In [19]:
%pylab inline

import numpy
import astrohack_projections
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = 16, 16
plot_kwargs = {"interpolation": "nearest",
          "cmap": "afmhot",
          "origin": "lower"}

file_path = "./illustris_galaxies/cutout_83.hdf5"
illustris_gal = astrohack_projections.illustris_model_and_image(file_path)
illustris_gal.set_image_shape((30, 40))

for i in xrange(16):
    xi_hat, eta_hat = astrohack_projections.choose_random_projection()
    alpha, beta, gamma = numpy.random.uniform(0.0, 360.0, 3)
    intensity = 10
    scale = 0.2 * numpy.exp(numpy.random.uniform())
    xshift = numpy.random.uniform(13., 16.)
    yshift = numpy.random.uniform(18., 21.)
    psf_size = 1
    bg = 0.
    kwargs = {'alpha':alpha, 'beta':beta, 'gamma':gamma, 'intensity':intensity, 'scale':scale, 'xshift': xshift, 'yshift': yshift, 'bg':0.0, 'psf_size':psf_size}
    illustris_gal.construct_image(xi_hat, eta_hat)
    plt.subplot(4, 4, i+1)
    a, mid = numpy.percentile(illustris_gal.get_image(), [15., 85.])
    ran = mid - a
    vmin = mid - 5. * ran
    vmax = mid + 20. * ran
    plt.imshow(numpy.sqrt(illustris_gal.get_image()), **plot_kwargs)

Populating the interactive namespace from numpy and matplotlib
WARNING: pylab import has clobbered these variables: ['gamma', 'beta']
`%matplotlib` prevents importing * from pylab and numpy

In [50]:
# create an album of 32 such objects with random projection + normaly distributed noise

# plot parameters
plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = 16, 16
plot_kwargs = {"interpolation": "nearest",
          "cmap": "afmhot",
          "origin": "lower"}

# initial galaxy data
file_path = "./illustris_galaxies/cutout_83.hdf5"
illustris_gal = astrohack_projections.illustris_model_and_image(file_path)
illustris_gal.set_image_shape((30, 40))

# album and PSF initialisation
album = astrohack_projections.album_and_model()
psf = astrohack_projections.mixture_of_gaussians(2)
psf.add_gaussian(1., numpy.array([0., 0.]), numpy.eye(2)*1.)

# galaxy model I fit with
basevar = 0.5 * numpy.eye(3)
gal_model = astrohack_projections.galaxy_model_3d()
v = [3., 0., 0.]
gal_model.add_gaussian(1.0, numpy.array([0., -1., 0.]), basevar + numpy.outer(v,v))
v = [-1., 3., 0.]
gal_model.add_gaussian(1.0, numpy.array([2., 1., 0.]), basevar + numpy.outer(v,v))
v = [1., 3., 0.]
gal_model.add_gaussian(1.0, numpy.array([-2., 1., 0.]), basevar + numpy.outer(v,v))

for i in xrange(32):
    # projection parameters
    xi_hat, eta_hat = astrohack_projections.choose_random_projection()
    alpha, beta, gamma = numpy.random.uniform(0.0, 360.0, 3)
    intensity = 150
    scale = 0.18 * numpy.exp(numpy.random.uniform())
    xshift = numpy.random.uniform(13., 16.)
    yshift = numpy.random.uniform(18., 21.)
    psf_size = 1
    bg = 0.
    # illustris galaxy
    kwargs = {'alpha':alpha, 'beta':beta, 'gamma':gamma, 'intensity':intensity, 'scale':scale, 'xshift': xshift, 'yshift': yshift, 'bg':0.0, 'psf_size':psf_size}
    illustris_gal.construct_image(xi_hat, eta_hat)
    # image
    image = astrohack_projections.image_and_model()
    image.set_shape((30, 40))
    kwargs = {'alpha':alpha, 'beta':beta, 'gamma':gamma, 'intensity':intensity, 'scale':scale, 'xshift': xshift, 'yshift': yshift, 'bg':0.0}
    image.set_data(illustris_gal.get_image() + numpy.random.normal(size=image.get_shape())/ numpy.sqrt(image.ivar))
    # album
print len(album)


In [56]:
def showme(album):
    plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = 20, 80
    plot_kwargs = {"interpolation": "nearest",
          "cmap": "afmhot",
          "origin": "lower"}
    for i in xrange(len(album)):
        image = album.get_all_images()[i]
        plt.subplot(16, 4, 2*i+1)
        vmin = -5. / numpy.sqrt(numpy.median(image.get_ivar())) # assumes bg = 0
        vmax = -2. * vmin # assumes bg = 0
        plt.imshow(numpy.nan_to_num(numpy.sqrt(image.get_data())), **plot_kwargs)
        plt.subplot(16, 4, 2*i+2)
        plt.imshow(numpy.nan_to_num(numpy.sqrt(image.get_synthetic())), **plot_kwargs)

/Users/dalyabaron/.virtualenvs/astro/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipykernel/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in sqrt
/Users/dalyabaron/.virtualenvs/astro/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipykernel/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in sqrt

In [57]:
import scipy.optimize as op

galpar0 = numpy.array([1., 2., 0., 0., 1., 1., 1., 0., 0., 0.,
                       1., 0., 2., 0., 1., 1., 1., 0., 0., 0.,
                       1., 0., 0., 2., 1., 1., 1., 0., 0., 0.])
imgpar0 = (10., 30., 30., 0.1, 0.5, 14., 20., 0.)

print "album before", album(galpar0)
for image in album:
    print "image before", image(imgpar0)

album before 1860197.46974
image before 19298.82477
image before 97702.7223512
image before 89949.033008
image before 11387.7683301
image before 41428.5533925
image before 30936.5970886
image before 11654.9443001
image before 154203.417843
image before 102767.585732
image before 45630.3478189
image before 18467.2655264
image before 92563.2513167
image before 38777.8636104
image before 81959.3490498
image before 33987.5268897
image before 99825.7726065
image before 82931.5798734
image before 17501.7373829
image before 116753.303508
image before 10686.6666589
image before 75227.7496407
image before 26551.6558907
image before 23918.624706
image before 103180.246448
image before 78170.6401198
image before 69474.3636449
image before 35246.4298841
image before 125421.943702
image before 36287.3092934
image before 58926.8902145
image before 15664.8716304
image before 17091.7531003
/Users/dalyabaron/.virtualenvs/astro/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipykernel/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in sqrt