First, import the processing tools that contain classes and methods to read, plot and process standard unit particle distribution files.

In [1]:
import processing_tools as pt

The module consists of a class 'ParticleDistribution' that initializes to a dictionary containing the following entries given a filepath:

key value
'x' x position
'y' y position
'z' z position
'px' x momentum
'py' y momentum
'pz' z momentum
'NE' number of electrons per macroparticle

The units are in line with the Standard Unit specifications, but can be converted to SI by calling the class method SU2SI

Values can then be called by calling the 'dict':

In [2]:
filepath = './example/example.h5'

data = pt.ParticleDistribution(filepath)

array([  1.20390857e-05,   1.19987648e-05,  -5.26944824e-05, ...,
        -1.00743962e-05,  -2.33553430e-06,  -8.14314855e-05])

Alternatively one can ask for a pandas dataframe where each column is one of the above properties of a macroparticle per row.

In [4]:
panda_data = data.DistFrame()

NE px py pz x y z
0 31210.986267 0.006629 -0.000466 468.491974 0.000012 -0.000009 49.293173
1 31210.986267 0.007306 0.001122 466.837388 0.000012 -0.000057 49.293423
2 31210.986267 0.008277 -0.000318 470.839422 -0.000053 -0.000002 49.292852
3 31210.986267 0.008169 0.005924 465.713097 0.000024 -0.000049 49.293612
4 31210.986267 0.010275 0.001735 472.664255 -0.000079 0.000025 49.292614

This allows for quick plotting using the inbuilt pandas methods

In [5]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt'ggplot') #optional

x_axis = 'py'
y_axis = 'px'

plot = panda_data.plot(kind='scatter',x=x_axis,y=y_axis)
#sets axis limits  

If further statistical analysis is required, the class 'Statistics' is provided. This contains methods to process standard properties of the electron bunch. This is called by giving a filepath to 'Statistics' The following operations can be performed:

Function Effect and dict keys
calc_emittance Calculates the emittance of all the slices, accessible by 'e_x' and 'e_y'
calc_CoM Calculates the weighed averages and standard deviations per slice of every parameter and beta functions, see below for keys.
calc_current Calculates current per slice, accessible in the dict as 'current'.
slice Slices the data in equal slices of an integer number.

This is a subclass of the ParticleDistribution and all the methods previously described work.

CoM Keys Parameter (per slice)
CoM_x, CoM_y, CoM_z Centre of mass of x, y, z positions
std_x, std_y, std_z Standard deviation of x, y, z positions
CoM_px, CoM_py, CoM_pz Centre of mass of x, y, z momenta
std_px, std_py, std_pz Standard deviation of x, y, z momenta
beta_x, beta_y Beta functions (assuming Gaussian distribution) in x and y

Furthermore, there is a 'Step_Z' which returns the size of a slice as well as 'z_pos' which gives you central position of a given slice.

And from this class both the DistFrame (containing the same data as above) and StatsFrame can be called:

In [6]:
stats = pt.Statistics(filepath)

#preparing the statistics

#display pandas example
panda_stats = stats.StatsFrame()

CoM_px CoM_py CoM_pz CoM_x CoM_y CoM_z beta_x beta_y current e_x e_y slice_z std_px std_py std_pz std_x std_y std_z z_pos
0 1.090988e-24 -9.604622e-26 1.302979e-19 -0.000034 -0.000007 49.292099 0.235018 0.655127 4.635644 1.390731e-07 1.365778e-07 49.292098 6.944301e-25 3.385691e-24 1.315555e-23 0.000109 0.000180 0.000005 49.292098
1 1.119572e-24 3.881272e-25 1.302565e-19 -0.000041 0.000019 49.292115 0.180635 0.827244 5.751632 1.297608e-07 1.489005e-07 49.292115 8.234089e-25 3.774013e-24 1.259130e-23 0.000092 0.000211 0.000005 49.292115
2 1.093419e-24 -1.290899e-25 1.302164e-19 -0.000032 -0.000007 49.292133 0.106912 0.409024 10.387276 2.116124e-07 1.782308e-07 49.292133 9.638639e-25 2.905490e-24 1.109932e-23 0.000090 0.000162 0.000005 49.292133
3 1.187010e-24 -1.562527e-25 1.301782e-19 -0.000034 -0.000010 49.292151 0.071391 0.316972 12.619253 1.981626e-07 1.770423e-07 49.292150 1.076412e-24 2.479309e-24 1.108139e-23 0.000071 0.000142 0.000005 49.292150
4 1.206306e-24 -1.290574e-25 1.301406e-19 -0.000035 -0.000011 49.292168 0.080260 0.435046 13.306015 1.717004e-07 1.798360e-07 49.292168 1.242799e-24 2.735644e-24 1.122382e-23 0.000071 0.000168 0.000005 49.292168

In [7]:
ax = panda_stats.plot(x='z_pos',y='CoM_y')
panda_stats.plot(ax=ax, x='z_pos',y='std_y',c='b') #first option allows shared axes

And finally there is the FEL_Approximations which calculate simple FEL properties per slice. This is a subclass of statistics and as such every method described above is callable.

This class conatins the 'undulator' function that calculates planar undulator parameters given a period and either a peak magnetic field or K value.

The data must be sliced and most statistics have to be run before the other calculations can take place. These are 'pierce' which calculates the pierce parameter and 1D gain length for a given slice, 'gain length' which calculates the Ming Xie gain and returns three entries in the dict 'MX_gain', '1D_gain', 'pierce', which hold an array for these values per slice. 'FELFrame' returns a pandas dataframe with these and 'z_pos' for reference.

To make this easier, the class ProcessedData takes a filepath, number of slcies, undulator period, magnetic field or K and performs all the necessary steps automatically. As this is a subclass of FEL_Approximations all the values written above are accessible from here.

In [8]:
FEL = pt.ProcessedData(filepath,num_slices=100,undulator_period=0.00275,k_fact=2.7)

panda_FEL = FEL.FELFrame()
panda_stats= FEL.StatsFrame()

1D_gain MX_gain pierce z_pos
0 0.663068 2.806309e+07 0.000191 49.292098
1 0.615747 4.773164e+07 0.000205 49.292115
2 0.460577 2.203503e+08 0.000274 49.292133
3 0.382122 3.744164e+08 0.000331 49.292150
4 0.395079 2.084933e+08 0.000320 49.292168

If it is important to plot the statistical data alongside the FEL data, that can be easily achieved by concatinating the two sets as shown below

In [9]:
import pandas as pd

cat = pd.concat([panda_FEL,panda_stats], axis=1, join_axes=[panda_FEL.index]) #joins the two if you need to plot
#FEL parameters as well as slicel statistics on the same plot
cat['1D_gain']=cat['1D_gain']*40000000000 #one can scale to allow for visual comparison if needed
az = cat.plot(x='z_pos',y='1D_gain')
cat.plot(ax=az, x='z_pos',y='MX_gain',c='b')

In [ ]:

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