Harvesting WMS into CKAN

This notebook illustrates harvesting of a WMS endpoint into a CKAN instance.


The harvested WMS endpoint belongs to Landgate's Spatial Land Information Program (SLIP). The layers within are authored by partner agencies or Landgate. There are one or several different web service endpoints per WMS layer.


From a spreadsheet of agency references, names, and further information, CKAN organisations are initially created and subsequently used as owners of the respective harvested WMS layers.


The WMS layers are organised by topics, which will be created both as CKAN groups and keywords. Harvested datasets will be allocated to releveant CKAN groups.

Layer names

The WMS layer names contain the layer ID, consisting of agancy slug and layer reference, and the publishing date, and will be split up during harvesting.

Additional resources

Additional web service end points, as well as a list of published PDFs with further information, are added as extra resources to the CKAN datasets from harvested WMS layers.

CKAN credentials

Sensitive information and related configuration, such as CKAN URLs and credentials, are stored in a separate file. To use this workbook on your own CKAN instance, write the following contents into a file secret.py in the same directory as this workbook:

CKAN = {
    "url": "http://catalogue.alpha.data.wa.gov.au/",
    "key": "your-api-key" 
    "url": "http://catalogue.beta.data.wa.gov.au/",
    "key": "your-api-key" 

  "NAME": {
    "proxy": "proxy_url",
    "url": "https://www2.landgate.wa.gov.au/ows/wmspublic"

    "url": "http://services.slip.wa.gov.au/arcgis/rest/services",
    "folders": ["QC", ...]

Insert your catalogue names, urls, and importantly, your write-permitted CKAN API keys. Next we'll import the whole dictionary CKAN.

In [2]:
import ckanapi
from harvest_helpers import *
from secret import CKAN, SOURCES

## enable one of:
#ckan = ckanapi.RemoteCKAN(CKAN["ct"]["url"], apikey=CKAN["ct"]["key"])
#ckan = ckanapi.RemoteCKAN(CKAN["ca"]["url"], apikey=CKAN["ca"]["key"])
ckan = ckanapi.RemoteCKAN(CKAN["cb"]["url"], apikey=CKAN["cb"]["key"])

print("Using CKAN {0}".format(ckan.address))

Using CKAN http://catalogue.beta.data.wa.gov.au/

OGC W*S endpoints

In [3]:
wmsP = WebMapService(SOURCES["wmspublic"]["proxy"])
wmsP_url = SOURCES["wmspublic"]["url"]

wmsCM = WebMapService(SOURCES["wmsCsMosaic"]["proxy"])
wmsCM_url = SOURCES["wmsCsMosaic"]["url"]

wmsCC = WebMapService(SOURCES["wmsCsCadastre"]["proxy"])
wmsCC_url = SOURCES["wmsCsCadastre"]["url"]

wfsP = WebFeatureService(SOURCES["wfspublic_4326"]["proxy"])
wfsP_url = SOURCES["wfspublic_4326"]["url"]

wfsCA = WebFeatureService(SOURCES["wfsCsAdmin_4283"]["proxy"])
wfsCA_url = SOURCES["wfsCsAdmin_4283"]["url"]

wfsCC = WebFeatureService(SOURCES["wfsCsCadastre_4283"]["proxy"])
wfsCC_url = SOURCES["wfsCsCadastre_4283"]["url"]

#wfsCT = WebFeatureService(SOURCES["wfsCsTopo_4283"]["proxy"])
#wfsCT_url = SOURCES["wfsCsTopo_4283"]["url"]

Additional Lookups

In [4]:
pdfs = get_pdf_dict("data-dictionaries.csv")
org_dict = get_org_dict("organisations.csv")
group_dict = get_group_dict(wmsP)

[get_pdf_dict] Reading data-dictionaries.csv...
[get_pdf_dict] Done.
[get_org_dict] Reading organisations.csv...
[get_org_dict] Done.
[get_group_dict] Reading wms...
[get_group_dict] Done.

Create Organisations and Groups

The next step will create or update CKAN organisations from organisations.csv, and CKAN groups from WMS topics.

In [5]:
orgs = upsert_orgs(org_dict, ckan, debug=False)
groups = upsert_groups(group_dict, ckan, debug=False)

[upsert_orgs] Refreshing orgs...
[upsert_org] Upserting organisation Department of Fire & Emergency Services, id dfes
[upsert_org]   Organisation exists, updating...
[upsert_org]   Updated Department of Fire & Emergency Services
[upsert_org] Upserting organisation Department of Education and Training, id det
[upsert_org]   Organisation exists, updating...
[upsert_org]   Updated Department of Education and Training
[upsert_org] Upserting organisation Public Transport Authority, id pta
[upsert_org]   Organisation exists, updating...
[upsert_org]   Updated Public Transport Authority
[upsert_org] Upserting organisation World Wildlife Fund for Nature, id wwf
[upsert_org]   Organisation exists, updating...
[upsert_org]   Updated World Wildlife Fund for Nature
[upsert_org] Upserting organisation Department of Parks and Wildlife, id dpaw
[upsert_org]   Organisation exists, updating...
[upsert_org]   Updated Department of Parks and Wildlife
[upsert_org] Upserting organisation Geoscience Australia, id ga
[upsert_org]   Organisation exists, updating...
[upsert_org]   Updated Geoscience Australia
[upsert_org] Upserting organisation City of Wanneroo, id wan
[upsert_org]   Organisation exists, updating...
[upsert_org]   Updated City of Wanneroo
[upsert_org] Upserting organisation City of Swan, id swan
[upsert_org]   Organisation exists, updating...
[upsert_org]   Updated City of Swan
[upsert_org] Upserting organisation Harvey Water, id harwa
[upsert_org]   Organisation exists, updating...
[upsert_org]   Updated Harvey Water
[upsert_org] Upserting organisation Australian Bureau of Statistics, id abs
[upsert_org]   Organisation exists, updating...
[upsert_org]   Updated Australian Bureau of Statistics
[upsert_org] Upserting organisation Department of Health, id health
[upsert_org]   Organisation exists, updating...
[upsert_org]   Updated Department of Health
[upsert_org] Upserting organisation National Native Title Tribunal, id nntt
[upsert_org]   Organisation exists, updating...
[upsert_org]   Updated National Native Title Tribunal
[upsert_org] Upserting organisation Water Corporation, id wcorp
[upsert_org]   Organisation exists, updating...
[upsert_org]   Updated Water Corporation
[upsert_org] Upserting organisation Department of Aboriginal Affairs, id daa
[upsert_org]   Organisation exists, updating...
[upsert_org]   Updated Department of Aboriginal Affairs
[upsert_org] Upserting organisation WA State Government, id wa
[upsert_org]   Organisation exists, updating...
[upsert_org]   Updated WA State Government
[upsert_org] Upserting organisation Department of Agriculture & Food WA, id dafwa
[upsert_org]   Organisation exists, updating...
[upsert_org]   Updated Department of Agriculture & Food WA
[upsert_org] Upserting organisation Western Power, id wp
[upsert_org]   Organisation exists, updating...
[upsert_org]   Updated Western Power
[upsert_org] Upserting organisation University of Western Australia, id uwa
[upsert_org]   Organisation exists, updating...
[upsert_org]   Updated University of Western Australia
[upsert_org] Upserting organisation Main Roads Western Australia, id mrwa
[upsert_org]   Organisation exists, updating...
[upsert_org]   Updated Main Roads Western Australia
[upsert_org] Upserting organisation Housing Authority, id doh
[upsert_org]   Organisation exists, updating...
[upsert_org]   Updated Housing Authority
[upsert_org] Upserting organisation Landgate, id lgate
[upsert_org]   Organisation exists, updating...
[upsert_org]   Updated Landgate
[upsert_org] Upserting organisation Department of Environmental Regulation, id der
[upsert_org]   Organisation exists, updating...
[upsert_org]   Updated Department of Environmental Regulation
[upsert_org] Upserting organisation Department of Fisheries, id dof
[upsert_org]   Organisation exists, updating...
[upsert_org]   Updated Department of Fisheries
[upsert_org] Upserting organisation Department of Mines and Petroleum, id dmp
[upsert_org]   Organisation exists, updating...
[upsert_org]   Updated Department of Mines and Petroleum
[upsert_org] Upserting organisation Dampier Bunbury Pipeline (WA) Nominees Pty Ltd, id dbngp
[upsert_org]   Organisation exists, updating...
[upsert_org]   Updated Dampier Bunbury Pipeline (WA) Nominees Pty Ltd
[upsert_org] Upserting organisation Department of Planning, id dop
[upsert_org]   Organisation exists, updating...
[upsert_org]   Updated Department of Planning
[upsert_org] Upserting organisation Environmental Proctection Authority, id epa
[upsert_org]   Organisation exists, updating...
[upsert_org]   Updated Environmental Proctection Authority
[upsert_org] Upserting organisation Department of Water, id dow
[upsert_org]   Organisation exists, updating...
[upsert_org]   Updated Department of Water
[upsert_org] Upserting organisation Department of Transport, id dot
[upsert_org]   Organisation exists, updating...
[upsert_org]   Updated Department of Transport
[upsert_org] Upserting organisation State Heritage Office, id sho
[upsert_org]   Organisation exists, updating...
[upsert_org]   Updated State Heritage Office
[upsert_orgs] Done!
[upsert_groups] Refreshing groups...
[upsert_group] Upserting organisation Elevation, id elevation
[upsert_group]   Group exists, updating...
[upsert_group]   Updated Elevation
[upsert_group] Upserting organisation Geological and Geophysical, id geological-and-geophysical
[upsert_group]   Group exists, updating...
[upsert_group]   Updated Geological and Geophysical
[upsert_group] Upserting organisation Copyright, id copyright
[upsert_group]   Group exists, updating...
[upsert_group]   Updated Copyright
[upsert_group] Upserting organisation Environment and Conservation, id environment-and-conservation
[upsert_group]   Group exists, updating...
[upsert_group]   Updated Environment and Conservation
[upsert_group] Upserting organisation Business and Economy, id business-and-economy
[upsert_group]   Group exists, updating...
[upsert_group]   Updated Business and Economy
[upsert_group] Upserting organisation Inland Water Resources, id inland-water-resources
[upsert_group]   Group exists, updating...
[upsert_group]   Updated Inland Water Resources
[upsert_group] Upserting organisation Facilities and Structures, id facilities-and-structures
[upsert_group]   Group exists, updating...
[upsert_group]   Updated Facilities and Structures
[upsert_group] Upserting organisation Utilities and Communication, id utilities-and-communication
[upsert_group]   Group exists, updating...
[upsert_group]   Updated Utilities and Communication
[upsert_group] Upserting organisation Metropolitan Region Scheme, id metropolitan-region-scheme
[upsert_group]   Group exists, updating...
[upsert_group]   Updated Metropolitan Region Scheme
[upsert_group] Upserting organisation Cadastral and Planning, id cadastral-and-planning
[upsert_group]   Group exists, updating...
[upsert_group]   Updated Cadastral and Planning
[upsert_group] Upserting organisation Structure Plans, id structure-plans
[upsert_group]   Group exists, updating...
[upsert_group]   Updated Structure Plans
[upsert_group] Upserting organisation Location, id location
[upsert_group]   Group exists, updating...
[upsert_group]   Updated Location
[upsert_group] Upserting organisation Imagery and Base Maps, id imagery-and-base-maps
[upsert_group]   Group exists, updating...
[upsert_group]   Updated Imagery and Base Maps
[upsert_group] Upserting organisation Transportation, id transportation
[upsert_group]   Group exists, updating...
[upsert_group]   Updated Transportation
[upsert_group] Upserting organisation Cultural, Society and Demography, id cultural-society-and-demography
[upsert_group]   Group exists, updating...
[upsert_group]   Updated Cultural, Society and Demography
[upsert_group] Upserting organisation Cultural Heritage, id cultural-heritage
[upsert_group]   Group exists, updating...
[upsert_group]   Updated Cultural Heritage
[upsert_group] Upserting organisation Biology and Ecology, id biology-and-ecology
[upsert_group]   Group exists, updating...
[upsert_group]   Updated Biology and Ecology
[upsert_group] Upserting organisation Aboriginal Settlements, id aboriginal-settlements
[upsert_group]   Group exists, updating...
[upsert_group]   Updated Aboriginal Settlements
[upsert_group] Upserting organisation Administrative and Political Boundaries, id administrative-and-political-boundaries
[upsert_group]   Group exists, updating...
[upsert_group]   Updated Administrative and Political Boundaries
[upsert_groups] Done!

Prepare data

The following step will prepare a dictionary of dataset metadata, ready to be inserted into CKAN. It parses the WMS endpoint and looks up dictionaries organisations, groups, and pdf_dict.

This step runs very quickly, as it only handles dictionaries of WMS layers, organisations and groups (both: name and id) and PDFs (name, id, url). There are no API calls to either CKAN or the WMS involved.

In [8]:
l_wmsP = get_layer_dict(wmsP, wmsP_url, ckan, orgs, groups, pdfs, res_format="WMS", debug=False)
l_wmsCC = get_layer_dict(wmsCC, wmsCC_url, ckan, orgs, groups, pdfs, res_format="WMS", debug=False)
l_wmsCM = get_layer_dict(wmsCM, wmsCM_url, ckan, orgs, groups, pdfs, res_format="WMS", debug=False)
l_wfsP = get_layer_dict(wfsP, wfsP_url, ckan, orgs, groups, pdfs, res_format="WFS", debug=False)
l_wfsCA = get_layer_dict(wfsCA, wfsCA_url, ckan, orgs, groups, pdfs, res_format="WFS", debug=False)
l_wfsCC = get_layer_dict(wfsCC, wfsCC_url, ckan, orgs, groups, pdfs, res_format="WFS", debug=False)

[wms_to_dict] No dataset name found, skipping
[wms_to_dict] No dataset name found, skipping

Delete old datasets

Note: With great power comes great responsibility. Execute the next chunk with care and on your own risk.

In [ ]:
# Delete all datasets with old SLIP layer id name slug
kill_list = [n for n in ckan.action.package_list() if re.match(r"(.)*-[0-9][0-9][0-9]$", n)]
#killed = [ckan.action.package_delete(id=n) for n in kill_list]
print("Killed {0} obsolete datasets".format(len(kill_list)))

Update datasets in CKAN

First pass: add public WMS layer, overwrite metadata if dataset exists and drop any existing resources.

In [18]:
p_wmsP = upsert_datasets(l_wmsP, ckan, overwrite_metadata=True, drop_existing_resources=True)
print("{0} datasets created or updated from {1} Public WMS layers".format(len(p_wmsP), len(wmsP.contents)))

Refreshing harvested WMS layer datasets...
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer intensive-land-use-zones
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer geomorphic-wetlands-swan-coastal-plain
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer forest-disease-risk-areas
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer threatened-ecological-communities
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer south-coast-significant-wetlands
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer geomorphic-wetlands-augusta-to-walpole
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer threatened-priority-fauna
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer threatened-priority-flora
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer epa-sier
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer bush-forever-areas-2000
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer consanguineous-suites
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer epa-redbook-recommended-conservation-reserves-1976-1991
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer ramsar-sites
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer roadside-conservation-committe-rcc-roadside-vegetation-survey-right
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer roadside-conservation-committe-rcc-roadside-vegetation-survey-left
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer roadside-conservation-committe-rcc-status-map
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer roadside-conservation-committe-rcc-weeds
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer geomorphic-wetlands-darkin-duranillin
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer geomorphic-wetlands-cervantes-eneabba
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer geomorphic-wetlands-cervantes-south
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer geomorphic-wetlands-cervantes-coastal
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer contaminated-reported-sites
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer clearing-regulations-environmentally-sensitive-areas
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer consanguineous-suites
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer epp-1992-scp-lakes-policy-boundary
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer epp-1992-scp-lakes-register-boundaries
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer epp-1998-sw-ag-zone-wetlands-register-boundaries
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer epp-1998-sw-ag-zone-wetlands-policy-boundaries
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer public-drinking-water-source-areas
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer riwi-act-groundwater-areas
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer riwi-act-groundwater-subareas
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer riwi-act-rivers
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer riwi-act-surface-water-areas-and-irrigation-districts
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer surface-water-management-areas
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer surface-water-management-subareas
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer cawsa-part-2a-clearing-control-catchments
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer hydrography-linear-hierarchy
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer 100-year-ari-floodplain-development-control-area
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer fpm-map-index
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer fpm-levee-banks
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer fpm-location-of-cross-sections
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer fpm-flood-level-contours-m-ahd
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer fpm-bridges
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer fpm-special-development-condition-area
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer fpm-flood-level-points-m-ahd
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer fpm-100-year-ari-floodway-and-flood-fringe-areas
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer fpm-100-year-ari-floodway-and-flood-fringe-line
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer foreshore-conditions-erosion
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer foreshore-conditions-assessment-of-left-bank-protection-fencing
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer foreshore-conditions-assessment-of-right-bank-protection-fencing
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer foreshore-conditions-left-bank-condition
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer foreshore-conditions-right-bank-condition
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer foreshore-conditions-points-of-interest
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer foreshore-conditions-river-access
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer foreshore-conditions-weeds
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer fpm-floodplain-area
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer fpm-extent-of-flooding
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer surface-water-allocation-areas-dwaid
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer surface-water-allocation-subareas-dwaid
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer foreshore-conditions-fencing-linework
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer swan-rubbish-collection
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer acas
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer planning-units
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer priority-1
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer priority-index
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer swae-boundaries
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer conservation-target-swaei
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer swan-river-trust-development-control-area
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer dpaw-managed-lands-and-waters
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer regional-parks
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer dpaw-region-boundaries
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer dpaw-district-boundaries
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer cockburn-sound-management-council-boundary
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer dpaw-contacts-subdivision-referrals
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer cockburn-sound-management-council-boundary
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer swan-river-trust-development-control-area
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer epb-local-assessment-port-hedland-port-2011
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer swan-bioplan-peel-sector-2010
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer swan-bioplan-regionally-significant-natural-areas-2010
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer state-environment-policy-cockburn-protection-levels-2010
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer state-environment-policy-cockburn-policy-boundary-2005
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer epp-goldfields-residential-areas-sulphur-dioxide-2003
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer local-government-authority-lga-boundaries
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer ward-boundaries
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer state-electorates-current
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer public-access-ways
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer port-authorities
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer state-electorates-proposed
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer water-demand-region-boundaries
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer department-of-water-dow-regional-boundaries
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer proposed-lga-boundaries
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer emergency-services-levy-boundary
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer dfes-regions
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer fire-and-rescue-services-district
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer ratsib-boundaries
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer fish-habitat-protection-areas
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer forest-blocks
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer clearing-regulations-schedule-one-areas
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer minedex
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer mineral-drill-holes
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer mining-tenements
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer mineral-field-boundaries
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer wa-petroleum-pipelines
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer petroleum-wells
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer wa-petroleum-special-prospecting-authorities
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer wa-petroleum-releases
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer wa-petroleum-applications
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer wa-petroleum-titles
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer titanium-zircon-mineralisation
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer acid-sulphate-soil-risk-map-swan-coastal-plain
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer acid-sulphate-soil-risk-map-albany-torbay
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer 2003-2005-ass-site-evaluation
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer acid-sulfate-soil-risk-map-estuaries
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer acid-sulfate-soil-risk-map-geraldton
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer acid-sulfate-soil-risk-map-lower-south-west
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer acid-sulfate-soil-risk-map-pilbara-coastline
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer aso-sample-collections-point
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer regolith-of-wa-500-metre-grid
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer regolith-of-wa-1300-metre-grid
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer geological-map-of-wa-lines-2-5m
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer geological-map-of-wa-polygon-2-5m
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer interpreted-bedrock-geology-of-wa-line-500k
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer interpreted-bedrock-geology-of-wa-polygon-500k
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer groundwater-salinity-statewide
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer garden-bore-suitability
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer iron-staining-risk
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer current-active-schools-semester-1-2013
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer current-active-schools-semester-1-2014-ar
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer current-active-schools-semester-1-2015
[upsert_dataset]   Layer not found, creating...
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer geographic-names-geonoma
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer points-of-interest
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer geodetic-survey-marks-point
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer bush-fire-services-stations
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer dfes-offices
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer state-emergency-service-stations
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer volunteer-emergency-services-stations
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer volunteer-marine-rescue-stations
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer fire-and-rescue-services-stations
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer volunteer-fire-service-stations
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer food-access-and-costs-survey
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer aboriginal-heritage-places
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer aboriginal-communities-and-town-reserves
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer cultural-polygon
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer cultural-line
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer swan-municipal-inventory-sites
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer heritage-council-wa-conservation-orders
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer heritage-council-wa-heritage-agreements
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer heritage-council-wa-state-register
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer heritage-council-wa-assessment-program
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer maritime-archaeological-sites
[upsert_dataset]   Layer not found, creating...
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer shipwrecks
[upsert_dataset]   Layer not found, creating...
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer alt-estate
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer cadastre-lodged
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer native-title-nntt
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer native-title-fed-court
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer townsites
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer localities
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer districts
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer native-title-determination
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer native-title-ilua
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer native-title-determination-outcomes
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer urban-water-management-strategies-and-plans
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer sprinkler-restrictions-water-agencies-water-use-bylaws
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer metropolitan-region-scheme-redevelopment-scheme-and-casino-burswood-island-agreement-act-1985-areas
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer perth-and-peel-urban-land-development-outlook-2011
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer perth-and-peel-urban-land-development-outlook-2011-special-rural
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer economic-and-employment-lands-strategy
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer aboriginal-settlements
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer recommended-settlement-zone
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer settlement-layout-lot
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer settlement-layout-road-names
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer land-use
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer cultural
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer hydrographic-feature
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer wetlands
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer perth-and-peel-urban-land-development-outlook-2013-14
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer perth-and-peel-urban-land-development-outlook-2013-14-special-rural
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer perth-and-peel-urban-land-development-outlook-2013-14-industrial
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer region-scheme-zones-and-reserves
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer region-scheme-special-areas
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer region-scheme-boundary
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer structure-plan-boundaries
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer greater-bunbury-hotspots
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer cadastre-no-attrib
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer cadastre-address
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer survey-index
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer cadastre-address-polygons
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer overview-coastline
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer mapsheets
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer overview-road
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer overview-river
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer overview-towns
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer landgate-ortho-mosaic-index
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer lidar-index-external
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer graticule
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer coastline
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer spot-heights
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer contours
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer hydro-polygon
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer hydro-point
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer hydro-line
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer inland-flat-polgyon
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer fuzzy-water-polygon
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer fuzzy-water-line
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer fuzzy-water-point
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer hydrographic-catchments-basins
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer hydrographic-catchments-catchments
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer hydrographic-catchments-subcatchments
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer hydrographic-catchments-divisions
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer statewide-river-water-quality-assessment
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer landing-grounds-polygon
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer railway-lines
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer misc-transport-point
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer transport-railway-stations-point
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer bridges-tunnels-line
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer roads-processed
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer proposed-roads
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer wa-road-structures
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer control-of-access-on-state-roads
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer roadside-stopping-places
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer road-centreline
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer speed-data
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer road-hierarchy
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer public-transport-authority-services
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer public-transport-authority-stops
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer shared-paths-and-pbn-routes
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer marine-navigation-aids
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer navigable-water-regulations
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer shipping-and-pilotage
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer roads
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer building-footprints
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer fuzzy-land-polygon
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer fuzzy-land-line
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer fuzzy-land-point
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer cultural-tower-point
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer cultural-building-polygon
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer cultural-building-point
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer cultural-general-facility-polygon
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer cultural-general-facility-point
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer cultural-features-point
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer cultural-industrial-polygon
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer cultural-industrial-line
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer cultural-industrial-point
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer harvey-water-pipelines
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer harvey-water-irrigation-districts
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer swan-drainage-region
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer swan-drainage-point
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer swan-drainage-polygon
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer swan-drainage-polyline
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer sewer-pipe-connection-line
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer water-pipe
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer drainage-pipe-open-channel
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer drainage-compensation-basin
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer sewer-access-chamber
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer water-meter
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer water-tank-reservoir-dam
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer odour-buffers-wwtp
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer chemical-storage-buffer
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer electrical-interference-buffer
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer noise-buffer
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer odour-buffer-wastewater-pump-station
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer wellhead-protection-buffer
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer wp-high-voltage-distribution-lines
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer wp-high-voltage-overhead-transmission-lines
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer community-engagement-sessions
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer substation-generation-connection-capacity
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer existing-substations-terminals-power-stations-and-apr-information
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer future-substations-terminals-power-stations-and-apr-information
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer forecast-remaining-capacity-2015
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer forecast-remaining-capacity-2016
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer forecast-remaining-capacity-2017
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer forecast-remaining-capacity-2018
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer forecast-remaining-capacity-2019
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer forecast-remaining-capacity-2020
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer forecast-remaining-capacity-2021
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer forecast-remaining-capacity-2022
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer forecast-remaining-capacity-2023
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer forecast-remaining-capacity-2024
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer forecast-remaining-capacity-2025
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer forecast-remaining-capacity-2026
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer forecast-remaining-capacity-2027
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer forecast-remaining-capacity-2028
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer forecast-remaining-capacity-2029
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer forecast-remaining-capacity-2030
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer forecast-remaining-capacity-2031
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer forecast-remaining-capacity-2032
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer forecast-remaining-capacity-2033
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer forecast-remaining-capacity-2034
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were updated.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were replaced with new resources.
288 datasets created or updated from 289 Public WMS layers

Second pass: add public WFS, but retain metadata and resources of existing datasets. Repeat this mode for remaining sources.

In [9]:
p_wfs = upsert_datasets(l_wfsP, ckan, overwrite_metadata=False, drop_existing_resources=False)
print("{0} datasets created or updated from {1} public WFS layers".format(len(p_wfs), len(wfsP.contents)))

Refreshing harvested WMS layer datasets...
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer swan-river-trust-development-control-area
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were not changed.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were kept, new resources were added.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer geomorphic-wetlands-swan-coastal-plain
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were not changed.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were kept, new resources were added.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer forest-blocks
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were not changed.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were kept, new resources were added.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer native-title-determination
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were not changed.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were kept, new resources were added.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer native-title-ilua
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were not changed.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were kept, new resources were added.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer state-electorates-current
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were not changed.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were kept, new resources were added.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer forest-disease-risk-areas
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were not changed.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were kept, new resources were added.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer epp-1998-sw-ag-zn-wetlands-policy-boundary
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were not changed.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were kept, new resources were added.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer epp-1992-scp-lakes-register-boundaries
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were not changed.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were kept, new resources were added.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer epp-1992-scp-lakes-policy-boundary
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were not changed.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were kept, new resources were added.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer epp-1998-sw-ag-zn-wetlands-registry-boundary
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were not changed.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were kept, new resources were added.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer mineral-field-boundaries
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were not changed.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were kept, new resources were added.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer wa-petroleum-pipelines-wappipe
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were not changed.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were kept, new resources were added.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer regolith-of-wa-500-metre-grid
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were not changed.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were kept, new resources were added.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer minedex
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were not changed.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were kept, new resources were added.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer mineral-drill-holes
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were not changed.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were kept, new resources were added.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer mining-tenements
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were not changed.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were kept, new resources were added.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer vmrs-stations
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were not changed.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were kept, new resources were added.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer regolith-of-wa-1300-metre-grid
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were not changed.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were kept, new resources were added.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer petroleum-wells
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were not changed.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were kept, new resources were added.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer roadside-stopping-places-on-state-roads
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were not changed.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were kept, new resources were added.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer state-electorates-proposed
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were not changed.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were kept, new resources were added.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer dpaw-region-boundaries
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were not changed.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were kept, new resources were added.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer regional-parks
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were not changed.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were kept, new resources were added.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer wa-petroleum-releases
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were not changed.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were kept, new resources were added.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer wa-petroleum-special-prospecting-authorities
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were not changed.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were kept, new resources were added.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer interpreted-bedrock-geology-of-wa-polygon-500k
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were not changed.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were kept, new resources were added.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer dpaw-contacts-subdivision-referrals
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were not changed.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were kept, new resources were added.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer geological-map-of-wa-polygon-2-5m
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were not changed.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were kept, new resources were added.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer dpaw-district-boundaries
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were not changed.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were kept, new resources were added.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer public-transport-authority-services
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were not changed.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were kept, new resources were added.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer volunteer-fire-service-stations
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were not changed.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were kept, new resources were added.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer vmrs-stations
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were not changed.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were kept, new resources were added.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer ves-stations
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were not changed.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were kept, new resources were added.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer ves-stations
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were not changed.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were kept, new resources were added.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer perth-and-peel-urban-land-development-outlook-2013-14
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were not changed.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were kept, new resources were added.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer aboriginal-heritage-places
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were not changed.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were kept, new resources were added.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer alt-estate
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were not changed.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were kept, new resources were added.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer aboriginal-communities-and-town-reserves
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were not changed.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were kept, new resources were added.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer fire-and-rescue-services-district
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were not changed.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were kept, new resources were added.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer ses-stations
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were not changed.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were kept, new resources were added.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer fesa-offices
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were not changed.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were kept, new resources were added.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer fesa-regions
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were not changed.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were kept, new resources were added.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer bush-fire-services-districts
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were not changed.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were kept, new resources were added.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer emergency-services-levy-boundary
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were not changed.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were kept, new resources were added.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer bush-fire-services-stations
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were not changed.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were kept, new resources were added.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer titanium-zircon-mineralization
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were not changed.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were kept, new resources were added.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer shared-paths-and-pbn-routes
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were not changed.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were kept, new resources were added.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer food-access-and-costs-survey
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were not changed.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were kept, new resources were added.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer region-scheme-special-areas
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were not changed.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were kept, new resources were added.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer region-scheme-zones-and-reserves
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were not changed.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were kept, new resources were added.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer bush-forever-areas-2000
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were not changed.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were kept, new resources were added.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer perth-and-peel-urban-land-development-outlook-2013-14-industrial
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were not changed.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were kept, new resources were added.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer region-scheme-boundary
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were not changed.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were kept, new resources were added.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer wa-petroleum-titles
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were not changed.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were kept, new resources were added.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer wa-petroleum-applications
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were not changed.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were kept, new resources were added.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer public-transport-authority-stops
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were not changed.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were kept, new resources were added.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer clearing-regulations-schedule-one-areas
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were not changed.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were kept, new resources were added.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer ramsar-sites
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were not changed.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were kept, new resources were added.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer swan-municipal-inventory-sites
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were not changed.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were kept, new resources were added.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer interpreted-bedrock-geology-of-wa-line-500k
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were not changed.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were kept, new resources were added.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer geological-map-of-wa-lines-2-5m
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were not changed.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were kept, new resources were added.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer overview-river
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were not changed.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were kept, new resources were added.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer epa-redbook-recommended-conservation-reserves-1976-1991
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were not changed.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were kept, new resources were added.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer dpaw-managed-lands-and-waters
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were not changed.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were kept, new resources were added.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer south-coast-significant-wetlands
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were not changed.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were kept, new resources were added.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer geomorphic-wetlands-augusta-to-walpole
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were not changed.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were kept, new resources were added.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer overview-towns
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were not changed.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were kept, new resources were added.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer native-title-fed-court
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were not changed.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were kept, new resources were added.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer overview-road
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were not changed.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were kept, new resources were added.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer native-vegetation-extent
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were not changed.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were kept, new resources were added.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer control-of-access-on-state-roads
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were not changed.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were kept, new resources were added.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer wa-road-structures
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were not changed.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were kept, new resources were added.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer water-pipe
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were not changed.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were kept, new resources were added.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer drainage-pipe-open-channel
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were not changed.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were kept, new resources were added.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer sewer-pipe-connection-line
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were not changed.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were kept, new resources were added.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer water-meter
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were not changed.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were kept, new resources were added.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer water-tank-reservoir-dam
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were not changed.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were kept, new resources were added.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer drainage-compensation-basin
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were not changed.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were kept, new resources were added.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer sewer-access-chamber
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were not changed.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were kept, new resources were added.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer geomorphic-wetlands-cervantes-coastal
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were not changed.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were kept, new resources were added.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer landgate-ortho-mosaic-index
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were not changed.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were kept, new resources were added.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer intensive-land-use-zones
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were not changed.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were kept, new resources were added.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer native-title-nntt
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were not changed.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were kept, new resources were added.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer planning-units
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were not changed.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were kept, new resources were added.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer fire-and-rescue-services-stations
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were not changed.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were kept, new resources were added.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer volunteer-fire-service-stations
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were not changed.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were kept, new resources were added.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer fish-habitat-protection-areas
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were not changed.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were kept, new resources were added.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer 2003-2005-ass-site-evaluation
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were not changed.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were kept, new resources were added.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer acid-sulphate-soil-risk-map-albany-torbay
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were not changed.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were kept, new resources were added.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer acid-sulfate-soil-risk-map-estuaries
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were not changed.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were kept, new resources were added.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer acid-sulfate-soil-risk-map-geraldton
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were not changed.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were kept, new resources were added.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer geomorphic-wetlands-cervantes-eneabba
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were not changed.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were kept, new resources were added.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer geomorphic-wetlands-cervantes-south
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were not changed.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were kept, new resources were added.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer roadside-conservation-committe-rcc-status-map
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were not changed.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were kept, new resources were added.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer roadside-conservation-committe-rcc-roadside-vegetation-survey
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were not changed.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were kept, new resources were added.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer geomorphic-wetlands-darkin-duranillin
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were not changed.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were kept, new resources were added.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer port-authorities
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were not changed.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were kept, new resources were added.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer roadside-conservation-committe-rcc-weeds
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were not changed.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were kept, new resources were added.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer metropolitan-region-scheme-redevelopment-scheme-and-casino-burswood-island-agreement-act-1985-areas
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were not changed.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were kept, new resources were added.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer mapsheets
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were not changed.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were kept, new resources were added.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer coastline
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were not changed.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were kept, new resources were added.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer ses-stations
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were not changed.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were kept, new resources were added.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer fire-and-rescue-services-district
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were not changed.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were kept, new resources were added.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer dfes-regions
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were not changed.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were kept, new resources were added.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer dfes-offices
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were not changed.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were kept, new resources were added.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer emergency-services-levy-boundary
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were not changed.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were kept, new resources were added.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer bush-fire-services-stations
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were not changed.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were kept, new resources were added.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer structure-plan-boundaries
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were not changed.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were kept, new resources were added.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer greater-bunbury-hotspots
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were not changed.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were kept, new resources were added.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer cockburn-sound-management-council-boundary
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were not changed.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were kept, new resources were added.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer clearing-regulations-environmentally-sensitive-areas
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were not changed.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were kept, new resources were added.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer acid-sulfate-soil-risk-map-pilbara-coastline
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were not changed.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were kept, new resources were added.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer acid-sulfate-soil-risk-map-lower-south-west
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were not changed.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were kept, new resources were added.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer acid-sulfate-soil-sample-locations-scp
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were not changed.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were kept, new resources were added.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer aso-sample-collections-point
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were not changed.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were kept, new resources were added.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer harvey-water-pipelines
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were not changed.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were kept, new resources were added.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer fire-and-rescue-services-stations
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were not changed.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were kept, new resources were added.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer harvey-water-irrigation-districts
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were not changed.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were kept, new resources were added.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer public-access-ways
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were not changed.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were kept, new resources were added.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer ratsib-boundaries
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were not changed.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were kept, new resources were added.
121 datasets created or updated from 121 public WFS layers

In [19]:
p_wmsCC = upsert_datasets(l_wmsCC, ckan, overwrite_metadata=False, drop_existing_resources=False, debug=False)
print("{0} datasets created or updated from {1} Cadastre WMS layers".format(len(p_wmsCC), len(wmsCC.contents)))

Refreshing harvested WMS layer datasets...
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer lodged-cadastre-polygons
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were not changed.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were kept, new resources were added.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer lodged-cadastre-lines
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were not changed.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were kept, new resources were added.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer lodged-cadastre-points
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were not changed.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were kept, new resources were added.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer easements-polygons
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were not changed.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were kept, new resources were added.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer easement-lines
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were not changed.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were kept, new resources were added.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer easements-points
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were not changed.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were kept, new resources were added.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer historical-cadastre-polygon
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were not changed.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were kept, new resources were added.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer cadastre-address
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were not changed.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were kept, new resources were added.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer cadastre-polygons
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were not changed.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were kept, new resources were added.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer cadastre-lines
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were not changed.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were kept, new resources were added.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer cadastre-points
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were not changed.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were kept, new resources were added.
11 datasets created or updated from 11 Cadastre WMS layers

In [20]:
p_wfsCC = upsert_datasets(l_wfsCC, ckan, overwrite_metadata=False, drop_existing_resources=False)
print("{0} datasets created or updated from {1} Cadastre WFS layers".format(len(p_wfsCC), len(wfsCC.contents)))

Refreshing harvested WMS layer datasets...
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer cadastre-no-attrib
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were not changed.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were kept, new resources were added.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer cadastre-address
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were not changed.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were kept, new resources were added.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer cadastre-lodged
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were not changed.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were kept, new resources were added.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer easements-points
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were not changed.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were kept, new resources were added.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer easement-lines
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were not changed.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were kept, new resources were added.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer easements-polygons
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were not changed.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were kept, new resources were added.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer cadastre-polygons
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were not changed.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were kept, new resources were added.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer cadastre-lines
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were not changed.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were kept, new resources were added.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer cadastre-points
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were not changed.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were kept, new resources were added.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer lodged-cadastre-polygons
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were not changed.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were kept, new resources were added.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer lodged-cadastre-lines
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were not changed.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were kept, new resources were added.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer lodged-cadastre-points
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were not changed.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were kept, new resources were added.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer historical-cadastre-polygon
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were not changed.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were kept, new resources were added.
13 datasets created or updated from 13 Cadastre WFS layers

In [21]:
p_wfsCA = upsert_datasets(l_wfsCA, ckan, overwrite_metadata=False, drop_existing_resources=False)
print("{0} datasets created or updated from {1} Cadastre Admin WFS layers".format(len(p_wfsCA), len(wfsCA.contents)))

Refreshing harvested WMS layer datasets...
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer localities
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were not changed.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were kept, new resources were added.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer districts
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were not changed.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were kept, new resources were added.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer mapsheets
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were not changed.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were kept, new resources were added.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer local-government-authority-lga-boundaries
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were not changed.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were kept, new resources were added.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer townsites
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were not changed.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were kept, new resources were added.
[upsert_dataset] Reading WMS layer ward-boundaries
[upsert_dataset]  Layer exists.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing dataset metadata were not changed.
  [upsert_dataset]  Existing resources were kept, new resources were added.
6 datasets created or updated from 6 Cadastre Admin WFS layers