, goal, grammar, agenda)
     10     else: # there is something in goal and input
     11         if goal[0] == inp[0]: # if initial symbols match, reduce lists, parse
---> 12             tdparse(inp[1:], goal[1:], grammar, agenda)
     13         else:
     14             for i in grammar.LHS.get(goal[0], []):

<ipython-input-18-139594fe9f50> in tdparse(inp, goal, grammar, agenda)
     17             if len(agenda) > 0:
     18                 entry = agenda.pop(strategy)
---> 19                 tdparse(entry[1], entry[0], grammar, agenda)
     20             else:  print("Fail: Agenda empty!")

<ipython-input-18-139594fe9f50> in tdparse(inp, goal, grammar, agenda)
     17             if len(agenda) > 0:
     18                 entry = agenda.pop(strategy)
---> 19                 tdparse(entry[1], entry[0], grammar, agenda)
     20             else:  print("Fail: Agenda empty!")

<ipython-input-18-139594fe9f50> in tdparse(inp, goal, grammar, agenda)
     17             if len(agenda) > 0:
     18                 entry = agenda.pop(strategy)
---> 19                 tdparse(entry[1], entry[0], grammar, agenda)
     20             else:  print("Fail: Agenda empty!")

<ipython-input-18-139594fe9f50> in tdparse(inp, goal, grammar, agenda)
     17             if len(agenda) > 0:
     18                 entry = agenda.pop(strategy)
---> 19                 tdparse(entry[1], entry[0], grammar, agenda)
     20             else:  print("Fail: Agenda empty!")

<ipython-input-18-139594fe9f50> in tdparse(inp, goal, grammar, agenda)
     17             if len(agenda) > 0:
     18                 entry = agenda.pop(strategy)
---> 19                 tdparse(entry[1], entry[0], grammar, agenda)
     20             else:  print("Fail: Agenda empty!")

<ipython-input-18-139594fe9f50> in tdparse(inp, goal, grammar, agenda)
     17             if len(agenda) > 0:
     18                 entry = agenda.pop(strategy)
---> 19                 tdparse(entry[1], entry[0], grammar, agenda)
     20             else:  print("Fail: Agenda empty!")

<ipython-input-18-139594fe9f50> in tdparse(inp, goal, grammar, agenda)
     17             if len(agenda) > 0:
     18                 entry = agenda.pop(strategy)
---> 19                 tdparse(entry[1], entry[0], grammar, agenda)
     20             else:  print("Fail: Agenda empty!")

<ipython-input-18-139594fe9f50> in tdparse(inp, goal, grammar, agenda)
     17             if len(agenda) > 0:
     18                 entry = agenda.pop(strategy)
---> 19                 tdparse(entry[1], entry[0], grammar, agenda)
     20             else:  print("Fail: Agenda empty!")

<ipython-input-18-139594fe9f50> in tdparse(inp, goal, grammar, agenda)
     17             if len(agenda) > 0:
     18                 entry = agenda.pop(strategy)
---> 19                 tdparse(entry[1], entry[0], grammar, agenda)
     20             else:  print("Fail: Agenda empty!")

<ipython-input-18-139594fe9f50> in tdparse(inp, goal, grammar, agenda)
     17             if len(agenda) > 0:
     18                 entry = agenda.pop(strategy)
---> 19                 tdparse(entry[1], entry[0], grammar, agenda)
     20             else:  print("Fail: Agenda empty!")

<ipython-input-18-139594fe9f50> in tdparse(inp, goal, grammar, agenda)
     17             if len(agenda) > 0:
     18                 entry = agenda.pop(strategy)
---> 19                 tdparse(entry[1], entry[0], grammar, agenda)
     20             else:  print("Fail: Agenda empty!")

<ipython-input-18-139594fe9f50> in tdparse(inp, goal, grammar, agenda)
     17             if len(agenda) > 0:
     18                 entry = agenda.pop(strategy)
---> 19                 tdparse(entry[1], entry[0], grammar, agenda)
     20             else:  print("Fail: Agenda empty!")

<ipython-input-18-139594fe9f50> in tdparse(inp, goal, grammar, agenda)
     17             if len(agenda) > 0:
     18                 entry = agenda.pop(strategy)
---> 19                 tdparse(entry[1], entry[0], grammar, agenda)
     20             else:  print("Fail: Agenda empty!")

<ipython-input-18-139594fe9f50> in tdparse(inp, goal, grammar, agenda)
     17             if len(agenda) > 0:
     18                 entry = agenda.pop(strategy)
---> 19                 tdparse(entry[1], entry[0], grammar, agenda)
     20             else:  print("Fail: Agenda empty!")

<ipython-input-18-139594fe9f50> in tdparse(inp, goal, grammar, agenda)
     17             if len(agenda) > 0:
     18                 entry = agenda.pop(strategy)
---> 19                 tdparse(entry[1], entry[0], grammar, agenda)
     20             else:  print("Fail: Agenda empty!")

<ipython-input-18-139594fe9f50> in tdparse(inp, goal, grammar, agenda)
     10     else: # there is something in goal and input
     11         if goal[0] == inp[0]: # if initial symbols match, reduce lists, parse
---> 12             tdparse(inp[1:], goal[1:], grammar, agenda)
     13         else:
     14             for i in grammar.LHS.get(goal[0], []):

<ipython-input-18-139594fe9f50> in tdparse(inp, goal, grammar, agenda)
      7             entry = agenda.pop(strategy)
      8             print("Backing up to: %s with %s" % (entry[0], entry[1]))
----> 9             tdparse(entry[1], entry[0], grammar, agenda)
     10     else: # there is something in goal and input
     11         if goal[0] == inp[0]: # if initial symbols match, reduce lists, parse

<ipython-input-18-139594fe9f50> in tdparse(inp, goal, grammar, agenda)
     17             if len(agenda) > 0:
     18                 entry = agenda.pop(strategy)
---> 19                 tdparse(entry[1], entry[0], grammar, agenda)
     20             else:  print("Fail: Agenda empty!")

<ipython-input-18-139594fe9f50> in tdparse(inp, goal, grammar, agenda)
     17             if len(agenda) > 0:
     18                 entry = agenda.pop(strategy)
---> 19                 tdparse(entry[1], entry[0], grammar, agenda)
     20             else:  print("Fail: Agenda empty!")

<ipython-input-18-139594fe9f50> in tdparse(inp, goal, grammar, agenda)
     17             if len(agenda) > 0:
     18                 entry = agenda.pop(strategy)
---> 19                 tdparse(entry[1], entry[0], grammar, agenda)
     20             else:  print("Fail: Agenda empty!")

<ipython-input-18-139594fe9f50> in tdparse(inp, goal, grammar, agenda)
     17             if len(agenda) > 0:
     18                 entry = agenda.pop(strategy)
---> 19                 tdparse(entry[1], entry[0], grammar, agenda)
     20             else:  print("Fail: Agenda empty!")

<ipython-input-18-139594fe9f50> in tdparse(inp, goal, grammar, agenda)
     17             if len(agenda) > 0:
     18                 entry = agenda.pop(strategy)
---> 19                 tdparse(entry[1], entry[0], grammar, agenda)
     20             else:  print("Fail: Agenda empty!")

<ipython-input-18-139594fe9f50> in tdparse(inp, goal, grammar, agenda)
     17             if len(agenda) > 0:
     18                 entry = agenda.pop(strategy)
---> 19                 tdparse(entry[1], entry[0], grammar, agenda)
     20             else:  print("Fail: Agenda empty!")

<ipython-input-18-139594fe9f50> in tdparse(inp, goal, grammar, agenda)
     17             if len(agenda) > 0:
     18                 entry = agenda.pop(strategy)
---> 19                 tdparse(entry[1], entry[0], grammar, agenda)
     20             else:  print("Fail: Agenda empty!")

<ipython-input-18-139594fe9f50> in tdparse(inp, goal, grammar, agenda)
     17             if len(agenda) > 0:
     18                 entry = agenda.pop(strategy)
---> 19                 tdparse(entry[1], entry[0], grammar, agenda)
     20             else:  print("Fail: Agenda empty!")

<ipython-input-18-139594fe9f50> in tdparse(inp, goal, grammar, agenda)
     17             if len(agenda) > 0:
     18                 entry = agenda.pop(strategy)
---> 19                 tdparse(entry[1], entry[0], grammar, agenda)
     20             else:  print("Fail: Agenda empty!")

<ipython-input-18-139594fe9f50> in tdparse(inp, goal, grammar, agenda)
     17             if len(agenda) > 0:
     18                 entry = agenda.pop(strategy)
---> 19                 tdparse(entry[1], entry[0], grammar, agenda)
     20             else:  print("Fail: Agenda empty!")

<ipython-input-18-139594fe9f50> in tdparse(inp, goal, grammar, agenda)
     17             if len(agenda) > 0:
     18                 entry = agenda.pop(strategy)
---> 19                 tdparse(entry[1], entry[0], grammar, agenda)
     20             else:  print("Fail: Agenda empty!")

<ipython-input-18-139594fe9f50> in tdparse(inp, goal, grammar, agenda)
     17             if len(agenda) > 0:
     18                 entry = agenda.pop(strategy)
---> 19                 tdparse(entry[1], entry[0], grammar, agenda)
     20             else:  print("Fail: Agenda empty!")

<ipython-input-18-139594fe9f50> in tdparse(inp, goal, grammar, agenda)
     17             if len(agenda) > 0:
     18                 entry = agenda.pop(strategy)
---> 19                 tdparse(entry[1], entry[0], grammar, agenda)
     20             else:  print("Fail: Agenda empty!")

<ipython-input-18-139594fe9f50> in tdparse(inp, goal, grammar, agenda)
     17             if len(agenda) > 0:
     18                 entry = agenda.pop(strategy)
---> 19                 tdparse(entry[1], entry[0], grammar, agenda)
     20             else:  print("Fail: Agenda empty!")

<ipython-input-18-139594fe9f50> in tdparse(inp, goal, grammar, agenda)
     17             if len(agenda) > 0:
     18                 entry = agenda.pop(strategy)
---> 19                 tdparse(entry[1], entry[0], grammar, agenda)
     20             else:  print("Fail: Agenda empty!")

<ipython-input-18-139594fe9f50> in tdparse(inp, goal, grammar, agenda)
     17             if len(agenda) > 0:
     18                 entry = agenda.pop(strategy)
---> 19                 tdparse(entry[1], entry[0], grammar, agenda)
     20             else:  print("Fail: Agenda empty!")

<ipython-input-18-139594fe9f50> in tdparse(inp, goal, grammar, agenda)
     17             if len(agenda) > 0:
     18                 entry = agenda.pop(strategy)
---> 19                 tdparse(entry[1], entry[0], grammar, agenda)
     20             else:  print("Fail: Agenda empty!")

<ipython-input-18-139594fe9f50> in tdparse(inp, goal, grammar, agenda)
     17             if len(agenda) > 0:
     18                 entry = agenda.pop(strategy)
---> 19                 tdparse(entry[1], entry[0], grammar, agenda)
     20             else:  print("Fail: Agenda empty!")

<ipython-input-18-139594fe9f50> in tdparse(inp, goal, grammar, agenda)
     10     else: # there is something in goal and input
     11         if goal[0] == inp[0]: # if initial symbols match, reduce lists, parse
---> 12             tdparse(inp[1:], goal[1:], grammar, agenda)
     13         else:
     14             for i in grammar.LHS.get(goal[0], []):

<ipython-input-18-139594fe9f50> in tdparse(inp, goal, grammar, agenda)
      9             tdparse(entry[1], entry[0], grammar, agenda)
     10     else: # there is something in goal and input
---> 11         if goal[0] == inp[0]: # if initial symbols match, reduce lists, parse
     12             tdparse(inp[1:], goal[1:], grammar, agenda)
     13         else:

IndexError: tuple index out of range

In [ ]:

In [ ]: