In [1]:
%matplotlib inline
import gym
import itertools
import matplotlib
import numpy as np
import sys
import sklearn.pipeline
import sklearn.preprocessing
if "../" not in sys.path:
from lib import plotting
from sklearn.linear_model import SGDRegressor
from sklearn.kernel_approximation import RBFSampler'ggplot')
In [2]:
env = gym.envs.make("MountainCar-v0")
In [3]:
# Feature Preprocessing: Normalize to zero mean and unit variance
# We use a few samples from the observation space to do this
observation_examples = np.array([env.observation_space.sample() for x in range(10000)])
scaler = sklearn.preprocessing.StandardScaler()
# Used to converte a state to a featurizes represenation.
# We use RBF kernels with different variances to cover different parts of the space
featurizer = sklearn.pipeline.FeatureUnion([
("rbf1", RBFSampler(gamma=5.0, n_components=100)),
("rbf2", RBFSampler(gamma=2.0, n_components=100)),
("rbf3", RBFSampler(gamma=1.0, n_components=100)),
("rbf4", RBFSampler(gamma=0.5, n_components=100))
In [4]:
class Estimator():
Value Function approximator.
def __init__(self):
# We create a separate model for each action in the environment's
# action space. Alternatively we could somehow encode the action
# into the features, but this way it's easier to code up.
self.models = []
for _ in range(env.action_space.n):
model = SGDRegressor(learning_rate="constant")
# We need to call partial_fit once to initialize the model
# or we get a NotFittedError when trying to make a prediction
# This is quite hacky.
model.partial_fit([self.featurize_state(env.reset())], [0])
def featurize_state(self, state):
Returns the featurized representation for a state.
scaled = scaler.transform([state])
featurized = featurizer.transform(scaled)
return featurized[0]
def predict(self, s, a=None):
Makes value function predictions.
s: state to make a prediction for
a: (Optional) action to make a prediction for
If an action a is given this returns a single number as the prediction.
If no action is given this returns a vector or predictions for all actions
in the environment where pred[i] is the prediction for action i.
# TODO: Implement this!
return 0 if a else np.zeros(env.action_space.n)
def update(self, s, a, y):
Updates the estimator parameters for a given state and action towards
the target y.
# TODO: Implement this!
return None
In [5]:
def make_epsilon_greedy_policy(estimator, epsilon, nA):
Creates an epsilon-greedy policy based on a given Q-function approximator and epsilon.
estimator: An estimator that returns q values for a given state
epsilon: The probability to select a random action . float between 0 and 1.
nA: Number of actions in the environment.
A function that takes the observation as an argument and returns
the probabilities for each action in the form of a numpy array of length nA.
def policy_fn(observation):
A = np.ones(nA, dtype=float) * epsilon / nA
q_values = estimator.predict(observation)
best_action = np.argmax(q_values)
A[best_action] += (1.0 - epsilon)
return A
return policy_fn
In [18]:
def q_learning(env, estimator, num_episodes, discount_factor=1.0, epsilon=0.1, epsilon_decay=1.0):
Q-Learning algorithm for fff-policy TD control using Function Approximation.
Finds the optimal greedy policy while following an epsilon-greedy policy.
env: OpenAI environment.
estimator: Action-Value function estimator
num_episodes: Number of episodes to run for.
discount_factor: Lambda time discount factor.
epsilon: Chance the sample a random action. Float betwen 0 and 1.
epsilon_decay: Each episode, epsilon is decayed by this factor
An EpisodeStats object with two numpy arrays for episode_lengths and episode_rewards.
# Keeps track of useful statistics
stats = plotting.EpisodeStats(
for i_episode in range(num_episodes):
# The policy we're following
policy = make_epsilon_greedy_policy(
estimator, epsilon * epsilon_decay**i_episode, env.action_space.n)
# Print out which episode we're on, useful for debugging.
# Also print reward for last episode
last_reward = stats.episode_rewards[i_episode - 1]
print("\rEpisode {}/{} ({})".format(i_episode + 1, num_episodes, last_reward), end="")
# TODO: Implement this!
return stats
In [19]:
estimator = Estimator()
In [20]:
# Note: For the Mountain Car we don't actually need an epsilon > 0.0
# because our initial estimate for all states is too "optimistic" which leads
# to the exploration of all states.
stats = q_learning(env, estimator, 100, epsilon=0.0)
In [21]:
plotting.plot_cost_to_go_mountain_car(env, estimator)
plotting.plot_episode_stats(stats, smoothing_window=25)