This workbook sets explicit georeferences from implicit georeferencing through names of extents given in dataset titles or keywords.
A file
needs to contain the CKAN and SOURCE config as follows:
CKAN = {
"url": "",
"key": "API-KEY"
In [1]:
import ckanapi
from harvest_helpers import *
from secret import CKAN
ckan = ckanapi.RemoteCKAN(CKAN["dpaw-internal"]["url"], apikey=CKAN["dpaw-internal"]["key"])
print("Using CKAN {0}".format(ckan.address))
Using CKAN
In [2]:
# Getting the extent dictionary e
url = ""
ds = json.loads(requests.get(url).content)
choice_dict = [x for x in ds["dataset_fields"] if x["field_name"] == "spatial"][0]["choices"]
e = dict([(x["label"], json.dumps(x["value"])) for x in choice_dict])
print("Extents: {0}".format(e.keys()))
Extents: [u'IBRA GVD01 Shield', u'IBRA SWA01 Dandaragan Platea', u'IBRA LSD02 Trainor', u'MPA Jurien Bay', u'IBRA ESP01 Fitzgerald', u'IBRA GVD04 Kintore', u'MPA Shoalwater Islands', u'IBRA OVP02 South Kimberley Interzone', u'IBRA NOK02 Berkeley', u'MPA Rowley Shoals', u'IBRA CER01 Mann-Musgrave Block', u'IBRA COO03 Eastern Goldfield', u'IBRA WAR01 Warren', u'IBRA GID01 Lateritic Plain', u'IBRA MAL02 Western Mallee', u'IBRA AVW02 Katanning', u'IBRA PIL04 Roebourne', u'IBRA GID02 Dune Field', u'IBRA LSD01 Rudall', u'IBRA CAR02 Wooramel', u'IBRA YAL01 Edel', u'MPA Swan Estuary', u'IBRA GVD02 Central', u'IBRA TAN01 Tanami Desert', u'IBRA GSD02 Mackay', u'IBRA NUL01 Carlisle', u'IBRA AVW01 Merredin', u'MPA Walpole Nornalup', u'IBRA COO02 Southern Cross', u'IBRA JAF02 Southern Jarrah Forest', u'IBRA VIB01 Keep', u'MPA Eighty Mile Beach', u'IBRA MAL01 Eastern Mallee', u'IBRA GES02 Lesueur Sandplain', u'IBRA DAL02 Pindanland', u'IBRA GAS02 Carnegie', u'IBRA PIL01 Chichester', u'IBRA GAS03 Augustus', u'IBRA DAL01 Fitzroy Trough', u'IBRA CEK02 Hart', u'IBRA PIL03 Hamersley', u'MPA Ningaloo', u'IBRA CEK03 Mount Eliza', u'MPA Shark Bay Hamelin Pool', u'IBRA MUR01 Eastern Murchison', u'IBRA ITI03 Timor Sea Coral Islands', u'IBRA CEK01 Pentecost', u'IBRA GES01 Geraldton Hills', u'IBRA GVD03 Maralinga', u'IBRA SWA02 Perth', u'IBRA NUL02 Nullarbor Plain', u'IBRA NOK01 Mitchell', u'Western Australia', u'IBRA ESP02 Recherche', u'IBRA CAR01 Cape Range', u'IBRA GAS01 Ashburton', u'IBRA GSD01 McLarty', u'IBRA COO01 Mardabilla', u'MPA Montebello Barrow', u'MPA Lalang-garram / Camden Sound', u'IBRA OVP01 Purnulul', u'MPA Marmion', u'MPA Ngari Capes', u'IBRA MUR02 Western Murchison', u'IBRA HAM01 Hampton', u'IBRA JAF01 Northern Jarrah Forest', u'IBRA YAL02 Tallering', u'IBRA PIL02 Fortescue']
In [55]:
# Creating a search term - extent index lookup
# m is a list of keys "s" (search term) and "i" (extent index)
m = [
{"s":"Eighty", "i":"MPA Eighty Mile Beach"},
{"s":"EMBMP", "i":"MPA Eighty Mile Beach"},
{"s":"Camden", "i":"MPA Lalang-garram / Camden Sound"},
{"s":"LCSMP", "i":"MPA Lalang-garram / Camden Sound"},
{"s":"Rowley", "i":"MPA Rowley Shoals"},
{"s":"RSMP", "i":"MPA Rowley Shoals"},
{"s":"Montebello", "i":"MPA Montebello Barrow"},
{"s":"MBIMPA", "i":"MPA Montebello Barrow"},
{"s":"Ningaloo", "i":"MPA Ningaloo"},
{"s":"NMP", "i":"MPA Ningaloo"},
{"s":"Shark bay", "i":"MPA Shark Bay Hamelin Pool"},
{"s":"SBMP", "i":"MPA Shark Bay Hamelin Pool"},
{"s":"Jurien", "i":"MPA Jurien Bay"},
{"s":"JBMP", "i":"MPA Jurien Bay"},
{"s":"Marmion", "i":"MPA Marmion"},
{"s":"Swan Estuary", "i":"MPA Swan Estuary"},
{"s":"SEMP", "i":"MPA Swan Estuary"},
{"s":"Shoalwater", "i":"MPA Shoalwater Islands"},
{"s":"SIMP", "i":"MPA Shoalwater Islands"},
{"s":"Ngari", "i":"MPA Ngari Capes"},
{"s":"NCMP", "i":"MPA Ngari Capes"},
{"s":"Walpole", "i":"MPA Walpole Nornalup"},
{"s":"WNIMP", "i":"MPA Walpole Nornalup"}
In [56]:
def add_spatial(dsdict, extent_string, force=False, debug=False):
"""Adds a given spatial extent to a CKAN dataset dict if
"spatial" is None, "" or force==True.
dsdict (ckanapi.action.package_show()) CKAN dataset dict
extent_string (String) GeoJSON geometry as json.dumps String
force (Boolean) Whether to force overwriting "spatial"
debug (Boolean) Debug noise
(dict) The dataset with spatial extent replaced per above rules.
if not dsdict.has_key("spatial"):
overwrite = True
if debug:
msg = "Spatial extent not given"
elif dsdict["spatial"] == "":
overwrite = True
if debug:
msg = "Spatial extent is empty"
elif force:
overwrite = True
msg = "Spatial extent was overwritten"
overwrite = False
msg = "Spatial extent unchanged"
if overwrite:
dsdict["spatial"] = extent_string
return dsdict
def restore_extents(search_mapping, extents, ckan, debug=False):
"""Restore spatial extents for datasets
search_mapping (list) A list of dicts with keys "s" for ckanapi
package_search query parameter "q", and key "i" for the name
of the extent
m = [
{"s":"tags:marinepark_80_mile_beach", "i":"MPA Eighty Mile Beach"},
extents (dict) A dict with key "i" (extent name) and
GeoJSON Multipolygon geometry strings as value, e.g.:
{u'MPA Eighty Mile Beach': '{"type": "MultiPolygon", "coordinates": [ .... ]', ...}
ckan (ckanapi) A ckanapi instance
debug (boolean) Debug noise
A list of dictionaries returned by ckanapi's package_update
for x in search_mapping:
if debug:
print("\nSearching CKAN with '{0}'".format(x["s"]))
found = ckan.action.package_search(q=x["s"])["results"]
if debug:
print("Found datasets: {0}\n".format([d["title"] for d in found]))
fixed = [add_spatial(d, extents[x["i"]], force=True, debug=True) for d in found]
if debug:
print(fixed, "\n")
datasets_updated = upsert_datasets(fixed, ckan, debug=False)
In [57]:
restore_extents(m, e, ckan)
Spatial extent was overwritten
Spatial extent was overwritten
Spatial extent was overwritten
Spatial extent was overwritten
Spatial extent was overwritten
Spatial extent was overwritten
Spatial extent was overwritten
Spatial extent was overwritten
Spatial extent not given
Spatial extent not given
Refreshing harvested WMS layer datasets...
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer sandy-shoreline-at-eighty-mile-beach-mp
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer turtle-monitoring-at-embmpa
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer intertidal-infauna-at-eighty-mile-beach-mp
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer predator-pressures-on-turtle-nests-at-embmp
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer historical-timeseries-of-sea-surface-temperature-for-the-eighty-mile-beach-marine-park
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer rainfall-relevant-to-eighty-mile-beach-marine-park
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer shorebirds-abundance-at-80-mile-beach-marine-park
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer pilbara-islands-wgs84-shapefile
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer cyclone-activity-at-80-mile-beach-marine-park
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer mpa-reports
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
Spatial extent was overwritten
Spatial extent was overwritten
Spatial extent was overwritten
Spatial extent was overwritten
Spatial extent was overwritten
Spatial extent was overwritten
Spatial extent was overwritten
Spatial extent was overwritten
Refreshing harvested WMS layer datasets...
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer mangrove-diversity-kimberley
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer coral-diveristy-kimberley-parks
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer number-of-registered-vessels-in-western-australia-kimberley-rsmp
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer predator-pressures-on-turtle-nests-at-embmp
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer sandy-shoreline-at-eighty-mile-beach-mp
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer historical-timeseries-of-sea-surface-temperature-for-the-eighty-mile-beach-marine-park
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer rainfall-relevant-to-eighty-mile-beach-marine-park
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer shorebirds-abundance-at-80-mile-beach-marine-park
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
Spatial extent was overwritten
Spatial extent was overwritten
Spatial extent was overwritten
Spatial extent was overwritten
Spatial extent was overwritten
Spatial extent was overwritten
Spatial extent was overwritten
Spatial extent was overwritten
Spatial extent not given
Spatial extent not given
Refreshing harvested WMS layer datasets...
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer camden-sound-general-spatial-extent
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer stock-photo-dolphins-at-the-lalang-garram-camden-sound-mp
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer montgomery-reef-aerial-photo-at-lalang-garram-camden-sound-mp
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer stock-photo-mangrove-communities-at-lalang-garram-camden-sound-mp
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer lalang-garram-camden-sound-marine-park-in-situ-seawater-temperature
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer stock-photos-for-lalang-garram-camden-sound-mp
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer cyclone-activity-at-lalang-garaam-camden-sound-marine-park
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer geomorphology-habitat-mapping-at-lalang-gaaram-camden-sound-mp
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer number-of-patrols-undertaken-at-the-lalang-garram-camden-sound-mp
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer historical-timeseries-of-water-temperature-at-lalang-garram-camden-sound-mp
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
Spatial extent was overwritten
Spatial extent was overwritten
Spatial extent was overwritten
Spatial extent was overwritten
Spatial extent was overwritten
Spatial extent was overwritten
Spatial extent was overwritten
Spatial extent not given
Spatial extent was overwritten
Spatial extent was overwritten
Refreshing harvested WMS layer datasets...
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer finfish-statistics-for-lcsmp
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer whale-abundance-in-lcsmp
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer mangrove-diversity-kimberley
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer coral-diveristy-kimberley-parks
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer number-of-registered-vessels-in-western-australia-kimberley-rsmp
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer stock-photos-for-lalang-garram-camden-sound-mp
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer rainfall-at-cygnet-bay
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer cultural-map-of-dugong-areas-in-kimberley
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer historical-timeseries-of-water-temperature-at-lalang-garram-camden-sound-mp
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer montgomery-reef-aerial-photo-at-lalang-garram-camden-sound-mp
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
Spatial extent was overwritten
Spatial extent was overwritten
Spatial extent was overwritten
Spatial extent was overwritten
Spatial extent was overwritten
Spatial extent was overwritten
Spatial extent was overwritten
Spatial extent was overwritten
Spatial extent was overwritten
Spatial extent was overwritten
Refreshing harvested WMS layer datasets...
