Set up plotly
In [1]:
import plotly.offline as py
import plotly.graph_objs as go
Set up imports
In [2]:
import pointslinesplanes as plp
import numpy as np
In [3]:
def intersect(obj1, obj2):
"""Intersection between two objects that can be Point, Line or Plane.
Returns Point, Line or Plane or throws ArithmeticError when no intersection can be found.
@author Nick Metelski
@since 26.07.17"""
if isinstance(obj1,plp.Plane) and isinstance(obj2,plp.Plane):
return _plane_plane_intersect(obj1,obj2)
elif isinstance(obj1,plp.Plane) and isinstance(obj2,plp.Line):
return _plane_line_intersect(obj1,obj2)
elif isinstance(obj1,plp.Line) and isinstance(obj2,plp.Plane):
return _plane_line_intersect(obj2,obj1)
elif isinstance(obj1,plp.Plane) and isinstance(obj2,plp.Point):
return _plane_point_intersect(obj1,obj2)
elif isinstance(obj1,plp.Point) and isinstance(obj2,plp.Plane):
return _plane_point_intersect(obj2,obj1)
elif isinstance(obj1,plp.Line) and isinstance(obj2,plp.Line):
return _line_line_intersect(obj1,obj2)
elif isinstance(obj1,plp.Line) and isinstance(obj2,plp.Point):
return _line_point_intersect(obj1,obj2)
elif isinstance(obj1,plp.Point) and isinstance(obj2,plp.Line):
return _line_point_intersect(obj2,obj1)
elif isinstance(obj1,plp.Point) and isinstance(obj2,plp.Point):
return _point_point_intersect(obj1,obj2)
#wrong params
raise TypeError("Invalid parameter types - please pass intersections.Point, intersections.Line or intersections.Plane.")
def _plane_plane_intersect(p1,p2):
"""Private function; do not use. Use intersect(obj1,obj2) instead.
plane-plane intersection submethod. Raises exceptions or returns Line.
@author Nick Metelski
@since 26.07.17"""
#TODO make it return plane is planes are identical
cross = np.cross(p1.normal,p2.normal)
if np.all(cross==0):
#planes are parallel or overlap
#if they overlap then the offset of one plane lies on the other
intersection = intersect(Point(p1.offset), p2)
return Plane(p1.normal,p1.offset) #return a new plane same a the overlapping ones
except ArithmeticError:
raise ArithmeticError("Planes are parallel, do not overlap.")
#sample point: x=0
#NOTE: linalg.solve can raise np.linalg.LinAlgError exception when x=0 results in singular matrix
#we have to check some other cases
#premise: the line has to intersect at least one of the planes: xy, yz or xz.
mat = [[p1.normal[1],p1.normal[2]],[p2.normal[1], p2.normal[2]]]
axis = 0 #keep track of which axis we zero out; 0=x, 1=y, 2=z
if np.linalg.matrix_rank(mat) == 1:
mat = [[p1.normal[0],p1.normal[2]],[p2.normal[0], p2.normal[2]]]
axis = 1
if np.linalg.matrix_rank(mat) == 1:
mat = [[p1.normal[0],p1.normal[1]],[p1.normal[0], p2.normal[1]]]
axis = 2
rhs = [,p1.offset),,p2.offset)]
sol = np.linalg.solve(mat,rhs)
if axis == 0:
return plp.Line(cross, [0,sol[0],sol[1]])
if axis == 1:
return plp.Line(cross, [sol[0],0,sol[1]])
if axis == 2:
return plp.Line(cross, [sol[0],sol[1],0])
def _plane_line_intersect(plane,line):
"""Private function; do not use. Use intersect(obj1,obj2) instead.
Intersection of a line an a plane. Raises exceptions or returns Point.
@author Nick Metelski
@since 26.07.17"""
check =,line.vec)
if np.allclose(check,[0.0]):
#plane and line are parallel or overlap
raise ArithmeticError("Plane and line are parallel.")
#there is an explicit formula for parameter of the line for which intersection is met:
#$$t = \frac{\vec{n} \cdot (\vec{d_p}-\vec{d_v})}{\vec{n} \cdot \vec{v}}$$,
#where n is normal to plane, v is line's direction, rp is plane offset, rv is vector offset
t =,(plane.offset-line.offset))/,line.vec)
return plp.Point(line.offset+t*line.vec)
def _plane_point_intersect(plane,point):
"""Private function; do not use. Use intersect(obj1,obj2) instead.
Intersection of a plane and point. Raises exceptions or returns Point.
@author Nick Metelski
@since 27.07.17"""
check =, point.pos - plane.offset)
if check == 0:
return plp.Point(point.pos)
raise ArithmeticError("The point does not line on the plane.")
def _line_line_intersect(line1,line2):
"""Private function; do not use. Use intersect(obj1,obj2) instead.
Intersection of two lines. Raises exceptions or returns Point or Line.
@author Nick Metelski
@since 27.07.17"""
#raise NotImplementedError("Line-line intersections not implemented.")
cross = np.cross(line1.vec,line2.vec) #is normalized as vectors are normalized
if np.allclose(cross,[0.0,0.0,0.0]):
#lines parallel. are they identical?
intersect(line2, plp.Point(line1.offset)) #this will raise an exception if they are not identical
return plp.Line(line1.vec,line1.offset)
except ArithmeticError:
raise ArithmeticError("Lines are parallel, and are not identical.")
#lines not parallel
sample = line2.offset - line1.offset #sample vector between two points on the line
dist = np.abs(,cross)) #distance between the lines
if np.allclose([dist],[0.0]):
v1 = line1.vec
v2 = line2.vec
d1 = line1.offset
d2 = line2.offset
n = plp.utils.normalize(np.cross(v2,v1))
s = d2 - d1
l = np.linalg.norm(np.cross(s,v1))
l_vec = l * np.cross(v1,n)
param = l**2/,v2)
return plp.Point(line2.offset+param*line2.vec)
raise ArithmeticError("Lines are skew, no intersection. Distance: " + str(dist))
def _line_point_intersect(line,point):
"""Private function; do not use. Use intersect(obj1,obj2) instead.
Intersection of a line and point. Intersection is a Point.
Raises exceptions or returns Point.
@author Nick Metelski
@since 27.07.17"""
#premise: difference in offsets must be parallel to direction vector
offset_diff = point.pos - line.offset
cross = np.cross(line.vec,offset_diff) # this is for checking if there exists an intersection
if np.allclose(cross,[0.0,0.0,0.0]):
return plp.Point(point.pos) #return a point coinciding with the original point passed as param
raise ArithmeticError("Point does not lie on the line.")
def _point_point_intersect(point1, point2):
"""Private function; do not use. Use intersect(obj1,obj2) instead.
Intersection of a two points. Intersection is the point if the point are the same position.
Raises exceptions or returns Point.
@author Nick Metelski
@since 27.07.17"""
if np.allclose(point1.pos,point2.pos):
#just return one of the points when they coincide
return plp.Point(point1.pos)
raise ArithmeticError("Points do not coincide.")
In [4]:
plane1 = plp.Plane([1,1,1],[1,0,0])
plane2 = plp.Plane([-1.0,1,1],[0.5,0,0.5])
plane3 = plp.Plane([0.2,0.1,0.3],[0.2,-0.3,0.5])
line1 = intersect(plane1,plane2)
line2 = intersect(plane2,plane3)
line3 = intersect(plane1,plane3)
point1 = intersect(line1,line2)
In [5]:
layout = dict(
font = dict(family="Verdana"),
scene = dict(
xaxis = dict(range=[-1, 1], autorange=False, zeroline=False),
yaxis = dict(range=[-1, 1], autorange=False, zeroline=False),
zaxis = dict(range=[-1, 1], autorange=False, zeroline=False),
aspectmode = 'cube',
camera = dict(center=dict(x=0,y=0,z=0),eye=dict(x=0,y=0,z=3))
plot_bgcolor='rgb(255, 255, 255)'
In [6]:
objs = [plane1, plane2, plane3, line1, line2, line3, point1]
data = [o.goify() for o in objs]
fig = go.Figure(data=data,layout=layout)
plot = py.iplot(fig)
In [29]:
#Line(dir=Vector(0.447,0.894,0.000),off=Vector(0.120,-0.060,0.000)) and Line(dir=Vector(0.316,0.949,0.000),off=Vector(0.150,-0.050,0.000))
line2 = plp.Line([0.4472135954999579,0.8944271909999159,0],[0.120,-0.06,0])
line1 = plp.Line([0.31622776601683794,0.9486832980505138,0],[0.15,-0.05000000000000002,0])
v1 = line1.vec
v2 = line2.vec
d1 = line1.offset
d2 = line2.offset
n = plp.utils.normalize(np.cross(v2,v1))
s = d2 - d1
l = np.linalg.norm(np.cross(s,v1))
l_vec = l * np.cross(v1,n)
print("v1 x n", np.cross(v1,n))
print("l_vec ", l_vec)
print("lxl", l*l)
param = (l*l)/,v2)
point = plp.Point(line2.offset+param*line2.vec)
In [28]:
objs = [line1,line2,point]
data = [o.goify() for o in objs]
fig = go.Figure(data=data,layout=layout)
plot = py.iplot(fig)
In [34]:
plane = plp.Plane([0.1,0.3,-0.2],[0.2,0.1,0.4])
line = plp.Line([0.1,0.3,0],[0.2,0.1,0])
pt = intersect(plane,line)
In [35]:
objs = [plane,line,pt]
data = [o.goify() for o in objs]
fig = go.Figure(data=data,layout=layout)
plot = py.iplot(fig)
In [ ]: