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%matplotlib inline
import gym
import matplotlib
import numpy as np
import sys
from collections import defaultdict
if "../" not in sys.path:
from lib.envs.blackjack import BlackjackEnv
from lib import plotting'ggplot')
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env = BlackjackEnv()
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def make_epsilon_greedy_policy(Q, epsilon, nA):
Creates an epsilon-greedy policy based on a given Q-function and epsilon.
Q: A dictionary that maps from state -> action-values.
Each value is a numpy array of length nA (see below)
epsilon: The probability to select a random action . float between 0 and 1.
nA: Number of actions in the environment.
A function that takes the observation as an argument and returns
the probabilities for each action in the form of a numpy array of length nA.
def policy_fn(observation):
# Implement this!
return policy_fn
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def mc_control_epsilon_greedy(env, num_episodes, discount_factor=1.0, epsilon=0.1):
Monte Carlo Control using Epsilon-Greedy policies.
Finds an optimal epsilon-greedy policy.
env: OpenAI gym environment.
num_episodes: Nubmer of episodes to sample.
discount_factor: Lambda discount factor.
epsilon: Chance the sample a random action. Float betwen 0 and 1.
A tuple (Q, policy).
Q is a dictionary mapping state -> action values.
policy is a function taht takes an observation as an argument and returns
action probabilities
# Keeps track of sum and count of returns for each state
# to calculate an average. We could use an array to save all
# returns (like in the book) but that's memory inefficient.
returns_sum = defaultdict(float)
returns_count = defaultdict(float)
# The final action-value function.
# A nested dictionary that maps state -> (action -> action-value).
Q = defaultdict(lambda: np.zeros(env.action_space.n))
# The policy we're following
policy = make_epsilon_greedy_policy(Q, epsilon, env.action_space.n)
# Implement this!
return Q, policy
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Q, policy = mc_control_epsilon_greedy(env, num_episodes=500000, epsilon=0.1)
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# For plotting: Create value function from action-value function
# by picking the best action at each state
V = defaultdict(float)
for state, actions in Q.items():
action_value = np.max(actions)
V[state] = action_value
plotting.plot_value_function(V, title="Optimal Value Function")
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