Created by Ed Keys and Ronnie Dutta
HTML Version (This will be a link)

Geometrical Optics Dielectric Boundaries

Learning Objectives

  • Understand dielectric boundary interactions from the geometrical optics approach
  • Know what the Fresnal Equations are for and understand the difference between s and p-polarisation

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Fresnal Equations
    1. Normal Incidence
    2. Introduce Angles
  3. Modelling with Python

1. Introduction

When a ray is incident on a boundary, some of the energy is reflected and some is transmitted. This behaviour can be modelled by what are known as the Fresnal Equations. Throughout this notebook we will be looking at the Fresnal Equations and we will also write some code to model it on Python.

In [2]:
# Import various modules and packages to be used
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from plotly.offline import download_plotlyjs, init_notebook_mode, plot, iplot
import plotly.graph_objs as go
import plotly_arrows as plar

In [3]:
# Define constants 
c = 3e8 # Speed of light
w_conversion = 6.92e5 # Factor to make plot wavelength reasonable

2. Fresnal Equations

The Fresnal Equations are a set of equations which govern the behaviour of EM waves as they cross the boundary between two media. Before we begin with the full set of equations lets look at a simpler case of normal incidence at a boundary.

2.A. Normal incidence

The equations governing this interaction are

$$\mathbf{E_i} = E_{i,0} e^{i (\mathbf{k}_i \cdot \mathbf{r} - \omega_i t)}, \qquad \mathbf{E_t} = E_{t,0} e^{i (\mathbf{k}_t \cdot \mathbf{r} - \omega_t t)}, \qquad \mathbf{E_r} = E_{r,0} e^{i (\mathbf{k}_i \cdot \mathbf{r} - \omega_r t)}$$

N.B. the reflected wave propagates in the $-z$ direction

Taking the dielectric boundary to be at $z=0$, and applying continuity of $E_\parallel$ across the boundary,

$$E_i + E_r = E_t$$$$\Rightarrow E_{i,0} e^{-i \omega_i t} + E_{r,0} e^{-i \omega_r t} + E_{t,0} e^{-i \omega_i t}$$

For the waves to be phase-matched at all times, the time-varying parts must always be equal, which can only happen if

$$E_{i,0} + E_{r,0} = E_{t,0}$$

Note that the wavenumber $k$ is not generally the same across the boundary.

As $B = \frac{k}{\omega} E$, the B field continuity is

$$B_{i,0} - B_{r,0} = B_{t,0}$$

But, $B = \frac{\eta}{c}E$

$$\Rightarrow \eta_1 E_{i,0} - \eta_1 E_{r,0} = \eta_2 E_{t,0}$$

So the ratio of transmitted to incident field is

$$t = \frac{E_{t,0}}{E_{i,0}} = \frac{\eta_1}{\eta_1 + \eta_2}$$

And the ratio of reflected to incident field is

$$r = \frac{E_{r,0}}{E_{i,0}} = \frac{\eta_1 - \eta_2}{\eta_1 + \eta_2}$$

2.B. Introduce angles

Reflected ray satisfies $$\theta_i = \theta_r$$

Transmitted ray satisfies Snell's law $$\eta_1 \sin{\theta_i} = \eta_2 \sin{\theta_t}$$

The full Fresnel equations are as follows


$$t = \frac{E_t}{E_i} = \frac{2 \eta_1 \cos{\theta_i}}{\eta_1 \cos{\theta_i} + \eta_2 \cos{\theta_t}}$$$$r = \frac{E_r}{E_i} = \frac{\eta_1 \cos{\theta_i} - \eta_2 \cos{\theta_t}}{\eta_1 \cos{\theta_i} + \eta_2 \cos{\theta_t}}$$


$$t = \frac{E_t}{E_i} = \frac{2 \eta_1 \cos{\theta_i}}{\eta_1 \cos{\theta_t} + \eta_2 \cos{\theta_i}}$$$$r = \frac{E_r}{E_i} = \frac{\eta_1 \cos{\theta_t} - \eta_2 \cos{\theta_i}}{\eta_1 \cos{\theta_t} + \eta_2 \cos{\theta_i}}$$

3. Modelling with Python

Now let's write some code to be able to visualise what's going on. In order to do this we need to define what is known as a Class in Python. If you're not familiar with classes then have a look at this link to familiarise yourself with the concept.

In [4]:
class Wave:
    def __init__(self, theta, out, E_0, polarisation, w=3.46e15, n1=1., width=2, color="rgb(0,0,0)", **kwargs):
            theta (float) - [radians] {0 to π}
            out (bool) - True if outgoing, False if incoming (to the origin)
            E_0 (float) - Magnitude of the E field
            polarisation (str) - {'s'/'p'} whether E or B is parallel to the boundary
            w (float) - [rad s^-1] Angular frequency (default: green light)
            n1 (float) - The incident material's refractive index
            width (int) - line thickness
            color (str) - [hex/rgb] line color
        self.theta = theta
        self.out = out
        self.n1 = n1
        self.E_0 = E_0
        self.w = w / w_conversion
        self.true_w = w
        self.k = (n1 * self.w) / c
        self.true_k = (n1 * self.true_w) / c
        self.B_0 = self.n1 * E_0
        self.true_B_0 = (self.n1 / c) * E_0
        if polarisation == "s" or polarisation == "p":
            self.polarisation = polarisation
            raise Exception('Polarisation argument must be "s" or "p"')
        self.width = width
        self.color = color
        if kwargs.get("_x_reflect") == False:
            self._x_reflect = False
            self._x_reflect = True
        self.arrow = plar.Arrow(theta=self.theta, out=self.out,  width=width, color=color)
        self.sinusoids = self.create_sinusoids()
    def create_sinusoids(self):
        """Creates the sinusoidal wave components"""
        z_range = np.linspace(0, 1, 100)
        if self.polarisation == "s":
            E_sine = np.array([np.zeros_like(z_range), self.E_0 * -np.sin(self.k * z_range), z_range])
            B_sine = np.array([self.B_0 * -np.sin(self.k * z_range), np.zeros_like(z_range), z_range])
            E_sine = np.array([self.E_0 * np.sin(self.k * z_range), np.zeros_like(z_range), z_range])
            B_sine = np.array([np.zeros_like(z_range), self.B_0 * -np.sin(self.k * z_range), z_range])
        rot_E_sine = self.rotate_sinusoid(E_sine, self.theta, self._x_reflect)
        rot_B_sine = self.rotate_sinusoid(B_sine, self.theta, self._x_reflect)
        E_trace = go.Scatter3d(x=rot_E_sine[0], y=rot_E_sine[1], z=rot_E_sine[2],
                               mode = 'lines', marker = dict(color='#0099FF'))
        B_trace = go.Scatter3d(x=rot_B_sine[0], y=rot_B_sine[1], z=rot_B_sine[2],
                               mode = 'lines', marker = dict(color='#FF0099'))
        return [E_trace, B_trace]
    def transmit(self, n2):
            n2 (float) - The dielectric material's refactive index
        self.n2 = n2
        theta_i = self.theta
        theta_t = self.snell(self.n1, self.n2, theta_i)
        if np.isnan(theta_t):
            print('Total internal reflection')
            return None
        plot_theta_t = np.pi + theta_t
        if self.polarisation == "s":
            E_t0 = self.E_0 * (2. * self.n1 * np.cos(theta_i)) / (self.n1 * np.cos(theta_i) + self.n2 * np.cos(theta_t))
            E_t0 = self.E_0 * (2. * self.n1 * np.cos(theta_i)) / (self.n1 * np.cos(theta_t) + self.n2 * np.cos(theta_i))
        return Wave(theta=plot_theta_t, out=True, E_0=E_t0, w=self.true_w,
                    polarisation=self.polarisation, n1=self.n2, color="#000000", _x_reflect=False)
    def reflect(self, n2):
            n2 (float) - The dielectric material's refactive index
        self.n2 = n2
        if self.n1 == self.n2:
            print('Refractive indices equal - no reflection')
            return None
        theta_i = self.theta
        theta_r = theta_i
        theta_t = self.snell(self.n1, self.n2, theta_i)
        if np.isnan(theta_t):
            theta_t = 0.5 * np.pi
        plot_theta_r = -theta_r
        if self.polarisation == "s":
            E_r0 = self.E_0 * (self.n1 * np.cos(theta_i) - self.n2 * np.cos(theta_t)) / (self.n1 * np.cos(theta_i) + self.n2 * np.cos(theta_t))
            E_r0 = self.E_0 * (self.n1 * np.cos(theta_t) - self.n2 * np.cos(theta_i)) / (self.n1 * np.cos(theta_t) + self.n2 * np.cos(theta_i))
        return Wave(theta=plot_theta_r, out=True, E_0=E_r0, w=self.true_w,
                    polarisation=self.polarisation, n1=self.n1, _x_reflect=False)
    def snell(n1, n2, theta_i):
        Finds angle of transmission using Snell's law
            n1 (float) - incident medium's refractive index
            n2 (float) - transmissive medium's refractive index
            theta_i (float) - angle of incidence
        return np.arcsin((n1 / n2) * np.sin(theta_i))
    def rotate_sinusoid(sinusoid, theta, x_reflect=False):
        """Apply rotation matrix element-wise to array of sine position vectors (using Einstein summation convention)"""
        rotation_matrix = np.array([[np.cos(theta), 0, np.sin(theta)],
                                    [0, 1, 0],
                                    [-np.sin(theta), 0, np.cos(theta)]])
        if x_reflect == False:
            return np.einsum("ij,jk->ik", rotation_matrix, sinusoid)
        elif x_reflect:
            x_reflect_matrix = np.array([[1, 0, 0],
                                         [0, -1, 0],
                                         [0, 0, 1]])
            transf_matrix =, rotation_matrix)
            return np.einsum("ij,jk->ik", transf_matrix, sinusoid)

In [5]:
def tabulate(incident, transmitted, reflected):
    if transmitted is None:
        table = pd.DataFrame.from_items(
            [('Incident', [incident.E_0, incident.true_B_0, incident.true_k, incident.true_w, incident.n1, incident.polarisation]),
             ('Reflected', [reflected.E_0, reflected.true_B_0, reflected.true_k, reflected.true_w, reflected.n1, reflected.polarisation])],
            orient='index', columns=['E_0', 'B_0', 'k', 'w', 'n1', 'polarisation']
    elif reflected is None:
        table = pd.DataFrame.from_items(
            [('Incident', [incident.E_0, incident.true_B_0, incident.true_k, incident.true_w, incident.n1, incident.polarisation]),
             ('Transmitted', [transmitted.E_0, transmitted.true_B_0, transmitted.true_k, transmitted.true_w, transmitted.n1, transmitted.polarisation])],
            orient='index', columns=['E_0', 'B_0', 'k', 'w', 'n1', 'polarisation']
        table = pd.DataFrame.from_items(
            [('Incident', [incident.E_0, incident.true_B_0, incident.true_k, incident.true_w, incident.n1, incident.polarisation]),
             ('Transmitted', [transmitted.E_0, transmitted.true_B_0, transmitted.true_k, transmitted.true_w, transmitted.n1, transmitted.polarisation]),
             ('Reflected', [reflected.E_0, reflected.true_B_0, reflected.true_k, reflected.true_w, reflected.n1, reflected.polarisation])],
            orient='index', columns=['E_0', 'B_0', 'k', 'w', 'n1', 'polarisation']

In [6]:
def run(angle, polarisation, n1, n2):
        angle (float) - [degrees] {0 to 90}
        polarisation (str) - {'s'/'p'} whether E or B is parallel to the boundary
        n1 (float) - The incident material's refractive index
        n2 (float) - The second material's refractive index
    Incident = Wave(theta=np.deg2rad(angle), out=False, E_0=0.2, polarisation=polarisation, n1=n1)
    Transmitted = Incident.transmit(n2=n2)
    Reflected = Incident.reflect(n2=n2)
    tabulate(Incident, Transmitted, Reflected)
    surface = go.Mesh3d(x=[-1, 1, -1, 1],
                    y=[-1, -1, 1, 1],
                    z=[0, 0, 0, 0],
                    color='rgb(0,0,0)', opacity=0.1)

    if Transmitted == None:
        plot_data = + Incident.sinusoids \
            + + Reflected.sinusoids + [surface]
    elif Reflected == None:
        plot_data = + Incident.sinusoids \
            + + Transmitted.sinusoids + [surface]
        plot_data = + Incident.sinusoids \
            + + Transmitted.sinusoids \
            + + Reflected.sinusoids + [surface]

    layout = {
        'autosize': True,
        'width': 700, 'height': 700,
        'scene': {
            'aspectmode': 'cube',
            'xaxis': {'range': [-1, 1], 'autorange': False, 'zeroline': True},
            'yaxis': {'range': [-1, 1], 'autorange': False, 'zeroline': True},
            'zaxis': {'range': [-1, 1], 'autorange': False, 'zeroline': True},
            'camera': {
                'up': {'x': 0, 'y': 1, 'z': 0} # DOESN'T WORK -- WHY NOT!?

    fig = go.Figure(data=plot_data, layout=layout)

In [8]:
run(angle=80, polarisation="p", n1=1., n2=4)

                  E_0           B_0             k             w   n1  \
Incident     0.200000  6.666667e-10  1.153333e+07  3.460000e+15  1.0   
Transmitted  0.041747  5.566278e-10  4.613333e+07  3.460000e+15  4.0   
Reflected    0.033012  1.100389e-10  1.153333e+07  3.460000e+15  1.0   

Incident               p  
Transmitted            p  
Reflected              p  
C:\Users\cydco\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\ FutureWarning:

from_items is deprecated. Please use DataFrame.from_dict(dict(items), ...) instead. DataFrame.from_dict(OrderedDict(items)) may be used to preserve the key order.

In [ ]: