Simulation of the METIS scenario with rooms in one floor

This notebook simulates a scenario with different access point densities. The access points are placed in every other room and each room has walls that causes some signal power loss.

Note: In order for %matplotlib widget to work in jupyterlab you need to install the ipympl package as well as two jupyterlab extensions. The package can be installed with

conda install -c conda-forge ipympl

The extensions can be installed with

jupyter labextension install @jupyter-widgets/jupyterlab-manager
jupyter labextension install jupyter-matplotlib

In [7]:
%matplotlib widget

# xxxxxxxxxx Add the parent folder to the python path. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
import sys
import os
# xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

from ipywidgets.widgets import interact, interactive, fixed
from IPython.html import widgets
from IPython.display import display_latex

# Import the simulation runner
from apps.metis_scenarios.simulate_metis_scenario2 import *

Simulation Configuration

Now we set the simulation configuration.

In [5]:
scenario_params = {
    'side_length': 10,  # 10 meters side length
    'single_wall_loss_dB': 5,
    'num_rooms_per_side': 12,
    'ap_decimation': 2}

power_params = {
    'Pt_dBm': 20,  # 20 dBm transmit power
    'noise_power_dBm': -300  # Very low noise power

Perform the Simulation

calculate the SINRs and capacity

In [8]:
out = perform_simulation(scenario_params, power_params)
sinr_array_pl_metis_ps7_dB, capacity_metis_ps7 = out

Min/Mean/Max SINR value (METIS PS7):

Min/Mean/Max Capacity value (METIS PS7):