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer cyclones-at-the-rowley-shoals-marine-park
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer reef-lagoons-at-rowley-shoals-mp
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer sailfin-snapper-at-rowley-shoals-marine-park
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer potato-cod-at-rowley-shoals-marine-park
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer diseased-acropora-at-rowley-shoals-marine-park
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer person-days-at-the-rowley-shoals-mp
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer cyclone-activity-data-at-rowley-shoals-marine-park
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer operational-funds-for-the-rowley-shoals-mp
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer rowley-shoals-general-spatial-extent
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer stock-photo-seascapes-and-wilderness-at-the-rowley-shoals-mp
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
Spatial extent was overwritten
Spatial extent was overwritten
Spatial extent was overwritten
Spatial extent not given
Spatial extent not given
Spatial extent was overwritten
Spatial extent not given
Spatial extent not given
Spatial extent not given
Spatial extent not given
Refreshing harvested WMS layer datasets...
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer number-of-registered-vessels-in-western-australia-kimberley-rsmp
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer rowley-shoals-marine-park-in-situ-seawater-temperature
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer cyclones-at-the-rowley-shoals-marine-park
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer number-of-staff-days-and-expenditure-related-to-mooring-management-at-the-rowley-shoals-marine-park
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer coral-community-composition-at-the-rowley-shoals-marine-park
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer reef-lagoons-at-rowley-shoals-mp
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer department-of-fisheries-patrols-and-other-activities-in-the-rowley-shoals-marine-park
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer number-of-days-vessels-have-spent-at-rowley-shoals
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer abundance-of-seabirds-at-the-rowley-shoals-marine-park
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer density-of-coralivorous-invertebrates-at-the-rowley-shoals-marine-park
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
Spatial extent was overwritten
Spatial extent was overwritten
Spatial extent was overwritten
Spatial extent not given
Spatial extent not given
Spatial extent not given
Spatial extent not given
Spatial extent not given
Spatial extent not given
Spatial extent not given
Refreshing harvested WMS layer datasets...
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer acanthaster-planci-at-montebello-islands
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer reef-lagoons-at-montebello-islands-mp
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer coral-and-fish-at-montebello-islands
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer montebello-barrow-islands-general-spatial-extent
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer operational-funds-for-the-montebello-and-barrow-islands-mp-seabirds
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer operational-funds-for-the-montebello-and-barrow-islands-mp-hydrocarbons
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer number-of-moorings-at-the-montebello-and-barrow-islands
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer coral-recruitment-at-montebello-and-barrow-islands-marine-protected-areas
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer coral-community-monitoring-by-wammp-at-the-montebello-islands
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer operational-funds-for-the-montebello-and-barrow-islands-mp-cetaceans
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
Spatial extent was overwritten
Spatial extent was overwritten
Spatial extent not given
Spatial extent not given
Spatial extent not given
Spatial extent not given
Spatial extent not given
Spatial extent not given
Spatial extent not given
Spatial extent not given
Refreshing harvested WMS layer datasets...
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer charter-vessel-catch-and-cpue-for-mbimpa
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer loss-and-gain-in-canopy-density-of-mangroves-at-the-mbimpa-willie-nillie-sites
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer sector-other-sites-extent-product-page
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer rainfall-at-the-montebello-and-barrow-islands
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer mangrove-diversity-at-montebello-barrow-islands-marine-protected-area
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer canopy-density-of-mangroves-at-the-montebello-and-barrow-islands-mp
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer sector-willie-nillie-canopy-density-of-mangroves-at-the-montebello-and-barrow-islands-mpa
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer sector-other-sites-product-page
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer sector-others-canopy-density-of-mangroves-at-the-montebello-and-barrow-islands-mpa
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer areal-extent-of-mangroves-at-the-montebello-and-barrow-islands
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
Spatial extent was overwritten
Spatial extent was overwritten
Spatial extent was overwritten
Spatial extent was overwritten
Spatial extent was overwritten
Spatial extent was overwritten
Spatial extent not given
Spatial extent not given
Spatial extent not given
Spatial extent not given
Refreshing harvested WMS layer datasets...
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer seascapes-ningaloo
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer ningaloo-marine-park-cyclones
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer dugong-mortality
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer feral-baiting-at-ningaloo
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer manta-diversity-ningaloo
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer coral-recruitment-at-ningaloo-mpa
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer ningaloo-whale-shark-incidents-scarring-entangle-mortality
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer number-of-moorings-at-the-ningaloo-mpa
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer diversity-of-macroalgae-at-the-ningaloo-mpa
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer ningaloo-marine-protected-areas-in-situ-seawater-temperature
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
Spatial extent not given
Spatial extent not given
Spatial extent not given
Spatial extent was overwritten
Spatial extent not given
Spatial extent not given
Spatial extent was overwritten
Spatial extent was overwritten
Spatial extent not given
Spatial extent was overwritten
Refreshing harvested WMS layer datasets...
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer macroalgae-in-situ-surveys-in-western-australia-mpra
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer coral-community-composition-at-the-ningaloo-mpa
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer number-of-staff-days-spent-on-patrols-in-the-ningaloo-mpa
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer ningaloo-marine-park-cyclones
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer filter-feeding-communities-ningaloo
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer area-of-disturbance-of-coastal-biological-communities-at-gnaraloo-at-ningaloo-mpa
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer density-of-coralivorous-invertebrates-at-the-rowley-shoals-marine-park
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer percent-coral-cover-at-the-ningaloo-mpa
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer diversity-of-filter-feeding-communities-at-ningaloo-especially-sponges
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer mpa-reports
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
Spatial extent was overwritten
Spatial extent was overwritten
Spatial extent was overwritten
Spatial extent was overwritten
Spatial extent was overwritten
Spatial extent was overwritten
Spatial extent was overwritten
Spatial extent not given
Spatial extent not given
Spatial extent not given
Refreshing harvested WMS layer datasets...
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer seasnakes-shark-bay
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer dugong-abundance-shark-bay
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer stock-photo-shark-bay-landscape
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer shark-bay-marine-park-cyclones
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer turtle-surface-counts-shark-bay
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer dolphin-surface-counts-shark-bay
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer person-days-at-the-shark-bay-mp
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer operational-funds-for-the-shark-bay-mp
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer coastal-birds-shark-bay
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer humpback-whale-population-in-shark-bay
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
Spatial extent was overwritten
Spatial extent not given
Spatial extent not given
Spatial extent not given
Spatial extent not given
Spatial extent not given
Spatial extent not given
Spatial extent not given
Spatial extent not given
Spatial extent not given
Refreshing harvested WMS layer datasets...
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer shark-bay-marine-park-cyclones
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer percent-cover-shark-bay-product-page
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer percent-cover-of-seagrass-communities-in-the-shark-bay-mpa
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer seagrass-in-situ-surveys-in-western-australia-canopy-height-at-shark-bay-mpa
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer seagrass-in-situ-surveys-in-western-australia-shoot-density-at-shark-bay-mpa
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer shark-bay-marine-protected-areas-in-situ-seawater-temperature
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer long-term-monitoring-of-seagrass-at-shark-bay-marine-park
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer department-of-fisheries-patrols-and-other-activities-at-the-shark-bay-mpa
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer abundance-of-target-finfish-species-at-shark-bay-mpa
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer fishing-effort-surveys-at-shark-bay-mpa
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
Spatial extent was overwritten
Spatial extent was overwritten
Spatial extent was overwritten
Spatial extent was overwritten
Spatial extent was overwritten
Spatial extent was overwritten
Spatial extent was overwritten
Spatial extent was overwritten
Spatial extent was overwritten
Spatial extent not given
Refreshing harvested WMS layer datasets...
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer jurien-bay-litter-and-debris
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer stock-photo-sea-lions-in-jurien-bay
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer jurien-bay-coastal-birds
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer number-of-vessels-using-jurien-bay-mp
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer storms-at-jurien-bay-marine-park
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer jurien-coastal-bird-diversity
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer orthophosphate-concentrations-at-jurien-bay-mp
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer chlorophyll-a-concentration-at-jurien-bay-mp
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer historical-timeseries-of-annual-precipitation-relevant-to-jurien-bay-marine-park
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer jurien-bay-general-spatial-extent
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
Spatial extent not given
Spatial extent not given
Spatial extent was overwritten
Spatial extent not given
Spatial extent was overwritten
Spatial extent was overwritten
Spatial extent not given
Spatial extent not given
Spatial extent not given
Spatial extent not given
Refreshing harvested WMS layer datasets...
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer dissolved-inorganic-nitrogen-at-jurien-bay-mp
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer heavy-metals-concentration-at-jurien-bay-mp
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer historical-timeseries-of-annual-precipitation-relevant-to-jurien-bay-marine-park
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer pesticide-concentrations-in-the-water-at-jurien-bay-mp
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer number-of-vessels-using-jurien-bay-mp
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer orthophosphate-concentrations-at-jurien-bay-mp
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer percent-canopy-cover-of-macroalgae-at-the-jurien-bay-mp
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer total-petroleum-hydrocarbon-concentration-in-coastal-waters-at-jurien-bay-mp
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer polycyclic-aromatic-hydrocarbon-concentrations-in-the-water-of-jurien-bay-mp
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer benzene-toluene-ethylbenzene-and-xylene-btex-concentrations-in-the-water-at-jurien-bay-mp
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
Spatial extent was overwritten
Spatial extent was overwritten
Spatial extent was overwritten
Spatial extent not given
Spatial extent was overwritten
Spatial extent was overwritten
Spatial extent not given
Spatial extent was overwritten
Spatial extent was overwritten
Spatial extent not given
Refreshing harvested WMS layer datasets...
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer stock-photo-marmion-coastline
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer marmion-marine-park-macroalgae
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer number-of-boat-and-beach-users-at-marmion-mp
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer marmion-general-spatial-extent
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer marmion-marine-park-in-situ-seawater-temperature
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer person-days-at-the-marmion-mp-geomorphology
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer fishing-effort-surveys-at-marmion-mp
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer person-days-at-the-marmion-mp
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer orthophosphate-concentrations-in-seawater-in-marmion-mp
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer diversity-of-finfish-at-the-marmion-mp
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
Spatial extent was overwritten
Spatial extent was overwritten
Spatial extent was overwritten
Spatial extent was overwritten
Spatial extent was overwritten
Spatial extent was overwritten
Spatial extent was overwritten
Spatial extent was overwritten
Spatial extent was overwritten
Spatial extent was overwritten
Refreshing harvested WMS layer datasets...
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer stock-photo-swan-estuary
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer person-days-at-the-swan-estuary-mp
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer person-days-at-the-swan-estuary-mp-water-quality
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer person-days-at-the-swan-estuary-mp-sediment-quality
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer person-days-at-the-swan-estuary-mp-seagrass-communities
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer person-days-at-the-swan-estuary-mp-seabirds
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer person-days-at-the-swan-estuary-mp-invertebrate-communities
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer number-of-visitors-to-the-swan-estuary-marine-park
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer number-of-patrols-undertaken-at-the-swan-estuary-mp
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer phosphorus-concentrations-in-the-water-at-the-swan-estuary-mp
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
Spatial extent not given
Spatial extent not given
Spatial extent was overwritten
Spatial extent not given
Spatial extent not given
Spatial extent not given
Spatial extent not given
Spatial extent not given
Refreshing harvested WMS layer datasets...
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer rainfall-relevant-to-the-perth-metropolitan-marine-protected-areas
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer river-discharge-into-the-swan-canning-estuary-from-the-avon-and-canning-rivers-catchment
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer phosphorus-concentrations-in-the-water-at-the-swan-estuary-mp
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer chlorophyll-a-concentration-at-the-swan-estuary-marine-park
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer diversity-of-waterbirds-at-the-swan-estuary-mp
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer abundance-of-waterbirds-at-the-swan-estuary-mp
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer nitrogen-concentrations-in-the-water-at-the-swan-estuary-mp
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer number-of-registered-vessels-in-western-australia
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
Spatial extent was overwritten
Spatial extent was overwritten
Spatial extent was overwritten
Spatial extent was overwritten
Spatial extent not given
Spatial extent not given
Spatial extent not given
Spatial extent not given
Spatial extent not given
Spatial extent not given
Refreshing harvested WMS layer datasets...
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer stock-photo-shoalwater-islands
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer fishing-effort-at-the-shoalwater-islands-mp
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer water-quality-at-the-shoalwater-islands-mp
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer person-days-at-the-shoalwater-islands-mp
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer stock-photo-little-penguins-at-the-shoalwater-islands-mp
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer shoalwater-islands-general-spatial-extent
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer density-of-macroalgae-in-state-marine-parks-of-western-australia-shoalwater-islands-mp
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer person-days-at-the-shoalwater-islands-mp-sediment-quality
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer person-days-at-the-shoalwater-islands-mp-intertidal-reef-communities
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer shoalwater-islands-marine-park-in-situ-seawater-temperature
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
Spatial extent was overwritten
Spatial extent was overwritten
Spatial extent not given
Spatial extent was overwritten
Spatial extent not given
Spatial extent was overwritten
Spatial extent not given
Spatial extent not given
Spatial extent not given
Spatial extent not given
Refreshing harvested WMS layer datasets...
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer little-penguin-nestbox-vegetation-cover-simp
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer number-of-registered-vessels-in-western-australia-metro-parks-simp-and-mmp
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer chlorophyll-a-concentrations-on-the-shoreline-at-the-shoalwater-islands-mp
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer water-quality-at-the-shoalwater-islands-mp
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer abundance-of-invertebrate-species-at-jurien-bay-mp
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer shoalwater-islands-marine-park-in-situ-seawater-temperature
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer person-days-at-the-shoalwater-islands-mp-seagrass-communities
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer person-days-at-the-shoalwater-islands-mp-macroalgae-communities
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer water-quality-on-the-shoreline-at-the-shoalwater-islands-mp-orthophosphate
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer water-quality-on-the-shoreline-at-the-shoalwater-islands-mp-dissolved-inorganic-nitrogen
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
Spatial extent was overwritten
Spatial extent was overwritten
Spatial extent was overwritten
Spatial extent was overwritten
Spatial extent was overwritten
Spatial extent was overwritten
Spatial extent not given
Spatial extent not given
Spatial extent not given
Spatial extent not given
Refreshing harvested WMS layer datasets...
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer stock-photo-ngari-capes
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer ngari-capes-product-page
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer stock-photo-invertebrate-communities-ngari-capes-mp
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer sea-urchin-at-ngari-capes-marine-park
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer gastropod-at-the-ngari-capes-marine-park
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer capenaturalistewave-2004-2014-csv
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer stock-photo-seabirds-at-the-ngari-capes-mp
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer stock-photo-intertidal-rock-reef-communities-ngari-capes-mp
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer stock-photo-finfish-at-the-ngari-capes-mp
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer stock-photo-deep-reef-communities-ngari-capes
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
Spatial extent was overwritten
Spatial extent not given
Spatial extent not given
Spatial extent not given
Spatial extent not given
Spatial extent not given
Spatial extent not given
Spatial extent not given
Spatial extent was overwritten
Spatial extent not given
Refreshing harvested WMS layer datasets...
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer number-of-registered-vessels-in-western-australia-south-west-ncmp
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer ngari-capes-marine-park-in-situ-seawater-temperature
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer rainfall-relevant-to-ngari-capes-marine-park
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer rocky-intertidal-communities-of-the-ngari-capes-marine-park
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer river-discharge-from-the-major-drains-creeks-and-rivers-relevant-to-the-ngari-capes-marine-park
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer historical-time-series-of-seawater-temperature-at-ngari-capes-marine-park
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer shoot-density-ngari-capes-product-page
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer relative-abundance-of-finfish-in-the-ngari-capes-mp
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer macroalgae-in-situ-surveys-in-western-australia-mpra
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer abundance-of-the-targeted-invertebrate-panulirus-cygnus-larvae
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
Spatial extent was overwritten
Spatial extent was overwritten
Spatial extent not given
Spatial extent was overwritten
Spatial extent was overwritten
Spatial extent not given
Spatial extent not given
Spatial extent not given
Spatial extent not given
Spatial extent was overwritten
Refreshing harvested WMS layer datasets...
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer stock-photo-walpole-nornalup-inlet-mp
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer annual-rainfall-recorded-at-walpole-relevant-to-the-walpole-and-nornalup-minlets-marine-park
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer operational-funds-for-the-walpole-and-nornalup-inlets-mp
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer walpole-nornalup-inlets-marine-protected-areas-general-spatial-extent
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer stock-photo-seabirds-at-the-walpole-and-nornalup-inlets-mp
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer litter-at-walpole-nornalup-inlets-marine-park
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer area-of-disturbance-at-the-walpole-and-nornalup-inlets-mp
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer abundance-of-invertebrates-at-the-walpole-and-nornalup-inlets-mp
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer diversity-of-finfish-at-the-walpole-and-nornalup-inlets-mp
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer stock-photo-coastal-biological-communities-in-walpole-and-nornalup-inlets-mp
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
Spatial extent was overwritten
Spatial extent not given
Spatial extent not given
Spatial extent not given
Spatial extent not given
Spatial extent was overwritten
Spatial extent not given
Spatial extent not given
Spatial extent not given
Spatial extent not given
Refreshing harvested WMS layer datasets...
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer number-of-registered-vessels-in-western-australia-south-coast-wnimp
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer deep-river-and-franklin-river-discharge-at-walpole-nornalup-inlets-marine-park
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer total-nitrogen-concentrations-in-the-water-of-walpole-and-nornalup-inlets-mp
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer dissolved-inorganic-nitrogen-concentration-in-the-water-at-walpole-and-nornalup-inlets-mp
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer department-of-fisheries-patrols-and-other-activities-at-the-walpole-and-nornalup-inlets-mp
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer stock-photo-coastal-biological-communities-in-walpole-and-nornalup-inlets-mp
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer species-diversity-of-primary-producers-at-the-walpole-and-nornalup-inlets-mp
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer total-phosphorus-concentrations-in-the-water-of-walpole-and-nornalup-inlets-mp
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer orthophosphate-concentration-in-the-water-at-the-walpole-and-nornalup-inlets-mp
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer chlorophyll-a-levels-at-walpole-and-nornalup-inlets-marine-park
[upsert_dataset] Layer exists.
[upsert_dataset] Existing dataset metadata were updated.
[upsert_dataset] Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
In [46]:
d = [ckan.action.package_show(id = x) for x in ckan.action.package_list()]
In [48]:
fix = [x["title"] for x in d if not x.has_key("spatial")]
In [49]:
In [53]:
{u'author': u'Kathy Murray',
u'author_email': u'',
u'creator_user_id': u'7561256b-5317-4d35-a5d5-f4ff37c24e8e',
u'extras': [],
u'groups': [],
u'id': u'387ad1b2-ffb8-486d-aa10-9bec47ba633e',
u'isopen': True,
u'license_id': u'cc-by-sa',
u'license_title': u'Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike',
u'license_url': u'',
u'maintainer': u'Florian Mayer',
u'maintainer_email': u'',
u'metadata_created': u'2015-11-17T03:37:14.378717',
u'metadata_modified': u'2015-11-17T03:37:14.432860',
u'name': u'2012-aerial-photography-of-the-ngari-capes-marine-protected-area',
u'notes': u'These images were created to remove the water glint from the original aerial photography image delivered by Landgate over the Busselton and the Leeuwin tiles captured in 2012. This technique did create some errors which have been masked with a land, intertidal and surf zone mask. In the rare case that errors are still present the deglint images must be interpreted with the original aerial photography images (see Source Data Enhancement) in the background to confirm the visual interpretation. \r\n\r\nCurrent location:\r\nfile://kens-nas-010/gis mapped as Windows disk K\r\n\r\nK:/rs_imagery/Aerial_photography/CAPES/2012',
u'num_resources': 3,
u'num_tags': 5,
u'organization': {u'approval_status': u'approved',
u'created': u'2015-11-17T03:37:00.490959',
u'description': u'[Marine Science Program]( ([Wiki](, \r\n[Science and Conservation Division](, \r\n[Department of Parks and Wildlife](',
u'id': u'523911a2-ddd8-495e-84bd-98e1e20715ed',
u'image_url': u'20140403-065014.260667biodiversity2.jpg',
u'is_organization': True,
u'name': u'marinescience',
u'revision_id': u'b4d0839d-0eea-4a52-a165-33dbcb3b4e11',
u'state': u'active',
u'title': u'Marine Science',
u'type': u'organization'},
u'owner_org': u'523911a2-ddd8-495e-84bd-98e1e20715ed',
u'private': False,
u'relationships_as_object': [],
u'relationships_as_subject': [],
u'resources': [{u'cache_last_updated': None,
u'cache_url': None,
u'created': u'2014-04-02T00:06:59.898108',
u'datastore_active': False,
u'description': u'Metadata statement in free text',
u'format': u'TXT',
u'hash': u'aa25159962d894e35194d1721707e1af3ffbaa9e',
u'id': u'ac30f20c-7c4f-49df-aa69-428d6353d0ba',
u'last_modified': u'2014-12-04T18:37:04.920753',
u'mimetype': u'text/plain',
u'mimetype_inner': None,
u'name': u'Metadata statement',
u'package_id': u'387ad1b2-ffb8-486d-aa10-9bec47ba633e',
u'position': 0,
u'resource_type': None,
u'revision_id': u'5fd26206-cdc9-4811-9df3-c3f5fa527ea1',
u'size': u'6151',
u'state': u'active',
u'url': u'',
u'url_type': u'upload',
u'webstore_last_updated': None,
u'webstore_url': None},
{u'cache_last_updated': None,
u'cache_url': None,
u'created': u'2014-04-02T00:11:33.474378',
u'datastore_active': False,
u'description': u'This is a link to the K drive where the files are stored. K:/rs_imagery/Aerial_photography/CAPES/2012',
u'format': u'',
u'hash': u'',
u'id': u'c169f255-f3bf-4df8-8807-29d4d0a60bb0',
u'last_modified': None,
u'mimetype': None,
u'mimetype_inner': None,
u'name': u'Link to the shapefiles',
u'package_id': u'387ad1b2-ffb8-486d-aa10-9bec47ba633e',
u'position': 1,
u'resource_type': None,
u'revision_id': u'5fd26206-cdc9-4811-9df3-c3f5fa527ea1',
u'size': None,
u'state': u'active',
u'url': u'K:/rs_imagery/Aerial_photography/CAPES/2012',
u'url_type': None,
u'webstore_last_updated': None,
u'webstore_url': None},
{u'cache_last_updated': None,
u'cache_url': None,
u'created': u'2014-04-02T05:42:48.434888',
u'datastore_active': False,
u'description': u'The geojson file was created to show the extent that the deglinting process was conducted over',
u'format': u'GeoJSON',
u'hash': u'',
u'id': u'2e4436fc-a760-4e55-8c90-d68a0d1ceda8',
u'last_modified': u'2014-12-04T18:37:04.855326',
u'mimetype': u'application/json',
u'mimetype_inner': None,
u'name': u'Geojson file for the spatial extent',
u'package_id': u'387ad1b2-ffb8-486d-aa10-9bec47ba633e',
u'position': 2,
u'resource_type': None,
u'revision_id': u'5fd26206-cdc9-4811-9df3-c3f5fa527ea1',
u'size': None,
u'state': u'active',
u'url': u'',
u'url_type': u'upload',
u'webstore_last_updated': None,
u'webstore_url': None}],
u'revision_id': u'5fd26206-cdc9-4811-9df3-c3f5fa527ea1',
u'state': u'active',
u'tags': [{u'display_name': u'aerial_imagery',
u'id': u'86779643-eb5d-4120-bb83-b63de899fbcc',
u'name': u'aerial_imagery',
u'state': u'active',
u'vocabulary_id': None},
{u'display_name': u'marinepark_ngari_capes',
u'id': u'b811edfb-3fdb-4d62-be12-ebad50a0da09',
u'name': u'marinepark_ngari_capes',
u'state': u'active',
u'vocabulary_id': None},
{u'display_name': u'raster',
u'id': u'aa041cb8-0252-4f6f-b7e4-959049874189',
u'name': u'raster',
u'state': u'active',
u'vocabulary_id': None},
{u'display_name': u'region_ngari_capes',
u'id': u'5517f825-9daa-4921-aeee-4d36e483ab55',
u'name': u'region_ngari_capes',
u'state': u'active',
u'vocabulary_id': None},
{u'display_name': u'remote_sensing',
u'id': u'7584081c-23d4-4a85-b08d-aa91e6d7803d',
u'name': u'remote_sensing',
u'state': u'active',
u'vocabulary_id': None}],
u'title': u'2012 aerial photography of the Ngari Capes Marine Protected Area',
u'type': u'dataset',
u'url': u'',
u'version': u''}
In [54]:
[u'2012 aerial photography of the Ngari Capes Marine Protected Area',
u'Abundance and community composition of marine invertebrates at the Ningaloo MPA',
u'Abundance and community composition of marine invertebrates at the Rowley Shoals Marine Park',
u'Abundance of Highly Targeted finfish in shallow water (<10m) at the Montebello-Barrow Islands MPA',
u'Abundance of Australian Sea Lion pups at Jurien Bay MP',
u'Abundance of Australian Sea Lions at Jurien Bay MP',
u'Abundance of seabirds and shorebirds at Walpole and Nornalup Inlets Marine Park',
u'Abundance of highly targeted finfish in deep water (10-20m) at the Montebello-Barrow Islands MPA',
u'Abundance of indicator sharks and rays at Ningaloo MPA',
u'Abundance of intertidal invertebrates at the Marmion MP',
u'Abundance of intertidal invertebrates at the Shoalwater Islands MP',
u'Abundance of invertebrates at the Walpole and Nornalup Inlets MP',
u'Abundance of invertebrates in the Ngari Capes MP',
u'Abundance of invertebrate species at Shoalwater Islands and Marmion MP',
u'Abundance of manta rays at the Ningaloo MP',
u'Abundance of invertebrate species at Jurien Bay MP',
u'Abundance of seabirds at the Rowley Shoals Marine Park',
u'Abundance of sharks and rays at Skeleton Bay at Ningaloo MPA',
u'Abundance of targeted finfish on slope at Ningaloo MPA',
u'Abundance of targeted finfish species at the Shoalwater Islands MP',
u'Abundance of targeted fish within deeper waters (40-60m) of the Ningaloo MPA',
u'Abundance of target finfish species at Marmion MP',
u'Abundance of target finfish species at Shark Bay MPA',
u'Abundance of target finfish species at the Jurien Bay MP',
u'Abundance of targeted finfish species in shallow water (<10m) at the Montebello/Barrow Islands MPA',
u'Abundance of target finfish species at the Rowley Shoals Marine Park',
u'Abundance of target finfish species at the Walpole and Nornalup Inlets MP',
u'Abundance of target finfish species in deeper water (10-20m) at the Montebello and Barrow Islands MPA',
u'Abundance of the seabird Pied Cormorant at Marmion MP',
u'Abundance of the targeted invertebrate Haliotis spp at Jurien Bay MP',
u'Abundance of the targeted invertebrate Haliotis spp at Marmion MP',
u'Abundance of the targeted invertebrate Haliotis spp at Shoalwater Islands MP',
u'Abundance of the targeted invertebrate Panulirus at the Jurien Bay MP',
u'Abundance of the targeted invertebrate Panulirus at the Ningaloo MPA',
u'Abundance of Panulirus cygnus larvae as an indicator of future abundance of western rock lobster at the Marmion MP',
u'Abundance of the targeted invertebrate Panulirus larvae at the Jurien Bay MP',
u'Abundance of waterbirds at the Swan Estuary MP',
u'A general description of the subtidal habitats of the Dampier Archipelago CRC007',
u'Amount of provisioned fish for dolphins at the Shark Bay MPA',
u'Anemone, giant clam and fish at Rowley Shoals Marine Park',
u'Annual commercial take of targeted invertebrates in the Shark Bay MPA',
u'Annual catch of the targeted invertebrate Panulirus cygnus inshore and offshore for Jurien Bay, catch and effort for Jurien Bay, Ngari Capes, Marmion and Shoalwater Islands MPs',
u'Annual visitor counts to Marmion Marine Park',
u'Aquatic invertebrate survey of Katjarra (Carnarvon Range) 2012-13',
u'Areal extent of mangroves at the Montebello and Barrow Islands MPA',
u'Area of benthos disturbed by moorings at Shark Bay MPA',
u'Area of benthos disturbed by moorings by sector at Shark Bay MPA',
u'Area of coastal disturbance caused from coastal camping at Montebello Islands Marine Park',
u'Shoreline disturbance at the Walpole and Nornalup Inlets MP',
u'Area of disturbance at the Walpole and Nornalup Inlets MP - Inlets and riverbed',
u'Area of disturbance at the Walpole and Nornalup Inlets MP - shoreline area',
u'Area of disturbance of coastal biological communities at combined sites at Ningaloo MPA',
u'Area of disturbance of coastal biological communities at Gnaraloo at Ningaloo MPA',
u'Area of disturbance of coastal biological communities at Lefroy Bay at Ningaloo MPA',
u'Area of disturbance of coastal biological communities at Mangrove Bay at Ningaloo MPA',
u'Area of disturbance of coastal biological communities at Sandy Bay at Ningaloo MPA',
u'Area of disturbance of coastal biological communities at Vlamingh Head at Ningaloo MPA',
u'Area of disturbed seabed at Ningaloo MPA',
u'Area of mangroves at Mangrove Bay in Ningaloo MPA',
u'Area of seabed disturbed by moorings and dredge plumes at the Montebello and Barrow Islands MPA',
u'Area of seabed disturbed by moorings and fisheries at the Jurien Bay MP',
u'Area of undisturbed seabed at Jurien Bay MP',
u'Area of vegetation rehabilitation along the shores of Walpole and Nornalup Inlets Marine Park',
u'Arid zone wetland surveys for DIWA',
u'A survey of the benthic molluscs of the Dampier Archipelago in 1998-99 I003',
u'Australian Sea Lion Management in Western Australia - Presentation in Adelaide',
u'Average weight of black bream caught during annual fishing competitions at the Walpole and Nornalup Inlets MP',
u'Avon Baselining Project - wetlands component',
u'Avon River Pools Invertebrate Surveys',
u'Banksia Atlas',
u'Baseline coral health monitoring in the Dampier Archipelago CRC025',
u'Baseline surveys of benthic invertebrates at Walpole and Nornalup Inlets Marine Park',
u'Baseline surveys of intertidal reef communities at Marmion and Shoalwater Islands (Metro) Marine Parks',
u'Beach profiles of Bivalve and Terminal Beaches at Montebello and Barrow Islands MPA',
u'Benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylene (BTEX) concentrations in the water at Jurien Bay Marine Park',
u'Biodiversity Audit II background',
u'Biodiversity Asset Explorer Web Portal',
u'Biodiversity Audit II Master Data',
u'Biodiversity Values On Selected Kimberley Islands',
u'Biological survey of wetlands of the Jurien coast',
u'Aquatic fauna surveys of Mandora Marsh (1999-2000)',
u'Biomass of macroalgae at Ningaloo MPA',
u'Biomass of target finfish species at Jurien Bay MP',
u'Size of target finfish species at Walpole and Nornalup Inlets MP',
u'Abundance of seabirds and shorebirds at the Ningaloo MPA',
u'Diversity of seabirds and shorebirds at the Montebello and Barrow Islands MPAs',
u'Diversity of seabirds and shorebirds at the Ningaloo MPAs',
u'Bleaching patterns across the Pilbara in early 2008 CRC015',
u'Boat days and Fishing events at Jurien Bay Marine Park',
u'Boat days and fishing events at Shark Bay Marine Park',
u'Boats near Australian Sea Lion habitats in Shoalwater Islands Marine Park',
u'Bolbometopon muricatum parrotfish among the coral at Rowley Shoals Marine Park',
u'Boonanarring Nature Reserve',
u'Breaching whale before limestone cliffs in North Kimberley',
u'Lake Bryde NDRC Climate',
u'Lake Bryde NDRC Geology',
u'Buntine-Marchagee Climate',
u'Buntine-Marchagee Geology',
u'Buntine-Marchagee Geophysics',
u'Buntine-Marchagee Groundwater',
u'Buntine-Marchagee Hydrological Modelling',
u'Buntine-Marchagee Surface Water',
u'Buntine-Marchagee Topography',
u'Canopy density of mangroves at Ningaloo MPA',
u'Canopy density of mangroves at the Montebello and Barrow Islands MPA',
u'Canopy density of mangroves at the Montebello and Barrow Islands MPA - Claret Bay',
u'Canopy density of mangroves at the Montebello and Barrow Islands MPA - Combined sites',
u'Canopy density of mangroves at the Montebello and Barrow Islands MPA - Home Lagoon',
u'Canopy density of mangroves at the Montebello and Barrow Islands MPA - Middle Willie Nillie Lagoon',
u'Canopy density of mangroves at the Montebello and Barrow Islands MPA - North Willie Nillie Lagoon',
u'Canopy density of mangroves at the Montebello and Barrow Islands MPA - South Willie Nillie Lagoon',
u'Canopy density of mangroves at the Montebello and Barrow Islands MPA - Vermouth Bay',
u'Canopy density of mangroves at the Shark Bay MPA',
u'Canopy density of mangroves at the Shark Bay MPA - Big Lagoon',
u'Canopy density of mangroves at the Shark Bay MPA - Blind Inlet',
u'Canopy density of mangroves at the Shark Bay MPA - Bush Bay',
u'Canopy density of mangroves at the Shark Bay MPA - Combined sites',
u'Canopy density of mangroves at the Shark Bay MPA - Eastern Gulf',
u'Canopy density of mangroves at the Shark Bay MPA - Fowlers Bay',
u'Canopy density of mangroves at the Shark Bay MPA - Guischenault',
u'Canopy density of mangroves at the Shark Bay MPA - Little Lagoon',
u'Canopy density of mangroves at the Shark Bay MPA - Longtom Bay',
u'Canopy density of mangroves at the Shark Bay MPA - North Carnarvon',
u'Canopy density of mangroves at the Shark Bay MPA - South Carnarvon',
u'Canopy density of mangroves at the Shark Bay MPA - Western Gulf',
u'Canopy density of mangroves at the Shark Bay MPA - West Faure Island',
u'Ngari Capes marine protected area general spatial extent',
u'Carnarvon Basin Survey - wetlands',
u'Catch of the targeted invertebrate Haliotis at the Marmion and Shoalwater Islands MP',
u'Cetacean incidents across Western Australia',
u'Reported mortalities of cetaceans at the Ningaloo MPA',
u'Cetacean strandings, entanglements, incidents and deaths',
u'Chandala Nature Reserve',
u'Charter fishing catch within Jurien Bay Marine Park',
u'Chittering Lakes oblong turtle research',
u'Chlorophyll-a concentration along the shoreline at Marmion MP',
u'Chlorophyll-a concentration at Coral Bay in the Ningaloo MPA',
u'Chlorophyll-a concentration in the water at the Swan Estuary MP',
u'Chlorophyll-a concentration in the water at Marmion MP',
u'Water quality on the shoreline at the Shoalwater Islands MP',
u'Chlorophyll-a concentrations in the water at Walpole and Nornalup Inlets Marine Park',
u'Clutch frequency for flatback turtles in the Montebello and Barrow Islands MPA',
u'Coastal biological communities spatial extent at Ningaloo Marine Park',
u'Coastal birds at the Shark Bay MPAs',
u'Coastal dolphins across Western Australia',
u'Commercial fishing catch in Jurien Bay Marine Park',
u'Community composition of Australian Sea Lion cohorts at the Marmion and Shoalwater Islands MPs',
u'Community composition of macroalgae at the Montebello and Barrow Islands MPA',
u'Concentration of BTEX in marine sediments at the Montebello and Barrow Islands MPA',
u'Control chart resources',
u'Coral community composition at the Ningaloo MPA',
u'Coral community composition at the Rowley Shoals Marine Park',
u'Coral community composition at the Shark Bay MPA',
u'Coral community composition in the Dampier Archipelago in 2004 for the Pluto project CRC033',
u'Coral community monitoring by WAMMP at Shark Bay',
u'Coral community monitoring by WAMMP at the Montebello Islands',
u'Coral community monitoring by WAMMP at the Ningaloo MPA',
u'Coral community monitoring by WAMMP at the Rowley Shoals',
u'Coral cover and community composition in 2006 and 2009 in the Dampier Archipelago for Pluto CRC045',
u'Coral cover and community composition in 2006 and 2010 in the Dampier Archipelago for Pluto CRC038',
u'Coral cover in the Dampier Archipelago in 1980 for the Pluto project CRC194',
u'Coral cover in the Dampier Archipelago in 1993-1994 for Pluto CRC119',
u'Coral cover in the Dampier Archipelago in 2003-2004 for the Pluto project CRC035',
u'Coral cover in the Dampier Archipelago in 2003-2004 for the Pluto project CRC161',
u'Coral cover in the Dampier Archipelago in 2004-2007 for the Pluto project CRC151',
u'Coral cover in the Dampier Archipelago in 2004 for the Pluto project CRC165',
u'Coral cover in the Dampier Archipelago in 2004 for the Pluto project CRC178',
u'Coral cover in the Dampier Archipelago in 2004 for the Pluto project CRC179',
u'Coral cover in the Dampier Archipelago in 2004 for the Pluto project CRC180',
u'Coral cover in the Dampier Archipelago in 2004 for the Pluto project CRC181',
u'Coral cover in the Dampier Archipelago in 2006-2009 for the Pluto project CRC022',
u'Coral cover in the Dampier Archipelago in 2006 for the Pluto project CRC127',
u'Coral cover in the Dampier Archipelago in 2008 for the Pluto project CRC158',
u'Coral recruitment at Montebello and Barrow Islands MPA',
u'Corrine Severin',
u'Crown-of-thorns and coral communities in the Dampier Archipelago CRC006',
u'Cultural map of dugong areas in Kimberley',
u'CUSUM site DHI 02',
u'Cyclone activity at 80 Mile Beach Marine Park',
u'Cyclones in WA',
u'In situ seawater temperature at Dampier Archipelago MPA',
u'Deep River and Frankland River discharge at Walpole and Nornalup Inlets Marine Park',
u'Density of Batillaria australis in the Swan Estuary MP',
u'Density of coralivorous invertebrates at the Rowley Shoals Marine Park',
u'Density of Crown of Thorns Starfish at the Montebello and Barrow Islands MPA',
u'Density of invertebrates at the Montebello and Barrow Islands MPA',
u'Density of macroalgae in state marine parks of Western Australia - Jurien Bay MP',
u'Density of macroalgae in state marine parks of Western Australia - Marmion MP',
u'Macroalgae in situ surveys in Western Australia - Shoalwater Islands MP',
u'Density of the coral predator Drupella at Ningaloo MPA',
u'Department of Fisheries patrols and other activities at the Jurien Bay MP',
u'Department of Fisheries patrols and other activities at the Marmion MP',
u'Department of Fisheries patrols and other activities at the Montebello and Barrow Islands MPA',
u'Department of Fisheries patrols and other activities at the Ningaloo MPA',
u'Department of fisheries patrols and other activities at the Shark Bay MPA',
u'Department of Fisheries patrols and other activities at the Shoalwater Islands MP',
u'Department of Fisheries patrols and other activities at the Walpole and Nornalup Inlets MP',
u'Department of Fisheries patrols and other activities in the Rowley Shoals Marine Park',
u'Desert Rangelands',
u'CUSUM site DHI 01',
u'Dirk Hartog Island Vegetation Sites 2014',
u'Dissolved inorganic nitrogen around Coral Bay in the Ningaloo Marine Park',
u'Dissolved inorganic nitrogen at Jurien Bay Marine Park',
u'Dissolved inorganic nitrogen at Monkey Mia at the Shark Bay MPA',
u'Dissolved inorganic nitrogen concentration along the shoreline at Marmion MP',
u'Dissolved inorganic nitrogen concentration in the water at Marmion MP',
u'Dissolved inorganic nitrogen concentration in the water at Walpole and Nornalup Inlets MP',
u'Disturbed and undisturbed seabed at the Rowley Shoals Marine Park',
u'Diversity and community composition of corals at Montebello and Barrow Island MPA',
u'Diversity of filter feeding communities at Ningaloo, especially sponges',
u'Diversity of finfish at the Jurien Bay MP',
u'Diversity of finfish at the Marmion MP',
u'Species Richness of non-cryptic finfish at the Montebello and Barrow Islands MPA',
u'Species Richness within lagoon of finfish at the Ningaloo MPA',
u'Diversity of finfish at the Rowley Shoals Marine Park',
u'Diversity of finfish at the Shark Bay MPA',
u'Diversity of finfish at the Shoalwater Islands MP',
u'Diversity of finfish at the Walpole and Nornalup Inlets MP',
u'Diversity of intertidal invertebrates at the Marmion MP',
u'Diversity of invertebrates on intertidal reefs at the Shoalwater Islands MP',
u'Diversity of macroalgae at the Marmion MP',
u'Diversity of macroalgae at the Montebello and Barrow Islands MPA',
u'Diversity of macroalgae at the Ningaloo MPA',
u'Diversity of macroalgae at the Shoalwater Islands MP',
u'Diversity of mangroves at Mangrove Bay in Ningaloo MPA',
u'Diversity of invertebrate species at Jurien Bay MP',
u'Diversity of seabirds and shorebirds at Walpole and Nornalup Inlets Marine Park',
u'Diversity of seagrass at Wreck Rock in the Marmion MP',
u'Diversity of sharks and rays at the Ningaloo MPA',
u'Diversity of sharks and rays at the Walpole and Nornalup Inlets MP',
u'Diversity of waterbirds at the Swan Estuary MP',
u'Dolphins along the Western Australian coast',
u'BOM Rain Radar All',
u'BOM Tropical Cyclone WA System 1',
u'DFES Active Fireshapes',
u'Drummond NDRC Geology',
u'Effect of Drupella on Acropora coral at Rowley Shoals Marine Park',
u'Emergence success of flatback sea turtle population nesting on Barrow Island',
u'Enterococci concentration along the shoreline at Marmion MP',
u'Enterococci concentrations at Coral Bay in the Ningaloo MPA',
u'Enterococci concentrations at Monkey Mia at the Shark Bay MPA',
u'Enterococci concentrations in the water at Marmion MP',
u'Estimated boat based recreational fishing effort occurring in the Ngari Capes MP',
u'Estimated number of septic tanks in the Perth metropolitan area',
u'Estimated Target Fish catch by recreational fishers in Ningaloo Marine Park',
u'Estimated Target Fish catch by recreational fishers in Shark Bay Marine Park',
u'Estimated Target Fish catch by recreational fishers in the Jurien Bay Marine Park',
u'Estimated vehicle use at high use sites at Ningaloo MPA',
u'Estimated vessel launches from the Coral Bay and Bundegi boat ramps at the Ningaloo MPA',
u'Example dataset',
u'Expenditure on mooring maintenance at the Ningaloo MPA',
u'Boat days and Fishing events at Ningaloo Marine Park',
u'Abundance of filter feeding communities Ningaloo',
u'Finfish community composition at the Jurien Bay MP',
u'Finfish community composition at the Marmion MP',
u'Finfish community composition at the Montebello and Barrow Islands Marine Protected Areas',
u'Finfish community composition at the Ningaloo MPA',
u'Finfish community composition at the Rowley Shoals Marine Park',
u'Finfish community composition at the Shark Bay MPA',
u'Finfish community composition at the Shoalwater Islands MP',
u'Number of patrols and educational contacts at Marmion MP',
u'Fishing effort surveys at Marmion MP',
u'Fishing effort surveys at Ningaloo MPA',
u'Vessel-based fishing effort from surveys at Shark Bay MPA',
u'Flora Surveys of the Yilgarn (BIF, Greenstone and Calcrete)',
u'Fortescue Vegetation Mapping',
u'Geographe Bay seagrass shoot count and height comparison between 2007 and 2015',
u'Giant clam size frequency and density on intertidal reef platforms at the Ningaloo MPAs',
u'Great Western Woodlands',
u'GSS monitoring via remote sensing',
u'GSS post-fire fauna trapping and microhabitat surveys',
u'Harvesting NatureMap',
u'Hatching success of flatback sea turtle population nesting on Barrow Island',
u'Heavy metals concentration at Jurien Bay Marine Park',
u'Historical time-series of seawater temperature at Ngari Capes MP',
u'Historical time-series of seawater temperature at Rowley Shoals MP',
u'Historical time-series of seawater temperature at Lalang-garram Camden Sound Marine Park',
u'Historical time-series of seawater temperature at Ningaloo MPA',
u'Historical time-series of seawater temperature at Jurien Bay MP',
u'Historical time-series of seawater temperature at the Marmion MP',
u'Historical time-series of seawater temperature at Montebello and Barrow MPA',
u'Historical time-series of seawater temperature at Shark Bay MPAs',
u'Historical time-series of seawater temperature at Shoalwater Islands MP',
u'Number of hooded plover sightings and reported breeding activity along beaches in the Ngari Capes MP',
u'Horizontal Falls Marine Park in situ seawater temperature',
u'Humpback whale population in Shark Bay',
u'Humpback whale population in Western Australia',
u'Aquatic invertebrates of the Hutt Lagoon and Hutt River catchments',
u'Summary: Hydrology and climate of the Buntine-Marchagee NDRC',
u'IBRA Subregions',
u'Industrial development at the Montebello and Barrow Islands MPAs',
u'Industrial shipping activity at Useless Loop in the Shark Bay MPA',
u'Diversity of invertebrate communities in the Kimberley region',
u'Jandakot Offset fauna monitoring',
u'Jurien Bay benthic seagrass data from ECOPAAS in April 2012',
u'Jurien Bay fish length and abundance from EventMeasure diver operated video in July 2011',
u'Jurien Bay marine protected area general spatial extent',
u'In situ seawater temperature at Jurien Bay MP',
u'Maret Islands in the Kimberley shoreline aerial photograph',
u'Literature cited in Pilbara Islands Conservation Planning database',
u'Litter at Walpole and Nornalup Inlets Marine Park',
u'Little penguin nest boxes, breeding success and abundance at Penguin Island in Western Australia',
u'Little penguin percent eggs per month monitoring at Shoalwater Islands MP WAMMP',
u'Little penguin recruitment on Penguin Island at the Shoalwater Islands MP',
u'Little penguin weight at Penguin Island at the Shoalwater Islands MP',
u'Live wind and wave map of Australia',
u'Long term finfish monitoring using stereo-BRUV in Western Australia',
u'Long term finfish monitoring using stereo-DOV in Western Australia',
u'Long term monitoring of macroalgae across the marine parks of Western Australia',
u'Long term monitoring of seagrass at Jurien Bay Marine Park',
u'Long term monitoring of seagrass at Marmion Marine Park',
u'Long term monitoring of seagrass at Shark Bay Marine Park',
u'Long term monitoring of seagrass at Shoalwater Islands Marine Park',
u'Loss and gain in canopy density of mangroves at the Shark Bay MPA - Western Gulf',
u'Loss and gain in canopy density of mangroves at Mangrove Bay in Ningaloo MPA',
u'Loss and gain in canopy density of mangroves at the Montebello and Barrow Islands MPA - Middle Willie Nillie Lagoon',
u'Loss and gain in canopy density of mangroves at the Montebello and Barrow Islands MPA - North Willie Nillie Lagoon',
u'Loss and gain in canopy density of mangroves at the Montebello and Barrow Islands MPA - South Willie Nillie Lagoon',
u'Loss and gain in canopy density of mangroves at the Montebello and Barrow Islands MPA',
u'Loss and gain in canopy density of mangroves at the Montebello and Barrow Islands MPA - Claret Bay',
u'Loss and gain in canopy density of mangroves at the Montebello and Barrow Islands MPA - Combined sites',
u'Loss and gain in canopy density of mangroves at the Montebello and Barrow Islands MPA - Home Lagoon',
u'Loss and gain in canopy density of mangroves at the Montebello and Barrow Islands MPA - Vermouth Bay',
u'Loss and gain in canopy density of mangroves at the Montebello/Barrow Islands MPA - Other Sites',
u'Loss and gain in canopy density of mangroves at the Shark Bay MPA',
u'Loss and gain in canopy density of mangroves at the Shark Bay MPA - Big Lagoon',
u'Loss and gain in canopy density of mangroves at the Shark Bay MPA - Blind Inlet',
u'Loss and gain in canopy density of mangroves at the Shark Bay MPA - Bush Bay',
u'Loss and gain in canopy density of mangroves at the Shark Bay MPA - Combined sites',
u'Loss and gain in canopy density of mangroves at the Shark Bay MPA - Fowlers Bay',
u'Loss and gain in canopy density of mangroves at the Shark Bay MPA - Guischenault',
u'Loss and gain in canopy density of mangroves at the Shark Bay MPA - Little Lagoon',
u'Loss and gain in canopy density of mangroves at the Shark Bay MPA - Longtom Bay',
u'Loss and gain in canopy density of mangroves at the Shark Bay MPA - North Carnarvon',
u'Loss and gain in canopy density of mangroves at the Shark Bay MPA - South Carnarvon',
u'Loss and gain in canopy density of mangroves at the Shark Bay MPA - West Faure Island',
u'Loss and gain in spatial extent of mangroves at Mangrove Bay in Ningaloo MPA',
u'Loss and gain in spatial extent of mangroves at the Montebello and Barrow Islands MPA - Middle Willie Nillie Lagoon',
u'Loss and gain in spatial extent of mangroves at the Montebello and Barrow Islands MPA - North Willie Nillie Lagoon',
u'Loss and gain in spatial extent of mangroves at the Montebello and Barrow Islands MPA - South Willie Nillie Lagoon',
u'Loss and gain in spatial extent of mangroves at the Montebello and Barrow Islands MPA',
u'Loss and gain in spatial extent of mangroves at the Montebello and Barrow Islands MPA - Claret Bay',
u'Loss and gain in spatial extent of mangroves at the Montebello and Barrow Islands MPA - Combined sites',
u'Loss and gain in spatial extent of mangroves at the Montebello and Barrow Islands MPA - Home Lagoon',
u'Loss and gain in spatial extent of mangroves at the Montebello and Barrow Islands MPA - Vermouth Bay',
u'Loss and gain in spatial extent of mangroves at the Montebello/Barrow Islands MPA - All Willie Nillie',
u'Loss and gain in spatial extent of mangroves at the Shark Bay MPA',
u'Loss and gain in spatial extent of mangroves at the Shark Bay MPA - Big Lagoon',
u'Loss and gain in spatial extent of mangroves at the Shark Bay MPA - Blind Inlet',
u'Loss and gain in spatial extent of mangroves at the Shark Bay MPA - Bush Bay',
u'Loss and gain in spatial extent of mangroves at the Shark Bay MPA - Combined sites',
u'Loss and gain in spatial extent of mangroves at the Shark Bay MPA - Eastern Gulf',
u'Loss and gain in spatial extent of mangroves at the Shark Bay MPA - Fowlers Bay',
u'Loss and gain in spatial extent of mangroves at the Shark Bay MPA - Guischenault',
u'Loss and gain in spatial extent of mangroves at the Shark Bay MPA - Little Lagoon',
u'Loss and gain in spatial extent of mangroves at the Shark Bay MPA - Longtom Bay',
u'Loss and gain in spatial extent of mangroves at the Shark Bay MPA - North Carnarvon',
u'Loss and gain in spatial extent of mangroves at the Shark Bay MPA - South Carnarvon',
u'Loss and gain in spatial extent of mangroves at the Shark Bay MPA - Western Gulf',
u'Loss and gain in spatial extent of mangroves at the Shark Bay MPA - West Faure Island',
u'Macroalgae at Metro Marine Parks',
u'Macroalgae in situ surveys in Western Australia',
u'Malaga Wetland Offset',
u'Management zone inspections and offences at Ningaloo MPA',
u'Mangrove community spatial extent and relative canopy condition in Western Australian MPAs',
u'Diversity of mangroves at the Montebello and Barrow Islands MPA',
u'Mangrove reference image',
u'Marine Indices - Presentation to AMSA',
u'Marine mammal incidents in Western Australia',
u'Marine mammals and turtle sightings (NatureMap)',
u'Marine turtle nesting locations in Western Australia',
u'Marmion and Shoalwater Islands benthic seagrass data from ECOPAAS in February 2012',
u'Marmion marine protected area general spatial extent',
u'Mean Catch per Unit Effort during Black Bream fishing competition 2007-2013',
u'Metals and metalloid concentrations in sediment at the Shoalwater Islands MP',
u'Metals and metalloid concentrations in sediments at the Marmion MP',
u'In situ seawater temperature at Montebello and Barrow Islands MPA',
u'Montebello-Barrow Islands marine protected areas general spatial extent',
u'Annual Marine Protected Area Biodiversity Assets and Social Values Reports',
u'Muir-Unicup Climate',
u'Muir-Unicup Geology',
u'Muir-Unicup Geophysics',
u'Muir-Unicup Surface Water',
u'Muir-Unicup Topography',
u'Nest counts of green turtles at the Ningaloo MPA',
u'Nest counts of hawksbill turtles at Ningaloo MPA',
u'Nest counts of loggerhead turtles at Ningaloo MPA',
u'Nest dispersions of hatchling flatback turtles in the Montebello and Barrow Islands MPA',
u'Nesting abundance of flatback turtles at Rosemary Island, Barrow Island and Mundabullangana Station',
u'Nesting abundance of flatback turtles on Bivalve and Terminal Beaches at the Montebello and Barrow Islands MPA',
u'Nesting abundance of green turtles at Rosemary Island',
u'Nesting abundance of hawksbill turtles at Varanus and Rosemary Islands',
u'Loggerhead turtle track counts at Shark Bay MPA',
u'Nesting activity of hawksbill turtles at Ningaloo MPA',
u'Abundance of nesting pelicans at the Shoalwater Islands Marine Park',
u'Nesting success of green turtles at Ningaloo MPA',
u'Nesting success of hawksbill turtles at Ningaloo MPA',
u'Nesting success of loggerhead turtles at the Ningaloo MPA',
u'Nesting track counts of green turtles at Ningaloo MPA',
u'Nesting track counts of loggerhead turtles at Ningaloo MPA',
u'In situ seawater temperature at Ngari Capes MP',
u'Ningaloo benthic data from ECOPAAS in December 2009',
u'Ningaloo fish length and abundance from EventMeasure diver operated video in July 2011',
u'In situ seawater temperature at Ningaloo MPA',
u'Ningaloo-Muiron Islands marine protected areas general spatial extent',
u'Ningaloo Whale Shark incidents (scarring, entangle, mortality)',
u'Nitrogen concentrations in the water at the Swan Estuary MP',
u'North Kimberley Marine Park in situ seawater temperature',
u'Number and length frequency of whale sharks observed in the Ningaloo MPA',
u'Number of births and mortalities of Monkey Mia dolphins at Shark Bay MPA',
u'Number of boat days and fishing events within Walpole Nornalup Inlets Marine Park',
u'Number of boats launched from jetties and boat ramps at Walpole and Nornalup Inlets Marine Park',
u'Number of charter fishing lines in water within Jurien Bay Marine Park',
u'Number of coastal camps along the Montebello and Barrow Islands MPA',
u'Number of coastal camps along the Ningaloo MPA',
u'Number of contacts related to Australian Sea Lion issues in the Marmion and Shoalwater Islands MPs',
u'Number of passengers and interacting passenger hours with whale sharks in Ningaloo MPA',
u'Number of coral sites monitored at the Ningaloo MPA',
u'Vessel days at Clerke and Imperiuse Reef by Category',
u'Number of days vessels have spent at Imperieuse Reef',
u'Number of days vessels have spent at Rowley Shoals',
u'Number of days visitors have spent on commercial tours at the Rowley Shoals Marine Park',
u'Number of dolphin mortalities at Shark Bay MPA',
u'Number of eggs laid by little penguins at Penguin Island at the Shoalwater Islands MP',
u'Number of entanglements, mortalities and disturbance of Australian Sea Lions in the Marmion and Shoalwater Islands MPs',
u'Number of entanglements and mortalities of seabirds and shorebirds at the Walpole and Nornalup Inlets MP',
u'Number of fish released or retained by charter operators in the Rowley Shoals Marine Park',
u'Number of goats destroyed in and around mangrove and microbial communities at Shark Bay MPA',
u'Number of inspections at Australian Sea Lion haul out islands in the Jurien Bay MP',
u'Number of joint patrols with the Department of Fisheries and other organisations at the Ningaloo MPA',
u'Number of licenced charter operators at the Montebello and Barrow Islands MPA',
u'Number of little penguins returning to Penguin Island annually at the Shoalwater Islands MP',
u'Number of moorings at the Montebello and Barrow Islands MPA',
u'Number of moorings at the Ningaloo MPA',
u'Number of moorings at the Shoalwater Islands MP',
u'Number of moorings in perennial seagrass in the Shark Bay MPA',
u'Number of mortalities of Australian Sea Lions at the Jurien Bay MP',
u'Number of mortalities of cetaceans at Shark Bay MPA',
u'Number of mortalities of dugongs at the Shark Bay MPA',
u'Number of passengers visiting the Rowley Shoals Marine Park on Marine Commercial Tour Operators',
u'Number of patrol days attributed to the targeted invertebrate Haliotis at the Marmion MP',
u'Number of Patrols and Infringements',
u'Number of patrols undertaken at the in the Shark Bay MPA',
u'Number of patrols undertaken at the Jurien Bay MP',
u'Number of patrols undertaken at the Lalang-garram Camden Sound MP',
u'Number of patrols undertaken at the Marmion MP',
u'Number of patrols undertaken at the Montebello and Barrow Islands MPA',
u'Number of patrols undertaken at the Shoalwater Islands MP',
u'Number of people on turtle tours at Ningaloo MPA',
u'Number of provisioned and non-provisioned dolphins at Shark Bay MPA',
u'Number of recreational fishing licences for the targeted invertebrate Haliotis at Marmion, Shoalwater Islands and Ngari Capes MP\u2019s',
u'Number of registered vessels in Western Australia',
u'Number of registered vessels in Western Australia - Jurien Bay',
u'Number of registered vessels in Western Australia - Pilbara',
u'Number of registered vessels in Western Australia - Shark Bay',
u'Number of reported boat strikes on marine turtles in the Rowley Shoals Marine Park',
u'Number of reported marine turtle entanglements in the Rowley Shoals Marine Park',
u'Number of reported mortalities of marine turtles at Shark Bay MPA',
u'Number of reported mortalities of turtles at Ningaloo MPA',
u'Number of seminars undertaken for whale shark management and education in Ningaloo MPA',
u'Number of staff days and expenditure related to mooring management at the Rowley Shoals Marine Park',
u'Number of patrols days in the Ningaloo MPA',
u'Number of SZ Inspections and Contacts',
u'Number of target fish species retained and released by recreational fishers',
u'Number of tourists visiting Montebello and Barrow Islands MPA with commercial tour operators',
u'Number of trailers at Monkey Mia and Denham boat ramps at the Shark Bay MPA',
u'Number of trailers at the Port Kennedy boat ramp at the Shoalwater Islands MP',
u'Number of trailers entering the Jurien Bay Marina Precinct annually',
u'Number of vessels anchoring in seagrass communities at Jurien Bay MP',
u'Number of vessels anchoring in seagrass meadows at the Shoalwater Islands MP',
u'Number of vessels moored at Monkey Mia in the Shark Bay MPA',
u'Number of vessels utilising the Barrow Island Port',
u'Number of visitors per access site to Walpole and Nornalup Inlets Marine Park',
u'Number of visitors present at dolphin provisioning times at Shark Bay MPA',
u'Number of visitors to Cape Range National Park at the Ningaloo MPA',
u'Number of visitors to Carnac Islands at the Shoalwater Islands MP',
u'Number of visitors to Monkey Mia at the Shark Bay MPA',
u'Number of visitors to Monkey Mia, Hamelin Pool and Shell Beach at the Shark Bay MPA',
u'Number of visitors to Penguin Island at the Shoalwater Islands MP',
u'Number of visitors to the Frankland District at Walpole and Nornalup Inlets MP',
u'Number of visitors to the Shoalwater Islands MP',
u'Number of volunteers and personnel effort on the Ningaloo Marine Turtle Project',
u'Whale sightings off Point Piquet in the Ngari Capes MP',
u'NZ fur seal pup abundance',
u'Operational funds for the Montebello and Barrow Islands MP',
u'Operational funds for the Montebello and Barrow Islands MP - Cetaceans',
u'Operational funds for the Montebello and Barrow Islands MPA - coral reef communities',
u'Operational funds for the Montebello and Barrow Islands MPA - Finfish communities',
u'Operational funds for the Montebello and Barrow Islands MP - Hydrocarbons',
u'Operational funds for the Montebello and Barrow Islands MP - Macroalgae and seagrass',
u'Operational funds for the Montebello and Barrow Islands MPA - mangrove communities',
u'Operational funds for the Montebello and Barrow Islands MP - Mooring maintenance',
u'Operational funds for the Montebello and Barrow Islands MP - Oiled wildlife response',
u'Operational funds for the Montebello and Barrow Islands MP - Seabirds',
u'Operational funds for the Montebello and Barrow Islands MP - Sediment quality',
u'Operational funds for the Montebello and Barrow Islands MPA - water quality',
u'Operational funds for the Shark Bay MP',
u'Operational funds for the Shark Bay MP - Cetaceans',
u'Operational funds for the Shark Bay MP - Coral communities',
u'Operational funds for the Shark Bay MP - Dugongs',
u'Operational funds for the Shark Bay MP - Finfish communities',
u'Operational funds for the Shark Bay MP - Geomorphology',
u'Operational funds for the Shark Bay MP - Invertebrate communities',
u'Operational funds for the Shark Bay MP - Mangrove communities',
u'Operational funds for the Shark Bay MP - Marine turtles',
u'Operational funds for the Shark Bay MP - Microbial communities',
u'Operational funds for the Shark Bay MP - Seabirds',
u'Operational funds for the Shark Bay MP - Seagrass communities',
u'Operational funds for the Shark Bay MP - Seascapes',
u'Operational funds for the Shark Bay MP - Sea snakes',
u'Operational funds for the Shark Bay MP - Sediment quality',
u'Operational funds for the Shark Bay MP - Water quality',
u'Operational funds for the Shark Bay MP - Wilderness',
u'Operational funds for the Walpole and Nornalup Inlets MP',
u'Operational funds for the Walpole and Nornalup Inlets MP - Rehabilitation of sandy beaches and shoreline vegetation',
u'Operational funds for the Walpole and Nornalup Inlets MP - Water quality',
u'Orthophosphate concentration in the water at the Walpole and Nornalup Inlets MP',
u'Orthophosphate concentrations along the shoreline at Marmion MP',
u'Orthophosphate concentrations at Monkey Mia in the Shark Bay MPA',
u'Other baleen whales WA',
u'Other Baleen Whales in WA',
u'Outfall discharge and total nitrogen from the Beenyup Waste Water Treatment Plant into the Marmion MP',
u'Outfall discharge and total nitrogen from the Point Peron Waste Treatment Plant outfall at the Shoalwater Islands MP',
u'Parks and Wildlife at the',
u'Patrols and educational contacts at the Shoalwater Islands MP',
u'Percent canopy cover of macroalgae at the Jurien Bay MP',
u'Percent canopy cover of macroalgae at the Shoalwater Islands MP',
u'Percent coral cover at the Rowley Shoals Marine Park',
u'Percent coral cover at the Shark Bay MPA',
u'Percent cover of macroalgae at the Montebello and Barrow Islands MPA',
u'Percent cover of macroalgae throughout Ngari Capes MP',
u'Percent cover of major substrate types on intertidal reefs at the Marmion MP',
u'Percent cover of major substrate types on intertidal reefs at the Shoalwater Islands MP',
u'Seagrass in situ surveys in Western Australia - Percent cover at Marmion MP',
u'Seagrass remote camera surveys in Western Australia - Percent cover at Shark Bay MPA',
u'Seagrass in situ surveys in Western Australia - Percent cover at Shark Bay MPA',
u'Person days at the Marmion MP - Finfish communities',
u'Person days at the Marmion MP - Intertidal communities',
u'Person days at the Marmion MP - Invertebrate communities',
u'Person days at the Marmion MP - Macroalgae communities',
u'Person days at the Marmion MP - Seagrass communities',
u'Person days at the Marmion MP - Sediment quality',
u'Person days at the Marmion MP - Water quality',
u'Person days at the Shark Bay MP - Sea snakes',
u'Person days at the Shoalwater Islands MP - Australian sea lions',
u'Person days at the Shoalwater Islands MP - Cetaceans',
u'Person days at the Shoalwater Islands MP - Finfish communities',
u'Person days at the Shoalwater Islands MP - Geomorphology',
u'Person days at the Shoalwater Islands MP - Intertidal reef communities',
u'Person days at the Shoalwater Islands MP - Invertebrate communities',
u'Person days at the Shoalwater Islands MP - Little penguins',
u'Person days at the Shoalwater Islands MP - Macroalgae communities',
u'Person days at the Shoalwater Islands MP - Seagrass communities',
u'Person days at the Shoalwater Islands MP - Sediment quality',
u'Person days at the Shoalwater Islands MP - Subtidal soft-bottom communities',
u'Person days at the Shoalwater Islands MP - Water quality',
u'Person days at the Walpole and Nornalup Inlets MP - Water quality',
u'Pesticide concentrations in the sediment at Marmion MP',
u'Pesticide concentrations in the sediment at the Walpole and Nornalup Inlets MP',
u'Pesticide concentrations in the water at Jurien Bay Marine Park',
u'Pilbara River Pools Project',
u'Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon concentrations in the sediments of the Montebello and Barrow Islands MPA',
u'Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon concentrations in the sediments at Coral Bay in the Ningaloo MPA',
u'Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon concentrations in the water of Jurien Bay Marine Park',
u'Post fire recolonisation of fauna on the Gnangara Groundwater System',
u'Quenda monitoring at Ellenbrook NR',
u'Quenda monitoring in Julimar SF',
u'Annual rainfall recorded at Barrow Island, relevant to the Montebello and Barrow Islands marine protected areas',
u'Annual rainfall recorded at Exmouth Town, Ningaloo Station and Gnaraloo Station, relevant to the Ningaloo marine protected areas',
u'Annual rainfall recorded at Carnarvon, Denham and Useless Loop, relevant to the Shark Bay marine protected areas',
u'Annual rainfall recorded at Cape Naturaliste, Margaret River and Cape Leeuwin, relevant to Ngari Capes Marine Park',
u'Annual rainfall relevant to the Perth metropolitan marine protected areas',
u'Recorded mortalities of little penguins on Penguin Island at the Shoalwater Islands MP',
u'Recorded number of oil spills at Barrow Island Port',
u'Recovery Catchment Boundaries',
u'Recreational fishing from boat licences dataset',
u'Recreational fishing from boat licences in the Jurien Bay region',
u'Recreational fishing from boat licences in the Kimberley region',
u'Recreational fishing from boat licences in the Metropolitan region',
u'Recreational fishing from boat licences in the Pilbara region',
u'Recreational fishing from boat licences in the Shark Bay region',
u'Recreational fishing from boat licences in the South Coast region',
u'Recreational fishing from boat licences in the South West region',
u'Recreational catch of Western Rock Lobster for Marmion and Shoalwater Islands MPs',
u'Recruitment index for puerulus of Panulirus cygnus at Ningaloo MPA',
u'Recruitment of seabirds at the Rowley Shoals Marine Park',
u'Red tailed tropic bird on a beach at the Rowley Shoals Marine Park',
u'Regional Profile Avon Wheatbelt AVW01',
u'Regional Profile Avon Wheatbelt AVW02',
u'Regional Profile Carnarvon CAR01',
u'Regional Profile Carnarvon CAR02',
u'Regional Profile Central Kimberley CEK01',
u'Regional Profile Central Kimberley CEK02',
u'Regional Profile Central Kimberley CEK03',
u'Regional Profile Central Ranges CER01',
u'Regional Profile Coolgardie COO01',
u'Regional Profile Coolgardie COO02',
u'Regional Profile Coolgardie COO03',
u'Regional Profile Dampierland DAL01',
u'Regional Profile Dampierland DAL02',
u'Regional Profile Esperance Plains ESP01',
u'Regional Profile Esperance Plains ESP02',
u'Regional Profile Gascoyne GAS01',
u'Regional Profile Gascoyne GAS02',
u'Regional Profile Gascoyne GAS03',
u'Regional Profile Geraldton Sandplains GES01',
u'Regional Profile Geraldton Sandplains GES02',
u'Regional Profile Gibson Desert GID01',
u'Regional Profile Gibson Desert GID02',
u'Regional Profile Great Sandy Desert GSD01',
u'Regional Profile Great Sandy Desert GSD02',
u'Regional Profile Great Victoria Desert GVD01',
u'Regional Profile Great Victoria Desert GVD02',
u'Regional Profile Great Victoria Desert GVD03',
u'Regional Profile Great Victoria Desert GVD04',
u'Regional Profile Hampton HAM01',
u'Regional Profile Indian Tropical Islands ITI03',
u'Regional Profile Jarrah Forest JAF01',
u'Regional Profile Jarrah Forest JAF02',
u'Regional Profile Little Sandy Desert LSD01',
u'Regional Profile Little Sandy Desert LSD02',
u'Regional Profile Mallee MAL01',
u'Regional Profile Mallee MAL02',
u'Regional Profile Murchison MUR01',
u'Regional Profile Murchison MUR02',
u'Regional Profile Northern Kimberley NOK01',
u'Regional Profile Northern Kimberley NOK02',
u'Regional Profile Nullarbor NUL01',
u'Regional Profile Nullarbor NUL02',
u'Regional Profile Ord Victoria Plain OVP01',
u'Regional Profile Ord Victoria Plain OVP02',
u'Regional Profile Pilbara PIL01',
u'Regional Profile Pilbara PIL02',
u'Regional Profile Pilbara PIL03',
u'Regional Profile Pilbara PIL04',
u'Regional Profile Swan Coastal Plain SWA01',
u'Regional Profile Swan Coastal Plain SWA02',
u'Regional Profile Tanami TAN01',
u'Regional Profile Victoria Bonaparte VIB01',
u'Regional Profile Warren WAR01',
u'Regional Profile Yalgoo YAL01',
u'Regional Profile Yalgoo YAL02',
u'Relative abundance of finfish in the Ngari Capes MP',
u'Relative prevalence of coral disease at Ningaloo MPA',
u'River discharge from the Gascoyne and Wooramel Rivers in the Shark Bay MPAs',
u'River discharge from the Hill River at Jurien Bay Marine Park',
u'River discharge from the major drains, creeks and rivers relevant to the Ngari Capes Marine Park',
u'River discharge from the Avon and Canning Rivers catchment relevant to the Swan Estuary Marine Park',
u'Rocky intertidal communities of the Ngari capes Marine Park',
u'Roebuck Bay Marine Park in situ seawater temperature',
u'Rosie the loggerhead turtle release in Exmouth on 17 December 2013',
u'Rowley Shoals benthic data from ECOPAAS in December 2012',
u'Number of nesting red-tailed tropicbirds at Sugarloaf Rock Nature Reserve in the Ngari Capes MP',
u'Scalefish catch per unit effort in the Shark Bay MPA',
u'Abundance of seabirds and shorebirds at the Shoalwater Islands Marine Park',
u'Seagrass height and density at Cockburn Sound',
u'Seagrass in situ surveys in Western Australia',
u'Seagrass in situ surveys in Western Australia - Canopy height at Shark Bay MPA',
u'Seagrass in situ surveys in Western Australia - Jurien Bay MP',
u'Seagrass in situ surveys in Western Australia - Marmion MP',
u'Seagrass in situ surveys in Western Australia - Shark Bay MP',
u'Seagrass in situ surveys in Western Australia - Shoalwater Islands MP',
u'Abundance and diversity of seagrass communities at the Ningaloo MPA',
u'Sea lions in the south-west of Western Australia',
u'Sea surface temperature and modelled insitu seawater temperature across Western Australian MPAs',
u'Sea temperatures likely readable real-time with new model - media release',
u'Sector-Others-Canopy density of mangroves at the Montebello and Barrow Islands MPA',
u'Sector: other sites extent product page',
u'Sector - Other Sites product page',
u'Sector-Willie Nillie-Canopy density of mangroves at the Montebello and Barrow Islands MPA',
u'Shark Bay benthic data from ECOPAAS in June 2010',
u'Shark Bay fish length and abundance from EventMeasure diver operated video in June 2011',
u'In situ seawater temperature at Shark Bay MPA',
u'Shell size change of the targeted invertebrate Haliotis roei at the Marmion MP',
u'Shoalwater Islands marine protected area general spatial extent',
u'In situ seawater temperature at Shoalwater Islands MP',
u'Change in the geomorphology of Tern Island at the Shoalwater Islands MP',
u'Seagrass in situ surveys in Western Australia - Ngari Capes product page',
u'Shore-based fishing effort at the Shark Bay MPA',
u'Spatial extent of broad-scale habitats within the Jurien Bay MP',
u'Spatial extent of broad-scale habitats within the Marmion MP',
u'Spatial extent of broad-scale habitats within the Montebello and Barrow Islands MPA',
u'Spatial extent of broad-scale habitats within the Ngari Capes MP',
u'Spatial extent of broad-scale habitats within the Ningaloo MPA',
u'Spatial extent of broad-scale habitats within the Shark Bay MPA',
u'Spatial extent of broad-scale habitats within the Shoalwater Islands MP',
u'Spatial extent of broad-scale habitats within the Walpole and Nornalup Inlets MP',
u'Spatial extent of mangrove communities at the Shark Bay MPA',
u'Spatial extent of microbial communities in the Shark Bay MPA',
u'Abundance of targeted finfish within lagoon at Ningaloo MPA',
u'Species diversity of macroalgae at Jurien Bay MP',
u'Species diversity of primary producers at the Walpole and Nornalup Inlets MP',
u'Species Richness within deeper water (40-60m) of finfish at the Ningaloo MPA',
u'SPP 2015-015 Establishing long-term monitoring in the proposed Dampier Archipelago marine reserves',
u'Starfish at Metro Marine Parks',
u'State Salinity Strategy wetland fauna and water chemisty monitoring',
u'Statewide in situ seawater temperature monitoring in Western Australia',
u'Stock Photo Aesthetic Values in the Walpole and Nornalup Inlets MP',
u'Stock Photo Australian Sea Lions',
u'Stock Photo Blue Spotted Ray',
u'Stock Photo Cetaceans',
u'Stock Photo Coastal Biological Communities',
u'Stock Photo Common Indicators',
u'Stock Photo Coral and Fish',
u'Stock Photo Coral at Eagle Bay',
u'Stock Photo Coral Reef Communities',
u'Stock Photo Crocodiles',
u'Stock Photo Deep Reef Communities Ngari Capes MP',
u'Stock Photo Dolphins at Monkey Mia in the Shark Bay MPAs',
u'Stock Photo Dugong',
u'Stock Photo Filter Feeder Communities Sponges',
u'Stock Photo Finfish at the Ngari Capes MP',
u'Stock Photo Intertidal Reef Communities Metro',
u'Stock Photo Intertidal Reef Communities Tropical',
u'Stock Photo Intertidal Rock Reef Communities Ngari Capes MP',
u'Stock Photo Intertidal Sand and Mudflat Communities',
u'Stock Photo Invertebrate Communities',
u'Stock Photo Little Penguins at the Shoalwater Islands MP',
u'Stock Photo Mangrove Communities',
u'Stock Photo Manta Ray',
u'Stock Photo Marine Parks Boat',
u'Stock Photo Port Jackson',
u'Stock Photo Seabed Geomorphology',
u'Stock Photo Seabirds at the Ngari Capes MP',
u'Stock Photo Seabirds in the Kimberley and Pilbara MPs',
u'Stock Photo Seabirds in the Metropolitan Regions',
u'Stock Photo Seagrass Communities',
u'Stock Photo Seascapes in the Metropolitan Region',
u'Stock Photo Sea Snakes',
u'Stock Photo Sediment Quality',
u'Stock Photo Sediment Quality at the Montebello and Barrow Islands MPAs',
u'Stock Photo Shark',
u'Stock Photo Subtidal Soft Sediment Communities at the Ningaloo MPA',
u'Stock Photo Turtle Being Released with Transmitter',
u'Stock Photo Turtle Hatchlings',
u'Stock Photo Water Quality',
u'Stock Photo Water Quality at the Walpole and Nornalup Inlets MP',
u'Stock Photo Water Quality with Chaetodon',
u'Stock Photo Whale Shark',
u'Storms at Rottnest Island',
u'Storms in WA',
u'Stuart Field',
u'Summary: hydrology and climate of Lake Warden NDRC',
u'Summary: Hydrology and climate of the Muir-Unicup NDRC',
u'swan bird rates',
u'Swan Bird Trends',
u'Swan mammal trends',
u'Swan Report',
u'Temperature stress on little penguins on Penguin Island at the Shoalwater Islands MP',
u'Tern breeding abundance at the Shoalwater Islands MP',
u'The number days attributed to whale shark compliance in the Ningaloo MPA',
u'The number of whale shark industry staff training courses and WS compliance days at Ningaloo MPA',
u'The number of whale sharks observed by marine tour operators at Ningaloo MPA',
u'Threatened Ecological Communities monitoring projects summary',
u'Lake Toolibin NDRC Climate',
u'Total kjeldahl nitrogen concentrations in the sediment at the Marmion MP',
u'Total kjeldahl nitrogen concentrations in the sediment at the Walpole and Nornalup Inlets MP',
u'Total kjeldahl nitrogen concentrations in sediments at Coral Bay in the Ningaloo MPA',
u'Total nitrogen concentrations at Monkey Mia at the Shark Bay MPA',
u'Total nitrogen concentrations in the water of Walpole and Nornalup Inlets MP',
u'Total petroleum hydrocarbon concentration in coastal waters at Jurien Bay Marine Park',
u'Total petroleum hydrocarbon concentrations in sediment at the Montebello and Barrow Islands MPA',
u'Total phosphorus concentrations at Monkey Mia at the Shark Bay MPA',
u'Total phosphorus concentrations in the sediment at the Marmion MP',
u'Total phosphorus concentrations in the sediment at the Walpole and Nornalup Inlets MP',
u'Total phosphorus concentrations in the water of Walpole and Nornalup Inlets MP',
u'Track counts of flatback turtles at Cape Domett in the proposed North Kimberley Marine Park',
u'Tributyltin concentrations in sediment at the Shoalwater Islands MP',
u'Tributyltin concentrations in sediments in the Coral Bay area at the Ningaloo MPA',
u'TS and rainfall site DHI 01',
u'TS and rainfall site DHI 02',
u'Turtle at Cape Domett',
u'Turtle egg predation by foxes at the Ningaloo MPA',
u'Marine mammals and turtle sightings (Species and Communities database)',
u'Unique whale shark sightings (returns and new) Ningaloo',
u'Vegetation cover of coastal biological communities at combined sites at Ningaloo MPA',
u'Vegetation cover of coastal biological communities at Gnaraloo Bay at Ningaloo MPA',
u'Vegetation cover of coastal biological communities at Lefroy Bay at Ningaloo MPA',
u'Vegetation cover of coastal biological communities at Mangrove Bay at Ningaloo MPA',
u'Vegetation cover of coastal biological communities at Sandy Bay at Ningaloo MPA',
u'Vegetation cover of coastal biological communities at Vlamingh Head at Ningaloo MPA',
u'Vegetation Monitoring Reports',
u'Warden and Gore-Quallilup Wetlands Systems Waterbirds Monitoring',
u'Water quality at the Shoalwater Islands MP - Ammonium',
u'Water quality at the Shoalwater Islands MP - Chlorophyll-a',
u'Water quality in Geographe Bay',
u'Water quality on the shoreline at the Shoalwater Islands MP - Chlorophyll-a',
u'Water quality on the shoreline at the Shoalwater Islands MP - Dissolved inorganic nitrogen',
u'Water quality on the shoreline at the Shoalwater Islands MP - Enterococci',
u'Water quality on the shoreline at the Shoalwater Islands MP - Orthophosphate',
u'Water Temperature Degree Heating Weeks',
u'Western Australia spatial extent file',
u'Wildlife Compliance and Incidents in the West Kimberley',
u'World spatial extent',
u'Yanchep camera trapping']
In [ ]:
Content source: datawagovau/harvesters
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