In [1]:
import pandas as pd
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as BSoup
from datetime import datetime
OK = True
BAD = False

In [2]:
def check_response_ok (response):
    """Checks the validity of the response object and returns OK (True) or BAD (False). 
    If response object is bad, write a message to 'IBD_errors.log'"""
    import sys
        response.raise_for_status ()
        return OK
        f = open ("IBD_errors.log", "a")
        f.write ('{:%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S}'.format ( ()))
        f.write (" -- {}:\n\t\t{}".format (sys.exc_info ()[0], response.url))
        return BAD
    return BAD

In [3]:
def get_list_sec_filings ():
    """Generate the list of index files archived in EDGAR since start_year (earliest: 1993) until the most recent quarter
       Note: this does not download the filings itself, just enough information to generate the filing urls from it.
    import datetime

    current_year =
    current_quarter = ( - 1) // 3 + 1
    # go back the last four years so we get the last ten 10-Q's and last three 10-K's
    start_year = current_year - 4
    with open("logfile.txt", "a+") as logfile:
        logfile.write('Start year for downloading SEC data is {:d}'.format(start_year))
    ## Generate a list of quarter-year combinations for which to get urls
    years = list(range(start_year, current_year))
    quarters = ['QTR1', 'QTR2', 'QTR3', 'QTR4']
    history = [(y, q) for y in years for q in quarters]
    for i in range(1, current_quarter + 1):
        history.append((current_year, 'QTR%d' % i))
    urls = ['' % (x[0], x[1]) for x in history]
    ## Update the database with these urls
    update_index_files_db (urls)
    #return urls

In [4]:
def update_index_files_db (urls):
    """Download index files and write content into SQLite."""
    import sqlite3
    import requests

    con = sqlite3.connect('edgar_idx.db')
    cur = con.cursor()
    # to do: check if table exists, if yes, then update, don't erase
    cur.execute('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS idx')
    cur.execute('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS idx (cik TEXT, conm TEXT, type TEXT, date TEXT, path TEXT)')
    updaterecords = tuple()

    with open("logfile.txt", "a+") as logfile:
        for url in urls:
            #to do: how exactly does this work? modify to only download missing entries
            #get the data located at this url
            lines = requests.get(url).text.splitlines()
            #parse the data into sec filings type and remote path (and some other info)
            records = [tuple(line.split('|')) for line in lines[11:]]
            #put this into the database (to be downloaded later)
            cur.executemany('INSERT INTO idx VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)', records)
            logfile.write('{:s} - downloaded info and wrote to SQLite DB\n'.format(url))


In [19]:
def download_sec_filing (cik, co_name, filing_type, filing_date, filing_link):
    """Download the specified SEC filing and save as text file. Returns the file name filing was saved to. """
    # inspired by
    import csv
    import requests
    import os

    saveas = '_'.join([cik, co_name, filing_type, filing_date])
    saveDir = os.path.join("SECDATA", co_name)
    # Reorganize to rename the output filename.
    url = '' + filing_link.strip()
    if not os.path.exists(saveDir):
    with open("logfile.txt", "a+") as logfile:
        with open(os.path.join (saveDir, saveas), 'wb') as f:
            f.write(requests.get('%s' % url).content)
            logfile.write('{:s} - downloaded and saved as {:s}\n'.format(url, os.path.join (saveDir, saveas)))
    return saveas

In [17]:
def get_all_filings_ticker (ticker):
    """Downloads the last ten 10-Q and 10-Q/A filings, and the last three 10-K filings for the given ticker. """
    import pandas
    from sqlalchemy import create_engine

    #open the database of index file names to generate url
    engine = create_engine('sqlite:///edgar_idx.db')
    with engine.connect() as conn, conn.begin():
        #load the table with the index files info
        idx = pandas.read_sql_table('idx', conn)
        #load the look-up table for ticker symbol to CIK translation
        cik_ticker_name = pandas.read_sql_table ('cik_ticker_name', conn)
        #handle the case where there are multiple stocks with the same ticker; just select the first?!?
        cik =((cik_ticker_name.cik[cik_ticker_name.ticker == ticker]))
        #print (type(cik.iloc[0]))
        all_links = idx[idx.cik == cik.iloc[0]]
        all_filings = all_links[all_links.type == '10-Q']
        #verify that this gets the amended 10-Q's
        all_filings.append (all_links[all_links.type == '10-Q\A'])
        all_filings = all_links[all_links.type == '10-K']
        #print (all_10Qs, all_10Ks)
        for q in range (0, all_filings.cik.size):
            #print (all_10Qs.iloc[q])
            cik_no = all_filings.cik.iloc[q]
            co_name = all_filings.conm.iloc[q].replace (' ', '-')
            filing_type = all_filings.type.iloc[q]
            filing_date =[q]
            filing_url = all_filings.path.iloc[q]
            #only download the filings from the last three years
            download_sec_filing(cik_no, co_name, filing_type, filing_date, filing_url)

    #check whether we already have this file, if not, download it
    #update some database record to reflect that a new file was downloaded
    #idx["local_file"][...] = saveas
#extract sales data and eps data from this file
#update screener_results with this data

In [7]:
def get_cik_ticker_lookup_db ():
    """This creates the look-up table to translate ticker symbol to CIK identifier. 
    WARNING! This destroys the existing table!"""
    import sqlite3
    from sqlalchemy import create_engine
    import pandas as pd

    #read in the cik-ticker-company name lookup table
    df = pd.read_csv ("cik_ticker.csv", sep='|')
    #print (df.columns)
    #select only the columns we need
    lookup_table_df = df.loc[:, ['CIK', 'Ticker', 'Name']]
    #print (lookup_table_df.CIK.size)

    #write this as a second table in edgar_idx
    con = sqlite3.connect('edgar_idx.db')
    cur = con.cursor()
    cur.execute('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS cik_ticker_name')
    cur.execute('CREATE TABLE cik_ticker_name (cik TEXT, ticker TEXT, name TEXT)')

    #loop over dataframe, and collect the data to insert
    counter = 0
    records = []
    for i in range (0, lookup_table_df.CIK.size):
        records.append (("{}".format (lookup_table_df.CIK.iloc[i]), 
                   "{}".format (lookup_table_df.Ticker.iloc[i]), 
                   "{}".format (lookup_table_df.Name.iloc[i]))
        counter += 1
    #print (records)
    #insert data into the table
    cur.executemany ('INSERT INTO cik_ticker_name VALUES (?, ?, ?)', records)

    con.commit ()
    con.close ()

In [8]:
def get_Ibd_rank_and_group (ticker):
    import numpy as np
    #return the result as a dict containing values for keys 'group', 'rank', 'leader'
    #if urls can not be accessed, returns an empty dict
    #if not all values are found, returns NaN for the missing values
    result = {}
    #first, search for the ticker symbol
    url_name1 = "{}".format (ticker.lower ())
    print ("url1: {}".format (url_name1))
    response1 = requests.get(url_name1)
    if (check_response_ok (response1)):
        #then, find the link to the stock's page by following down the chain of links
        #not sure if there is a more direct path to the stock's page
        soup1 =  BSoup (response1.content, "lxml")
        #if not a direct hit, there is a second step (hop) necessary
        url_name2 = soup1.find ("a", {"id": "ctl00_ctl00_secondaryContent_leftContent_SearchResultsMgrCtrl_didYouMeanCompanyRepeater_ctl00_didYouMeanLink"})
        print ("url2: {}".format (url_name2))
        if url_name2:
            response2 = requests.get (url_name2.get('href'))
            if (check_response_ok (response2)):
                soup2 = BSoup (response2.content, "lxml")
            #<span id="ctl00_ctl00_secondaryContent_leftContent_CustomContentCtrl_StockTwitMiniChart1_lblCompany" onclick="'')">Thor Industries Inc</span>
                url_name3 = soup2.find ("span", {"id": "ctl00_ctl00_secondaryContent_leftContent_CustomContentCtrl_StockTwitMiniChart1_lblCompany"})
                print ("url3a: {}".format (url_name3))
                #---> what to do? return None, return NaN, set something to NaN?
                return result
            url_name3 = soup1.find ("span", {"id": "ctl00_ctl00_secondaryContent_leftContent_CustomContentCtrl_StockTwitMiniChart1_lblCompany"}) 
            print ("url3b: {}".format (url_name3))
        if not url_name3:
            return result
        tokens = url_name3.get ('onclick').split ("'")
        #---> check that tokens contains valid data
        if not tokens:
            return result
        for t in tokens:
            if "http://" in t:
                stock_link = t
        response3 = requests.get (stock_link)
        if (check_response_ok (response3)):
            soup3 = BSoup (response3.content, "lxml")
            #finally got the page. Now find the ticker's group, ranking, and no.1 in that group
            market_group = soup3.find ("div", {"class": "spansubHead"})
            if (market_group):
                result["group"] = market_group.text
                result["group"] = None

            #this span occurs only once, always contains the rank of the current ticker
            ticker_rank = soup3.find ("span", {"id":"ctl00_ctl00_secondaryContent_leftContent_GrpLeaders_ltlSymbolRank"})
            if (ticker_rank):
                result["rank"] = ticker_rank.text
                result["rank"] = np.nan

            #if ticker is not no. 1, the leader can be found in another anchor-tag inside the StockRolldiv
            #this will return None if current ticker is no. 1
            group_no1 = soup3.find ("a", {"class": "stockRoll"})
            if (group_no1):
                result["leader"] = group_no1.text
                result["leader"] = None
            return None
    #did not find a valid website on IBD for this ticker symbol
    return result

In [9]:
def add_Ibd_data (df):
    df["IBD_group"] = ""
    df["IBD_rank"] = 0
    for ticker in df.Symbol:
        ibd_data = get_Ibd_rank_and_group (ticker)
        #print (ibd_data)
        if "group" in ibd_data:
            df["IBD_group"][df.Symbol == ticker] = ibd_data["group"]
        if "rank" in ibd_data:
            df["IBD_rank"][df.Symbol == ticker] = ibd_data["rank"]
    return df

In [10]:
def get_annual_sales_data (ticker):
    response = requests.get("{}&period=annual".format (ticker))
    print (response.url)
    #now the html code is in the requests object
    #BeautifulSoup can parse html code and convert into something usable
    if check_response_ok (response):
        soup =  BSoup (response.content, "lxml")
        #<th class="top-bottom-border col-96PX lft-border" scope="col"><span class="bold">2017</span> (06/30 - 03/31) </th>
        dt=soup.find ("table", {"class": "datatable-component"})
        #the summary attribute contains a short description of the table, check that this is the Net Income table
        #print ("net income" in dt.get("summary").lower ())
        #find all rows in this table; the first row contains the header with the dates
        allrows = dt.findChildren (name = "tr")
        #get the dates on the table:
        cols = []
        for f in firstrow.find_all ("th"):
        alldatarows = (allrows[1:])
        idxs= ["0",]
        for row in allrows[1:]:
            f = row.find ("th")
            if f:
                idxs.append (f.text)
        new_table = pd.DataFrame(columns=cols, index = idxs) # I know the size 

        row_marker = 0
        for row in dt.find_all('tr'):
            column_marker = 0
            columns = row.find_all('td')
            for column in columns:
                if not "Log in" in column.get_text():
                    new_table.iat[row_marker,column_marker] = column.get_text()
                    new_table.iat[row_marker, column_marker] = 0.0
                column_marker += 1
            row_marker += 1

    return (new_table)

In [11]:
def get_quarterly_sales_data (ticker):
    response = requests.get("{}&period=quarterly".format (ticker))
    print (response.url)
    #now the html code is in the requests object:
    #BeautifulSoup can parse html code and convert into something usable
    if check_response_ok (response):
        soup =  BSoup (response.content, "lxml")
        #<th class="top-bottom-border col-96PX lft-border" scope="col"><span class="bold">2017</span> (06/30 - 03/31) </th>
        dt=soup.find ("table", {"class": "datatable-component"})
        #the summary attribute contains a short description of the table, check that this is the Net Income table
        #print ("net income" in dt.get("summary").lower ())
        #find all rows in this table; the first row contains the header with the dates
        allrows = dt.findChildren (name = "tr")
        #get the dates on the table:
        cols = []
        for f in firstrow.find_all ("th"):
            cols.append("{}/{}".format(f.text[6:11], f.text[:4]))
        alldatarows = (allrows[1:])
        idxs= ["0",]
        for row in allrows[1:]:
            f = row.find ("th")
            if f:
                idxs.append (f.text)
        new_table = pd.DataFrame(columns=cols, index = idxs) # I know the size 

        row_marker = 0
        for row in dt.find_all('tr'):
            column_marker = 0
            columns = row.find_all('td')
            for column in columns:
                if not "Log in" in column.get_text():
                    new_table.loc[row_marker,column_marker] = column.get_text()
                    new_table.loc[row_marker, column_marker] = 0.0
                column_marker += 1
            row_marker += 1

    return (new_table)

In [12]:
def add_initial_sales_data (df):
    df["current_year"] = 0.0
    df["last_year"] = 0.0
    df["last_last_year"] = 0.0
    df["current_Q"] = 0.0
    df["last_Q"] = 0.0
    df["last_last_Q"] =0.0
    df["current_Y_date"] = ""
    df["current_Q_date"] = ""
    for symbol in df.Symbol:
        annual = get_annual_sales_data (symbol)
        quarterly = get_quarterly_sales_data (symbol)
        df.loc["current_year", symbol] = annual.loc["Sales/Turnover (Net)"].iloc[0]
        print (annual.loc["Sales/Turnover (Net)"], df.loc["current_year", symbol])
        df.loc["last_year", symbol] = annual.loc["Sales/Turnover (Net)"].iloc[1]
        df.loc["last_last_year", symbol] = annual.loc["Sales/Turnover (Net)"].iloc[2]
        df.loc["current_Q", symbol] = quarterly.loc["Sales/Turnover (Net)"].iloc[0]
        df.loc["last_Q", symbol] = quarterly.loc["Sales/Turnover (Net)"].iloc[1]
        df.loc["last_last_Q", symbol] = quarterly.loc["Sales/Turnover (Net)"].iloc[2]
        df.loc["current_Y_date", symbol] = annual.columns[0]
        df.loc["current_Q_date", symbol] = quarterly.columns[0]
        #print (df[df.Symbol == symbol])
    return df

In [13]:
def sales_data_initial_analysis (df):
    #this won't work
    #if not "Sales" in df.columns:
    #    print ("Error: no sales data found in dataframe")
    #    exit (1)
    df["Sales_pct_current_Y"] = df["current_year"] / df["last_year"] * 100.0 - 100.0
    df["Sales_pct_last_Y"] = df["last_year"] / df["last_last_year"] * 100.0 - 100.0
    df["Sales_pct_current_Q"] = df["current_Q"] / df["last_Q"] * 100.0 - 100.0
    df["Sales_pct_last_Q"] = df["last_Q"] / df["last_last_Q"] * 100.0 - 100.0
    return df

In [18]:
if __name__ == "__main__":
    #df = pd.read_excel ("screener_results_IBD.xls")
    #print (df[df.Symbol == "NVDA"])
    #print (get_annual_sales_data ("NVDA"))
    #df = add_Ibd_data (df)
    df_ibd = pd.read_excel ("screener_results.xls")
    #df_ibd = add_Ibd_data (df)
    #df_ibd.to_excel ("screener_results_IBD.xls")
    df_sales0 = add_initial_sales_data (df_ibd)
    df_sales0.to_excel ("screener_results_IBD_sales1.xls")
    #df_sales0 = pd.read_excel ("screener_results_IBD_sales1.xls")
    df_sales1 = sales_data_initial_analysis (df_sales0)
    #update database of available SEC filings
    #get_list_sec_filings ()
    #get_cik_ticker_lookup_db ()

In [21]:
## Update the database
get_list_sec_filings ()
get_cik_ticker_lookup_db ()

2014 downloaded info and wrote to SQLite DB downloaded info and wrote to SQLite DB downloaded info and wrote to SQLite DB downloaded info and wrote to SQLite DB downloaded info and wrote to SQLite DB downloaded info and wrote to SQLite DB downloaded info and wrote to SQLite DB downloaded info and wrote to SQLite DB downloaded info and wrote to SQLite DB downloaded info and wrote to SQLite DB downloaded info and wrote to SQLite DB downloaded info and wrote to SQLite DB downloaded info and wrote to SQLite DB downloaded info and wrote to SQLite DB downloaded info and wrote to SQLite DB downloaded info and wrote to SQLite DB downloaded info and wrote to SQLite DB downloaded info and wrote to SQLite DB downloaded info and wrote to SQLite DB downloaded info and wrote to SQLite DB
Index(['CIK', 'Ticker', 'Name', 'Exchange', 'SIC', 'Business', 'Incorporated',
[('1090872', 'A', 'Agilent Technologies Inc'), ('4281', 'AA', 'Alcoa Inc'), ('1332552', 'AAACU', 'Asia Automotive Acquisition Corp'), ('1287145', 'AABB', 'Asia Broadband Inc'), ('1024015', 'AABC', 'Access Anytime Bancorp Inc'), ('1099290', 'AAC', 'Sinocoking Coal & Coke Chemical Industries Inc'), ('1264707', 'AACC', 'Asset Acceptance Capital Corp'), ('849116', 'AACE', 'Ace Cash Express Inc'), ('1409430', 'AAGC', 'All American Gold Corp'), ('948846', 'AAI', 'Airtran Holdings Inc'), ('1013243', 'AAIIQ', 'Aaipharma Inc'), ('1303849', 'AAIR', 'Avantair Inc'), ('6201', 'AAL', 'American Airlines Group Inc'), ('852015', 'AAMC', 'American Asset Management Corp'), ('1555074', 'AAMC', 'Altisource Asset Management Corp'), ('8177', 'AAME', 'Atlantic American Corp'), ('1281629', 'AAML', 'Adera Mines LTD'), ('1123648', 'AAMU', 'American Ammunition Inc'), ('706688', 'AAN', 'Aarons Inc'), ('356809', 'AANB', 'Abigail Adams National Bancorp Inc'), ('933955', 'AANI', 'Amedia Networks Inc'), ('1158114', 'AAOI', 'Applied Optoelectronics Inc'), ('824142', 'AAON', 'Aaon Inc'), ('1305748', 'AAOR', 'Healthcare Providers Direct Inc'), ('1158449', 'AAP', 'Advance Auto Parts Inc'), ('1040482', 'AAPH', 'American Petro-hunter Inc'), ('320193', 'AAPL', 'Apple Inc'), ('1362502', 'AAPT', 'All American Pet Company Inc'), ('1424864', 'AARI', 'Patriot Minefinders Inc'), ('1411058', 'AARS', 'Asia Atlantic Resources'), ('930245', 'AASP', 'All American Sportpark Inc'), ('703701', 'AASR', 'Ushealth Group Inc'), ('1500217', 'AAT', 'American Assets Trust Inc'), ('1104042', 'AATI', 'Advanced Analogic Technologies Inc'), ('1419260', 'AAUI', 'Andina Group Inc'), ('1077319', 'AAVG', 'Avstar Aviation Group Inc'), ('1358940', 'AAXT', 'Aamaxan Transport Group Inc'), ('801558', 'AB', 'Cannon Express Inc'), ('825313', 'AB', 'Alliancebernstein Holding LP'), ('745651', 'ABAT', 'Advanced Battery Technologies Inc'), ('881890', 'ABAX', 'Abaxis Inc'), ('1428802', 'ABBB', 'Auburn Bancorp Inc'), ('1292898', 'ABBC', 'Abington Community Bancorp Inc'), ('1397533', 'ABBC', 'Abington Bancorp Inc'), ('812146', 'ABBK', 'Abington Bancorp Inc'), ('1551152', 'ABBV', 'Abbvie Inc'), ('1140859', 'ABC', 'Amerisourcebergen Corp'), ('351569', 'ABCB', 'Ameris Bancorp'), ('1009624', 'ABCC', 'Wherevertv Broadcasting Corp'), ('1466815', 'ABCD', 'Cambium Learning Group Inc'), ('1157377', 'ABCO', 'Advisory Board Co'), ('20639', 'ABCP', 'Ambase Corp'), ('1490700', 'ABCR', 'Varca Ventures Inc'), ('1528234', 'ABCR', 'Abc Records Management & Data Storage Inc'), ('885322', 'ABCW', 'Anchor Bancorp Wisconsin Inc'), ('812805', 'ABDV', 'Atlantis Technology Group'), ('841071', 'ABER', 'Dominion Diamond Corp'), ('1297533', 'ABEW', 'Airbee Wireless Inc'), ('3000', 'ABF', 'Airborne Inc'), ('772349', 'ABFI', 'American Business Financial Services Inc'), ('894405', 'ABFS', 'Arkansas Best Corp'), ('1144980', 'ABG', 'Asbury Automotive Group Inc'), ('1036140', 'ABGTF', 'Assistglobal Technologies Corp'), ('1052837', 'ABGX', 'Abgenix Inc'), ('1393066', 'ABH', 'Resolute Forest Products Inc'), ('1405858', 'ABHD', 'Abtech Holdings Inc'), ('1052489', 'ABHH', 'American Bank Note Holographics Inc'), ('77551', 'ABI', 'Applied Biosystems Inc'), ('1409012', 'ABII', 'Abraxis Bioscience Inc'), ('845779', 'ABIX', 'Abatix Corp'), ('874501', 'ABK', 'Ambac Financial Group Inc'), ('1332044', 'ABKB', 'American Basketball Association Inc'), ('1400000', 'ABKI', 'Abakan Inc'), ('4611', 'ABL', 'American Biltrite Inc'), ('1065728', 'ABLE', 'Able Energy Inc'), ('771497', 'ABM', 'Abm Industries Inc'), ('896747', 'ABMC', 'American Bio Medica Corp'), ('815094', 'ABMD', 'Abiomed Inc'), ('1385799', 'ABMT', 'Advanced Biomedical Technologies Inc'), ('721238', 'ABNC', 'American Bancorp Inc'), ('1330039', 'ABNJ', 'American Bancorp Of New Jersey Inc'), ('1140472', 'ABNS', 'Alliance Bancshares California'), ('1138862', 'ABOS', 'Arbios Systems Inc'), ('1342916', 'ABOZ', 'American Bonanza Resources Corp'), ('1096182', 'ABPH', 'Advanced Biophotonics Inc'), ('1310094', 'ABPI', 'Accentia Biopharmaceuticals Inc'), ('816958', 'ABPR', 'Caspian International Oil Corp'), ('1253986', 'ABR', 'Arbor Realty Trust Inc'), ('1923', 'ABRI', 'Servidyne Inc'), ('803097', 'ABRK', 'Sportsquest Inc'), ('1112706', 'ABRM', 'Canyon Copper Corp'), ('857171', 'ABRX', 'Able Laboratories Inc'), ('3333', 'ABS', 'Albertsons Inc'), ('1355833', 'ABS', 'New Albertsons Inc'), ('1204947', 'ABSC', 'Giant Motorsports Inc'), ('1800', 'ABT', 'Abbott Laboratories'), ('1023364', 'ABTL', 'Autobytel Inc'), ('1435161', 'ABTO', 'Ab&t Financial Corp'), ('1181001', 'ABVA', 'Alliance Bankshares Corp'), ('1043533', 'ABVT', 'Abovenet Inc'), ('1035632', 'ABWG', 'Watley A B Group Inc'), ('1002360', 'ABWS', 'Absolute Potential Inc'), ('1304623', 'ACA', 'Aca Capital Holdings Inc'), ('1070494', 'ACAD', 'Acadia Pharmaceuticals Inc'), ('904020', 'ACAI', 'Flyi Inc'), ('1118148', 'ACAP', 'American Physicians Capital Inc'), ('1429896', 'ACAR', 'Activecare Inc'), ('817473', 'ACAS', 'American Capital LTD'), ('719866', 'ACAT', 'Arctic Cat Inc'), ('1106980', 'ACBA', 'American Community Bancshares Inc'), ('1303476', 'ACBP', 'American Community Bancorp Inc'), ('1283630', 'ACC', 'American Campus Communities Inc'), ('1001463', 'ACCA', 'Acacia Diversified Holdings Inc'), ('1002388', 'ACCL', 'Accelrys Inc'), ('1388132', 'ACCM', 'Hangover Joes Holding Corp'), ('318306', 'ACCP', 'Access Pharmaceuticals Inc'), ('1041588', 'ACCR', 'Access Power Inc'), ('1337566', 'ACCY', 'Alternative Construction Company Inc'), ('847917', 'ACD', 'Asconi Corp'), ('1071941', 'ACDI', 'Arcadia Resources Inc'), ('1068887', 'ACDO', 'Accredo Health Inc'), ('1390449', 'ACDQ', 'Arcade Acquisition Corp'), ('896159', 'ACE', 'Ace LTD'), ('1017526', 'ACEC', 'Ace Comm Corp'), ('708717', 'ACEL', 'Tamir Biotechnology Inc'), ('2034', 'ACET', 'Aceto Corp'), ('804269', 'ACF', 'General Motors Financial Company Inc'), ('1284077', 'ACFC', 'Atlantic Coast Federal Corp'), ('1404296', 'ACFC', 'Atlantic Coast Financial Corp'), ('880984', 'ACFN', 'Acorn Energy Inc'), ('816754', 'ACG', 'Alliancebernstein Income Fund Inc'), ('949394', 'ACGI', 'Amacore Group Inc'), ('947484', 'ACGL', 'Arch Capital Group LTD'), ('1520697', 'ACHC', 'Acadia Healthcare Company Inc'), ('1132487', 'ACHI', 'Americhip International Inc'), ('1070336', 'ACHN', 'Achillion Pharmaceuticals Inc'), ('1037676', 'ACI', 'Arch Coal Inc'), ('1138462', 'ACIE', 'Acies Corp'), ('1020998', 'ACIT', 'Aci Telecentrics Inc'), ('935036', 'ACIW', 'Aci Worldwide Inc'), ('1109304', 'ACKHQ', 'Armstrong Holdings Inc'), ('1067588', 'ACLA', 'Aclara Biosciences Inc'), ('1324479', 'ACLI', 'American Commercial Lines Inc'), ('934445', 'ACLO', 'Usmart Mobile Device Inc'), ('1113232', 'ACLS', 'Axcelis Technologies Inc'), ('868857', 'ACM', 'Aecom Technology Corp'), ('934543', 'ACMC', 'American Church Mortgage Co'), ('1092013', 'ACME', 'Acme Communications Inc'), ('1483096', 'ACMP', 'Access Midstream Partners LP'), ('1042809', 'ACMR', 'Ac Moore Arts & Crafts Inc'), ('2062', 'ACMTA', 'Acmat Corp'), ('1134538', 'ACN', 'Accenture LTD'), ('1467373', 'ACN', 'Accenture PLC'), ('715579', 'ACNB', 'Acnb Corp'), ('1123448', 'ACNI', 'American Idc Corp'), ('813621', 'ACO', 'Amcol International Corp'), ('1469433', 'ACOM', 'Ancestrycom Inc'), ('1008848', 'ACOR', 'Acorda Therapeutics Inc'), ('1503290', 'ACP', 'Avenue Income Credit Strategies Fund'), ('1040599', 'ACPQL', 'Neenah Foundry Co'), ('1044435', 'ACPW', 'Active Power Inc'), ('787784', 'ACR', 'American Retirement Corp'), ('1529377', 'ACRE', 'Ares Commercial Real Estate Corp'), ('711307', 'ACRG', 'Acr Group Inc'), ('1228386', 'ACRI', 'Acro Inc'), ('883296', 'ACRO', 'Acrodyne Communications Inc'), ('1497251', 'ACRO', 'Acroboo Inc'), ('1087243', 'ACRU', 'Accrue Software Inc'), ('1427925', 'ACRX', 'Acelrx Pharmaceuticals Inc'), ('2135', 'ACS', 'Affiliated Computer Services Inc'), ('1581934', 'ACSF', 'American Capital Senior Floating LTD'), ('1137587', 'ACSH', 'Renew Energy Resources Inc'), ('884629', 'ACT', 'Actavis Inc'), ('1578845', 'ACT', 'Actavis PLC'), ('1140098', 'ACTC', 'Advanced Cell Technology Inc'), ('1437517', 'ACTC', 'Advanced Credit Technologies Inc'), ('934549', 'ACTG', 'Acacia Research Corp'), ('1183941', 'ACTI', 'Actividentity Corp'), ('907687', 'ACTL', 'Actel Corp'), ('1296286', 'ACTN', 'Longhai Steel Inc'), ('1342068', 'ACTS', 'Actions Semiconductor Co LTD'), ('918709', 'ACTT', 'Act Teleconferencing Inc'), ('1062478', 'ACTU', 'Actuate Corp'), ('1163932', 'ACTV', 'Active Network Inc'), ('2098', 'ACU', 'Acme United Corp'), ('764794', 'ACUP', 'Rudy Nutrition'), ('786947', 'ACUR', 'Acura Pharmaceuticals Inc'), ('1115143', 'ACUS', 'Acusphere Inc'), ('3327', 'ACV', 'Alberto Culver Co'), ('1368457', 'ACV', 'Alberto-culver Co'), ('727347', 'ACVE', 'Active Link Communications Inc'), ('817979', 'ACW', 'Accuride Corp'), ('733269', 'ACXM', 'Acxiom Corp'), ('1036848', 'ACY', 'Aerocentury Corp'), ('801622', 'AD', 'Valassis Direct Mail Inc'), ('1422222', 'ADAC', 'Adama Technologies Corp'), ('863650', 'ADAM', 'Adam Inc'), ('16357', 'ADAPQ', 'Ab Liquidating Corp'), ('885074', 'ADAT', 'Authentidate Holding Corp'), ('712034', 'ADB', 'Acco Brands Corp'), ('796343', 'ADBE', 'Adobe Systems Inc'), ('1077926', 'ADBL', 'Audible Inc'), ('1081751', 'ADBN', 'Americana Publishing Inc'), ('917251', 'ADC', 'Agree Realty Corp'), ('943184', 'ADCC', 'Ever-glory International Group Inc'), ('61478', 'ADCT', 'Adc Telecommunications Inc'), ('932127', 'ADDI', 'Addison Davis Diagnostics'), ('1446885', 'ADEC', 'Terrasol Holdings LTD'), ('865415', 'ADEP', 'Adept Technology Inc'), ('1223112', 'ADES', 'Ada-es Inc'), ('1515156', 'ADES', 'Advanced Emissions Solutions Inc'), ('884498', 'ADEX', 'Ade Corp'), ('910524', 'ADF', 'Acm Managed Dollar Income Fund Inc'), ('3952', 'ADG', 'Allied Defense Group Inc'), ('1471278', 'ADG', 'Aberdeen Global Diversified Fixed Income Fund Inc'), ('1109744', 'ADGD', 'Andresmin Gold Corp'), ('1378706', 'ADGE', 'American DG Energy Inc'), ('1059763', 'ADGF', 'Adams Golf Inc'), ('1389217', 'ADGL', 'Alldigital Holdings Inc'), ('1211583', 'ADHXF', 'Adherex Technologies Inc'), ('6281', 'ADI', 'Analog Devices Inc'), ('891554', 'ADI', 'Document Technologies Inc'), ('770403', 'ADIC', 'Advanced Digital Information Corp'), ('1096935', 'ADIF', 'American Development & Investment Fund Inc'), ('1004724', 'ADK', 'Adcare Health Systems Inc'), ('796486', 'ADLAC', 'Adelphia Communications Corp'), ('1085129', 'ADLE', 'Zealous Inc'), ('874388', 'ADLI', 'American Medical Technologies Inc'), ('1076167', 'ADLR', 'Adolor Corp'), ('1322734', 'ADLS', 'Advanced Life Sciences Holdings Inc'), ('1002125', 'ADLTQ', 'Advanced Lighting Technologies Inc'), ('894537', 'ADLU', 'Brightec Inc'), ('7084', 'ADM', 'Archer Daniels Midland Co'), ('1486315', 'ADMC', 'Americas Diamond Corp'), ('1449349', 'ADMD', 'Advanced Medical Isotope Corp'), ('806514', 'ADMG', 'Advanced Materials Group Inc'), ('1201663', 'ADNC', 'Audience Inc'), ('1129018', 'ADNT', 'Gold Hills Mining LTD'), ('1029762', 'ADNW', 'Auto Data Network'), ('700815', 'ADNY', 'Adino Energy Corp'), ('8670', 'ADP', 'Automatic Data Processing Inc'), ('1028087', 'ADPI', 'American Dental Partners Inc'), ('709804', 'ADPT', 'Steel Excel Inc'), ('1445815', 'ADRV', 'US Rare Earth Minerals Inc'), ('1123337', 'ADRX', 'Andrx Corp'), ('1101215', 'ADS', 'Alliance Data Systems Corp'), ('1052773', 'ADSC', 'Atlantic Data Services Inc'), ('769397', 'ADSK', 'Autodesk Inc'), ('901899', 'ADSM', 'Ads Media Group Inc'), ('1103544', 'ADSO', 'Adsero Corp'), ('1403243', 'ADSO', 'Ads In Motion Inc'), ('1091599', 'ADST', 'Adstar Inc'), ('1452206', 'ADSY', 'Nanoasia LTD'), ('1546640', 'ADT', 'Adt Corp'), ('770034', 'ADTI', 'Advance Display Technologies Inc'), ('1428397', 'ADTM', 'Adaptive Medias Inc'), ('926282', 'ADTN', 'Adtran Inc'), ('1115463', 'ADTR', 'Alliance Distributors Holding Inc'), ('1468328', 'ADUS', 'Addus Homecare Corp'), ('791833', 'ADVB', 'Advanced Biotherapy Inc'), ('1100820', 'ADVC', 'Advanced Communications Technologies Inc'), ('96638', 'ADVNB', 'Advanta Corp'), ('1012956', 'ADVP', 'Advancepcs'), ('786623', 'ADVR', 'Advanced Viral Research Corp'), ('1002225', 'ADVS', 'Advent Software Inc'), ('2230', 'ADX', 'Adams Express Co'), ('1402531', 'ADXM', 'Support Span Inc'), ('1100397', 'ADXS', 'Advaxis Inc'), ('789868', 'ADY', 'Feihe International Inc'), ('1123580', 'ADYE', 'Aradyme Corp'), ('1346848', 'ADYN', 'Eagle Ridge Ventures Inc'), ('902482', 'ADZA', 'Adeza Biomedical Corp'), ('1102013', 'ADZR', 'Adzone Research Inc'), ('2178', 'AE', 'Adams Resources & Energy Inc'), ('1299704', 'AEA', 'Advance America Cash Advance Centers Inc'), ('738214', 'AEBF', 'Aemetis Inc'), ('911635', 'AEC', 'Associated Estates Realty Corp'), ('705003', 'AEDU', 'American Education Corp'), ('1002910', 'AEE', 'Ameren Corp'), ('854608', 'AEEI', 'American Environmental Energy Inc'), ('1424549', 'AEGA', 'Aegea Inc'), ('843212', 'AEGG', 'American Energy Group LTD'), ('1039160', 'AEGN', 'Aerogen Inc'), ('1338042', 'AEGR', 'Aegerion Pharmaceuticals Inc'), ('1446896', 'AEGY', 'Alternative Energy Partners Inc'), ('1421874', 'AEHI', 'Alternate Energy Holdings Inc'), ('1040470', 'AEHR', 'Aehr Test Systems'), ('1041651', 'AEHZF', 'Asia Electronics Holding Co Inc'), ('927003', 'AEIS', 'Advanced Energy Industries Inc'), ('1039828', 'AEL', 'American Equity Investment Life Holding Co'), ('882291', 'AEMD', 'Aethlon Medical Inc'), ('722077', 'AEN', 'Amc Entertainment Inc'), ('1041829', 'AEN', 'Austral Pacific Energy LTD'), ('1398235', 'AENA', 'Id Perfumes Inc'), ('1136725', 'AEND', 'American Enterprise Development Corp'), ('1043225', 'AENG', 'Advanced Engine Technologies Inc'), ('1111391', 'AENP', 'American Energy Production Inc'), ('1175867', 'AENS', 'Alternative Energy Sources Inc'), ('1137239', 'AENY', 'Americas Energy Co - Aeco'), ('919012', 'AEO', 'American Eagle Outfitters Inc'), ('1343257', 'AEOH', 'Novori Inc'), ('4904', 'AEP', 'American Electric Power Co Inc'), ('785787', 'AEPI', 'Aep Industries Inc'), ('1378789', 'AER', 'Aercap Holdings NV'), ('879911', 'AERG', 'Applied Energetics Inc'), ('1337553', 'AERI', 'Aerie Pharmaceuticals Inc'), ('1316644', 'AERO', 'Aerogrow International Inc'), ('1277270', 'AERR', 'Telanetixinc'), ('849706', 'AERT', 'Advanced Environmental Recycling Technologies Inc'), ('874761', 'AES', 'Aes Corp'), ('1043432', 'AESK', 'American Skiing Co'), ('1026744', 'AESP', 'Aesp Inc'), ('1122304', 'AET', 'Aetna Inc'), ('874389', 'AETC', 'Applied Extrusion Technologies Inc'), ('1043186', 'AETI', 'American Electric Technologies Inc'), ('351129', 'AEXB', 'Amerex Group Inc'), ('1388486', 'AEXP', 'Spotlight Innovation Inc'), ('874292', 'AEY', 'Addvantage Technologies Group Inc'), ('910322', 'AF', 'Astoria Financial Corp'), ('799231', 'AFAM', 'Almost Family Inc'), ('1501489', 'AFAN', 'Af Ocean Investment Management Co'), ('1162027', 'AFB', 'Alliancebernstein National Municipal Income Fund'), ('1158865', 'AFBA', 'Allied First Bancorp Inc'), ('1023398', 'AFBC', 'Advance Financial Bancorp'), ('1472093', 'AFCB', 'Athens Bancshares Corp'), ('898805', 'AFCI', 'Advanced Fibre Communications Inc'), ('1040660', 'AFCO', 'Applied Films Corp'), ('1296595', 'AFDG', 'Cross Canyon Energy Corp'), ('820608', 'AFEM', 'Quantrx Biomedical Corp'), ('1007508', 'AFFI', 'Affinity Technology Group Inc'), ('1282453', 'AFFM', 'Friendco Restaurants Inc'), ('1282543', 'AFFM', 'Affirmative Insurance Holdings Inc'), ('1143997', 'AFFS', 'American Fiedlity Financial Services Inc'), ('1433821', 'AFFW', 'Affinity Mediaworks Corp'), ('913077', 'AFFX', 'Affymetrix Inc'), ('1158223', 'AFFY', 'Affymax Inc'), ('1042046', 'AFG', 'American Financial Group Inc'), ('1012316', 'AFGI', 'Firepond Inc'), ('1539894', 'AFH', 'Atlas Financial Holdings Inc'), ('4977', 'AFL', 'Aflac Inc'), ('1336654', 'AFMI', 'Affinity Media International Corp'), ('1122342', 'AFOP', 'Alliance Fiber Optic Products Inc'), ('65358', 'AFP', 'United Capital Corp'), ('319126', 'AFPC', 'Afp Imaging Corp'), ('1193558', 'AFR', 'American Financial Realty Trust'), ('1365555', 'AFSI', 'Amtrust Financial Services Inc'), ('1355677', 'AFSN', 'Mexus Gold US'), ('1502573', 'AFT', 'Apollo Senior Floating Rate Fund Inc'), ('1167868', 'AFVS', 'Afv Solutions Inc'), ('1421419', 'AGAM', 'Aga Medical Holdings Inc'), ('1016900', 'AGAS', 'Applied Natural Gas Fuels Inc'), ('842289', 'AGBG', 'Ab Holding Group Inc'), ('1391461', 'AGC', 'Advent Claymore Convertible Securities & Income Fund II'), ('1052163', 'AGCC', 'Anchor Glass Container Corp'), ('880266', 'AGCO', 'Agco Corp'), ('1006030', 'AGD', 'Applied Graphics Technologies Inc'), ('1362481', 'AGD', 'Alpine Global Dynamic Dividend Fund'), ('1330323', 'AGDI', 'Shamika 2 Gold Inc'), ('718482', 'AGE', 'Edwards A G Inc'), ('1084122', 'AGEL', 'Angelciti Entertainment Inc'), ('1098972', 'AGEN', 'Agenus Inc'), ('1085596', 'AGGX', 'Angiogenex Inc'), ('811828', 'AGH', 'Atlantis Plastics Inc'), ('800082', 'AGII', 'Argonaut Group Inc'), ('1091748', 'AGII', 'Argo Group International Holdings LTD'), ('1088653', 'AGIL', 'Agile Software Corp'), ('1497316', 'AGIN', 'American Graphite Technologies Inc'), ('1439222', 'AGIO', 'Agios Pharmaceuticals Inc'), ('778426', 'AGIS', 'Aegis Communications Group Inc'), ('1107601', 'AGIX', 'Atherogenics Inc'), ('6571', 'AGL', 'Angelica Corp'), ('845877', 'AGM', 'Federal Agricultural Mortgage Corp'), ('725752', 'AGMB', 'Along Mobile Technologies Inc'), ('1030699', 'AGMG', 'Mediaworx Inc'), ('1072816', 'AGMN', 'Prolink Holdings Corp'), ('820757', 'AGMX', 'Am-ch Inc'), ('850693', 'AGN', 'Allergan Inc'), ('1423689', 'AGNC', 'American Capital Agency Corp'), ('1104502', 'AGNM', 'Acrongenomics Inc'), ('1112880', 'AGNT', 'Argonaut Technologies Inc'), ('1273813', 'AGO', 'Assured Guaranty LTD'), ('1064863', 'AGP', 'Amerigroup Corp'), ('1129446', 'AGR', 'Agere Systems Inc'), ('726293', 'AGRC', 'Agricon Global Corp'), ('1101752', 'AGRD', 'Augrid Corp'), ('1352858', 'AGRT', 'Laburnum Ventures Inc'), ('1139029', 'AGRX', 'Algorx Pharmaceuticals Inc'), ('1183075', 'AGSI', 'Aegis Assessments Inc'), ('1310497', 'AGSM', 'Silver Stream Mining Corp'), ('1321366', 'AGSX', 'Greater China Media & Entertainment Corp Formerly Aga Resources Inc'), ('1091294', 'AGTA', 'Shiming US Inc'), ('1369608', 'AGWS', 'Advanced Growing Systems Inc'), ('1020676', 'AGWT', 'Atmospheric Glow Technologies Inc'), ('100591', 'AGX', 'Argan Inc'), ('1167887', 'AGXM', 'Argentex Mining Corp'), ('895385', 'AGY', 'Argosy Gaming Co'), ('78749', 'AGYS', 'Agilysys Inc'), ('845752', 'AH', 'Armor Holdings Inc'), ('1472595', 'AH', 'Accretive Health Inc'), ('1413898', 'AHC', 'A H Belo Corp'), ('890634', 'AHCI', 'Allied Healthcare International Inc'), ('945634', 'AHFP', 'Artisanal Brands Inc'), ('882289', 'AHG', 'Apria Healthcare Group Inc'), ('1344980', 'AHGP', 'Alliance Holdings GP LP'), ('1256536', 'AHH', 'American Home Mortgage Investment Corp'), ('1297178', 'AHH', 'Accredited Mortgage Loan REIT Trust'), ('1569187', 'AHH', 'Armada Hoffler Properties Inc'), ('909950', 'AHI', 'Allied Systems Holdings Inc'), ('1372813', 'AHII', 'Animal Health International Inc'), ('1267395', 'AHL', 'Aspen Insurance Holdings LTD'), ('1089504', 'AHMH', 'American Home Mortgage Holdings Inc'), ('1158702', 'AHMR', 'Apache Motor Corp'), ('720480', 'AHN', 'Atc Healthcare Inc'), ('911115', 'AHNC', 'Atchison Casting Corp'), ('1304409', 'AHNR', 'Athena Silver Corp'), ('879181', 'AHOM', 'American Homepatient Inc'), ('1574085', 'AHP', 'Ashford Hospitality Prime Inc'), ('874710', 'AHPI', 'Allied Healthcare Products Inc'), ('1050112', 'AHR', 'Anthracite Capital Inc'), ('1175596', 'AHR', 'Amarc Resources LTD'), ('1377053', 'AHRO', 'Atheronova Inc'), ('1142750', 'AHS', 'Amn Healthcare Services Inc'), ('1232582', 'AHT', 'Ashford Hospitality Trust Inc'), ('724533', 'AIA', 'American Insured Mortgage Investors'), ('1282552', 'AIC', 'Aames Investment Corp'), ('74783', 'AICIQ', 'Acceptance Insurance Companies Inc'), ('27425', 'AICO', 'Amcast Industrial Corp'), ('816066', 'AICX', 'Applied Imaging Corp'), ('1220286', 'AIDA', 'Aida Pharmaceuticals Inc'), ('1005356', 'AIDO', 'Advanced Id Corp'), ('1089799', 'AIDP', 'Accuimage Diagnostics Corp'), ('1526697', 'AIF', 'Apollo Tactical Income Fund Inc'), ('5272', 'AIG', 'American International Group Inc'), ('46653', 'AIH', 'Ablest Inc'), ('753281', 'AII', 'American Insured Mortgage Investors Series 85 LP'), ('784014', 'AIJ', 'American Insured Mortgage Investors LP Series 86'), ('811437', 'AIK', 'American Insured Mortgage Investors LP Series 88'), ('109471', 'AIM', 'Aerosonic Corp'), ('1374535', 'AIMC', 'Altra Industrial Motion Corp'), ('879106', 'AIMM', 'Autoimmune Inc'), ('819793', 'AIN', 'Albany International Corp'), ('798399', 'AINN', 'Applied Innovation Inc'), ('1278752', 'AINV', 'Apollo Investment Corp'), ('817135', 'AIQ', 'Alliance Healthcare Services Inc'), ('1750', 'AIR', 'Aar Corp'), ('1135185', 'AIR', 'Atlas Air Worldwide Holdings Inc'), ('816159', 'AIRM', 'Air Methods Corp'), ('1105542', 'AIRN', 'Airspan Networks Inc'), ('353184', 'AIRT', 'Air T Inc'), ('1116435', 'AIRV', 'Airvana Inc'), ('1500123', 'AIRW', 'Airware Labs Corp'), ('109563', 'AIT', 'Applied Industrial Technologies Inc'), ('1081372', 'AITX', 'Airtrax Inc'), ('922864', 'AIV', 'Apartment Investment & Management Co'), ('1471302', 'AIVI', 'Ecochild Inc'), ('5656', 'AIVN', 'American International Ventures Inc'), ('1267238', 'AIZ', 'Assurant Inc'), ('854858', 'AJAYP', 'Ajay Sports Inc'), ('354190', 'AJG', 'Gallagher Arthur J & Co'), ('1394108', 'AJGI', 'American Jianye Greentech Holdings LTD'), ('1144515', 'AJSB', 'Ajs Bancorp Inc'), ('1576336', 'AJSB', 'Ajs Bancorp Inc'), ('1086222', 'AKAM', 'Akamai Technologies Inc'), ('1321834', 'AKER', 'Akers Biosciences Inc'), ('1042420', 'AKES', 'Akesis Pharmaceuticals Inc'), ('804888', 'AKLM', 'Acclaim Entertainment Inc'), ('1162028', 'AKP', 'Alliance California Municipal Income Fund'), ('1081860', 'AKPB', 'Alaska Pacific Bancshares Inc'), ('899629', 'AKR', 'Acadia Realty Trust'), ('1104040', 'AKRK', 'Asia Cork Inc'), ('3116', 'AKRN', 'Akorn Inc'), ('918160', 'AKS', 'Ak Steel Holding Corp'), ('902600', 'AKSY', 'Aksys LTD'), ('1191359', 'AKVA', 'Arkanova Energy Corp'), ('1460685', 'AKYI', 'Accesskey Ip Inc'), ('1487712', 'AL', 'Air Lease Corp'), ('926966', 'ALAB', 'Alabama National Bancorporation'), ('98618', 'ALAN', 'Alanco Technologies Inc'), ('915913', 'ALB', 'Albemarle Corp'), ('1310817', 'ALBA', 'Aldabra Acquisition Corp'), ('1074369', 'ALBY', 'Community Capital Bancshares Inc'), ('929994', 'ALC', 'Assisted Living Concepts Inc'), ('708484', 'ALCD', 'Alcide Corp'), ('3642', 'ALCI', 'Allcity Insurance Co'), ('3545', 'ALCO', 'Alico Inc'), ('3906', 'ALD', 'Allied Capital Corp'), ('902272', 'ALDA', 'Aldila Inc'), ('1358652', 'ALDM', 'Opes Exploration Inc'), ('1556766', 'ALDW', 'Alon USA Partners LP'), ('66756', 'ALE', 'Allete Inc'), ('1545654', 'ALEX', 'Alexander & Baldwin Inc'), ('743532', 'ALFA', 'Alfa Corp'), ('1172095', 'ALFC', 'Atlantic Liberty Financial Corp'), ('1187449', 'ALFE', 'CNK Global Inc'), ('897077', 'ALG', 'Alamo Group Inc'), ('8855', 'ALGI', 'American Locker Group Inc'), ('1097149', 'ALGN', 'Align Technology Inc'), ('1362468', 'ALGT', 'Allegiant Travel Co'), ('1087216', 'ALHC', 'Alliance Healthcard Inc'), ('1070361', 'ALIF', 'Artificial Life Inc'), ('1267602', 'ALIM', 'Alimera Sciences Inc'), ('1325955', 'ALJ', 'Alon USA Energy Inc'), ('766421', 'ALK', 'Alaska Air Group Inc'), ('874663', 'ALKS', 'Alkermes Inc'), ('1520262', 'ALKS', 'Alkermes PLC'), ('899051', 'ALL', 'Allstate Corp'), ('1373079', 'ALLB', 'Alliance Bancorp Inc Of Pennsylvania'), ('1500711', 'ALLB', 'Alliance Bancorp Inc Of Pennsylvania'), ('1045260', 'ALLC', 'Alliance Towers Inc'), ('703970', 'ALLE', 'Allegiant Bancorp Inc'), ('1579241', 'ALLE', 'Allegion PLC'), ('847935', 'ALLI', 'Care Group Inc'), ('1020391', 'ALLN', 'Allin Corp'), ('736994', 'ALLP', 'Alliance Pharmaceutical Corp'), ('1365767', 'ALLT', 'Allot Communications LTD'), ('93730', 'ALM', 'Allmerica Securities Trust'), ('1360334', 'ALME', 'Alamo Energy Corp'), ('1100542', 'ALMG', 'Alamogordo Financial Corp'), ('1343957', 'ALMN', 'Allmarine Consultants Corp'), ('1140188', 'ALMO', 'Alamosa Holdings LLC'), ('3721', 'ALN', 'Allen Telecom Inc'), ('1117057', 'ALN', 'American Lorain Corp'), ('796317', 'ALNC', 'Alliance Financial Corp'), ('1178670', 'ALNY', 'Alnylam Pharmaceuticals Inc'), ('730469', 'ALO', 'Alpharma Inc'), ('1211524', 'ALOD', 'Allied Resources Inc'), ('6284', 'ALOG', 'Analogic Corp'), ('8146', 'ALOT', 'Astro Med Inc'), ('1080359', 'ALOY', 'Alloy Inc'), ('1092807', 'ALPE', 'Alpine Air Express Inc'), ('1002132', 'ALPH', 'Alphanet Solutions Inc'), ('1128227', 'ALPN', 'First Federal Of Northern Michigan Bancorp Inc'), ('3153', 'ALPPRN', 'Alabama Power Co'), ('1054274', 'ALQA', 'Alliqua Inc'), ('1145460', 'ALR', 'Alere Inc'), ('920521', 'ALRC', 'Alternative Resources Corp'), ('1044119', 'ALRG', 'Allergy Research Group Inc'), ('1087022', 'ALRT', 'Alr Technologies Inc'), ('1114936', 'ALRX', 'Umeworld LTD'), ('913293', 'ALSC', 'Alliance Semiconductor Corp'), ('1089511', 'ALSK', 'Alaska Communications Systems Group Inc'), ('1264388', 'ALSM', 'Alphasmart Inc'), ('1411207', 'ALSN', 'Allison Transmission Holdings Inc'), ('1421538', 'ALSO', 'Infinity Augmented Reality Inc'), ('1141719', 'ALTE', 'Max Re Capital LTD'), ('1097264', 'ALTH', 'Allos Therapeutics Inc'), ('1016546', 'ALTI', 'Altair Nanotechnologies Inc'), ('949244', 'ALTM', 'Alternate Marketing Networks Inc'), ('1430124', 'ALTO', 'Alto Group Holdings Inc'), ('768251', 'ALTR', 'Altera Corp'), ('1340744', 'ALTU', 'Altus Pharmaceuticals Inc'), ('104777', 'ALTV', 'Alteva Inc'), ('846538', 'ALU', 'Allou Health & Beauty Care Inc'), ('1034670', 'ALV', 'Autoliv Inc'), ('3499', 'ALX', 'Alexanders Inc'), ('1344413', 'ALXA', 'Alexza Pharmaceuticals Inc'), ('899866', 'ALXN', 'Alexion Pharmaceuticals Inc'), ('3982', 'ALY', 'Allis Chalmers Energy Inc'), ('1126003', 'ALYI', 'Alternet Systems Inc'), ('5133', 'AM', 'American Greetings Corp'), ('700721', 'AMAC', 'American Medical Alert Corp'), ('792977', 'AMAG', 'Amag Pharmaceuticals Inc'), ('1014763', 'AMAR', 'Amarillo Biosciences Inc'), ('1023198', 'AMAS', 'Stemgen Inc'), ('6951', 'AMAT', 'Applied Materials Inc'), ('1045609', 'AMB', 'Prologis Inc'), ('1280263', 'AMBA', 'Ambarella Inc'), ('1040491', 'AMBB', 'Americasbank Corp'), ('276750', 'AMBE', 'Amber Resources Co Of Colorado'), ('1131543', 'AMBI', 'Ambit Biosciences Corp'), ('1163747', 'AMBK', 'American Bank Inc'), ('1424812', 'AMBS', 'Amarantus Bioscience Holdings Inc'), ('1047919', 'AMBT', 'Ambient Corp'), ('878774', 'AMC', 'American Mortgage Acceptance Co'), ('1411579', 'AMC', 'Amc Entertainment Holdings Inc'), ('711065', 'AMCC', 'Applied Micro Circuits Corp'), ('774517', 'AMCE', 'American Learning Corp'), ('1469606', 'AMCF', 'Andatee China Marine Fuel Services Corp'), ('1435772', 'AMCG', 'Destiny Minerals Inc'), ('350193', 'AMCI', 'American Millennium Corp Inc'), ('1343009', 'AMCM', 'American Mining Corp'), ('1009667', 'AMCP', 'Amcomp Inc'), ('1514991', 'AMCX', 'Amc Networks Inc'), ('2488', 'AMD', 'Advanced Micro Devices Inc'), ('1130781', 'AMDR', 'Viratech Corp'), ('1037868', 'AME', 'Ametek Inc'), ('1318820', 'AMEC', '4C Controls Inc'), ('896262', 'AMED', 'Amedisys Inc'), ('1083446', 'AMEH', 'Apollo Medical Holdings Inc'), ('1037599', 'AMEN', 'Amen Properties Inc'), ('1111312', 'AMEV', 'Applied Molecular Evolution Inc'), ('838133', 'AMF', 'Acm Managed Income Fund Inc'), ('915393', 'AMFC', 'Amb Financial Corp'), ('788340', 'AMFE', 'Amfil Technologies Inc'), ('714756', 'AMFI', 'Amcore Financial Inc'), ('894972', 'AMFM', 'Amfm Inc'), ('1105949', 'AMFS', 'Ameri First Financial Group Inc'), ('1004434', 'AMG', 'Affiliated Managers Group Inc'), ('1344708', 'AMGI', 'American Mold Guard Inc'), ('61442', 'AMGIA', 'Ascent Media Group Inc'), ('318154', 'AMGN', 'Amgen Inc'), ('1109504', 'AMGO', 'Adira Energy LTD'), ('1534155', 'AMGTI', 'Ameri Metro Inc Formerly Yellowwood'), ('1051717', 'AMH', 'Athene USA Corp'), ('1562401', 'AMH', 'American Homes 4 Rent'), ('854862', 'AMHI', 'American Healthchoice Inc'), ('817161', 'AMI', 'Alaris Medical Systems Inc'), ('97196', 'AMIC', 'American Independence Corp'), ('1513965', 'AMID', 'American Midstream Partners LP'), ('946842', 'AMIE', 'Ambassadors International Inc'), ('1073146', 'AMIN', 'American International Industries Inc'), ('1161963', 'AMIS', 'Amis Holdings Inc'), ('766430', 'AMK', 'American Technical Ceramics Corp'), ('1047127', 'AMKR', 'Amkor Technology Inc'), ('1361566', 'AMKR', 'Amkor International Holdings LLC'), ('914724', 'AML', 'Amli Residential Properties Trust'), ('1124197', 'AMLH', 'American Leisure Holdings Inc'), ('1003640', 'AMLJ', 'Aml Communications Inc'), ('1356371', 'AMLM', 'American Lithium Minerals Inc'), ('881464', 'AMLN', 'Amylin Pharmaceuticals Inc'), ('841866', 'AMM', 'Ams Health Sciences Inc'), ('1114200', 'AMMD', 'American Medical Systems Holdings Inc'), ('826444', 'AMMY', 'American Metal & Technology Inc'), ('790730', 'AMN', 'Ameron International Corp'), ('741516', 'AMNB', 'American National Bankshares Inc'), ('771944', 'AMNB', 'American National Bancshares Inc'), ('8328', 'AMNL', 'Applied Minerals Inc'), ('1069389', 'AMNM', 'Amnis Systems Inc'), ('799414', 'AMNN', 'China Agricorp Inc'), ('1035744', 'AMNT', 'Amnet Mortgage Inc'), ('928609', 'AMO', 'Alliance All Market Advantage Fund Inc'), ('46129', 'AMOT', 'Allied Motion Technologies Inc'), ('820027', 'AMP', 'Ameriprise Financial Inc'), ('1016151', 'AMPD', 'Wi-tron Inc'), ('1425287', 'AMPD', 'Amp Holding Inc'), ('1138593', 'AMPE', 'American Petroleum Group Inc'), ('1411906', 'AMPE', 'Ampio Pharmaceuticals Inc'), ('724024', 'AMPH', 'American Physicians Service Group Inc'), ('1292521', 'AMPI', 'True North Energy Corp'), ('731859', 'AMPL', 'Ampal-american Israel Corp'), ('887433', 'AMPX', 'Ampex Corp'), ('1103086', 'AMRA', 'American Racing Capital Inc'), ('1108236', 'AMRB', 'American River Bankshares'), ('1488139', 'AMRC', 'Ameresco Inc'), ('1065087', 'AMRI', 'Albany Molecular Research Inc'), ('897448', 'AMRN', 'Amarin Corp PLC'), ('1120246', 'AMRN', 'Amarin Corp PLC'), ('1100747', 'AMRS', 'Tara Gold Resources Corp'), ('1365916', 'AMRS', 'Amyris Inc'), ('1430415', 'AMRZ', 'Encompass Energy Services Inc'), ('744825', 'AMS', 'American Shared Hospital Services'), ('880807', 'AMSC', 'American Superconductor Corp'), ('1052994', 'AMSE', 'Amstar Financial Services Inc'), ('879957', 'AMSF', 'Aames Financial Corp'), ('1018979', 'AMSF', 'Amerisafe Inc'), ('895930', 'AMSG', 'Amsurg Corp'), ('1099674', 'AMSI', 'Artemis International Solutions Corp'), ('1141880', 'AMSN', 'American Market Support Network Inc'), ('907033', 'AMST', 'American Stone Industries Inc'), ('1360479', 'AMST', 'Stem Cell Therapy International Inc'), ('1142801', 'AMSU', 'Amanasu Environment Corp'), ('1307701', 'AMSV', 'Cono Italiano Inc'), ('713425', 'AMSWA', 'American Software Inc'), ('310624', 'AMSY', 'American Management Systems Inc'), ('1053507', 'AMT', 'American Tower Corp'), ('741559', 'AMTA', 'Amistar Corp'), ('1064015', 'AMTC', 'Ameritrans Capital Corp'), ('1173431', 'AMTD', 'TD Ameritrade Holding Corp'), ('1515980', 'AMTG', 'Apollo Residential Mortgage Inc'), ('1250485', 'AMTN', 'Dematco Inc'), ('1017797', 'AMTU', 'Amt Group Inc'), ('945828', 'AMTY', 'Amerityre Corp'), ('897513', 'AMU', 'Acm Municipal Securities Income Fund Inc'), ('927102', 'AMV', 'Amerivest Properties Inc'), ('1393816', 'AMV', 'Alternative Asset Management Acquisition Corp'), ('1041580', 'AMW', 'American Water Star  Inc'), ('794619', 'AMWD', 'American Woodmark Corp'), ('1495191', 'AMWI', 'Amwest Imaging Inc'), ('1094363', 'AMWW', 'Aims Worldwide Inc'), ('944248', 'AMXC', 'Amx Corp'), ('1273507', 'AMXG', 'Wind Works Power Corp'), ('913957', 'AMY', 'Amreit'), ('878897', 'AMZ', 'American Medical Security Group Inc'), ('1088781', 'AMZB', 'Amazon Biotech Inc'), ('1282613', 'AMZG', 'American Eagle Energy Corp'), ('1018724', 'AMZN', 'Amazon Com Inc'), ('1518548', 'AMZZ', 'Amazonica Corp'), ('350698', 'AN', 'Autonation Inc'), ('1411158', 'ANAC', 'Anacor Pharmaceuticals Inc'), ('940332', 'ANAD', 'Anadigics Inc'), ('904163', 'ANAT', 'American National Insurance Co'), ('1448301', 'ANCB', 'Anchor Bancorp'), ('944163', 'ANCC', 'Airnet Communications Corp'), ('6260', 'ANCPA', 'Anacomp Inc'), ('4811', 'ANCS', 'American Consumers Inc'), ('1500122', 'ANCV', 'Gold Union Inc'), ('1176316', 'ANCX', 'Access National Corp'), ('6494', 'AND', 'Andrea Electronics Corp'), ('821026', 'ANDE', 'Andersons Inc'), ('1128495', 'ANDS', 'Anadys Pharmaceuticals Inc'), ('317093', 'ANDW', 'Andrew Corp'), ('1046002', 'ANE', 'Alliance Bancorp Of New England Inc'), ('6314', 'ANEN', 'Anaren  Inc'), ('1018840', 'ANF', 'Abercrombie & Fitch Co'), ('1490161', 'ANFC', 'Black Ridge Oil & Gas Inc'), ('1491778', 'ANGI', 'Angies List Inc'), ('815093', 'ANGN', 'MGC Diagnostics Corp'), ('1275187', 'ANGO', 'Angiodynamics Inc'), ('1047884', 'ANH', 'Anworth Mortgage Asset Corp'), ('913614', 'ANII', 'Advanced Nutraceuticals Inc'), ('898437', 'ANIK', 'Anika Therapeutics Inc'), ('1023024', 'ANIP', 'Ani Pharmaceuticals Inc'), ('804138', 'ANL', 'American Land Lease Inc'), ('753048', 'ANLT', 'Axion International Holdings Inc'), ('6292', 'ANLY', 'Analysts International Corp'), ('874214', 'ANN', 'Ann Inc'), ('1041429', 'ANNB', 'Annapolis Bancorp Inc'), ('1415917', 'ANNO', 'American Nano Silicon Technologies Inc'), ('1096481', 'ANPI', 'Angiotech Pharmaceuticals Inc'), ('1452872', 'ANPZ', 'American Restaurant Concepts Inc'), ('1051628', 'ANR', 'Annuity & Life Re Holdings LTD'), ('1310243', 'ANR', 'Alpha Natural Resources Inc'), ('1011696', 'ANS', 'Airnet Systems Inc'), ('1496690', 'ANSH', 'TBSS International Inc'), ('351721', 'ANSI', 'Advanced Neuromodulation Systems Inc'), ('1057379', 'ANSR', 'Hackett Group Inc'), ('1013462', 'ANSS', 'Ansys Inc'), ('849433', 'ANST', 'Ansoft Corp'), ('1283073', 'ANSW', 'Answers Corp'), ('1090709', 'ANT', 'Anteon Corp'), ('1163842', 'ANT', 'Anteon International Corp'), ('1316175', 'ANTH', 'Anthera Pharmaceuticals Inc'), ('6732', 'ANTL', 'Lipidviro Tech Inc'), ('724267', 'ANTP', 'Phazar Corp'), ('796655', 'ANTS', 'Ants Software Inc'), ('1097575', 'ANTX', 'Acunetx Inc'), ('1376610', 'ANV', 'Allied Nevada Gold Corp'), ('353681', 'ANVS', 'Anv Security Group Inc'), ('1160308', 'ANX', 'Mast Therapeutics Inc'), ('1090514', 'AOB', 'American Oriental Bioengineering Inc'), ('1120916', 'AOBGI', 'American Oil & Gas Inc'), ('315293', 'AOC', 'Aon PLC'), ('1379400', 'AOD', 'Alpine Total Dynamic Dividend Fund'), ('834933', 'AOF', 'Acm Government Opportunity Fund Inc'), ('1080634', 'AOGC', 'Australian Oil & Gas Corp'), ('918573', 'AOGS', 'Avalon Oil & Gas Inc'), ('944020', 'AOHO', 'Green Globe International Inc'), ('939930', 'AOI', 'Alliance One International Inc'), ('1081074', 'AOIL', 'Armada Oil Inc'), ('1544400', 'AOIX', 'American Oil & Gas Inc'), ('1468516', 'AOL', 'Aol Inc'), ('1100395', 'AOLA', 'America Online Latin America Inc'), ('1261734', 'AOLS', 'Aeolus Pharmaceuticals Inc'), ('1395005', 'AOME', 'Aom Minerals LTD'), ('1167178', 'AONE', 'A123 Systems Inc'), ('1048237', 'AOOR', 'Apollo Resources International Inc'), ('1033523', 'AOR', 'Aurora Foods Inc'), ('3753', 'AORGB', 'Allen Organ Co'), ('91142', 'AOS', 'Smith A O Corp'), ('1387467', 'AOSL', 'Alpha & Omega Semiconductor LTD'), ('824803', 'AOT', 'Apogent Technologies Inc'), ('17544', 'AOTL', 'Aerotelesis Inc'), ('6176', 'AP', 'Ampco Pittsburgh Corp'), ('6769', 'APA', 'Apache Corp'), ('1019883', 'APAB', 'Appalachian Bancshares Inc'), ('949297', 'APAC', 'Apac Customer Services Inc'), ('311471', 'APAG', 'Apco Oil & Gas International Inc'), ('1517302', 'APAM', 'Artisan Partners Asset Management Inc'), ('795618', 'APB', 'Asia Pacific Fund Inc'), ('773910', 'APC', 'Anadarko Petroleum Corp'), ('835910', 'APCC', 'American Power Conversion Corp'), ('1120102', 'APCS', 'Alamosa Holdings Inc'), ('1354003', 'APCU', 'Apc Group Inc'), ('2969', 'APD', 'Air Products & Chemicals Inc'), ('744452', 'APDN', 'Applied Dna Sciences Inc'), ('1295923', 'APDR', 'Siam Imports Inc'), ('1201792', 'APEI', 'American Public Education Inc'), ('1500861', 'APEX', 'Oz Saferooms Technologies Inc'), ('919808', 'APF', 'Morgan Stanley Asia-pacific Fund Inc'), ('35083', 'APFC', 'Feldt Manufacturing Co Inc'), ('350832', 'APFC', 'American Pacific Corp'), ('724915', 'APGE', 'Sen Yu International Holdings Inc'), ('932699', 'APGI', 'American Power Group Corp'), ('820313', 'APH', 'Amphenol Corp'), ('1490054', 'APHD', 'Appiphany Technologies Holdings Corp'), ('1096653', 'APHG', 'Ap Henderson Group'), ('840319', 'APHT', 'Aphton Corp'), ('1100592', 'APHY', 'Assured Pharmacy Inc'), ('869986', 'API', 'Advanced Photonix Inc'), ('747435', 'APII', 'Corewafer Industries Inc'), ('1130258', 'APKT', 'Acme Packet Inc'), ('1092914', 'APL', 'Atlas Pipeline Partners LP'), ('1040721', 'APLL', 'Apolo Gold & Energy Inc'), ('932112', 'APLX', 'Applix Inc'), ('217084', 'APN', 'Applica Inc'), ('1167419', 'APNB', 'Venaxis Inc'), ('4164', 'APNI', 'Alpine Group Inc'), ('830736', 'APNO', 'Alpha Innotech Corp'), ('872947', 'APNS', 'Applied Neurosolutions Inc'), ('1065645', 'APO', 'American Community Properties Trust'), ('1411494', 'APO', 'Apollo Global Management LLC'), ('6845', 'APOG', 'Apogee Enterprises Inc'), ('929887', 'APOL', 'Apollo Education Group Inc'), ('1336545', 'APP', 'American Apparel Inc'), ('818033', 'APPA', 'Heron Therapeutics Inc'), ('853665', 'APPB', 'Applebees International Inc'), ('1346352', 'APPLIED', 'Kurrant Food Enterprises Inc'), ('1141399', 'APPX', 'App Pharmaceuticals Inc'), ('949577', 'APQCF', 'Asia Pacific Resources LTD'), ('1114098', 'APRJ', 'American Capital Partners Limited Inc'), ('1175167', 'APRO', 'America First Apartment Investors Inc'), ('1098803', 'APRS', 'Apropos Technology Inc'), ('741696', 'APSG', 'Applied Signal Technology Inc'), ('705868', 'APSP', 'Benda Pharmaceutical Inc'), ('884269', 'APT', 'Alpha Pro Tech LTD'), ('1025637', 'APT', 'Computer Support Resources'), ('1076462', 'APTD', 'Alphatrade Com'), ('1114973', 'APTI', 'Advanced Power Technology Inc'), ('1087277', 'APTM', 'Aptimus Inc'), ('1481832', 'APTS', 'Preferred Apartment Communities Inc'), ('932628', 'APU', 'Amerigas Partners LP'), ('1399233', 'APWR', 'A-power Energy Generation Systems LTD'), ('817998', 'APX', 'Apex Municipal Fund Inc'), ('1429684', 'APXG', 'Apextalk Holdings Inc'), ('742248', 'APXR', 'Apex Resources Group Inc'), ('1260625', 'APXWF', 'China Security & Surveillance Technology Inc'), ('712815', 'APY', 'Aspyra Inc'), ('1114655', 'AQA', 'Aquacell Technologies Inc'), ('1213111', 'AQAS', 'Aqua Society Inc'), ('1081242', 'AQCI', 'Aquatic Cellulose International Corp'), ('920854', 'AQIS', 'Aquis Communications Group Inc'), ('918997', 'AQNM', 'Aquentium Inc'), ('1071806', 'AQNT', 'Aquantive Inc'), ('1121783', 'AQQ', 'American Spectrum Realty Inc'), ('1023367', 'AQRO', 'Aquapro Corp'), ('1391135', 'AQSP', 'Acquired Sales Corp'), ('1381324', 'AQUM', 'Urban AG Corp'), ('1068104', 'AQVB', 'Aqua Vie Beverage Corp'), ('1348104', 'AQWT', 'Aquacell Water Inc'), ('1433270', 'AR', 'Antero Resources Corp'), ('1083922', 'ARAO', 'Aurasource Inc'), ('1138723', 'ARAY', 'Accuray Inc'), ('109758', 'ARB', 'Arbitron Inc'), ('1084755', 'ARBA', 'Ariba Inc'), ('1311953', 'ARBC', 'Summit Global Logistics Inc'), ('710782', 'ARBE', 'Arbor Entech Corp'), ('7059', 'ARBR', 'Strategic Rare Earth Metals Inc'), ('1136655', 'ARBX', 'Arbinet Corp'), ('1305168', 'ARC', 'Arc Document Solutions Inc'), ('1287750', 'ARCC', 'Ares Capital Corp'), ('862861', 'ARCI', 'Appliance Recycling Centers Of America Inc'), ('1470699', 'ARCL', 'Archipelago Learning Inc'), ('1507385', 'ARCP', 'American Realty Capital Properties Inc'), ('1410997', 'ARCT', 'American Realty Capital Trust Inc'), ('826326', 'ARCW', 'Arc Group Worldwide Inc'), ('1583744', 'ARCX', 'Arc Logistics Partners LP'), ('1123871', 'ARD', 'Arena Resources Inc'), ('1515324', 'ARDC', 'Ares Dynamic Credit Allocation Fund Inc'), ('1109537', 'ARDI', 'Road Inc'), ('1013238', 'ARDM', 'Aradigm Corp'), ('225051', 'ARDNA', 'Arden Group Inc'), ('1035443', 'ARE', 'Alexandria Real Estate Equities Inc'), ('876490', 'ARES', 'Ameriresource Technologies Inc'), ('820901', 'ARET', 'Arete Industries Inc'), ('1405073', 'AREX', 'Approach Resources Inc'), ('1327228', 'ARF', 'Alternative Investment Partners Absolute Return Fund'), ('1343668', 'ARF', 'Alternative Investment Partners Absolute Return Fund STS'), ('804212', 'ARG', 'Airgas Inc'), ('1072313', 'ARGA', 'Auriga Laboratories Inc'), ('1332585', 'ARGL', 'Argyle Security Acquisition Corp'), ('903129', 'ARGN', 'Gentherm Inc'), ('812482', 'ARHN', 'Archon Corp'), ('1013794', 'ARI', 'Arden Realty Inc'), ('1467760', 'ARI', 'Apollo Commercial Real Estate Finance Inc'), ('884731', 'ARIA', 'Ariad Pharmaceuticals Inc'), ('1344596', 'ARII', 'American Railcar Industries Inc'), ('879796', 'ARIS', 'Ari Network Services Inc'), ('1072343', 'ARJ', 'Arch Chemicals Inc'), ('896665', 'ARK', 'Blackrock Senior High Income Fund Inc'), ('925662', 'ARKN', 'Arkona Inc'), ('779544', 'ARKR', 'Ark Restaurants Corp'), ('827165', 'ARL', 'American Realty Trust Inc'), ('1102238', 'ARL', 'American Realty Investors Inc'), ('1086600', 'ARLP', 'Alliance Resource Partners LP'), ('1303163', 'ARMC', 'Armitage Mining Corp'), ('1211768', 'ARME', 'Armor Electric Inc'), ('814339', 'ARMF', 'Armanino Foods Of Distinction Inc'), ('1572280', 'ARMF', 'Ares Multi-strategy Credit Fund Inc'), ('1584509', 'ARMK', 'Aramark Holdings Corp'), ('1415543', 'ARMX', 'Aurum Explorations Inc'), ('1080709', 'ARNA', 'Arena Pharmaceuticals Inc'), ('1195116', 'ARNI', 'Arno Therapeutics Inc'), ('1168213', 'ARO', 'Aeropostale Inc'), ('1397951', 'AROC', 'Mount Knowledge Holdings Inc'), ('891705', 'AROU', 'Aero Group Incorporated'), ('717538', 'AROW', 'Arrow Financial Corp'), ('1532750', 'ARP', 'Atlas Resource Partners LP'), ('1548981', 'ARPI', 'American Residential Properties Inc'), ('1019695', 'ARQL', 'Arqule Inc'), ('1428205', 'ARR', 'Armour Residential REIT Inc'), ('1427433', 'ARRI', 'Arrin Corp'), ('886046', 'ARRO', 'Arrow International Inc'), ('1141107', 'ARRS', 'Arris Group Inc'), ('1100412', 'ARRY', 'Array Biopharma Inc'), ('202890', 'ARS', 'Aleris International Inc'), ('1085069', 'ARSC', 'American Security Resources Corp'), ('7039', 'ARSD', 'Arabian American Development Co'), ('1368582', 'ARST', 'Arcsight Inc'), ('1419178', 'ART', 'Artio Global Investors Inc'), ('1129458', 'ARTB', 'Art Boutique Inc'), ('1005010', 'ARTC', 'Arthrocare Corp'), ('1095079', 'ARTD', 'Artistdirect Inc'), ('1351197', 'ARTE', 'Artes Medical Inc'), ('1086195', 'ARTG', 'Art Technology Group Inc'), ('1537561', 'ARTH', 'Arch Therapeutics Inc'), ('1048982', 'ARTI', 'Artisan Components Inc'), ('1168738', 'ARTI', 'Artfest International Inc'), ('790071', 'ARTL', 'Aristotle Corp'), ('863110', 'ARTNA', 'Artesian Resources Corp'), ('7623', 'ARTW', 'Arts Way Manufacturing Co Inc'), ('916529', 'ARTX', 'Arotech Corp'), ('1173752', 'ARUN', 'Aruba Networks Inc'), ('752391', 'ARUR', 'American Resource Technologies Inc'), ('810208', 'ARUZ', 'Aurasound Inc'), ('772320', 'ARVT', 'Cardium Therapeutics Inc'), ('7536', 'ARW', 'Arrow Electronics Inc'), ('795255', 'ARWD', 'Arrow Resources Development Inc'), ('61494', 'ARWM', 'Arrow Magnolia International Inc'), ('879407', 'ARWR', 'Arrowhead Research Corp'), ('1487990', 'ARX', 'Aeroflex Holding Corp'), ('1037049', 'ARXG', 'Aurora Gold Corp'), ('1319439', 'ARXT', 'Adams Respiratory Therapeutics Inc'), ('2601', 'ARXX', 'Aeroflex Inc'), ('1410064', 'ARYX', 'Aryx Therapeutics Inc'), ('7645', 'ASA', 'Asa LTD'), ('1230869', 'ASA', 'Asa Gold & Precious Metals LTD'), ('793961', 'ASAA', 'Asa International LTD'), ('8497', 'ASAM', 'Assuranceamerica Corp'), ('1104174', 'ASAP', 'Accesspoint Corp'), ('1339854', 'ASAP', 'China Yili Petroleum Co'), ('843494', 'ASB', 'Ascendia Brands Inc'), ('1520300', 'ASBB', 'Asb Bancorp Inc'), ('7789', 'ASBC', 'Associated Banc-corp'), ('1230833', 'ASBH', 'Asb Holding Co'), ('855574', 'ASBI', 'Ameriana Bancorp'), ('944304', 'ASBP', 'Asb Financial Corp'), ('912145', 'ASCA', 'Ameristar Casinos Inc'), ('799089', 'ASCL', 'Ascential Software Corp'), ('763245', 'ASCM', 'Beicang Iron & Steel Inc'), ('1437106', 'ASCMA', 'Ascent Capital Group Inc'), ('1095583', 'ASCX', 'Advanced Switching Communications Inc'), ('836102', 'ASD', 'Trane Inc'), ('1311735', 'ASDI', 'Frontier Beverage Company Inc'), ('1073874', 'ASDP', 'American Sports Development Group Inc'), ('73942', 'ASE', 'Ohio Art Co'), ('5768', 'ASEI', 'American Science & Engineering Inc'), ('1027229', 'ASEJF', 'Apt Satellite Holdings LTD'), ('1027240', 'ASEJF', 'Apt Satellite Holdings LTD'), ('1349976', 'ASEN', 'American Standard Energy Corp'), ('1064025', 'ASFE', 'Af Financial Group'), ('1001258', 'ASFI', 'Asta Funding Inc'), ('877931', 'ASFT', 'Vertical Communications Inc'), ('786035', 'ASG', 'Liberty All Star Growth Fund Inc'), ('890564', 'ASGN', 'On Assignment Inc'), ('877476', 'ASGR', 'America Service Group Inc'), ('7694', 'ASH', 'Ashland Inc'), ('1305014', 'ASH', 'Ashland Inc'), ('1120521', 'ASHC', 'Ashcroft Homes Corp'), ('1009891', 'ASHN', 'Air Industries Group'), ('810774', 'ASHW', 'Kemper BD Enhanced Sec TR Ser 7 & Ser 8 Total Return'), ('820774', 'ASHW', 'Ashworth Inc'), ('783603', 'ASI', 'American Safety Insurance Holdings LTD'), ('1100969', 'ASIA', 'Asiainfo-linkage Inc'), ('1067873', 'ASIQ', 'Asi Entertainment Inc'), ('7951', 'ASIT', 'Robertson Global Health Solutions Corp'), ('1460290', 'ASKE', 'Alaska Pacific Energy Corp'), ('1511161', 'ASKH', 'Astika Holdings Inc'), ('1054298', 'ASKJ', 'Ask Jeeves Inc'), ('1319849', 'ASM', 'Liberty All-star Mid Cap Fund'), ('80737', 'ASN', 'Archstone'), ('1156826', 'ASN', 'Archstone Smith Trust'), ('1498301', 'ASNA', 'Ascena Retail Group Inc'), ('1011060', 'ASNB', 'Advansource Biomaterials Corp'), ('1373479', 'ASND', 'Asianada Inc'), ('913598', 'ASNT', 'Asante Technologies Inc'), ('3133', 'ASO', 'Amsouth Bancorporation'), ('1409741', 'ASO', 'Airsharestm Eu Carbon Allowances Fund'), ('878930', 'ASP', 'American Strategic Income Portfolio Inc'), ('1021917', 'ASPE', 'JV Group Inc'), ('886235', 'ASPM', 'Aspect Medical Systems Inc'), ('319458', 'ASPN', 'Enservco Corp'), ('1158235', 'ASPR', 'Adsouth Partners Inc'), ('1462418', 'ASPS', 'Altisource Portfolio Solutions SA'), ('779390', 'ASPT', 'Aspect Communications Corp'), ('1487198', 'ASPU', 'Aspen Group Inc'), ('1314026', 'ASPV', 'Aspreva Pharmaceuticals Corp'), ('1424640', 'ASPW', 'Arista Power Inc'), ('860749', 'ASPXQ', 'Auspex Systems Inc'), ('1070789', 'ASPZ', 'Asia Properties Inc'), ('1393526', 'ASRS', 'Aspen Racing Stables'), ('707605', 'ASRV', 'Ameriserv Financial Inc'), ('1160798', 'ASST', 'C2e Energy Inc'), ('1001907', 'ASTC', 'Astrotech Corp'), ('792987', 'ASTE', 'Astec Industries Inc'), ('1063293', 'ASTI', 'Accesstel Inc'), ('1350102', 'ASTI', 'Ascent Solar Technologies Inc'), ('887359', 'ASTM', 'Aastrom Biosciences Inc'), ('1099066', 'ASTR', 'Astralis LTD'), ('1432967', 'ASTV', 'As Seen On TV Inc'), ('884144', 'ASUR', 'Asure Software Inc'), ('1404935', 'ASUV', 'Harmonic Energy Inc'), ('875354', 'ASV', 'AG Services Of America Inc'), ('926763', 'ASVI', 'Asv Inc'), ('1001516', 'ASWT', 'American Southwest Holdings Inc'), ('1441649', 'ASWV', 'American Smooth Wave Ventures Inc'), ('1389072', 'ASXHTW', 'Heartware International Inc'), ('8038', 'ASXI', 'Astrex Inc'), ('720500', 'ASYS', 'Amtech Systems Inc'), ('909326', 'ASYT', 'Asyst Technologies Inc'), ('65873', 'AT', 'Alltel Corp'), ('1419242', 'AT', 'Atlantic Power Corp'), ('823876', 'ATA', 'Apogee Technology Inc'), ('933405', 'ATAC', 'Atc Technology Corp'), ('898904', 'ATAHQ', 'Ata Holdings Corp'), ('1002607', 'ATAR', 'Atari Inc'), ('1059142', 'ATAXZ', 'America First Multifamily Investors LP'), ('1305507', 'ATB', 'Arlington Tankers LTD'), ('1087790', 'ATBC', 'Atlantic Bancgroup Inc'), ('1157758', 'ATC', 'Cycle Country Accessories Corp'), ('1192494', 'ATCI', 'Anticus International Corp'), ('924383', 'ATCO', 'Lrad Corp'), ('945989', 'ATEA', 'Astea International Inc'), ('1350653', 'ATEC', 'Alphatec Holdings Inc'), ('878547', 'ATEG', 'American Technologies Group Inc'), ('885520', 'ATEK', 'Alternative Technology Resources Inc'), ('1310630', 'ATER', 'Trafalgar Resources Inc'), ('710807', 'ATGI', 'Alpha Technologies Group Inc'), ('1003607', 'ATGN', 'Altigen Communications Inc'), ('1574648', 'ATHL', 'Athlon Energy Inc'), ('1131096', 'ATHN', 'Athenahealth Inc'), ('1136331', 'ATHO', 'Business Development Solutions Inc'), ('1140486', 'ATHR', 'Atheros Communications Inc'), ('1018963', 'ATI', 'Allegheny Technologies Inc'), ('866121', 'ATK', 'Alliant Techsystems Inc'), ('792449', 'ATL', 'Atalanta Sosnoff Capital Corp'), ('1464343', 'ATLC', 'Atlanticus Holdings Corp'), ('1132651', 'ATLO', 'Ames National Corp'), ('948975', 'ATLRS', 'Atlantic Realty Trust'), ('1279228', 'ATLS', 'Atlas America Inc'), ('1283810', 'ATLS', 'Atlas America Series 25-2004 A LP'), ('1294208', 'ATLS', 'Atlas America Series 25-2004 B LP'), ('1294476', 'ATLS', 'Atlas America Public 14-2004 LP'), ('1335236', 'ATLS', 'Atlas America Public 15-2005 A LP'), ('1336339', 'ATLS', 'Atlas America Public 14-2005 A LP'), ('1342514', 'ATLS', 'Atlas America Series 26-2005 LP'), ('1347218', 'ATLS', 'Atlas Energy LP'), ('1357361', 'ATLS', 'Atlas America Public 15-2006 B LP'), ('1374985', 'ATLS', 'Atlas Resources Public 16-2007 A LP'), ('1379763', 'ATLS', 'Atlas America Series 27-2006 LP'), ('1399541', 'ATLS', 'Atlas Resources Public 17-2008 B LP'), ('1399542', 'ATLS', 'Atlas Resources Public 17-2007 A LP'), ('1432987', 'ATLS', 'Atlas Resources Public 18-2008 A LP'), ('1433833', 'ATLS', 'Atlas Resources Public 18-2009 C LP'), ('1487561', 'ATLS', 'Atlas Resources Series 28-2010 LP'), ('1041577', 'ATMI', 'Atmi Inc'), ('872448', 'ATML', 'Atmel Corp'), ('8302', 'ATMR', 'Atlas Minerals Inc'), ('842695', 'ATMS', 'Avinci Media Corp'), ('892147', 'ATN', 'Action Performance Companies Inc'), ('1368802', 'ATN', 'Atlas Energy Resources LLC'), ('879585', 'ATNI', 'Atlantic Tele Network Inc'), ('1388320', 'ATNM', 'Actinium Pharmaceuticals Inc'), ('108107', 'ATNY', 'Two Women'), ('731802', 'ATO', 'Atmos Energy Corp'), ('1269022', 'ATOC', 'Atomic Paintball Inc'), ('1488039', 'ATOS', 'Atossa Genetics Inc'), ('1123647', 'ATPG', 'Atp Oil & Gas Corp'), ('745543', 'ATPT', 'All State Properties Holdings Inc'), ('896622', 'ATR', 'Aptargroup Inc'), ('1323885', 'ATRC', 'Atricure Inc'), ('701288', 'ATRI', 'Atrion Corp'), ('908598', 'ATRM', 'Aetrium Inc'), ('8063', 'ATRO', 'Astronics Corp'), ('1016169', 'ATRS', 'Antares Pharma Inc'), ('1139650', 'ATRS', 'Altiris Inc'), ('809875', 'ATRX', 'Atrix Laboratories Inc'), ('894081', 'ATSG', 'Air Transport Services Group Inc'), ('824068', 'ATSI', 'Ats Medical Inc'), ('23071', 'ATSN', 'Artesyn Technologies Inc'), ('1014052', 'ATSX', 'Digerati Technologies Inc'), ('1071157', 'ATTG', 'Astrata Group Inc'), ('893821', 'ATTU', 'Attunity LTD'), ('6955', 'ATU', 'Actuant Corp'), ('860543', 'ATVG', 'China Grand Resorts Inc'), ('860554', 'ATVG', 'Brotherhood Bancshares Inc'), ('718877', 'ATVI', 'Activision Blizzard Inc'), ('8411', 'ATW', 'Atwood Oceanics Inc'), ('1074436', 'ATWO', 'A21 Inc'), ('25793', 'ATX', 'Costa Inc'), ('1278263', 'ATXG', 'Atx Group Inc'), ('1289046', 'AUAG', 'American Cordillera Mining Corp'), ('750574', 'AUBN', 'Auburn National Bancorporation Inc'), ('1061288', 'AUCAF', 'Chelsea Oil & Gas LTD'), ('1086434', 'AUDC', 'Audiocodes LTD'), ('815353', 'AUDY', 'Emerald Dairy Inc'), ('859792', 'AUGB', 'Solar Thin Films Inc'), ('1004605', 'AUGC', 'Augment Systems Inc'), ('1137204', 'AUGME', 'Hipcricket Inc'), ('8598', 'AUGR', 'Auto Graphics Inc'), ('1063527', 'AUGT', 'August Technology Corp'), ('1145328', 'AULN', 'Genosys Inc'), ('1295803', 'AULO', 'Aurelio Resource Corp'), ('723639', 'AULT', 'Ault Inc'), ('1011509', 'AUM', 'Golden Minerals Co'), ('1450708', 'AURM', 'Aurum Inc'), ('1117073', 'AURMF', 'Aurora Metals Bvi LTD'), ('1382943', 'AUSE', 'K-9 Concepts Inc'), ('826253', 'AUSI', 'Aura Systems Inc'), ('1138830', 'AUTH', 'Authentec Inc'), ('351017', 'AUTO', 'Autoinfo Inc'), ('1366899', 'AUUM', 'Alpine Resources Corp'), ('1182129', 'AUXL', 'Auxilium Pharmaceuticals Inc'), ('1011432', 'AUXO', 'Auxilio Inc'), ('1116521', 'AV', 'Avaya Inc'), ('104918', 'AVA', 'Avista Corp'), ('744218', 'AVAN', 'Celldex Therapeutics Inc'), ('1368622', 'AVAV', 'Aerovironment Inc'), ('915912', 'AVB', 'Avalonbay Communities Inc'), ('919956', 'AVCA', 'Diversicare Healthcare Services Inc'), ('737243', 'AVCC', 'Valentec Systems Inc'), ('315428', 'AVCS', 'Vantage Companies American'), ('1109808', 'AVCT', 'Avocent Corp'), ('5981', 'AVD', 'American Vanguard Corp'), ('1054825', 'AVDI', 'Advanced Technology Industries Inc'), ('1095792', 'AVDS', 'Avalon Digital Marketing Systems Inc'), ('1325879', 'AVEO', 'Aveo Pharmaceuticals Inc'), ('1528903', 'AVG', 'Avg Technologies NV'), ('1119046', 'AVGG', 'Advanced Technologies Group LTD'), ('932903', 'AVGN', 'Avigen Inc'), ('1441634', 'AVGO', 'Avago Technologies LTD'), ('39677', 'AVHI', 'Av Homes Inc'), ('896841', 'AVID', 'Avid Technology Inc'), ('1048701', 'AVIT', 'Avani International Group Inc'), ('1499686', 'AVIV', 'Aviv REIT Inc'), ('1219120', 'AVK', 'Advent Claymore Convertible Securities & Income Fund'), ('701650', 'AVL', 'Aviall Inc'), ('1096620', 'AVMD', 'Advanced Medical Institute Inc'), ('354699', 'AVNA', 'Advance Nanotech Inc'), ('1161924', 'AVNC', 'Middlebrook Pharmaceuticals Inc'), ('1405045', 'AVNF', 'Anvil Forest Products Inc'), ('858803', 'AVNR', 'Avanir Pharmaceuticals Inc'), ('878802', 'AVNT', 'Quadrant 4 Systems Corp'), ('1100006', 'AVNU', 'Avenue Group Inc'), ('1377789', 'AVNW', 'Aviat Networks Inc'), ('1056794', 'AVNX', 'Avanex Corp'), ('1125051', 'AVNY', 'Manaris Corp'), ('316537', 'AVOC', 'Avoca Inc'), ('1096656', 'AVOX', 'Averox Inc'), ('8868', 'AVP', 'Avon Products Inc'), ('1323639', 'AVPA', '180 Connect Inc'), ('930817', 'AVPN', 'Avp Inc'), ('1358110', 'AVR', 'Aventine Renewable Energy Inc'), ('823314', 'AVRC', 'Advanced Energy Recovery Inc'), ('710217', 'AVRT', 'Perceptronics Inc'), ('1285043', 'AVRW', 'Aventine Renewable Energy Holdings Inc'), ('1162192', 'AVRX', 'Avalon Pharmaceuticals Inc'), ('852437', 'AVSO', 'Rand Worldwide Inc'), ('1111632', 'AVSR', 'Avistar Communications Corp'), ('707063', 'AVSY', 'Avatar Systems Inc'), ('8858', 'AVT', 'Avnet Inc'), ('1431888', 'AVTC', 'Avt Inc'), ('1405249', 'AVTD', 'Artventive Medical Group Inc'), ('814008', 'AVTI', 'Avitar Inc'), ('1094847', 'AVUG', 'Oncovista Innovative Therapies Inc'), ('1416299', 'AVVC', 'Avatar Ventures Corp'), ('1092534', 'AVVW', 'Avvaa World Health Care Products Inc'), ('789667', 'AVWI', 'Actionview International Inc'), ('859163', 'AVX', 'Avx Corp'), ('1015441', 'AVXT', 'Avax Technologies Inc'), ('8818', 'AVY', 'Avery Dennison Corp'), ('1311396', 'AVZA', 'Aviza Technology Inc'), ('848865', 'AW', 'Allied Waste Industries LLC'), ('1029863', 'AWA', 'America West Holdings Corp'), ('1366684', 'AWAY', 'Homeaway Inc'), ('726990', 'AWBC', 'Americanwest Bancorporation'), ('1138234', 'AWE', 'At&t Wireless Services Inc'), ('1162200', 'AWEC', 'Ameriwest Energy Corp'), ('906013', 'AWF', 'Alliancebernstein Global High Income Fund Inc'), ('890881', 'AWG', 'Alliance World Dollar Government Fund Inc'), ('927914', 'AWGI', 'Alderwoods Group Inc'), ('1163348', 'AWH', 'Allied World Assurance Co Holdings AG'), ('7431', 'AWI', 'Armstrong World Industries Inc'), ('915390', 'AWIN', 'Arch Wireless Inc'), ('1410636', 'AWK', 'American Water Works Company Inc'), ('1089531', 'AWLD', 'Kingold Jewelry Inc'), ('1359504', 'AWMM', 'Atwood Minerals & Mining Corp'), ('1265840', 'AWNE', 'Americas Wind Energy Corp'), ('1390195', 'AWP', 'Alpine Global Premier Properties Fund'), ('1056903', 'AWR', 'American States Water Co'), ('1026980', 'AWRCF', 'Asia Pacific Wire & Cable Corp LTD'), ('1015739', 'AWRE', 'Aware Inc'), ('867687', 'AWSR', 'America West Resources Inc'), ('1048422', 'AWWC', 'Access Worldwide Communications Inc'), ('1061069', 'AWX', 'Avalon Holdings Corp'), ('1107389', 'AX', 'Archipelago Holdings Inc'), ('867665', 'AXAS', 'Abraxas Petroleum Corp'), ('1374796', 'AXC', 'Advanced Technology Acquisition Corp'), ('727207', 'AXDX', 'Accelerate Diagnostics Inc'), ('52795', 'AXE', 'Anixter International Inc'), ('1413609', 'AXG', 'Atlas Acquisition Holdings Corp'), ('788738', 'AXGR', 'Axia Group Inc'), ('1514946', 'AXIM', 'Axim International Inc'), ('1399095', 'AXIO', 'Axiom Oil & Gas Corp'), ('1113643', 'AXJ', 'Axm Pharma Inc'), ('1062231', 'AXL', 'American Axle & Manufacturing Holdings Inc'), ('1002577', 'AXLE', 'TJT Inc'), ('805264', 'AXLL', 'Axiall Corp'), ('1470177', 'AXLX', 'Axiologix Education Corp'), ('947427', 'AXO', 'Axs One Inc'), ('4962', 'AXP', 'American Express Co'), ('1028153', 'AXPW', 'Axion Power International Inc'), ('6207', 'AXR', 'Amrep Corp'), ('45621', 'AXRX', 'Amexdrug Corp'), ('1214816', 'AXS', 'Axis Capital Holdings LTD'), ('710597', 'AXSI', 'Axcess International Inc'), ('1092492', 'AXST', 'Axesstel Inc'), ('1386262', 'AXTG', 'Axis Technologies Group Inc'), ('1051627', 'AXTI', 'Axt Inc'), ('1015172', 'AXTV', 'Axtive Corp'), ('1144130', 'AXVC', 'Axial Vector Engine Corp'), ('206030', 'AXYS', 'Axsys Technologies Inc'), ('1378451', 'AYA', 'Alyst Acquisition Corp'), ('3673', 'AYE', 'Allegheny Energy Inc'), ('1144215', 'AYI', 'Acuity Brands Inc'), ('1162030', 'AYN', 'Alliance New York Municipal Income Fund'), ('1362988', 'AYR', 'Aircastle LTD'), ('1127454', 'AYSI', 'Alloy Steel International Inc'), ('789606', 'AZGS', 'Aztec Oil & Gas Inc'), ('851726', 'AZMNE', 'Santa Fe Gold Corp'), ('866787', 'AZO', 'Autozone Inc'), ('1099561', 'AZOI', 'Lumonall Inc'), ('356942', 'AZPN', 'Aspen Technology Inc'), ('929940', 'AZPN', 'Aspen Technology Inc'), ('1093673', 'AZRI', 'Azur International Inc'), ('1518749', 'AZTAU', 'Azteca Acquisition Corp'), ('1055458', 'AZTC', 'Aztec Technology Partners Inc'), ('852807', 'AZTR', 'Aztar Corp'), ('1000897', 'AZUR', 'Azurel LTD'), ('8947', 'AZZ', 'Azz Inc'), ('9984', 'B', 'Barnes Group Inc'), ('12927', 'BA', 'Boeing Co'), ('1529139', 'BAAP', 'Blackrock Alternatives Allocation FB Tei Portfolio LLC'), ('1529140', 'BAAP', 'Blackrock Alternatives Allocation FB Portfolio LLC'), ('1529141', 'BAAP', 'Blackrock Alternatives Allocation Tei Portfolio LLC'), ('1529142', 'BAAP', 'Blackrock Alternatives Allocation Portfolio LLC'), ('1529138', 'BAAPMASTER', 'Blackrock Alternatives Allocation Master Portfolio LLC'), ('1123596', 'BABB', 'Bab Inc'), ('1345865', 'BABL', 'Physicians Remote Solutions Inc'), ('878526', 'BABY', 'Natus Medical Inc'), ('70858', 'BAC', 'Bank Of America Corp'), ('1119700', 'BACL', 'Bioaccelerate Holdings Inc'), ('1181026', 'BAF', 'Blackrock Municipal Income Investment Quality Trust'), ('1133409', 'BAFI', 'Bancaffiliated Inc'), ('949373', 'BAGL', 'Einstein Noah Restaurant Group Inc'), ('1443646', 'BAH', 'Booz Allen Hamilton Holding Corp'), ('1474042', 'BALT', 'Baltic Trading LTD'), ('891919', 'BAMM', 'Books A Million Inc'), ('1169770', 'BANC', 'Banc Of California Inc'), ('760498', 'BANF', 'Bancfirst Corp'), ('1481504', 'BANJ', 'Banjo & Matilda Inc'), ('946673', 'BANR', 'Banner Corp'), ('1578987', 'BANX', 'Stonecastle Financial Corp'), ('1086473', 'BANY', 'Banyan Corp'), ('764897', 'BARA', 'Banyan Rail Services Inc'), ('1295557', 'BARE', 'Bare Escentuals Inc'), ('1109525', 'BARI', 'Bancorp Rhode Island Inc'), ('1372334', 'BARS', 'Barton Solar Acquisition Inc'), ('878483', 'BARZ', 'Barra Inc'), ('1454124', 'BARZ', '5barz International Inc'), ('1109189', 'BAS', 'Basic Energy Services Inc'), ('720154', 'BASI', 'Bioanalytical Systems Inc'), ('845851', 'BATP', 'Blackrock Advantage Term Trust Inc'), ('1068231', 'BATS', 'Bat Subsidiary Inc'), ('1519917', 'BATS', 'Bats Global Markets Inc'), ('1171689', 'BAWC', 'Asia Global Holdings Corp'), ('10456', 'BAX', 'Baxter International Inc'), ('1134224', 'BAXS', 'Bruker Axs Inc'), ('1230355', 'BAXS', 'Baxano Surgical Inc'), ('1034594', 'BAYK', 'Bay Banks Of Virginia Inc'), ('1089787', 'BAYN', 'Bay National Corp'), ('806175', 'BAYW', 'New Leaf Brands Inc'), ('96287', 'BBA', 'Bombay Co Inc'), ('1018354', 'BBAL', 'New York Health Care Inc'), ('1106942', 'BBBB', 'Blackboard Inc'), ('1335792', 'BBBI', 'Birmingham Bloomfield Bancshares'), ('886158', 'BBBY', 'Bed Bath & Beyond Inc'), ('1128361', 'BBCN', 'BBCN Bancorp Inc'), ('1178552', 'BBCZ', 'Bodisen Biotech Inc'), ('1021009', 'BBDC', 'Brantley Capital Corp'), ('1157004', 'BBDS', 'Geobio Energy Inc'), ('1357371', 'BBEP', 'Breitburn Energy Partners LP'), ('1137392', 'BBF', 'Blackrock Municipal Income Investment Trust'), ('1172139', 'BBG', 'Bill Barrett Corp'), ('1099160', 'BBGI', 'Beasley Broadcast Group Inc'), ('1409477', 'BBGR', 'Beauty Brands Group Inc'), ('1085734', 'BBI', 'Blockbuster Inc'), ('1126577', 'BBIC', 'Bluebook International Holding Co'), ('839439', 'BBJE', 'BBJ Environmental Technologies Inc'), ('1167467', 'BBK', 'Blackrock Municipal Bond Trust'), ('748268', 'BBLF', 'Broadleaf Capital Partners Inc'), ('1368637', 'BBLS', 'Rockdale Resources Corp'), ('1422109', 'BBLU', 'Blue Earth Inc'), ('1493683', 'BBN', 'Blackrock Build America Bond Trust'), ('1381325', 'BBND', 'Bigband Networks Inc'), ('1304740', 'BBNK', 'Bridge Capital Holdings'), ('849547', 'BBOX', 'Black Box Corp'), ('15840', 'BBR', 'Butler Manufacturing Co'), ('1396302', 'BBRD', 'Ark Development Inc'), ('1495479', 'BBRG', 'Bravo Brio Restaurant Group Inc'), ('1176193', 'BBSE', 'Open Energy Corp'), ('902791', 'BBSI', 'Barrett Business Services Inc'), ('92230', 'BBT', 'BB&T Corp'), ('1009652', 'BBUC', 'Big Buck Brewery & Steakhouse Inc'), ('1415586', 'BBVVF', 'BBV Vietnam Sea Acquisition Corp'), ('1113809', 'BBW', 'Build A Bear Workshop Inc'), ('921768', 'BBX', 'BBX Capital Corp'), ('764478', 'BBY', 'Best Buy Co Inc'), ('14930', 'BC', 'Brunswick Corp'), ('1383852', 'BCAE', 'Best Care Inc'), ('1365997', 'BCAR', 'Bank Of The Carolinas Corp'), ('814929', 'BCAS', 'Broadcaster Inc'), ('1228454', 'BCBP', 'BCB Bancorp Inc'), ('1328581', 'BCC', 'Boise Cascade Co'), ('1509589', 'BCEI', 'Bonanza Creek Energy Inc'), ('718916', 'BCF', 'Burlington Coat Factory Warehouse Corp'), ('1368893', 'BCF', 'Blackrock Real Asset Equity Trust'), ('1170103', 'BCFT', 'Bancroft Uranium Inc'), ('1012887', 'BCGI', 'Boston Communications Group Inc'), ('889285', 'BCHP', 'Blue Chip Computerware Inc'), ('1009405', 'BCII', 'Bone Care International Inc'), ('276400', 'BCIS', 'Bancinsurance Corp'), ('1181027', 'BCK', 'Blackrock California Insured Municipal Income Trust'), ('949721', 'BCKE', 'Brooklyn Cheesecake & Desert Com'), ('1176196', 'BCL', 'Blackrock California Municipal Income Trust II'), ('1137883', 'BCLI', 'Brainstorm Cell Therapeutics Inc'), ('1381873', 'BCLR', 'Barclay Road Inc'), ('1496741', 'BCLX', 'Hydrophi Technologies Group Inc'), ('78890', 'BCO', 'Brinks Co'), ('1103345', 'BCON', 'Beacon Power Corp'), ('1313275', 'BCOV', 'Brightcove Inc'), ('1082084', 'BCP', 'Brooke Capital Corp'), ('9326', 'BCPC', 'Balchem Corp'), ('9892', 'BCR', 'Bard C R Inc'), ('919605', 'BCRA', 'Biocoral Inc'), ('1582086', 'BCRH', 'Blue Capital Reinsurance Holdings LTD'), ('882796', 'BCRX', 'Biocryst Pharmaceuticals Inc'), ('1052101', 'BCSB', 'BCSB Bankcorp Inc'), ('1391137', 'BCSB', 'BCSB Bancorp Inc'), ('1095600', 'BCSI', 'Blue Coat Systems Inc'), ('740726', 'BCST', 'Broadcast International Inc'), ('892789', 'BCT', 'Blackrock Broad Investment Grade 2009 Term Trust Inc'), ('351541', 'BCTI', 'BCT International Inc'), ('1099353', 'BCTS', 'BCT Subsidiary Inc'), ('9521', 'BCV', 'Bancroft Fund LTD'), ('1506289', 'BCX', 'Blackrock Resources & Commodities Strategy Trust'), ('1310685', 'BCXP', 'Canam Uranium Corp'), ('1399587', 'BCYP', 'Blue Calypso Inc'), ('1100124', 'BDAY', 'Celebrate Express Inc'), ('1331301', 'BDBD', 'Boulder Brands Inc'), ('913142', 'BDC', 'Belden Inc'), ('1179090', 'BDCG', 'Bondscom Group Inc'), ('1065598', 'BDCN', 'Digitaltown Inc'), ('793306', 'BDCO', 'Blue Dolphin Energy Co'), ('1022844', 'BDE', 'Brilliant Digital Entertainment Inc'), ('1304069', 'BDE', 'Bois D Arc Energy Inc'), ('30125', 'BDF', 'Cutwater Select Income Fund'), ('1418196', 'BDFHD', 'Park & Sell Corp'), ('9534', 'BDG', 'Bandag Inc'), ('846617', 'BDGE', 'Bridge Bancorp Inc'), ('1332283', 'BDJ', 'Blackrock Enhanced Equity Dividend Trust'), ('12355', 'BDK', 'Black & Decker Corp'), ('12040', 'BDL', 'Flanigans Enterprises Inc'), ('837472', 'BDLSQ', 'Boundless Corp'), ('948072', 'BDMS', 'Birner Dental Management Services Inc'), ('790816', 'BDN', 'Brandywine Realty Trust'), ('1019439', 'BDOG', 'Big Dog Holdings Inc'), ('1000683', 'BDR', 'Blonder Tongue Laboratories Inc'), ('1103021', 'BDSI', 'Biodelivery Sciences International Inc'), ('1277350', 'BDT', 'Blackrock Strategic Dividend Achievers Trust'), ('1341259', 'BDTY', 'Bodytel Scientific Inc'), ('1265316', 'BDV', 'Blackrock Dividend Achievers Trust'), ('73048', 'BDVM', 'Broadview Institute Inc'), ('10795', 'BDX', 'Becton Dickinson & Co'), ('864268', 'BDY', 'Bradley Pharmaceuticals Inc'), ('1113247', 'BE', 'Bearingpoint Inc'), ('1122063', 'BEAC', 'Beacon Enterprise Solutions Group Inc'), ('1285206', 'BEAI', 'Oxford Media Inc'), ('789073', 'BEAM', 'Beam Inc'), ('912960', 'BEAR', 'Vermont Teddy Bear Co Inc'), ('1031798', 'BEAS', 'Bea Systems Inc'), ('1113784', 'BEAT', 'Cardionet Inc'), ('1574774', 'BEAT', 'Biotelemetry Inc'), ('861361', 'BEAV', 'B'), ('1059272', 'BEBE', 'Bebe Stores Inc'), ('840467', 'BEC', 'Beckman Coulter Inc'), ('1124941', 'BECN', 'Beacon Roofing Supply Inc'), ('910079', 'BED', 'Bedford Property Investors Inc'), ('1057436', 'BEE', 'Strategic Hotels & Resorts Inc'), ('1432139', 'BEES', 'Beesfree Inc'), ('1041866', 'BEIQ', 'Bei Technologies Inc'), ('729580', 'BELFB', 'Bel Fuse Inc'), ('900708', 'BELM', 'Bell Microproducts Inc'), ('1399761', 'BELV', 'Belvedere Resources Corp'), ('1452164', 'BEMG', 'Beta Music Group Inc'), ('38777', 'BEN', 'Franklin Resources Inc'), ('1307155', 'BEO', 'S&P 500 Covered Call Fund Inc'), ('1331948', 'BEO', 'Enhanced S&P 500 Covered Call Fund Inc'), ('895921', 'BEOSZ', 'Be Inc'), ('11544', 'BER', 'Berkley W R Corp'), ('1438884', 'BER', 'Be Resources Inc'), ('759718', 'BERK', 'Berkshire Bancorp Inc'), ('1229089', 'BERX', 'Breitling Energy Corp'), ('919463', 'BERY', 'Berry Plastics Corp'), ('1378992', 'BERY', 'Berry Plastics Group Inc'), ('1387983', 'BESN', 'RM Health International Inc'), ('1005214', 'BETM', 'American Wagering Inc'), ('1040441', 'BEV', 'Beverly Enterprises Inc'), ('1020477', 'BEVI', 'Rotate Black Inc'), ('1034755', 'BEXP', 'Brigham Exploration Co'), ('1397346', 'BEYS', 'Best Energy Services Inc'), ('1005502', 'BEYV', 'Energy King Inc'), ('9342', 'BEZ', 'Baldor Electric Co'), ('1060559', 'BFAM', 'Bright Horizons Family Solutions Inc'), ('1437578', 'BFAM', 'Bright Horizons Family Solutions Inc'), ('14693', 'BFB', 'Brown Forman Corp'), ('1302176', 'BFBC', 'Benjamin Franklin Bancorp Inc'), ('890514', 'BFC', 'Blackrock California Insured Municipal 2008 Term Trust Inc'), ('315858', 'BFCF', 'BFC Financial Corp'), ('948515', 'BFD', 'Bostonfed Bancorp Inc'), ('1386369', 'BFD', 'Blackrock Global Equity Income Trust'), ('1401573', 'BFED', 'Beacon Federal Bancorp Inc'), ('814856', 'BFEN', 'BF Enterprises Inc'), ('1366925', 'BFFI', 'Ben Franklin Financial Inc'), ('1448597', 'BFGC', 'Bullfrog Gold Corp'), ('1303942', 'BFIN', 'Bankfinancial Corp'), ('1137393', 'BFK', 'Blackrock Municipal Income Trust'), ('1030896', 'BFLY', 'Bluefly Inc'), ('949228', 'BFNB', 'Beach First National Bancshares Inc'), ('1181249', 'BFO', 'Blackrock Florida Municipal 2020 Term Trust'), ('1370489', 'BFRE', 'Bluefire Renewables Inc'), ('1282393', 'BFRM', 'Bioform Medical Inc'), ('907254', 'BFS', 'Saul Centers Inc'), ('1310313', 'BFSB', 'Brooklyn Federal Bancorp Inc'), ('1495648', 'BFSO', 'Buckeye Oil & Gas Inc'), ('770944', 'BFT', 'Bally Total Fitness Holding Corp'), ('350200', 'BFTC', 'B Fast Corp'), ('1132809', 'BFUN', 'Bam Entertainment Inc'), ('1176197', 'BFY', 'Blackrock New York Municipal Income Trust II'), ('1137391', 'BFZ', 'Blackrock California Municipal Income Trust'), ('1144519', 'BG', 'Bunge LTD'), ('768216', 'BGAT', 'Bluegate Corp'), ('1504234', 'BGB', 'Blackstone'), ('1546429', 'BGB', 'Blackstone'), ('1354213', 'BGBR', 'Big Bear Mining Corp'), ('886035', 'BGC', 'General Cable Corp'), ('1094831', 'BGCP', 'BGC Partners Inc'), ('1382519', 'BGCP', 'BGC Partners Inc'), ('1089272', 'BGCT', 'Big Cat Energy Corp'), ('1444377', 'BGEM', 'Blue Gem Enterprise'), ('714655', 'BGEN', 'Biogen Idec Ma Inc'), ('1278027', 'BGF', 'B&G Foods Inc'), ('1156388', 'BGFV', 'Big 5 Sporting Goods Corp'), ('14195', 'BGG', 'Briggs & Stratton Corp'), ('1359055', 'BGH', 'Buckeye GP Holdings LP'), ('1521404', 'BGH', 'Babson Capital Global Short Duration High Yield Fund'), ('1119897', 'BGHM', 'Bingham Canyon Corp'), ('355590', 'BGII', 'Bgi Inc'), ('1174741', 'BGLA', 'China Properties Developments Inc'), ('1407038', 'BGMD', 'BG Medicine Inc'), ('1012466', 'BGMR', 'Bigmar Inc'), ('754128', 'BGNK', 'Barrister Global Services Network Inc'), ('940510', 'BGP', 'Borders Group Inc'), ('1306550', 'BGR', 'Blackrock Energy & Resources Trust'), ('706777', 'BGRH', 'Berger Holdings LTD'), ('1160598', 'BGRN', 'Franchise Capital Corp'), ('1441362', 'BGSI', 'Autris'), ('1287480', 'BGT', 'Blackrock Floating Rate Income Trust'), ('1393299', 'BGY', 'Blackrock International Growth & Income Trust'), ('801128', 'BHAG', 'Bha Group Inc'), ('743367', 'BHB', 'Harbor Bankshares Bar'), ('889608', 'BHB', 'Harbor Bankshares Corp'), ('1024321', 'BHBC', 'Beverly Hills Bancorp Inc'), ('857872', 'BHBH', 'Birch Branch Inc'), ('1165216', 'BHD', 'Blackrock Strategic Bond Trust'), ('863436', 'BHE', 'Benchmark Electronics Inc'), ('808362', 'BHI', 'Baker Hughes Inc'), ('912061', 'BHIP', 'Natural Health Trends Corp'), ('1160864', 'BHK', 'Blackrock Core Bond Trust'), ('1412914', 'BHL', 'Blackrock Defined Opportunity Credit Trust'), ('1108134', 'BHLB', 'Berkshire Hills Bancorp Inc'), ('11860', 'BHMSQ', 'Bethlehem Steel Corp'), ('1388319', 'BHRT', 'Bioheart Inc'), ('1202157', 'BHS', 'Brookfield Homes Corp'), ('1169034', 'BHV', 'Blackrock Virginia Municipal Bond Trust'), ('1349371', 'BHWX', 'Black Hawk Exploration'), ('1068234', 'BHY', 'Blackrock High Yield Trust'), ('945489', 'BI', 'Bell Industries Inc'), ('1127242', 'BIBO', 'Bib Holdings LTD'), ('1451980', 'BICL', 'Biocancell Therapeutics Inc'), ('1062431', 'BICO', 'Bio One Corp'), ('823094', 'BID', 'Sothebys'), ('1169028', 'BIE', 'Blackrock Municipal Bond Investment Trust'), ('1320869', 'BIEL', 'Bioelectronics Corp'), ('102426', 'BIF', 'Boulder Growth & Income Fund'), ('768835', 'BIG', 'Big Lots Inc'), ('1087853', 'BIGR', 'Bingo Com Inc'), ('875045', 'BIIB', 'Biogen Idec Inc'), ('1083146', 'BIMS', 'Bims Renewable Energy Inc'), ('1385228', 'BIND', 'Bind Therapeutics Inc'), ('12208', 'BIO', 'Bio Rad Laboratories Inc'), ('1475430', 'BIO', 'Joshua Gold Resources Inc'), ('1534287', 'BIOA', 'Bioamber Inc'), ('1322505', 'BIOD', 'Biodel Inc'), ('1373670', 'BIOF', 'Biofuel Energy Corp'), ('860451', 'BIOI', 'Biosource International Inc'), ('811240', 'BIOL', 'Biolase Inc'), ('719711', 'BIOQ', 'Bioqual Inc'), ('101473', 'BIOS', 'United Resources Inc'), ('1014739', 'BIOS', 'Bioscrip Inc'), ('1264899', 'BIOV', 'Bioveris Corp'), ('1084000', 'BIPH', 'Biophan Technologies Inc'), ('1178862', 'BIR', 'Berkshire Income Realty Inc'), ('1494722', 'BISN', 'Bison Petroleum Corp'), ('1562818', 'BIT', 'Blackrock Multi-sector Income Trust'), ('822418', 'BITI', 'Bioclinica Inc'), ('818813', 'BITS', 'Bitstream Inc'), ('1028205', 'BIVN', 'Bioenvision Inc'), ('1169237', 'BIW', 'Biw LTD'), ('1085866', 'BIZ', 'DSL Net Inc'), ('1438576', 'BIZM', 'Biozoom Inc'), ('1037461', 'BJ', 'BJS Wholesale Club Inc'), ('810084', 'BJCT', 'Bioject Medical Technologies Inc'), ('1281696', 'BJGP', 'Beijing Med Pharm Corp'), ('1013488', 'BJRI', 'BJS Restaurants Inc'), ('864328', 'BJS', 'BJ Services Co LLC'), ('1159038', 'BJZ', 'Blackrock California Municipal 2018 Term Trust'), ('9626', 'BK', 'Bank Of New York Co Inc'), ('1390777', 'BK', 'Bank Of New York Mellon Corp'), ('707604', 'BKBK', 'Britton & Koontz Capital Corp'), ('735993', 'BKBOE', 'Bakbone Software Inc'), ('1352801', 'BKC', 'Burger King Holdings Inc'), ('1499361', 'BKCT', 'DTS8 Coffee Company LTD'), ('1332349', 'BKD', 'Brookdale Senior Living Inc'), ('885245', 'BKE', 'Buckle Inc'), ('1392091', 'BKEP', 'Blueknight Energy Partners LP'), ('9235', 'BKFG', 'BKF Capital Group Inc'), ('1527383', 'BKGM', 'Bankguam Holding Co'), ('1130464', 'BKH', 'Black Hills Corp'), ('857853', 'BKHB', 'Blackhawk Bancorp Inc'), ('899597', 'BKI', 'Buckeye Technologies Inc'), ('1390312', 'BKJ', 'Bancorp Of New Jersey Inc'), ('1181250', 'BKK', 'Blackrock Municipal 2020 Term Trust'), ('891377', 'BKLYY', 'Berkeley Technology LTD'), ('1223550', 'BKMM', 'Bekem Metals Inc'), ('1123270', 'BKMU', 'Bank Mutual Corp'), ('894242', 'BKN', 'Blackrock Investment Quality Municipal Trust Inc'), ('1398006', 'BKOR', 'Oak Ridge Financial Services Inc'), ('9263', 'BKR', 'Michael Baker Corp'), ('1171032', 'BKRS', 'Bakers Footwear Group Inc'), ('890491', 'BKS', 'Barnes & Noble Inc'), ('1007273', 'BKSC', 'Bank Of South Carolina Corp'), ('1367001', 'BKSD', 'Cruisestock Inc'), ('830134', 'BKST', 'Brookstone Inc'), ('832327', 'BKT', 'Blackrock Income Trust Inc'), ('1350770', 'BKTK', 'Black Tusk Minerals Inc'), ('1504008', 'BKU', 'Bankunited Inc'), ('894490', 'BKUNA', 'Bankunited Financial Corp'), ('1547282', 'BKW', 'Burger King Worldwide Inc'), ('934547', 'BKYF', 'Bank Of Kentucky Financial Corp'), ('1019034', 'BKYI', 'Bio Key International Inc'), ('71525', 'BL', 'Blair Corp'), ('1174907', 'BLAK', 'Black Sea Metals Inc'), ('1299059', 'BLAP', 'Blast Applications Inc'), ('1423107', 'BLBK', 'Boldface Group Inc'), ('356080', 'BLC', 'Belo Corp'), ('805792', 'BLD', 'Baldwin Technology Co Inc'), ('1316835', 'BLDR', 'Builders Firstsource Inc'), ('1176194', 'BLE', 'Blackrock Municipal Income Trust II'), ('1255145', 'BLF', 'Lightfirst Inc'), ('899049', 'BLFE', 'Bio-life Labs Inc'), ('834365', 'BLFS', 'Biolife Solutions Inc'), ('1102358', 'BLGA', 'Blastgard International Inc'), ('880242', 'BLGO', 'Biolargo Inc'), ('1446727', 'BLGW', 'Elevated Concepts Inc'), ('1510775', 'BLGX', 'Biologix Hair Inc'), ('1159039', 'BLH', 'Blackrock New York Municipal 2018 Term Trust'), ('1139683', 'BLHL', 'Blue Holdings Inc'), ('1378590', 'BLIN', 'Bridgeline Digital Inc'), ('1169031', 'BLJ', 'Blackrock New Jersey Municipal Bond Trust'), ('1060021', 'BLK', 'Blackrock Holdco 2 Inc'), ('1364742', 'BLK', 'Blackrock Inc'), ('1280058', 'BLKB', 'Blackbaud Inc'), ('9389', 'BLL', 'Ball Corp'), ('1193158', 'BLLD', 'Bulldog Technologies Inc'), ('840573', 'BLLI', 'Bio Lok International Inc'), ('1546417', 'BLMN', 'Bloomin Brands Inc'), ('726294', 'BLMT', 'Belmont Bancorp'), ('1522420', 'BLMT', 'BSB Bancorp Inc'), ('890519', 'BLN', 'Blackrock New York Insured Municipal 2008 Term Trust Inc'), ('1077637', 'BLNM', 'Bralorne Mining Co'), ('1175685', 'BLOG', 'Bladelogic Inc'), ('1223862', 'BLOX', 'Infoblox Inc'), ('1169440', 'BLQN', 'Balqon Corp'), ('12779', 'BLRGZ', 'Blue Ridge Real Estate Co'), ('1168458', 'BLRV', 'Bullion River Gold Corp'), ('732713', 'BLS', 'Bellsouth Corp'), ('355007', 'BLSC', 'Bio Logic Systems Corp'), ('225926', 'BLSH', 'Bluestar Health Inc'), ('94784', 'BLSI', 'Alseres Pharmaceuticals Inc'), ('1392121', 'BLSM', 'Coyote Resources Inc'), ('1419582', 'BLSP', 'Blue Sphere Corp'), ('1103092', 'BLSV', 'Balsam Ventures Inc'), ('1001606', 'BLT', 'Blount International Inc'), ('869187', 'BLTA', 'Baltia Air Lines Inc'), ('1104594', 'BLTV', 'Sonterra Resources Inc'), ('810439', 'BLU', 'Blue Chip Value Fund Inc'), ('736822', 'BLUD', 'Immucor Inc'), ('1077814', 'BLUE', 'Blue Martini Software Inc'), ('1293971', 'BLUE', 'Bluebird Bio Inc'), ('1365748', 'BLUG', 'Nogal Energy Inc'), ('317889', 'BLVT', 'Bulova Technologies Group Inc'), ('1233681', 'BLW', 'Blackrock LTD Duration Income Trust'), ('1428389', 'BLXX', 'Blox Inc'), ('924805', 'BMBM', 'BMB Munai Inc'), ('835729', 'BMC', 'BMC Software Inc'), ('80751', 'BMCP', 'Branded Media Corp'), ('1314966', 'BME', 'Blackrock Health Sciences Trust'), ('314712', 'BMER', 'Boomerang Systems Inc'), ('351346', 'BMET', 'Biomet Inc'), ('1162177', 'BMGX', 'Battle Mountain Gold Exploration Corp'), ('1046356', 'BMHC', 'Building Materials Holding Corp'), ('9092', 'BMI', 'Badger Meter Inc'), ('1011972', 'BMKS', 'Mason Oil Co Inc'), ('15486', 'BMLS', 'Burke Mills Inc'), ('215310', 'BMM', 'BMC Industries Inc'), ('1275477', 'BMM', 'Bimini Capital Management Inc'), ('877358', 'BMN', 'Blackrock Municipal Target Term Trust Inc'), ('1058767', 'BMOD', 'Biomoda Inc'), ('1307579', 'BMOM', 'Liqtech International Inc'), ('1062273', 'BMPI', 'Spendsmart Payments Co'), ('1289236', 'BMR', 'Biomed Realty Trust Inc'), ('73290', 'BMRA', 'Biomerica Inc'), ('804563', 'BMRB', 'Benchmark Bankshares Inc'), ('1403475', 'BMRC', 'Bank Of Marin Bancorp'), ('1048477', 'BMRN', 'Biomarin Pharmaceutical Inc'), ('11199', 'BMS', 'Bemis Co Inc'), ('1079282', 'BMSN', 'Bio-matrix Scientific Group Inc'), ('793041', 'BMSR', 'World Racing Group Inc'), ('882346', 'BMT', 'Blackrock Insured Municipal Term Trust Inc'), ('802681', 'BMTC', 'Bryn Mawr Bank Corp'), ('1138400', 'BMTI', 'Biomimetic Therapeutics Inc'), ('1443062', 'BMTL', 'Biomedical Technology Solutions Holdings Inc'), ('1082492', 'BMVH', 'Vadda Energy Corp'), ('1122993', 'BMXI', 'Brookmount Explorations Inc'), ('14272', 'BMY', 'Bristol Myers Squibb Co'), ('9801', 'BN', 'Banta Corp'), ('880280', 'BNA', 'Blackrock Income Opportunity Trust Inc'), ('1543272', 'BNBI', 'Bullsnbearscom Inc'), ('1069665', 'BNBN', 'Barnesandnoble Com Inc'), ('945434', 'BNCC', 'Bnccorp Inc'), ('1378020', 'BNCL', 'Beneficial Mutual Bancorp Inc'), ('1210227', 'BNCN', 'BNC Bancorp'), ('13610', 'BNE', 'Bowne & Co Inc'), ('875729', 'BNET', 'Bion Environmental Technologies Inc'), ('1576169', 'BNFT', 'Benefitfocusinc'), ('1318482', 'BNGOF', 'Bingocom LTD'), ('935226', 'BNHN', 'Benihana Inc'), ('934612', 'BNI', 'Burlington Northern Santa Fe LLC'), ('1137440', 'BNJ', 'Blackrock New Jersey Municipal Income Trust'), ('829750', 'BNK', 'Banknorth Group Inc'), ('1304994', 'BNK', 'TD Banknorth Inc'), ('1431897', 'BNNY', 'Annies Inc'), ('1472494', 'BNO', 'United States Brent Oil Fund LP'), ('812150', 'BNP', 'BNP Residential Properties Inc'), ('14637', 'BNSXA', 'BNS Holding Inc'), ('821616', 'BNT', 'Bentley Pharmaceuticals Inc'), ('1137390', 'BNY', 'Blackrock New York Municipal Income Trust'), ('1425289', 'BNZA', 'Bonanza Gold Corp'), ('1041177', 'BNZE', 'Sutor Technology Group LTD'), ('33769', 'BOBE', 'Bob Evans Farms Inc'), ('928753', 'BOBJ', 'Business Objects SA'), ('914537', 'BOBS', 'Brazil Fast Food Corp'), ('702513', 'BOCH', 'Bank Of Commerce Holdings'), ('1026215', 'BOCT', 'Boulder Capital Opportunities II LTD'), ('1092562', 'BOCX', 'Biocurex Inc'), ('1379246', 'BODY', 'Body Central Corp'), ('1320375', 'BOE', 'Blackrock Global Opportunities Equity Trust'), ('1299709', 'BOFI', 'Bofi Holding Inc'), ('1082368', 'BOFL', 'Bank Of Florida Corp'), ('1291983', 'BOGA', 'Baseline Oil & Gas Corp'), ('908517', 'BOGN', 'Bogen Communications International Inc'), ('46195', 'BOH', 'Bank Of Hawaii Corp'), ('1562834', 'BOI', 'Brookfield Mortgage Opportunity Income Fund Inc'), ('1275101', 'BOJF', 'Bank Of The James Financial Group Inc'), ('875357', 'BOKF', 'Bok Financial Corp'), ('1201259', 'BOKO', 'Boo Koo Holdings Inc'), ('10427', 'BOL', 'Bausch & Lomb Inc'), ('1429393', 'BOLC', 'Bollente Companies Inc'), ('1444275', 'BOLD', 'Lot78 Inc'), ('1386049', 'BOMJ', 'Reel Estate Services Inc'), ('1083672', 'BONE', 'Bacterin International Inc'), ('1453593', 'BONE', 'Bacterin International Holdings Inc'), ('878079', 'BONT', 'Bon Ton Stores Inc'), ('1427030', 'BONU', 'Bioneutral Group Inc'), ('854093', 'BONZ', 'Interpore International Inc'), ('828747', 'BOO', 'Sport Supply Group Inc'), ('1098322', 'BOO', 'Hotels Com'), ('34067', 'BOOM', 'Dynamic Materials Corp'), ('919443', 'BOOT', 'Lacrosse Footwear Inc'), ('1443242', 'BOPH', 'Bohai Pharmaceuticals Group Inc'), ('1354835', 'BORD', 'Boardwalk Bancorp Inc'), ('853273', 'BORL', 'Borland Software Corp'), ('1172229', 'BORT', 'Botetourt Bankshares Inc'), ('805268', 'BOSA', 'Boston Acoustics Inc'), ('1455380', 'BOSM', 'Equinox International Inc'), ('1161448', 'BOT', 'Cbot Holdings  Inc'), ('72444', 'BOTA', 'Biota Pharmaceuticals Inc'), ('41052', 'BOTX', 'Bontex Inc'), ('1460602', 'BOUT', 'Orgenesis Inc'), ('743368', 'BOW', 'Bowater Inc'), ('1487999', 'BOX', 'Seacube Container Leasing LTD'), ('1015859', 'BOY', 'Boykin Lodging Co'), ('920907', 'BOYD', 'Boyd Bros Transportation Inc'), ('1028426', 'BPCC', 'Bishop Capital Corp'), ('821127', 'BPFH', 'Boston Private Financial Holdings Inc'), ('1029581', 'BPHX', 'Bluephoenix Solutions LTD'), ('1274202', 'BPI', 'Topiary Benefit Plan Investor Fund LLC'), ('1305323', 'BPI', 'Bridgepoint Education Inc'), ('1159040', 'BPK', 'Blackrock Municipal 2018 Term Trust'), ('1093818', 'BPKR', 'BPK Resources Inc'), ('805022', 'BPL', 'Buckeye Partners LP'), ('1298023', 'BPM', 'Topiary Master Fund For Benefit Plan Investors Bpi LLC'), ('9096', 'BPMI', 'Badger Paper Mills Inc'), ('763901', 'BPOP', 'Popular Inc'), ('1213169', 'BPP', 'Blackrock Credit Allocation Income Trust III'), ('1314077', 'BPR', 'Bpi Energy Holdings Inc'), ('1089821', 'BPS', 'Blackrock Pennsylvania Strategic Municipal Trust'), ('1133818', 'BPTH', 'Bio-path Holdings Inc'), ('798600', 'BPTR', 'Brandpartners Group Inc'), ('815508', 'BPURD', 'Biopure Corp'), ('1418255', 'BPW', 'BPW Acquisition Corp'), ('1545772', 'BPY', 'Brookfield Property Partners LP'), ('1023734', 'BPZI', 'BPZ Resources Inc'), ('1167470', 'BQH', 'Blackrock New York Municipal Bond Trust'), ('1403238', 'BQR', 'Blackrock Ecosolutions Investment Trust'), ('883368', 'BQTP', 'Blackrock Investment Quality Term Trust Inc'), ('1114924', 'BQTS', 'BQT Subsidiary Inc'), ('1280936', 'BQY', 'Blackrock Dividend Income Trust'), ('833320', 'BR', 'Burlington Resources Inc'), ('1383312', 'BR', 'Broadridge Financial Solutions Inc'), ('926295', 'BRAI', 'Boston Restaurant Associates Inc'), ('771614', 'BRB', 'Brunswick Bancorp'), ('1055870', 'BRBI', 'Blue River Bancshares Inc'), ('746598', 'BRC', 'Brady Corp'), ('1009626', 'BRCD', 'Brocade Communications Systems Inc'), ('1321002', 'BRCI', 'Brampton Crest International Inc'), ('1054374', 'BRCM', 'Broadcom Corp'), ('909992', 'BRCO', 'Beard Co'), ('938113', 'BRD', 'Brigus Gold Corp'), ('1048273', 'BRDG', 'Bridge Technology Inc'), ('1377940', 'BRDN', 'Border Management Inc'), ('1498067', 'BRDT', 'Breedit Corp'), ('1011174', 'BRE', 'Bre Properties Inc'), ('1095070', 'BREK', 'Brek Energy Corp'), ('1036629', 'BREL', 'Bioreliance Corp'), ('14073', 'BRER', 'Bresler & Reiner Inc'), ('892222', 'BREW', 'Craft Brew Alliance Inc'), ('890518', 'BRF', 'Blackrock Florida Insured Municipal 2008 Term Trust'), ('1487197', 'BRFH', 'Barfresh Food Group Inc'), ('1125119', 'BRFL', 'Birch Financial Inc'), ('1431074', 'BRGO', 'Bergio International Inc'), ('1015715', 'BRHI', 'Braintech Inc'), ('1501720', 'BRHM', 'Brenham Oil & Gas Corp'), ('14177', 'BRID', 'Bridgford Foods Corp'), ('1056294', 'BRIO', 'Brio Software Inc'), ('1067983', 'BRK', 'Berkshire Hathaway Inc'), ('1049782', 'BRKL', 'Brookline Bancorp Inc'), ('1440280', 'BRKM', 'Extreme Biodiesel Inc'), ('1109354', 'BRKR', 'Bruker Corp'), ('933974', 'BRKS', 'Brooks Automation Inc'), ('754516', 'BRKT', 'Brooktrout Inc'), ('10081', 'BRL', 'Barr Pharmaceuticals Inc'), ('1232229', 'BRLCD', 'Syntax-brillian Corp'), ('792641', 'BRLI', 'Bio Reference Laboratories Inc'), ('889430', 'BRM', 'Blackrock Insured Municipal 2008 Term Trust Inc'), ('876160', 'BRMC', 'Berman Center Inc'), ('1137143', 'BRMV', 'Sino Silver Corp'), ('10048', 'BRN', 'Barnwell Industries Inc'), ('1086757', 'BRNC', 'Braun Consulting Inc'), ('1328650', 'BRNC', 'Bronco Drilling Company Inc'), ('1355732', 'BRNE', 'Borneo Resource Investments LTD'), ('1436273', 'BRNZ', 'Qele Resources Inc'), ('79282', 'BRO', 'Brown & Brown Inc'), ('1410012', 'BROE', 'Baron Energy Inc'), ('1116137', 'BRPNF', 'Bravo Resource Partners LTD'), ('73887', 'BRS', 'Bristow Group Inc'), ('801907', 'BRSI', 'Ballistic Recovery Systems Inc'), ('1533526', 'BRSS', 'Global Brass & Copper Holdings Inc'), ('14846', 'BRT', 'BRT Realty Trust'), ('1122573', 'BRTL', 'Tissera Inc'), ('1458581', 'BRVM', 'Zenosense Inc'), ('1061029', 'BRVO', 'Bravo Foods International Corp'), ('1272957', 'BRW', 'Bristol West Holdings Inc'), ('1581068', 'BRX', 'Brixmor Property Group Inc'), ('1130124', 'BRXO', 'Brenex Oil Corp'), ('778438', 'BRY', 'Berry Petroleum Co'), ('1301075', 'BRZG', 'Brazil Gold Corp'), ('1337182', 'BRZV', 'Breezer Ventures Inc'), ('1045598', 'BRZZ', 'Briazz Inc'), ('830257', 'BSBN', 'BSB Bancorp Inc'), ('777001', 'BSC', 'Bear Stearns Companies Inc'), ('1089094', 'BSD', 'Blackrock Strategic Municipal Trust'), ('320174', 'BSDM', 'BSD Medical Corp'), ('1181024', 'BSE', 'Blackrock New York Municipal Income Quality Trust'), ('10329', 'BSET', 'Bassett Furniture Industries Inc'), ('1086909', 'BSFT', 'Broadsoft Inc'), ('883587', 'BSG', 'Citi Investor Services Inc'), ('1335282', 'BSGC', 'Bigstring Corp'), ('758604', 'BSH', 'Bush Industries Inc'), ('1365784', 'BSHF', 'Bioshaft Water Technology Inc'), ('916802', 'BSHI', 'Vista 2000 Inc'), ('10254', 'BSIC', 'Earthstone Energy Inc'), ('1099780', 'BSIO', 'Bsi2000 Inc'), ('1075247', 'BSKO', 'Big Sky Energy Corp'), ('1310893', 'BSKS', 'Bluesky Systems Corp'), ('1486298', 'BSL', 'Blackstone'), ('919015', 'BSMD', 'Biosphere Medical Inc'), ('866734', 'BSML', 'BSML Inc'), ('1093683', 'BSOI', 'Bison Instruments Inc'), ('886984', 'BSP', 'American Strategic Income Portfolio Inc II'), ('1308137', 'BSPE', 'Blacksands Petroleum Inc'), ('1418133', 'BSPM', 'Biostar Pharmaceuticals Inc'), ('1054721', 'BSQR', 'Bsquare Corp'), ('1371128', 'BSRC', 'Biosolar Inc'), ('1130144', 'BSRR', 'Sierra Bancorp'), ('1495028', 'BSSP', 'Bassline Productions Inc'), ('875622', 'BSTC', 'Biospecifics Technologies Corp'), ('834306', 'BSTE', 'Alere San Diego Inc'), ('27850', 'BSTR', 'Bankers Store Inc'), ('1050025', 'BSTR', 'Brightstar Information Technology Group Inc'), ('856979', 'BSUR', 'Biosecure Corp'), ('885725', 'BSX', 'Boston Scientific Corp'), ('1109848', 'BSXT', 'Boe Financial Services Of Virginia Inc'), ('1094017', 'BSYI', 'Biosyntech Inc'), ('715812', 'BSYN', 'Biosynergy Inc'), ('1343793', 'BTA', 'Blackrock Long-term Municipal Advantage Trust'), ('1300128', 'BTEL', 'Biotel Inc'), ('895422', 'BTF', 'Boulder Total Return Fund Inc'), ('783739', 'BTFG', 'Banctrust Financial Group Inc'), ('921503', 'BTH', 'Blyth Inc'), ('1473579', 'BTHE', 'Boston Therapeutics Inc'), ('1455926', 'BTHI', 'Butte Highlands Mining Company Inc'), ('11390', 'BTHS', 'Benthos Inc'), ('354655', 'BTJ', 'Bolt Technology Corp'), ('946454', 'BTN', 'Ballantyne Strong Inc'), ('925683', 'BTO', 'John Hancock Financial Opportunities Fund'), ('725929', 'BTOD', 'B2digital Inc'), ('1336747', 'BTON', 'Belltower Entertainment Corp'), ('886183', 'BTP', 'Beartooth Platinum Corp'), ('1173657', 'BTRX', 'Barrier Therapeutics Inc'), ('1528437', 'BTT', 'Blackrock Municipal Target Term Trust'), ('1387341', 'BTTA', 'Boatatopia'), ('1064728', 'BTU', 'Peabody Energy Corp'), ('840883', 'BTUI', 'Btu International Inc'), ('876343', 'BTX', 'Biotime Inc'), ('1200268', 'BTYH', 'Bad Toys Holdings Inc'), ('1379384', 'BTZ', 'Blackrock Credit Allocation Income Trust'), ('1347078', 'BTZO', 'Bitzio Inc'), ('1046501', 'BUCA', 'Buca Inc'), ('1125813', 'BUCS', 'Bucs Financial Corp'), ('740761', 'BUCY', 'Bucyrus International Inc'), ('310569', 'BUD', 'Anheuser-busch Companies LLC'), ('1299795', 'BUERF', 'Blue Earth Refineries Inc'), ('774454', 'BUGS', 'US Microbics Inc'), ('1528988', 'BUI', 'Blackrock Utility & Infrastructure Trust'), ('15847', 'BUKS', 'Butler National Corp'), ('1376804', 'BUKX', 'Tierra Grande Resources Inc'), ('319697', 'BULL', 'Bull Run Corp'), ('15288', 'BULM', 'Bullion Monarch Mining Inc Old'), ('1497246', 'BULM', 'Bullion Monarch Mining Inc New'), ('1325118', 'BUN', 'Babyuniverse Inc'), ('1002178', 'BUNZ', 'Schlotzskys Inc'), ('1579298', 'BURL', 'Burlington Stores Inc'), ('314489', 'BUSE', 'First Busey Corp'), ('15836', 'BUTL', 'Butler International Inc'), ('786765', 'BUTL', 'Butler International Inc'), ('1097070', 'BUYY', 'Buy Com Inc'), ('1330421', 'BV', 'Bazaarvoice Inc'), ('1020866', 'BVA', 'Bionova Holding Corp'), ('1466292', 'BVA', 'Cordia Bancorp Inc'), ('840387', 'BVC', 'Great Lakes Bancorp Inc'), ('1061646', 'BVEW', 'Bindview Development Corp'), ('1412126', 'BVIG', 'Kat Gold Holdings Corp'), ('1081275', 'BVLE', 'Bidville Inc'), ('742275', 'BVNC', 'Beverly National Corp'), ('920448', 'BVSN', 'Broadvision Inc'), ('704384', 'BVTI', 'Biovest International Inc'), ('719135', 'BVX', 'Bovie Medical Corp'), ('908255', 'BWA', 'Borgwarner Inc'), ('1336777', 'BWC', 'Blackrock World Investment Trust'), ('1486957', 'BWC', 'Babcock & Wilcox Co'), ('353650', 'BWCF', 'BWC Financial Corp'), ('1086519', 'BWDI', 'Blue Wireless & Data Inc'), ('1082064', 'BWEB', 'Backweb Technologies LTD'), ('1504545', 'BWG', 'Legg Mason BW Global Income Opportunities Fund Inc'), ('9346', 'BWINB', 'Baldwin & Lyons Inc'), ('13573', 'BWL', 'Bowl America Inc'), ('1062449', 'BWLD', 'Buffalo Wild Wings Inc'), ('1166708', 'BWMG', 'Brownies Marine Group Inc'), ('1292518', 'BWMS', 'Blackwater Midstream Corp'), ('1060490', 'BWNG', 'Broadwing Corp'), ('1208195', 'BWP', 'Partners Balanced Trust'), ('1336047', 'BWP', 'Boardwalk Pipeline Partners LP'), ('14707', 'BWS', 'Brown Shoe Co Inc'), ('1124653', 'BWTC', 'Bowlin Travel Centers Inc'), ('1352045', 'BWTR', 'Basin Water Inc'), ('839871', 'BWWL', 'Warrior Energy Services Corp'), ('943897', 'BWY', 'Bway Corp'), ('1392179', 'BWY', 'Bway Holding Co'), ('1393818', 'BX', 'Blackstone Group LP'), ('1301787', 'BXC', 'Bluelinx Holdings Inc'), ('778946', 'BXG', 'Bluegreen Corp'), ('1023714', 'BXL', 'Bexil Corp'), ('1061630', 'BXMT', 'Blackstone Mortgage Trust Inc'), ('1037540', 'BXP', 'Boston Properties Inc'), ('701853', 'BXS', 'Bancorpsouth Inc'), ('834408', 'BXX', 'Brooke Corp'), ('901495', 'BYBI', 'Back Yard Burgers Inc'), ('859222', 'BYBK', 'Bay Bancorp Inc'), ('1050957', 'BYCX', 'Bayou City Exploration Inc'), ('906553', 'BYD', 'Boyd Gaming Corp'), ('1334345', 'BYDE', 'By Design Inc'), ('1001171', 'BYFC', 'Broadway Financial Corp'), ('2491', 'BYI', 'Bally Technologies Inc'), ('275119', 'BYLK', 'Baylake Corp'), ('1181187', 'BYM', 'Blackrock Municipal Income Quality Trust'), ('1167886', 'BYMC', 'Goldfields International Inc'), ('352912', 'BYMR', 'Arcland Energy Corp'), ('807877', 'BYX', 'Bayou Steel Corp'), ('350750', 'BZ', 'Bairnco Corp'), ('1391390', 'BZ', 'Boise Inc'), ('1169027', 'BZA', 'Blackrock California Municipal Bond Trust'), ('1123841', 'BZBC', 'Business Bancorp'), ('99359', 'BZC', 'Breeze-eastern Corp'), ('1007018', 'BZET', 'Biofield Corp'), ('820028', 'BZF', 'Brazil Fund Inc'), ('915840', 'BZH', 'Beazer Homes USA Inc'), ('1423357', 'BZIC', 'Beamz Interactive Inc'), ('883925', 'BZL', 'Brazilian Equity Fund Inc'), ('1169029', 'BZM', 'Blackrock Maryland Municipal Bond Trust'), ('908177', 'BZO', 'Brazauro Resources Corp'), ('724445', 'BZYR', 'Burzynski Research Institute Inc'), ('831001', 'C', 'Citigroup Inc'), ('356028', 'CA', 'Ca Inc'), ('1021422', 'CAA', 'Eastern Light Capital Inc'), ('1321724', 'CAAG', 'Cal Alta Auto Glass Inc'), ('1093903', 'CAAH', 'Sense Holdings Inc'), ('925535', 'CAAP', 'Citizens Capital Corp'), ('1157762', 'CAAS', 'China Automotive Systems Inc'), ('1044650', 'CAAUF', 'Calais Resources Inc'), ('1267130', 'CAB', 'Cabelas Inc'), ('1122425', 'CABG', 'Cabg Medical Inc'), ('750686', 'CAC', 'Camden National Corp'), ('865911', 'CACB', 'Cascade Bancorp'), ('885550', 'CACC', 'Credit Acceptance Corp'), ('1527349', 'CACG', 'Chart Acquisition Corp'), ('350199', 'CACH', 'Cache Inc'), ('16058', 'CACI', 'Caci International Inc'), ('1575879', 'CACQ', 'Caesars Acquisition Co'), ('1018074', 'CACSE', 'Carrier Access Corp'), ('819334', 'CADA', 'Cam Commerce Solutions Inc'), ('1392363', 'CADC', 'China Advanced Construction Materials Group Inc'), ('820771', 'CADTD', 'Goliath Film & Media Holdings'), ('937252', 'CADV', 'Careadvantage Inc'), ('1333248', 'CADX', 'Cadence Pharmaceuticals Inc'), ('18061', 'CAE', 'Cascade Corp'), ('1287668', 'CAEI', 'China Architectural Engineering Inc'), ('1368493', 'CAF', 'Morgan Stanley China A Share Fund Inc'), ('809012', 'CAFE', 'Enerlume Energy Management Corp'), ('16614', 'CAFI', 'Camco Financial Corp'), ('23217', 'CAG', 'Conagra Foods Inc'), ('1166389', 'CAGC', 'China Agritech Inc'), ('1471256', 'CAGZ', 'Cullen Agricultural Holding Corp'), ('721371', 'CAH', 'Cardinal Health Inc'), ('887596', 'CAKE', 'Cheesecake Factory Inc'), ('319687', 'CAL', 'United Airlines Inc'), ('822665', 'CALA', 'Catalina Lighting Inc'), ('1448558', 'CALB', 'Calibrus Inc'), ('840216', 'CALC', 'California Coastal Communities Inc'), ('1035748', 'CALD', 'Callidus Software Inc'), ('1005699', 'CALL', 'Magicjack Vocaltec LTD'), ('1115091', 'CALL', 'Fuzebox Software Corp'), ('16160', 'CALM', 'Cal Maine Foods Inc'), ('1014672', 'CALP', 'Caliper Life Sciences Inc'), ('1406666', 'CALX', 'Calix Inc'), ('941548', 'CAM', 'Cameron International Corp'), ('1588869', 'CAMB', 'Cambridge Capital Acquisition Corp'), ('800460', 'CAMD', 'California Micro Devices Corp'), ('1543605', 'CAME', 'Chinamerica Andy Movie Entertainment Media Co'), ('913443', 'CAMH', 'Cambridge Heart Inc'), ('730255', 'CAMP', 'Calamp Corp'), ('1057709', 'CANI', 'Carreker Corp'), ('1118961', 'CANM', 'Caneum Inc'), ('1224006', 'CANU', 'Hitor Group Inc'), ('1510964', 'CANV', 'Cannavest Corp'), ('1051848', 'CAO', 'CSK Auto Corp'), ('42136', 'CAON', 'Chang-on International Inc'), ('1388430', 'CAP', 'Cai International Inc'), ('931784', 'CAPA', 'Captaris Inc'), ('1338977', 'CAPB', 'Capitalsouth Bancorp'), ('1334872', 'CAPE', 'Cape Fear Bank Corp'), ('1558432', 'CAPP', 'Capstone Financial Group Inc'), ('1133869', 'CAPR', 'Capricor Therapeutics Inc'), ('722567', 'CAPS', 'Caprius Inc'), ('887151', 'CAPS', 'Capstone Therapeutics Corp'), ('1003929', 'CAQ', 'Via Pharmaceuticals Inc'), ('1275567', 'CAQC', 'Chardan China Acquisition Corp'), ('723612', 'CAR', 'Avis Budget Group Inc'), ('1346830', 'CARA', 'Cara Therapeutics Inc'), ('1340127', 'CARB', 'Carbonite Inc'), ('81050', 'CARD', 'Chazak Value Corp'), ('1108782', 'CARE', 'Carescience Inc'), ('1115054', 'CARL', 'Carmina Technologies Inc'), ('718007', 'CARN', 'Delsite Inc'), ('1049316', 'CARS', 'Capital Automotive REIT'), ('1016178', 'CARV', 'Carver Bancorp Inc'), ('18172', 'CAS', 'Castle A M & Co'), ('1009244', 'CASA', 'Mexican Restaurants Inc'), ('928911', 'CASB', 'Cascade Financial Corp'), ('907471', 'CASH', 'Meta Financial Group Inc'), ('1070602', 'CASI', 'Careside Inc'), ('1018152', 'CASL', 'Castle Dental Centers Inc'), ('1411179', 'CASL', 'Red Giant Entertainment Inc'), ('764579', 'CASM', 'Cas Medical Systems Inc'), ('708781', 'CASS', 'Cass Information Systems Inc'), ('1261888', 'CAST', 'Chinacast Education Corp'), ('726958', 'CASY', 'Caseys General Stores Inc'), ('18230', 'CAT', 'Caterpillar Inc'), ('1277856', 'CATM', 'Cardtronics Inc'), ('18255', 'CATO', 'Cato Corp'), ('899636', 'CATS', 'Catalyst Semiconductor Inc'), ('1063085', 'CATT', 'Catapult Communications Corp'), ('1421901', 'CATV', '4cable TV International Inc'), ('861842', 'CATY', 'Cathay General Bancorp'), ('1120155', 'CATZ', 'Computer Access Technology Corp'), ('739460', 'CAU', 'Canyon Resources Corp'), ('1118159', 'CAUL', 'Versadial Inc'), ('789863', 'CAV', 'Cavalier Homes Inc'), ('1049535', 'CAVB', 'Cavalry Bancorp Inc'), ('1175609', 'CAVM', 'Cavium Inc'), ('721447', 'CAW', 'Cca Industries Inc'), ('1060426', 'CAXG', 'Aoxing Pharmaceutical Company Inc'), ('20171', 'CB', 'Chubb Corp'), ('1570318', 'CBA', 'Clearbridge American Energy MLP Fund Inc'), ('855386', 'CBAC', 'Community National Bancorporation'), ('25657', 'CBAG', 'Crested Corp'), ('1289496', 'CBAI', 'Cord Blood America Inc'), ('1117171', 'CBAK', 'China Bak Battery Inc'), ('711669', 'CBAN', 'Colony Bankcorp Inc'), ('1300335', 'CBAS', 'Coastal Bancshares Acquisition Corp'), ('716133', 'CBB', 'Cincinnati Bell Inc'), ('316312', 'CBBI', 'Central Pacific Financial Corp'), ('1010002', 'CBBO', 'Columbia Bancorp'), ('1081748', 'CBBS', 'Columbia Bakeries Inc'), ('840264', 'CBC', 'Capitol Bancorp LTD'), ('1036148', 'CBCL', 'Cybertel Communications Corp'), ('1093897', 'CBCO', 'Coastal Banking Co Inc'), ('1141982', 'CBE', 'Cooper Industries PLC'), ('16590', 'CBEX', 'Cambex Corp'), ('1205727', 'CBEY', 'Cbeyond Inc'), ('1330969', 'CBF', 'Cbre Realty Finance Inc'), ('1479750', 'CBF', 'Capital Bank Financial Corp'), ('1113336', 'CBFC', 'CNB Financial Services Inc'), ('1138118', 'CBG', 'Cbre Group Inc'), ('715096', 'CBH', 'Commerce Bancorp Inc'), ('1027884', 'CBI', 'Chicago Bridge & Iron Co N V'), ('933590', 'CBIN', 'Community Bank Shares Of Indiana Inc'), ('1024626', 'CBIS', 'Cannabis Science Inc'), ('883943', 'CBK', 'Christopher & Banks Corp'), ('1006830', 'CBKM', 'Consumers Bancorp Inc'), ('1071992', 'CBKN', 'Capital Bank Corp'), ('1487623', 'CBKW', 'Choice Bancorp Inc'), ('910612', 'CBL', 'CBL & Associates Properties Inc'), ('1318641', 'CBLI', 'Cleveland Biolabs Inc'), ('1470129', 'CBLY', 'China Bilingual Technology & Education Group Inc'), ('820081', 'CBM', 'Cambrex Corp'), ('840081', 'CBM', 'Tax Exempt Securities Trust Series 289'), ('834105', 'CBMD', 'Columbia Bancorp'), ('1378624', 'CBMG', 'Cellular Biomedicine Group Inc'), ('1383183', 'CBMX', 'Combimatrix Corp'), ('1079385', 'CBN', 'Cornerstone Bancorp Inc'), ('1399356', 'CBNI', 'China BCT Pharmacy Group Inc'), ('1089720', 'CBNJ', 'Community Bancorp Of New Jersey'), ('1411303', 'CBNJ', 'Cape Bancorp Inc'), ('1355786', 'CBNK', 'Chicopee Bancorp Inc'), ('319156', 'CBNR', 'Cubic Energy Inc'), ('1111196', 'CBNR', 'Chestatee Bancshares Inc'), ('1374310', 'CBOE', 'Cboe Holdings Inc'), ('1304366', 'CBON', 'Community Bancorp'), ('1332602', 'CBOU', 'Caribou Coffee Company Inc'), ('926844', 'CBP', 'China Botanic Pharmaceutical'), ('1369868', 'CBPO', 'China Biologic Products Inc'), ('918581', 'CBR', 'Ciber Inc'), ('1124074', 'CBRE', 'Calibre Energy Inc'), ('25373', 'CBRL', 'Cracker Barrel Old Country Store Inc'), ('1067294', 'CBRL', 'Cracker Barrel Old Country Store Inc'), ('821995', 'CBRX', 'Columbia Laboratories Inc'), ('813828', 'CBS', 'CBS Corp'), ('919805', 'CBSA', 'Coastal Bancorp Inc'), ('22356', 'CBSH', 'Commerce Bancshares Inc'), ('1290658', 'CBSJ', 'Creative Beauty Supply Of New Jersey Corp'), ('1295879', 'CBSO', 'Communitysouth Financial Corp'), ('18568', 'CBSS', 'Compass Bancshares Inc'), ('912183', 'CBST', 'Cubist Pharmaceuticals Inc'), ('16040', 'CBT', 'Cabot Corp'), ('1042418', 'CBTEQ', 'Hedgepath Pharmaceuticals Inc'), ('1156833', 'CBTT', 'China Bottles Inc'), ('723188', 'CBU', 'Community Bank System Inc'), ('948069', 'CBUK', 'Cutter & Buck Inc'), ('1381192', 'CBVA', 'Cab-tive Advertising Inc'), ('1452583', 'CBWP', 'Crownbutte Wind Power Inc'), ('1142526', 'CBYI', 'Cal Bay International Inc'), ('944148', 'CBZ', 'Cbiz Inc'), ('1062780', 'CBZ', 'Cobalt Corp'), ('1307425', 'CBZFF', 'Carbiz Inc'), ('104599', 'CC', 'Circuit City Stores Inc'), ('109289', 'CCA', 'Zerolease Inc'), ('1092896', 'CCA', 'MFS California Municipal Fund'), ('1160217', 'CCAH', 'Global Roaming Distribution Inc'), ('1091406', 'CCAJ', 'Edgar Filingnet Inc'), ('1014133', 'CCBD', 'Community Central Bank Corp'), ('726601', 'CCBG', 'Capital City Bank Group Inc'), ('1184818', 'CCBI', 'Commercial Capital Bancorp Inc'), ('350621', 'CCBL', 'C-cor Inc'), ('921085', 'CCBN', 'Central Coast Bancorp'), ('730030', 'CCBP', 'Comm Bancorp Inc'), ('1074972', 'CCBT', 'CCBT Financial Companies Inc'), ('812701', 'CCC', 'Calgon Carbon Corporation'), ('1017917', 'CCCG', 'CCC Information Services Group Inc'), ('1416569', 'CCCHF', 'China Cablecom Holdings LTD'), ('773394', 'CCCI', 'China Cable & Communication Inc'), ('793986', 'CCCN', 'City Capital Corp'), ('1556266', 'CCCR', 'China Commercial Credit Inc'), ('832483', 'CCDC', 'Concorde Career Colleges Inc'), ('1337080', 'CCDE', 'Empire Water Corp'), ('804055', 'CCE', 'Coca-cola Refreshments USA Inc'), ('1491675', 'CCE', 'Coca-cola Enterprises Inc'), ('862692', 'CCEL', 'Cryo Cell International Inc'), ('830524', 'CCF', 'Chase Corp'), ('1189356', 'CCFC', 'CCSB Financial Corp'), ('943033', 'CCFH', 'CCF Holding Co'), ('1528061', 'CCFI', 'Community Choice Financial Inc'), ('731122', 'CCFN', 'Ccfnb Bancorp Inc'), ('1490983', 'CCG', 'Campus Crest Communities Inc'), ('1429764', 'CCGI', 'Car Charging Group Inc'), ('1331444', 'CCGY', 'China Clean Energy Inc'), ('1051470', 'CCI', 'Crown Castle International Corp'), ('1323653', 'CCIX', 'Coleman Cable Inc'), ('1219601', 'CCK', 'Crown Holdings Inc'), ('1380706', 'CCKH', 'China Domestica Bio-technology Holdings Inc'), ('815097', 'CCL', 'Carnival Corp'), ('1470683', 'CCLTF', 'China Ceramics Co LTD'), ('1400891', 'CCMOV', 'CC Media Holdings Inc'), ('1102934', 'CCMP', 'Cabot Microelectronics Corp'), ('1028921', 'CCMS', 'Champion Communication Services Inc'), ('736772', 'CCNE', 'CNB Financial Corp'), ('1140102', 'CCNI', 'Command Center Inc'), ('1334978', 'CCO', 'Clear Channel Outdoor Holdings Inc'), ('1158324', 'CCOI', 'Cogent Communications Group Inc'), ('21828', 'CCOM', 'Ccom Group Inc'), ('1088638', 'CCON', 'Coconnect Inc'), ('1161706', 'CCOP', 'Competitive Companies Inc'), ('826330', 'CCOR', 'Core Technologies Pennsylvania Inc'), ('1004740', 'CCOW', 'Capital Corp Of The West'), ('1021179', 'CCP', 'Chevy Chase Preferred Capital Corp'), ('1072806', 'CCPCN', 'Eos Preferred Corp'), ('1052801', 'CCPRZ', 'Coast Federal Litigation Contingent Payment Rights Trust'), ('915290', 'CCRD', 'Concord Communications Inc'), ('1083848', 'CCRE', 'Can Cal Resources LTD'), ('1141103', 'CCRN', 'Cross Country Healthcare Inc'), ('1068199', 'CCRT', 'Compucredit Corp'), ('1391253', 'CCRY', 'Chancery Resources Inc'), ('1445109', 'CCTC', 'Clean Coal Technologies Inc'), ('1219097', 'CCTR', 'Ubidcom Holdings Inc'), ('739708', 'CCU', 'Clear Channel Communications Inc'), ('749038', 'CCUR', 'Concurrent Computer Corp'), ('1081938', 'CCVR', 'Golden Dragon Holding Co'), ('1340652', 'CCXI', 'Chemocentryx Inc'), ('1022759', 'CDBK', 'Cardinal Bankshares Corp'), ('1318509', 'CDCE', 'China Transportation International Holdings Group LTD'), ('1179484', 'CDCO', 'Comdisco Holding Co Inc'), ('1335112', 'CDCX', 'Sitoa Global Inc'), ('22912', 'CDCY', 'Compudyne Corp'), ('215466', 'CDE', 'Coeur Mining Inc'), ('1144225', 'CDED', 'Decision Diagnostics Corp'), ('1018920', 'CDEN', 'Coast Dental Services Inc'), ('1473971', 'CDFT', 'Citadel Eft Inc'), ('712757', 'CDGC', 'Cambridge Holdings LTD'), ('18396', 'CDI', 'CDI Corp'), ('719722', 'CDIC', 'Cardiodynamics International Corp'), ('811222', 'CDIF', 'Cardiff International Inc'), ('866829', 'CDIS', 'Helix Energy Solutions Group Inc'), ('1095130', 'CDKX', 'Arkados Group Inc'), ('1174527', 'CDL', 'Citadel Broadcasting Corp'), ('1045944', 'CDLC', 'Coddle Creek Financial Corp'), ('803034', 'CDMP', 'Gener8xion Entertainment Inc'), ('745274', 'CDMS', 'Cadmus Communications Corp'), ('1035398', 'CDNC', 'Cardinal Communications Inc'), ('933157', 'CDNR', 'Royal Silver Mines Inc'), ('813672', 'CDNS', 'Cadence Design Systems Inc'), ('1334325', 'CDOC', 'Coda Octopus Group Inc'), ('761648', 'CDR', 'Cedar Realty Trust Inc'), ('1330446', 'CDS', 'Cold Spring Capital Inc'), ('1164552', 'CDSS', 'Green Energy Management Services Holdings Inc'), ('949428', 'CDTI', 'Clean Diesel Technologies Inc'), ('1098584', 'CDTN', 'Capacitive Deionization Technology Systems Inc'), ('1000779', 'CDV', 'CD&L Inc'), ('1384522', 'CDVT', 'Card Activation Technologies Inc'), ('1405660', 'CDVV', 'Paradigm Resource Management Corp'), ('1402057', 'CDW', 'CDW Corp'), ('899171', 'CDWC', 'CDW Corp'), ('865937', 'CDX', 'Catellus Development Corp'), ('1228862', 'CDX', 'Catellus Development Corp'), ('1386570', 'CDXC', 'Chromadex Corp'), ('1200375', 'CDXS', 'Codexis Inc'), ('1303936', 'CDY', 'Cardero Resource Corp'), ('727273', 'CDZI', 'Cadiz Inc'), ('740112', 'CE', 'Concord Efs Inc'), ('1306830', 'CE', 'Celanese Corp'), ('1463792', 'CEAC', 'Gold Torrent Inc'), ('1076394', 'CEBK', 'Central Bancorp Inc'), ('813920', 'CEC', 'Cec Entertainment Inc'), ('926865', 'CECB', 'Cecil Bancorp Inc'), ('54175', 'CECC', 'Advantage Capital Development Corp'), ('3197', 'CECE', 'Ceco Environmental Corp'), ('1046568', 'CECO', 'Career Education Corp'), ('709355', 'CECX', 'Castle Energy Corp'), ('1464305', 'CECX', 'On Demand Heavy Duty Corp'), ('1046880', 'CEDC', 'Central European Distribution Corp'), ('860489', 'CEE', 'Central Europe Russia & Turkey Fund Inc'), ('1083459', 'CEEC', 'China Water Group Inc'), ('828535', 'CEFC', 'Commercial National Financial Corp'), ('1004440', 'CEG', 'Constellation Energy Group Inc'), ('865231', 'CEGE', 'Cell Genesys Inc'), ('1408351', 'CEGX', 'Cardinal Energy Group Inc'), ('20947', 'CEI', 'Cleveland Electric Illuminating Co'), ('918958', 'CEI', 'Crescent Real Estate Equities Co'), ('1176325', 'CEII', 'Skinny Nutritional Corp'), ('1367898', 'CEII', 'Uschina Channel Inc'), ('1061985', 'CEIW', 'Consolidated Energy Inc'), ('816284', 'CELG', 'Celgene Corp'), ('918946', 'CELL', 'Brightpoint Inc'), ('1421526', 'CELM', 'China Electric Motor Inc'), ('1587246', 'CELP', 'Cypress Energy Partners LP'), ('1488775', 'CEM', 'Clearbridge Energy MLP Fund Inc'), ('1461993', 'CEMP', 'Cempra Inc'), ('1124887', 'CEN', 'Ceridian Corp'), ('1576340', 'CEN', 'Center Coast MLP & Infrastructure Fund'), ('1085636', 'CENF', 'Central Freight Lines Inc'), ('887733', 'CENT', 'Central Garden & Pet Co'), ('949157', 'CENX', 'Century Aluminum Co'), ('1362705', 'CEP', 'Constellation Energy Partners LLC'), ('873364', 'CEPH', 'Cephalon Inc'), ('1231472', 'CEPO', 'Ceptor Corp'), ('1136352', 'CEQP', 'Crestwood Equity Partners LP'), ('18651', 'CER', 'Central Illinois Light Co'), ('826821', 'CERB', 'Cerbco Inc'), ('767884', 'CERE', 'Ceres Inc'), ('215403', 'CERG', 'Ceres Group Inc'), ('804753', 'CERN', 'Cerner Corp'), ('1324759', 'CERP', 'Cereplast Inc'), ('1020214', 'CERS', 'Cerus Corp'), ('1103393', 'CESF', 'Ce Software Inc'), ('1053361', 'CESI', 'Catalytica Energy Systems Inc'), ('1119601', 'CESV', 'China Energy Savings Technology Inc'), ('18748', 'CET', 'Central Securities Corp'), ('23778', 'CETH', 'Convergence Ethanol Inc'), ('944627', 'CETR', 'Cet Services Inc'), ('925645', 'CETV', 'Central European Media Enterprises LTD'), ('1203900', 'CEU', 'China Education Alliance Inc'), ('1074692', 'CEV', 'Eaton Vance California Municipal Income Trust'), ('1173489', 'CEVA', 'Ceva Inc'), ('1173738', 'CEXI', 'Cdex Inc'), ('1443863', 'CEYY', 'Fresh Start Private Management Inc'), ('819692', 'CF', 'Charter One Financial Inc'), ('1324404', 'CF', 'CF Industries Holdings Inc'), ('744778', 'CFB', 'Commercial Federal Corp'), ('1224499', 'CFBC', 'Community First Bancorp Inc'), ('857593', 'CFBX', 'Community First Bankshares Inc'), ('25191', 'CFC', 'Countrywide Financial Corp'), ('949859', 'CFCI', 'CFC International Inc'), ('19913', 'CFCM', 'Chief Consolidated Mining Co'), ('935930', 'CFCP', 'Coastal Financial Corp'), ('1062978', 'CFD', 'Helios High Yield Fund'), ('1345801', 'CFD', 'Nuveen Diversified Commodity Fund'), ('1442513', 'CFDJ', 'Compound Natural Foods Inc'), ('1371310', 'CFEC', 'Neologic Animation Inc'), ('1346346', 'CFED', 'Confederate Motors Inc'), ('850606', 'CFFC', 'Community Financial Corp'), ('913341', 'CFFI', 'C & F Financial Corp'), ('1074433', 'CFFN', 'Capitol Federal Financial'), ('1490906', 'CFFN', 'Capitol Federal Financial Inc'), ('913781', 'CFGI', 'Crown Financial Group Inc'), ('1318309', 'CFGI', 'Crown Financial Holdings Inc'), ('1262276', 'CFHI', 'Coast Financial Holdings Inc'), ('723603', 'CFI', 'Culp Inc'), ('1448324', 'CFIC', 'Cornerstone Financial Corp'), ('1123735', 'CFIS', 'Community Financial Shares Inc'), ('1436040', 'CFL', 'Brinks Home Security Holdings Inc'), ('1428267', 'CFMSF', 'Clifton Star Resources Inc'), ('1457543', 'CFN', 'Carefusion Corp'), ('1345622', 'CFNA', 'CNB Financial Corp'), ('803016', 'CFNB', 'California First National Bancorp'), ('1060523', 'CFNL', 'Cardinal Financial Corp'), ('1047446', 'CFOK', 'Community First Bancorp'), ('1426874', 'CFOS', 'Kaibo Foods Co LTD'), ('1399186', 'CFP', 'Cornerstone Progressive Return Fund'), ('1208833', 'CFPC', 'Growers Direct Coffee Company Inc'), ('39263', 'CFR', 'Cullen'), ('1445297', 'CFRI', 'Conforce International Inc'), ('6814', 'CFS', 'Comforce Corp'), ('1006265', 'CFSB', 'Citizens First Financial Corp'), ('1286686', 'CFSI', 'Collegiate Funding Services Inc'), ('1132515', 'CFSL', 'Chesterfield Financial Corp'), ('1253710', 'CFW', 'Cano Petroleum Inc'), ('1092895', 'CFX', 'Colonial Insured Municipal Fund'), ('1420800', 'CFX', 'Colfax Corp'), ('1527166', 'CG', 'Carlyle Group LP'), ('857949', 'CGAG', 'China Green Agriculture Inc'), ('18072', 'CGC', 'Cascade Natural Gas Corp'), ('109757', 'CGCO', 'Commerce Group Corp'), ('863680', 'CGCP', 'Cardiogenesis Corp'), ('1223663', 'CGDF', 'Colombia Goldfields LTD'), ('1517130', 'CGEIU', 'Pingtan Marine Enterprise LTD'), ('1344394', 'CGFI', 'Colorado Goldfields Inc'), ('927133', 'CGFW', 'Cyberguard Corp'), ('1164538', 'CGHI', 'Centurion Gold Holdings Inc'), ('811612', 'CGI', 'Commerce Group Inc'), ('865941', 'CGI', 'Celadon Group Inc'), ('1349929', 'CGIX', 'Cancer Genetics Inc'), ('16104', 'CGL', 'Cagles Inc'), ('726845', 'CGLD', 'Capital Gold Corp'), ('1096295', 'CGLO', 'Canglobe International Inc'), ('1450015', 'CGLO', 'China Global Media Inc'), ('23341', 'CGM', 'Congoleum Corp'), ('894847', 'CGME', 'Carlyle Gaming & Entertainment LTD'), ('21438', 'CGN', 'Thinkengine Networks Inc'), ('1089029', 'CGNH', 'Cardiogenics Holdings Inc'), ('1363613', 'CGNUF', 'Chinagrowth North Acquisition Corp'), ('1341327', 'CGNV', 'Cignus Ventures Inc'), ('851205', 'CGNX', 'Cognex Corp'), ('1285650', 'CGO', 'Calamos Global Total Return Fund'), ('1103137', 'CGPA', 'College Partnership Inc'), ('1012270', 'CGPI', 'Collagenex Pharmaceuticals Inc'), ('1076939', 'CGPN', 'Skystar Bio-pharmaceutical Co'), ('1509351', 'CGPS', 'Eventure Interactive Inc'), ('1165780', 'CGRH', 'Cougar Holdings Inc'), ('1271805', 'CGSO', 'Centergistic Solutions Inc'), ('1363614', 'CGSUF', 'Chinagrowth South Acquisition Corp'), ('1131517', 'CGTKD', 'Anesiva Inc'), ('1103759', 'CGUD', 'Com Guard Com Inc'), ('921500', 'CGX', 'Consolidated Graphics Inc'), ('1096013', 'CGYB', 'Clean Energy Combustion Systems Inc'), ('354767', 'CGYN', 'Capco Energy Inc'), ('1208790', 'CGYV', 'China Energy Recovery Inc'), ('84667', 'CH', 'Rocky Mountain Lease & Development Co'), ('846676', 'CH', 'Aberdeen Chile Fund Inc'), ('894544', 'CHAG', 'Chancellor Group Inc'), ('1319048', 'CHAP', 'Chaparral Steel Co'), ('19252', 'CHAR', 'Chaparral Resources Inc'), ('1372605', 'CHATSWORTH', 'Chatsworth Acquisitions I Inc'), ('1372617', 'CHATSWORTH', 'Chatsworth Acquisitions II Inc'), ('1372618', 'CHATSWORTH', 'Chatsworth Acquisitions III Inc'), ('814068', 'CHB', 'Champion Enterprises Inc'), ('793983', 'CHBD', 'Chaus Bernard Inc'), ('887149', 'CHBH', 'Croghan Bancshares Inc'), ('1271057', 'CHBT', 'China-biotics Inc'), ('1043325', 'CHC', 'Centerline Holding Co'), ('1477156', 'CHC', 'China Hydroelectric Corp'), ('1299969', 'CHCI', 'Comstock Holding Companies Inc'), ('726854', 'CHCO', 'City Holding Co'), ('22872', 'CHCR', 'Advanzeon Solutions Inc'), ('313927', 'CHD', 'Church & Dwight Co Inc'), ('20212', 'CHDN', 'Churchill Downs Inc'), ('814926', 'CHDO', 'Capstone Companies Inc'), ('922717', 'CHDX', 'Chindex International Inc'), ('19584', 'CHE', 'Chemed Corp'), ('1517175', 'CHEF', 'Chefs Warehouse Inc'), ('797313', 'CHEL', 'Chell Group Corp'), ('1248124', 'CHEV', 'Cheviot Financial Corp'), ('1528843', 'CHEV', 'Cheviot Financial Corp'), ('1110569', 'CHEY', 'China Energy & Carbon Black Holdings Inc'), ('19612', 'CHFC', 'Chemical Financial Corp'), ('1123440', 'CHFI', 'China Finance Inc'), ('1136796', 'CHFN', 'Charter Financial Corp'), ('1478726', 'CHFN', 'Charter Financial Corp'), ('1061393', 'CHG', 'CH Energy Group Inc'), ('1364954', 'CHGG', 'Chegg Inc'), ('1356792', 'CHGH', 'CHG Healthcare Services Inc'), ('1075861', 'CHGI', 'American Unity Investments Inc'), ('1421378', 'CHGL', 'Transit Management Holding Corp'), ('1338578', 'CHGS', 'China Gengsheng Minerals Inc'), ('1335137', 'CHGY', 'China Energy Corp'), ('1046311', 'CHH', 'Choice Hotels International Inc'), ('1345479', 'CHHB', 'China Bio-immunity Corp'), ('1171471', 'CHI', 'Calamos Convertible Opportunities & Income Fund'), ('1092006', 'CHIC', 'Charlotte Russe Holding Inc'), ('1144320', 'CHID', 'New Energy Systems Group'), ('860131', 'CHIO', 'China Bio-energy Corp'), ('706539', 'CHIR', 'Chiron Corp'), ('895126', 'CHK', 'Chesapeake Energy Corp'), ('844161', 'CHKE', 'Cherokee Inc'), ('1077535', 'CHKJ', 'Cherokee Banking Co'), ('879554', 'CHKR', 'Checkers Drive In Restaurants Inc'), ('1524769', 'CHKR', 'Chesapeake Granite Wash Trust'), ('1092959', 'CHKT', 'Chemokine Therapeutics Corp'), ('1227167', 'CHLE', 'Centennial Specialty Foods Corp'), ('742685', 'CHLN', 'Chalone Wine Group LTD'), ('1303330', 'CHLN', 'China Housing & Land Development Inc'), ('1123493', 'CHLO', 'China Logistics Group Inc'), ('1366922', 'CHM', 'China Healthcare Acquisition Corp'), ('883813', 'CHMD', 'Chronimed Inc'), ('763563', 'CHMG', 'Chemung Financial Corp'), ('1571776', 'CHMI', 'Cherry Hill Mortgage Investment Corp'), ('19149', 'CHMP', 'Champion Industries Inc'), ('1082603', 'CHMS', 'China Mobility Solutions Inc Formerly Xin Net Corp'), ('1091862', 'CHMT', 'Chemtura Corp'), ('845379', 'CHN', 'China Fund Inc'), ('1013696', 'CHNL', 'Channell Commercial Corp'), ('1374061', 'CHNQ', 'China Opportunity Acquisition Corp'), ('808064', 'CHP', 'C&D Technologies Inc'), ('1093779', 'CHPC', 'Chippac Inc'), ('1438355', 'CHR', 'Capitalsource Healthcare REIT'), ('793628', 'CHRB', 'China Natural Resources Inc'), ('1042134', 'CHRD', 'Chordiant Software Inc'), ('1173784', 'CHRI', 'China Health Resource Inc'), ('1090069', 'CHRK', 'Cherokee International Corp'), ('19353', 'CHRS', 'Charming Shoppes Inc'), ('1043277', 'CHRW', 'C H Robinson Worldwide Inc'), ('23019', 'CHRZ', 'Computer Horizons Corp'), ('897429', 'CHS', 'Chicos Fas Inc'), ('823277', 'CHSCP', 'CHS Inc'), ('1090403', 'CHSI', 'Catalyst Health Solutions Inc'), ('1473078', 'CHSP', 'Chesapeake Lodging Trust'), ('1357531', 'CHTL', 'Velatel Global Communications Inc'), ('1333763', 'CHTP', 'Chelsea Therapeutics International LTD'), ('1091667', 'CHTR', 'Charter Communications Inc'), ('19520', 'CHTT', 'Chattem Inc'), ('864233', 'CHUX', 'O Charleys Inc'), ('1524931', 'CHUY', 'Chuys Holdings Inc'), ('1367880', 'CHV', 'Churchill Ventures LTD'), ('1333491', 'CHVC', 'China Voice Holding Corp'), ('1396277', 'CHW', 'Calamos Global Dynamic Income Fund'), ('1434667', 'CHWM', 'China Wi-max Communications Inc'), ('1329184', 'CHWN', 'Covalent Energy International Inc'), ('1222719', 'CHY', 'Calamos Convertible & High Income Fund'), ('20232', 'CHYR', 'Chyronhego Corp'), ('845879', 'CHYS', 'Charys Holding Co Inc'), ('200138', 'CHZ', 'Chittenden Corp'), ('701221', 'CI', 'Cigna Corp'), ('24090', 'CIA', 'Citizens Inc'), ('930277', 'CIBI', 'Community Investors Bancorp Inc'), ('948976', 'CIBN', 'California Independent Bancorp'), ('1373846', 'CICC', 'China Internet Cafe Holdings Group Inc'), ('727634', 'CICI', 'Communication Intelligence Corp'), ('945384', 'CICN', 'Cicero Inc'), ('892553', 'CIDI', 'Chart Industries Inc'), ('1173204', 'CIDM', 'Cinedigm Corp'), ('1471261', 'CIE', 'Cobalt International Energy Inc'), ('936395', 'CIEN', 'Ciena Corp'), ('833021', 'CIF', 'MFS Intermediate High Income Fund'), ('1313918', 'CIFC', 'Cifc Corp'), ('791115', 'CIGI', 'Coach Industries Group Inc'), ('1432754', 'CIGW', 'Cig Wireless Corp'), ('1417624', 'CIHI', 'Promodoesworkcom Inc'), ('1278895', 'CII', 'Blackrock Enhanced Capital & Income Fund Inc'), ('1459482', 'CIIX', 'Chineseinvestorscom Inc'), ('810766', 'CIK', 'Credit Suisse Asset Management Income Fund Inc'), ('1166297', 'CIK', 'Credit Suisse Asset Management Securities Inc'), ('1421525', 'CIL', 'China Intelligent Lighting & Electronics Inc'), ('1409493', 'CIM', 'Chimera Investment Corp'), ('833298', 'CIMA', 'Cima Labs Inc'), ('820906', 'CIMG', 'Color Imaging Inc'), ('1035901', 'CIMK', 'Cimnet Inc'), ('899652', 'CIN', 'Cinergy Corp'), ('818726', 'CIND', 'China Industrial Group Inc'), ('20286', 'CINF', 'Cincinnati Financial Corp'), ('1398137', 'CINJ', 'Cinjet Inc'), ('1021853', 'CIO', 'Computerized Thermal Imaging Inc'), ('18654', 'CIP', 'Ameren Illinois Co'), ('1091883', 'CIR', 'Circor International Inc'), ('813716', 'CIRC', 'Cirtran Corp'), ('1171825', 'CIT', 'Cit Group Inc'), ('1106861', 'CITC', 'Childrens Internet Inc'), ('794927', 'CITI', 'Canterbury Consulting Group Inc'), ('948850', 'CITP', 'Comsys It Partners Inc'), ('872202', 'CITY', 'Avalon Correctional Services Inc'), ('1058438', 'CITZ', 'CFS Bancorp Inc'), ('1049606', 'CIX', 'Compx International Inc'), ('799511', 'CIYL', 'City Loan Inc'), ('1075706', 'CIZN', 'Citizens Holding Co'), ('1172353', 'CJBK', 'Central Jersey Bancorp'), ('1509273', 'CJES', 'C&J Energy Services Inc'), ('1413263', 'CJJD', 'China Jo-jo Drugstores Inc'), ('23304', 'CJML', 'Cone Mills Corp'), ('1107050', 'CKCM', 'Click Commerce Inc'), ('846815', 'CKCRQ', 'Collins & Aikman Corp'), ('799088', 'CKEC', 'Carmike Cinemas Inc'), ('1045151', 'CKEI', 'Achievement Tec Holdings Inc'), ('949341', 'CKFR', 'Checkfree Corp'), ('930203', 'CKFSB', 'CKF Bancorp Inc'), ('1017699', 'CKGT', 'China Kangtai Cactus Bio-tech Inc'), ('859598', 'CKH', 'Seacor Holdings Inc'), ('861050', 'CKN', 'Cash Systems Inc'), ('1365794', 'CKNA', 'Chino Commercial Bancorp'), ('215419', 'CKP', 'Checkpoint Systems Inc'), ('919628', 'CKR', 'Cke Restaurants Inc'), ('1064539', 'CKRH', 'Ckrush Inc'), ('1105841', 'CKSW', 'Clicksoftware Technologies LTD'), ('352955', 'CKX', 'CKX Lands Inc'), ('793044', 'CKXE', 'CKX Inc'), ('21665', 'CL', 'Colgate Palmolive Co'), ('1406982', 'CLA', 'Capitol Acquisition Corp'), ('1512499', 'CLAC', 'Capitol Acquisition Corp II'), ('1046057', 'CLAI', 'Transcoastal Corp'), ('835409', 'CLAR', 'Clarion Technologies Inc'), ('1001627', 'CLAS', 'Classic Bancshares Inc'), ('1325228', 'CLAY', 'Clayton Holdings Inc'), ('1000229', 'CLB', 'Core Laboratories N V'), ('1383567', 'CLB', 'Core Laboratories LP'), ('1127160', 'CLBH', 'Carolina Bank Holdings Inc'), ('354562', 'CLBK', 'Commercial Bankshares Inc'), ('20740', 'CLC', 'Clarcor Inc'), ('1059186', 'CLCE', 'CLC Healthcare Inc'), ('1089143', 'CLCT', 'Collectors Universe Inc'), ('1441849', 'CLD', 'Cloud Peak Energy Inc'), ('716646', 'CLDA', 'Clinical Data Inc'), ('774569', 'CLDB', 'Cortland Bancorp Inc'), ('1305253', 'CLDN', 'Celladon Corp'), ('1444834', 'CLDS', 'Celestial Delights USA Corp'), ('1476045', 'CLDT', 'Chatham Lodging Trust'), ('34115', 'CLE', 'Claires Stores Inc'), ('1054290', 'CLEC', 'US Lec Corp'), ('764065', 'CLF', 'Cliffs Natural Resources Inc'), ('1174820', 'CLFC', 'Center Financial Corp'), ('796505', 'CLFD', 'Clearfield Inc'), ('1341995', 'CLFR', 'Virtual Medical Centre Inc'), ('1363573', 'CLGL', 'California Gold Corp'), ('36047', 'CLGX', 'Corelogic Inc'), ('887247', 'CLGY', 'Adamis Pharmaceuticals Corp'), ('830664', 'CLGZ', 'Hutech21 Co LTD'), ('822818', 'CLH', 'Clean Harbors Inc'), ('924901', 'CLI', 'Mack Cali Realty Corp'), ('1081154', 'CLIC', 'Calico Commerce Inc'), ('925741', 'CLIK', 'Tiger X Medical Inc'), ('1434524', 'CLIR', 'Clearsign Combustion Corp'), ('1063980', 'CLK', 'Clark Inc'), ('1052327', 'CLKS', 'Click2learn Inc'), ('814083', 'CLM', 'Cornerstone Strategic Value Fund Inc'), ('1000285', 'CLME', 'Solution Technology International Inc'), ('1130128', 'CLMN', 'China Ivy School Inc'), ('1299033', 'CLMS', 'Calamos Asset Management Inc'), ('1340122', 'CLMT', 'Calumet Specialty Products Partners LP'), ('1368265', 'CLNE', 'Clean Energy Fuels Corp'), ('869484', 'CLNW', 'Call Now Inc'), ('1467076', 'CLNY', 'Colony Financial Inc'), ('1144514', 'CLOV', 'Clover Leaf Financial Corp'), ('23426', 'CLP', 'Connecticut Light & Power Co'), ('909111', 'CLP', 'Colonial Properties Trust'), ('1414628', 'CLPI', 'Calpian Inc'), ('16496', 'CLPO', 'Calprop Corp'), ('732834', 'CLR', 'Continental Resources Inc'), ('1307431', 'CLRC', 'Clear Choice Financial Inc'), ('1412299', 'CLRH', 'Airtimedsl'), ('1238579', 'CLRI', 'Clearant Inc'), ('1048611', 'CLRK', 'Color Kinetics Inc'), ('840715', 'CLRO', 'Clearone Inc'), ('913277', 'CLRS', 'Black Diamond Inc'), ('1038223', 'CLRT', 'Clarient Inc'), ('1442853', 'CLRV', 'Indo Global Exchanges Pte LTD'), ('931059', 'CLRX', 'Collabrx Inc'), ('1166414', 'CLSC', 'Cobalis Corp'), ('749647', 'CLSN', 'Celsion Corp'), ('1016006', 'CLSR', 'Closure Medical Corp'), ('913590', 'CLST', 'CLST Holdings Inc'), ('919583', 'CLTK', 'Celeritek Inc'), ('1419583', 'CLTK', 'Eos Petro Inc'), ('1084088', 'CLTR', 'Satellite Security Corp'), ('1295976', 'CLU', 'Cellu Tissue Holdings Inc'), ('1281774', 'CLUB', 'Town Sports International Holdings Inc'), ('1466301', 'CLVS', 'Clovis Oncology Inc'), ('1441236', 'CLW', 'Clearwater Paper Corp'), ('1285551', 'CLWR', 'Clearwire Corp'), ('1442505', 'CLWR', 'New Clearwire Corp'), ('874759', 'CLWY', 'Calloways Nursery Inc'), ('21076', 'CLX', 'Clorox Co'), ('317438', 'CLXN', 'CLX Medical Inc'), ('1286839', 'CLXS', 'Collexis Holdings Inc'), ('915508', 'CLYS', 'Catalyst International Inc'), ('719729', 'CLYW', 'Calypso Wireless Inc'), ('793279', 'CLZR', 'Candela Corp'), ('28412', 'CMA', 'Comerica Inc'), ('1288633', 'CMAQ', 'China Mineral Acquisition Corp'), ('1089503', 'CMBC', 'Community Bancorp Inc'), ('22444', 'CMC', 'Commercial Metals Co'), ('1057327', 'CMCA', 'Monkey Rock Group Inc'), ('1118761', 'CMCJ', 'Comcam International Inc'), ('1005229', 'CMCO', 'Columbus Mckinnon Corp'), ('1166691', 'CMCSA', 'Comcast Corp'), ('812121', 'CMD', 'Criticare Systems Inc'), ('1202081', 'CMDA', 'China Media1 Corp'), ('821524', 'CMDC', 'China Digital Media Corp'), ('893771', 'CMDI', 'Comprehensive Medical Diagnostics Group Inc'), ('230131', 'CMDZ', 'Comdial Corp'), ('1156375', 'CME', 'Cme Group Inc'), ('1014618', 'CMEC', 'Commercial Concepts Inc'), ('720013', 'CMED', 'Colorado Medtech Inc'), ('1326059', 'CMED', 'China Medical Technologies Inc'), ('1115818', 'CMEG', 'Camelot Entertainment Group Inc'), ('1098813', 'CMFB', 'Commercefirst Bancorp Inc'), ('1099977', 'CMFO', 'China Marine Food Group LTD'), ('1058090', 'CMG', 'Chipotle Mexican Grill Inc'), ('1346655', 'CMGO', 'CMG Holdings Group Inc'), ('69623', 'CMHS', 'Comprehensive Healthcare Solutions Inc'), ('26172', 'CMI', 'Cummins Inc'), ('1040850', 'CMIB', 'Mediswipe Inc'), ('934747', 'CMIN', 'Commonwealth Industries Inc'), ('1168938', 'CMIN', 'Constitution Mining Corp'), ('853770', 'CMK', 'MFS Intermarket Income Trust I'), ('886475', 'CMKG', 'MKTG Inc'), ('1353307', 'CMKM', 'China Marketing Media Holdings Inc'), ('1082275', 'CMKT', 'Capital Markets Technologies Inc'), ('1092299', 'CMKX', 'CMKM Diamonds Inc'), ('1253955', 'CML', 'Compellent Technologies Inc'), ('1304464', 'CMLP', 'Crestwood Midstream Partners LP'), ('1389030', 'CMLP', 'Crestwood Midstream Partners LP'), ('1058623', 'CMLS', 'Cumulus Media Inc'), ('847322', 'CMM', 'Criimi Mae Inc'), ('19446', 'CMN', 'Cantel Medical Corp'), ('1124184', 'CMNC', 'Community National Corp'), ('1108630', 'CMNN', 'Live Current Media Inc'), ('701319', 'CMNT', 'Computer Network Technology Corp'), ('766701', 'CMO', 'Capstead Mortgage Corp'), ('1009976', 'CMOH', 'Commercial Bancshares Inc'), ('893162', 'CMOS', 'Credence Systems Corp'), ('1227654', 'CMP', 'Compass Minerals International Inc'), ('736291', 'CMPC', 'Compucom Systems Inc'), ('700998', 'CMPD', 'Compumed Inc'), ('1040328', 'CMPP', 'Champps Entertainment Inc'), ('64578', 'CMPX', 'Compex Technologies Inc'), ('352281', 'CMQ', 'Cathay Merchant Group Inc'), ('1131806', 'CMRC', 'Commerce One Inc'), ('813298', 'CMRG', 'Destination XL Group Inc'), ('22252', 'CMRO', 'Comarco Inc'), ('1117480', 'CMRX', 'Chimerix Inc'), ('201533', 'CMS', 'Consumers Energy Co'), ('811156', 'CMS', 'CMS Energy Corp'), ('1350072', 'CMSB', 'CMS Bancorp Inc'), ('907686', 'CMSF', 'Plures Technologies Inc'), ('1026655', 'CMT', 'Core Molding Technologies Inc'), ('23197', 'CMTL', 'Comtech Telecommunications Corp'), ('1031951', 'CMTN', 'Copper Mountain Networks Inc'), ('718413', 'CMTV', 'Community Bancorp'), ('352988', 'CMTX', 'Comtex News Network Inc'), ('714710', 'CMTY', 'Community Banks Inc'), ('809844', 'CMU', 'MFS High Yield Municipal Trust'), ('803014', 'CMVT', 'Comverse Technology Inc'), ('1000736', 'CMX', 'Caremark RX Inc'), ('1066961', 'CMXG', 'Cyber Merchants Exchange Inc'), ('1091596', 'CMXI', 'Cytomedix Inc'), ('786620', 'CMXX', 'Cimetrix Inc'), ('21175', 'CNA', 'Cna Financial Corp'), ('1468944', 'CNA', 'China Metro-rural Holdings LTD'), ('866054', 'CNAF', 'Commercial National Financial Corp'), ('1410711', 'CNAM', 'Armco Metals Holdings Inc'), ('1383701', 'CNAT', 'Conatus Pharmaceuticals Inc'), ('92339', 'CNB', 'Colonial Bancgroup Inc'), ('779125', 'CNB', 'CNB Corp'), ('852618', 'CNBB', 'CNB Florida Bancshares Inc'), ('712771', 'CNBC', 'Center Bancorp Inc'), ('839928', 'CNBI', 'CNB Bancorp Inc'), ('812348', 'CNBKA', 'Century Bancorp Inc'), ('1409136', 'CNBR', 'Cinnabar Ventures Inc'), ('1071739', 'CNC', 'Centene Corp'), ('1324297', 'CNCAU', 'Chardan North China Acquisition Corp'), ('1005101', 'CNCG', 'Concierge Technologies Inc'), ('1302135', 'CNCM', 'Connected Media Technologies Inc'), ('1191334', 'CNCN', 'Cintel Corp'), ('1157648', 'CNCP', 'Carolina National Corp'), ('1004940', 'CNCT', 'Intracorp Entertainment Inc'), ('1004960', 'CNCT', 'Connetics Corp'), ('1022820', 'CNDL', 'Candlewood Hotel Co Inc'), ('1429260', 'CNDO', 'Coronado Biosciences Inc'), ('1015577', 'CNET', 'Cnet Networks Inc'), ('1376321', 'CNET', 'Chinanet Online Holdings Inc'), ('1080973', 'CNEX', 'Centrex Inc'), ('23675', 'CNF', 'Con-way Inc'), ('887136', 'CNFL', 'Citizens Financial Corp'), ('753224', 'CNGL', 'China Nutrifruit Group LTD'), ('1388978', 'CNGV', 'China Shianyun Group Corp LTD'), ('821356', 'CNHC', 'Cistera Networks Inc'), ('1333878', 'CNHL', 'China Health Care Corp'), ('24751', 'CNIG', 'Corning Natural Gas Corp'), ('1582244', 'CNIG', 'Corning Natural Gas Holding Corp'), ('1350684', 'CNIT', 'China Information Security Technology Inc'), ('769644', 'CNJ', 'Cole National Corp'), ('1385280', 'CNK', 'Cinemark Holdings Inc'), ('1089819', 'CNL', 'Cleco Corp'), ('23503', 'CNLG', 'Conolog Corp'), ('1092897', 'CNM', 'Colonial New York Insured Municipal Fund'), ('816956', 'CNMD', 'Conmed Corp'), ('1402737', 'CNMV', 'China Northern Medical Device Inc'), ('21178', 'CNN', 'Prospect Street Income Shares Inc'), ('719241', 'CNO', 'Conseco Inc'), ('1224608', 'CNO', 'Cno Financial Group Inc'), ('1337826', 'CNOA', 'China Organic Agriculture Inc'), ('1462694', 'CNOB', 'Connectone Bancorp Inc'), ('1130310', 'CNP', 'Centerpoint Energy Inc'), ('1066026', 'CNQR', 'Concur Technologies Inc'), ('310316', 'CNR', 'Canargo Energy Corp'), ('1443979', 'CNR', 'China Networks International Holdings LTD'), ('1059167', 'CNRD', 'Conrad Industries Inc'), ('1140827', 'CNS', 'City Network Inc'), ('1284812', 'CNS', 'Cohen & Steers Inc'), ('1549872', 'CNSI', 'Comverse Inc'), ('1375494', 'CNSJ', 'China Shuangji Cement LTD'), ('1304421', 'CNSL', 'Consolidated Communications Holdings Inc'), ('822370', 'CNSO', 'CNS Response Inc'), ('29806', 'CNST', 'Constar International Inc'), ('1392960', 'CNSV', 'Consolidation Services Inc'), ('912893', 'CNT', 'Centerpoint Properties Trust'), ('1044167', 'CNTV', 'Centiv Inc'), ('911147', 'CNTY', 'Century Casinos Inc'), ('803352', 'CNU', 'Continucare Corp'), ('1327012', 'CNUTU', 'Equity Media Holdings Corp'), ('1032997', 'CNV', 'CVF Corp'), ('778171', 'CNVLZ', 'City Investing Co Liquidating Trust'), ('1407450', 'CNVO', 'Convio Inc'), ('1125536', 'CNVR', 'Convera Corp'), ('1070412', 'CNX', 'Consol Energy Inc'), ('814258', 'CNXS', 'CNS Inc'), ('1069353', 'CNXT', 'Conexant Systems Inc'), ('907072', 'CO', 'Corrpro Companies Inc'), ('1322232', 'COA', 'Coastal Contacts Inc'), ('764811', 'COB', 'Communityone Bancorp'), ('1317019', 'COBK', 'Colonial Bankshares Inc'), ('1485527', 'COBK', 'Colonial Financial Services Inc'), ('30828', 'COBR', 'Cobra Electronics Corp'), ('849145', 'COBT', 'Heritage Global Inc'), ('1028734', 'COBZ', 'Cobiz Financial Inc'), ('914479', 'COCA', 'Coastcast Corp'), ('21239', 'COCBF', 'Coastal Caribbean Oils & Minerals LTD'), ('1066134', 'COCO', 'Corinthian Colleges Inc'), ('1322705', 'CODE', 'Spansion Inc'), ('1345122', 'CODI', 'Compass Group Diversified Holdings LLC'), ('1345126', 'CODI', 'Compass Diversified Holdings'), ('1316710', 'COE', 'Columbia Equity Trust Inc'), ('927628', 'COF', 'Capital One Financial Corp'), ('1201135', 'COFI', 'Credit One Financial Inc'), ('858470', 'COG', 'Cabot Oil & Gas Corp'), ('28367', 'COGO', 'Cogo Group Inc'), ('1289434', 'COGT', 'Cogent Inc'), ('1116132', 'COH', 'Coach Inc'), ('908821', 'COHG', 'Cheetah Oil & Gas LTD'), ('21212', 'COHM', 'All American Group Inc'), ('21510', 'COHR', 'Coherent Inc'), ('928420', 'COHT', 'Cohesant Technologies Inc'), ('21535', 'COHU', 'Cohu Inc'), ('1482075', 'COIL', 'Citadel Exploration Inc'), ('1366340', 'COIN', 'Finjan Holdings Inc'), ('317540', 'COKE', 'Coca Cola Bottling Co Consolidated'), ('1137411', 'COL', 'Rockwell Collins Inc'), ('887343', 'COLB', 'Columbia Banking System Inc'), ('21759', 'COLL', 'Collins Industries Inc'), ('1050797', 'COLM', 'Columbia Sportswear Co'), ('1381526', 'COLUMBUSAC', 'Columbus Acquisition Corp'), ('1319197', 'COLY', 'Coley Pharmaceutical Group Inc'), ('752195', 'COMB', 'Community Bancshares Inc'), ('1165532', 'COMM', 'Atx Communications Inc'), ('1517228', 'COMM', 'Commscope Holding Company Inc'), ('738076', 'COMS', '3com Corp'), ('1372664', 'COMV', 'Comverge Inc'), ('1553023', 'CONE', 'Cyrusone Inc'), ('943324', 'CONM', 'Conmed Healthcare Management Inc'), ('1223389', 'CONN', 'Conns Inc'), ('1108271', 'CONR', 'Conor Medsystems Inc'), ('1063665', 'CONX', 'Corgenix Medical Corp'), ('711404', 'COO', 'Cooper Companies Inc'), ('1076682', 'COOL', 'Majesco Entertainment Co'), ('923529', 'COOP', 'Cooperative Bankshares Inc'), ('1163165', 'COP', 'Conocophillips'), ('1206133', 'COPI', 'Seaniemac International LTD'), ('1035426', 'COPIQ', 'Crescent Operating Inc'), ('715446', 'COPY', 'Copytele Inc'), ('849636', 'COR', 'Cortex Pharmaceuticals Inc'), ('1490892', 'COR', 'Coresite Realty Corp'), ('1318084', 'CORE', 'Core-mark Holding Company Inc'), ('837342', 'CORG', 'Cordia Corp'), ('1041403', 'CORI', 'Corillian Corp'), ('1347652', 'CORR', 'Corenergy Infrastructure Trust Inc'), ('51939', 'CORS', 'Corus Bankshares Inc'), ('1088856', 'CORT', 'Corcept Therapeutics Inc'), ('1243741', 'CORU', 'Prospero Minerals Corp'), ('1171014', 'COSI', 'Cosi Inc'), ('1060824', 'COSN', 'Cosine Communications Inc'), ('836043', 'COSO', 'Commercesouth Inc'), ('909832', 'COST', 'Costco Wholesale Corp'), ('884713', 'COT', 'Cott Corp'), ('1024305', 'COTY', 'Coty Inc'), ('1427645', 'COUGF', 'Ore-more Resources Inc'), ('1385187', 'COV', 'Covidien PLC'), ('885694', 'COVB', 'Covest Bancshares Inc'), ('737300', 'COVR', 'Cover All Technologies Inc'), ('1563699', 'COVS', 'Covisint Corp'), ('1156784', 'COWI', 'Coroware Inc'), ('1355007', 'COWN', 'Cowen Holdings Inc'), ('1466538', 'COWN', 'Cowen Group Inc'), ('101821', 'COWP', 'Canal Capital Corp'), ('25305', 'COX', 'Cox Communications Inc'), ('1383154', 'COYN', 'Copsync Inc'), ('351717', 'CPAK', 'Cpac Inc'), ('16732', 'CPB', 'Campbell Soup Co'), ('1136303', 'CPBB', 'Capital Bancorp Inc'), ('832847', 'CPBK', 'Community Capital Corp'), ('949298', 'CPC', 'Central Parking Corp'), ('1042728', 'CPCF', 'CPC Of America Inc'), ('720145', 'CPCI', 'Ciprico Inc'), ('1081823', 'CPCL', 'China Pharmaceuticals International Corp'), ('915636', 'CPCY', 'Capitol First Corp'), ('887708', 'CPD', 'Caraco Pharmaceutical Laboratories LTD'), ('928022', 'CPE', 'Callon Petroleum Co'), ('1418919', 'CPEX', 'Cpex Pharmaceuticals Inc'), ('701347', 'CPF', 'Central Pacific Financial Corp'), ('944696', 'CPFH', 'Capital Financial Holdings Inc'), ('911215', 'CPG', 'Chelsea Property Group Inc'), ('1421561', 'CPGI', 'China Shengda Packaging Group Inc'), ('1037760', 'CPHD', 'Cepheid'), ('813945', 'CPHJ', 'Capital Pacific Holdings Inc'), ('1360537', 'CPHL', 'Castlepoint Holdings LTD'), ('202947', 'CPI', 'Capital Properties Inc'), ('1279176', 'CPII', 'Cpi International Inc'), ('1087294', 'CPIX', 'Cumberland Pharmaceuticals Inc'), ('912393', 'CPJ', 'Chateau Communities Inc'), ('19745', 'CPK', 'Chesapeake Utilities Corp'), ('1025771', 'CPKA', 'Chase Packaging Corp'), ('789356', 'CPKI', 'California Pizza Kitchen Inc'), ('1104349', 'CPLA', 'Capella Education Co'), ('1309346', 'CPLY', 'China Premium Lifestyle Enterprise Inc'), ('790025', 'CPMG', 'Capital Media Group LTD'), ('916457', 'CPN', 'Calpine Corp'), ('1297067', 'CPNO', 'Copano Energy LLC'), ('1167140', 'CPROF', 'Cortelco Systems Puerto Rico Inc'), ('900075', 'CPRT', 'Copart Inc'), ('1369568', 'CPRX', 'Catalyst Pharmaceutical Partners Inc'), ('76348', 'CPRY', 'China Ruitai International Holdings Co LTD'), ('1040596', 'CPS', 'Choicepoint Inc'), ('1320461', 'CPS', 'Cooper-standard Holdings Inc'), ('814676', 'CPSH', 'CPS Technologies Corp'), ('1169445', 'CPSI', 'Computer Programs & Systems Inc'), ('1044577', 'CPSL', 'China Precision Steel Inc'), ('1173359', 'CPSO', 'Capsource Financial Inc'), ('889609', 'CPSS', 'Consumer Portfolio Services Inc'), ('1009759', 'CPST', 'Capstone Turbine Corp'), ('906345', 'CPT', 'Camden Property Trust'), ('1571329', 'CPTA', 'Capitala Finance Corp'), ('317477', 'CPTC', 'Composite Technology Corp'), ('1060801', 'CPTH', 'Critical Path Inc'), ('896778', 'CPTS', 'Conceptus Inc'), ('909276', 'CPTV', 'Captiva Software Corp'), ('1056218', 'CPV', 'Correctional Properties Trust'), ('777844', 'CPVD', 'Compusonics Video Corp'), ('63848', 'CPVI', 'Chesapeake Investors Inc'), ('1328769', 'CPVT', 'Cantop Ventures Inc'), ('1114908', 'CPWB', 'Challenger Powerboats Inc'), ('798955', 'CPWM', 'Cost Plus Inc'), ('859014', 'CPWR', 'Compuware Corp'), ('1202034', 'CPWT', 'Cell Power Technologies Inc'), ('1340041', 'CPX', 'SPN Fairway Acquisition Inc'), ('25354', 'CPY', 'Cpi Corp'), ('1136424', 'CPYE', 'Conspiracy Entertainment Holdings Inc'), ('1142406', 'CPYT', 'Carepayment Technologies Inc'), ('101063', 'CQB', 'Chiquita Brands International Inc'), ('1582966', 'CQH', 'Cheniere Energy Partners LP Holdings LLC'), ('1383650', 'CQP', 'Cheniere Energy Partners LP'), ('25445', 'CR', 'Crane Co'), ('1428156', 'CRA', 'Celera Corp'), ('1364544', 'CRAF', 'Craft College Inc'), ('1053706', 'CRAI', 'Cra International Inc'), ('778808', 'CRAN', 'Crown Andersen Inc'), ('949158', 'CRAY', 'Cray Inc'), ('1096019', 'CRB', 'Carbon Energy Corp'), ('1321544', 'CRB', 'American Community Newspapers Inc'), ('351077', 'CRBC', 'Citizens Republic Bancorp Inc'), ('86264', 'CRBO', 'Carbon Natural Gas Co'), ('884130', 'CRC', 'Chromcraft Revington Inc'), ('841555', 'CRCE', 'Crown Resources Corp'), ('1439971', 'CRCL', 'Circle Star Energy Corp'), ('1412270', 'CRCM', 'Carecom Inc'), ('25475', 'CRDA', 'Crawford & Co'), ('1178104', 'CRDC', 'Cardica Inc'), ('1510030', 'CRDI', 'China Resources Development Inc'), ('1022570', 'CRDM', 'Cardima Inc'), ('18937', 'CRDN', 'Ceradyne Inc'), ('1093207', 'CRDS', 'Crossroads Systems Inc'), ('893577', 'CRE', 'Carramerica Realty Corp'), ('277924', 'CRED', 'Forestar Petroleum Corp'), ('895419', 'CREE', 'Cree Inc'), ('721693', 'CREG', 'China Recycling Energy Corp'), ('890640', 'CREL', 'Corel Corp'), ('1418506', 'CREO', 'Livingventures Inc'), ('33934', 'CRF', 'Cornerstone Total Return Fund Inc'), ('856250', 'CRFT', 'Craftmade International Inc'), ('1298195', 'CRFU', 'Capital Resource Funding Inc'), ('1430975', 'CRGC', 'American Energy Fields Inc'), ('1028637', 'CRGID', 'Corgi International LTD'), ('1030653', 'CRGN', 'Curagen Corp'), ('1093819', 'CRGOE', 'Cargo Connection Logistics Holding Inc'), ('1024125', 'CRGR', 'Cragar Industries Inc'), ('924174', 'CRH', 'Coram Healthcare Corp'), ('1122686', 'CRHI', 'Pure Play Music LTD'), ('1342108', 'CRHS', 'Claron Ventures Inc'), ('795363', 'CRI', 'Carter William Co'), ('1060822', 'CRI', 'Carters Inc'), ('845291', 'CRII', 'Cell Robotics International Inc'), ('1111001', 'CRIO', 'Corio Inc'), ('1108205', 'CRIS', 'Curis Inc'), ('1322729', 'CRJI', 'China Runji Cement Inc'), ('23194', 'CRK', 'Comstock Resources Inc'), ('1159013', 'CRKT', 'Cirmaker Technology Corp'), ('1100682', 'CRL', 'Charles River Laboratories International Inc'), ('725897', 'CRLI', 'Circuit Research Labs Inc'), ('1013844', 'CRLP', 'Colonial Realty Limited Partnership'), ('1210294', 'CRLRF', 'Crailar Technologies Inc'), ('18914', 'CRLTS', 'Century Realty Trust'), ('847777', 'CRLU', 'Cirilium Holdings Inc'), ('1108524', 'CRM', 'Salesforce Com Inc'), ('1410098', 'CRMD', 'Cormedix Inc'), ('1036141', 'CRME', 'Cardiome Pharma Corp'), ('1338949', 'CRMH', 'CRM Holdings LTD'), ('1476719', 'CRMP', 'Crumbs Bake Shop Inc'), ('799850', 'CRMT', 'Americas Carmart Inc'), ('315958', 'CRMZ', 'Creditriskmonitor Com Inc'), ('1016152', 'CRN', 'Cornell Companies LLC'), ('1073857', 'CRNC', 'Crdentia Corp'), ('919869', 'CRNS', 'Cronos Group'), ('835664', 'CRO', 'CRT Properties Inc'), ('876528', 'CROE', 'Crown Energy Corp'), ('1515069', 'CROL', 'Carroll Bancorp Inc'), ('1132810', 'CROO', 'Cirond Corp'), ('1334036', 'CROX', 'Crocs Inc'), ('930735', 'CRPP', 'Crown Pacific Partners LP'), ('1454719', 'CRPZ', 'Costa Rica Paradise Inc'), ('1009672', 'CRR', 'Carbo Ceramics Inc'), ('25212', 'CRRC', 'Courier Corp'), ('943110', 'CRRS', 'Corporate Resource Services Inc'), ('17843', 'CRS', 'Carpenter Technology Corp'), ('881787', 'CRT', 'Cross Timbers Royalty Trust'), ('883907', 'CRTCF', 'Current Technology Corp'), ('811640', 'CRTO', 'Concerto Software Inc'), ('786368', 'CRTP', 'China Ritar Power Corp'), ('728478', 'CRTQ', 'Cortech Inc'), ('744695', 'CRTT', 'Zhaoheng Hydropower LTD'), ('1145404', 'CRTX', 'Cornerstone Therapeutics Inc'), ('772406', 'CRUS', 'Cirrus Logic Inc'), ('728303', 'CRV', 'Coast Distribution System Inc'), ('1278595', 'CRVH', 'Chilco River Holdings Inc'), ('874866', 'CRVL', 'Corvel Corp'), ('1103341', 'CRVU', 'Corvu Corp'), ('1377149', 'CRVW', 'Careview Communications Inc'), ('1417900', 'CRWD', 'Ip Technology Services Inc'), ('1103833', 'CRWE', 'Crown Equity Holdings Inc'), ('1328670', 'CRWG', 'Crowdgather Inc'), ('1103837', 'CRWN', 'Crown Media Holdings Inc'), ('25895', 'CRWS', 'Crown Crafts Inc'), ('1042561', 'CRXA', 'Corixa Corp'), ('1126136', 'CRXL', 'Crucell NV'), ('1136917', 'CRXN', 'Concentrax Inc'), ('784199', 'CRY', 'Cryolife Inc'), ('1125294', 'CRYO', 'Cryocor Inc'), ('1468679', 'CRYO', 'American Cryostem Corp'), ('1094036', 'CRYP', 'Cryptologic LTD'), ('1344705', 'CRZ', 'Crystal River Capital Inc'), ('1040593', 'CRZO', 'Carrizo Oil & Gas Inc'), ('1332896', 'CSA', 'Cogdell Spencer Inc'), ('825692', 'CSAR', 'Caraustar Industries Inc'), ('1087875', 'CSAV', 'Coolsavings Inc'), ('1401371', 'CSAY', 'China Shesays Medical Cosmetology Inc'), ('880417', 'CSBB', 'CSB Bancorp Inc'), ('1051871', 'CSBC', 'Citizens South Banking Corp'), ('1240581', 'CSBK', 'Clifton Savings Bancorp Inc'), ('1038773', 'CSBQ', 'Cornerstone Bancshares Inc'), ('771856', 'CSBR', 'Champions Oncology Inc'), ('23082', 'CSC', 'Computer Sciences Corp'), ('1324298', 'CSCAU', 'Chardan South China Acquisition Corp'), ('864559', 'CSCD', 'Cascade Microtech Inc'), ('1290504', 'CSCE', 'Cascade Energy Inc'), ('858877', 'CSCO', 'Cisco Systems Inc'), ('914670', 'CSCQ', 'Correctional Services Corporation LLC'), ('1323115', 'CSCX', 'Cardiac Science Corp'), ('1023994', 'CSDI', 'SG Blocks Inc'), ('1324344', 'CSDT', 'Cascade Technologies Corp'), ('1241199', 'CSE', 'Capitalsource Inc'), ('1096841', 'CSEF', 'Case Financial Inc'), ('1159404', 'CSFC', 'City Savings Financial Corp'), ('1102266', 'CSFL', 'Centerstate Banks Inc'), ('1243445', 'CSFM', 'Cash 4 Homes 247'), ('1490658', 'CSFS', 'Cash Store Financial Services Inc'), ('1297587', 'CSG', 'Chambers Street Properties'), ('1057352', 'CSGP', 'Costar Group Inc'), ('1005757', 'CSGS', 'CSG Systems International Inc'), ('807884', 'CSH', 'Cash America International Inc'), ('1070523', 'CSHB', 'Community Shores Bank Corp'), ('1070050', 'CSIB', 'Natural Nutrition Inc'), ('934306', 'CSII', 'Conversion Services International Inc'), ('1180145', 'CSII', 'Cardiovascular Systems Inc'), ('1222929', 'CSII', 'Cardiovascular Systems Inc'), ('61500', 'CSIN', 'Fuda Faucet Works Inc'), ('19731', 'CSK', 'Chesapeake Corp'), ('1386019', 'CSKD', 'Getpokerrakebackcom'), ('1402857', 'CSKH', 'Clear Skies Solar Inc'), ('798985', 'CSKI', 'China Sky One Medical Inc'), ('790051', 'CSL', 'Carlisle Companies Inc'), ('846718', 'CSLR', 'Consulier Engineering Inc'), ('883476', 'CSNT', 'Crescent Banking Co'), ('1401680', 'CSOD', 'Cornerstone Ondemand Inc'), ('896161', 'CSP', 'American Strategic Income Portfolio Inc III'), ('356037', 'CSPI', 'CSP Inc'), ('1275214', 'CSQ', 'Calamos Strategic Total Return Fund'), ('201513', 'CSRE', 'Comshare Inc'), ('1387976', 'CSRH', 'Consorteum Holdings Inc'), ('1118326', 'CSRV', 'Certified Services Inc'), ('1093509', 'CSRZ', 'Consolidated Resources Group Inc'), ('20629', 'CSS', 'CSS Industries Inc'), ('1093430', 'CSSV', 'Caspian Services Inc'), ('1562039', 'CST', 'CST Brands Inc'), ('1124394', 'CSTC', 'Dyna Cam'), ('908605', 'CSTL', 'Castelle'), ('1043000', 'CSU', 'Capital Senior Living Corp'), ('1138173', 'CSUA', 'Shearson Financial Network Inc'), ('1341766', 'CSUH', 'Celsius Holdings Inc'), ('1016281', 'CSV', 'Carriage Services Inc'), ('16804', 'CSW', 'Canada Southern Petroleum LTD'), ('17313', 'CSWC', 'Capital Southwest Corp'), ('1109879', 'CSWI', 'Computer Software Innovations Inc'), ('277948', 'CSX', 'CSX Corp'), ('1081944', 'CSXB', 'China Sxan Biotech Inc'), ('878612', 'CSYS', 'Clearstory Systems Inc'), ('1050122', 'CTAC', '1 800 Contacts Inc'), ('723254', 'CTAS', 'Cintas Corp'), ('24491', 'CTB', 'Cooper Tire & Rubber Co'), ('350852', 'CTBI', 'Community Trust Bancorp Inc'), ('1141575', 'CTBP', 'Coast Bancorp'), ('23259', 'CTCI', 'CT Communications Inc'), ('1073101', 'CTCJ', 'Ecoready Corp'), ('1354513', 'CTCM', 'CTC Media Inc'), ('310433', 'CTCO', 'Commonwealth Telephone Enterprises Inc'), ('1405277', 'CTCT', 'Constant Contact Inc'), ('922247', 'CTDH', 'CTD Holdings Inc'), ('830157', 'CTDN', 'Capital Directions Inc'), ('887227', 'CTEC', 'Cholestech Corporation'), ('1435064', 'CTEI', 'Cemtrex Inc'), ('1382219', 'CTEK', 'Cleantech Innovations Inc'), ('1522699', 'CTF', 'Nuveen Long'), ('1081206', 'CTFO', 'China Transinfo Technology Corp'), ('23111', 'CTG', 'Computer Task Group Inc'), ('1017158', 'CTGI', 'Capital Title Group Inc'), ('1502377', 'CTGO', 'Contango Ore Inc'), ('1230802', 'CTHH', 'Catcher Holdings Inc'), ('1352884', 'CTHL', 'China Tractor Holdings Inc'), ('876367', 'CTHP', 'Legal Life Plans Inc'), ('1015155', 'CTHR', 'Charles & Colvard LTD'), ('1042187', 'CTIB', 'Cti Industries Corp'), ('891293', 'CTIC', 'Cell Therapeutics Inc'), ('355627', 'CTIG', 'Cti Group Holdings Inc'), ('1355250', 'CTIX', 'Cellceutix Corp'), ('18926', 'CTL', 'Centurylink Inc'), ('205239', 'CTLE', 'Cattlesale Co'), ('1107194', 'CTLM', 'Centillium Communications Inc'), ('1129552', 'CTMI', 'Cti Molecular Imaging Inc'), ('1463833', 'CTMMAB', 'CTM Media Holdings Inc'), ('18605', 'CTNR', 'Central Natural Resources Inc'), ('23795', 'CTO', 'Consolidated Tomoka Land Co'), ('717216', 'CTON', 'Calton Inc'), ('1052102', 'CTOO', 'C2 Inc'), ('1439254', 'CTOP', 'Ceetop Inc'), ('1087455', 'CTOT', 'Cornerstone Bancorp'), ('1439199', 'CTP', 'Ctpartners Executive Search Inc'), ('1547341', 'CTR', 'Clearbridge Energy MLP Total Return Fund Inc'), ('1096658', 'CTRA', 'Centra Software Inc'), ('1084507', 'CTRI', 'Arrayit Corp'), ('1259515', 'CTRL', 'Control4 Corp'), ('1318484', 'CTRN', 'Citi Trends Inc'), ('1138812', 'CTRX', 'Cotherix Inc'), ('26058', 'CTS', 'CTS Corp'), ('1058290', 'CTSH', 'Cognizant Technology Solutions Corp'), ('1175151', 'CTSO', 'Cytosorbents Corp'), ('1341141', 'CTT', 'Catchmark Timber Trust Inc'), ('102198', 'CTTC', 'Competitive Technologies Inc'), ('1165639', 'CTTG', 'Canadian Tactical Training Academy Inc'), ('1109740', 'CTTYC', 'Catuity Inc'), ('713492', 'CTU', 'Chad Therapeutics Inc'), ('1015002', 'CTUM', 'CSMG Technologies Inc'), ('1493006', 'CTUY', 'Century Next Financial Corp'), ('1035884', 'CTV', 'Commscope Inc'), ('1080759', 'CTVH', 'Great China Mining Inc'), ('276209', 'CTWS', 'Connecticut Water Service Inc'), ('18532', 'CTX', 'Centex Corp'), ('818762', 'CTX', '3333 Holding Corp'), ('818764', 'CTX', 'Centex Development Co LP'), ('877890', 'CTXS', 'Citrix Systems Inc'), ('744765', 'CTYFO', 'Cityfed Financial Corp'), ('759999', 'CTYI', 'Centenary International Corp'), ('1127442', 'CTZN', 'Citizens First Bancorp Inc'), ('1294248', 'CUAQU', 'China Unistone Acquisition Corp'), ('1454007', 'CUAU', 'Casablanca Mining LTD'), ('26076', 'CUB', 'Cubic Corp'), ('880406', 'CUBA', 'Herzfeld Caribbean Basin Fund Inc'), ('1298675', 'CUBE', 'Cubesmart'), ('1488813', 'CUBI', 'Customers Bancorp Inc'), ('1348334', 'CUDA', 'Barracuda Networks Inc'), ('1108967', 'CUI', 'Cui Global Inc'), ('1125259', 'CUK', 'Carnival PLC'), ('1465969', 'CULL', 'Cullman Bancorp Inc'), ('851368', 'CULS', 'Cost U Less Inc'), ('1543643', 'CUNB', 'Cu Bancorp'), ('1019779', 'CUNO', 'Cuno Inc'), ('24104', 'CUO', 'Continental Materials Corp'), ('1357459', 'CUR', 'Neuralstem Inc'), ('1238631', 'CURE', 'Curative Health Services Inc'), ('1478725', 'CURG', 'Virtus Oil & Gas Corp'), ('1114365', 'CURN', 'Curon Medical Inc'), ('1434893', 'CURX', 'Curaxis Pharmaceutical Corp'), ('1302143', 'CUTC', 'Curatech Industries Inc'), ('1162461', 'CUTR', 'Cutera Inc'), ('25232', 'CUZ', 'Cousins Properties Inc'), ('18808', 'CV', 'Central Vermont Public Service Corp'), ('225648', 'CVA', 'Covanta Holding Corp'), ('1367416', 'CVAH', 'Mit Holding Inc'), ('854098', 'CVAL', 'Chester Valley Bancorp Inc'), ('882100', 'CVAS', 'Corvas International Inc'), ('354647', 'CVBF', 'CVB Financial Corp'), ('1092099', 'CVBG', 'Civitas Bankgroup Inc'), ('804561', 'CVBK', 'Central Virginia Bankshares Inc'), ('1303497', 'CVBT', 'Cardiovascular Biotherapeutics Inc'), ('1053112', 'CVC', 'Cablevision Systems Corp'), ('278166', 'CVCO', 'Cavco Industries Inc'), ('1127371', 'CVCY', 'Central Valley Community Bancorp'), ('1023131', 'CVD', 'Covance Inc'), ('1337615', 'CVDT', 'China Voip & Digital Telecom Inc'), ('18180', 'CVF', 'Castle Convertible Fund Inc'), ('1062047', 'CVG', 'Convergys Corp'), ('1290900', 'CVGI', 'Commercial Vehicle Group Inc'), ('1133470', 'CVGW', 'Calavo Growers Inc'), ('1054833', 'CVH', 'Coventry Health Care Inc'), ('1376139', 'CVI', 'CVR Energy Inc'), ('1368502', 'CVIT', 'Cavit Sciences Inc'), ('1170833', 'CVLL', 'Community Valley Bancorp'), ('1169561', 'CVLT', 'Commvault Systems Inc'), ('806279', 'CVLY', 'Codorus Valley Bancorp Inc'), ('725363', 'CVM', 'Cel Sci Corp'), ('1120830', 'CVNI', 'China Natural Gas Inc'), ('1028461', 'CVNS', 'Covansys Corp'), ('920321', 'CVO', 'Cenveo Inc'), ('1086774', 'CVP', 'Centerplate Inc'), ('1391426', 'CVPH', 'China Vitup Health Care Holdings Inc'), ('19871', 'CVR', 'Chicago Rivet & Machine Co'), ('1558785', 'CVRR', 'CVR Refining LP'), ('64803', 'CVS', 'CVS Caremark Corp'), ('1113524', 'CVSA', 'Creative Vistas Inc'), ('1403085', 'CVSL', 'CVSL Inc'), ('34497', 'CVST', 'Covista Communications Inc'), ('1122897', 'CVT', 'Cvent Inc'), ('928658', 'CVTI', 'Covenant Transportation Group Inc'), ('1393726', 'CVTR', 'Tiptree Financial Inc'), ('921506', 'CVTX', 'CV Therapeutics Inc'), ('889348', 'CVU', 'Cpi Aerostructures Inc'), ('766792', 'CVV', 'CVD Equipment Corp'), ('1080360', 'CVVT', 'China Valves Technology Inc'), ('93410', 'CVX', 'Chevron Corp'), ('26324', 'CW', 'Curtiss Wright Corp'), ('1585023', 'CWAY', 'Coastway Bancorp Inc'), ('1051343', 'CWBC', 'Community West Bancshares'), ('835012', 'CWBS', 'Commonwealth Bankshares Inc'), ('928340', 'CWCO', 'Consolidated Water Co LTD'), ('1096791', 'CWCP', 'Uranium Power Corp'), ('1344133', 'CWDK', 'Ugods Inc'), ('880115', 'CWEI', 'Clayton Williams Energy Inc'), ('1393109', 'CWEY', 'K-care Nutritional Products Inc'), ('1562151', 'CWGL', 'Crimson Wine Group LTD'), ('803649', 'CWH', 'Commonwealth REIT'), ('1041025', 'CWII', 'Chartwell International Inc'), ('814070', 'CWIR', 'Central Wireless Inc'), ('1130194', 'CWLM', 'Crowley Maritime Corp'), ('894267', 'CWLZ', 'Cowlitz Bancorporation'), ('905134', 'CWN', 'Crown American Realty Trust'), ('1388748', 'CWOI', 'Onelife Health Products Inc'), ('1091953', 'CWON', 'Choice One Communications Inc'), ('1338242', 'CWRL', 'Cornerworld Corp'), ('911177', 'CWST', 'Casella Waste Systems Inc'), ('1035201', 'CWT', 'California Water Service Group'), ('1081834', 'CWTD', 'Uonlive Corp'), ('1018005', 'CWTR', 'Coldwater Creek Inc'), ('318852', 'CWYR', 'Colorado Wyoming Reserve Co'), ('1353970', 'CXDC', 'China XD Plastics Co LTD'), ('845606', 'CXE', 'MFS High Income Municipal Trust'), ('1335793', 'CXG', 'CNX Gas Corp'), ('847411', 'CXH', 'MFS Investment Grade Municipal Trust'), ('1013556', 'CXII', 'Commodore Applied Technologies Inc'), ('1358071', 'CXO', 'Concho Resources Inc'), ('1252849', 'CXP', 'Columbia Property Trust Inc'), ('1309499', 'CXPE', 'Crosspoint Energy Co'), ('813779', 'CXPO', 'Crimson Exploration Inc'), ('1018522', 'CXR', 'Cox Radio Inc'), ('1467027', 'CXS', 'Crexus Investment Corp'), ('939897', 'CXSN', 'Counsel Corp'), ('1039726', 'CXTI', 'China Expert Technology Inc'), ('1070985', 'CXW', 'Corrections Corp Of America'), ('791915', 'CY', 'Cypress Semiconductor Corp'), ('1121520', 'CYAD', 'Cyberads Inc'), ('768408', 'CYAN', 'Cyanotech Corp'), ('721295', 'CYBD', 'Cyber Digital Inc'), ('768411', 'CYBE', 'Cyberoptics Corp'), ('60876', 'CYBI', 'Cybex International Inc'), ('830480', 'CYBK', 'County Bank Corp'), ('1138169', 'CYBL', 'Cyberlux Corp'), ('934280', 'CYBS', 'Cybersource Corp'), ('1381240', 'CYBV', 'Cyberspace Vita Inc'), ('864683', 'CYBX', 'Cyberonics Inc'), ('1130166', 'CYCC', 'Cyclacel Pharmaceuticals Inc'), ('879573', 'CYCL', 'Centennial Communications Corp'), ('1377720', 'CYDE', 'Cyberdefender Corp'), ('1118480', 'CYDF', 'Cyber Defense Systems Inc'), ('19002', 'CYDI', 'Cybrdi Inc'), ('906782', 'CYDS', 'Cygne Designs Inc'), ('1175680', 'CYDY', 'Cytodyn Inc'), ('900724', 'CYE', 'Blackrock Corporate High Yield Fund Inc'), ('863139', 'CYFD', 'Rok Entertainment Group Inc'), ('810691', 'CYGE', 'Cygene Laboratories Inc'), ('1290506', 'CYGI', 'Ecolocap Solutions Inc'), ('870755', 'CYGN', 'Cygnus Inc'), ('1005302', 'CYGX', 'Cytogenix Inc'), ('1108109', 'CYH', 'Community Health Systems Inc'), ('1403802', 'CYHF', 'Spindle Inc'), ('847464', 'CYIG', 'China Yct International Group Inc'), ('1409999', 'CYIM', 'Digital Development Partners Inc'), ('1091566', 'CYIO', 'Cyios Corp'), ('1180253', 'CYKN', 'Cyberkinetics Neurotechnology Systems Inc'), ('1335293', 'CYLU', 'Cyalume Technologies Holdings Inc'), ('897067', 'CYMI', 'Cymer Inc'), ('201461', 'CYN', 'City National Corp'), ('714980', 'CYNBP', 'City National Bancshares Corp'), ('1391636', 'CYNI', 'Cyan Inc'), ('885306', 'CYNO', 'Cynosure Inc'), ('1067286', 'CYNX', 'Cellynx Group Inc'), ('1111698', 'CYOS', 'Cyop Systems International Inc'), ('716054', 'CYPB', 'Cypress Bioscience Inc'), ('1442711', 'CYPW', 'Cyclone Power Technologies Inc'), ('1365832', 'CYRP', 'Cybra Corp'), ('1384139', 'CYRS', 'Intellihome Inc'), ('1124524', 'CYRX', 'Cryoport Inc'), ('1396446', 'CYS', 'Cys Investments Inc'), ('943690', 'CYSA', 'CRC Crystal Research Corp'), ('779681', 'CYSG', 'Cape Systems Group Inc'), ('912513', 'CYT', 'Cytec Industries Inc'), ('1383088', 'CYTA', 'Cytta Corp'), ('849778', 'CYTC', 'Cytyc Corp'), ('1061983', 'CYTK', 'Cytokinetics Inc'), ('725058', 'CYTO', 'Cytogen Corp'), ('799698', 'CYTR', 'Cytrx Corp'), ('1095981', 'CYTX', 'Cytori Therapeutics Inc'), ('1091356', 'CYXG', 'Seaena Inc'), ('1113546', 'CYXI', 'China Yingxia International Inc'), ('1087848', 'CYXN', 'China Yongxin Pharmaceuticals Inc'), ('356276', 'CZBS', 'Citizens Bancshares Corp'), ('1277254', 'CZBT', 'Citizens Bancorp Of Virginia Inc'), ('1073475', 'CZFC', 'Citizens First Corp'), ('739421', 'CZFS', 'Citizens Financial Services Inc'), ('810958', 'CZNC', 'Citizens & Northern Corp'), ('858339', 'CZR', 'Caesars Entertainment Corp'), ('1070794', 'CZR', 'Park Place Entertainment Corp'), ('1273805', 'CZWI', 'Citizens Community Bancorp'), ('1367859', 'CZWI', 'Citizens Community Bancorp Inc'), ('715957', 'D', 'Dominion Resources Inc'), ('1102750', 'DAAT', 'Dac Technologies Group International Inc'), ('943823', 'DAB', 'Dave & Busters Inc'), ('1183920', 'DADE', 'Dade Behring Holdings Inc'), ('1450552', 'DAFX', 'Davi Luxury Brand Group Inc'), ('1383082', 'DAG', 'Powershares DB Agriculture Fund'), ('1080340', 'DAGM', 'Manhattan Bridge Capital Inc'), ('351998', 'DAIO', 'Data I'), ('1401670', 'DAKO', 'American Magna Corp'), ('1367311', 'DAKP', 'Dakota Plains Holdings Inc'), ('915779', 'DAKT', 'Daktronics Inc'), ('27904', 'DAL', 'Delta Air Lines Inc'), ('1002658', 'DALN', 'Daleen Technologies Inc'), ('1420569', 'DAML', 'Pulse Beverage Corp'), ('26780', 'DAN', 'Dana Holding Corp'), ('894010', 'DANKY', 'Danka Business Systems PLC'), ('1003989', 'DAOU', 'Daou Systems Inc'), ('1014989', 'DAQC', 'Lasalle Brands Corp'), ('916540', 'DAR', 'Darling International Inc'), ('919745', 'DARA', 'Dara Biosciences Inc'), ('886530', 'DATA', 'Datatrak International Inc'), ('1303652', 'DATA', 'Tableau Software Inc'), ('768119', 'DATC', 'Datatec Systems Inc'), ('1377256', 'DATI', 'Qingdao Footwear Inc'), ('1021270', 'DAVE', 'Famous Daves Of America Inc'), ('1072881', 'DAVL', 'Davel Communications Inc'), ('1059577', 'DAVN', 'Davi Skin Inc'), ('1096655', 'DAZZ', 'Yarraman Winery Inc'), ('1368620', 'DBAY', 'Deer Bay Resources Inc'), ('28823', 'DBD', 'Diebold Inc'), ('1525201', 'DBL', 'Doubleline Opportunistic Credit Fund'), ('29834', 'DBLE', 'Double Eagle Petroleum Co'), ('1164256', 'DBRM', 'Daybreak Oil & Gas Inc'), ('717724', 'DBRN', 'Dress Barn Inc'), ('1342578', 'DBSI', 'Dynamic Biometric Systems Inc'), ('1254371', 'DBTB', 'Debut Broadcasting Corporation Inc'), ('1370314', 'DBTK', 'Double-take Software Inc'), ('1382085', 'DBYC', 'Disability Access Corp'), ('1310445', 'DCA', 'Virtus Total Return Fund'), ('201653', 'DCAI', 'Dialysis Corp Of America'), ('1025877', 'DCBF', 'DCB Financial Corp'), ('1393463', 'DCBR', 'DC Brands International Inc'), ('1016951', 'DCDC', 'Digital Creative Development Corp'), ('1079279', 'DCEG', 'Dot Com Entertainment Group Inc'), ('1035985', 'DCEL', 'Dobson Communications Corp'), ('839123', 'DCG', 'Dreyfus California Municipal Income Inc'), ('1492448', 'DCGD', 'Norman Cay Development Inc'), ('29644', 'DCI', 'Donaldson Co Inc'), ('1510326', 'DCIN', 'Digital Cinema Destinations Corp'), ('1049480', 'DCLK', 'Doubleclick Inc'), ('1026507', 'DCME', 'DLR Funding Inc'), ('1218683', 'DCMG', 'Ophthalix Inc'), ('1096857', 'DCMT', 'Document Capture Technologies Inc'), ('1043134', 'DCNT', 'Docent Inc'), ('30305', 'DCO', 'Ducommun Inc'), ('1005409', 'DCOM', 'Dime Community Bancshares Inc'), ('1338916', 'DCP', 'Dyncorp International Inc'), ('1435717', 'DCRD', 'Decor Products International Inc'), ('887137', 'DCRN', 'Diacrin Inc'), ('1170991', 'DCT', 'DCT Industrial Trust Inc'), ('872912', 'DCTH', 'Delcath Systems Inc'), ('1382941', 'DCTI', 'Consonus Technologies Inc'), ('930885', 'DCTM', 'Documentum Inc'), ('65312', 'DCU', 'Envirostar Inc'), ('1110505', 'DCUT', 'Dicut Inc'), ('1347384', 'DCW', 'Dividend Capital Strategic Global Realty Fund'), ('1095471', 'DCZI', 'Decorize Inc'), ('30554', 'DD', 'Dupont E I De Nemours & Co'), ('1366407', 'DDCC', 'Double Crown Resources Inc'), ('910638', 'DDD', '3D Systems Corp'), ('934936', 'DDD', 'Scolr Pharma Inc'), ('1086740', 'DDDC', 'Deltathree Inc'), ('1453122', 'DDDX', '3DX Industries Inc'), ('1162556', 'DDE', 'Dover Downs Gaming & Entertainment Inc'), ('896923', 'DDF', 'Delaware Investments Dividend & Income Fund Inc'), ('1104252', 'DDIC', 'Ddi Corp'), ('1490930', 'DDMG', 'Digital Domain Media Group Inc'), ('1015483', 'DDMX', 'Dynamex Inc'), ('1453099', 'DDOO', 'Discount Dental Materials Inc'), ('894315', 'DDR', 'DDR Corp'), ('947661', 'DDRX', 'Diedrich Coffee Inc'), ('28917', 'DDS', 'Dillards Inc'), ('1099217', 'DDSU', 'DDS Technologies USA Inc'), ('1391984', 'DDUP', 'Data Domain Inc'), ('59963', 'DDVS', 'Distinctive Devices Inc'), ('1036968', 'DDXS', 'Diadexus Inc'), ('1114348', 'DDXS', 'Diadexus Inc Pre-merger'), ('315189', 'DE', 'Deere & Co'), ('895541', 'DEAR', 'Dearborn Bancorp Inc'), ('715779', 'DEBS', 'Deb Shops Inc'), ('1011737', 'DECC', 'D&e Communications Inc'), ('910521', 'DECK', 'Deckers Outdoor Corp'), ('1298824', 'DECS', 'Petrohunter Energy Corp'), ('1372326', 'DEEP', 'Superior Offshore International Inc'), ('1388855', 'DEER', 'Deer Consumer Products Inc'), ('1364250', 'DEI', 'Douglas Emmett Inc'), ('1323630', 'DEIX', 'Dei Holdings Inc'), ('1363202', 'DEK', 'Dekania Corp'), ('1022469', 'DEL', 'Deltic Timber Corp'), ('826083', 'DELL', 'Dell Inc'), ('1042598', 'DENHY', 'Denison International PLC'), ('852772', 'DENN', 'Dennys Corp'), ('1379378', 'DEP', 'Duncan Energy Partners LP'), ('1005201', 'DEPO', 'Depomed Inc'), ('1261482', 'DESC', 'Distributed Energy Systems Corp'), ('896985', 'DEST', 'Destination Maternity Corp'), ('28452', 'DEVC', 'Devcon International Corp'), ('28561', 'DEWY', 'Dewey Electronics Corp'), ('1284529', 'DEX', 'Dex Media Inc'), ('1396167', 'DEX', 'Delaware Enhanced Global Dividend & Income Fund'), ('30419', 'DEXO', 'Dex One Corp'), ('1467746', 'DEYU', 'Deyu Agriculture Corp'), ('931336', 'DF', 'Dean Foods Co'), ('1107710', 'DFBS', 'Dutchfork Bancshares Inc'), ('1021848', 'DFC', 'Delta Financial Corp'), ('859139', 'DFG', 'Delphi Financial Group Inc'), ('876188', 'DFIB', 'Cardiac Science Inc'), ('1069563', 'DFNS', 'Defense Industries International Inc'), ('1559991', 'DFP', 'Flaherty & Crumrine Dynamic Preferred & Income Fund Inc'), ('1415301', 'DFRG', 'Del Friscos Restaurant Group Inc'), ('1394156', 'DFRH', 'Diversified Restaurant Holdings Inc'), ('1382702', 'DFRS', 'Deerfield Resources LTD'), ('902270', 'DFS', 'Lenox Group Inc'), ('1393612', 'DFS', 'Discover Financial Services'), ('1407739', 'DFT', 'Dupont Fabros Technology Inc'), ('1326652', 'DFTW', 'Driftwood Ventures Inc'), ('749872', 'DFZ', 'Barry R G Corp'), ('29534', 'DG', 'Dollar General Corp'), ('277375', 'DGAS', 'Delta Natural Gas Co Inc'), ('1022974', 'DGCN', 'Decode Genetics Inc'), ('916713', 'DGF', 'Delaware Investments Global Dividend & Income Fund Inc'), ('1208208', 'DGI', 'Digitalglobe Inc'), ('800457', 'DGICA', 'Donegal Group Inc'), ('935596', 'DGICB', 'Donegal Mutual Insurance Co'), ('854775', 'DGII', 'Digi International Inc'), ('1037275', 'DGIN', 'Digital Insight Corp'), ('934448', 'DGIT', 'Digital Generation Inc'), ('844787', 'DGIX', 'Dyna Group International Inc'), ('1321099', 'DGLP', 'Digitalpost Interactive Inc'), ('1342958', 'DGLY', 'Digital Ally Inc'), ('1158722', 'DGNG', 'Diguang International Development Co LTD'), ('1502772', 'DGRN', 'Blue Water Petroleum Corp'), ('701719', 'DGSE', 'Dgse Companies Inc'), ('27748', 'DGTC', 'DGT Holdings Corp'), ('1022079', 'DGX', 'Quest Diagnostics Inc'), ('1373761', 'DHBR', 'Nyxio Technologies Corp'), ('844887', 'DHCC', 'Diamondhead Casino Corp'), ('1057861', 'DHF', 'Dreyfus High Yield Strategies Fund'), ('1375387', 'DHG', 'DWS High Income Opportunities Fund Inc'), ('882184', 'DHI', 'Horton D R Inc'), ('909108', 'DHIL', 'Diamond Hill Investment Group Inc'), ('1343845', 'DHNA', 'Dhanoa Minerals LTD'), ('917857', 'DHOM', 'Dominion Homes Inc'), ('1097570', 'DHPI', 'Desert Health Products Inc'), ('313616', 'DHR', 'Danaher Corp'), ('1393883', 'DHX', 'Dice Holdings Inc'), ('1061353', 'DHY', 'Credit Suisse High Yield Bond Fund'), ('771950', 'DIAL', 'Dial Global Inc'), ('1379699', 'DIDG', 'Digital Development Group Corp'), ('1094058', 'DIET', 'Ediets Com Inc'), ('924642', 'DIGA', 'Veriteq'), ('1011582', 'DIGE', 'Digene Corp'), ('1057257', 'DIGF', 'Digital Fusion Inc'), ('1123451', 'DIGF', 'Digital Fusion Inc'), ('1095105', 'DIGI', 'Digital Impact Inc'), ('1411658', 'DIGI', 'Digitiliti Inc'), ('1016100', 'DIGL', 'Digital Lightwave Inc'), ('1085098', 'DIGX', 'Digex Inc'), ('27613', 'DII', 'Decorator Industries Inc'), ('1370804', 'DIIG', 'Diagnostic Imaging International Corp'), ('1429859', 'DIII', 'Diamond Information Institute'), ('1213809', 'DIL', 'Dyadic International Inc'), ('1433269', 'DIL', 'Diligent Board Member Services Inc'), ('898037', 'DIMC', 'Dimeco Inc'), ('1479382', 'DIMU', 'China Xibolun Technology Holdings Corp'), ('49754', 'DIN', 'Dineequity Inc'), ('1074874', 'DIO', 'Diomed Holdings Inc'), ('29002', 'DIOD', 'Diodes Inc'), ('29006', 'DION', 'Dionics Inc'), ('879703', 'DIRI', 'Direct Insite Corp'), ('1441769', 'DIRV', 'Directview Holdings Inc'), ('1001039', 'DIS', 'Walt Disney Co'), ('1320482', 'DISC', 'Discovery Holding Co'), ('1437107', 'DISCA', 'Discovery Communications Inc'), ('1001082', 'DISH', 'Dish Network Corp'), ('216324', 'DISK', 'Image Entertainment Inc'), ('928465', 'DIT', 'Amcon Distributing Co'), ('1080667', 'DITC', 'Ditech Networks Inc'), ('863328', 'DIV', 'Hancock John Patriot Select Dividend Trust'), ('825788', 'DIVALL', 'Divall Insured Income Properties 2 Limited Partnership'), ('1342960', 'DIVX', 'Divx Inc'), ('29924', 'DJ', 'Dow Jones & Co Inc'), ('783412', 'DJCO', 'Daily Journal Corp'), ('1158134', 'DJJI', 'Dijji Corp'), ('1157972', 'DJO', 'Djo Inc'), ('1094032', 'DJRT', 'Dale Jarrett Racing Adventure Inc'), ('1436612', 'DJSP', 'Chardan 2008 China Acquisition Corp'), ('943320', 'DJTE', 'Trump Hotels & Casino Resorts Inc'), ('1351541', 'DK', 'Delek US Holdings Inc'), ('873540', 'DKAM', 'Drinks Americas Holdings LTD'), ('704914', 'DKEY', 'Datakey Inc'), ('888914', 'DKHR', 'D & K Healthcare Resources Inc'), ('277905', 'DKII', 'American Retail Group Inc'), ('1042053', 'DKIN', 'Drucker Inc'), ('1552797', 'DKL', 'Delek Logistics Partners LP'), ('1103121', 'DKMI', 'Forefront Holdings Inc'), ('1379043', 'DKMR', 'Duke Mountain Resources Inc'), ('1089063', 'DKS', 'Dicks Sporting Goods Inc'), ('1016179', 'DL', 'Dial Corp'), ('1101396', 'DLA', 'Delta Apparel Inc'), ('1308547', 'DLB', 'Dolby Laboratories Inc'), ('1366649', 'DLGC', 'Dialogic Inc'), ('1051059', 'DLGG', 'Dialog Group Inc'), ('1083273', 'DLGI', 'Datalogic International Inc'), ('27751', 'DLI', 'Del Laboratories Inc'), ('1026114', 'DLIA', 'Delias Inc'), ('1076914', 'DLIA', 'Delia S Corp'), ('1337885', 'DLIA', 'Delias Inc'), ('832370', 'DLK', 'Flint Telecom Group Inc'), ('1297223', 'DLKM', 'Handeni Gold Inc'), ('1049660', 'DLKR', 'Havana Republic Inc'), ('1271625', 'DLLR', 'DFC Global Corp'), ('866873', 'DLM', 'Del Monte Foods Co'), ('1382413', 'DLNO', 'Delanco Bancorp Inc'), ('1577603', 'DLNO', 'Delanco Bancorp Inc'), ('746967', 'DLOV', 'Daleco Resources Corp'), ('902277', 'DLP', 'Delta & Pine Land Co'), ('1404403', 'DLPC', 'Dialpoint Communications Corp'), ('1521332', 'DLPH', 'Delphi Automotive PLC'), ('1517992', 'DLPM', 'Development Capital Group Inc'), ('350692', 'DLPX', 'Delphax Technologies Inc'), ('1297996', 'DLR', 'Digital Realty Trust Inc'), ('1047175', 'DLRC', 'Donlar Corp'), ('29504', 'DLRI', 'Omega Commercial Finance Corp'), ('935703', 'DLTR', 'Dollar Tree Inc'), ('1112985', 'DLTZ', 'Delta Mutual Inc'), ('806624', 'DLW', 'Delta Woodside Industries Inc'), ('27996', 'DLX', 'Deluxe Corp'), ('1125699', 'DLYT', 'Dais Analytic Corp'), ('1396838', 'DM', 'Dolan Co'), ('1400400', 'DMAN', 'Demandtec Inc'), ('27075', 'DMAR', 'Datamarine International Inc'), ('921878', 'DMAX', 'Familymeds Group Inc'), ('1565381', 'DMB', 'Dreyfus Municipal Bond Infrastructure Fund Inc'), ('771999', 'DMC', 'Document Security Systems Inc'), ('746425', 'DMCO', 'Detwiler Mitchell & Co'), ('27082', 'DMCP', 'Datametrics Corp'), ('1052357', 'DMCX', 'Datamirror Corp'), ('1365038', 'DMD', 'Demand Media Inc'), ('1123836', 'DMDD', 'Diamond Discoveries International Corp'), ('847420', 'DMEC', 'RX For Africa Inc'), ('895380', 'DMEDE', 'Allegro Biodiesel Corp'), ('839122', 'DMF', 'Dreyfus Municipal Income Inc'), ('1064270', 'DMGM', 'Distribution Management Services Inc'), ('225261', 'DMIF', 'Dmi Furniture Inc'), ('1172358', 'DMLP', 'Dorchester Minerals LP'), ('1320947', 'DMND', 'Diamond Foods Inc'), ('1478102', 'DMO', 'Western Asset Mortgage Defined Opportunity Fund Inc'), ('1498382', 'DMPI', 'Delmar Pharmaceuticals Inc'), ('1089443', 'DMRC', 'Digimarc Corp'), ('1438231', 'DMRC', 'Digimarc Corp'), ('1127470', 'DMSI', 'Dermisonics Inc'), ('1110189', 'DMX', 'I Trax Inc'), ('318771', 'DNA', 'Genentech Inc'), ('1127354', 'DNAP', 'Dnaprint Genomics Inc'), ('1506503', 'DNAP', 'Dna Precious Metals Inc'), ('1419995', 'DNAX', 'Dna Brands Inc'), ('1115222', 'DNB', 'Dun & Bradstreet Corp'), ('713671', 'DNBF', 'DNB Financial Corp'), ('1410703', 'DNBK', 'Danvers Bancorp Inc'), ('1107332', 'DNDN', 'Dendreon Corp'), ('1097945', 'DNDO', 'Techalt Inc'), ('1118344', 'DNDT', 'DND Technologies Inc'), ('1092839', 'DNE', 'Dune Energy Inc'), ('1160241', 'DNET', 'Digitalnet Holdings Inc'), ('708850', 'DNEX', 'Dionex Corp'), ('1059213', 'DNI', 'Dividend & Income Fund'), ('1284802', 'DNIA', 'Denia Enterprises Inc'), ('1357204', 'DNKN', 'Dunkin Brands Group Inc'), ('29693', 'DNKY', 'Donnkenny Inc'), ('839124', 'DNM', 'Dreyfus New York Municipal Income Inc'), ('1129900', 'DNNI', 'Donini Inc'), ('1439567', 'DNO', 'United States Short Oil Fund LP'), ('806628', 'DNP', 'DNP Select Income Fund Inc'), ('945764', 'DNR', 'Denbury Resources Inc'), ('1349922', 'DNRI', 'Value Consulting Inc'), ('1141590', 'DNRR', 'Playlogic Entertainment Inc'), ('832489', 'DNTK', 'Geovax Labs Inc'), ('879465', 'DNTK', 'Dyntek Inc'), ('1187520', 'DNY', 'Denali Fund Inc'), ('949039', 'DO', 'Diamond Offshore Drilling Inc'), ('1111697', 'DOBI', 'Dobi Medical International Inc'), ('771252', 'DOC', 'Digital Angel Corp'), ('1574540', 'DOC', 'Physicians Realty Trust'), ('1033864', 'DOCC', 'Docucorp International Inc'), ('1016831', 'DOCX', 'Document Sciences Corp'), ('1166847', 'DOIG', 'Delta Oil & Gas Inc'), ('18169', 'DOLE', 'Dole Food Co Inc'), ('723209', 'DOLL', 'Middleton Doll Co'), ('1436568', 'DOLV', 'Dolat Ventures Inc'), ('1365160', 'DOMK', 'Domark International Inc'), ('1080908', 'DOMR', 'Domain Registration Corp'), ('893691', 'DOOR', 'Masonite International Corp'), ('868780', 'DORM', 'Dorman Products Inc'), ('351809', 'DOTX', 'Dotronix Inc'), ('29905', 'DOV', 'Dover Corp'), ('1066833', 'DOVP', 'Dov Pharmaceutical Inc'), ('1071625', 'DOVR', 'Dover Saddlery Inc'), ('48272', 'DOVRA', 'Dover Investments Corp'), ('19925', 'DOW', 'Chiksan Tool Co'), ('29915', 'DOW', 'Dow Chemical Co'), ('702259', 'DP', 'Diagnostic Products Corp'), ('784770', 'DPAC', 'DT Sale Corp'), ('1314128', 'DPD', 'Dow 30 Premium & Dividend Income Fund Inc'), ('1282224', 'DPDM', 'Dolphin Digital Media Inc'), ('1110607', 'DPDW', 'Deep Down Inc'), ('1308026', 'DPFD', 'Deep Field Technologies Inc'), ('1515671', 'DPG', 'Duff & Phelps Global Utility Income Fund Inc'), ('1072342', 'DPH', 'Delphi Corp'), ('787250', 'DPL', 'DPL Inc'), ('1338065', 'DPM', 'DCP Midstream Partners LP'), ('1012128', 'DPMI', 'Dupont Photomasks Inc'), ('1390840', 'DPO', 'Dow 30 Enhanced Premium & Income Fund Inc'), ('1418135', 'DPS', 'DR Pepper Snapple Group Inc'), ('1505611', 'DPSI', 'Decisionpoint Systems Inc'), ('821483', 'DPTR', 'Par Petroleum Corp'), ('1328101', 'DPTR', 'Delta Exploration Company Inc'), ('896493', 'DPW', 'Digital Power Corp'), ('842691', 'DPWI', 'Global Pay Solutions Inc'), ('1098865', 'DPWS', 'Diamond Powersports Inc'), ('1286681', 'DPZ', 'Dominos Pizza Inc'), ('846930', 'DQE', 'Dqe Inc'), ('30573', 'DQU', 'Duquesne Light Co'), ('1355795', 'DR', 'Darwin Professional Underwriters Inc'), ('707388', 'DRAD', 'Digirad Corp'), ('26093', 'DRAM', 'Culbro Corp'), ('27093', 'DRAM', 'Dataram Corp'), ('1316656', 'DRC', 'Dresser-rand Group Inc'), ('1372531', 'DRCE', 'DRC Eneroy Inc'), ('30822', 'DRCO', 'Dynamics Research Corp'), ('1023031', 'DRCT', 'Direct General Corp'), ('895364', 'DRD', 'Duane Reade Inc'), ('895366', 'DRD', 'Duane Reade'), ('783280', 'DRE', 'Duke Realty Corp'), ('1121076', 'DRFL', 'Direct Response Financial Services Inc'), ('1050691', 'DRGG', 'Dragon International Group Corp'), ('1164012', 'DRGN', 'CN Dragon Corp'), ('1098685', 'DRGP', 'Dynamic Response Group Inc'), ('1298946', 'DRH', 'Diamondrock Hospitality Co'), ('1504222', 'DRHC', 'High Performance Beverages Co'), ('940944', 'DRI', 'Darden Restaurants Inc'), ('1566897', 'DRII', 'Diamond Resorts International Inc'), ('1062530', 'DRIV', 'Digital River Inc'), ('840889', 'DRL', 'Doral Financial Corp'), ('810829', 'DRMS', 'Dreams Inc'), ('1399529', 'DRNA', 'Dicerna Pharmaceuticals Inc'), ('1169745', 'DRNE', 'Edgetech International Inc'), ('842722', 'DROP', 'Fuse Science Inc'), ('1395999', 'DRP', 'DWS Advisor Funds'), ('1042893', 'DRQ', 'Dril-quip Inc'), ('1016177', 'DRRA', 'Dura Automotive Systems Inc'), ('1082038', 'DRRX', 'Durect Corp'), ('28630', 'DRS', 'DRS Technologies Inc'), ('1106645', 'DRSV', 'Debt Resolve Inc'), ('880321', 'DRTE', 'Dendrite International Inc'), ('785186', 'DRTK', 'Duratek Inc'), ('1544116', 'DRTX', 'Durata Therapeutics Inc'), ('1075206', 'DRUG', 'Dragon Pharmaceutical Inc'), ('1021282', 'DRWN', 'Clean Slate Inc'), ('1282858', 'DRY', 'Coinmach Service Corp'), ('352305', 'DRYR', 'Dreyers Grand Ice Cream Inc'), ('1189712', 'DRYR', 'Dreyers Grand Ice Cream Holdings Inc'), ('1393901', 'DSBO', 'Disaboom Inc'), ('892160', 'DSCI', 'Derma Sciences Inc'), ('1086467', 'DSCM', 'Drugstore Com Inc'), ('946486', 'DSCO', 'Discovery Laboratories Inc'), ('27096', 'DSCP', 'Datascope Corp'), ('795824', 'DSEN', 'Datascension Inc'), ('1495932', 'DSETD', 'Exp Realty International Corp'), ('1301138', 'DSF', 'Defined Strategy Fund Inc'), ('1282852', 'DSFN', 'Dsa Financial Corp'), ('885462', 'DSFX', 'Gulf Resources Inc'), ('1127842', 'DSKA', 'Duska Therapeutics Inc'), ('1463959', 'DSKX', 'DS Healthcare Group Inc'), ('935063', 'DSL', 'Downey Financial Corp'), ('1566388', 'DSL', 'Doubleline Income Solutions Fund'), ('855887', 'DSM', 'Dreyfus Strategic Municipal Bond Fund Inc'), ('895650', 'DSNS', 'JD International LTD'), ('1099369', 'DSNY', 'Destiny Media Technologies Inc'), ('1393718', 'DSP', 'SP Acquisition Holdings Inc'), ('915778', 'DSPG', 'DSP Group Inc'), ('1129916', 'DSRM', 'Desert Mining Inc'), ('714603', 'DST', 'DST Systems Inc'), ('1262200', 'DSTI', 'Daystar Technologies Inc'), ('938481', 'DSTM', 'Datastream Systems Inc'), ('929546', 'DSTR', 'Dualstar Technologies Corp'), ('1051003', 'DSU', 'Blackrock Debt Strategies Fund Inc'), ('854709', 'DSUP', 'Dayton Superior Corp'), ('1319947', 'DSW', 'DSW Inc'), ('1100885', 'DTAS', 'Digitas Inc'), ('319124', 'DTCT', 'Diatect International Corp'), ('936340', 'DTE', 'Dte Energy Co'), ('878535', 'DTF', 'Prudential Pacific Growth Fund Inc'), ('879535', 'DTF', 'DTF Tax-free Income Inc'), ('1049108', 'DTG', 'Dollar Thrifty Automotive Group Inc'), ('1100514', 'DTHK', 'Digitalthink Inc'), ('918999', 'DTII', 'DT Industries Inc'), ('1575311', 'DTLA', 'Brookfield Dtla Fund Office Trust Investor Inc'), ('356767', 'DTLI', 'DTLL Inc'), ('1056923', 'DTLK', 'Datalink Corp'), ('1083721', 'DTMI', 'Vocalscape Networks Inc'), ('1382462', 'DTOR', 'Del Toro Silver Corp'), ('924940', 'DTPI', 'Diamond Management & Technology Consultants Inc'), ('1182737', 'DTRC', 'Dakota Territory Resource Corp'), ('1226308', 'DTSI', 'DTS Inc'), ('1407313', 'DTST', 'Data Storage Consulting Services Inc'), ('1419951', 'DTST', 'Data Storage Corp'), ('944868', 'DTV', 'Directv Group Inc'), ('1465112', 'DTV', 'Directv'), ('1412130', 'DTVI', 'Dot VN Inc'), ('894239', 'DUC', 'Duff & Phelps Utility & Corporate Bond Trust Inc'), ('30302', 'DUCK', 'Alco Stores Inc'), ('1437467', 'DUCP', 'Arx Gold Corp'), ('1397821', 'DUF', 'Duff & Phelps Corp'), ('30371', 'DUK', 'Duke Energy Carolinas LLC'), ('1326160', 'DUK', 'Duke Energy Corp'), ('1425808', 'DUMA', 'Duma Energy Corp'), ('1383116', 'DUNM', 'Dunn Mining Inc'), ('879993', 'DUSA', 'Dusa Pharmaceuticals Inc'), ('1066281', 'DUVT', 'Duravest Inc'), ('730464', 'DV', 'Devry Education Group Inc'), ('927066', 'DVA', 'Davita Healthcare Partners Inc'), ('1029142', 'DVAX', 'Dynavax Technologies Corp'), ('1130808', 'DVCOD', 'Spire Technologies Inc'), ('1017673', 'DVD', 'Dover Motorsports Inc'), ('914384', 'DVERQ', 'Dan River Inc'), ('1303649', 'DVF', 'Diversified Income Strategies Portfolio Inc'), ('102980', 'DVFN', 'Vanura Uranium Inc'), ('1029802', 'DVFN', 'China Fruits Corp'), ('927472', 'DVGL', 'Parabel Inc'), ('801550', 'DVI', 'DVI Inc'), ('1009395', 'DVID', 'Digital Video Systems Inc'), ('215639', 'DVLN', 'DVL Inc'), ('919096', 'DVLN', 'DVL Inc'), ('95047', 'DVLY', 'Deer Valley Corp'), ('1302868', 'DVM', 'Cohen & Steers Dividend Majors Fund Inc'), ('837330', 'DVN', 'Devon Energy Corp'), ('1090012', 'DVN', 'Devon Energy Corp'), ('1317035', 'DVNNF', 'Devine Entertainment Corp'), ('918387', 'DVNTF', 'Diversinet Corp'), ('1479426', 'DVOX', 'Dynavox Inc'), ('1364100', 'DVR', 'Cal Dive International Inc'), ('1096835', 'DVTS', 'Diversified Thermal Solutions Inc'), ('1043769', 'DVW', 'Covad Communications Group Inc'), ('763744', 'DW', 'Drew Industries Inc'), ('1297401', 'DWA', 'Dreamworks Animation SKG Inc'), ('792130', 'DWCH', 'Datawatch Corp'), ('1138724', 'DWMA', 'Global Arena Holding Inc'), ('869495', 'DWOG', 'Deep Well Oil & Gas Inc'), ('1301031', 'DWRE', 'Demandware Inc'), ('1116755', 'DWRI', 'Design Within Reach Inc'), ('351231', 'DWSN', 'Dawson Geophysical Co'), ('1000157', 'DWVSF', 'Datawave Systems Inc'), ('797502', 'DWYR', 'Dwyer Group Inc'), ('826675', 'DX', 'Dynex Capital Inc'), ('1093557', 'DXCM', 'Dexcom Inc'), ('1556739', 'DXM', 'Dex Media Inc'), ('1095691', 'DXN', 'Digitalfx International Inc'), ('1020710', 'DXPE', 'DXP Enterprises Inc'), ('27367', 'DXR', 'Daxor Corp'), ('14995', 'DXT', 'Dixon Ticonderoga Co'), ('29332', 'DXYN', 'Dixie Group Inc'), ('67215', 'DY', 'Dycom Industries Inc'), ('1431934', 'DYAP', 'Dynamic Applications Corp'), ('907562', 'DYAX', 'Dyax Corp'), ('1417907', 'DYER', 'Fifth Season International Inc'), ('1304730', 'DYGO', 'Dynamic Gold Corp'), ('1193415', 'DYHCS', 'Dynacore Patent Litigation Trust'), ('949925', 'DYHP', 'Dynamic Health Products Inc'), ('890908', 'DYII', 'Dynacq Healthcare Inc'), ('934873', 'DYLI', 'Dynamic Leisure Corp'), ('879215', 'DYN', 'Dynegy Illinois Inc'), ('1379895', 'DYN', 'Dynegy Inc'), ('1520512', 'DYNH', 'Il2m International Corp'), ('1111741', 'DYNR', 'Dynaresource Inc'), ('720875', 'DYNT', 'Dynatronics Corp'), ('1454384', 'DYNV', 'Dynamic Ventures Corp'), ('1086142', 'DYP', 'Duoyuan Printing Inc'), ('30831', 'DYSL', 'Dynasil Corp Of America'), ('795424', 'DYTM', 'Dynatem Inc'), ('916380', 'DYX', 'Diasys Corp'), ('887403', 'DZTK', 'Daisytek International Corp'), ('712515', 'EA', 'Electronic Arts Inc'), ('1125057', 'EAC', 'Encore Acquisition Co'), ('1490165', 'EAC', 'Erickson Air-crane Inc'), ('1034694', 'EACC', 'Eautoclaims Inc'), ('784539', 'EACO', 'Eaco Corp'), ('1210123', 'EAD', 'Wells Fargo Advantage Income Opportunities Fund'), ('1056289', 'EAFRX', 'Eaton Vance Advisers Senior Floating Rate Fund'), ('1023139', 'EAG', 'Eagle Broadband Inc'), ('1260996', 'EAG', 'American Defense Systems Inc'), ('1001718', 'EAGL', 'Egl Inc'), ('1575988', 'EAGL', 'Silver Eagle Acquisition Corp'), ('821536', 'EAR', 'Husa Liquidating Corp'), ('1441247', 'EARH', 'Earth Dragon Resources Inc'), ('1560672', 'EARN', 'Ellington Residential Mortgage REIT'), ('1046861', 'EAS', 'Energy East Corp'), ('880209', 'EASB', 'Easton Bancorp Inc'), ('772891', 'EASI', 'Engineered Support Systems Inc'), ('1424804', 'EAST', 'East Fork Biodiesel LLC'), ('1081661', 'EASY', 'Easylink Services Corp'), ('703351', 'EAT', 'Brinker International Inc'), ('796369', 'EATS', 'Eateries Inc'), ('1170816', 'EAUI', 'Eau Technologies Inc'), ('1390134', 'EAVR', 'Mobile Data Corp'), ('1065088', 'EBAY', 'Ebay Inc'), ('1050725', 'EBDC', 'Ebank Financial Services Inc'), ('1501162', 'EBDM', 'Annec Green Refractories Corp'), ('33002', 'EBF', 'Ennis Inc'), ('1345968', 'EBHI', 'Eddie Bauer Holdings Inc'), ('1336593', 'EBI', 'Evergreen International Balanced Income Fund'), ('910057', 'EBIO', 'Epoch Biosciences Inc'), ('814549', 'EBIX', 'Ebix Inc'), ('1103719', 'EBLC', 'Earthblock Technologies Inc'), ('720912', 'EBLO', 'Exchange Bancshares Inc'), ('1101146', 'EBMT', 'Eagle Bancorp'), ('1478454', 'EBMT', 'Eagle Bancorp Montana Inc'), ('1124077', 'EBOIE', 'Enhance Biotech Inc'), ('1367644', 'EBS', 'Emergent Biosolutions Inc'), ('1411974', 'EBSB', 'Meridian Interstate Bancorp Inc'), ('32020', 'EBSC', 'Elder Beerman Stores Corp'), ('1018399', 'EBTC', 'Enterprise Bancorp Inc'), ('1319327', 'EBTX', 'Encore Bancshares Inc'), ('352947', 'EC', 'Engelhard Corp'), ('1453420', 'ECAU', 'Echo Automotive Inc'), ('1066254', 'ECBE', 'Ecb Bancorp Inc'), ('31660', 'ECC', 'Ecc International Corp'), ('1256540', 'ECDV', 'East Coast Diversified Corp'), ('1000459', 'ECEC', 'Ecom Ecom Com Inc'), ('1092283', 'ECEN', 'Invenda Corp'), ('793040', 'ECF', 'Ellsworth Fund LTD'), ('910409', 'ECFRX', 'Ev Classic Senior Floating Rate Fund'), ('814050', 'ECGN', 'Ecogen Inc'), ('721773', 'ECHO', 'Electronic Clearing House Inc'), ('1426945', 'ECHO', 'Echo Global Logistics Inc'), ('930775', 'ECIA', 'Encision Inc'), ('1398702', 'ECIG', 'Victory Electronic Cigarettes Corp'), ('31462', 'ECL', 'Ecolab Inc'), ('1085653', 'ECLG', 'Ecollege Com'), ('1034088', 'ECLP', 'Eclipsys Corp'), ('769882', 'ECMH', 'Encompass Holdings Inc'), ('911934', 'ECNI', 'Eye Cash Networks Inc'), ('1409885', 'ECOB', 'Eco Building Products Inc'), ('1173313', 'ECOC', 'Ecology Coatings Inc'), ('1429136', 'ECOI', 'Ecosolutions Intl'), ('742126', 'ECOL', 'US Ecology Inc'), ('1169652', 'ECOM', 'Channeladvisor Corp'), ('1498622', 'ECOO', 'Easy Organic Cookery Inc'), ('926761', 'ECP', 'Canterbury Park Holding Corp'), ('1084961', 'ECPG', 'Encore Capital Group Inc'), ('1135202', 'ECPN', 'El Capitan Precious Metals Inc'), ('1300317', 'ECR', 'Ecc Capital Corp'), ('1449574', 'ECRY', 'Ecrypt Technologies Inc'), ('940659', 'ECSI', 'Endocardial Solutions Inc'), ('1083638', 'ECSI', 'Ecash Inc'), ('1287503', 'ECST', 'Ecost Com Inc'), ('1487798', 'ECT', 'Eca Marcellus Trust I'), ('1031927', 'ECTE', 'Echo Therapeutics Inc'), ('1096197', 'ECTX', 'Ectel LTD'), ('1082673', 'ECUI', 'Y3k Secure Enterprise Software Inc'), ('1323785', 'ECV', 'Enhanced Equity Yield & Premium Fund Inc'), ('1095821', 'ECWC', 'BBMF Corp'), ('1235007', 'ECYT', 'Endocyte Inc'), ('1047862', 'ED', 'Consolidated Edison Inc'), ('772572', 'EDAC', 'Edac Technologies Corp'), ('1388141', 'EDD', 'Morgan Stanley Emerging Markets Domestic Debt Fund Inc'), ('854883', 'EDDH', 'Edd Helms Group Inc'), ('32689', 'EDE', 'Empire District Electric Co'), ('929037', 'EDEL', 'Edelbrock Corp'), ('930095', 'EDEN', 'Eden Bioscience Corp'), ('1501103', 'EDF', 'Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Income Fund'), ('1292428', 'EDFFF', 'Emission Differentials LTD'), ('1091938', 'EDFY', 'Edentify Inc'), ('1537951', 'EDG', 'Edgen Group Inc'), ('1088211', 'EDGH', 'Inova Technology Inc'), ('1080224', 'EDGR', 'Edgar Online Inc'), ('1017968', 'EDGW', 'Edgewater Technology Inc'), ('1551040', 'EDI', 'Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Total Income Fund'), ('886328', 'EDIG', 'E Digital Corp'), ('1103313', 'EDLG', 'Education Lending Group Inc'), ('1093933', 'EDLT', 'East Delta Resources Corp'), ('880059', 'EDMC', 'Education Management Corporation'), ('1083866', 'EDNE', 'Eden Energy Corp'), ('31617', 'EDO', 'Edo Corp'), ('1302343', 'EDR', 'Education Realty Trust Inc'), ('1007456', 'EDS', 'Electronic Data Systems Corp'), ('1089567', 'EDSN', 'Edison Schools Inc'), ('31667', 'EDUC', 'Educational Development Corp'), ('355300', 'EDVC', 'Endevco Inc'), ('1388410', 'EDVP', 'Parallax Health Sciences Inc'), ('1231339', 'EDWT', 'Edgewater Foods International Inc'), ('31978', 'EE', 'El Paso Electric Co'), ('791718', 'EEA', 'European Equity Fund Inc'), ('863893', 'EECP', 'Environmental Elements Corp'), ('1495230', 'EEDG', 'Energy Edge Technologies Corp'), ('912365', 'EEE', 'Evergreen Energy Inc'), ('1260376', 'EEEE', 'Infe Human Resources Inc'), ('1286862', 'EEEE', 'Educate Inc'), ('1175636', 'EEEI', 'Electro Energy Inc'), ('1318906', 'EEF', 'Enhanced Equity Yield Fund Inc'), ('1029199', 'EEFT', 'Euronet Worldwide Inc'), ('788206', 'EEGC', 'Empire Energy Corp'), ('1016959', 'EEGL', 'Eagle Supply Group Inc'), ('1043150', 'EEGR', 'Eline Entertainment Group Inc'), ('809933', 'EEI', 'Ecology & Environment Inc'), ('1082337', 'EELN', 'E Loan Inc'), ('1367387', 'EENR', 'Green Gold Inc'), ('1121811', 'EENT', 'Energy & Engine Technology Corp'), ('880285', 'EEP', 'Enbridge Energy Partners LP'), ('1458725', 'EEPU', 'Eco Energy Pumps Inc'), ('1173911', 'EEQ', 'Enbridge Energy Management L L C'), ('1119721', 'EESC', 'Eastern Environment Solutions Corp'), ('1138867', 'EESH', 'Eestech Inc'), ('748055', 'EESV', 'Environmental Energy Services Inc'), ('860510', 'EF', 'Europe Fund Inc'), ('1047947', 'EFC', 'Efc Bancorp Inc'), ('1411342', 'EFC', 'Ellington Financial LLC'), ('1109190', 'EFD', 'Efunds Corp'), ('1573698', 'EFF', 'Eaton Vance Floating-rate Income Plus Fund'), ('1094320', 'EFH', 'Empire Financial Holding Co'), ('867374', 'EFII', 'Electronics For Imaging Inc'), ('1023516', 'EFJI', 'Ef Johnson Technologies Inc'), ('918708', 'EFL', 'Western Asset Emerging Markets Floating Rate Fund Inc'), ('1448806', 'EFLO', 'Eflo Energy Inc'), ('1161723', 'EFLT', 'Elite Flight Solutions Inc'), ('924168', 'EFOI', 'Energy Focus Inc'), ('1258623', 'EFR', 'Eaton Vance Senior Floating Rate Trust'), ('1106848', 'EFRC', 'Egpi Firecreek Inc'), ('1025835', 'EFSC', 'Enterprise Financial Services Corp'), ('880641', 'EFSI', 'Eagle Financial Services Inc'), ('1288992', 'EFT', 'Eaton Vance Floating-rate Income Trust'), ('1450973', 'EFTB', 'Eft Holdings Inc'), ('1056748', 'EFTIE', 'Earthfirst Technologies Inc'), ('33185', 'EFX', 'Equifax Inc'), ('948703', 'EGAM', 'Egames Inc'), ('1066194', 'EGAN', 'Egain Corp'), ('1050441', 'EGBN', 'Eagle Bancorp Inc'), ('1379245', 'EGCT', 'Ecologic Transportation Inc'), ('1584770', 'EGDW', 'Edgewater Bancorp Inc'), ('1105409', 'EGEI', 'Egene Inc'), ('1336050', 'EGF', 'Blackrock Enhanced Government Fund Inc'), ('1376866', 'EGHA', '8888 Acquisition Corp'), ('1023731', 'EGHT', '8X8 Inc'), ('1544229', 'EGL', 'Engility Holdings Inc'), ('1322439', 'EGLE', 'Eagle Bulk Shipping Inc'), ('797662', 'EGLF', 'American Rare Earths & Materials Corp'), ('902281', 'EGLS', 'Electroglas Inc'), ('1290096', 'EGLT', 'Eagle Test Systems Inc'), ('1199392', 'EGMCF', 'Emgold Mining Corp'), ('1083036', 'EGMI', 'Electronic Game Card Inc'), ('1412144', 'EGMM', 'Edgemont Mining Inc'), ('277595', 'EGN', 'Energen Corp'), ('1065332', 'EGOV', 'Nic Inc'), ('49600', 'EGP', 'Eastgroup Properties Inc'), ('1274150', 'EGR', 'Commerce Energy Group Inc'), ('1438673', 'EGRN', 'Evergreen-agra Inc'), ('1416697', 'EGRV', 'Engraving Masters Inc'), ('1029402', 'EGSR', 'Energas Resources Inc'), ('1260037', 'EGTK', 'Energtek'), ('32598', 'EGX', 'Engex Inc'), ('894627', 'EGY', 'Vaalco Energy Inc'), ('1271046', 'EGYH', 'Energy Holdings International Inc'), ('1331931', 'EHHA', 'Echo Healthcare Acquisition Corp'), ('1228509', 'EHI', 'Western Asset Global High Income Fund Inc'), ('1163573', 'EHMI', 'Protext Mobility Inc'), ('1289169', 'EHP', 'Eagle Hospitality Properties Trust Inc'), ('1333493', 'EHTH', 'Ehealth Inc'), ('1196869', 'EIA', 'Eaton Vance California Municipal Bond Fund II'), ('1166463', 'EICU', 'Visicu Inc'), ('1196870', 'EIF', 'Eaton Vance Insured Florida Plus Municipal Bond Fund'), ('1080310', 'EIFRX', 'Eaton Vance Institutional Senior Floating Rate Fund'), ('1379041', 'EIG', 'Employers Holdings Inc'), ('1237746', 'EIGI', 'Endurance International Group Holdings Inc'), ('1321268', 'EIHI', 'Eastern Insurance Holdings Inc'), ('1350886', 'EII', 'Energy Infrastructure Acquisition Corp'), ('1176984', 'EIM', 'Eaton Vance Municipal Bond Fund'), ('1196876', 'EIO', 'Eaton Vance Ohio Municipal Bond Fund'), ('1196877', 'EIP', 'Eaton Vance Pennsylvania Municipal Bond Fund'), ('1326068', 'EIPC', 'Enable Ipc Corp'), ('1250897', 'EITC', 'Essential Innovations Technology Corp'), ('1144254', 'EIUS', 'Entertainment Is US Inc'), ('1196867', 'EIV', 'Eaton Vance Municipal Bond Fund II'), ('827052', 'EIX', 'Edison International'), ('8504', 'EJXR', 'Enerjex Resources Inc'), ('803044', 'EKCS', 'Electronic Control Security Inc'), ('31225', 'EKDKQ', 'Eastern Utilities Investing Corp'), ('1501350', 'EKFC', 'Eureka Financial Corp'), ('1001250', 'EL', 'Estee Lauder Companies Inc'), ('1168061', 'ELAB', 'Eon Labs Inc'), ('1422992', 'ELAY', 'Elayaway Inc'), ('1057746', 'ELBO', 'Electronics Boutique Holdings Corp'), ('900096', 'ELCO', 'Elcom International Inc'), ('796124', 'ELDO', 'Eldorado Artesian Springs Inc'), ('90721', 'ELEC', 'Pervasip Corp'), ('1483731', 'ELGO', 'Enterologics Inc'), ('785819', 'ELGT', 'Electric & Gas Technology Inc'), ('1013606', 'ELGX', 'Endologix Inc'), ('32017', 'ELK', 'Elkcorp'), ('1094231', 'ELLG', 'Politics Com Inc'), ('1122388', 'ELLI', 'Ellie Mae Inc'), ('1488917', 'ELMD', 'Electromed Inc'), ('32198', 'ELMG', 'Electromagnetic Sciences Inc'), ('771214', 'ELMS', 'Elmers Restaurants Inc'), ('1102541', 'ELNK', 'Earthlink Holdings Corp'), ('31347', 'ELON', 'Echelon Corp'), ('1375271', 'ELOQ', 'Eloqua Inc'), ('1381054', 'ELQV', 'Hydrogen Future Corp'), ('32166', 'ELRC', 'Electro Rent Corp'), ('1438461', 'ELRE', 'Yinfu Gold Corp'), ('895417', 'ELS', 'Equity Lifestyle Properties Inc'), ('351789', 'ELSE', 'Electro Sensors Inc'), ('311049', 'ELSO', 'Elsinore Corp'), ('75229', 'ELST', 'Owen Loving & Associates Inc'), ('752294', 'ELST', 'Electronic Systems Technology Inc'), ('1053369', 'ELTP', 'Elite Pharmaceuticals Inc'), ('1001903', 'ELU', 'Elinear Inc'), ('883983', 'ELVN', 'Elevon Inc'), ('350917', 'ELX', 'Emulex Corp'), ('712843', 'ELXS', 'Elxsi Corp'), ('837465', 'ELY', 'Callaway Golf Co'), ('1444598', 'EM', 'Emdeon Inc'), ('1121439', 'EMAG', 'Emageon Inc'), ('911151', 'EMAK', 'Emak Worldwide Inc'), ('1046995', 'EMAN', 'Emagin Corp'), ('945439', 'EMBR', 'Embryo Development Corp'), ('1552719', 'EMBR', 'Embarr Downs Inc'), ('1107112', 'EMBT', 'Embarcadero Technologies Inc'), ('878725', 'EMBX', 'Embrex Inc'), ('790070', 'EMC', 'Emc Corp'), ('1408146', 'EMC', 'Emc Metals Corp'), ('858800', 'EMCF', 'Emclaire Financial Corp'), ('356130', 'EMCI', 'Emc Insurance Group Inc'), ('890340', 'EMD', 'Western Asset Emerging Markets Income Fund Inc'), ('902978', 'EMD', 'Western Asset Emerging Markets Income Fund Inc'), ('894552', 'EMDF', 'XL Rent Inc'), ('1307140', 'EMDH', 'Lifestyle Medical Network Inc'), ('105634', 'EME', 'Emcor Group Inc'), ('930835', 'EME', 'Edison Mission Energy'), ('907127', 'EMED', 'Medcom USA Inc'), ('1555177', 'EMES', 'Emerge Energy Services LP'), ('809708', 'EMF', 'Templeton Emerging Markets Fund'), ('1021097', 'EMGP', 'Emergent Group Inc'), ('1372533', 'EMHD', 'Green Planet Group Inc'), ('1074688', 'EMI', 'Eaton Vance Michigan Municipal Income Trust'), ('805326', 'EMIS', 'Emisphere Technologies Inc'), ('1196874', 'EMJ', 'Eaton Vance New Jersey Municipal Bond Fund'), ('808326', 'EMKR', 'Emcore Corp'), ('31107', 'EML', 'Eastern Co'), ('1423036', 'EMLL', 'El Maniel International Inc'), ('783005', 'EMMS', 'Emmis Communications Corp'), ('915389', 'EMN', 'Eastman Chemical Co'), ('1517518', 'EMO', 'Clearbridge Energy MLP Opportunity Fund Inc'), ('815577', 'EMOT', 'Electric Moto Corp'), ('1402747', 'EMPL', 'Dominion Minerals Corp'), ('887396', 'EMPR', 'Empire Petroleum Corp'), ('1076886', 'EMPY', 'American Asset Development Inc'), ('32604', 'EMR', 'Emerson Electric Co'), ('1092605', 'EMRG', 'Emerge Interactive Inc'), ('1344154', 'EMS', 'Envision Healthcare Corp'), ('884042', 'EMT', 'Emerging Markets Telecommunications Fund Inc'), ('830519', 'EMXC', 'Emax Holdings Corp'), ('1449794', 'EMYB', 'Embassy Bancorp Inc'), ('922237', 'ENA', 'Enova Systems Inc'), ('1437479', 'ENBP', 'Enb Financial Corp'), ('93542', 'ENC', 'Enesco Group Inc'), ('856569', 'ENCO', 'Encorium Group Inc'), ('313116', 'ENCP', 'Enercorp Inc'), ('887023', 'ENCY', 'Encysive Pharmaceuticals Inc'), ('1112412', 'END', 'Endeavour International Corp'), ('1003464', 'ENDO', 'Endocare Inc'), ('1100962', 'ENDP', 'Endo Health Solutions Inc'), ('1324736', 'ENEC', 'Holloman Energy Corp'), ('895642', 'ENEI', 'Ener1 Inc'), ('32878', 'ENER', 'Energy Conversion Devices Inc'), ('1329378', 'ENF', 'Ensource Energy Income Fund LP'), ('1054303', 'ENFN', 'Rodman & Renshaw Capital Group Inc'), ('933738', 'ENG', 'Englobal Corp'), ('1432963', 'ENGT', 'Energy & Technology Corp'), ('1289047', 'ENGX', 'Energenx Inc'), ('1260828', 'ENGY', 'Central Energy Partners LP'), ('1179755', 'ENH', 'Endurance Specialty Holdings LTD'), ('1045560', 'ENHT', 'Enherent Corp'), ('1511261', 'ENIP', 'Endeavor Ip Inc'), ('1342882', 'ENLG', 'Enlightened Gourmet Inc'), ('944763', 'ENMC', 'Encore Medical Corp'), ('895051', 'ENMD', 'Entremed Inc'), ('916530', 'ENN', 'Equity Inns Inc'), ('1244937', 'ENOC', 'Enernoc Inc'), ('1398664', 'ENP', 'Encore Energy Partners LP'), ('1463101', 'ENPH', 'Enphase Energy Inc'), ('1010305', 'ENPT', 'En Pointe Technologies Inc'), ('1096752', 'ENR', 'Energizer Holdings Inc'), ('766659', 'ENRG', 'Energroup Holdings Corp'), ('1346022', 'ENRT', 'Enertopia Corp'), ('1289308', 'ENS', 'Enersys'), ('1125376', 'ENSG', 'Ensign Group Inc'), ('1051286', 'ENSI', 'Energysouth Inc'), ('811271', 'ENSL', 'Entech Solar Inc'), ('1512077', 'ENT', 'Global Eagle Entertainment Inc'), ('1177648', 'ENTA', 'Enanta Pharmaceuticals Inc'), ('1101302', 'ENTG', 'Entegris Inc'), ('1109697', 'ENTI', 'Encounter Development Technologies Inc'), ('1227930', 'ENTR', 'Entropic Communications Inc'), ('1031283', 'ENTU', 'Entrust Inc'), ('13547', 'ENTX', 'Entrx Corp'), ('761034', 'ENUI', 'Ec Development Inc'), ('1337619', 'ENV', 'Envestnet Inc'), ('1174266', 'ENVI', 'Envivio Inc'), ('106577', 'ENVK', 'Wheatley Mayonnaise Co'), ('1065677', 'ENVK', 'Envirokare Tech Inc'), ('1118941', 'ENWV', 'Endwave Corp'), ('1177162', 'ENX', 'Eaton Vance New York Municipal Bond Fund'), ('1009922', 'ENXT', 'NXT Energy Solutions Inc'), ('316253', 'ENZ', 'Enzo Biochem Inc'), ('727510', 'ENZN', 'Enzon Pharmaceuticals Inc'), ('1302084', 'ENZR', 'Energizer Resources Inc'), ('1386067', 'EOD', 'Wells Fargo Advantage Global Dividend Opportunity Fund'), ('1340735', 'EOE', 'Eaton Vance Credit Opportunities Fund'), ('821189', 'EOG', 'Eog Resources Inc'), ('1300391', 'EOI', 'Eaton Vance Enhanced Equity Income Fund'), ('910832', 'EOMI', 'Econometrics Inc'), ('1084752', 'EONC', 'Eon Communications Corp'), ('1038339', 'EOP', 'Equity Office Properties Trust'), ('1043866', 'EOPLP', 'Eop Operating LTD Partnership'), ('1540400', 'EOPN', 'E2open Inc'), ('1308335', 'EOS', 'Eaton Vance Enhanced Equity Income Fund II'), ('791398', 'EOSI', 'Eos International Inc'), ('1454741', 'EOT', 'Eaton Vance National Municipal Opportunities Trust'), ('1283843', 'EOX', 'Emerald Oil Inc'), ('1066107', 'EP', 'El Paso Corp'), ('1352010', 'EPAM', 'Epam Systems Inc'), ('1514418', 'EPAQ', 'Integrated Drilling Equipment Holdings Corp'), ('1162315', 'EPAX', 'Ambassadors Group Inc'), ('1073349', 'EPAY', 'Bottomline Technologies Inc'), ('1410838', 'EPB', 'El Paso Pipeline Partners LP'), ('1122101', 'EPCC', 'Epic Energy Resources Inc'), ('800401', 'EPCG', 'Epicus Communications Group Inc'), ('1208261', 'EPCTD', 'Immune Pharmaceuticals Inc'), ('1061219', 'EPD', 'Enterprise Products Partners LP'), ('1324592', 'EPE', 'Enterprise GP Holdings LP'), ('1584952', 'EPE', 'Ep Energy Corp'), ('1220483', 'EPEN', 'East Penn Financial Corp'), ('1021010', 'EPEX', 'Edge Petroleum Corp'), ('1144892', 'EPFL', 'Epic Financial Corp'), ('805012', 'EPG', 'Environmental Power Corp'), ('1501862', 'EPGG', 'Empire Global Gaming Inc'), ('1113947', 'EPGL', 'Ep Global Communications Inc'), ('351903', 'EPHC', 'Epoch Holding Corp'), ('1318342', 'EPHCX', 'Investment Managers Series Trust'), ('1085082', 'EPHO', 'Ephone Telecom Inc'), ('891178', 'EPIC', 'Epicor Software Corp'), ('1099980', 'EPIK', 'Tamalpais Bancorp'), ('1027207', 'EPIQ', 'Epiq Systems Inc'), ('1027702', 'EPIX', 'Epix Pharmaceuticals Inc'), ('750199', 'EPL', 'Epl Oil & Gas Inc'), ('797079', 'EPLN', 'Epolin Inc'), ('1006655', 'EPM', 'Evolution Petroleum Corp'), ('1012394', 'EPMD', 'Ep Medsystems Inc'), ('895040', 'EPN', 'Gulfterra Energy Partners LP'), ('1089613', 'EPNY', 'E Piphany Inc'), ('1090411', 'EPNY', 'Epiphany Inc'), ('1096738', 'EPOC', 'Epocrates Inc'), ('1079990', 'EPOI', 'Epod International Inc'), ('1045450', 'EPR', 'Epr Properties'), ('921182', 'EPRC', 'Empiric Energy Inc'), ('888711', 'EPRE', 'Epresence Inc'), ('1304588', 'EPRT', 'Espre Solutions Inc'), ('945269', 'EPTG', 'Epl Technologies Inc'), ('1099730', 'EPXR', 'Epixtar Corp'), ('1571498', 'EPZM', 'Epizyme Inc'), ('1350031', 'EQ', 'Embarq Corp'), ('1101239', 'EQIX', 'Equinix Inc'), ('1540947', 'EQM', 'Eqt Midstream Partners LP'), ('1006840', 'EQPI', 'Equicap Inc'), ('906107', 'EQR', 'Equity Residential'), ('878932', 'EQS', 'Equus Total Return Inc'), ('33213', 'EQT', 'Eqt Corp'), ('1418065', 'EQTE', 'Eqm Technologies & Energy Inc'), ('33325', 'EQTY', 'Equity Oil Co'), ('1492832', 'EQU', 'Equal Energy LTD'), ('806011', 'EQUI', 'Equifin Inc'), ('1042810', 'EQY', 'Equity One Inc'), ('1525221', 'ERA', 'Era Group Inc'), ('1095858', 'ERB', 'Erba Diagnostics Inc'), ('1227073', 'ERC', 'Wells Fargo Advantage Multi-sector Income Fund'), ('1026650', 'ERES', 'Eresearchtechnology Inc'), ('1158846', 'ERGO', 'Ergo Science Corp'), ('1279014', 'ERH', 'Wells Fargo Advantage Utilities & High Income Fund'), ('799235', 'ERHE', 'Erhc Energy Inc'), ('854852', 'ERI', 'Emrise Corp'), ('922621', 'ERIE', 'Erie Indemnity Co'), ('1421517', 'ERII', 'Energy Recovery Inc'), ('1110361', 'ERMS', 'Eroomsystem Technologies Inc'), ('1364541', 'EROC', 'Eagle Rock Energy Partners LP'), ('878616', 'EROX', 'Human Pheromone Sciences Inc'), ('1019272', 'ERS', 'Empire Resources Inc'), ('1497421', 'ERSD', 'Luve Sports Inc'), ('911801', 'ERTH', 'Earthshell Corp'), ('1020646', 'ERWF', 'Erf Wireless Inc'), ('1003933', 'ERWN', 'Nextphase Wireless Inc'), ('1393744', 'ES', 'Energysolutions Inc'), ('1002579', 'ESA', 'Extended Stay America Inc'), ('1357971', 'ESA', 'Energy Services Of America Corp'), ('1000695', 'ESAN', 'Entrada Networks Inc'), ('1358254', 'ESB', 'Es Bancshares Inc'), ('872835', 'ESBF', 'Esb Financial Corp'), ('1001604', 'ESC', 'Emeritus Corp'), ('33488', 'ESCA', 'Escalade Inc'), ('276283', 'ESCC', 'Evans & Sutherland Computer Corp'), ('1110507', 'ESCH', 'Eschelon Telecom Inc'), ('30985', 'ESCI', 'Earth Sciences Inc'), ('895516', 'ESCL', 'Spectrum Group International Inc'), ('1359290', 'ESCO', 'Esco Inc'), ('1227862', 'ESD', 'Western Asset Emerging Markets Debt Fund Inc'), ('866706', 'ESE', 'Esco Technologies Inc'), ('1330023', 'ESEC', 'Ese Corp'), ('789879', 'ESGI', 'Ensurge Inc'), ('55820', 'ESGR', 'Enstar Group Inc'), ('1363829', 'ESGR', 'Enstar Group LTD'), ('87196', 'ESH', 'Scheib Earl Inc'), ('854776', 'ESHG', 'Emergisoft Holding Inc'), ('1161135', 'ESHI', 'USA Uranium Corp'), ('922475', 'ESI', 'Itt Educational Services Inc'), ('726514', 'ESIO', 'Electro Scientific Industries Inc'), ('33619', 'ESL', 'Esterline Technologies Corp'), ('947397', 'ESLR', 'Evergreen Solar Inc'), ('862668', 'ESMC', 'Escalon Medical Corp'), ('1392600', 'ESMK', 'Clayton Acquisition Corp'), ('1112999', 'ESMT', 'E-smart Technologies Inc'), ('1122860', 'ESNR', 'Electronic Sensor Technology Inc'), ('1448893', 'ESNT', 'Essent Group LTD'), ('33533', 'ESP', 'Espey MFG & Electronics Corp'), ('1066745', 'ESPR', 'Esperion Therapeutics Inc'), ('1434868', 'ESPR', 'Esperion Therapeutics Inc'), ('1429373', 'ESRI', 'Eastern Resources Inc'), ('1541401', 'ESRT', 'Empire State Realty Trust Inc'), ('885721', 'ESRX', 'Express Scripts Inc'), ('1532063', 'ESRX', 'Express Scripts Holding Co'), ('920522', 'ESS', 'Essex Property Trust Inc'), ('1382230', 'ESSA', 'Essa Bancorp Inc'), ('752634', 'ESSE', 'Earth Search Sciences Inc'), ('907410', 'ESST', 'Ess Technology Inc'), ('1373988', 'ESSX', 'Essex Rental Corp'), ('1406391', 'EST', 'Enterprise Acquisition Corp'), ('314808', 'ESV', 'Ensco PLC'), ('1421323', 'ESVC', 'Ensign Services Inc'), ('1107421', 'ESWB', 'Ziopharm Oncology Inc'), ('1082278', 'ESWW', 'Environmental Solutions Worldwide Inc'), ('1323648', 'ESXB', 'Community Bankers Trust Corp'), ('914398', 'ESYS', 'Elecsys Corp'), ('1420850', 'ET', 'Exacttarget Inc'), ('897265', 'ETAD', 'Entrade Inc'), ('1437822', 'ETAH', 'Eternity Healthcare Inc'), ('1084384', 'ETAK', 'Elephant Talk Communications Corp'), ('1308927', 'ETB', 'Eaton Vance Tax-managed Buy-write Income Fund'), ('33113', 'ETCC', 'Environmental Tectonics Corp'), ('773547', 'ETCIA', 'Electronic Tele Communications Inc'), ('1128353', 'ETCK', 'Enerteck Corp'), ('830741', 'ETCR', 'Vhgi Holdings Inc'), ('1276187', 'ETE', 'Energy Transfer Equity LP'), ('5117', 'ETEC', 'Emtec Inc'), ('1422128', 'ETEN', 'Protectus Medical Devices Inc'), ('913662', 'ETF', 'Aberdeen Emerging Markets Smaller Co Opportunities Fund Inc'), ('1015780', 'ETFC', 'E Trade Financial Corp'), ('929646', 'ETFS', 'East Texas Financial Services Inc'), ('1270523', 'ETG', 'Eaton Vance Tax Advantaged Global Dividend Income Fund'), ('1271554', 'ETG', 'Entree Gold Inc'), ('1239672', 'ETGMF', 'Entourage Mining LTD'), ('896156', 'ETH', 'Ethan Allen Interiors Inc'), ('1395325', 'ETJ', 'Eaton Vance Risk-managed Diversified Equity Income Fund'), ('1163002', 'ETLB', 'Hydrogen Hybrid Technologies Inc'), ('1301206', 'ETLE', 'Ecotality Inc'), ('822998', 'ETLS', 'Etotalsource Inc'), ('1067837', 'ETM', 'Entercom Communications Corp'), ('31277', 'ETN', 'Eaton Corp'), ('1551182', 'ETN', 'Eaton Corp PLC'), ('868756', 'ETNL', 'Eternal Image Inc'), ('1078858', 'ETNW', 'Ses Solar Inc'), ('1281926', 'ETO', 'Eaton Vance Tax-advantaged Global Dividend Opportunities Fund'), ('837600', 'ETOP', 'Entropin Inc'), ('1012569', 'ETP', 'Energy Transfer Partners LP'), ('65984', 'ETR', 'Entergy Corp'), ('1371217', 'ETRM', 'Enteromedics Inc'), ('846909', 'ETS', 'Enterasys Networks Inc'), ('1287065', 'ETS', 'Ets Payphones Inc'), ('1017586', 'ETSM', 'Electronic Transmission Corp'), ('1043236', 'ETT', 'Eldertrust'), ('1476721', 'ETUA', 'Eunits TM 2 Year US Market Participation Trust Upside To Cap'), ('1541133', 'ETUB', 'Eunitstm 2 Year US Market Participation Trust 2 Upside To Cap'), ('1322436', 'ETV', 'Eaton Vance Tax-managed Buy-write Opportunities Fund'), ('1322435', 'ETW', 'Eaton Vance Tax-managed Global Buy-write Opportunities Fund'), ('1563696', 'ETX', 'Eaton Vance Municipal Income Term Trust'), ('1340736', 'ETY', 'Eaton Vance Tax-managed Diversified Equity Income Fund'), ('1164554', 'EUBK', 'Eurobancshares Inc'), ('783209', 'EUGS', 'Eurogas Inc'), ('1125918', 'EUOK', 'Euoko Group Inc'), ('1033030', 'EUOT', 'Eurotech LTD'), ('1084382', 'EUPA', 'Eupa International Corp'), ('1534708', 'EURC', 'Eurocan Holdings LTD'), ('350797', 'EV', 'Eaton Vance Corp'), ('842518', 'EVBN', 'Evans Bancorp Inc'), ('1047170', 'EVBS', 'Eastern Virginia Bankshares Inc'), ('1109116', 'EVC', 'Entravision Communications Corp'), ('1459003', 'EVCA', 'Evcarco Inc'), ('1284454', 'EVCC', 'Environmental Control Corp'), ('1065591', 'EVCI', 'Evci Career Colleges Holding Corp'), ('1352419', 'EVEH', 'Environment Ecology Holding Co Of China'), ('1361937', 'EVEP', 'Ev Energy Partners LP'), ('1502749', 'EVER', 'Everbank Financial Corp'), ('1070732', 'EVF', 'Eaton Vance Senior Income Trust'), ('353943', 'EVG', 'Evergreen Resources Inc'), ('1287498', 'EVG', 'Eaton Vance Short Duration Diversified Income Fund'), ('1143566', 'EVGG', 'Evergreenbancorp Inc'), ('1578318', 'EVHC', 'Envision Healthcare Holdings Inc'), ('844780', 'EVIS', 'Evision International Inc'), ('1074691', 'EVJ', 'Eaton Vance New Jersey Municipal Income Trust'), ('1088787', 'EVLO', 'CD International Enterprises Inc'), ('1177161', 'EVM', 'Eaton Vance California Municipal Bond Fund'), ('842919', 'EVMT', 'Xstream Mobile Solutions Corp'), ('1074540', 'EVN', 'Eaton Vance Municipal Income Trust'), ('1074686', 'EVO', 'Eaton Vance Ohio Municipal Income Trust'), ('1403708', 'EVOK', 'Evoke Pharma Inc'), ('1052054', 'EVOL', 'Evolving Systems Inc'), ('1074687', 'EVP', 'Eaton Vance Pennsylvania Municipal Income Trust'), ('850025', 'EVPRX', 'Eaton Vance Prime Rate Reserves'), ('1360901', 'EVR', 'Evercore Partners Inc'), ('1071119', 'EVRC', 'Evercel Inc'), ('1038800', 'EVRE', 'Enviro Recovery Inc'), ('1064478', 'EVRL', 'Everlert Inc'), ('1410725', 'EVRS', 'Everest Resources Corp'), ('1088514', 'EVRT', 'Evertrust Financial Group Inc'), ('1532543', 'EVRY', 'Everyware Global Inc'), ('1040415', 'EVSC', 'Endovasc Inc'), ('1015455', 'EVSF', 'China Education Technology Inc'), ('1398805', 'EVSI', 'Envision Solar International Inc'), ('934795', 'EVST', 'Everlast Worldwide Inc'), ('1253327', 'EVT', 'Eaton Vance Tax Advantaged Dividend Income Fund'), ('1559865', 'EVTC', 'Evertec Inc'), ('1043894', 'EVTN', 'Enviro Voraxial Technology Inc'), ('1222922', 'EVV', 'Eaton Vance LTD Duration Income Fund'), ('1318310', 'EVVV', 'Ev3 Inc'), ('1074685', 'EVY', 'Eaton Vance New York Municipal Income Trust'), ('1099800', 'EW', 'Edwards Lifesciences Corp'), ('1069157', 'EWBC', 'East West Bancorp Inc'), ('905428', 'EWEB', 'Vortex Resources Corp'), ('863903', 'EWF', 'Aberdeen Global Select Opportunities Fund Inc'), ('1343979', 'EWRL', 'Cirque Energy Inc'), ('1088949', 'EWRX', 'DLD Group Inc'), ('1488309', 'EWSI', 'Ewaste Systems Inc'), ('43350', 'EWST', 'Gas Natural Inc'), ('1268904', 'EWTC', 'Etrials Worldwide Inc'), ('890264', 'EXA', 'Exa Corp'), ('913165', 'EXAC', 'Exactech Inc'), ('1514888', 'EXAD', 'Experience Art & Design Inc'), ('1498021', 'EXAM', 'Examworks Group Inc'), ('753568', 'EXAR', 'Exar Corp'), ('1124140', 'EXAS', 'Exact Sciences Corp'), ('1066104', 'EXBD', 'Corporate Executive Board Co'), ('855109', 'EXBT', 'Midgardxxi Inc'), ('1335002', 'EXBX', 'Exobox Technologies Corp'), ('1109357', 'EXC', 'Exelon Corp'), ('1330292', 'EXCS', 'Execute Sports Inc'), ('1480999', 'EXD', 'Eaton Vance Tax-advantaged Bond & Option Strategies Fund'), ('1075736', 'EXE', 'Crexendo Inc'), ('1047262', 'EXEE', 'Exe Technologies Inc'), ('939767', 'EXEL', 'Exelixis Inc'), ('1379438', 'EXG', 'Eaton Vance Tax-managed Global Diversified Equity Income Fund'), ('723533', 'EXGP', 'Dephasium Corp'), ('1389050', 'EXH', 'Exterran Holdings Inc'), ('893847', 'EXJF', 'Hawthorn Bancshares Inc'), ('1478950', 'EXL', 'Excel Trust Inc'), ('1388174', 'EXLA', 'Helmer Directional Drilling Corp'), ('1014955', 'EXLN', 'Object Design Inc'), ('1367064', 'EXLP', 'Exterran Partners LP'), ('1297989', 'EXLS', 'Exlservice Holdings Inc'), ('1108341', 'EXLT', 'Exult Inc'), ('1083706', 'EXNT', 'Enxnet Inc'), ('1136868', 'EXOU', 'Exousia Advanced Materials Inc'), ('918646', 'EXP', 'Eagle Materials Inc'), ('746515', 'EXPD', 'Expeditors International Of Washington Inc'), ('1095357', 'EXPE', 'Expedia Inc'), ('1324424', 'EXPE', 'Expedia Inc'), ('851520', 'EXPO', 'Exponent Inc'), ('1483510', 'EXPR', 'Express Inc'), ('1289490', 'EXR', 'Extra Space Storage Inc'), ('1082121', 'EXTI', 'Extensions Inc'), ('1078271', 'EXTR', 'Extreme Networks Inc'), ('89261', 'EXX', 'Exx Inc'), ('1343719', 'EXXI', 'Energy XXI Bermuda LTD'), ('33656', 'EY', 'Ethyl Corp'), ('837991', 'EYE', 'Visx Inc'), ('1168335', 'EYE', 'Advanced Medical Optics Inc'), ('1115285', 'EYET', 'Eyetech Pharmaceuticals Inc'), ('1104120', 'EYII', 'Eyi Industries Inc'), ('71508', 'EYNO', 'Entergy New Orleans Inc'), ('1415397', 'EYSE', 'Easy Energy Inc'), ('1202963', 'EYTC', 'Energytec Inc'), ('943894', 'EZEN', 'Ezenia Inc'), ('1349532', 'EZEO', 'Panglobal Brands Inc'), ('1350071', 'EZJR', 'Ezjr Inc'), ('727008', 'EZM', 'E-z-em Inc'), ('1107685', 'EZMM', 'Eugene Science'), ('876523', 'EZPW', 'Ezcorp Inc'), ('37996', 'F', 'Ford Motor Co'), ('9779', 'FA', 'Fairchild Corp'), ('1023640', 'FAB', 'Firstfed America Bancorp Inc'), ('1017907', 'FAC', 'First Acceptance Corp'), ('1521373', 'FAC', 'Fac Propertys LLC'), ('1269871', 'FACE', 'Physicians Formula Holdings Inc'), ('782842', 'FACT', 'Gleacher & Company Inc'), ('1441848', 'FACT', 'Facet Biotech Corp'), ('1114644', 'FADI', 'Total First Aid Inc'), ('1210677', 'FADV', 'First Advantage Corp'), ('1472787', 'FAF', 'First American Financial Corp'), ('1053676', 'FAIM', 'Dynabazaar Inc'), ('922521', 'FALC', 'Falconstor Software Inc'), ('1302624', 'FAM', 'First Trust'), ('37358', 'FAME', 'Flamemaster Corp'), ('1539838', 'FANG', 'Diamondback Energy Inc'), ('878720', 'FAOO', 'Children S Books & Toys Inc'), ('1492151', 'FARE', 'World Moto Inc'), ('34563', 'FARM', 'Farmer Brothers Co'), ('917491', 'FARO', 'Faro Technologies Inc'), ('1002822', 'FASC', 'First American Scientific Corp'), ('815556', 'FAST', 'Fastenal Co'), ('1456802', 'FASV', 'First American Silver Corp'), ('1434316', 'FATE', 'Fate Therapeutics Inc'), ('1021770', 'FATS', 'Firearms Training Systems Inc'), ('1403275', 'FAV', 'First Trust Dividend & Income Fund'), ('1025743', 'FAVS', 'First Aviation Services Inc'), ('790500', 'FAX', 'Aberdeen Asia-pacific Income Fund Inc'), ('1326801', 'FB', 'Facebook Inc'), ('932697', 'FBBC', 'First Bell Bancorp Inc'), ('1071212', 'FBBI', 'Florida Business Bancgroup Inc'), ('1033012', 'FBC', 'Flagstar Bancorp Inc'), ('917770', 'FBCE', 'Fibercore Inc'), ('912219', 'FBCI', 'Fidelity Bancorp Inc'), ('1199025', 'FBCP', 'Franklin Bancorp Inc MI'), ('1074543', 'FBEI', 'First Bancorp Of Indiana Inc'), ('50341', 'FBF', 'Fleetboston Financial Corp'), ('1316410', 'FBFS', 'Firstbank Financial Services Inc'), ('356858', 'FBGC', 'First Banking Center Inc'), ('1107257', 'FBGI', 'First Shares Bancorp Inc'), ('1120285', 'FBGO', 'Firstbingo Com'), ('1519751', 'FBHS', 'Fortune Brands Home & Security Inc'), ('1305399', 'FBIZ', 'First Business Financial Services Inc'), ('1521951', 'FBIZ', 'First Business Financial Services Inc'), ('778972', 'FBMI', 'Firstbank Corp'), ('947559', 'FBMS', 'First Bancshares Inc'), ('1067077', 'FBMT', 'First National Bancshares Inc'), ('50957', 'FBN', 'Furniture Brands International Inc'), ('811589', 'FBNC', 'First Bancorp'), ('1511198', 'FBNK', 'First Connecticut Bancorp Inc'), ('710507', 'FBNKN', 'First Banks Inc'), ('1035513', 'FBNW', 'Firstbank NW Corp'), ('1128281', 'FBOR', 'Saker Aviation Services Inc'), ('1057706', 'FBP', 'First Bancorp'), ('1209028', 'FBR', 'Arlington Asset Investment Corp'), ('1371446', 'FBRC', 'FBR & Co'), ('912967', 'FBSI', 'First Bancshares Inc'), ('1083643', 'FBSS', 'Fauquier Bankshares Inc'), ('1129847', 'FBTC', 'First Banctrust Corp'), ('1207070', 'FBTX', 'Franklin Bank Corp'), ('886206', 'FC', 'Franklin Covey Co'), ('1370291', 'FCAL', 'First California Financial Group Inc'), ('1070296', 'FCAP', 'First Capital Inc'), ('1027280', 'FCB', 'Falmouth Bancorp Inc'), ('859070', 'FCBC', 'First Community Bancshares Inc'), ('1258831', 'FCBI', 'Frederick County Bancorp Inc'), ('708848', 'FCBN', 'First Citizens Bancorporation Inc'), ('893539', 'FCBQ', 'FC Banc Corp'), ('723594', 'FCBS', 'First Century Bankshares Inc'), ('1058973', 'FCBX', 'First Capital Bancorp Inc'), ('1430286', 'FCCE', 'Future Canada China Environment Inc'), ('1048566', 'FCCG', 'Fog Cutter Capital Group Inc'), ('932781', 'FCCO', 'First Community Corp'), ('1141807', 'FCCY', '1ST Constitution Bancorp'), ('1035789', 'FCDH', 'Adatom Com Inc'), ('38067', 'FCEA', 'Forest City Enterprises Inc'), ('744126', 'FCEC', 'First Chester County Corp'), ('886128', 'FCEL', 'Fuelcell Energy Inc'), ('1097081', 'FCEN', '1ST Centennial Bancorp'), ('712537', 'FCF', 'First Commonwealth Financial Corp'), ('828678', 'FCFC', 'Firstcity Financial Corp'), ('899164', 'FCFK', 'First Chesapeake Financial Corp'), ('1082564', 'FCFL', 'First Community Bank Corp Of America'), ('1281872', 'FCFN', 'Icp Solar Technologies Inc'), ('840489', 'FCFS', 'First Cash Financial Services Inc'), ('1045929', 'FCGD', 'First Colombia Gold Corp'), ('1049758', 'FCGI', 'First Consulting Group Inc'), ('923603', 'FCH', 'Felcor Lodging Trust Inc'), ('1096550', 'FCHL', 'Energy Quest Inc'), ('811040', 'FCI', 'First Carolina Investors Inc'), ('730669', 'FCIC', 'FCCC Inc'), ('1301063', 'FCL', 'Alpha Natural Resources Inc'), ('1283582', 'FCLF', 'First Clover Leaf Financial Corp'), ('1232461', 'FCM', 'First Trust'), ('1141045', 'FCMM', 'First Commerce Corp'), ('887936', 'FCN', 'Fti Consulting Inc'), ('798941', 'FCNCA', 'First Citizens Bancshares Inc'), ('876717', 'FCO', 'Aberdeen Global Income Fund Inc'), ('1100360', 'FCON', 'Financialcontent Inc'), ('34339', 'FCP', 'Falcon Products Inc'), ('216593', 'FCPC', 'Aperture Health Inc'), ('1432254', 'FCPG', 'First China Pharmaceutical Group Inc'), ('808047', 'FCPL', 'QKL Stores Inc'), ('1072842', 'FCPN', 'First Capital International Inc'), ('1024441', 'FCPO', 'Factory Card & Party Outlet Corp'), ('1492116', 'FCPS', 'Fulucai Productions LTD'), ('1555458', 'FCRM', 'Franklin Credit Management Corp'), ('1036960', 'FCS', 'Fairchild Semiconductor International Inc'), ('357097', 'FCSC', 'Fibrocell Science Inc'), ('831246', 'FCSC', 'Franklin Credit Holding Corp'), ('884719', 'FCSE', 'Focus Enhancements Inc'), ('1082594', 'FCSH', 'Veridigm Inc'), ('1282850', 'FCT', 'First Trust Senior Floating Rate Income Fund II'), ('707674', 'FCTOA', 'Fact Corp'), ('717306', 'FCTR', 'First Charter Corp'), ('1420525', 'FCTY', '1ST Century Bancshares Inc'), ('1373525', 'FCVA', 'First Capital Bancorp Inc'), ('831259', 'FCX', 'Freeport Mcmoran Copper & Gold Inc'), ('944745', 'FCZA', 'First Citizens Banc Corp'), ('794367', 'FD', 'Macys Inc'), ('1098151', 'FDBC', 'Fidelity D & D Bancorp Inc'), ('883980', 'FDC', 'First Data Corp'), ('1056673', 'FDCC', 'Factual Data Corp'), ('946647', 'FDEF', 'First Defiance Financial Corp'), ('1157723', 'FDEI', 'Fidelis Energy Inc'), ('1397919', 'FDFT', 'Henya Food Corp'), ('38188', 'FDI', 'Fort Dearborn Income Securities Inc'), ('1419581', 'FDML', 'Federal Mogul Corp'), ('34879', 'FDMLQ', 'Federal Mogul Corp'), ('729330', 'FDNX', '4-D Neuroimaging'), ('34408', 'FDO', 'Family Dollar Stores Inc'), ('1047340', 'FDP', 'Fresh Del Monte Produce Inc'), ('717945', 'FDRA', 'Cecors Inc'), ('1090071', 'FDRY', 'Foundry Networks LLC'), ('1013237', 'FDS', 'Factset Research Systems Inc'), ('842640', 'FDT', 'Federal Trust Corp'), ('1369748', 'FDTC', 'Fundstech Corp'), ('1513363', 'FDUS', 'Fidus Investment Corp'), ('1048911', 'FDX', 'Fedex Corp'), ('1031296', 'FE', 'Firstenergy Corp'), ('810356', 'FED', 'Templeton Funds Retirement Annuity Separate Account'), ('810536', 'FED', 'Firstfed Financial Corp'), ('1124024', 'FEEC', 'Far East Energy Corp'), ('1331427', 'FEED', 'Agfeed Industries Inc'), ('1141673', 'FEEL', 'Intelligent Living Inc'), ('1120434', 'FEGR', 'Friendly Energy Exploration'), ('1504464', 'FEGY', 'Marilynjean Interactive Inc'), ('1556336', 'FEI', 'First Trust MLP & Energy Income Fund'), ('914329', 'FEIC', 'Fei Co'), ('39020', 'FEIM', 'Frequency Electronics Inc'), ('38725', 'FELE', 'Franklin Electric Co Inc'), ('34471', 'FELI', 'Fansteel Inc'), ('1161461', 'FEMO', 'Actis Global Ventures Inc'), ('1284940', 'FEN', 'First Trust Energy Income & Growth Fund'), ('1434740', 'FENO', 'Ranger Gold Corp'), ('1363438', 'FEO', 'First Trust'), ('356841', 'FEP', 'Franklin Electronic Publishers Inc'), ('726516', 'FEPI', 'First Equity Properties Inc'), ('1434842', 'FES', 'Forbes Energy Services LTD'), ('1443818', 'FESI', 'Freedom Environmental Services Inc'), ('808246', 'FESX', 'First Essex Bancorp Inc'), ('1401257', 'FET', 'Forum Energy Technologies Inc'), ('919865', 'FETM', 'Fentura Financial Inc'), ('1074684', 'FEV', 'Eaton Vance National Municipal Income Trust'), ('1370880', 'FEYE', 'Fireeye Inc'), ('1337298', 'FF', 'Futurefuel Corp'), ('1291334', 'FFA', 'First Trust Enhanced Equity Income Fund'), ('708955', 'FFBC', 'First Financial Bancorp'), ('1006424', 'FFBH', 'First Federal Bancshares Of Arkansas Inc'), ('1113107', 'FFBI', 'First Federal Bancshares Inc'), ('1123276', 'FFBK', 'Floridafirst Bancorp Inc'), ('1243496', 'FFBN', 'Flatbush Federal Bancorp Inc'), ('885076', 'FFBZ', 'First Federal Bancorp Inc'), ('36315', 'FFC', 'First Financial Corp'), ('1174164', 'FFC', 'Flaherty & Crumrine Preferred Securities Income Fund Inc'), ('787075', 'FFCH', 'First Financial Holdings Inc'), ('1308017', 'FFCO', 'Fedfirst Financial Corp'), ('1486058', 'FFCO', 'Fedfirst Financial Corp'), ('1434130', 'FFD', 'Morgan Stanley Frontier Emerging Markets Fund Inc'), ('876947', 'FFDB', 'Firstfed Bancorp Inc'), ('1006177', 'FFDF', 'FFD Financial Corp'), ('1316578', 'FFDH', 'Fortified Holdings Corp'), ('910492', 'FFED', 'Fidelity Federal Bancorp'), ('39273', 'FFEX', 'Frozen Food Express Industries Inc'), ('779956', 'FFFC', 'Fastfunds Financial Corp'), ('1005188', 'FFFD', 'North Central Bancshares Inc'), ('1028336', 'FFFL', 'Fidelity Bankshares Inc'), ('1012771', 'FFG', 'FBL Financial Group Inc'), ('802206', 'FFGO', 'Fortress Financial Group Inc'), ('924370', 'FFHH', 'FSF Financial Corp'), ('742161', 'FFHS', 'First Franklin Corp'), ('851249', 'FFI', 'Fortune Industries Inc'), ('923139', 'FFIC', 'Flushing Financial Corp'), ('36029', 'FFIN', 'First Financial Bankshares Inc'), ('1434743', 'FFIS', '1ST Financial Services Corp'), ('1048695', 'FFIV', 'F5 Networks Inc'), ('713095', 'FFKT', 'Farmers Capital Bank Corp'), ('854395', 'FFKY', 'First Financial Service Corp'), ('912738', 'FFLC', 'FFLC Bancorp Inc'), ('703329', 'FFMH', 'First Farmers & Merchants Corp'), ('1451951', 'FFN', 'Friendfinder Networks Inc'), ('1401564', 'FFNW', 'First Financial Northwest Inc'), ('925739', 'FFRD', 'Fonefriend  Inc'), ('1060939', 'FFSW', 'First Federal Banc Of The Southwest Inc'), ('1075348', 'FFSX', 'First Federal Bankshares Inc'), ('895401', 'FFWC', 'FFW Corp'), ('1392994', 'FGB', 'First Trust Specialty Finance & Financial Opportunities Fund'), ('1327129', 'FGF', 'Sunamerica Focused Alpha Growth Fund Inc'), ('1051985', 'FGHH', 'Flagship Global Health Inc'), ('1338170', 'FGI', 'Sunamerica Specialty Series'), ('1585064', 'FGL', 'Fidelity & Guaranty Life'), ('1360564', 'FGLD', 'Focus Gold Corp'), ('312065', 'FGMG', 'Florida Gaming Corp'), ('922358', 'FGP', 'Ferrellgas Partners LP'), ('1100748', 'FGWC', '5 G Wireless Communications Inc'), ('1357227', 'FGXI', 'FGX International Holdings LTD'), ('812910', 'FHCC', 'First Health Group Corp'), ('863894', 'FHCO', 'Female Health Co'), ('1063262', 'FHCS', 'Mega Media Group Inc'), ('797329', 'FHHI', 'Fashion House Holdings Inc'), ('1323520', 'FHI', 'First Trust Strategic High Income Fund'), ('1384086', 'FHMS', 'Florham Consulting Corp'), ('36966', 'FHN', 'First Horizon National Corp'), ('1380534', 'FHO', 'First Trust Strategic High Income Fund III'), ('36369', 'FHRT', 'First Hartford Corp'), ('1106773', 'FHRX', 'Sciele Pharma Inc'), ('1164964', 'FHWY', 'Fitt Highway Products Inc'), ('1329388', 'FHY', 'First Trust Strategic High Income Fund II'), ('1575828', 'FI', 'Franks International NV'), ('860413', 'FIBK', 'First Interstate Bancsystem Inc'), ('812491', 'FIBR', 'Sorrento Networks Corp'), ('1271831', 'FICC', 'Fieldstone Investment Corp'), ('814547', 'FICO', 'Fair Isaac Corp'), ('1355042', 'FIDM', 'China Auto Logistics Inc'), ('854711', 'FIF', 'Financial Federal Corp'), ('1513789', 'FIF', 'First Trust Energy Infrastructure Fund'), ('946738', 'FIFG', '1ST Independence Financial Group Inc'), ('948034', 'FIFS', 'First Investors Financial Services Group Inc'), ('1380393', 'FIG', 'Fortress Investment Group LLC'), ('1056288', 'FII', 'Federated Investors Inc'), ('1077720', 'FIIH', 'Fiic Holdings'), ('1179651', 'FIII', 'Amish Naturals Inc'), ('1143451', 'FIIM', 'Fortis Enterprises'), ('706015', 'FILE', 'Filenet Corp'), ('882160', 'FILM', 'Intelefilm Corp'), ('750901', 'FIMG', 'Fischer Imaging Corp'), ('789670', 'FINB', 'First Indiana Corp'), ('1089061', 'FIND', 'Findex Com Inc'), ('886137', 'FINL', 'Finish Line Inc'), ('1383729', 'FIO', 'Fusion-io Inc'), ('1098574', 'FIRE', 'Firepond Inc'), ('1168195', 'FIRE', 'Sourcefire Inc'), ('1136893', 'FIS', 'Fidelity National Information Services Inc'), ('1575599', 'FISH', 'Marlin Midstream Partners LP'), ('862831', 'FISI', 'Financial Institutions Inc'), ('798354', 'FISV', 'Fiserv Inc'), ('34136', 'FIT', 'Fab Industries Trust'), ('886432', 'FIT', 'Health Fitness Corp'), ('35527', 'FITB', 'Third Bancorp Fifth'), ('1421481', 'FITI', 'Futureit Inc'), ('1177609', 'FIVE', 'Five Below Inc'), ('1035983', 'FIX', 'Comfort Systems USA Inc'), ('69891', 'FIZZ', 'National Beverage Corp'), ('744106', 'FJC', 'Fedders Corp'), ('856751', 'FKFS', 'First Keystone Financial Inc'), ('930182', 'FKKY', 'Frankfort First Bancorp Inc'), ('879519', 'FKLR', 'Seen On Screen TV Inc'), ('722572', 'FKWL', 'Franklin Wireless Corp'), ('737875', 'FKYS', 'First Keystone Corp'), ('850209', 'FL', 'Foot Locker Inc'), ('740796', 'FLA', 'Florida East Coast Industries Inc'), ('1360951', 'FLA', 'Florida East Coast Industries Inc'), ('897509', 'FLAG', 'Flag Financial Corp'), ('1267969', 'FLB', 'First National Bankshares Of Florida Inc'), ('1058802', 'FLBK', 'Florida Banks Inc'), ('1245648', 'FLC', 'Flaherty & Crumrine Total Return Fund Inc'), ('1262001', 'FLCN', 'Falcon Financial Investment Trust'), ('1162194', 'FLDM', 'Fluidigm Corp'), ('799526', 'FLDR', 'Flanders Corp'), ('314132', 'FLE', 'Fleetwood Enterprises Inc'), ('866374', 'FLEX', 'Flextronics International LTD'), ('840886', 'FLFL', 'First Litchfield Financial Corp'), ('740663', 'FLIC', 'First Of Long Island Corp'), ('1062663', 'FLIP', 'FTS Group Inc'), ('354908', 'FLIR', 'Flir Systems Inc'), ('891482', 'FLL', 'Full House Resorts Inc'), ('729502', 'FLLC', 'First Financial Bancorp'), ('352949', 'FLM', 'Fleming Companies Inc'), ('1309152', 'FLME', 'Film & Music Entertainment Inc'), ('1012477', 'FLML', 'Flamel Technologies SA'), ('1128928', 'FLO', 'Flowers Foods Inc'), ('713002', 'FLOW', 'Flow International Corp'), ('775662', 'FLPB', 'Vist Financial Corp'), ('1124198', 'FLR', 'Fluor Corp'), ('1170902', 'FLRB', 'Florida Community Banks Inc'), ('30625', 'FLS', 'Flowserve Corp'), ('928908', 'FLSCQ', 'Fgi Group Inc'), ('1024920', 'FLST', 'Fuelstream Inc'), ('1144879', 'FLT', 'Flight Safety Technologies Inc'), ('1175454', 'FLT', 'Fleetcor Technologies Inc'), ('1163882', 'FLTG', 'Matinee Media Corp'), ('1526160', 'FLTX', 'Fleetmatics Group PLC'), ('1430960', 'FLUG', 'Flurida Group Inc'), ('1083743', 'FLUX', 'Flux Power Holdings Inc'), ('1144439', 'FLWE', 'Fellows Energy LTD'), ('1084869', 'FLWS', '1 800 Flowers Com Inc'), ('1069778', 'FLXE', 'Siena Technologies Inc'), ('1015464', 'FLXI', 'Flexiinternational Software Inc'), ('37472', 'FLXS', 'Flexsteel Industries Inc'), ('925660', 'FLXT', 'Flexpoint Sensor Systems Inc'), ('1055455', 'FLYR', 'Navigant International Inc'), ('1589829', 'FMAGX', 'Jeffrey Walter Heisey'), ('792966', 'FMAO', 'Farmers & Merchants Bancorp Inc'), ('946090', 'FMAR', 'First Mariner Bancorp'), ('700565', 'FMBH', 'First Mid Illinois Bancshares Inc'), ('702325', 'FMBI', 'First Midwest Bancorp Inc'), ('740806', 'FMBM', 'F&M Bank Corp'), ('736473', 'FMBN', 'F&M Bancorp'), ('37785', 'FMC', 'FMC Corp'), ('1085913', 'FMCB', 'Farmers & Merchants Bancorp'), ('1026214', 'FMCC', 'Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp'), ('839845', 'FMCO', 'FMS Financial Corp'), ('1262279', 'FMD', 'First Marblehead Corp'), ('354869', 'FMER', 'Firstmerit Corp'), ('320387', 'FMFC', 'First M&F Corp'), ('83125', 'FMFK', 'First Montauk Financial Corp'), ('763293', 'FMFP', 'First Community Financial Corp'), ('854856', 'FMI', 'Franklin Multi Income Trust'), ('1488613', 'FMI', 'Foundation Medicine Inc'), ('887591', 'FMK', 'Fibermark Inc'), ('949968', 'FMKT', 'Freemarkets Inc'), ('49444', 'FMLY', 'Family Room Entertainment Corp'), ('1271245', 'FMMH', 'Fremont Michigan Insuracorp Inc'), ('1199004', 'FMN', 'Federated Premier Municipal Income Fund'), ('709337', 'FMNB', 'Farmers National Banc Corp'), ('1096613', 'FMNG', 'First Transaction Management Inc'), ('1065579', 'FMNL', 'Forum National Investments LTD'), ('1305197', 'FMO', 'Fiduciary'), ('1272754', 'FMPX', 'T Bancshares Inc'), ('929186', 'FMR', 'First Mercury Financial Corp'), ('1217951', 'FMRAX', 'Franklin Mutual Recovery Fund'), ('1098337', 'FMSB', 'First Mutual Bancshares Inc'), ('1421851', 'FMSLF', 'Falcon Media Services LTD'), ('917321', 'FMST', 'Finishmaster Inc'), ('1477968', 'FMTB', 'Fairmount Bancorp Inc'), ('890080', 'FMXI', 'Foamex LP'), ('912908', 'FMXI', 'Foamex International Inc'), ('1319183', 'FMY', 'First Trust Mortgage Income Fund'), ('1408710', 'FN', 'Fabrinet'), ('37808', 'FNB', 'FNB Corp'), ('742679', 'FNBF', 'FNB Financial Services Corp'), ('1163199', 'FNBG', 'FNB Bancorp'), ('1010961', 'FNBP', 'FNB Corp'), ('1035976', 'FNCB', 'First National Community Bancorp Inc'), ('38792', 'FNCN', 'Franks Nursery & Crafts Inc'), ('1335795', 'FNDM', 'Eastern Services Holdings Inc'), ('1054836', 'FNDT', 'Fundtech LTD'), ('1363294', 'FNDW', 'Find The World Interactive Inc'), ('809398', 'FNF', 'Fidelity National Financial Inc'), ('1051741', 'FNFG', 'First Niagara Financial Group Inc'), ('1065823', 'FNFI', 'First Niles Financial Inc'), ('846903', 'FNFN', 'Fifth Third Bank'), ('1167764', 'FNGC', 'Falcon Natural Gas Corp'), ('1430592', 'FNGN', 'Financial Engines Inc'), ('1107998', 'FNGP', 'Clicker Inc'), ('1069996', 'FNHC', 'Federated National Holding Co'), ('1096275', 'FNHI', 'Franchise Holdings International Inc'), ('943119', 'FNHM', 'FNBH Bancorp Inc'), ('35733', 'FNIN', 'Financial Industries Corp'), ('888793', 'FNIS', 'Fidelity National Information Solutions Inc'), ('855585', 'FNIX', 'Fonix Corp'), ('765207', 'FNLC', 'First Bancorp Inc'), ('878731', 'FNLY', 'Finlay Enterprises Inc'), ('310522', 'FNMA', 'Federal National Mortgage Association Fannie Mae'), ('352363', 'FNP', 'Fifth & Pacific Companies Inc'), ('1142129', 'FNPR', 'First National Energy Corp'), ('1114927', 'FNRN', 'First Northern Community Bancorp'), ('1095274', 'FNSC', 'First National Bancshares Inc'), ('1094739', 'FNSR', 'Finisar Corp'), ('1063568', 'FNSW', 'Farnsworth Bancorp Inc'), ('1331875', 'FNT', 'Fidelity National Financial Inc'), ('925663', 'FNTN', 'Fantatech Inc'), ('883701', 'FNVG', 'Finova Group Inc'), ('814178', 'FNWV', 'First National Bankshares Corp'), ('1074530', 'FOB', 'Boyds Collection LTD'), ('717837', 'FOBB', 'First Oak Brook Bancshares Inc'), ('744667', 'FODL', 'Forster Drilling Corp'), ('35214', 'FOE', 'Ferro Corp'), ('1375340', 'FOF', 'Cohen & Steers Closed-end Opportunity Fund Inc'), ('790202', 'FOFI', 'First Opportunity Fund Inc'), ('1040799', 'FOFN', 'Four Oaks Fincorp Inc'), ('1119949', 'FOGC', 'Fortune Oil & Gas Inc'), ('38868', 'FOH', 'Fredericks Of Hollywood Inc'), ('93631', 'FOH', 'Fredericks Of Hollywood Group Inc'), ('1178879', 'FOLD', 'Amicus Therapeutics Inc'), ('884363', 'FONH', 'Fona Inc'), ('355019', 'FONR', 'Fonar Corp'), ('1168325', 'FONU', 'Fonu2 Inc'), ('1376556', 'FOODU', 'Vaughan Foods Inc'), ('718903', 'FOOT', 'Foothill Independent Bancorp'), ('38264', 'FORD', 'Forward Industries Inc'), ('1039399', 'FORM', 'Formfactor Inc'), ('1023313', 'FORR', 'Forrester Research Inc'), ('1108645', 'FOSI', 'Frontier Oilfield Services Inc'), ('883569', 'FOSL', 'Fossil Group Inc'), ('1099668', 'FOTB', 'First Ottawa Bancshares Inc'), ('1068002', 'FOX', 'Fox Entertainment Group Inc'), ('1424929', 'FOXF', 'Fox Factory Holding Corp'), ('1217688', 'FOXH', 'Foxhollow Technologies Inc'), ('1380712', 'FPBN', '1ST Pacific Bancorp'), ('1557798', 'FPET', 'Freedom Petroleum Inc'), ('855237', 'FPF', 'First Philippine Fund Inc'), ('1567569', 'FPF', 'First Trust Intermediate Duration Preferred & Income Fund'), ('1068912', 'FPFC', 'First Place Financial Corp'), ('1000368', 'FPFX', 'Firstplus Financial Group Inc'), ('1356750', 'FPI', 'First Trust Tax-advantaged Preferred Income Fund'), ('1010247', 'FPIC', 'Fpic Insurance Group Inc'), ('1402785', 'FPMI', 'Fluoropharma Medical Inc'), ('1254595', 'FPO', 'First Potomac Realty Trust'), ('31736', 'FPP', 'Edwards & Hamly Participations'), ('316736', 'FPP', 'Fieldpoint Petroleum Corp'), ('1263764', 'FPRN', 'Faceprint Global Solutions Inc'), ('1175505', 'FPRX', 'Five Prime Therapeutics Inc'), ('1202806', 'FPT', 'Federated Premier Intermediate Municipal Income Fund'), ('37643', 'FPU', 'Florida Public Utilities Co'), ('764858', 'FPWR', 'Fountain Powerboat Industries Inc'), ('38242', 'FPXA', 'Fortune Natural Resources Corp'), ('1409197', 'FQVE', 'Dimi Telematics International Inc'), ('921825', 'FR', 'First Industrial Realty Trust Inc'), ('1259708', 'FRA', 'Blackrock Floating Rate Income Strategies Fund Inc'), ('723646', 'FRAF', 'Franklin Financial Services Corp'), ('1399935', 'FRAN', 'Francescas Holdings Corp'), ('1269143', 'FRB', 'Floating Rate Income Strategies Fund II Inc'), ('834285', 'FRBK', 'Republic First Bancorp Inc'), ('1143834', 'FRCCO', 'First Republic Preferred Capital Corp'), ('1471271', 'FRCN', 'Firemans Contractors Inc'), ('36856', 'FRCP', 'First Republic Corp Of America'), ('39092', 'FRD', 'Friedman Industries Inc'), ('911004', 'FRDM', 'Friedmans Inc'), ('724571', 'FRED', 'Freds Inc'), ('1325159', 'FREE', 'Freeseas Inc'), ('36840', 'FREVS', 'First Real Estate Investment Trust Of New Jersey'), ('860743', 'FRF', 'France Growth Fund Inc'), ('1495925', 'FRF', 'Fortegra Financial Corp'), ('1035991', 'FRFC', 'First Robinson Financial Corp'), ('1036588', 'FRGA', 'Encore Clean Energy Inc'), ('356708', 'FRGB', 'First Regional Bancorp'), ('1534992', 'FRGI', 'Fiesta Restaurant Group Inc'), ('826495', 'FRGN', 'Fragrancenet Com Inc'), ('1098834', 'FRGO', 'Fargo Electronics Inc'), ('1331612', 'FRHV', 'Fresh Harvest Products Inc'), ('37651', 'FRK', 'Florida Rock Industries Inc'), ('866458', 'FRLK', 'Forlink Software Corp Inc'), ('54441', 'FRM', 'Furmanite Corp'), ('1102709', 'FRMC', 'Formcap Corp'), ('712534', 'FRME', 'First Merchants Corp'), ('1538329', 'FRMG', 'Ubiquity Broadcasting Corp'), ('1042017', 'FRMO', 'Frmo Corp'), ('39135', 'FRN', 'Friendly Ice Cream Corp'), ('1505823', 'FRNK', 'Franklin Financial Corp'), ('1010286', 'FRNS', 'Fibertower Corp'), ('921929', 'FRNT', 'Frontier Airlines Inc'), ('1351548', 'FRNT', 'Frontier Airlines Holdings Inc'), ('1401859', 'FROT', 'Falconridge Oil Technologies Corp'), ('1486526', 'FROZ', 'Frozen Food Gift Group Inc'), ('1062613', 'FRP', 'Fairpoint Communications Inc'), ('1365983', 'FRPD', 'First Responder Products Inc'), ('1032863', 'FRPT', 'Force Protection Inc'), ('39047', 'FRS', 'Frischs Restaurants Inc'), ('1135431', 'FRSH', 'Fresh Brands Inc'), ('34903', 'FRT', 'Federal Realty Investment Trust'), ('1041557', 'FRT', 'Franklin Floating Rate Trust'), ('1503063', 'FRTR', 'Fraternity Community Bancorp Inc'), ('38074', 'FRX', 'Forest Laboratories Inc'), ('1445229', 'FRXT', 'Fuer International Inc'), ('1476278', 'FRYP', 'Medient Studios Inc'), ('1268984', 'FRZ', 'Reddy Ice Holdings Inc'), ('1328888', 'FRZR', 'Frezer Inc'), ('1131903', 'FSAC', 'Spectral Capital Corp'), ('1074078', 'FSBC', '1ST State Bancorp Inc'), ('1389797', 'FSBC', 'FSB Community Bankshares Inc'), ('769207', 'FSBI', 'Fidelity Bancorp Inc'), ('1027183', 'FSBK', 'First South Bancorp Inc'), ('1097631', 'FSBK', 'First South Bancorp Inc'), ('1530249', 'FSBW', 'FS Bancorp Inc'), ('1414932', 'FSC', 'Fifth Street Finance Corp'), ('1034669', 'FSCI', 'Fisher Communications Inc'), ('34908', 'FSCR', 'Federal Screw Works'), ('1494530', 'FSD', 'First Trust High Income Long'), ('1415277', 'FSDB', '1ST United Bancorp Inc'), ('1042534', 'FSFF', 'First Securityfed Financial Corp'), ('1435508', 'FSFG', 'First Savings Financial Group Inc'), ('1577791', 'FSFR', 'Fifth Street Senior Floating Rate Corp'), ('1138817', 'FSGI', 'First Security Group Inc'), ('880430', 'FSH', 'Fisher Scientific International Inc'), ('1069394', 'FSI', 'Flexible Solutions International Inc'), ('841692', 'FSII', 'Fsi International Inc'), ('1272547', 'FSL', 'Freescale Semiconductor Inc'), ('1392522', 'FSL', 'Freescale Semiconductor LTD'), ('1051092', 'FSLA', 'First Sentinel Bancorp Inc'), ('1109610', 'FSLK', 'First Security Bancorp Inc'), ('1274494', 'FSLR', 'First Solar Inc'), ('37914', 'FSM', 'Foodarama Supermarkets Inc'), ('1349318', 'FSMO', 'Fortissimo Acquisition Corp'), ('1071411', 'FSN', 'Fusion Telecommunications International Inc'), ('897861', 'FSNM', 'First State Bancorporation'), ('1089319', 'FSNR', 'Freestone Resources Inc'), ('1350573', 'FSOR', 'First Source Data Inc'), ('1031316', 'FSP', 'Franklin Street Properties Corp'), ('1389413', 'FSPI', 'First Surgical Partners Inc'), ('1098278', 'FSPS', 'Federal Security Protection Services Inc'), ('1518171', 'FSPT', 'Media Analytics Corp'), ('922408', 'FSPX', 'Five Star Products Inc'), ('1347815', 'FSR', 'Flagstone Reinsurance Holdings SA'), ('1102301', 'FSRC', 'Rahaxi Inc'), ('1172102', 'FSRL', 'First Reliance Bancshares Inc'), ('277509', 'FSS', 'Federal Signal Corp'), ('1092536', 'FSSTQ', 'Fastnet Corp'), ('38079', 'FST', 'Forest Oil Corp'), ('1116924', 'FSTC', 'Fastclick Inc'), ('1282582', 'FSTF', 'First State Financial Corp'), ('934302', 'FSTH', 'First Southern Bancshares Inc'), ('352825', 'FSTR', 'Foster L B Co'), ('897078', 'FSTWC', 'Firstwave Technologies Inc'), ('801338', 'FSVP', 'Guideline Inc'), ('844010', 'FSYI', 'Freehand Systems International Inc'), ('1340786', 'FSYS', 'Fuel Systems Solutions Inc'), ('833040', 'FT', 'Franklin Universal Trust'), ('716457', 'FTBK', 'Frontier Financial Corp'), ('714719', 'FTCG', 'First Colonial Group Inc'), ('1283157', 'FTD', 'FTD Group Inc'), ('1575360', 'FTD', 'FTD Companies Inc'), ('944537', 'FTDI', 'FTD Inc'), ('846913', 'FTEK', 'Fuel Tech Inc'), ('1233087', 'FTF', 'Franklin Templeton LTD Duration Income Trust'), ('851207', 'FTFC', 'First Federal Capital Corp'), ('804331', 'FTG', 'Indian Hill Holdings Corp'), ('1427580', 'FTGC', 'Slap Inc'), ('831378', 'FTGI', 'Finotec Group Inc'), ('1102752', 'FTGLF', 'Flag Telecom Group LTD'), ('1001868', 'FTGX', 'Fibernet Telecom Group Inc'), ('928064', 'FTHR', 'Featherlite Inc'), ('1135152', 'FTI', 'FMC Technologies Inc'), ('928054', 'FTK', 'Flotek Industries Inc'), ('1374328', 'FTLF', 'Fitlife Brands Inc'), ('1262039', 'FTNT', 'Fortinet Inc'), ('110430', 'FTO', 'Frontier Oil Corp'), ('1310261', 'FTPI', 'Power Air Corp'), ('20520', 'FTR', 'Frontier Communications Corp'), ('1133494', 'FTRS', 'Foothills Resources Inc'), ('1011308', 'FTS', 'Footstar Inc'), ('1451432', 'FTSB', 'First Sentry Bancshares Inc'), ('1406591', 'FTT', 'Federated Enhanced Treasury Income Fund'), ('813775', 'FTUS', 'Factory 2 U Stores Inc'), ('1481056', 'FTWV', 'Fitwayvitamins Inc'), ('1074909', 'FU', 'Fab Universal Corp'), ('1024452', 'FUEL', 'SMF Energy Corp'), ('1477200', 'FUEL', 'Rocket Fuel Inc'), ('1336277', 'FUGO', 'Fuego Entertainment Inc'), ('39368', 'FUL', 'Fuller H B Co'), ('850626', 'FULB', 'Fulton Bancshares Corp'), ('1490013', 'FULL', 'Full Circle Capital Corp'), ('1092570', 'FULO', 'Fullnet Communications Inc'), ('700564', 'FULT', 'Fulton Financial Corp'), ('811532', 'FUN', 'Cedar Fair LP'), ('763907', 'FUNC', 'First United Corp'), ('825202', 'FUND', 'Royce Focus Trust Inc'), ('1382696', 'FUQI', 'Fuqi International Inc'), ('37008', 'FUR', 'Winthrop Realty Trust'), ('757563', 'FURA', 'Furia Organization Inc'), ('1484478', 'FURX', 'Furiex Pharmaceuticals Inc'), ('922251', 'FUSA', 'K2 Licensing & Promotions  Inc'), ('792861', 'FUTR', 'Ifx Corp'), ('1552845', 'FUTU', 'Future Healthcare Of America'), ('920317', 'FVCCQ', 'US Dry Cleaning Corp'), ('1244943', 'FVD', 'First Trust Exchange-traded Fund'), ('1159281', 'FVE', 'Five Star Quality Care Inc'), ('1264352', 'FVI', 'First Trust Exchange-traded Fund'), ('1228391', 'FVL', 'First Trust Exchange-traded Fund'), ('1318849', 'FVLY', 'First Valley Bancorp Inc'), ('1091983', 'FVRG', 'Forevergreen Worldwide Corp'), ('719495', 'FWBW', 'First Manitowoc Bancorp Inc'), ('1137679', 'FWFC', 'First Washington Financial Corp'), ('844788', 'FWGO', 'Cyclone Uranium Corp'), ('1130385', 'FWLT', 'Foster Wheeler AG'), ('1555492', 'FWM', 'Fairway Group Holdings Corp'), ('912728', 'FWRD', 'Forward Air Corp'), ('1452804', 'FWSI', 'Frac Water Systems Inc'), ('1389405', 'FWTC', 'Agent155 Media Corp'), ('37049', 'FWV', 'First West Virginia Bancorp Inc'), ('1529979', 'FX', 'FX Alliance Inc'), ('1068897', 'FXBY', 'Foxby Corp'), ('1359111', 'FXCB', 'Fox Chase Bancorp Inc'), ('1485176', 'FXCB', 'Fox Chase Bancorp Inc'), ('1499912', 'FXCM', 'FXCM Inc'), ('1328598', 'FXE', 'Currencyshares Euro Trust'), ('907649', 'FXEN', 'FX Energy Inc'), ('316618', 'FXGP', 'Secure Technologies Group Inc'), ('719402', 'FXNC', 'First National Corp'), ('1326252', 'FXPT', 'Fox Petroleum Inc'), ('1410402', 'FXRE', 'Circle Entertainment Inc'), ('1142336', 'FYHH', 'Family Home Health Services Inc'), ('1414255', 'FYR', 'Sapphire Industrials Corp'), ('737602', 'FZN', 'Cuisine Solutions Inc'), ('41499', 'G', 'Gillette Co'), ('1398659', 'G', 'Genpact LTD'), ('794685', 'GAB', 'Gabelli Equity Trust Inc'), ('1163308', 'GABA', 'Georgia Bancshares Inc'), ('714395', 'GABC', 'German American Bancorp Inc'), ('1367660', 'GAC', 'Geneva Acquisition Corp'), ('937965', 'GACC', 'General Acceptance Corp'), ('854171', 'GACF', 'Global Aircraft Solutions Inc'), ('924140', 'GADZ', 'Gadzooks Inc'), ('1005313', 'GAF', 'Ga Financial Inc'), ('1082735', 'GAFC', 'Greater Atlantic Financial Corp'), ('1257514', 'GAGT', 'Global Agri Med Technologies Inc'), ('1089872', 'GAIA', 'Gaiam Inc'), ('1321741', 'GAIN', 'Investment Corporation Gladstone'), ('725460', 'GAIT', 'PC Group Inc'), ('1390478', 'GALE', 'Galena Biopharma Inc'), ('1133416', 'GALT', 'Galectin Therapeutics Inc'), ('40417', 'GAM', 'General American Investors Co Inc'), ('1464790', 'GAMR', 'Great American Group Inc'), ('1096050', 'GAMT', 'Global Entertainment Holdings'), ('43300', 'GAP', 'Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co Inc'), ('1084662', 'GARM', 'Recyclenet Corp'), ('1509892', 'GARS', 'Garrison Capital Inc'), ('72020', 'GAS', 'Nicor Inc'), ('1004155', 'GAS', 'Agl Resources Inc'), ('1110283', 'GAST', 'Jointland Development Inc'), ('1341769', 'GAV', 'Grubb & Ellis Realty Advisors Inc'), ('852570', 'GAXC', 'Global Axcess Corp'), ('1132784', 'GAXI', 'Galaxy Energy Corp'), ('1102217', 'GAXY', 'Galaxy Minerals Inc'), ('1114483', 'GB', 'Greatbatch Inc'), ('1495825', 'GBAB', 'Guggenheim Build America Bonds Managed Duration Trust'), ('775473', 'GBBK', 'Greater Bay Bancorp'), ('351710', 'GBCB', 'GBC Bancorp'), ('868671', 'GBCI', 'Glacier Bancorp Inc'), ('727346', 'GBCS', 'Global Healthcare REIT Inc'), ('1476765', 'GBDC', 'Golub Capital BDC Inc'), ('216039', 'GBEL', 'Grubb & Ellis Co'), ('1454504', 'GBEN', 'Global Resource Energy Inc'), ('880116', 'GBFP', 'Southeastern Bank Financial Corp'), ('319671', 'GBGD', 'Global Gold Corp'), ('912926', 'GBHD', 'GB Holdings Inc'), ('1108891', 'GBIS', 'Lightscape Technologies Inc'), ('1084966', 'GBIW', 'Abviva Inc'), ('807249', 'GBL', 'Gamco Investors Inc'), ('1060349', 'GBL', 'Gamco Investors Inc'), ('1040227', 'GBLE', 'Global 8 Environmental Technologies Inc'), ('1494904', 'GBLI', 'Global Indemnity PLC'), ('1157300', 'GBLP', 'Global Pharmatech Inc'), ('1144499', 'GBLS', 'Too Gourmet Inc'), ('1049234', 'GBMS', 'American Fire Retardant Corp'), ('40461', 'GBND', 'General Binding Corp'), ('1324410', 'GBNK', 'Guaranty Bancorp'), ('913782', 'GBP', 'Gables Residential Trust'), ('1095556', 'GBPMF', 'Global Precision Medical Inc'), ('105744', 'GBR', 'New Concept Energy Inc'), ('1128949', 'GBRC', 'Global Resource Corp'), ('1413754', 'GBSX', 'GBS Enterprises Inc'), ('1061068', 'GBTB', 'GB&T Bancshares Inc'), ('1156953', 'GBTS', 'Gateway Financial Holdings Inc'), ('839621', 'GBTVK', 'Granite Broadcasting Corp'), ('923120', 'GBX', 'Greenbrier Companies Inc'), ('1318568', 'GCA', 'Global Cash Access Holdings Inc'), ('1141222', 'GCAN', 'Gammacan International Inc'), ('1444363', 'GCAP', 'Gain Capital Holdings Inc'), ('1070524', 'GCBC', 'Greene County Bancorp Inc'), ('719754', 'GCC', 'Golden Cycle Gold Corp'), ('1379606', 'GCC', 'Greenhaven Continuous Commodity Index Fund'), ('748790', 'GCEH', 'Global Clean Energy Holdings Inc'), ('1334510', 'GCF', 'Global Income & Currency Fund Inc'), ('1048620', 'GCFB', 'Granite City Food & Brewery LTD'), ('1070680', 'GCFC', 'Central Federal Corp'), ('866678', 'GCGR', 'Green Capital Group Inc'), ('887546', 'GCH', 'Aberdeen Greater China Fund Inc'), ('1444839', 'GCHO', 'Goldland Holdings Corp'), ('1380528', 'GCHT', 'Vista Dorada Corp'), ('39899', 'GCI', 'Gannett Co Inc'), ('1375618', 'GCMN', 'Gold Crest Mines Inc'), ('18498', 'GCO', 'Genesco Inc'), ('1031028', 'GCOM', 'Globecomm Systems Inc'), ('1113099', 'GCOR', 'Genencor International Inc'), ('1160764', 'GCPO', 'General Components Inc'), ('1296115', 'GCS', 'DWS Institutional Funds'), ('1293200', 'GCT', 'GMH Communities Trust'), ('845611', 'GCV', 'Gabelli Convertible & Income Securities Fund Inc'), ('1378625', 'GCYT', 'Golden Century Technologies Corp'), ('40533', 'GD', 'General Dynamics Corp'), ('1583513', 'GDEF', 'Global Defense & National Security Systems Inc'), ('911638', 'GDF', 'Western Asset Global Partners Income Fund Inc'), ('916459', 'GDI', 'Gardner Denver Inc'), ('40518', 'GDIIQ', 'General Datacomm Industries Inc'), ('1378701', 'GDL', 'GDL Fund'), ('1472341', 'GDO', 'Western Asset Global Corporate Defined Opportunity Fund Inc'), ('1386278', 'GDOT', 'Green Dot Corp'), ('943861', 'GDP', 'Goodrich Petroleum Corp'), ('1514183', 'GDSW', 'Point Capital Inc'), ('929987', 'GDT', 'Guidant Corp'), ('873198', 'GDTI', 'Applied Visual Sciences Inc'), ('1260729', 'GDV', 'Gabelli Dividend & Income Trust'), ('42293', 'GDW', 'Golden West Financial Corp'), ('1417172', 'GDWP', 'Green Dragon Wood Products Inc'), ('879123', 'GDYS', 'Goodys Family Clothing Inc'), ('40545', 'GE', 'General Electric Co'), ('1055726', 'GEB', 'Inovio Pharmaceuticals Inc'), ('885780', 'GECO', 'Global Entertainment Corp'), ('1044082', 'GECR', 'Georgia-carolina Bancshares Inc'), ('1001279', 'GEEK', 'Internet America Inc'), ('1122771', 'GEEX', 'GL Energy & Exploration Inc'), ('43920', 'GEF', 'Greif Inc'), ('856386', 'GEHL', 'Gehl Co'), ('1022321', 'GEL', 'Genesis Energy LP'), ('1519894', 'GELT', 'General Agriculture Corp'), ('1422341', 'GELV', 'Green Energy Live Inc'), ('808918', 'GEMS', 'Edci Holdings Inc'), ('1126294', 'GEN', 'Genon Energy Inc'), ('1099358', 'GENG', 'Global Energy Group Inc'), ('880431', 'GENR', 'Genaera Corp'), ('1372352', 'GENU', 'Genutec Business Solutions Inc'), ('1110794', 'GENUQ', 'Genuity Inc'), ('732485', 'GENZ', 'Genzyme Corp'), ('41023', 'GEOI', 'Georesources Inc'), ('1040570', 'GEOY', 'Orbimage Holdings Inc'), ('1454010', 'GEPC', 'Gepco LTD'), ('896195', 'GEPT', 'Global Epoint Inc'), ('1526104', 'GEQ', 'Guggenheim Equal Weight Enhanced Equity Income Fund'), ('886744', 'GERN', 'Geron Corp'), ('912463', 'GES', 'Guess Inc'), ('1087717', 'GETC', 'Geotec Thermal Generators Inc'), ('1433966', 'GETG', 'Green Earth Technologies Inc'), ('1428765', 'GETH', 'Green Envirotech Holdings Corp'), ('1077552', 'GETI', 'Gentek Inc'), ('1354591', 'GEUR', 'Eco Ventures Group Inc'), ('911326', 'GEVA', 'Synageva Biopharma Corp'), ('894556', 'GEVM', 'General Environmental Management Inc'), ('1392380', 'GEVO', 'Gevo Inc'), ('1003111', 'GEX', 'Neon Communications Group Inc'), ('821113', 'GEXC', 'Gexa Corp'), ('1348155', 'GEYH', 'Global Employment Holdings Inc'), ('1090967', 'GEYI', 'Global Energy Inc'), ('858706', 'GF', 'New Germany Fund Inc'), ('1407437', 'GFC', 'Asia Special Situation Acquisition Corp'), ('1046203', 'GFED', 'Guaranty Federal Bancshares Inc'), ('50725', 'GFF', 'Griffon Corp'), ('1406081', 'GFG', 'Guaranty Financial Group Inc'), ('1398667', 'GFGU', 'Madero Inc'), ('1292426', 'GFIG', 'Gfi Group Inc'), ('773845', 'GFLS', 'Greater Community Bancorp'), ('1342287', 'GFN', 'General Finance Corp'), ('894651', 'GFR', 'Great American Financial Resources Inc'), ('1286218', 'GFTL', 'Excellency Investment Realty Trust Inc'), ('1299393', 'GFY', 'Western Asset Variable Rate Strategic Fund Inc'), ('1145421', 'GFYD', 'Gfy Foods Inc'), ('1381117', 'GGA', 'GSC Acquisition Co'), ('1415751', 'GGBL', 'Guar Global LTD'), ('1279831', 'GGBM', 'Gigabeam Corp'), ('1267890', 'GGE', 'Guggenheim Enhanced Equity Strategy Fund'), ('42888', 'GGG', 'Graco Inc'), ('923796', 'GGI', 'Geo Group Inc'), ('1314655', 'GGL', 'Goodman Global Inc'), ('1551949', 'GGM', 'Guggenheim Credit Allocation Fund'), ('1262751', 'GGN', 'Gryphon Gold Corp'), ('1313510', 'GGN', 'Gamco Global Gold Natural Resources & Income Trust By Gabelli'), ('837913', 'GGNS', 'Genus Inc'), ('1432150', 'GGOX', 'Gigoptix Inc'), ('895648', 'GGP', 'GGP Inc Fka General Growth Properties Inc & Predecessor To General Growth Properties Inc'), ('1496048', 'GGP', 'General Growth Properties Inc'), ('896726', 'GGR', 'Geoglobal Resources Inc'), ('1440172', 'GGRI', 'Bluforest Inc'), ('1311486', 'GGS', 'Global Geophysical Services Inc'), ('1485156', 'GGSM', 'Gold & Gemstone Mining Inc'), ('921671', 'GGT', 'Gabelli Multimedia Trust Inc'), ('785931', 'GGUY', 'Good Guys Inc'), ('1327098', 'GGXY', 'Golf Galaxy Inc'), ('1236736', 'GHCI', 'Genesis Healthcare Corp'), ('1511648', 'GHCSF', 'Global Cornerstone Holdings LTD'), ('1131324', 'GHDX', 'Genomic Health Inc'), ('1426011', 'GHGD', 'Talon Real Estate Holding Corp'), ('897996', 'GHI', 'Global High Income Fund Inc'), ('1111284', 'GHII', 'Gold Horse International Inc'), ('1282977', 'GHL', 'Greenhill & Co Inc'), ('1376228', 'GHLV', 'Acting Scout Inc'), ('716314', 'GHM', 'Graham Corp'), ('1369639', 'GHN', 'Granahan Mccourt Acquisition Corp'), ('1472688', 'GHNA', 'GHN Agrispan Holding Co'), ('1368900', 'GHS', 'Gatehouse Media Inc'), ('1121795', 'GHST', 'Ghost Technology Inc'), ('1554697', 'GHY', 'Prudential Global Short Duration High Yield Fund Inc'), ('856465', 'GI', 'Giant Industries Inc'), ('1405419', 'GIA', 'Gulfstream International Group Inc'), ('1031235', 'GIFD', 'Self Storage Group Inc'), ('1031623', 'GIFI', 'Gulf Island Fabrication Inc'), ('719274', 'GIGA', 'Giga Tronics Inc'), ('1105101', 'GIGA', 'Gigamedia LTD'), ('821002', 'GIII', 'G III Apparel Group LTD'), ('882095', 'GILD', 'Gilead Sciences Inc'), ('828803', 'GIM', 'Templeton Global Income Fund'), ('1320691', 'GIMC', 'Jinhao Motor Co'), ('1484504', 'GIMO', 'Gigamon Inc'), ('1105284', 'GIMU', 'Global Immune Technologies Inc'), ('40704', 'GIS', 'General Mills Inc'), ('862651', 'GISV', 'Investview Inc'), ('1050167', 'GISX', 'Global Imaging Systems Inc'), ('1378968', 'GITH', 'Global It Holdings Inc'), ('1126140', 'GIVN', 'Given Imaging LTD'), ('709942', 'GIW', 'Wilber Corp'), ('39648', 'GK', 'G&K Services Inc'), ('1024095', 'GKIG', 'M Power Entertainment Inc'), ('40675', 'GKIN', 'General Kinetics Inc'), ('1292215', 'GKIS', 'Gold Kist Inc'), ('1398529', 'GKIT', 'Greenkraft Inc'), ('1287701', 'GKK', 'Gramercy Property Trust Inc'), ('1096199', 'GKNT', 'Geeknet Inc'), ('1080627', 'GKYI', 'V Media Corp'), ('1063393', 'GL', 'Great Lakes REIT'), ('1338401', 'GLA', 'Clark Holdings Inc'), ('1143513', 'GLAD', 'Gladstone Capital Corp'), ('1397867', 'GLAH', 'Global Aviation Holdings Inc'), ('911441', 'GLAR', 'Environmental Service Professionals Inc'), ('929454', 'GLB', 'Glenborough Realty Trust Inc'), ('1061322', 'GLBC', 'Global Crossing LTD'), ('895663', 'GLBL', 'Global Industries LTD'), ('1136645', 'GLBP', 'Globe Bancorp Inc'), ('810932', 'GLBT', 'Globalnet Corp'), ('890066', 'GLBZ', 'Glen Burnie Bancorp'), ('1015610', 'GLDB', 'Gold Banc Corp Inc'), ('42228', 'GLDC', 'Golden Enterprises Inc'), ('1372020', 'GLDD', 'Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Corp'), ('1502555', 'GLDG', 'Golden Global Corp'), ('1089874', 'GLDN', 'Golden Telecom Inc'), ('1030749', 'GLF', 'Gulfmark Offshore Inc'), ('918066', 'GLFD', 'Guilford Pharmaceuticals Inc'), ('1312165', 'GLFE', 'Gulf United Energy Inc'), ('1365388', 'GLFO', 'Gulf & Orient Steamship Company LTD'), ('1365790', 'GLG', 'Freedom Acquisition Holdings Inc'), ('1043914', 'GLGC', 'Ore Pharmaceuticals Inc'), ('1088413', 'GLGI', 'Greystone Logistics Inc'), ('946661', 'GLGS', 'Glycogenesys  Inc'), ('1210336', 'GLIF', 'Grant Life Sciences Inc'), ('43362', 'GLK', 'Great Lakes Chemical Corp'), ('949728', 'GLKCE', 'Global Links Corp'), ('109870', 'GLMA', 'Glassmaster Co'), ('1424822', 'GLMB', 'Global Mobiletech Inc'), ('1134018', 'GLNC', 'Global National Communications Corp'), ('1350869', 'GLO', 'Clough Global Opportunities Fund'), ('1009463', 'GLOB', 'Global Med Technologies Inc'), ('837038', 'GLOV', 'Ahpc Holdings Inc'), ('746210', 'GLOWE', 'Glowpoint Inc'), ('1323468', 'GLP', 'Global Partners LP'), ('1575965', 'GLPI', 'Gaming & Leisure Properties Inc'), ('1136294', 'GLPW', 'Global Power Equipment Group Inc'), ('1316463', 'GLQ', 'Clough Global Equity Fund'), ('912240', 'GLR', 'G&L Realty Corp'), ('1385613', 'GLRE', 'Greenlight Capital Re LTD'), ('1406731', 'GLSF', 'Morgan Stanley Global Long'), ('1406732', 'GLSF', 'Morgan Stanley Global Long'), ('41719', 'GLT', 'Glatfelter P H Co'), ('1403676', 'GLTC', 'Geltech Solutions Inc'), ('1282571', 'GLTV', 'Greenlite Ventures Inc'), ('1282957', 'GLU', 'Gabelli Global Utility & Income Trust'), ('1366246', 'GLUU', 'Glu Mobile Inc'), ('914397', 'GLUX', 'Great Lakes Aviation LTD'), ('1288795', 'GLV', 'Clough Global Allocation Fund'), ('24741', 'GLW', 'Corning Inc'), ('13156', 'GLXZ', 'Galaxy Gaming Inc'), ('1253689', 'GLYC', 'Glycomimetics Inc'), ('931799', 'GLYE', 'Glyeco Inc'), ('1137067', 'GLYN', 'Galyans Trading Co Inc'), ('833076', 'GLYT', 'Genlyte Group Inc'), ('40730', 'GM', 'Motors Liquidation Co'), ('1467858', 'GM', 'General Motors Co'), ('1490636', 'GMAN', 'Gordmans Stores Inc'), ('1398005', 'GMC', 'Geovic Mining Corp'), ('1081856', 'GMCI', 'Green Mountain Capital Inc'), ('909954', 'GMCR', 'Green Mountain Coffee Roasters Inc'), ('1059413', 'GMDP', 'Global Medical Products Holdings Inc'), ('1157644', 'GME', 'Gamestop Corp'), ('1326380', 'GME', 'Gamestop Corp'), ('1169417', 'GMED', 'Genomed Inc'), ('1237831', 'GMED', 'Globus Medical Inc'), ('90310', 'GMEI', 'Gambit Energy Inc'), ('1100356', 'GMEI', 'Gaming & Entertainment Group Inc'), ('1352302', 'GMET', 'Geomet Inc'), ('1420078', 'GMHC', 'Gallery Management Holding Corp'), ('44471', 'GMIL', 'Guilford Mills Inc'), ('1365241', 'GMKT', 'Gmarket Inc'), ('811933', 'GML', 'Magic Lantern Group Inc'), ('1338118', 'GMML', 'Gemco Minerals Inc'), ('763846', 'GMNC', 'Goldtech Mining Corp'), ('1275229', 'GMO', 'General Moly Inc'), ('43704', 'GMP', 'Green Mountain Power Corp'), ('904146', 'GMPM', 'Gamma Pharmaceuticals Inc'), ('1127269', 'GMR', 'General Maritime Subsidiary Corp'), ('1443799', 'GMR', 'General Maritime Corp'), ('1544317', 'GMRF', 'Aip Macro Registered Fund A'), ('1544318', 'GMRF', 'Aip Macro Registered Fund P'), ('1162093', 'GMSI', 'Games Inc'), ('923282', 'GMST', 'Gemstar TV Guide International Inc'), ('40211', 'GMT', 'Gatx Corp'), ('1045014', 'GMTC', 'Gametech International Inc'), ('1021226', 'GMTH', 'Global Matrechs Inc'), ('1277475', 'GMTN', 'Gander Mountain Co'), ('1127342', 'GMXR', 'GMX Resources Inc'), ('1579762', 'GMZ', 'Goldman Sachs MLP Income Opportunities Fund'), ('786344', 'GNAC', 'Gainsco Inc'), ('870743', 'GNBA', 'Groen Brothers Aviation Inc'), ('1059784', 'GNBT', 'Generex Biotechnology Corp'), ('1502034', 'GNC', 'GNC Holdings Inc'), ('64472', 'GNCI', 'Gencor Industries Inc'), ('808461', 'GNCMA', 'General Communication Inc'), ('40528', 'GNDV', 'General Devices Inc'), ('1528356', 'GNE', 'Genie Energy LTD'), ('1344907', 'GNET', 'Global Traffic Network Inc'), ('1328208', 'GNGT', 'Golden Gate Homes Inc'), ('874443', 'GNLB', 'Genelabs Technologies Inc'), ('941020', 'GNLK', 'Genelink Inc'), ('1487371', 'GNMK', 'Genmark Diagnostics Inc'), ('929697', 'GNMP', 'General Chemical Group Inc'), ('1088382', 'GNMP', 'General Chemical Industrial Products Inc'), ('1060910', 'GNMT', 'General Metals Corp'), ('1100779', 'GNOLOB', 'Millennium Prime Inc'), ('1361103', 'GNOM', 'Complete Genomics Inc'), ('1098016', 'GNPI', 'Genius Products Inc'), ('1474735', 'GNRC', 'Generac Holdings Inc'), ('40194', 'GNRGE', 'Gateway Energy Corp'), ('1026221', 'GNRL', 'General Bearing Corp'), ('1418489', 'GNRV', 'Grand River Commerce Inc'), ('1110009', 'GNSC', 'Genaissance Pharmaceuticals Inc'), ('1005387', 'GNSM', 'Gensym Corp'), ('1161396', 'GNSS', 'Genesis Microchip Inc'), ('1134960', 'GNSY', 'Genesys SA'), ('1438893', 'GNT', 'Gamco Natural Resources Gold & Income Trust By Gabelli'), ('880643', 'GNTA', 'Genta Inc De'), ('1430682', 'GNTQ', 'Granto Inc'), ('355811', 'GNTX', 'Gentex Corp'), ('1058867', 'GNTY', 'Guaranty Bancshares Inc'), ('1355848', 'GNUS', 'Genius Brands International Inc'), ('1377936', 'GNV', 'Saratoga Investment Corp'), ('934473', 'GNVC', 'Genvec Inc'), ('1048275', 'GNVN', 'Geneva Financial Corp'), ('1276520', 'GNW', 'Genworth Financial Inc'), ('1373024', 'GNXP', 'Guinness Exploration Inc'), ('1101268', 'GOAM', 'Purple Communications Inc'), ('1472468', 'GOAS', 'Xiangtian USA Air Power Co LTD'), ('1361540', 'GOBK', 'Globalink LTD'), ('1141787', 'GOCM', 'Geocom Resources Inc'), ('1380936', 'GOF', 'Guggenheim Strategic Opportunities Fund'), ('1528188', 'GOFF', 'Goff Corp'), ('1537054', 'GOGO', 'Gogo Inc'), ('314606', 'GOKN', 'Geokinetics Inc'), ('782126', 'GOLF', 'Womens Golf Unlimited Inc'), ('1202273', 'GOLF', 'Golfsmith International Holdings Inc'), ('1056617', 'GONT', 'Go Online Networks Corp'), ('1234006', 'GOOD', 'Gladstone Commercial Corp'), ('1288776', 'GOOG', 'Google Inc'), ('1317839', 'GOOO', 'Golden Opportunities Corp'), ('1160791', 'GORO', 'Gold Resource Corp'), ('814904', 'GORV', 'Golden River Resources Corp'), ('1098315', 'GORX', 'Geopharma Inc'), ('75042', 'GOSHA', 'Oshkosh B Gosh Inc'), ('790414', 'GOT', 'Gottschalks Inc'), ('1063942', 'GOV', 'Gouverneur Bancorp Inc'), ('1456772', 'GOV', 'Government Properties Income Trust'), ('41077', 'GP', 'Georgia Pacific Corp'), ('40987', 'GPC', 'Genuine Parts Co'), ('1143653', 'GPEH', 'Green Power Energy Holdings Corp'), ('41091', 'GPEPRA', 'Georgia Power Co'), ('1407031', 'GPH', 'Golden Pond Healthcare Inc'), ('1031203', 'GPI', 'Group 1 Automotive Inc'), ('918580', 'GPIC', 'Gaming Partners International Corp'), ('886239', 'GPK', 'Graphic Packaging Corp'), ('892793', 'GPK', 'Graphic Packaging International Corp'), ('1408075', 'GPK', 'Graphic Packaging Holding Co'), ('1095146', 'GPLA', 'Gameplan Inc'), ('1456090', 'GPLH', 'Game Plan Holdings Inc'), ('1374584', 'GPLS', 'Geopulse Exploration Inc'), ('1123360', 'GPN', 'Global Payments Inc'), ('1419886', 'GPNT', 'Island Breeze International Inc'), ('41296', 'GPOL', 'Giant Group LTD'), ('874499', 'GPOR', 'Gulfport Energy Corp'), ('1266112', 'GPP', 'Government Properties Trust Inc'), ('1116927', 'GPR', 'Geopetro Resources Co'), ('1425715', 'GPRC', 'Guanwei Recycling Corp'), ('1309402', 'GPRE', 'Green Plains Renewable Energy Inc'), ('1137417', 'GPRM', 'Global Pari-mutuel Services Inc'), ('820237', 'GPRO', 'Gen Probe Inc'), ('39911', 'GPS', 'Gap Inc'), ('29233', 'GPSN', 'GPS Industries Inc'), ('911935', 'GPT', 'Greenpoint Financial Corp'), ('1080036', 'GPTC', 'Golden Patriot Corp'), ('933020', 'GPTX', 'Global Payment Technologies Inc'), ('70415', 'GPX', 'GP Strategies Corp'), ('1042784', 'GPXM', 'Golden Phoenix Minerals Inc'), ('1025362', 'GQM', 'Golden Queen Mining Co LTD'), ('1409383', 'GQN', 'Global Brands Acquisition Corp'), ('42542', 'GR', 'Goodrich Corp'), ('1045309', 'GRA', 'W R Grace & Co'), ('810689', 'GRAN', 'Bank Of Granite Corp'), ('41133', 'GRB', 'Gerber Scientific Inc'), ('1145547', 'GRBS', 'Greer Bancshares Inc'), ('42682', 'GRC', 'Gorman Rupp Co'), ('719597', 'GRDC', 'Gradco Systems Inc'), ('1429592', 'GRDH', 'Guardian 8 Holdings'), ('1299506', 'GRE', 'S&P 500 Geared Fund Inc'), ('1069829', 'GREN', 'Agrocan Corp'), ('43952', 'GREY', 'Grey Global Group Inc'), ('850027', 'GRF', 'Eagle Capital Growth Fund Inc'), ('1098971', 'GRGI', 'GRG Inc'), ('1410056', 'GRH', 'Greenhunter Resources Inc'), ('1444177', 'GRHU', 'Custom Q Inc'), ('1059155', 'GRIC', 'Goremote Internet Communications Inc'), ('1037390', 'GRIF', 'Griffin Land & Nurseries Inc'), ('895041', 'GRIL', 'Grill Concepts Inc'), ('1019376', 'GRILL', 'Roadhouse Grill Inc'), ('814463', 'GRIN', 'Grand Toys International Inc'), ('852127', 'GRLC', 'Greenland Corp'), ('1478085', 'GRM', 'Graham Packaging Co Inc'), ('59860', 'GRMC', 'Goldrich Mining Co'), ('1272597', 'GRMH', 'Foundation Healthcare Inc'), ('1121788', 'GRMN', 'Garmin LTD'), ('1084983', 'GRMU', 'Grem USA'), ('764402', 'GRNB', 'Green Bankshares Inc'), ('1487997', 'GRNE', 'Green Endeavors Inc'), ('1484931', 'GROV', 'Groveware Technologies LTD'), ('754811', 'GROW', 'U S Global Investors Inc'), ('1097313', 'GRP', 'Grant Prideco Inc'), ('1295702', 'GRPK', 'Gray Peaks Inc'), ('1490281', 'GRPN', 'Groupon Inc'), ('1399306', 'GRPR', 'Grid Petroleum Corp'), ('912729', 'GRR', 'Asia Tigers Fund Inc'), ('1126961', 'GRRB', 'Grandsouth Bancorporation'), ('1491525', 'GRSU', 'Greenhouse Solutions Inc'), ('912898', 'GRT', 'Glimcher Realty Trust'), ('1116539', 'GRUA', 'Garuda Capital Corp'), ('1072971', 'GRWW', 'Greens Worldwide Inc'), ('1391437', 'GRX', 'Gabelli Healthcare & Wellnessrx Trust'), ('1372954', 'GRYO', 'Gryphon Resources Inc'), ('1072725', 'GRZ', 'Gold Reserve Inc'), ('1492541', 'GRZG', 'Grizzly Gold Corp'), ('886982', 'GS', 'Goldman Sachs Group Inc'), ('890725', 'GSAC', 'Gelstat Corp'), ('1462013', 'GSAE', 'Gold Hill Resources Inc'), ('1366868', 'GSAT', 'Globalstar Inc'), ('854560', 'GSBC', 'Great Southern Bancorp Inc'), ('1112920', 'GSCP', 'Globalscape Inc'), ('884380', 'GSCR', 'Seaway Valley Capital Corp'), ('805023', 'GSE', 'Gundle SLT Environmental Inc'), ('1275712', 'GSE', 'Gse Holding Inc'), ('1335260', 'GSEC', 'Global Secure Corp'), ('1163966', 'GSEN', 'GS Enviroservices Inc'), ('1038914', 'GSF', 'Globalsantafe Corp'), ('1080533', 'GSFT', 'Global Seafood Technologies Inc'), ('1120802', 'GSGF', 'Hugo International Telecom Inc'), ('1171331', 'GSGF', 'Ginseng Forest Inc'), ('1239188', 'GSHO', 'General Steel Holdings Inc'), ('1105862', 'GSI', 'Gsi Technologies USA Inc'), ('828750', 'GSIC', 'Gsi Commerce Inc'), ('1046148', 'GSIEF', 'Gsi Securitization LTD'), ('1076930', 'GSIG', 'Gsi Group Inc'), ('1050925', 'GSIGQ', 'Gsi Group Inc'), ('1126741', 'GSIT', 'Gsi Technology Inc'), ('1449488', 'GSJK', 'Compressco Partners LP'), ('1278382', 'GSL', 'Global Signal Inc'), ('1430725', 'GSL', 'Global Ship Lease Inc'), ('1029630', 'GSLA', 'GS Financial Corp'), ('919967', 'GSLC', 'Guaranty Financial Corp'), ('1075082', 'GSLH', 'GSL Holdings Inc'), ('1398522', 'GSLO', 'Fresca Worldwide Trading Corp'), ('1383571', 'GSM', 'Globe Specialty Metals Inc'), ('23055', 'GSOF', 'Group 1 Software Inc'), ('883758', 'GSON', 'Grayson Bankshares Inc'), ('1336262', 'GSPAB', 'Southpeak Interactive Corp'), ('1341726', 'GSPE', 'Gulfslope Energy Inc'), ('1081197', 'GSPN', 'Globespanvirata Inc'), ('1413659', 'GSPN', 'Goldspan Resources Inc'), ('1407412', 'GSPS', 'Great Spirits Inc'), ('903571', 'GSS', 'Golden Star Resources LTD'), ('1170154', 'GST', 'Gastar Exploration Inc'), ('1431372', 'GST', 'Gastar Exploration USA Inc'), ('1326200', 'GSTL', 'Genco Shipping & Trading LTD'), ('1444403', 'GSTP', 'Gold Standard Mining Corp'), ('1492135', 'GSTV', 'Guru Health Inc'), ('1509470', 'GSVC', 'GSV Capital Corp'), ('1051591', 'GSVI', 'GSV Inc'), ('1086319', 'GSXN', 'Gasco Energy Inc'), ('42582', 'GT', 'Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co'), ('1394954', 'GTAT', 'GT Advanced Technologies Inc'), ('914142', 'GTAX', 'Gilman Ciocia Inc'), ('904973', 'GTCB', 'GTC Biotherapeutics Inc'), ('1081919', 'GTCC', 'GTC Telecom Corp'), ('1273441', 'GTE', 'Gran Tierra Energy Inc'), ('1091164', 'GTEC', 'Genesis Pharmaceuticals Enterprises Inc'), ('1471038', 'GTEC', 'Global Defense Technology & Systems Inc'), ('1079250', 'GTEI', 'Greentech USA Inc'), ('1017110', 'GTHA', 'Genethera Inc'), ('924515', 'GTHP', 'Guided Therapeutics Inc'), ('931148', 'GTI', 'Graftech International LTD'), ('825324', 'GTIM', 'Good Times Restaurants Inc'), ('1096142', 'GTIV', 'Gentiva Health Services Inc'), ('857323', 'GTK', 'Gtech Holdings Corp'), ('932021', 'GTLL', 'Interactive Flight Technologies Inc'), ('1334126', 'GTMM', 'Guitammer Co'), ('43196', 'GTN', 'Gray Television Inc'), ('1028358', 'GTOP', 'Genitope Corp'), ('1357671', 'GTPH', 'Great Plains Holdings Inc'), ('943064', 'GTPS', 'Great American Bancorp Inc'), ('1021113', 'GTRC', 'Guitar Center Inc'), ('1053083', 'GTRD', 'Global Triad Inc'), ('1302554', 'GTRY', 'Winston Pharmaceuticals Inc'), ('1171662', 'GTS', 'Triple-s Management Corp'), ('850483', 'GTSI', 'Gtsi Corp'), ('874792', 'GTSO', 'Green Technology Solutions Inc'), ('895812', 'GTW', 'Gateway Inc'), ('1302709', 'GTWN', 'Georgetown Bancorp Inc'), ('1542299', 'GTWN', 'Georgetown Bancorp Inc'), ('1260990', 'GTXI', 'GTX Inc'), ('1375793', 'GTXO', 'GTX Corp'), ('1052752', 'GTY', 'Getty Realty Corp'), ('1375557', 'GUID', 'Guidance Software Inc'), ('44545', 'GUL', 'Gulf Power Co'), ('1565146', 'GULTU', 'Gulf Coast Ultra Deep Royalty Trust'), ('942129', 'GUPB', 'GFSB Bancorp Inc'), ('1080720', 'GUT', 'Gabelli Utility Trust'), ('42316', 'GV', 'Goldfield Corp'), ('861459', 'GVA', 'Granite Construction Inc'), ('1364587', 'GVBP', 'Kinder Travel Inc'), ('1035185', 'GVHR', 'Gevity HR Inc'), ('1021444', 'GVIS', 'Gvi Security Solutions Inc'), ('1120210', 'GVLA', 'DCI USA Inc'), ('944480', 'GVP', 'Gse Systems Inc'), ('825353', 'GVT', 'Morgan Stanley Government Income Trust'), ('320186', 'GW', 'Grey Wolf Inc'), ('1080747', 'GWAY', 'Greenway Medical Technologies Inc'), ('1088381', 'GWB', 'Great Western Bancorporation Inc'), ('1088586', 'GWB', 'Spectrum Capital Trust I'), ('854882', 'GWES', 'Great Western Land Recreation Inc'), ('1081745', 'GWIV', 'Globalwise Investments Inc'), ('1009833', 'GWLK', 'Gabriel Technologies Corp'), ('924396', 'GWNI', 'Winning Edge International Inc'), ('1359699', 'GWPC', 'Wholehealth Products Inc'), ('1012620', 'GWR', 'Genesee & Wyoming Inc'), ('1410307', 'GWRC', 'Global West Resources Inc'), ('1528396', 'GWRE', 'Guidewire Software Inc'), ('1118629', 'GWSN', 'Global Wireless Satellite Networks USA Inc'), ('277135', 'GWW', 'Grainger W W Inc'), ('1138412', 'GXDX', 'Genoptix Inc'), ('1143068', 'GXP', 'Great Plains Energy Inc'), ('1373693', 'GXPI', 'Gemini Explorations Inc'), ('819527', 'GXY', 'Galaxy Nutritional Foods Inc'), ('40888', 'GY', 'Gencorp Inc'), ('1405260', 'GYCK', 'Multi-corp International Inc'), ('1047202', 'GYI', 'Getty Images Inc'), ('884124', 'GYLDQ', 'Galey & Lord Inc'), ('786110', 'GYMB', 'Gymboree Corp'), ('44689', 'GYRO', 'Gyrodyne Co Of America Inc'), ('1510524', 'GYST', 'Graystone Co'), ('1099234', 'GZFX', 'TBC Global News Network Inc'), ('1346287', 'GZGT', 'China Teletech Holding Inc'), ('1355001', 'H', 'Realogy Group LLC'), ('1468174', 'H', 'Hyatt Hotels Corp'), ('1172222', 'HA', 'Hawaiian Holdings Inc'), ('754597', 'HABC', 'Habersham Bancorp'), ('355699', 'HABE', 'Haber Inc'), ('1331945', 'HAC', 'Harbor Acquisition Corp'), ('313143', 'HAE', 'Haemonetics Corp'), ('1109242', 'HAFC', 'Hanmi Financial Corp'), ('910406', 'HAIN', 'Hain Celestial Group Inc'), ('1009657', 'HAKI', 'Hall Kinion & Associates Inc'), ('45012', 'HAL', 'Halliburton Co'), ('1458631', 'HALB', 'Halberd Corp'), ('819913', 'HALL', 'Hallmark Financial Services Inc'), ('814286', 'HALN', 'Halo Companies Inc'), ('1125052', 'HALO', 'Halo Technology Holdings Inc'), ('1159036', 'HALO', 'Halozyme Therapeutics Inc'), ('887150', 'HAMP', 'Hampshire Group LTD'), ('1091822', 'HAND', 'Handspring Inc'), ('865752', 'HANS', 'Monster Beverage Corp'), ('1127005', 'HAPS', 'Haps USA Inc'), ('1234620', 'HAQ', 'Activbiotics Inc'), ('800459', 'HAR', 'Harman International Industries Inc'), ('1029407', 'HARB', 'Harbor Florida Bancshares Inc'), ('1471266', 'HARI', 'Harvard Illinois Bancorp Inc'), ('1107160', 'HARL', 'Harleysville Savings Financial Corp'), ('1563665', 'HART', 'Harvard Apparatus Regenerative Technology Inc'), ('46080', 'HAS', 'Hasbro Inc'), ('1131675', 'HASC', 'Hasco Medical Inc'), ('1561894', 'HASI', 'Hannon Armstrong Sustainable Infrastructure Capital Inc'), ('1054579', 'HAST', 'Hastings Entertainment Inc'), ('46135', 'HAT', 'Hatteras Income Securities Inc'), ('930803', 'HAUP', 'Hauppauge Digital Inc'), ('773723', 'HAUSQ', 'Hauser Inc'), ('1302246', 'HAV', 'Helios Advantage Income Fund Inc'), ('46012', 'HAVA', 'Harvard Industries Inc'), ('1107126', 'HAVEN', 'Haven Holding Inc'), ('1059324', 'HAWK', 'Petrohawk Energy Corp'), ('1411488', 'HAWK', 'Blackhawk Network Holdings Inc'), ('1452384', 'HAWK', 'Seahawk Drilling Inc'), ('768892', 'HAXS', 'Bpo Management Services Inc'), ('1237941', 'HAYZ', 'Hayes Lemmerz International Inc'), ('49196', 'HBAN', 'Huntington Bancshares Inc'), ('1046788', 'HBC', 'Harris Preferred Capital Corp'), ('1436425', 'HBCP', 'Home Bancorp Inc'), ('1309442', 'HBDT', 'Inspro Technologies Corp'), ('1099918', 'HBE', 'Henry Bros Electronics Inc'), ('1009919', 'HBEI', 'Amersin Life Sciences Corp'), ('1008554', 'HBEK', 'Humboldt Bancorp'), ('1126679', 'HBFH', 'Heritage Financial Holding'), ('1133016', 'HBG', 'Hub International LTD'), ('750577', 'HBHC', 'Hancock Holding Co'), ('1359841', 'HBI', 'Hanesbrands Inc'), ('732417', 'HBIA', 'Hills Bancorporation'), ('1123494', 'HBIO', 'Harvard Bioscience Inc'), ('1551739', 'HBK', 'Hamilton Bancorp Inc'), ('719731', 'HBKS', 'Heritage Bankshares Inc'), ('1390162', 'HBMD', 'Howard Bancorp Inc'), ('1375850', 'HBMK', 'Hubei Minkang Pharmaceutical LTD'), ('706129', 'HBNC', 'Horizon Bancorp'), ('1375320', 'HBNK', 'Hampden Bancorp Inc'), ('1133754', 'HBOG', 'Teleplus Enterprises Inc'), ('1320002', 'HBOS', 'Heritage Financial Group'), ('1493491', 'HBOS', 'Heritage Financial Group Inc'), ('1093082', 'HBP', 'Huttig Building Products Inc'), ('1335249', 'HBRF', 'Highbury Financial Inc'), ('1567852', 'HBRK', 'Hedgebrook'), ('1077050', 'HBRM', 'Herborium'), ('1425189', 'HBRW', 'Harbrew Imports LTD Corp Ny'), ('1070181', 'HBSC', 'Human Biosystems Inc'), ('756862', 'HBSI', 'Highlands Bankshares Inc'), ('1072367', 'HBSL', 'House Of Brussels Chocolates Inc'), ('909413', 'HC', 'Hanover Compressor Co'), ('860730', 'HCA', 'Hca Holdings Inc'), ('1589526', 'HCACU', 'Hennessy Capital Acquisition Corp'), ('1559909', 'HCAP', 'Harvest Capital Credit Corp'), ('1061117', 'HCAR', 'Hometown Auto Retailers Inc'), ('1029740', 'HCBB', 'HCB Bancshares Inc'), ('1044676', 'HCBC', 'High Country Bancorp Inc'), ('921847', 'HCBK', 'Hudson City Bancorp Inc'), ('888919', 'HCC', 'HCC Insurance Holdings Inc'), ('1403431', 'HCCI', 'Heritage-crystal Clean Inc'), ('1373641', 'HCD', 'Highland Distressed Opportunities Inc'), ('1311877', 'HCE', 'Fiduciary'), ('1022103', 'HCFC', 'Home City Financial Corp'), ('1400810', 'HCI', 'Hci Group Inc'), ('46428', 'HCLC', 'Health Chem Corp'), ('1549848', 'HCLP', 'Hi-crush Partners LP'), ('766704', 'HCN', 'Health Care REIT Inc'), ('756767', 'HCNP', 'Hampton Consulting Corp'), ('1370512', 'HCNV', 'HC Innovations Inc'), ('1201993', 'HCO', 'Hyperspace Communications Inc'), ('1289871', 'HCO', 'MPC Corp'), ('1487986', 'HCOM', 'Hawaiian Telcom Holdco Inc'), ('1041255', 'HCOW', 'Horizon Organic Holding Corp'), ('765880', 'HCP', 'HCP Inc'), ('878736', 'HCR', 'Manor Care Inc'), ('1091491', 'HCSB', 'HCSB Financial Corp'), ('731012', 'HCSG', 'Healthcare Services Group Inc'), ('863437', 'HCT', 'Hector Communications Corp'), ('354950', 'HD', 'Home Depot Inc'), ('804157', 'HDHL', 'Health Outcomes Management Inc'), ('1058828', 'HDII', 'Hypertension Diagnostics Inc'), ('884909', 'HDIX', 'Home Diagnostics Inc'), ('314727', 'HDL', 'Handleman Co'), ('313716', 'HDNG', 'Hardinge Inc'), ('1347006', 'HDP', 'HD Partners Acquisition Corp'), ('718909', 'HDR', 'HPSC Inc'), ('1329361', 'HDS', 'Alpha Security Group Corp'), ('1573097', 'HDS', 'HD Supply Holdings Inc'), ('1454742', 'HDSI', 'HDS International Corp'), ('925528', 'HDSN', 'Hudson Technologies Inc'), ('881468', 'HDTV', 'Spatialight Inc'), ('1133116', 'HDWR', 'Iglue Inc'), ('937136', 'HDY', 'Hyperdynamics Corp'), ('354707', 'HE', 'Hawaiian Electric Industries Inc'), ('1078693', 'HEARZ', 'Hearme'), ('1384135', 'HEAT', 'Smartheat Inc'), ('946644', 'HEB', 'Hemispherx Biopharma Inc'), ('313478', 'HEC', 'HKN Inc'), ('1339605', 'HEES', 'H&e Equipment Services Inc'), ('46619', 'HEI', 'Heico Corp'), ('351298', 'HEII', 'Hei Inc'), ('1403853', 'HEK', 'Nuverra Environmental Solutions Inc'), ('916789', 'HELE', 'Helen Of Troy LTD'), ('1431676', 'HELI', 'Dong Fang Minerals Inc'), ('1586300', 'HELI', 'CHC Group LTD'), ('46709', 'HELX', 'Helix Technology Corp'), ('1127393', 'HEM', 'Hemosense Inc'), ('801748', 'HEMA', 'Hemacare Corp'), ('1301348', 'HEMO', 'Hemobiotech Inc'), ('921547', 'HEOP', 'Heritage Oaks Bancorp'), ('1283140', 'HEP', 'Holly Energy Partners LP'), ('1101026', 'HEPI', 'Health Enhancement Products Inc'), ('1496749', 'HEQ', 'John Hancock Hedged Equity & Income Fund'), ('919010', 'HERC', 'H E R C Products Inc'), ('1330849', 'HERO', 'Hercules Offshore Inc'), ('748210', 'HERS', 'Heroes Inc'), ('4447', 'HES', 'Hess Corp'), ('1127696', 'HESG', 'Health Sciences Group Inc'), ('1141215', 'HETC', 'Healthetech Inc'), ('1168478', 'HEW', 'Hewitt Associates Inc'), ('754813', 'HEWA', 'Healthwarehousecom Inc'), ('1380509', 'HF', 'HFF Inc'), ('892157', 'HFBA', 'HFB Financial Corp'), ('1041550', 'HFBC', 'Hopfed Bancorp Inc'), ('1302901', 'HFBL', 'Home Federal Bancorp Inc Of Louisiana'), ('1500375', 'HFBL', 'Home Federal Bancorp Inc Of Louisiana'), ('48039', 'HFC', 'Hollyfrontier Corp'), ('881790', 'HFFC', 'HF Financial Corp'), ('1029654', 'HFFC', 'Hemlock Federal Financial Corp'), ('1119951', 'HFGB', 'Huifeng Bio-pharmaceutical Technology Inc'), ('1046025', 'HFWA', 'Heritage Financial Corp'), ('1081630', 'HGAT', 'Healthgate Data Corp'), ('1177182', 'HGCF', 'High Country Financial Corp'), ('1345840', 'HGCM', 'Hughes Communications Inc'), ('1396279', 'HGG', 'Hhgregg Inc'), ('892533', 'HGGR', 'Haggar Corp'), ('1101246', 'HGHN', 'Tec Technology Inc'), ('792013', 'HGIC', 'Harleysville Group Inc'), ('1104254', 'HGII', 'Hudsons Grill International Inc'), ('1424415', 'HGLB', 'Elevate Inc'), ('1060744', 'HGPI', 'Horizon Group Properties Inc'), ('722723', 'HGR', 'Hanger Inc'), ('1027915', 'HGRD', 'Health Grades Inc'), ('901219', 'HGSI', 'Human Genome Sciences Inc'), ('862022', 'HGT', 'Hugoton Royalty Trust'), ('1403570', 'HGUE', 'Quantum Materials Corp'), ('741815', 'HH', 'Hooper Holmes Inc'), ('1112064', 'HHBR', 'Providence Resources Inc'), ('1498828', 'HHC', 'Howard Hughes Corp'), ('45919', 'HHS', 'Harte Hanks Inc'), ('1396118', 'HHWW', 'Horiyoshi Worldwide Inc'), ('1417398', 'HI', 'Hillenbrand Inc'), ('318189', 'HIA', 'Hia Inc'), ('1398632', 'HIA', 'Highlands Acquisition Corp'), ('47288', 'HIB', 'Capital One National Association'), ('1017480', 'HIBB', 'Hibbett Sports Inc'), ('47307', 'HICKA', 'Hickok Inc'), ('1112424', 'HIET', 'Hienergy Technologies Inc'), ('891760', 'HIF', 'Western Asset High Income Fund Inc'), ('1065246', 'HIFN', 'Hi'), ('874766', 'HIG', 'Hartford Financial Services Group Inc'), ('1227122', 'HIH', 'Helios High Income Fund Inc'), ('1262415', 'HIH', 'Highland Hospitality Corp'), ('1501585', 'HII', 'Huntington Ingalls Industries Inc'), ('1561387', 'HIIQ', 'Health Insurance Innovations Inc'), ('1287808', 'HIL', 'Hill International Inc'), ('1042783', 'HILL', 'Dot Hill Systems Corp'), ('910068', 'HIO', 'Western Asset High Income Opportunity Fund Inc'), ('779226', 'HIRD', 'Diversified Corporate Resources Inc'), ('1168652', 'HIRE', 'Hireright Inc'), ('830474', 'HIS', 'Blackrock High Income Shares'), ('763730', 'HIST', 'Gallery Of History Inc'), ('887497', 'HITK', 'Hi Tech Pharmacal Co Inc'), ('1130866', 'HITT', 'Hittite Microwave Corp'), ('899426', 'HIV', 'Calypte Biomedical Corp'), ('921082', 'HIW', 'Highwoods Properties Inc'), ('1058239', 'HIX', 'Western Asset High Income Fund II Inc'), ('1374135', 'HJHO', 'Biocube Inc'), ('1069249', 'HJWL', 'House Of Taylor Jewelry Inc'), ('1282648', 'HK', 'Halcon Resources Corp'), ('812906', 'HKFI', 'Hancock Fabrics Inc'), ('719413', 'HL', 'Hecla Mining Co'), ('1274563', 'HLCS', 'Helicos Biosciences Corp'), ('1402364', 'HLD', 'Secure America Acquisition Corp'), ('818682', 'HLDI', 'Harolds Stores Inc'), ('791449', 'HLF', 'Herbalife International Inc'), ('1180262', 'HLF', 'Herbalife LTD'), ('1050894', 'HLFC', 'Home Loan Financial Corp'), ('851310', 'HLIT', 'Harmonic Inc'), ('1306527', 'HLND', 'Hiland Partners LP'), ('1107802', 'HLNR', 'Headliners Entertainment Group Inc'), ('805902', 'HLOI', 'Previsto International Holdings Inc'), ('868512', 'HLR', 'Sun-times Media Group Inc'), ('911707', 'HLR', 'Hollinger Inc'), ('785161', 'HLS', 'Healthsouth Corp'), ('1513161', 'HLSS', 'Home Loan Servicing Solutions LTD'), ('47580', 'HLT', 'Hilton Hotels Corp'), ('1585689', 'HLT', 'Hilton Worldwide Holdings Inc'), ('1009575', 'HLTH', 'HLTH Corp'), ('45694', 'HLTLA', 'Noram Capital Holdings'), ('1034674', 'HLXH', 'Hamptons Luxury Homes Inc'), ('1373980', 'HLYS', 'Heelys Inc'), ('905895', 'HLYW', 'Hollywood Entertainment Corp'), ('792985', 'HMA', 'Health Management Associates Inc'), ('1412095', 'HMAQF', 'Sgoco Group LTD'), ('1283683', 'HMB', 'Homebanc Corp'), ('1049129', 'HMD', 'HLM Design Inc'), ('715031', 'HMDR', 'Home Director Inc'), ('923118', 'HME', 'Home Properties Inc'), ('46109', 'HMF', 'Hastings Manufacturing Co'), ('311817', 'HMG', 'HMG Courtland Properties Inc'), ('892822', 'HMGN', 'Hemagen Diagnostics Inc'), ('1343602', 'HMH', 'Helios Multi-sector High Income Fund Inc'), ('1080426', 'HMHB', 'Holmes Biopharma Inc'), ('1580156', 'HMHC', 'Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Co'), ('46445', 'HMII', 'Hmi Industries Inc'), ('850141', 'HMN', 'Horace Mann Educators Corp'), ('1040792', 'HMNA', 'Helios & Matheson Analytics Inc'), ('1471136', 'HMNC', 'Hondo Minerals Corp'), ('921183', 'HMNF', 'HMN Financial Inc'), ('1052958', 'HMP', 'Horizon Medical Products Inc'), ('3155', 'HMPR', 'Alabama Telephone Co Inc'), ('1143155', 'HMPR', 'Hampton Roads Bankshares Inc'), ('1412203', 'HMR', 'Sports Properties Acquisition Corp'), ('1518715', 'HMST', 'Homestreet Inc'), ('1196501', 'HMSY', 'HMS Holdings Corp'), ('1461640', 'HMTA', 'Hometown Bankshares Corp'), ('1567345', 'HMTV', 'Hemisphere Media Group Inc'), ('1503658', 'HMUS', 'Homeownusa'), ('723371', 'HMX', 'Hartmarx Corp'), ('702902', 'HNBC', 'Harleysville National Corp'), ('1445175', 'HNET', 'Highlight Networks Inc'), ('853733', 'HNFSA', 'Hanover Foods Corp'), ('48287', 'HNI', 'Hni Corp'), ('1145255', 'HNNA', 'Hennessy Advisors Inc'), ('831232', 'HNNT', 'Gottaplay Interactive Inc'), ('845289', 'HNR', 'Harvest Natural Resources Inc'), ('788965', 'HNRG', 'Hallador Energy Co'), ('1276591', 'HNSN', 'Hansen Medical Inc'), ('916085', 'HNT', 'Health Net Inc'), ('65224', 'HNTM', 'Huntmountain Resources'), ('320333', 'HNV', 'Hanover Direct Inc'), ('1388126', 'HNW', 'Pioneer Diversified High Income Trust'), ('46640', 'HNZ', 'Heinz H J Co'), ('833795', 'HOFD', 'Homefed Corp'), ('1051431', 'HOFF', 'Horizon Offshore Inc'), ('1077688', 'HOFT', 'Hooker Furniture Corp'), ('793952', 'HOG', 'Harley Davidson Inc'), ('1075636', 'HOGC', 'Heartland Oil & Gas Corp'), ('1178336', 'HOKU', 'Hoku Scientific Inc'), ('1408348', 'HOL', 'China Holdings Acquisition Corp'), ('912544', 'HOLL', 'Hollywood Media Corp'), ('859737', 'HOLX', 'Hologic Inc'), ('855424', 'HOM', 'Home Solutions Of America Inc'), ('1331520', 'HOMB', 'Home Bancshares Inc'), ('1283858', 'HOME', 'Home Federal Bancorp Inc'), ('1413440', 'HOME', 'Home Federal Bancorp Inc'), ('867493', 'HOMF', 'Community Bancorp Indiana'), ('1006459', 'HOMS', 'Timios National Corp'), ('814457', 'HOMZ', 'Home Products International Inc'), ('773840', 'HON', 'Honeywell International Inc'), ('883505', 'HOO', 'Glacier Water Services Inc'), ('935007', 'HORC', 'Horizon Health Corp'), ('1003515', 'HORT', 'Hines Horticulture Inc'), ('1131227', 'HOS', 'Hornbeck Offshore Services Inc'), ('778423', 'HOST', 'Amerihost Properties Inc'), ('316206', 'HOT', 'Starwood Hotel & Resorts Worldwide Inc'), ('1339256', 'HOTF', 'Hot Mamas Foods Inc'), ('1106838', 'HOTR', 'Chanticleer Holdings Inc'), ('1017712', 'HOTT', 'Hot Topic Inc'), ('1174814', 'HOUB', 'Hotel Outsource Management International Inc'), ('357294', 'HOV', 'Hovnanian Enterprises Inc'), ('46765', 'HP', 'Helmerich & Payne Inc'), ('1519817', 'HPAC', 'Hyde Park Acquisition Corp II'), ('46989', 'HPC', 'Hercules Inc'), ('1140657', 'HPCCP', 'Huntington Preferred Capital Inc'), ('1426808', 'HPCS', 'HPC Pos System Corp'), ('1189740', 'HPF', 'John Hancock Preferred Income Fund II'), ('1363381', 'HPGP', 'Hiland Holdings GP LP'), ('1176199', 'HPI', 'John Hancock Preferred Income Fund'), ('1368308', 'HPJ', 'Highpower International Inc'), ('1121980', 'HPLA', 'HPL Technologies Inc'), ('1094238', 'HPOL', 'Harris Interactive Inc'), ('1482512', 'HPP', 'Hudson Pacific Properties Inc'), ('47217', 'HPQ', 'Hewlett Packard Co'), ('1470244', 'HPRT', 'Healthport Inc'), ('1215913', 'HPS', 'John Hancock Preferred Income Fund III'), ('945394', 'HPT', 'Hospitality Properties Trust'), ('1021435', 'HPTO', 'Hopto Inc'), ('1386858', 'HPTX', 'Hyperion Therapeutics Inc'), ('1430872', 'HQGE', 'Green Star Mining Corp'), ('805267', 'HQH', 'H&Q Healthcare Investors'), ('884121', 'HQL', 'H&Q Life Sciences Investors'), ('857073', 'HQS', 'HQ Sustainable Maritime Industries Inc'), ('899749', 'HR', 'Healthcare Realty Trust Inc'), ('1168940', 'HRAI', 'Houseraising Inc'), ('1294435', 'HRAY', 'Ku6 Media Co LTD'), ('12659', 'HRB', 'H&R Block Inc'), ('1116616', 'HRBG', 'Harbor Global Co LTD'), ('1266719', 'HRBN', 'Harbin Electric Inc'), ('899394', 'HRBR', 'Harbor Biosciences Inc'), ('1057007', 'HRBT', 'Hudson River Bancorp Inc'), ('47518', 'HRC', 'Hill-rom Holdings Inc'), ('949427', 'HRCT', 'Hartcourt Companies Inc'), ('109177', 'HRG', 'Harbinger Group Inc'), ('814898', 'HRH', 'Hilb Rogal & Hobbs Co'), ('1104200', 'HRID', 'Hybrid Fuels Inc'), ('48465', 'HRL', 'Hormel Foods Corp'), ('47035', 'HRLY', 'Herley Industries Inc'), ('202058', 'HRS', 'Harris Corp'), ('915909', 'HRSH', 'Hirsch International Corp'), ('819689', 'HRT', 'Arrhythmia Research Technology Inc'), ('791118', 'HRUM', 'Healthrenu Medical Inc'), ('46043', 'HRVE', 'Harvey Electronics Inc'), ('865439', 'HRY', 'Hallwood Realty Partners LP'), ('1302707', 'HRZ', 'Horizon Lines Inc'), ('1320222', 'HRZ', 'Horizon Lines LLC'), ('1002682', 'HRZB', 'Horizon Financial Corp'), ('1487428', 'HRZN', 'Horizon Technology Finance Corp'), ('1339553', 'HS', 'Healthspring Inc'), ('1275902', 'HSA', 'Helios Strategic Income Fund Inc'), ('1075244', 'HSAC', 'High Speed Access Corp'), ('1494186', 'HSBK', 'Highlands Bancorp Inc'), ('45876', 'HSC', 'Harsco Corp'), ('86317', 'HSF', 'Hartford Income Shares Fund Inc'), ('354964', 'HSFC', 'HSBC Finance Corp'), ('23666', 'HSH', 'Hillshire Brands Co'), ('1000228', 'HSIC', 'Henry Schein Inc'), ('1066605', 'HSII', 'Heidrick & Struggles International Inc'), ('1038133', 'HSKA', 'Heska Corp'), ('1173788', 'HSM', 'Hyperion Strategic Mortgage Income Fund Inc'), ('1434729', 'HSNI', 'HSN Inc'), ('1210708', 'HSON', 'Hudson Global Inc'), ('922503', 'HSP', 'Univision Radio'), ('1274057', 'HSP', 'Hospira Inc'), ('777516', 'HSPO', 'Healthsport Inc'), ('1109329', 'HSPR', 'Hesperia Holding Inc'), ('1302141', 'HSPR', 'Hesperia Holding Inc'), ('918027', 'HSR', 'Hi Shear Technology Corp'), ('1093913', 'HSSO', 'Health Systems Solutions Inc'), ('1070750', 'HST', 'Host Hotels & Resorts Inc'), ('1298700', 'HSTA', 'Heartstat Technology Inc'), ('1059078', 'HSTDE', 'Homestead Bancorp Inc'), ('1297203', 'HSTH', 'HS3 Technologies Inc'), ('1095565', 'HSTM', 'Healthstream Inc'), ('1368365', 'HSWI', 'Remark Media Inc'), ('47111', 'HSY', 'Hershey Co'), ('790066', 'HSYN', 'Global Ecology Corp'), ('1172319', 'HSYT', 'Home System Group'), ('1288837', 'HSYT', 'Logsearch Inc'), ('1063344', 'HT', 'Hersha Hospitality Trust'), ('1538263', 'HTBI', 'Hometrust Bancshares Inc'), ('1053352', 'HTBK', 'Heritage Commerce Corp'), ('1476963', 'HTBX', 'Heat Biologics Inc'), ('889949', 'HTC', 'Hungarian Telephone & Cable Corp'), ('1410240', 'HTC', 'Hughes Telematics Inc'), ('772897', 'HTCH', 'Hutchinson Technology Inc'), ('766561', 'HTCO', 'Hickory Tech Corp'), ('1260041', 'HTD', 'John Hancock Tax-advantaged Dividend Income Fund'), ('28146', 'HTEC', 'Hydron Technologies Inc'), ('715593', 'HTEK', 'Hytek Microsystems Inc'), ('1158265', 'HTG', 'Heritage Property Investment Trust Inc'), ('1280784', 'HTGC', 'Hercules Technology Growth Capital Inc'), ('1265131', 'HTH', 'Hilltop Holdings Inc'), ('1508363', 'HTHH', 'Health In Harmony Inc'), ('46267', 'HTHR', 'Hawthorne Financial Corp'), ('843964', 'HTL', 'Heartland Partners LP'), ('799233', 'HTLD', 'Heartland Express Inc'), ('920112', 'HTLF', 'Heartland Financial USA Inc'), ('1084415', 'HTLJ', 'Heartland Inc'), ('1172136', 'HTM', 'US Geothermal Inc'), ('895415', 'HTO', 'Hyperion 2005 Investment Grade Opportunity Term Trust Inc'), ('851169', 'HTR', 'Brookfield Total Return Fund Inc'), ('1018871', 'HTRN', 'Healthtronics Inc'), ('1419521', 'HTS', 'Hatteras Financial Corp'), ('85704', 'HTSI', 'Harris Teeter Supermarkets Inc'), ('949536', 'HTV', 'Hearst Television Inc'), ('1126960', 'HTVL', 'Hartville Group Inc'), ('1392922', 'HTWC', 'Hometown Bancorpinc'), ('1562214', 'HTWO', 'HF2 Financial Management Inc'), ('1396502', 'HTY', 'John Hancock Tax-advantaged Global Shareholder Yield Fund'), ('1364479', 'HTZ', 'Hertz Global Holdings Inc'), ('703559', 'HU', 'United Bancorp Hudson'), ('48898', 'HUBA', 'Hubbell Inc'), ('940942', 'HUBG', 'Hub Group Inc'), ('225463', 'HUF', 'Huffy Corp'), ('49029', 'HUG', 'Hughes Supply Inc'), ('49071', 'HUM', 'Humana Inc'), ('1100976', 'HUMT', 'Humatech Inc'), ('1307954', 'HUN', 'Huntsman Corp'), ('1096208', 'HUNN', 'Abazias Inc'), ('315374', 'HURC', 'Hurco Companies Inc'), ('1289848', 'HURN', 'Huron Consulting Group Inc'), ('1156041', 'HUSA', 'Houston American Energy Corp'), ('83246', 'HUSI', 'HSBC USA Inc'), ('722256', 'HVB', 'Hudson Valley Holding Corp'), ('778165', 'HVGO', 'Rock Energy Resources Inc'), ('785544', 'HVST', 'Azur Holdings Inc'), ('216085', 'HVT', 'Haverty Furniture Companies Inc'), ('1003344', 'HW', 'Headwaters Inc'), ('704415', 'HWAY', 'Healthways Inc'), ('1356949', 'HWCC', 'Houston Wire & Cable Co'), ('1009242', 'HWEN', 'Home Financial Bancorp'), ('1063997', 'HWFG', 'Harrington West Financial Group Inc'), ('355766', 'HWG', 'Hallwood Group Inc'), ('849240', 'HWK', 'Hawk Corp'), ('46250', 'HWKN', 'Hawkins Inc'), ('1084263', 'HWOO', 'Highway One Oweb Inc'), ('1175445', 'HWSY', 'Hawk Systems Inc'), ('1034682', 'HWWI', 'Heritage Worldwide Inc'), ('720671', 'HX', 'Halifax Corp Of Virginia'), ('831749', 'HXBM', 'Helix Biomedix Inc'), ('717605', 'HXL', 'Hexcel Corp'), ('1315756', 'HXTH', 'Huayue Electronics Inc'), ('1381807', 'HXWWF', 'Huixin Waste Water Solutions Inc'), ('1173514', 'HY', 'Hyster-yale Materials Handling Inc'), ('825345', 'HYB', 'New America High Income Fund Inc'), ('719447', 'HYBD', 'Hycor Biomedical Inc'), ('1141263', 'HYBT', 'Li-ion Motors Corp'), ('1045769', 'HYC', 'Hypercom Corp'), ('704432', 'HYDI', 'Hydromer Inc'), ('1116030', 'HYDL', 'Hydril Co'), ('716101', 'HYDP', 'Equitex Inc'), ('1396638', 'HYDRO', 'Valles Angel Michel'), ('1272703', 'HYEG', 'Hydrogen Engine Center Inc'), ('1060392', 'HYF', 'Managed High Yield Plus Fund Inc'), ('1119985', 'HYGS', 'Hydrogenics Corp'), ('820537', 'HYI', 'High Yield Income Fund Inc'), ('1497186', 'HYI', 'Western Asset High Yield Defined Opportunity Fund Inc'), ('858655', 'HYNI', 'Haynes International Inc'), ('828990', 'HYP', 'High Yield Plus Fund Inc'), ('745774', 'HYPR', 'Hyperfeed Technologies Inc'), ('1107809', 'HYRF', 'Hydroflo Inc'), ('1001113', 'HYSL', 'Hyperion Solutions Corp'), ('1481028', 'HYSR', 'Hypersolar Inc'), ('1049549', 'HYT', 'Blackrock Corporate High Yield Fund III Inc'), ('1222401', 'HYT', 'Blackrock Corporate High Yield Fund VI Inc'), ('1136174', 'HYTM', 'Catasys Inc'), ('1160469', 'HYV', 'Blackrock Corporate High Yield Fund V Inc'), ('920600', 'HZFS', 'Horizon Financial Services Corp'), ('1074458', 'HZNB', 'Manasota Group Inc'), ('1526726', 'HZNM', 'Horizon Minerals Corp'), ('1492426', 'HZNP', 'Horizon Pharma Inc'), ('1057060', 'HZO', 'Marinemax Inc'), ('853464', 'HZOG', 'Herzog International Holdings Inc'), ('880026', 'IAAI', 'Insurance Auto Auctions Inc'), ('1018336', 'IACH', 'Information Architects Corp'), ('891103', 'IACI', 'Iac'), ('1385632', 'IAE', 'Ing Asia Pacific High Dividend Equity Income Fund'), ('779336', 'IAF', 'Aberdeen Australia Equity Fund Inc'), ('1077634', 'IAGI', 'Ia Global Inc'), ('1291047', 'IAGR', 'Internet Acquisition Group Inc'), ('803578', 'IAIC', 'Information Analysis Inc'), ('51103', 'IAL', 'International Aluminum Corp'), ('1389771', 'IAN', 'Inter-atlantic Financial Inc'), ('1328494', 'IAQGU', 'Interamerican Acquisition Group Inc'), ('917250', 'IART', 'Advanta Home Equity Loan Trust 1993-3'), ('917520', 'IART', 'Integra Lifesciences Holdings Corp'), ('945641', 'IASCA', 'Ias Energy Inc'), ('1200022', 'IASG', 'Integrated Alarm Services Group Inc'), ('854152', 'IATV', 'Actv Inc'), ('820380', 'IAUS', 'International Automated Systems Inc'), ('813634', 'IAX', 'International Absorbents Inc'), ('1091756', 'IBAS', 'Ibasis Inc'), ('1358700', 'IBBD', 'Ibroadband Inc'), ('927807', 'IBCA', 'Intervest Bancshares Corp'), ('829499', 'IBCIQ', 'Interstate Bakeries Corp'), ('39311', 'IBCP', 'Independent Bank Corp'), ('842927', 'IBDI', 'Interactive Brand Development Inc'), ('1357528', 'IBFL', 'Independent Bancshares Inc'), ('1174890', 'IBHS', 'Traceguard Technologies Inc'), ('1250189', 'IBI', 'Interline Brands Inc'), ('1292900', 'IBI', 'Interline Brands Inc'), ('1420720', 'IBIO', 'Ibio Inc'), ('855182', 'IBIS', 'Ibis Technology Corp'), ('933141', 'IBKC', 'Iberiabank Corp'), ('1381197', 'IBKR', 'Interactive Brokers Group Inc'), ('51143', 'IBM', 'International Business Machines Corp'), ('764241', 'IBNK', 'Integra Bank Corp'), ('315709', 'IBOC', 'International Bancshares Corp'), ('1103390', 'IBPI', 'Ardea Biosciences Inc'), ('1040863', 'IBSS', 'Integrated Business Systems & Services Inc'), ('890543', 'IBTGF', 'International Barrier Technology Inc'), ('1564618', 'IBTX', 'Independent Bank Group Inc'), ('1113677', 'IBXG', 'Ibx Group Inc'), ('1079893', 'IBZT', 'Ibiz Technology Corp'), ('1269155', 'IBZT', 'Ibiz Inc'), ('749660', 'ICAD', 'Icad Inc'), ('1072988', 'ICAS', 'Incall Systems Inc'), ('93284', 'ICB', 'Morgan Stanley Income Securities Inc'), ('945734', 'ICBC', 'Independence Community Bank Corp'), ('1079574', 'ICBO', 'Globalnetcare Inc'), ('894738', 'ICCA', 'Easylink Services International Corp'), ('811641', 'ICCC', 'Immucell Corp'), ('1084421', 'ICCI', 'Insight Communications Co Inc'), ('1094572', 'ICDG', 'Icop Digital Inc'), ('1174746', 'ICE', 'Intercontinentalexchange Inc'), ('1571949', 'ICE', 'Intercontinentalexchange Group Inc'), ('1482080', 'ICEL', 'Cellular Dynamics International Inc'), ('1097718', 'ICEW', 'Iceweb Inc'), ('1362004', 'ICFI', 'Icf International Inc'), ('1013240', 'ICGC', 'Icg Communications Inc'), ('1085621', 'ICGE', 'Icg Group Inc'), ('902622', 'ICGN', 'Icagen Inc'), ('1001871', 'ICH', 'Investors Capital Holdings LTD'), ('1317639', 'ICLA', 'International Cellular Accessories'), ('1128725', 'ICLD', 'Intercloud Systems Inc'), ('1378846', 'ICLK', 'Interclick Inc'), ('1350073', 'ICNB', 'Paw Spa Inc'), ('1423325', 'ICNN', 'Incoming Inc'), ('1025707', 'ICNS', 'Incentra Solutions Inc'), ('1320934', 'ICO', 'International Coal Group Inc'), ('353567', 'ICOC', 'Ico Inc'), ('1121610', 'ICOG', 'New Ico Global Communications Holdings LTD'), ('857737', 'ICON', 'Iconix Brand Group Inc'), ('1057217', 'ICOR', 'Icoria Inc'), ('874294', 'ICOS', 'Icos Corp'), ('1054930', 'ICPT', 'Intercept Inc'), ('1270073', 'ICPT', 'Intercept Pharmaceuticals Inc'), ('1301712', 'ICPW', 'Ironclad Performance Wear Corp'), ('913342', 'ICS', 'Morgan Stanley Insured California Municipal Sec'), ('874689', 'ICST', 'Integrated Circuit Systems Inc'), ('1013149', 'ICTG', 'Ict Group Inc'), ('1076522', 'ICTL', 'International Commercial Television Inc'), ('1010134', 'ICTS', 'Icts International N V'), ('1005663', 'ICTT', 'Euro Group Of Companies Inc'), ('883984', 'ICUI', 'Icu Medical Inc'), ('1334303', 'ICXT', 'Icx Technologies Inc'), ('917731', 'ICY', 'Packaged Ice Inc'), ('1057877', 'IDA', 'Idacorp Inc'), ('1543395', 'IDAH', 'Idaho North Resources Corp'), ('49648', 'IDAHOPWR', 'Idaho Power Co'), ('1004981', 'IDAI', 'Idna Inc'), ('888165', 'IDC', 'Interactive Data Corp'), ('354913', 'IDCC', 'Interdigital Inc'), ('1405495', 'IDCC', 'Interdigital Inc'), ('1111696', 'IDCO', 'Id-confirm Inc'), ('812880', 'IDCP', 'National Datacomputer Inc'), ('1280821', 'IDCX', 'Idcentrix Inc'), ('1163461', 'IDE', 'Integrated Defense Technologies Inc'), ('1417802', 'IDE', 'Ing Infrastructure Industrials & Materials Fund'), ('1430744', 'IDEH', 'International Development & Environmental Holdings'), ('854222', 'IDEV', 'Endo Pharmaceuticals Solutions Inc'), ('1132686', 'IDGE', 'Indiginet Inc'), ('356870', 'IDGG', 'Indigo-energy Inc'), ('1084702', 'IDGI', 'Inca Designs Inc'), ('1042351', 'IDGR', 'Industrial Distribution Group Inc'), ('1505124', 'IDGR', 'Berkshire Homes Inc'), ('1402225', 'IDI', 'Ideation Acquisition Corp'), ('1460329', 'IDI', 'Tiger Media Inc'), ('1110418', 'IDIB', 'Idi Global Inc'), ('1093649', 'IDIX', 'Idenix Pharmaceuticals Inc'), ('1451520', 'IDLM', 'Idle Media Inc'), ('822206', 'IDMI', 'Idm Pharma Inc'), ('1364623', 'IDMV', 'Jakes Trucking International Inc'), ('1040896', 'IDN', 'Intellicheck Mobilisa Inc'), ('1353406', 'IDNG', 'Independence Energy Corp'), ('735780', 'IDNX', 'Identix Inc'), ('1301367', 'IDOI', 'Ido Security Inc'), ('1035146', 'IDR', 'Intrawest Corp'), ('861838', 'IDRA', 'Idera Pharmaceuticals Inc'), ('4187', 'IDSA', 'Industrial Services Of America Inc'), ('1035422', 'IDSM', 'Mindesta Inc'), ('1533455', 'IDST', 'Ids Industries Inc'), ('49615', 'IDSY', 'Id Systems Inc'), ('1005731', 'IDT', 'Idt Corp'), ('703361', 'IDTI', 'Integrated Device Technology Inc'), ('1081338', 'IDVB', 'Indian Village Bancorp Inc'), ('1389415', 'IDVC', 'Infrastructure Developments Corp'), ('1333077', 'IDVE', 'Xeno Transplants Corp'), ('1121901', 'IDVL', 'Global Earth Energy Inc'), ('866415', 'IDWK', 'International Displayworks Inc'), ('1001185', 'IDXC', 'Idx Systems Corp'), ('874716', 'IDXX', 'Idexx Laboratories Inc'), ('1311828', 'IEBS', 'Independence Bancshares Inc'), ('49728', 'IEC', 'Iec Electronics Corp'), ('1145124', 'IED', 'Investools Inc'), ('1510891', 'IEEC', 'India Ecommerce Corp'), ('50292', 'IEHC', 'Ieh Corporation'), ('717751', 'IEIB', 'International Electronics Inc'), ('813762', 'IEP', 'Icahn Enterprises LP'), ('1048268', 'IES', 'Integrated Electrical Services Inc'), ('1083742', 'IESV', 'Intrepid Technology & Resources Inc'), ('1084031', 'IEVM', 'Integrated Environmental Technologies LTD'), ('1156337', 'IEVT', 'International Card Establishment Inc'), ('832101', 'IEX', 'Idex Corp'), ('859120', 'IF', 'Aberdeen Indonesia Fund Inc'), ('1414899', 'IFAC', 'Interfac Mining Inc'), ('1383859', 'IFAM', 'Infrastructure Materials Corp'), ('1070906', 'IFBV', 'Icy Splash Food & Beverage Inc'), ('52617', 'IFC', 'Irwin Financial Corp'), ('1082471', 'IFCB', 'Integrity Financial Corp'), ('755933', 'IFCJ', 'Interchange Financial Services Corp'), ('783284', 'IFCR', 'Integrated Freight Corp'), ('1019216', 'IFDG', 'International Food Products Group Inc'), ('51253', 'IFF', 'International Flavors & Fragrances Inc'), ('1161973', 'IFHF', 'Morgan Stanley Institutional Fund Of Hedge Funds LP'), ('949589', 'IFIN', 'Investors Financial Services Corp'), ('741114', 'IFIT', 'Isatori Inc'), ('1145019', 'IFLB', 'Phantom Entertainment Inc'), ('1315320', 'IFLG', 'Infologix Inc'), ('885475', 'IFLI', 'Eco-shift Power Corp'), ('1352755', 'IFLI', 'International Fight League Inc'), ('857728', 'IFLO', 'I Flow Corp'), ('1270436', 'IFMI', 'Institutional Financial Markets Inc'), ('1123458', 'IFMX', 'Informedix Holdings Inc'), ('917100', 'IFN', 'India Fund Inc'), ('822746', 'IFNY', 'Infinity Energy Resources Inc'), ('1274032', 'IFO', 'Infosonics Corp'), ('893816', 'IFOX', 'Infocrossing Inc'), ('1418115', 'IFRS', 'Verity Corp'), ('1067462', 'IFS', 'Insignia Financial Group Inc'), ('1276827', 'IFS', 'Infrasource Services Inc'), ('1302849', 'IFSL', 'Ideal Financial Solutions Inc'), ('875296', 'IFT', 'Lapolla Industries Inc'), ('1494448', 'IFT', 'Imperial Holdings Inc'), ('1037417', 'IFTH', 'Steel Vault Corp'), ('1078723', 'IFUE', 'International Fuel Technology Inc'), ('895095', 'IFUL', 'Insightful Corp'), ('1076310', 'IFXV', 'Infinex Ventures Inc'), ('352998', 'IG', 'Igi Laboratories Inc'), ('1332943', 'IGA', 'Ing Global Advantage & Premium Opportunity Fund'), ('919603', 'IGAI', 'Igia Inc'), ('1126411', 'IGAM', 'Surgline International Inc'), ('807364', 'IGC', 'Interstate General Co LP'), ('1326205', 'IGC', 'India Globalization Capital Inc'), ('1285890', 'IGD', 'Ing Global Equity Dividend & Premium Opportunity Fund'), ('915461', 'IGDC', 'Indigenous Global Development Corp'), ('916304', 'IGEN', 'Igen International Inc'), ('1393540', 'IGEN', 'Igen Networks Corp'), ('1137019', 'IGI', 'Imagistics International Inc'), ('1462586', 'IGI', 'Western Asset Investment Grade Defined Opportunity Trust Inc'), ('1031905', 'IGII', 'Ibsg International Inc'), ('820626', 'IGL', 'Imc Global Inc'), ('1285236', 'IGMC', 'Nitro Petroleum Inc'), ('793160', 'IGNE', 'Igene Biotechnology Inc'), ('1341470', 'IGO', 'Intersearch Group Inc'), ('1075656', 'IGOI', 'Igo Inc'), ('1335725', 'IGPAB', 'Israel Growth Partners Acquisition Corp'), ('1296524', 'IGPG', 'Ignis Petroleum Group Inc'), ('1268884', 'IGR', 'Cbre Clarion Global Real Estate Income Fund'), ('353944', 'IGT', 'International Game Technology'), ('1024732', 'IGTE', 'Igate Corp'), ('861058', 'IGTG', 'Ingen Technologies Inc'), ('1098880', 'IGXT', 'Intelgenx Technologies Corp'), ('701869', 'IHC', 'Independence Holding Co'), ('1051488', 'IHCH', 'Integrated Healthcare Holdings Inc'), ('1496292', 'IHD', 'Ing Emerging Markets High Dividend Equity Fund'), ('1063744', 'IHI', 'Information Holdings Inc'), ('1450598', 'IHO', 'Invitel Holdings A'), ('1059341', 'IHR', 'Interstate Hotels & Resorts Inc'), ('55362', 'IHRC', 'Investors Heritage Capital Corp'), ('1316360', 'IHS', 'Ihs Inc'), ('82473', 'IHT', 'Innsuites Hospitality Trust'), ('1094788', 'IHTI', 'Integrative Health Technologies Inc'), ('351685', 'II', 'Helm Capital Group Inc'), ('1316925', 'II', 'Ivivi Technologies Inc'), ('1254634', 'IIA', 'Ing Clarion Real Estate Income Fund'), ('894146', 'IIC', 'Invesco California Municipal Income Trust'), ('745655', 'IICP', 'China Crescent Enterprises Inc'), ('1395627', 'IID', 'Ing International High Dividend Equity Income Fund'), ('916618', 'IIF', 'Morgan Stanley India Investment Fund Inc'), ('1371489', 'III', 'Information Services Group Inc'), ('764401', 'IIIN', 'Insteel Industries Inc'), ('1434620', 'IILG', 'Interval Leisure Group Inc'), ('885601', 'IIM', 'Invesco Value Municipal Income Trust'), ('1333179', 'IIM', 'Morgan Stanley Insured Municipal Income Trust'), ('1070045', 'IIMG', 'China Integrated Energy Inc'), ('88790', 'IIN', 'Intricon Corp'), ('1041333', 'IINT', 'Indus International Inc'), ('49975', 'IIS', 'Cigna Investment Securities'), ('820318', 'IIVI', 'Ii-vi Inc'), ('1219210', 'IKAN', 'Ikanos Communications'), ('1479919', 'IKCC', 'Face Up Entertainment Group Inc'), ('1130809', 'IKGI', 'Ikona Gear International Inc'), ('3370', 'IKN', 'Ikon Office Solutions Inc'), ('1083301', 'IKNX', 'Ikonics Corp'), ('1343750', 'IKTO', 'Shadow Marketing Inc'), ('1024623', 'IL', 'Intralinks Inc'), ('1488075', 'IL', 'Intralinks Holdings Inc'), ('66960', 'ILAC', 'Aquila  Inc'), ('1042291', 'ILC', 'Ilinc Communications Inc'), ('1383006', 'ILED', 'Evolucia Inc'), ('1037649', 'ILGN', 'Interleukin Genetics Inc'), ('52935', 'ILHL', 'International Leisure Hosts LTD'), ('873998', 'ILI', 'Interlott Technologies Inc'), ('730037', 'ILIN', 'Illini Corp'), ('1110803', 'ILMN', 'Illumina Inc'), ('1059677', 'ILNP', 'Industrial Enterprises Of America Inc'), ('1163848', 'ILSE', 'Intralase Corp'), ('1100788', 'ILST', 'International Star Inc'), ('1073362', 'ILVG', 'Occidental Development Group Inc'), ('1355559', 'ILVL', 'Telupay International Inc'), ('819551', 'ILX', 'Ilx Resorts Inc'), ('1001915', 'ILXO', 'Ilex Oncology Inc'), ('1018003', 'IM', 'Ingram Micro Inc'), ('1046032', 'IMAG', 'Imagemax Inc'), ('1093242', 'IMAN', 'Imanage Inc'), ('921582', 'IMAX', 'Imax Corp'), ('861185', 'IMB', 'Invesco Value Municipal Bond Trust'), ('51410', 'IMC', 'International Multifoods Corp'), ('1284506', 'IMCB', 'Intermountain Community Bancorp'), ('884650', 'IMCI', 'Infinite Group Inc'), ('765258', 'IMCL', 'Imclone Systems Inc'), ('790708', 'IMCO', 'Impco Technologies Inc'), ('109831', 'IMDC', 'Inamed Corp'), ('1399488', 'IMDC', 'In Media Corp'), ('726037', 'IMDD', 'Windgen Energy Inc'), ('790652', 'IMDS', 'Imaging Diagnostic Systems Inc'), ('1208498', 'IMED', 'Imedia International Inc'), ('1283721', 'IMF', 'Western Asset Inflation Management Fund Inc'), ('1022329', 'IMFN', 'Impsat Fiber Networks Inc'), ('351012', 'IMGC', 'Intermagnetics General Corp'), ('1205181', 'IMGG', 'Imaging3 Inc'), ('1047540', 'IMGM', 'Momentum Holdings Corp'), ('855654', 'IMGN', 'Immunogen Inc'), ('1063842', 'IMGV', 'Image Innovations Holdings Inc'), ('1000298', 'IMH', 'Impac Mortgage Holdings Inc'), ('1311241', 'IMI', 'Intermolecular Inc'), ('1084182', 'IMKI', 'Immediatek Inc'), ('50493', 'IMKTA', 'Ingles Markets Inc'), ('703339', 'IMLT', 'Capital Group Holdings Inc'), ('882509', 'IMM', 'Immtech Pharmaceuticals Inc'), ('1023132', 'IMMC', 'Kalmar Pooled Investment Trust'), ('1083132', 'IMMC', 'Immunicon Corp'), ('1058811', 'IMMR', 'Immersion Corp'), ('722830', 'IMMU', 'Immunomedics Inc'), ('1360214', 'IMMY', 'Imprimis Pharmaceuticals Inc'), ('1014111', 'IMN', 'Imation Corp'), ('1448900', 'IMNDF', 'Coronus Solar Inc'), ('817785', 'IMNR', 'Orchestra Therapeutics Inc'), ('1104017', 'IMNY', 'I Many Inc'), ('1088312', 'IMOT', 'Uni Core Holdings Corp'), ('1026448', 'IMPC', 'Impac Medical Systems Inc'), ('1003114', 'IMPH', 'Impath Inc'), ('49930', 'IMPL', 'Imperial Industries Inc'), ('1043561', 'IMPV', 'Improvenet Inc'), ('1364962', 'IMPV', 'Imperva Inc'), ('1123695', 'IMRX', 'Imarx Therapeutics Inc'), ('913345', 'IMS', 'Morgan Stanley Insured Municipal Securities'), ('880161', 'IMT', 'Invesco Value Municipal Trust'), ('1110648', 'IMTL', 'Image Technology Laboratories Inc'), ('725394', 'IMTO', 'Imaging Technologies Corp'), ('725395', 'IMTO', 'Caldera Corp'), ('1160142', 'IMTO', 'Intermetro Communications Inc'), ('1115551', 'IMTS', 'Interactive Motorsports & Entertainment Corp'), ('822411', 'IMUC', 'Immunocellular Therapeutics LTD'), ('1142790', 'IMUN', 'Tauriga Sciences Inc'), ('1068874', 'IMX', 'Implant Sciences Corp'), ('1375623', 'IMYN', 'Immunosyn Corp'), ('1096512', 'IN', 'Infonet Services Corp'), ('1375911', 'INAI', 'Isdera North America Inc'), ('1056386', 'INAP', 'Internap Network Services Corp'), ('1016504', 'INB', 'Integrated Biopharma Inc'), ('1395057', 'INB', 'Cohen & Steers Global Income Builder Inc'), ('1562463', 'INBK', 'First Internet Bancorp'), ('1277859', 'INCC', 'International Consolidated Companies Inc'), ('1076541', 'INCM', 'Innocom Technology Holdings Inc'), ('936538', 'INCR', 'Incara Pharmaceuticals Corp'), ('879169', 'INCY', 'Incyte Corp'), ('776901', 'INDB', 'Independent Bank Corp'), ('1128252', 'INDI', 'Industries International Inc'), ('1263813', 'INDM', 'United America Indemnity LTD'), ('355431', 'INEI', 'Inei Corp'), ('1080131', 'INET', 'Internet Brands Inc'), ('1522807', 'INF', 'Brookfield Global Listed Infrastructure Income Fund Inc'), ('1080099', 'INFA', 'Informatica Corp'), ('50420', 'INFD', 'Infodata Systems Inc'), ('922913', 'INFE', 'Pacer Health Corp'), ('1113148', 'INFI', 'Infinity Pharmaceuticals Inc'), ('1100364', 'INFN', 'Innofone Com Inc'), ('1138639', 'INFN', 'Infinera Corp'), ('920990', 'INFO', 'Metro One Telecommunications Inc'), ('845434', 'INFS', 'Infocus Corp'), ('1099944', 'INFT', 'Inforte Corp'), ('1337013', 'INFU', 'Infusystem Holdings Inc'), ('1018710', 'INGN', 'Introgen Therapeutics Inc'), ('1132327', 'INGP', 'Instinet Group Inc'), ('351145', 'INGR', 'Intergraph Corp'), ('1046257', 'INGR', 'Ingredion Inc'), ('1389115', 'INHC', 'Innolog Holdings Corp'), ('1274913', 'INHX', 'Inhibitex Inc'), ('1046277', 'INIH', 'Icon International Holdings Inc'), ('1083318', 'ININ', 'Interactive Intelligence Inc'), ('1517650', 'ININ', 'Interactive Intelligence Group Inc'), ('1038277', 'INIS', 'International Isotopes Inc'), ('1084047', 'INIV', 'Innovative Software Technologies Inc'), ('929547', 'INKP', 'Inkine Pharmaceutical Co Inc'), ('1062128', 'INKS', 'Inksure Technologies Inc'), ('854460', 'INLD', 'Webcom Inc'), ('885988', 'INMD', 'Integramed America Inc'), ('745287', 'INMT', 'Intermet Corp'), ('1497645', 'INN', 'Summit Hotel Properties Inc'), ('789860', 'INNI', 'Yayi International Inc'), ('1411879', 'INNV', 'Innovus Pharmaceuticals Inc'), ('1051114', 'INOC', 'Innotrac Corp'), ('903651', 'INOD', 'Innodata Inc'), ('1096936', 'INOV', 'Marketing Concepts International'), ('879684', 'INOW', 'Infonow Corp'), ('1133324', 'INPC', 'Inphonic Inc'), ('728249', 'INPH', 'Interphase Corp'), ('1056093', 'INRB', 'Industrial Rubber Products Inc'), ('719494', 'INRD', 'Inrad Optics Inc'), ('320340', 'INS', 'Intelligent Systems Corp'), ('1172706', 'INSA', 'Invisa Inc'), ('1002390', 'INSG', 'Americas Suppliers Inc'), ('1104506', 'INSM', 'Insmed Inc'), ('1068875', 'INSP', 'Blucora Inc'), ('353020', 'INSU', 'Aegion Corp'), ('802724', 'INSV', 'Insite Vision Inc'), ('1077370', 'INSW', 'Internet Patents Corp'), ('1516479', 'INSY', 'Insys Therapeutics Inc'), ('789460', 'INT', 'World Fuel Services Corp'), ('50863', 'INTC', 'Intel Corp'), ('1021810', 'INTD', 'Intelidata Technologies Corp'), ('69422', 'INTG', 'Intergroup Corp'), ('1065351', 'INTI', 'Inet Technologies Inc'), ('350066', 'INTL', 'Inter Tel Delaware Inc'), ('913760', 'INTL', 'Intl Fcstone Inc'), ('1127439', 'INTN', 'Intac International Inc'), ('1265449', 'INTP', 'Integrated Pharmaceuticals Inc'), ('1036262', 'INTT', 'Intest Corp'), ('896878', 'INTU', 'Intuit Inc'), ('764244', 'INTV', 'Intervoice Inc'), ('1095277', 'INTX', 'Intersections Inc'), ('736012', 'INTZ', 'Intrusion Inc'), ('1039454', 'INVB', 'Investorsbancorp Inc'), ('1300578', 'INVC', 'Innovative Card Technologies Inc'), ('1036044', 'INVE', 'Identive Group Inc'), ('719152', 'INVI', 'Integral Vision Inc'), ('1005969', 'INVN', 'Invision Technologies Inc'), ('1294924', 'INVN', 'Invensense Inc'), ('50601', 'INVX', 'Innovex Inc'), ('1350381', 'INWK', 'Innerworkings Inc'), ('1020017', 'INXI', 'Inx Inc'), ('866609', 'IO', 'Ion Geophysical Corp'), ('352789', 'IOM', 'Iomega Corp'), ('1083663', 'IOMG', 'I'), ('1125001', 'IOMI', 'Iomai Corp'), ('52466', 'ION', 'Ionics Inc'), ('1032346', 'IONA', 'Iona Technologies PLC'), ('1120817', 'IOPM', 'Intraop Medical Corp'), ('1295560', 'IORG', 'Intreorg Systems Inc'), ('1396536', 'IOSA', 'Information Systems Associates Inc'), ('949961', 'IOT', 'Income Opportunity Realty Investors Inc'), ('933425', 'IOVN', 'Accredited Business Consolidators Corp'), ('894538', 'IOVO', 'Avantogen Oncology Inc'), ('1041652', 'IOX', 'Iomed LLC'), ('51434', 'IP', 'International Paper Co'), ('893970', 'IPA', 'Interpharm Holdings Inc'), ('822663', 'IPAR', 'Inter Parfums Inc'), ('1053374', 'IPAS', 'Ipass Inc'), ('1195933', 'IPCC', 'Infinity Property & Casualty Corp'), ('1410471', 'IPCM', 'Ipc The Hospitalist Company Inc'), ('909815', 'IPCR', 'Ipc Holdings LTD'), ('1108727', 'IPCS', 'Ipcs Inc'), ('1546296', 'IPDN', 'Professional Diversity Network Inc'), ('1114749', 'IPEC', 'Ipec Holdings Inc'), ('1258383', 'IPEX', 'Ipex Inc'), ('1069562', 'IPFS', 'Integrated Performance Systems Inc'), ('51644', 'IPG', 'Interpublic Group Of Companies Inc'), ('1111928', 'IPGP', 'Ipg Photonics Corp'), ('1160958', 'IPHI', 'Inphi Corp'), ('1364099', 'IPHS', 'Innophos Holdings Inc'), ('866535', 'IPI', 'Retail Pro Inc'), ('1421461', 'IPI', 'Intrepid Potash Inc'), ('1088022', 'IPIX', 'Ipix Corp'), ('1103389', 'IPK', 'Imperial Parking Corp'), ('1057232', 'IPLY', 'Interplay Entertainment Corp'), ('355356', 'IPMN', 'Imperial Petroleum Inc'), ('1140184', 'IPMT', 'Ipayment Inc'), ('1435394', 'IPRC', 'Imperial Resources Inc'), ('879933', 'IPS', 'Ipsco Inc'), ('831327', 'IPSU', 'Imperial Sugar Co'), ('1078383', 'IPT', 'Iparty Corp'), ('791994', 'IPUR', 'Innova Pure Water Inc'), ('1332702', 'IPWG', 'International Power Group LTD'), ('1507957', 'IPWR', 'Ideal Power Inc'), ('898777', 'IPX', 'Interpool Inc'), ('1003642', 'IPXL', 'Impax Laboratories Inc'), ('846494', 'IPYS', 'Instapay Systems Inc'), ('1374835', 'IPZI', 'Iptimize Inc'), ('1051902', 'IQBX', 'Jvweb Inc'), ('898618', 'IQC', 'Invesco California Quality Municipal Securities'), ('885125', 'IQI', 'Invesco Quality Municipal Income Trust'), ('898496', 'IQM', 'Invesco Quality Municipal Securities'), ('1350041', 'IQMC', 'Iq Micro Inc'), ('898659', 'IQN', 'Invesco New York Quality Municipal Securities'), ('1292653', 'IQNT', 'Inteliquent Inc'), ('1126932', 'IQNW', 'Dorato Resources Inc'), ('876982', 'IQT', 'Invesco Quality Municipal Investment Trust'), ('1160497', 'IR', 'Ingersoll Rand Co LTD'), ('1466258', 'IR', 'Ingersoll-rand PLC'), ('846382', 'IRBC', 'Indian River Banking Company'), ('793043', 'IRBH', 'Ir Biosciences Holdings Inc'), ('1159167', 'IRBT', 'Irobot Corp'), ('923184', 'IRC', 'Matthews International Funds'), ('923284', 'IRC', 'Inland Real Estate Corp'), ('841533', 'IRCE', 'Interline Resources Corp'), ('77057', 'IRCM', 'Penick & Ford LTD Inc'), ('723501', 'IRCM', 'Intercom Systems Inc'), ('1418819', 'IRDM', 'Iridium Communications Inc'), ('1022575', 'IRE', 'Governor & Co Of The Bank Of Ireland'), ('796735', 'IREP', 'Interep National Radio Sales Inc'), ('798359', 'IRET', 'Investors Real Estate Trust'), ('316793', 'IRF', 'International Rectifier Corp'), ('1526796', 'IRG', 'Ignite Restaurant Group Inc'), ('1169358', 'IRGI', 'Inveresk Research Group Inc'), ('1442236', 'IRHC', 'Quest Resource Holding Corp'), ('319240', 'IRI', 'Iris International Inc'), ('714278', 'IRIC', 'Information Resources Inc'), ('1006045', 'IRIX', 'Iridex Corp'), ('858707', 'IRL', 'New Ireland Fund Inc'), ('1347729', 'IRL', 'Security Equity Account Thirteen'), ('1166338', 'IRLD', 'Ireland Inc'), ('1020569', 'IRM', 'Iron Mountain Inc'), ('1132694', 'IRM', 'Iron Mountain Global Inc'), ('78536', 'IRN', 'Rewards Network Inc'), ('723269', 'IRNS', 'Ironstone Group Inc'), ('1393909', 'IROG', 'Ironwood Gold Corp'), ('1514743', 'IROQ', 'If Bancorp Inc'), ('1321927', 'IRR', 'Ing Investments Distributor LLC'), ('1372117', 'IRR', 'Ing Risk Managed Natural Resources Fund'), ('1396238', 'IRSB', 'Iris Biotechnologies Inc'), ('1466085', 'IRT', 'Independence Realty Trust Inc'), ('801122', 'IRW', 'Ibt Bancorp Inc'), ('1446847', 'IRWD', 'Ironwood Pharmaceuticals Inc'), ('1041179', 'ISAC', 'Ic Isaacs & Co Inc'), ('1095133', 'ISAT', 'Isa Internationale Inc'), ('842517', 'ISBA', 'Isabella Bank Corp'), ('1326807', 'ISBC', 'Investors Bancorp Inc'), ('51548', 'ISCA', 'International Speedway Corp'), ('357108', 'ISCI', 'Isc8 Inc'), ('1355790', 'ISCO', 'International Stem Cell Corp'), ('1534880', 'ISD', 'Prudential Short Duration High Yield Fund Inc'), ('843006', 'ISDR', 'Issuer Direct Corp'), ('1295230', 'ISE', 'International Securities Exchange Holdings Inc'), ('1088120', 'ISEC', 'Isecuretrac Corp'), ('1002554', 'ISEE', 'Emerging Vision Inc'), ('1231868', 'ISG', 'Mittal Steel USA Inc'), ('1103977', 'ISGI', 'Rubicon Financial Inc'), ('278041', 'ISH', 'International Shipholding Corp'), ('1164327', 'ISHM', 'Infosearch Media Inc'), ('1305220', 'ISHP', 'International Shipping Enterprises Inc'), ('875355', 'ISIG', 'Insignia Systems Inc'), ('1096325', 'ISIL', 'Intersil Corp'), ('874015', 'ISIS', 'Isis Pharmaceuticals Inc'), ('773730', 'ISKO', 'Isco Inc'), ('865277', 'ISL', 'Aberdeen Israel Fund Inc'), ('1499785', 'ISLD', 'China Herb Group Holdings Corp'), ('863015', 'ISLE', 'Isle Of Capri Casinos Inc'), ('1373671', 'ISLN', 'Isilon Systems Inc'), ('1319644', 'ISLTU', 'Ixi Mobile Inc'), ('1054311', 'ISME', 'US Farms Inc'), ('1289630', 'ISMN', 'Synerteck Inc'), ('49852', 'ISNS', 'Image Systems Corporation'), ('943034', 'ISNS', 'Image Sensing Systems Inc'), ('888693', 'ISO', 'Isco International Inc'), ('723574', 'ISOL', 'Image Software Inc'), ('1023966', 'ISON', 'Isonics Corp'), ('1380180', 'ISOT', 'Isotis Inc'), ('1040416', 'ISPH', 'Inspire Pharmaceuticals Inc'), ('728387', 'ISR', 'Isoray Inc'), ('1509786', 'ISRB', 'Inspired Builders Inc'), ('1035267', 'ISRG', 'Intuitive Surgical Inc'), ('719209', 'ISRL', 'Isramco Inc'), ('836690', 'ISSC', 'Innovative Solutions & Support Inc'), ('1057695', 'ISSG', 'Network 1 Financial Group Inc'), ('854701', 'ISSI', 'Integrated Silicon Solution Inc'), ('894871', 'ISSM', 'Integrated Surgical Systems Inc'), ('1053148', 'ISSX', 'Internet Security Systems Inc'), ('930553', 'ISTA', 'Ista Pharmaceuticals Inc'), ('1025995', 'ISWI', 'Interactive Systems Worldwide Inc'), ('914626', 'ISYN', 'Insynq Inc'), ('718130', 'ISYS', 'Integral Systems Inc'), ('1271551', 'ISYS', 'Inner Systems Inc'), ('749251', 'IT', 'Gartner Inc'), ('875428', 'ITAT', 'Itec Attractions Inc'), ('1317630', 'ITC', 'Itc Holdings Corp'), ('1086688', 'ITCA', 'Intarcia Therapeutics Inc'), ('1041954', 'ITCD', 'Itc Deltacom Inc'), ('1567514', 'ITCI', 'Intra-cellular Therapies Inc'), ('941814', 'ITDD', 'Integrated Data Corp'), ('855372', 'ITEC', 'Eco2 Plastics Inc'), ('1193940', 'ITER', 'Averion International Corp'), ('860518', 'ITEX', 'Itex Corp'), ('1123195', 'ITFI', 'Precom Technology Inc'), ('920424', 'ITG', 'Investment Technology Group Inc'), ('320573', 'ITGB', 'International Thoroughbred Breeders Inc'), ('1324205', 'ITHKU', 'Alsius Corp'), ('350868', 'ITI', 'Iteris Inc'), ('720858', 'ITIC', 'Investors Title Co'), ('1016439', 'ITIG', 'Intelligroup Inc'), ('1018281', 'ITKG', 'Integral Technologies Inc'), ('1000234', 'ITLA', 'Imperial Capital Bancorp Inc'), ('1322387', 'ITLI', 'Intelligentias Inc'), ('1120105', 'ITLN', 'Intellon Corp'), ('1087432', 'ITMN', 'Intermune Inc'), ('803227', 'ITN', 'Intertan Inc'), ('1097430', 'ITNM', 'International Monetary Systems LTD'), ('1360184', 'ITNS', 'Itonis Inc'), ('1194842', 'ITOU', 'In Touch Media Group Inc'), ('1125856', 'ITPD', 'Intrepid Holdings Inc'), ('1307345', 'ITPG', 'Itp Energy Corp'), ('1025134', 'ITRA', 'Intraware Inc'), ('50710', 'ITRD', 'Javelin Pharmaceuticals Inc'), ('780571', 'ITRI', 'Itron Inc'), ('1101175', 'ITRSA', 'Iteris Inc'), ('354813', 'ITSI', 'International Lottery & Totalizator Systems Inc'), ('216228', 'ITT', 'Itt Corp'), ('859914', 'ITTI', 'Intellectual Technology Inc'), ('1174893', 'ITTV', 'Interactive Television Networks'), ('949371', 'ITUI', 'I2 Telecom International Inc'), ('49826', 'ITW', 'Illinois Tool Works Inc'), ('947429', 'ITWG', 'International Wire Group Inc'), ('1009304', 'ITWO', 'I2 Technologies Inc'), ('1061895', 'ITXC', 'Itxc Corp'), ('1103764', 'ITYC', 'Integrity Bancshares Inc'), ('879437', 'IUSA', 'Infogroup Inc'), ('1349892', 'IVA', 'Valuerich Inc'), ('1001902', 'IVAC', 'Intevac Inc'), ('742112', 'IVC', 'Invacare Corp'), ('1219606', 'IVCL', 'Exploration Drilling International Inc'), ('1140878', 'IVCM', 'Ivi Communications Inc'), ('1095175', 'IVCO', 'Investco Corp'), ('1397183', 'IVDA', 'Iveda Solutions Inc'), ('1190370', 'IVDN', 'Innovative Designs Inc'), ('312257', 'IVFH', 'Innovative Food Holdings Inc'), ('1212570', 'IVGA', 'Invicta Group Inc'), ('1568292', 'IVH', 'Ivy High Income Opportunities Fund'), ('1099332', 'IVIG', 'Tire International Environmental Solutions Inc'), ('1114084', 'IVII', 'Intervideo Inc'), ('1074767', 'IVIL', 'Ivillage Inc'), ('1142733', 'IVME', 'In Veritas Medical Diagnostics Inc'), ('1105064', 'IVOC', 'Ivoice Inc'), ('1307969', 'IVOC', 'B Green Innovations Inc'), ('1035181', 'IVOW', 'Ivow Inc'), ('1337223', 'IVPH', 'Innovive Pharmaceuticals Inc'), ('1437071', 'IVR', 'Invesco Mortgage Capital Inc'), ('841096', 'IVRC', 'Ivory Capital Corp'), ('1117064', 'IVTA', 'Infovista SA'), ('1424280', 'IVTW', 'Ivt Software Inc'), ('772197', 'IVX', 'Ivax Corp'), ('914208', 'IVZ', 'Invesco LTD'), ('941685', 'IW', 'Imageware Systems Inc'), ('1074564', 'IW', 'Infowave Software Inc'), ('1120462', 'IWA', 'Iowa Telecommunications Services Inc'), ('1095478', 'IWAV', 'Interwave Communications International LTD'), ('1494214', 'IWBM', 'Intercore Energy Inc'), ('1005758', 'IWDM', 'Radioio Inc'), ('717197', 'IWMC', 'Interwest Medical Corp'), ('1042431', 'IWOV', 'Interwoven Inc'), ('1119190', 'IWTT', 'Iwt Tesoro Corp'), ('1076038', 'IWWH', 'Inform Worldwide Holdings Inc'), ('1434598', 'IXMD', 'Intelimax Media Inc'), ('1278730', 'IXSBF', 'Innexus Biotechnology Inc'), ('1091325', 'IYSA', 'China Yida Holding Co'), ('1114241', 'IYXI', 'Inyx Inc'), ('807882', 'JACK', 'Jack In The Box Inc'), ('52971', 'JACO', 'Jaco Electronics Inc'), ('895655', 'JAH', 'Jarden Corp'), ('855663', 'JAHI', 'Gundaker'), ('1009829', 'JAKK', 'Jakks Pacific Inc'), ('1334586', 'JAMN', 'Jammin Java Corp'), ('914373', 'JAMS', 'Jameson Inns Inc'), ('1016708', 'JANI', 'Renovacare Inc'), ('800454', 'JANX', 'Janex International Inc'), ('34151', 'JAS', 'Jo-ann Stores Inc'), ('1092302', 'JAVO', 'Javo Beverage Co Inc'), ('103884', 'JAX', 'Alexanders J Corp'), ('1005507', 'JAXB', 'Jacksonville Bancorp Inc'), ('1071264', 'JAXB', 'Jacksonville Bancorp Inc'), ('1337675', 'JAZ', 'Jazz Technologies Inc'), ('1232524', 'JAZZ', 'Jazz Pharmaceuticals PLC'), ('728535', 'JBHT', 'Hunt J B Transport Services Inc'), ('1381105', 'JBII', 'Jbi Inc'), ('898293', 'JBL', 'Jabil Circuit Inc'), ('1158463', 'JBLU', 'Jetblue Airways Corp'), ('816330', 'JBOH', 'JB Oxford Holdings Inc'), ('880117', 'JBSS', 'Sanfilippo John B & Son Inc'), ('1433660', 'JBT', 'John Bean Technologies Corp'), ('1385763', 'JCE', 'Nuveen Core Equity Alpha Fund'), ('1051251', 'JCG', 'J Crew Group Inc'), ('53669', 'JCI', 'Johnson Controls Inc'), ('1139163', 'JCMP', 'JCM Partners LLC'), ('1569329', 'JCOF', 'Youngevity International Inc'), ('1084048', 'JCOM', 'J2 Global Inc'), ('53456', 'JCP', 'Jersey Central Power & Light Co'), ('77182', 'JCP', 'J C Penney Corp Inc'), ('1166126', 'JCP', 'J C Penney Co Inc'), ('22701', 'JCS', 'Communications Systems Inc'), ('885307', 'JCTCF', 'Jewett Cameron Trading Co LTD'), ('1060888', 'JCWW', 'Jurak Corp World Wide Inc'), ('100689', 'JDAS', 'Underwriting Group For Association For T'), ('1006892', 'JDAS', 'Jda Software Group Inc'), ('1255821', 'JDD', 'Nuveen Diversified Dividend & Income Fund'), ('798757', 'JDEC', 'Edwards J D & Co'), ('1394220', 'JDMC', 'Rino International Corp'), ('1258021', 'JDO', 'Jed Oil Inc'), ('1086411', 'JDOG', 'John D Oil & Gas Co'), ('912093', 'JDSU', 'JDS Uniphase Corp'), ('52988', 'JEC', 'Jacobs Engineering Group Inc'), ('793964', 'JEF', 'Jeffries Group Inc'), ('1084580', 'JEF', 'Jefferies Group LLC'), ('1097867', 'JEMG', 'Jagged Edge Mountain Gear Inc'), ('806817', 'JEN', 'Jennifer Convertibles Inc'), ('866095', 'JEQ', 'Japan Equity Fund Inc'), ('874495', 'JFBC', 'Jeffersonville Bancorp'), ('1222915', 'JFBI', 'Jefferson Bancshares Inc'), ('888137', 'JFC', 'Jpmorgan China Region Fund Inc'), ('1313259', 'JFP', 'Nuveen Tax-advantaged Floating Rate Fund'), ('1276533', 'JFR', 'Nuveen Floating Rate Income Fund'), ('1331474', 'JGAC', 'Jaguar Acquisition Corp'), ('1359816', 'JGG', 'Nuveen Global Income Opportunities Fund'), ('1121793', 'JGPK', 'Jagged Peak Inc'), ('1390109', 'JGT', 'Nuveen Diversified Currency Opportunities Fund'), ('1363421', 'JGV', 'Nuveen Global Value Opportunities Fund'), ('1580185', 'JGW', 'Jgwpt Holdings Inc'), ('45599', 'JH', 'Harland John H Co'), ('736260', 'JHF', 'Hancock John Financial Services Inc'), ('852954', 'JHFT', 'Diamond Hill Financial Trends Fund Inc'), ('759828', 'JHI', 'John Hancock Investors Trust'), ('1200446', 'JHP', 'Nuveen Quality Preferred Income Fund 3'), ('1200448', 'JHP', 'Nuveen Insured Michigan Tax-free Advantage Municipal Fund'), ('759866', 'JHS', 'John Hancock Income Securities Trust'), ('910721', 'JILL', 'J Jill Group Inc'), ('1454311', 'JINM', 'One2one Living Corp'), ('1462633', 'JIVE', 'Jive Software Inc'), ('1420178', 'JJIM', 'Jamaica Jiminc'), ('785956', 'JJSF', 'J&J Snack Foods Corp'), ('1056874', 'JJZ', 'Rexnord-zurn Holdings Inc'), ('779152', 'JKHY', 'Henry Jack & Associates Inc'), ('1320492', 'JLA', 'Nuveen Equity Premium Advantage Fund'), ('216275', 'JLG', 'JLG Industries Inc'), ('1037976', 'JLL', 'Jones Lang Lasalle Inc'), ('806384', 'JLMC', 'JLM Couture Inc'), ('52969', 'JLN', 'Jaclyn Inc'), ('1472215', 'JLS', 'Nuveen Mortgage Opportunity Term Fund'), ('1133062', 'JLWT', 'Janel World Trade LTD'), ('857953', 'JMAR', 'Jmar Technologies Inc'), ('1316898', 'JMBA', 'Jamba Inc'), ('1114868', 'JMBI', 'Monroe James Bancorp Inc'), ('1135271', 'JMDT', 'Jamdat Mobile Inc'), ('1502711', 'JMF', 'Nuveen Energy MLP Total Return Fund'), ('1552890', 'JMI', 'Javelin Mortgage Investment Corp'), ('1063154', 'JMIH', 'Jupiter Marine International Holdings Inc'), ('1383803', 'JMP', 'JMP Group Inc'), ('1479238', 'JMT', 'Nuveen Mortgage Opportunity Term Fund 2'), ('1204853', 'JNBU', 'Jane Butel Corp'), ('885708', 'JNC', 'Nuveen Investments Inc'), ('1314183', 'JNGW', 'Jingwei International LTD'), ('1094087', 'JNIC', 'Jni Corp'), ('200406', 'JNJ', 'Johnson & Johnson'), ('1318862', 'JNPP', 'Juniper Partners Acquisition Corp'), ('1043604', 'JNPR', 'Juniper Networks Inc'), ('1065865', 'JNS', 'Janus Capital Group Inc'), ('874016', 'JNY', 'Jones Group Inc'), ('40570', 'JOB', 'General Employment Enterprises Inc'), ('745308', 'JOE', 'ST Joe Co'), ('844143', 'JOEZ', 'Joes Jeans Inc'), ('859796', 'JOF', 'Japan Smaller Capitalization Fund Inc'), ('1573166', 'JONE', 'Jones Energy Inc'), ('54003', 'JOR', 'Jorgensen Earle M Co'), ('920033', 'JOSB', 'Bank Jos A Clothiers Inc'), ('788329', 'JOUT', 'Johnson Outdoors Inc'), ('801898', 'JOYG', 'Joy Global Inc'), ('53347', 'JP', 'Jefferson Pilot Corp'), ('1321559', 'JPAK', 'Jpak Group Inc'), ('1216583', 'JPC', 'Nuveen Preferred Income Opportunities Fund'), ('1162867', 'JPCI', 'JPC Capital Partners Inc'), ('1506814', 'JPEX', 'JPX Global Inc'), ('1338561', 'JPG', 'Nuveen Equity Premium & Growth Fund'), ('1547994', 'JPI', 'Nuveen Preferred & Income Term Fund'), ('19617', 'JPM', 'Jpmorgan Chase & Co'), ('1176433', 'JPS', 'Nuveen Quality Preferred Income Fund 2'), ('846615', 'JPST', 'JPS Industries Inc'), ('1573312', 'JPW', 'Nuveen Flexible Investment Income Fund'), ('1298699', 'JPZ', 'Nuveen Equity Premium Income Fund'), ('1227476', 'JQC', 'Nuveen Credit Strategies Income Fund'), ('930796', 'JQH', 'Hammons John Q Hotels Inc'), ('847416', 'JRBO', 'Eagle Ford Oil & Gas Corp'), ('1035815', 'JRC', 'Journal Register Co'), ('1297720', 'JRCC', 'James River Coal Co'), ('1163967', 'JREN', 'Jre Inc'), ('1539337', 'JRI', 'Nuveen Real Asset Income & Growth Fund'), ('1232241', 'JRN', 'Journal Communications Inc'), ('1289213', 'JRO', 'Nuveen Floating Rate Income Opportunity Fund'), ('1158289', 'JRS', 'Nuveen Real Estate Income Fund'), ('1089393', 'JRSE', 'Jacobson Resonance Enterprises Inc'), ('1294017', 'JRT', 'Jer Investors Trust Inc'), ('1159770', 'JRVR', 'Jackson Rivers Co'), ('1325177', 'JRVR', 'James River Group Inc'), ('1509253', 'JSD', 'Nuveen Short Duration Credit Opportunities Fund'), ('1083522', 'JSDA', 'Jones Soda Co'), ('1308658', 'JSN', 'Nuveen Equity Premium Opportunity Fund'), ('1423239', 'JSPV', 'Jasper Ventures Inc'), ('1265708', 'JTA', 'Nuveen Tax Advantaged Total Return Strategy Fund'), ('1213106', 'JTBK', 'Jetblack Corp'), ('1397173', 'JTD', 'Nuveen Tax-advantaged Dividend Growth Fund'), ('1172168', 'JTP', 'Nuveen Quality Preferred Income Fund'), ('1507986', 'JTPY', 'Jetpay Corp'), ('1283552', 'JTX', 'Jackson Hewitt Tax Service Inc'), ('1366312', 'JUHL', 'Juhl Energy Inc'), ('1309055', 'JUMT', 'X & O Cosmetics Inc'), ('864921', 'JUNI', 'Juniper Group Inc'), ('723888', 'JUNO', 'Juno Lighting Inc'), ('714712', 'JUVF', 'Juniata Valley Financial Corp'), ('718500', 'JV', 'Jove Corp'), ('1007019', 'JVA', 'Coffee Holding Co Inc'), ('1122887', 'JVDT', 'Java Detour Inc'), ('1171838', 'JVEX', 'Sundance Strategies Inc'), ('1230524', 'JVKG', 'Sky Power Solutions Corp'), ('107140', 'JWA', 'Wiley John & Sons Inc'), ('868984', 'JWL', 'Whitehall Jewellers Inc'), ('72333', 'JWN', 'Nordstrom Inc'), ('1172097', 'JXSB', 'Jacksonville Bancorp Inc'), ('1484949', 'JXSB', 'Jacksonville Bancorp Inc'), ('1308710', 'JYHW', 'Jayhawk Energy Inc'), ('1085661', 'JYSR', 'Travelstar Inc'), ('55067', 'K', 'Kellogg Co'), ('1394446', 'KABX', 'Kabe Exploration Inc'), ('1072119', 'KAHA', 'Kahala Corp'), ('886346', 'KAI', 'Kadant Inc'), ('822997', 'KAIH', 'International Packaging & Logistics Group Inc'), ('1142380', 'KAL', 'Callisto Pharmaceuticals Inc'), ('1162895', 'KALG', 'Kal Energy Inc'), ('811596', 'KALU', 'Kaiser Aluminum Corp'), ('54381', 'KAMN', 'Kaman Corp'), ('1089907', 'KANA', 'SWK Holdings Corp'), ('1281949', 'KAR', 'Adesa Inc'), ('1395942', 'KAR', 'Kar Auction Services Inc'), ('1037067', 'KASP', 'Kasper A S L LTD'), ('55772', 'KBALB', 'Kimball International Inc'), ('1125011', 'KBAY', 'Kanbay International Inc'), ('810162', 'KBFP', 'KBF Pollution Management Inc'), ('795266', 'KBH', 'KB Home'), ('1293310', 'KBIO', 'Kalobios Pharmaceuticals Inc'), ('1164888', 'KBPH', 'Kyto Biopharma Inc'), ('1357615', 'KBR', 'KBR Inc'), ('1063494', 'KBW', 'KBW Inc'), ('1372807', 'KCAP', 'Kcap Financial Inc'), ('1060749', 'KCG', 'Knight Capital Group Inc'), ('1569391', 'KCG', 'KCG Holdings Inc'), ('831967', 'KCI', 'Kinetic Concepts Inc'), ('54473', 'KCLI', 'Kansas City Life Insurance Co'), ('921691', 'KCP', 'Cole Kenneth Productions Inc'), ('832820', 'KCS', 'KCS Energy Inc'), ('1049011', 'KDCE', 'Kid Castle Educational Corp'), ('832812', 'KDCR', 'Kindercare Learning Centers Inc'), ('58592', 'KDE', '4licensing Corp'), ('1109553', 'KDKN', 'Kodiak Energy Inc'), ('1130951', 'KDMV', 'Kingdom Ventures Inc'), ('740694', 'KDN', 'Kaydon Corp'), ('1083321', 'KDSM', 'Klondike Star Mineral Corp'), ('911148', 'KDUS', 'Cadus Corp'), ('54883', 'KEA', 'Keane Inc'), ('1363890', 'KED', 'Kayne Anderson Energy Development Co'), ('912023', 'KEF', 'Korea Equity Fund Inc'), ('318996', 'KEG', 'Key Energy Services Inc'), ('54991', 'KEI', 'Keithley Instruments Inc'), ('55135', 'KELYAKELYB', 'Kelly Services Inc'), ('887730', 'KEM', 'Kemet Corp'), ('316028', 'KENT', 'Kent Financial Services Inc'), ('55529', 'KEQU', 'Kewaunee Scientific Corp'), ('1114220', 'KERX', 'Keryx Biopharmaceuticals Inc'), ('55604', 'KESNQ', 'Keystone Consolidated Industries Inc'), ('312842', 'KEST', 'Kestrel Energy Inc'), ('56047', 'KEX', 'Kirby Corp'), ('91576', 'KEY', 'Keycorp'), ('1032761', 'KEYN', 'Keynote Systems Inc'), ('1335294', 'KEYO', 'Grant Enterprises Inc'), ('1326396', 'KEYP', 'Keyuan Petrochemicals Inc'), ('1012393', 'KEYS', 'Keystone Automotive Industries Inc'), ('355199', 'KEYW', 'Essex Corp'), ('1487101', 'KEYW', 'Keyw Holding Corp'), ('748691', 'KF', 'Korea Fund Inc'), ('946924', 'KFBI', 'Klamath First Bancorp Inc'), ('1270985', 'KFED', 'K Fed Bancorp'), ('1297341', 'KFFB', 'Kentucky First Federal Bancorp'), ('1310663', 'KFI', 'K&F Industries Holdings Inc'), ('1301508', 'KFN', 'KKR Financial Corp'), ('1386926', 'KFN', 'KKR Financial Holdings LLC'), ('930420', 'KFRC', 'Kforce Inc'), ('1072627', 'KFS', 'Kingsway Financial Services Inc'), ('56679', 'KFY', 'Korn Ferry International'), ('1047699', 'KG', 'King Pharmaceuticals Inc'), ('856200', 'KGHI', 'Kaiser Group Holdings Inc'), ('1376755', 'KGKO', 'Kingdom Koncrete Inc'), ('1368256', 'KGLK', 'Kinglake Resources Inc'), ('832925', 'KGT', 'Scudder Intermediate Government & Agency Trust'), ('1388356', 'KHA', 'KBL Healthcare Acquisition Corp III'), ('830160', 'KHI', 'DWS High Income Trust'), ('932110', 'KHK', 'Kitty Hawk Inc'), ('1219641', 'KHLM', 'Kuhlman Company Inc'), ('1326959', 'KHPAU', 'Key Hospitality Acquisition Corp'), ('1268238', 'KICH', 'Rebornne USA Inc'), ('739878', 'KID', 'Kid Brands Inc'), ('55698', 'KIDD', 'First Years Inc'), ('930797', 'KILN', 'Kirlin Holding Corp'), ('879101', 'KIM', 'Kimco Realty Corp'), ('1561743', 'KIN', 'Kindred Biosciences Inc'), ('33992', 'KINS', 'Kingstone Companies Inc'), ('1515940', 'KIO', 'KKR Income Opportunities Fund'), ('1418862', 'KIOR', 'Kior Inc'), ('1061822', 'KIPS', 'Composite Solutions Inc'), ('1460198', 'KIPS', 'Kips Bay Medical Inc'), ('1056285', 'KIRK', 'Kirklands Inc'), ('1350773', 'KITM', 'Kitara Media Corp'), ('13033', 'KJFI', 'Comjoyful International Co'), ('1100270', 'KKD', 'Krispy Kreme Doughnuts Inc'), ('1404912', 'KKR', 'KKR & Co LP'), ('319201', 'KLAC', 'Kla Tencor Corp'), ('1403548', 'KLEG', 'Revive-it Corp'), ('1060455', 'KLIB', 'Killbuck Bancshares Inc'), ('56978', 'KLIC', 'Kulicke & Soffa Industries Inc'), ('866439', 'KLMK', 'Klever Marketing Inc'), ('1299210', 'KMA', 'KMG America Corp'), ('55785', 'KMB', 'Kimberly Clark Corp'), ('912643', 'KMBC', 'Kontron Mobile Computing Inc'), ('786129', 'KMDO', 'Komodo Inc'), ('1500096', 'KMF', 'Anderson Midstream Kayne'), ('1085209', 'KMFC', 'Keller Manufacturing Co'), ('1028215', 'KMG', 'KMG Chemicals Inc'), ('1141185', 'KMG', 'Kerr Mcgee Corp'), ('54502', 'KMI', 'Kinder Morgan Kansas Inc'), ('1506307', 'KMI', 'Kinder Morgan Inc'), ('842905', 'KMM', 'DWS Multi-market Income Trust'), ('888228', 'KMP', 'Kinder Morgan Energy Partners LP'), ('860748', 'KMPR', 'Kemper Corp'), ('1135017', 'KMR', 'Kinder Morgan Management LLC'), ('1229206', 'KMRT', 'Kmart Holding Corp'), ('55242', 'KMT', 'Kennametal Inc'), ('1170010', 'KMX', 'Carmax Inc'), ('56362', 'KNAP', 'Knape & Vogt Manufacturing Co'), ('1548106', 'KNBA', 'Kinbasha Gaming International Inc'), ('1161979', 'KNBS', 'Knobias Inc'), ('1236964', 'KNBT', 'KNBT Bancorp Inc'), ('1060009', 'KND', 'Kindred Healthcare Inc'), ('1316517', 'KNDI', 'Kandi Technologies Group Inc'), ('1039151', 'KNDL', 'Kendle International Inc'), ('1068660', 'KNEC', 'Knight Energy Corp'), ('1011570', 'KNL', 'Knoll Inc'), ('1128008', 'KNOH', 'Knockout Holdings Inc'), ('1096788', 'KNOL', 'Knology Inc'), ('1108248', 'KNOS', 'Kronos Advanced Technologies Inc'), ('1002811', 'KNSY', 'Kensey Nash Corp'), ('1117119', 'KNTA', 'Kintera Inc'), ('1172939', 'KNTF', 'Centerstaging Corp'), ('1062606', 'KNVS', 'Knova Software Inc'), ('929452', 'KNX', 'Knight Transportation Inc'), ('1114714', 'KNXA', 'Kenexa Corp'), ('21344', 'KO', 'Coca Cola Co'), ('31235', 'KODK', 'Eastman Kodak Co'), ('1322866', 'KOG', 'Kodiak Oil & Gas Corp'), ('813347', 'KOMG', 'Komag Inc'), ('1265572', 'KONA', 'Kona Grill Inc'), ('811212', 'KOOL', 'Thermogenesis Corp'), ('1315257', 'KOP', 'Koppers Holdings Inc'), ('771266', 'KOPN', 'Kopin Corp'), ('1444064', 'KORE', 'Kore Nutrition Inc'), ('1101137', 'KORH', 'Kore Holdings Inc'), ('1530721', 'KORS', 'Michael Kors Holdings LTD'), ('1509991', 'KOS', 'Kosmos Energy LTD'), ('1110206', 'KOSN', 'Kosan Biosciences Inc'), ('1018952', 'KOSP', 'Kos Pharmaceuticals Inc'), ('56701', 'KOSS', 'Koss Corp'), ('926866', 'KPA', 'Innkeepers USA Trust'), ('845048', 'KPCG', 'Kupper Parker Communications Inc'), ('853890', 'KPP', 'Kaneb Pipe Line Partners LP'), ('1503802', 'KPTI', 'Karyopharm Therapeutics Inc'), ('56873', 'KR', 'Kroger Co'), ('1321646', 'KRA', 'Kraton Performance Polymers Inc'), ('1309764', 'KRAN', 'Kranem Corp'), ('870517', 'KRB', 'Mbna Corp'), ('1025996', 'KRC', 'Kilroy Realty Corp'), ('773588', 'KREN', 'Kings Road Entertainment Inc'), ('1545158', 'KRFT', 'Kraft Foods Group Inc'), ('1286043', 'KRG', 'Kite Realty Group Trust'), ('205520', 'KRIC', 'Knight Ridder Inc'), ('1493976', 'KRLP', 'Kilroy Realty LP'), ('1171326', 'KRMA', 'Karma Media Inc'), ('1420836', 'KRMC', 'Kurrant Mobile Catering Inc'), ('1295664', 'KRNY', 'Kearny Financial Corp'), ('1176236', 'KRO', 'Kronos International Inc'), ('1257640', 'KRO', 'Kronos Worldwide Inc'), ('1020476', 'KROL', 'Kroll Inc'), ('886903', 'KRON', 'Kronos Inc'), ('857264', 'KRPI', 'Krupp Government Income Trust'), ('56806', 'KRSL', 'Kreisler Manufacturing Corp'), ('1111205', 'KRT', 'Kramont Realty Trust'), ('912764', 'KSAV', 'KS Bancorp Inc'), ('1062379', 'KSE', 'Keyspan Corp'), ('1137154', 'KSL', 'Kaneb Services LLC'), ('846596', 'KSM', 'DWS Strategic Municipal Income Trust'), ('1178575', 'KSP', 'K-sea Transportation Partners LP'), ('1042463', 'KSRE', 'Linkwell Corp'), ('885639', 'KSS', 'Kohls Corp'), ('1374881', 'KSSH', 'Offline Consulting Inc'), ('919708', 'KST', 'DWS Strategic Income Trust'), ('54480', 'KSU', 'Kansas City Southern'), ('862480', 'KSWS', 'K Swiss Inc'), ('1004125', 'KSWW', 'KSW Inc'), ('54681', 'KT', 'Katy Industries Inc'), ('719733', 'KTCC', 'Key Tronic Corp'), ('1392875', 'KTCH', 'Amogear Inc'), ('906193', 'KTEC', 'Key Technology Inc'), ('54193', 'KTEL', 'K Tel International Inc'), ('839533', 'KTF', 'DWS Municipal Income Trust'), ('20', 'KTII', 'K Tron International Inc'), ('6720', 'KTO', 'Outdoor Sports Gear Inc'), ('1069258', 'KTOS', 'Kratos Defense & Security Solutions Inc'), ('906113', 'KTR', 'Keystone Property Trust'), ('1092455', 'KTSY', 'Global General Technologies Inc'), ('1000232', 'KTYB', 'Kentucky Bancshares Inc'), ('1007587', 'KVHI', 'KVH Industries Inc'), ('57055', 'KVPHQ', 'K-V Pharmaceutical Co'), ('1408100', 'KW', 'Kennedy-wilson Holdings Inc'), ('1159275', 'KWBT', 'Kiwa Bio-tech Products Group Corp'), ('55080', 'KWD', 'Kellwood Co'), ('885720', 'KWIC', 'Kennedy Wilson Inc'), ('1060990', 'KWK', 'Quicksilver Resources Inc'), ('1094651', 'KWNS', 'Kiwi Network Solutions Inc'), ('81362', 'KWR', 'Quaker Chemical Corp'), ('1312928', 'KYAK', 'Kayak Software Corp'), ('225602', 'KYE', 'Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Co'), ('1322652', 'KYE', 'Kayne Anderson Energy Total Return Fund Inc'), ('943891', 'KYF', 'Kentucky First Bancorp Inc'), ('1174259', 'KYGC', 'Strategic Resources LTD'), ('1293613', 'KYN', 'Kayne Anderson MLP Investment Co'), ('1123313', 'KYPH', 'Kyphon Inc'), ('1436304', 'KYTH', 'Kythera Biopharmaceuticals Inc'), ('1393614', 'KYUS', 'Las Rocas Mining Corp'), ('944727', 'KYZN', 'Kyzen Corp'), ('914444', 'KZL', 'Sun International Hotels LTD'), ('60086', 'L', 'Loews Corp'), ('1082114', 'L', 'Liberty Media Corp'), ('1089044', 'LAB', 'Labranche & Co Inc'), ('1392562', 'LABC', 'Louisiana Bancorp Inc'), ('819220', 'LABL', 'Multi Color Corp'), ('830158', 'LABS', 'Labone Inc'), ('1071255', 'LACO', 'Lakes Entertainment Inc'), ('1023128', 'LAD', 'Lithia Motors Inc'), ('716783', 'LAF', 'Lafarge North America Inc'), ('798081', 'LAKE', 'Lakeland Industries Inc'), ('1441082', 'LAKF', 'Lake Forest Minerals Inc'), ('1090425', 'LAMR', 'Lamar Advertising Co'), ('768162', 'LAN', 'Lancer Corp'), ('57515', 'LANC', 'Lancaster Colony Corp'), ('1495240', 'LAND', 'Gladstone Land Corp'), ('1350962', 'LANW', 'Ib3 Networks Inc'), ('57538', 'LANZ', 'Lancer Orthodontics Inc'), ('862599', 'LAQ', 'Aberdeen Latin America Equity Fund Inc'), ('879357', 'LAQ', 'Latin America Equity Fund Inc'), ('1141688', 'LARK', 'Landmark Bancorp Inc'), ('892158', 'LARL', 'Laurel Capital Group Inc'), ('1024047', 'LARS', 'Larscom Inc'), ('912844', 'LAST', 'Invent Ventures Inc'), ('1078425', 'LATD', 'Latitude Communications Inc'), ('1477961', 'LATI', 'Latitude Solutions Inc'), ('894558', 'LATVCO', 'Latin American Telecommunications Venture Co'), ('1065034', 'LAVA', 'Magma Design Automation Inc'), ('703604', 'LAWS', 'Lawson Products Inc'), ('888504', 'LAYN', 'Layne Christensen Co'), ('1311370', 'LAZ', 'Lazard LTD'), ('57139', 'LB', 'Labarge Inc'), ('846901', 'LBAI', 'Lakeland Bancorp Inc'), ('1226807', 'LBAN', 'Landbank Group Inc'), ('1246323', 'LBC', 'Lehman Brothers Liquid Assets Trust'), ('1353268', 'LBCP', 'Liberty Bancorp Inc'), ('887590', 'LBF', 'DWS Global High Income Fund Inc'), ('1425205', 'LBIO', 'Lion Biotechnologies Inc'), ('17485', 'LBMH', 'Liberator Medical Holdings Inc'), ('753557', 'LBOA', 'Lbo Capital Corp'), ('1085776', 'LBRT', 'Liberate Technologies'), ('1424030', 'LBTG', 'Liberty Coal Energy Corp'), ('1284698', 'LBTY', 'Liberty Media International Inc'), ('1316631', 'LBTY', 'Liberty Global Inc'), ('1570585', 'LBTY', 'Liberty Global PLC'), ('1426567', 'LBWR', 'Labwire Inc'), ('902274', 'LBY', 'Libbey Inc'), ('1372336', 'LBYE', 'Liberty Energy Corp'), ('59229', 'LC', 'Liberty Corp'), ('58822', 'LCAR', 'Lescarden Inc'), ('1003130', 'LCAV', 'Lca Vision Inc'), ('28626', 'LCBM', 'Lifecore Biomedical Inc'), ('701345', 'LCC', 'US Airways Group Inc'), ('1016229', 'LCCI', 'LCC International Inc'), ('752902', 'LCDX', 'Lucid Inc'), ('1003648', 'LCGI', 'Learning Care Group Inc'), ('57725', 'LCI', 'Lannett Co Inc'), ('1278460', 'LCM', 'Advent'), ('1074902', 'LCNB', 'LCNB Corp'), ('1407583', 'LCNM', 'Liberty Silver Corp'), ('30140', 'LCRD', 'Lasercard Corp'), ('943580', 'LCRY', 'Lecroy Corp'), ('1368964', 'LCTZ', 'La Cortez Enterprises Inc'), ('874396', 'LCUT', 'Lifetime Brands Inc'), ('884461', 'LDF', 'Latin American Discovery Fund Inc'), ('764762', 'LDG', 'Longs Drug Stores Corp'), ('355168', 'LDHI', 'Liberty Diversified Holdings Inc'), ('1130626', 'LDIS', 'Leadis Technology Inc'), ('60977', 'LDL', 'Lydall Inc'), ('1438943', 'LDMID', 'Stevia First Corp'), ('1336920', 'LDOS', 'Leidos Holdings Inc'), ('1548717', 'LDP', 'Cohen & Steers LTD Duration Preferred & Income Fund Inc'), ('825410', 'LDR', 'Landauer Inc'), ('1348324', 'LDRH', 'LDR Holding Corp'), ('814250', 'LDSH', 'Ladish Co Inc'), ('1385305', 'LDVK', 'Savwatt USA Inc'), ('1320766', 'LDZ', 'Lazard Group Finance LLC'), ('842162', 'LEA', 'Lear Corp'), ('1584207', 'LEAF', 'Springleaf Holdings Inc'), ('1065049', 'LEAP', 'Leap Wireless International Inc'), ('1456189', 'LEAT', 'Leatt Corp'), ('798186', 'LECH', 'Lechters Inc'), ('59527', 'LECO', 'Lincoln Electric Holdings Inc'), ('805928', 'LECT', 'Axogen Inc'), ('1333822', 'LEDS', 'Semileds Corp'), ('58492', 'LEG', 'Leggett & Platt Inc'), ('1332199', 'LEGC', 'Legacy Bancorp Inc'), ('1367993', 'LEGE', 'Noble Quests Inc'), ('1080403', 'LEGL', 'Legal Club Of America Corp'), ('806085', 'LEH', 'Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc Plan Trust'), ('1309082', 'LEI', 'Lucas Energy Inc'), ('804073', 'LEIX', 'Lowrance Electronics Inc'), ('920760', 'LEN', 'Lennar Corp'), ('1174735', 'LEND', 'Accredited Home Lenders Holding Co'), ('1165921', 'LENF', 'Law Enforcement Associates Corp'), ('831861', 'LENS', 'Concord Camera Corp'), ('818972', 'LEO', 'Dreyfus Strategic Municipals Inc'), ('1356564', 'LEOM', 'Leo Motors Inc'), ('1218320', 'LEV', 'Woodbridge Holdings Corp Formerly Levitt Corp'), ('76094', 'LEVC', 'Levcor International Inc'), ('1144062', 'LEVP', 'Lev Pharmaceuticals Inc'), ('1585583', 'LEVY', 'Levy Acquisition Corp'), ('1168932', 'LEXB', 'Tube Media Corp'), ('1062822', 'LEXG', 'Lexicon Pharmaceuticals Inc'), ('1065189', 'LEXO', 'Social Cube Inc'), ('12570', 'LEXP', 'Lexington Precision Corp'), ('1058289', 'LEXR', 'Lexar Media Inc'), ('1089565', 'LEYM', 'Legacy Mining LTD'), ('1138951', 'LF', 'Leapfrog Enterprises Inc'), ('1510247', 'LFAP', 'Lifeapps Digital Media Inc'), ('60302', 'LFB', 'Longview Fibre Co'), ('13055', 'LFBG', 'Left Behind Games Inc'), ('1142488', 'LFDG', 'Litfunding Corp'), ('1188915', 'LFDG', 'Cove Apparel Inc'), ('877355', 'LFG', 'Landamerica Financial Group Inc'), ('1047125', 'LFIN', 'Local Financial Corp'), ('848296', 'LFMI', 'Leonidas Films Inc'), ('910523', 'LFP', 'Lifepoint Inc'), ('59401', 'LFSC', 'Life Sciences Inc'), ('80327', 'LFSI', 'Lifestyle Innovations Inc'), ('1029738', 'LFTC', 'Lifestream Technologies Inc'), ('889331', 'LFUS', 'Littelfuse Inc'), ('849146', 'LFVN', 'Lifevantage Corp'), ('1353059', 'LFXG', 'Life Exchange Inc'), ('1126956', 'LG', 'Laclede Group Inc'), ('878146', 'LGAL', 'Legal Access Technologies Inc'), ('1287258', 'LGBT', 'Planetout Inc'), ('1080535', 'LGCP', 'Lincoln Gold Corp'), ('1358831', 'LGCY', 'Legacy Reserves LP'), ('1132143', 'LGDI', 'Legend International Holdings Inc'), ('929351', 'LGF', 'Lions Gate Entertainment Corp'), ('1264383', 'LGF', 'Lions Gate Entertainment Inc'), ('1278211', 'LGI', 'Lazard Global Total Return & Income Fund Inc'), ('1580670', 'LGIH', 'Lgi Homes Inc'), ('61004', 'LGL', 'LGL Group Inc'), ('1061169', 'LGMB', 'Cephas Holding Corp'), ('1066138', 'LGN', 'Lodgian Inc'), ('886163', 'LGND', 'Ligand Pharmaceuticals Inc'), ('915471', 'LGOV', 'Largo Vista Group LTD'), ('1538849', 'LGP', 'Lehigh Gas Partners LP'), ('859360', 'LGTO', 'Legato Systems Inc'), ('1043915', 'LGTY', 'Logility Inc'), ('1041418', 'LGVN', 'Logicvision Inc'), ('920148', 'LH', 'Laboratory Corp Of America Holdings'), ('1303313', 'LHCG', 'LHC Group Inc'), ('843081', 'LHMS', 'Loehmanns Holdings Inc'), ('1053532', 'LHO', 'Lasalle Hotel Properties'), ('1354071', 'LHSI', 'China Pediatric Pharmaceuticals Inc'), ('737874', 'LI', 'Laidlaw International Inc'), ('1407539', 'LIA', 'Liberty Acquisition Holdings Corp'), ('1088771', 'LIC', 'Lynch Interactive Corp'), ('1070517', 'LICB', 'Long Island Financial Corp'), ('1334699', 'LIEG', 'Li3 Energy Inc'), ('849448', 'LIFC', 'Lifecell Corp'), ('720195', 'LIFE', 'Lifeline Systems Co'), ('1073431', 'LIFE', 'Life Technologies Corp'), ('1302676', 'LIFE', 'Lifeline Systems Inc'), ('1069202', 'LII', 'Lennox International Inc'), ('1395943', 'LIMC', 'Limco-piedmont Inc'), ('1065860', 'LIME', 'Lime Energy Co'), ('1023052', 'LIN', 'Linens N Things Inc'), ('1575571', 'LIN', 'Lin Media LLC'), ('1286613', 'LINC', 'Lincoln Educational Services Corp'), ('1326428', 'LINE', 'Linn Energy LLC'), ('828146', 'LINK', 'Interlink Electronics Inc'), ('59544', 'LINLA', 'China Display Technologies Inc'), ('941179', 'LINN', 'Lion Inc'), ('1355096', 'LINTA', 'Liberty Interactive Corp'), ('822662', 'LION', 'Fidelity Southern Corp'), ('1058299', 'LIOX', 'Lionbridge Technologies Inc'), ('71478', 'LIPD', 'Lipid Sciences Inc'), ('1439237', 'LIPN', 'Adgs Advisory Inc'), ('1562594', 'LIQD', 'Liquid Holdings Group Inc'), ('773603', 'LIQT', 'Liquitek Enterprises Inc'), ('1033491', 'LITE', 'Vari Lite International Inc'), ('1057377', 'LIV', 'Samaritan Pharmaceuticals Inc'), ('1045742', 'LIVE', 'Livedeal Inc'), ('1399521', 'LIWA', 'Lihua International Inc'), ('920465', 'LJPC', 'La Jolla Pharmaceutical Co'), ('831355', 'LKAI', 'Lka Gold Inc'), ('721994', 'LKFN', 'Lakeland Financial Corp'), ('202375', 'LKI', 'Lazare Kaplan International Inc'), ('1062312', 'LKPL', 'Link Plus Corp'), ('1065696', 'LKQ', 'LKQ Corp'), ('1396033', 'LL', 'Lumber Liquidators Holdings Inc'), ('1430501', 'LLAC', 'Liberty Lane Acquisition Corp'), ('1538492', 'LLEG', 'Laidlaw Energy Group Inc'), ('1137083', 'LLEN', 'L & L Energy Inc'), ('1056239', 'LLL', 'L 3 Communications Holdings Inc'), ('1169394', 'LLLI', 'Lamperd Less Lethal Inc'), ('749028', 'LLND', 'Landmark Land Co Inc'), ('1391127', 'LLNW', 'Limelight Networks Inc'), ('717422', 'LLOG', 'Lincoln Logs LTD'), ('1413299', 'LLSR', 'Raptor Resources Holdings Inc'), ('791907', 'LLTC', 'Linear Technology Corp'), ('1104038', 'LLTI', 'Laserlock Technologies Inc'), ('1385508', 'LLTP', 'Lightlake Therapeutics Inc'), ('59478', 'LLY', 'Lilly Eli & Co'), ('704051', 'LM', 'Legg Mason Inc'), ('1158895', 'LMAT', 'Lemaitre Vascular Inc'), ('1177167', 'LMD', 'Lingo Media Corp'), ('1310777', 'LMG', 'Lazard Global Mid Cap Fund Inc'), ('1489644', 'LMGT', 'Qmis Finance Securities Corp'), ('1059562', 'LMIA', 'Lmi Aerospace Inc'), ('946283', 'LMII', 'Lmic Inc'), ('781891', 'LMLP', 'LML Payment Systems Inc'), ('1104161', 'LMMG', 'Impart Media Group Inc'), ('1342423', 'LMNR', 'Limoneira Co'), ('1033905', 'LMNX', 'Luminex Corp'), ('1520744', 'LMOS', 'Lumos Networks Corp'), ('1137399', 'LMRA', 'Lumera Corp'), ('820408', 'LMRI', 'American Business Corp'), ('57497', 'LMS', 'Lamson & Sessions Co'), ('936468', 'LMT', 'Lockheed Martin Corp'), ('737210', 'LNBB', 'LNB Bancorp Inc'), ('59558', 'LNC', 'Lincoln National Corp'), ('1070259', 'LNCB', 'Lincoln Bancorp'), ('57528', 'LNCE', 'Snyders-lance Inc'), ('1100202', 'LNCM', 'Lenco Mobile Inc'), ('1549756', 'LNCO', 'Linnco LLC'), ('882235', 'LNCR', 'Lincare Holdings Inc'), ('1448500', 'LNCZ', 'Lincoln Floorplanning Co Inc'), ('59560', 'LND', 'Lincoln National Income Fund Inc'), ('1005286', 'LNDC', 'Landec Corp'), ('911002', 'LNET', 'Lodgenet Entertainment Corp'), ('3570', 'LNG', 'Cheniere Energy Inc'), ('1271024', 'LNKD', 'Linkedin Corp'), ('1219702', 'LNKE', 'Link Energy LLC'), ('1145237', 'LNKG', 'Link Group Inc'), ('836157', 'LNN', 'Lindsay Corp'), ('1043044', 'LNR', 'LNR Property Corp'), ('352541', 'LNT', 'Alliant Energy Corp'), ('1531618', 'LNTP', 'Licont Corp'), ('793158', 'LNV', 'Lincoln National Convertible Securities Fund Inc'), ('1424657', 'LNWZ', 'Nybd Holding Inc'), ('908652', 'LNY', 'Landrys Restaurants Inc'), ('1424847', 'LO', 'Lorillard Inc'), ('1383871', 'LOCK', 'Lifelock Inc'), ('1259550', 'LOCM', 'Local Corp'), ('1431837', 'LOCN', 'Locan Inc'), ('1120970', 'LODE', 'Comstock Mining Inc'), ('881924', 'LODG', 'Sholodge Inc'), ('802851', 'LOGC', 'Logic Devices Inc'), ('1082562', 'LOGE', 'Long-e International Inc'), ('1032975', 'LOGI', 'Logitech International SA'), ('1420302', 'LOGM', 'Logmein Inc'), ('355777', 'LOJN', 'Lojack Corp'), ('1290903', 'LONG', 'Elong Inc'), ('1077866', 'LOOK', 'Looksmart LTD'), ('1353209', 'LOOP', 'Loopnet Inc'), ('1434588', 'LOPE', 'Grand Canyon Education Inc'), ('1323206', 'LOR', 'Lazard World Dividend & Income Fund Inc'), ('1006269', 'LORL', 'Loral Space & Communications Inc'), ('1464766', 'LOTI', 'Epcylon Technologies Inc'), ('1064648', 'LOUD', 'Loudeye Corp'), ('1314475', 'LOV', 'Spark Networks Inc'), ('60667', 'LOW', 'Lowes Companies Inc'), ('1294206', 'LPBC', 'Lincoln Park Bancorp'), ('1168197', 'LPDX', 'Liposcience Inc'), ('1048407', 'LPET', 'Lions Petroleum Inc'), ('789945', 'LPFC', 'Opta Corp'), ('1160084', 'LPHC', 'Locateplus Holdings Corp'), ('49534', 'LPHI', 'Life Partners Holdings Inc'), ('58411', 'LPHM', 'Lee Pharmaceuticals'), ('1519352', 'LPI', 'Laredo Petroleum Inc'), ('1528129', 'LPI', 'Laredo Petroleum Inc'), ('1397911', 'LPLA', 'LPL Financial Holdings Inc'), ('1074772', 'LPNT', 'Historic Lifepoint Hospitals Inc'), ('1301611', 'LPNT', 'Lifepoint Hospitals Inc'), ('1506932', 'LPR', 'Lone Pine Resources Inc'), ('1429775', 'LPS', 'Black Knight Infoserv LLC'), ('1400848', 'LPSB', 'Laporte Bancorp Inc'), ('1549276', 'LPSB', 'Laporte Bancorp Inc'), ('1102993', 'LPSN', 'Liveperson Inc'), ('110027', 'LPTC', 'Leap Technology Inc'), ('889971', 'LPTH', 'Lightpath Technologies Inc'), ('1251769', 'LPTN', 'Lpath Inc'), ('60519', 'LPX', 'Louisiana-pacific Corp'), ('1016613', 'LQCI', 'LQ Corp Inc'), ('1235468', 'LQDT', 'Liquidity Services Inc'), ('313749', 'LQI', 'La Quinta Corp'), ('314661', 'LQI', 'La Quinta Properties Inc'), ('1141240', 'LQMT', 'Liquidmetal Technologies Inc'), ('707549', 'LRCX', 'Lam Research Corp'), ('1499871', 'LRDR', 'Laredo Resources Corp'), ('1519632', 'LRE', 'LRR Energy LP'), ('942134', 'LRKT', 'Lark Technologies Inc'), ('278165', 'LRMK', 'Amerigo Energy Inc'), ('1157408', 'LRN', 'K12 Inc'), ('1463208', 'LRNC', 'Petroterra Corp'), ('1130950', 'LRNS', 'Excelligence Learning Corp'), ('866283', 'LROD', 'Lightning Rod Software Inc'), ('1175594', 'LRRA', 'Larrea Biosciences Corp'), ('879301', 'LRST', 'Lasersight Inc'), ('721765', 'LRT', 'Ll&e Royalty Trust'), ('921112', 'LRY', 'Liberty Property Trust'), ('1108951', 'LSBC', 'Large Scale Biology Corp'), ('930405', 'LSBI', 'LSB Financial Corp'), ('356598', 'LSBK', 'Lake Shore Bancorp Inc'), ('1341318', 'LSBK', 'Lake Shore Bancorp Inc'), ('1143848', 'LSBX', 'LSB Corp'), ('855658', 'LSCC', 'Lattice Semiconductor Corp'), ('866970', 'LSCG', 'Lighting Science Group Corp'), ('745394', 'LSCO', 'Lesco Inc'), ('851737', 'LSCP', 'Laserscope'), ('1057689', 'LSE', 'Caplease Inc'), ('703360', 'LSI', 'Lsi Corp'), ('1157814', 'LSIK', 'Lasik America Inc'), ('1102065', 'LSKA', 'Liska Biometry Inc'), ('920273', 'LSNU', 'Lifesmart Nutrition Technologies Inc'), ('1097892', 'LSPN', 'Lightspan Inc'), ('1001384', 'LSRAF', 'Lasalle Re Holdings LTD'), ('1158833', 'LSRI', 'Life Sciences Research Inc'), ('791348', 'LSS', 'Lone Star Technologies Inc'), ('1020616', 'LSSN', 'Lason Inc'), ('1088199', 'LSTA', 'Livestar Entertainment Group Inc'), ('1464865', 'LSTG', 'Lone Star Gold Inc'), ('853816', 'LSTR', 'Landstar System Inc'), ('1022222', 'LSTTA', 'Liberty Satellite & Technology Inc'), ('1311984', 'LSV', 'Sound Surgical Technologies Inc'), ('1496254', 'LTAFX', 'Alternative Strategies Fund'), ('1017172', 'LTBG', 'Lightbridge Inc'), ('1084554', 'LTBR', 'Lightbridge Corp'), ('887905', 'LTC', 'LTC Properties Inc'), ('701985', 'LTD', 'L Brands Inc'), ('946815', 'LTEC', 'Mackie Designs Inc'), ('931683', 'LTFD', 'Littlefield Corp'), ('804154', 'LTHU', 'Lithium Technology Corp'), ('1085217', 'LTII', 'Luna Technologies International Inc'), ('1076195', 'LTM', 'Life Time Fitness Inc'), ('1522469', 'LTNC', 'Labor Smart Inc'), ('1002037', 'LTRE', 'Learning Tree International Inc'), ('1114925', 'LTRX', 'Lantronix Inc'), ('1029730', 'LTS', 'Ladenburg Thalmann Financial Services Inc'), ('1415332', 'LTUM', 'Lithium Corp'), ('1203957', 'LTUP', 'Bionovo Inc'), ('942133', 'LTUS', 'Garden Fresh Restaurant Corp'), ('1104265', 'LTVL', 'Lighttouch Vein & Laser Inc'), ('1096264', 'LTWV', 'Litewave Corp'), ('357020', 'LTXX', 'Ltx-credence Corp'), ('1006240', 'LU', 'Lucent Technologies Inc'), ('16099', 'LUB', 'Lubys Inc'), ('908179', 'LUCY', 'Lucille Farms Inc'), ('60849', 'LUFK', 'Lufkin Industries Inc'), ('96223', 'LUK', 'Leucadia National Corp'), ('1397187', 'LULU', 'Lululemon Athletica Inc'), ('1236309', 'LUM', 'Luminent Mortgage Capital Inc'), ('1004945', 'LUME', 'Lumenis LTD'), ('1239819', 'LUNA', 'Luna Innovations Inc'), ('1235096', 'LUSA', 'Legacy Technology Holdings Inc'), ('92380', 'LUV', 'Southwest Airlines Co'), ('1442376', 'LUXD', 'Streamtrack Inc'), ('931085', 'LUXYQ', 'Cinemastar Luxury Theaters Inc'), ('911583', 'LVB', 'Steinway Musical Instruments Inc'), ('1402062', 'LVCA', 'Lake Victoria Mining Company Inc'), ('808011', 'LVGC', 'Winner Medical Group Inc'), ('794323', 'LVLT', 'Level 3 Communications Inc'), ('1357594', 'LVRD', 'Clean Power Concepts Inc'), ('1431835', 'LVRP', 'Liverpoolgroup Inc'), ('1300514', 'LVS', 'Las Vegas Sands Corp'), ('1421289', 'LVVV', 'Livewire Ergogenics Inc'), ('1080088', 'LVWD', 'Liveworld Inc'), ('814586', 'LWAY', 'Lifeway Foods Inc'), ('1121577', 'LWFH', 'Lawrence Financial Holdings Inc'), ('869026', 'LWGB', 'Laidlaw Global Corp'), ('1325964', 'LWLG', 'Lightwave Logic Inc'), ('1026671', 'LWSL', 'Lottery & Wagering Solutions Inc'), ('1141517', 'LWSN', 'Lawson Software Inc'), ('1344632', 'LWSN', 'Lawson Software Inc'), ('1001288', 'LXK', 'Lexmark International Inc'), ('1105503', 'LXNT', 'Lexent Inc'), ('910108', 'LXP', 'Lexington Realty Trust'), ('1348362', 'LXRP', 'Lexaria Corp'), ('1060791', 'LXRS', 'Lexington Resources Inc'), ('60714', 'LXU', 'LSB Industries Inc'), ('793523', 'LXUH', 'Lxu Healthcare Inc'), ('1489393', 'LYB', 'Lyondellbasell Industries NV'), ('1299864', 'LYFE', 'Lyfe Communications Inc'), ('1013690', 'LYLP', 'Loyaltypoint Inc'), ('1130888', 'LYNS', 'Lightyear Network Solutions Inc'), ('842635', 'LYO', 'Lyondell Chemical Co'), ('1504912', 'LYON', 'Hengyi International Industries Group Inc'), ('1106641', 'LYPP', 'American Pallet Leasing Inc'), ('1166220', 'LYRI', 'Lyris Inc'), ('763532', 'LYTS', 'Lsi Industries Inc'), ('1335258', 'LYV', 'Live Nation Entertainment Inc'), ('60751', 'LZ', 'Lubrizol Corp'), ('57131', 'LZB', 'La-z-boy Inc'), ('1141391', 'MA', 'Mastercard Inc'), ('912595', 'MAA', 'Mid America Apartment Communities Inc'), ('1196871', 'MAB', 'Eaton Vance Massachusetts Municipal Bond Fund'), ('856984', 'MABAA', 'American Biogenetic Sciences Inc'), ('912242', 'MAC', 'Macerich Co'), ('923808', 'MACC', 'Macc Private Equities Inc'), ('912607', 'MACE', 'Mace Security International Inc'), ('1274792', 'MACK', 'Merrimack Pharmaceuticals Inc'), ('743884', 'MACM', 'Macrochem Corp'), ('1522327', 'MACN', 'Macon Financial Corp'), ('913949', 'MACR', 'Macromedia Inc'), ('940947', 'MAE', 'Miramar Mining Corp'), ('897951', 'MAF', 'Pimco Municipal Advantage Fund Inc'), ('854662', 'MAFB', 'Maf Bancorp Inc'), ('751085', 'MAG', 'Magnetek Inc'), ('1515317', 'MAGE', 'Magellan Gold Corp'), ('895464', 'MAGLA', 'Magna Lab Inc'), ('1205332', 'MAGN', 'American Post Tension Inc'), ('838796', 'MAGY', 'Kiwiboxcom Inc'), ('202685', 'MAHI', 'Monarch Services Inc'), ('1030219', 'MAI', 'Minera Andes Inc'), ('1338940', 'MAIL', 'Perion Network LTD'), ('847466', 'MAIN', 'Main Street Restaurant Group Inc'), ('1396440', 'MAIN', 'Main Street Capital Corp'), ('835768', 'MAIR', 'Mesaba Holdings Inc'), ('760436', 'MAIY', 'Mai Systems Corp'), ('799515', 'MAJ', 'Michael Anthony Jewelers Inc'), ('1009779', 'MAJR', 'Major Automotive Companies Inc'), ('1411861', 'MAKO', 'Mako Surgical Corp'), ('914735', 'MAL', 'Malan Realty Investors Inc'), ('937941', 'MALL', 'PCM Inc'), ('1222497', 'MAM', 'Maine & Maritimes Corp'), ('704366', 'MAMM', 'Elite Data Services Inc'), ('832488', 'MAMS', 'Mam Software Group Inc'), ('871763', 'MAN', 'Manpowergroup Inc'), ('1023876', 'MANC', 'Manchester Technologies Inc'), ('1056696', 'MANH', 'Manhattan Associates Inc'), ('892537', 'MANT', 'Mantech International Corp'), ('908440', 'MANU', 'Manugistics Group Inc'), ('61611', 'MAP', 'Maine Public Service Co'), ('1401923', 'MAPP', 'Map Pharmaceuticals Inc'), ('916238', 'MAPS', 'Mapinfo Corp'), ('848551', 'MAPX', 'Mapics Inc'), ('1361652', 'MAQ', 'Marathon Acquisition Corp'), ('1363343', 'MAQC', 'Marketing Acquisition Corp'), ('1048286', 'MAR', 'Marriott International Inc'), ('1507605', 'MARA', 'Marathon Patent Group Inc'), ('62737', 'MARSAB', 'Marsh Supermarkets Inc'), ('62996', 'MAS', 'Masco Corp'), ('799166', 'MASB', 'Massbank Corp'), ('755003', 'MASC', 'Material Sciences Corp'), ('937556', 'MASI', 'Masimo Corp'), ('1388982', 'MASP', 'Mass Petroleum Inc'), ('63276', 'MAT', 'Mattel Inc'), ('892025', 'MATK', 'Martek Biosciences Corp'), ('1007228', 'MATR', 'Matria Healthcare Inc'), ('1094348', 'MATR', 'Mattersight Corp'), ('63296', 'MATW', 'Matthews International Corp'), ('3453', 'MATX', 'Matson Inc'), ('1541927', 'MATX', 'Alexander & Baldwin Holdings Inc'), ('928835', 'MAUG', 'China Digital Animation Development Inc'), ('1258943', 'MAV', 'Pioneer Municipal High Income Advantage Trust'), ('52532', 'MAX', 'Mercury Air Group Inc'), ('78966', 'MAXC', 'Maxco Inc'), ('1353499', 'MAXD', 'Max Sound Corp'), ('706471', 'MAXE', 'Max & Ermas Restaurants Inc'), ('931707', 'MAXF', 'Maxcor Financial Group Inc'), ('722573', 'MAXIQ', 'Maxicare Health Plans Inc'), ('1013351', 'MAXM', 'Maxim Pharmaceuticals Inc'), ('918578', 'MAXS', 'Maxwell Shoe Co Inc'), ('1176983', 'MAXW', 'Maxworldwide Inc'), ('1068796', 'MAXY', 'Maxygen Inc'), ('63416', 'MAY', 'May Department Stores Co'), ('54187', 'MAYS', 'Mays J W Inc'), ('1097273', 'MBAH', 'M B A Holdings Inc'), ('1535955', 'MBARD', 'Lipocine Inc'), ('1040973', 'MBAY', 'Mediabay Inc'), ('930429', 'MBBC', 'Monterey Bay Bancorp Inc'), ('1388490', 'MBCI', 'Mabcure Inc'), ('836147', 'MBCN', 'Middlefield Banc Corp'), ('1120792', 'MBEU', 'Morgan Beaumont Inc'), ('1135253', 'MBFC', 'Mountainbank Financial Corp'), ('1139812', 'MBFI', 'MB Financial Inc'), ('725549', 'MBG', 'Mandalay Resort Group'), ('1534463', 'MBGH', 'Pageflex Inc'), ('1366751', 'MBH', 'MBF Healthcare Acquisition Corp'), ('1051379', 'MBHI', 'Midwest Banc Holdings Inc'), ('1465856', 'MBHS', 'Mbeach Software Inc'), ('814585', 'MBI', 'Mbia Inc'), ('51511', 'MBIF', 'Mbi Financial Inc'), ('1441693', 'MBII', 'Marrone Bio Innovations Inc'), ('1448780', 'MBIT', 'Mobilebits Holdings Corp'), ('714801', 'MBLA', 'National Mercantile Bancorp'), ('1121702', 'MBLX', 'Metabolix Inc'), ('1343460', 'MBMU', 'Mobiventures Inc'), ('732412', 'MBND', 'Multiband Corp'), ('1289701', 'MBR', 'Mercantile Bancorp Inc'), ('914138', 'MBRG', 'Middleburg Financial Corp'), ('1069322', 'MBRI', 'Crystal International Travel Group Inc'), ('1053221', 'MBRX', 'Metabasis Therapeutics Inc'), ('1431936', 'MBST', 'Mobile Star Corp'), ('1118237', 'MBTF', 'MBT Financial Corp'), ('72170', 'MBTG', 'Inergetics Inc'), ('1321516', 'MBTL', 'United American Petroleum Corp'), ('1085819', 'MBTT', 'MB Tech Inc'), ('1590976', 'MBUU', 'Malibu Boats Inc'), ('1158678', 'MBVA', 'Millennium Bankshares Corp'), ('726517', 'MBVT', 'Merchants Bancshares Inc'), ('1042729', 'MBWM', 'Mercantile Bank Corp'), ('887126', 'MCA', 'Muniyield California Insured Fund Inc'), ('888410', 'MCA', 'Blackrock Muniyield California Quality Fund Inc'), ('1165271', 'MCAM', 'Money Centers Of America Inc'), ('947969', 'MCAP', 'Mangosoft Inc'), ('835662', 'MCAR', 'Mercari Communications Group LTD'), ('1053584', 'MCBC', 'Macatawa Bank Corp'), ('1169769', 'MCBF', 'Monarch Community Bancorp Inc'), ('1068300', 'MCBI', 'Metrocorp Bancshares Inc'), ('1547635', 'MCBK', 'Madison County Financial Inc'), ('65195', 'MCC', 'Mestek Inc'), ('1490349', 'MCC', 'Medley Capital Corp'), ('1098659', 'MCCC', 'Mediacom Communications Corp'), ('1393548', 'MCCO', 'Peak Resources Inc'), ('63908', 'MCD', 'Mcdonalds Corp'), ('75439', 'MCDG', 'Cytocore Inc'), ('731502', 'MCDT', 'Mcdata Corp'), ('1114872', 'MCEL', 'Millennium Cell Inc'), ('67517', 'MCEM', 'Monarch Cement Co'), ('1527709', 'MCEP', 'Mid-con Energy Partners LP'), ('811779', 'MCET', 'Multicell Technologies Inc'), ('1071993', 'MCF', 'Contango Oil & Gas Co'), ('1174872', 'MCFI', 'Midcarolina Financial Corp'), ('1141299', 'MCGC', 'MCG Capital Corp'), ('1295503', 'MCGL', 'Miscor Group LTD'), ('1018099', 'MCH', 'Millennium Chemicals Inc'), ('827054', 'MCHP', 'Microchip Technology Inc'), ('1224133', 'MCHX', 'Marchex Inc'), ('275694', 'MCI', 'Babson Capital Corporate Investors'), ('792642', 'MCIO', 'Minecore International Inc'), ('723527', 'MCIP', 'Worldcom Inc'), ('927653', 'MCK', 'Mckesson Corp'), ('1093576', 'MCKC', 'MCK Communications Inc'), ('919943', 'MCLD', 'Mcleodusa Inc'), ('1339225', 'MCMV', 'Microsmart Devices Inc'), ('1289868', 'MCN', 'Madison Covered Call & Equity Strategy Fund'), ('1332832', 'MCNJ', 'Mosaic Nutraceuticals Corp'), ('1059556', 'MCO', 'Moodys Corp'), ('1489137', 'MCP', 'Molycorp Inc'), ('1061234', 'MCPH', 'Midland Capital Holdings Corp'), ('851170', 'MCR', 'MFS Charter Income Trust'), ('907242', 'MCRI', 'Monarch Casino & Resort Inc'), ('932111', 'MCRL', 'Micrel Inc'), ('320345', 'MCRS', 'Micros Systems Inc'), ('62234', 'MCS', 'Marcus Corp'), ('1413488', 'MCTC', 'Microchannel Technologies Corp'), ('911149', 'MCTI', 'MCT Inc'), ('1039276', 'MCTR', 'Mercator Software Inc'), ('1425355', 'MCVT', 'Mill City Ventures III LTD'), ('847831', 'MCX', 'MC Shipping Inc'), ('64996', 'MCY', 'Mercury General Corp'), ('1088162', 'MCZ', 'Mad Catz Interactive Inc'), ('924645', 'MDA', 'Media Arts Group Inc'), ('1039500', 'MDAI', 'Medical Device Alliance Inc'), ('1254419', 'MDAS', 'Medassets Inc'), ('1416876', 'MDBL', 'First Choice Healthcare Solutions Inc'), ('1141106', 'MDBS', 'Madison Bancshares Inc'), ('773141', 'MDC', 'MDC Holdings Inc'), ('876883', 'MDCA', 'MDC Partners Inc'), ('1003113', 'MDCC', 'Molecular Devices Corp'), ('1404593', 'MDCE', 'Medical Care Technologies Inc'), ('748270', 'MDCI', 'Medical Action Industries Inc'), ('1113481', 'MDCO', 'Medicines Co'), ('1143799', 'MDCR', 'Medicor LTD'), ('1144284', 'MDCV', 'Medicalcv Inc'), ('1495850', 'MDDD', 'Makism 3D Corp'), ('1337301', 'MDE', 'Medaire Inc'), ('713138', 'MDEA', 'Media 100 Inc'), ('1030179', 'MDER', 'Med-emerg International Inc'), ('1318268', 'MDEX', 'Madison Explorations Inc'), ('1138776', 'MDGN', 'Medgenics Inc'), ('1301236', 'MDH', 'Sotherly Hotels Inc'), ('318259', 'MDII', 'MDI Inc'), ('1045707', 'MDIN', 'Med Gen Inc'), ('8643', 'MDKI', 'Medicore Inc'), ('1112372', 'MDLH', 'Medical International Technology Inc'), ('812890', 'MDLK', 'Medialink Worldwide Inc'), ('1103982', 'MDLZ', 'Mondelez International Inc'), ('1391798', 'MDMC', 'Gamzio Mobile Inc'), ('1275791', 'MDMD', 'Mediamind Technologies Inc'), ('1169352', 'MDNB', 'Minden Bancorp Inc'), ('1501331', 'MDNB', 'Minden Bancorp Inc'), ('722617', 'MDNU', 'Medical Nutrition USA Inc'), ('1099963', 'MDOR', 'Magnum Dor Resources Inc'), ('65011', 'MDP', 'Meredith Corp'), ('1009379', 'MDPA', 'Metropolitan Health Networks Inc'), ('717588', 'MDPM', 'China Solar & Clean Energy Solutions Inc'), ('708819', 'MDR', 'Mcdermott International Inc'), ('1124804', 'MDRX', 'Allscripts Healthcare Solutions Inc'), ('1046131', 'MDS', 'Midas Inc'), ('1492324', 'MDSN', 'Madison Bancorp Inc'), ('1453814', 'MDSO', 'Medidata Solutions Inc'), ('1027324', 'MDST', 'Mid-state Bancshares'), ('64670', 'MDT', 'Medtronic Inc'), ('1434111', 'MDTC', 'Media Technologies Inc'), ('1139463', 'MDTH', 'Medcath Corp'), ('1082575', 'MDTI', 'MDI Technologies Inc'), ('1090507', 'MDTL', 'Medis Technologies LTD'), ('1260465', 'MDTO', 'MD Technologies Inc'), ('1086139', 'MDTV', 'Mdu Communications International Inc'), ('67716', 'MDU', 'Mdu Resources Group Inc'), ('1275548', 'MDUC', 'Lutcam Inc'), ('1011835', 'MDVN', 'Medivation Inc'), ('1319009', 'MDW', 'Midway Gold Corp'), ('1268471', 'MDWS', 'Earth Biofuels Inc'), ('876043', 'MDWV', 'Medwave Inc'), ('1376339', 'MDXG', 'Mimedx Group Inc'), ('1022345', 'ME', 'Mariner Energy Inc'), ('1048685', 'MEA', 'Metalico Inc'), ('1032067', 'MEAD', 'Meade Instruments Corp'), ('778734', 'MEAS', 'Measurement Specialties Inc'), ('1093273', 'MECA', 'Magna Entertainment Corp'), ('910329', 'MED', 'Medifast Inc'), ('943736', 'MEDC', 'Med-design Corp'), ('1367705', 'MEDE', 'Medecision Inc'), ('1097792', 'MEDG', 'Dubli Inc'), ('1441567', 'MEDH', 'Mmodal Inc'), ('873591', 'MEDI', 'Medimmune Inc'), ('884497', 'MEDQ', 'Medquist Inc'), ('819939', 'MEDS', 'Medstone International Inc'), ('1186519', 'MEDS', 'Medistem Inc'), ('1084726', 'MEDT', 'Medsource Technologies Holdings LLC'), ('869708', 'MEDU', 'Marketing Educational Corp'), ('874733', 'MEDW', 'Mediware Information Systems Inc'), ('874255', 'MEDX', 'Medarex Inc'), ('37748', 'MEE', 'Alpha Appalachia Holdings Inc'), ('728385', 'MEEC', 'Midwest Energy Emissions Corp'), ('1078099', 'MEET', 'Meetme Inc'), ('216539', 'MEG', 'Media General Inc'), ('948845', 'MEH', 'Midwest Air Group Inc'), ('1436549', 'MEIL', 'Methes Energies International LTD'), ('1337927', 'MEJ', 'Santa Monica Media Corp'), ('64782', 'MEL', 'Mellon Financial Corp'), ('1051514', 'MELA', 'Mela Sciences Inc'), ('1099590', 'MELI', 'Mercadolibre Inc'), ('826683', 'MEM', 'Merriman Holdings Inc'), ('1411009', 'MEME', 'Meemee Media Inc'), ('1521847', 'MEMP', 'Memorial Production Partners LP'), ('1386198', 'MEMS', 'Memsic Inc'), ('1062216', 'MEMY', 'Memory Pharmaceuticals Corp'), ('844172', 'MEN', 'Blackrock Munienhanced Fund Inc'), ('814920', 'MENA', 'Texstar Oil Corp'), ('919134', 'MENB', 'Mendocino Brewing Co Inc'), ('1028318', 'MEND', 'Micrus Endovascular Corp'), ('701811', 'MENT', 'Mentor Graphics Corp'), ('1578685', 'MEP', 'Midcoast Energy Partners LP'), ('65100', 'MER', 'Merrill Lynch & Co Inc'), ('913072', 'MERB', 'Merrill Merchants Bancshares Inc'), ('1333274', 'MERC', 'Mercer International Inc'), ('75659', 'MERCS', 'Mercer International Inc'), ('1100734', 'MERH', 'Merilus Inc'), ('867058', 'MERQ', 'Mercury Interactive Corp'), ('1167294', 'MERU', 'Meru Networks Inc'), ('921365', 'MERX', 'Merix Corp'), ('810332', 'MESA', 'Mesa Air Group Inc'), ('354564', 'MESH', 'Media Source Inc'), ('1062386', 'MESO', 'Management Of Environmental Solutions & Technology Corp'), ('65350', 'MET', 'Metropolitan Edison Co'), ('1099219', 'MET', 'Metlife Inc'), ('1000015', 'METG', 'Meta Group Inc'), ('65270', 'METH', 'Methode Electronics Inc'), ('1085706', 'METR', 'Metro Bancorp Inc'), ('1019654', 'MEXP', 'Marine Exploration Inc'), ('1048740', 'MEXP', 'Miller Exploration Co'), ('811797', 'MF', 'Malaysia Fund Inc'), ('1401106', 'MF', 'MF Global LTD'), ('1055160', 'MFA', 'Mfa Financial Inc'), ('1323531', 'MFB', 'Maidenform Brands LLC'), ('916396', 'MFBC', 'MFB Corp'), ('1094738', 'MFBP', 'M&F Bancorp Inc'), ('1125532', 'MFCD', 'Vertical Branding Inc'), ('716688', 'MFCO', 'Microwave Filter Co Inc'), ('1276469', 'MFD', 'Macquarie'), ('1344802', 'MFDB', 'Mutual Federal Bancorp Inc'), ('890801', 'MFE', 'Mcafee Inc'), ('827230', 'MFI', 'Microfinancial Inc'), ('1045126', 'MFL', 'Blackrock Muniholdings Investment Quality Fund'), ('1092804', 'MFLM', 'Magellan Filmed Entertainment Inc'), ('1103234', 'MFLO', 'Moldflow Corp'), ('1381639', 'MFLR', 'Mayflower Bancorp Inc'), ('723889', 'MFLU', 'Microfluidics International Corp'), ('1159464', 'MFLW', 'Moneyflow Systems International Inc'), ('830916', 'MFLX', 'Multi Fineline Electronix Inc'), ('801961', 'MFM', 'MFS Municipal Income Trust'), ('36506', 'MFNC', 'Mackinac Financial Corp'), ('1447380', 'MFON', 'Mobivity Holdings Corp'), ('914122', 'MFRI', 'Mfri Inc'), ('1419852', 'MFRM', 'Mattress Firm Holding Corp'), ('1094810', 'MFSF', 'Mutualfirst Financial Inc'), ('891188', 'MFT', 'Blackrock Muniyield Investment Quality Fund'), ('1471487', 'MFTH', 'Medisafe 1 Technologies Corp'), ('916687', 'MFUN', 'Morgan Funshares Inc'), ('856128', 'MFV', 'MFS Special Value Trust'), ('945235', 'MFW', 'M & F Worldwide Corp'), ('1436126', 'MG', 'Mistras Group Inc'), ('896400', 'MGAM', 'Multimedia Games Holding Company Inc'), ('921187', 'MGB', 'Morgan Stanley Dean Witter Global Opportunity Bond Fund Inc'), ('809584', 'MGC', 'Investors First Fund Inc'), ('1109067', 'MGCN', 'Movie Studio Inc'), ('1162862', 'MGCT', 'Wonder Auto Technology Inc'), ('1222218', 'MGDA', 'Mopalscom Inc'), ('61339', 'MGEE', 'Madison Gas & Electric Co'), ('1161728', 'MGEE', 'Mge Energy Inc'), ('811922', 'MGF', 'MFS Government Markets Income Trust'), ('1246263', 'MGG', 'Magellan Midstream Holdings LP'), ('1010566', 'MGHA', 'China Longyi Group International Holdings LTD'), ('1162283', 'MGHL', 'Morgan Group Holding Co'), ('1273931', 'MGI', 'Moneygram International Inc'), ('19411', 'MGLN', 'Magellan Health Services Inc'), ('789570', 'MGM', 'MGM Resorts International'), ('1026816', 'MGM', 'Metro-goldwyn-mayer Inc'), ('66649', 'MGN', 'Mines Management Inc'), ('1163003', 'MGNU', 'Magnus International Resources Inc'), ('1125345', 'MGNX', 'Macrogenics Inc'), ('803027', 'MGP', 'Merchants Group Inc'), ('835011', 'MGPI', 'MGP Ingredients Inc'), ('752714', 'MGRC', 'Mcgrath Rentcorp'), ('915637', 'MGRI', 'Magnum Resources Inc'), ('64247', 'MGRP', 'Morton Industrial Group Inc'), ('83490', 'MGST', 'Magstar Technologies Inc'), ('1326390', 'MGU', 'Macquarie Global Infrastructure Total Return Fund Inc'), ('1378195', 'MGUY', 'Mogul Energy International Inc'), ('1337068', 'MGYR', 'Magyar Bancorp Inc'), ('882287', 'MHCA', 'Mariner Health Care Inc'), ('788951', 'MHCO', 'Moore Handley Inc'), ('1034665', 'MHD', 'Blackrock Muniholdings Fund Inc'), ('901824', 'MHE', 'Blackrock Massachusetts Tax-exempt Trust'), ('830487', 'MHF', 'Western Asset Municipal High Income Fund Inc'), ('808219', 'MHG', 'Meritage Hospitality Group Inc'), ('1342126', 'MHGC', 'Morgans Hotel Group Co'), ('833083', 'MHGI', 'Midnight Holdings Group Inc'), ('1437226', 'MHH', 'Mastech Holdings Inc'), ('1223026', 'MHI', 'Pioneer Municipal High Income Trust'), ('851968', 'MHK', 'Mohawk Industries Inc'), ('1284151', 'MHL', 'Mortgageit Holdings Inc'), ('1412100', 'MHLD', 'Maiden Holdings LTD'), ('1062760', 'MHLI', 'Marshall Holdings International Inc'), ('840159', 'MHLL', 'Mason Hill Holdings Inc'), ('1047965', 'MHME', 'Most Home Corp'), ('1038186', 'MHN', 'Blackrock Muniholdings New York Quality Fund Inc'), ('799292', 'MHO', 'M I Homes Inc'), ('64040', 'MHP', 'Mcgraw Hill Financial Inc'), ('854271', 'MHR', 'Magnum Hunter Resources Inc'), ('1335190', 'MHR', 'Magnum Hunter Resources Corp'), ('1170650', 'MHS', 'Medco Health Solutions Inc'), ('1099132', 'MHTX', 'Manhattan Scientifics Inc'), ('1093285', 'MHUT', 'Scivanta Medical Corp'), ('1012967', 'MHX', 'Meristar Hospitality Corp'), ('895523', 'MHY', 'Western Asset Managed High Income Fund Inc'), ('1388488', 'MHYS', 'Mass Hysteria Entertainment Company Inc'), ('62741', 'MI', 'Marshall & Ilsley Corp'), ('1399315', 'MI', 'Marshall & Ilsley Corp'), ('1289788', 'MIC', 'Macquarie Infrastructure Co Trust'), ('1289790', 'MIC', 'Macquarie Infrastructure Co LLC'), ('944947', 'MICG', 'Microfield Group Inc'), ('854800', 'MICT', 'Micronet Enertec Technologies Inc'), ('1052547', 'MICU', 'Vicuron Pharmaceuticals Inc'), ('769520', 'MIDD', 'Middleby Corp'), ('1080313', 'MIDX', 'Midnet Inc'), ('1564216', 'MIE', 'Cohen & Steers MLP Income & Energy Opportunity Fund'), ('818436', 'MIF', 'Muniinsured Fund Inc'), ('949156', 'MIG', 'Meadowbrook Insurance Group Inc'), ('1050690', 'MIGP', 'Mercer Insurance Group Inc'), ('1092050', 'MIIS', 'Microislet Inc'), ('1064063', 'MIIX', 'Miix Group Inc'), ('740670', 'MIK', 'Michaels Stores Inc'), ('912241', 'MIKN', 'Progressive Gaming International Corp'), ('787809', 'MIKR', 'Mikron Infrared Inc'), ('66479', 'MIL', 'Millipore Corp'), ('66544', 'MILAA', 'Milastar Corp'), ('1022899', 'MILB', 'New Motion Inc'), ('785968', 'MILL', 'Miller Energy Resources Inc'), ('752692', 'MILT', 'Miltope Group Inc'), ('1252509', 'MIM', 'MI Developments Inc'), ('1404526', 'MIMS', 'Micro Mammoth Solutions Inc'), ('826735', 'MIN', 'MFS Intermediate Income Trust'), ('926423', 'MIND', 'Mitcham Industries Inc'), ('1451514', 'MINE', 'Minerco Resources Inc'), ('911109', 'MINI', 'Mobile Mini Inc'), ('1432315', 'MIOI', 'Mining Oil Inc'), ('1340752', 'MIPI', 'Molecular Insight Pharmaceuticals Inc'), ('1059786', 'MIPS', 'Mips Technologies Inc'), ('1010775', 'MIRKQ', 'Mirant Corp'), ('872545', 'MITB', 'Mcintosh Bancshares Inc'), ('1131907', 'MITI', 'Micromet Inc'), ('807863', 'MITK', 'Mitek Systems Inc'), ('1061819', 'MITR', 'Lanbo Financial Group Inc'), ('1514281', 'MITT', 'AG Mortgage Investment Trust Inc'), ('921030', 'MITY', 'Mity Enterprises Inc'), ('1094808', 'MIVA', 'Vertro Inc'), ('1083011', 'MIVT', 'MIV Therapeutics Inc'), ('1196872', 'MIW', 'Eaton Vance Michigan Municipal Bond Fund'), ('1088244', 'MIX', 'Intermix Media Inc'), ('890393', 'MIY', 'Blackrock Muniyield Michigan Quality Fund Inc'), ('891037', 'MJI', 'Blackrock Muniyield New Jersey Quality Fund Inc'), ('1452575', 'MJN', 'Mead Johnson Nutrition Co'), ('1334741', 'MJOG', 'Majestic Oil & Gas'), ('913586', 'MKAU', 'MK Gold Co'), ('1043105', 'MKAY', 'Ielement Corp'), ('1144216', 'MKBY', 'Mckenzie Bay International LTD'), ('63754', 'MKC', 'Mccormick & Co Inc'), ('1392694', 'MKED', 'North American Energy Resources Inc'), ('1411085', 'MKJI', 'LG Holding Corp'), ('1096343', 'MKL', 'Markel Corp'), ('1091967', 'MKOS', 'Manakoa Services Corp'), ('317340', 'MKRS', 'Mikros Systems Corp'), ('774657', 'MKSH', 'Biometrx'), ('1049502', 'MKSI', 'MKS Instruments Inc'), ('1043933', 'MKTE', 'Market Central Inc'), ('1084817', 'MKTG', 'Responsys Inc'), ('1490660', 'MKTO', 'Marketo Inc'), ('814580', 'MKTS', 'Advanced Marketing Services Inc'), ('1068969', 'MKTW', 'Marketwatch Media Inc'), ('1258655', 'MKTW', 'Marketwatch Inc'), ('1278021', 'MKTX', 'Marketaxess Holdings Inc'), ('64463', 'MKTY', 'Mechanical Technology Inc'), ('724004', 'MLAB', 'Mesa Laboratories Inc'), ('66025', 'MLAN', 'Midland Co'), ('1370030', 'MLBU', 'Bio-amd Inc'), ('1527698', 'MLCG', 'ML Capital Group Inc'), ('871344', 'MLER', 'Moller International Inc'), ('1124127', 'MLES', 'Mint Leasing Inc'), ('819926', 'MLEX', 'Cleantech Solutions International Inc'), ('1502557', 'MLGT', 'Mlight Tech Inc'), ('1060827', 'MLHP', 'Millenia Hope Inc'), ('66382', 'MLHR', 'Miller Herman Inc'), ('89439', 'MLI', 'Mueller Industries Inc'), ('875359', 'MLIN', 'Micro Linear Corp'), ('225501', 'MLKNA', 'Medlink International Inc'), ('66388', 'MLLS', 'Miller Industries Inc'), ('916076', 'MLM', 'Martin Marietta Materials Inc'), ('914712', 'MLNK', 'Moduslink Global Solutions Inc'), ('1002637', 'MLNM', 'Millennium Pharmaceuticals Inc'), ('1356104', 'MLNX', 'Mellanox Technologies LTD'), ('1081568', 'MLOBF', 'First Asia Holdings LTD'), ('63330', 'MLP', 'Maui Land & Pineapple Co Inc'), ('1191357', 'MLPH', 'Molecular Pharmacology USA LTD'), ('924822', 'MLR', 'Miller Industries Inc'), ('1097181', 'MLRI', 'Molecular Imaging Corp'), ('826918', 'MLRMF', 'Mutual Risk Management LTD'), ('914713', 'MLS', 'Mills Corp'), ('1466739', 'MLSV', 'Wiless Controls Inc'), ('1114068', 'MLTC', 'Multilink Technology Corp'), ('1203018', 'MLTO', 'Medirect Latino Inc'), ('1450390', 'MLTX', 'Bakken Resources Inc'), ('1420488', 'MLVF', 'Malvern Federal Bancorp Inc'), ('1550603', 'MLVF', 'Malvern Bancorp Inc'), ('1372375', 'MM', 'Millennial Media Inc'), ('1003201', 'MMAB', 'Municipal Mortgage & Equity LLC'), ('810876', 'MMAN', 'Minuteman International Inc'), ('1448705', 'MMAX', 'Paymeon Inc'), ('753682', 'MMBI', 'Merchants & Manufacturers Bancorporation Inc'), ('62709', 'MMC', 'Marsh & Mclennan Companies Inc'), ('1312206', 'MMCE', 'MMC Energy Inc'), ('1079786', 'MMCO', 'Musicmaker Com Inc'), ('1269515', 'MMCV', 'Micromed Cardiovascular Inc'), ('74691', 'MMD', 'Moore Medical Corp'), ('1518557', 'MMD', 'Mainstay Definedterm Municipal Opportunities Fund'), ('805037', 'MME', 'Mid Atlantic Medical Services Inc'), ('1104672', 'MMGC', 'Montana Mining Corp'), ('1117228', 'MMGW', 'Mass Megawatts Wind Power Inc'), ('1495569', 'MMI', 'Motorola Mobility Holdings Inc'), ('1578732', 'MMI', 'Marcus & Millichap Inc'), ('1354030', 'MMKT', 'Organic Sales & Marketing Inc'), ('1176334', 'MMLP', 'Martin Midstream Partners LP'), ('66740', 'MMM', '3M Co'), ('1520358', 'MMMB', 'Mamamancinis Holdings Inc'), ('66600', 'MMMM', 'Mineral Mountain Mining & Milling Co'), ('1374536', 'MMMS', 'Medytox Solutions Inc'), ('1126975', 'MMP', 'Magellan Midstream Partners LP'), ('1420847', 'MMPA', 'Maple Mountain Pumpkins & Agriculture Inc'), ('1375083', 'MMPI', 'Meruelo Maddux Properties Inc'), ('1024787', 'MMPT', 'Modem Media Inc'), ('64279', 'MMR', 'Mcmoran Exploration Co'), ('1285701', 'MMRF', 'Mmrglobal Inc'), ('930121', 'MMRK', 'Mile Marker International Inc'), ('1032220', 'MMS', 'Maximus Inc'), ('856982', 'MMSI', 'Merit Medical Systems Inc'), ('809173', 'MMT', 'MFS Multimarket Income Trust'), ('808015', 'MMTC', 'Micro Imaging Technology Inc'), ('935496', 'MMTS', 'Multi Media Tutorial Services Inc'), ('886043', 'MMU', 'Western Asset Managed Municipals Fund Inc'), ('920707', 'MMUS', 'Coda Music Technology Inc'), ('1074690', 'MMV', 'Eaton Vance Massachusetts Municipal Income Trust'), ('1057024', 'MMXT', 'Mediamax Technology Corp'), ('1524223', 'MN', 'Manning & Napier Inc'), ('1470719', 'MNAI', 'Monar International Inc'), ('107444', 'MNAP', 'Wilmington Equitable Trust Co'), ('1074447', 'MNAP', 'MNP Petroleum Corp'), ('1177070', 'MNBT', 'Mountain National Bancshares Inc'), ('910619', 'MNC', 'Monaco Coach Corp'), ('1283899', 'MNCK', 'Monadnock Bancorp Inc'), ('1214933', 'MNCS', 'Manchester Inc'), ('317788', 'MNDL', 'Mandalay Digital Group Inc'), ('1232863', 'MNE', 'Blackrock Muni New York Intermediate Duration Fund Inc'), ('1029356', 'MNEG', 'Regatta Capital Partners Inc'), ('1353487', 'MNGA', 'Magnegas Corp'), ('1517526', 'MNGL', 'Blue Wolf Mongolia Holdings Corp'), ('1100674', 'MNHG', 'Millenium Holding Group Inc'), ('1387632', 'MNHN', 'Manhattan Bancorp'), ('1056087', 'MNI', 'Mcclatchy Co'), ('1567892', 'MNK', 'Mallinckrodt PLC'), ('899460', 'MNKD', 'Mannkind Corp'), ('1395205', 'MNLU', 'Mainland Resources Inc'), ('818468', 'MNMN', 'Monument Resources Inc'), ('1226616', 'MNOV', 'Medicinova Inc'), ('894351', 'MNP', 'Western Asset Municipal Partners Fund Inc'), ('67625', 'MNR', 'Monmouth Real Estate Investment Corp'), ('1364856', 'MNRK', 'Monarch Financial Holdings Inc'), ('876427', 'MNRO', 'Monro Muffler Brake Inc'), ('717238', 'MNSC', 'MSC Software Corp'), ('64892', 'MNT', 'Mentor Corp'), ('1235010', 'MNTA', 'Momenta Pharmaceuticals Inc'), ('834162', 'MNTG', 'MTR Gaming Group Inc'), ('1302028', 'MNTX', 'Manitex International Inc'), ('1101093', 'MNUM', 'Monumental Marketing Inc'), ('1284452', 'MNVN', 'Mondial Ventures Inc'), ('1069822', 'MNY', 'Mony Group Inc'), ('1019825', 'MNYG', 'Mooney Aerospace Group LTD'), ('764180', 'MO', 'Altria Group Inc'), ('1025148', 'MOBI', 'Mobius Management Systems Inc'), ('769592', 'MOBL', 'Mobilepro Corp'), ('1084267', 'MOBQ', 'Mobiquity Technologies Inc'), ('864509', 'MOC', 'Command Security Corp'), ('6383', 'MOCC', 'Moscow Cablecom Corp'), ('67279', 'MOCO', 'Mocon Inc'), ('67347', 'MOD', 'Modine Manufacturing Co'), ('902635', 'MODM', 'Modern Medical Modalities Corp'), ('1118417', 'MODN', 'Model N Inc'), ('1075066', 'MODTE', 'Modtech Holdings Inc'), ('1412665', 'MOFG', 'Midwestone Financial Group Inc'), ('67887', 'MOGA', 'Moog Inc'), ('702131', 'MOGN', 'Mgi Pharma Inc'), ('1179929', 'MOH', 'Molina Healthcare Inc'), ('67472', 'MOLX', 'Molex Inc'), ('1110783', 'MON', 'Monsanto Co'), ('902276', 'MOND', 'Mondavi Robert Corp'), ('786998', 'MONE', 'Matrixone Inc'), ('67618', 'MONM', 'Monmouth Capital Corp'), ('1289419', 'MORN', 'Morningstar Inc'), ('1285785', 'MOS', 'Mosaic Co'), ('711303', 'MOSH', 'Mesa Offshore Trust'), ('1005181', 'MOSS', 'Mossimo Inc'), ('890394', 'MOSY', 'Mosys Inc'), ('1336691', 'MOTR', 'Motricity Inc'), ('1112422', 'MOTV', 'Motive Inc'), ('72573', 'MOV', 'Movado Group Inc'), ('1085770', 'MOVED', 'Move Inc'), ('1853', 'MOVN', 'Motivnation Inc'), ('891038', 'MPA', 'Blackrock Muniyield Pennsylvania Quality Fund'), ('1327340', 'MPA', 'Muniyield Pennsylvania Insured Fund'), ('918251', 'MPAA', 'Motorcar Parts America Inc'), ('1191857', 'MPAC', 'Mod Pac Corp'), ('65759', 'MPAD', 'Micropac Industries Inc'), ('1315255', 'MPAQ', 'Global Telecom & Technology Inc'), ('879635', 'MPB', 'Mid Penn Bancorp Inc'), ('1510295', 'MPC', 'Marathon Petroleum Corp'), ('1079222', 'MPCC', 'Mpac Corp'), ('1117042', 'MPE', 'Mpower Holding Corp'), ('61398', 'MPET', 'Magellan Petroleum Corp'), ('66904', 'MPF', 'Mississippi Power Co'), ('1204560', 'MPG', 'MPG Office Trust Inc'), ('1051825', 'MPH', 'Championship Auto Racing Teams Inc'), ('1354942', 'MPHL', 'Newcardio Inc'), ('1552000', 'MPLX', 'MPLX LP'), ('799268', 'MPML', 'MPM Technologies Inc'), ('67646', 'MPNC', 'Monongahela Power Co'), ('1533924', 'MPO', 'Midstates Petroleum Company Inc'), ('823560', 'MPP', 'MTS Medication Technologies Inc'), ('858346', 'MPQ', 'Meredith Enterprises Inc'), ('65201', 'MPR', 'Met Pro Corp'), ('924646', 'MPS', 'MPS Group Inc'), ('714540', 'MPSI', 'Mpsi Systems Inc'), ('1364896', 'MPSP', 'Medpro Safety Products Inc'), ('907608', 'MPT', 'Western Asset Municipal Partners Fund II Inc'), ('831655', 'MPV', 'Babson Capital Participation Investors'), ('1287865', 'MPW', 'Medical Properties Trust Inc'), ('1047098', 'MPWG', 'MPW Industrial Services Group Inc'), ('1280452', 'MPWR', 'Monolithic Power Systems Inc'), ('1129155', 'MPX', 'Marine Products Corp'), ('1321223', 'MQOZ', 'My Quote Zone Inc'), ('887394', 'MQT', 'Blackrock Muniyield Quality Fund II Inc'), ('890196', 'MQY', 'Blackrock Muniyield Quality Fund Inc'), ('1078295', 'MRBA', 'Marimba Inc'), ('64908', 'MRBK', 'Mercantile Bankshares Corp'), ('1439095', 'MRC', 'MRC Global Inc'), ('1517990', 'MRC', 'Maxwell Resources Inc'), ('1512931', 'MRCC', 'Monroe Capital Corp'), ('1521549', 'MRCD', 'Merculite Distributing Inc'), ('940800', 'MRCR', 'Moro Corp'), ('1049521', 'MRCY', 'Mercury Systems Inc'), ('61138', 'MRD', 'Macdermid Inc'), ('723906', 'MRDG', 'Miracor Diagnostics Inc'), ('1071758', 'MRDH', 'Meridian Holdings Inc'), ('1094742', 'MREE', 'Mainstreet Bankshares Inc'), ('1041609', 'MREO', 'Mirenco Inc'), ('5216', 'MRF', 'American Income Fund Inc'), ('838131', 'MRF', 'American Income Fund Inc'), ('68145', 'MRFD', 'Morgans Foods Inc'), ('944765', 'MRGE', 'Merge Healthcare Inc'), ('755328', 'MRGG', 'Neotactix Corp'), ('808493', 'MRGO', 'Margo Caribe Inc'), ('1348788', 'MRGP', 'Mercer Gold Corp'), ('1165880', 'MRH', 'Montpelier Re Holdings LTD'), ('729284', 'MRI', 'Mcrae Industries Inc'), ('1312623', 'MRIB', 'Marani Brands Inc'), ('1285550', 'MRIC', 'Mri Interventions Inc'), ('1389002', 'MRIN', 'Marin Software Inc'), ('64978', 'MRK', 'Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp'), ('310158', 'MRK', 'Merck & Co Inc'), ('1102833', 'MRKL', 'Markland Technologies Inc'), ('1260968', 'MRLN', 'Marlin Business Services Corp'), ('706864', 'MRM', 'Merrimac Industries Inc'), ('1133541', 'MRMR', 'MR3 Systems Inc'), ('1163958', 'MRN', 'Medical Staffing Network Holdings Inc'), ('101778', 'MRO', 'Marathon Oil Corp'), ('745456', 'MROE', 'Monroe Bancorp'), ('920354', 'MROI', 'Mro Software Inc'), ('909298', 'MRR', 'Mid Atlantic Realty Trust'), ('923149', 'MRSA', 'Marisa Christina Inc'), ('883981', 'MRT', 'Mortons Restaurant Group Inc'), ('748580', 'MRTI', 'Maxus Realty Trust Inc'), ('799167', 'MRTN', 'Marten Transport LTD'), ('1576263', 'MRTX', 'Mirati Therapeutics Inc'), ('887969', 'MRVC', 'MRV Communications Inc'), ('105805', 'MRVL', 'West Florida Natural Gas Co'), ('1058057', 'MRVL', 'Marvell Technology Group LTD'), ('933745', 'MRVT', 'Miravant Medical Technologies'), ('65914', 'MRWY', 'Mid State Raceway Inc'), ('859368', 'MRX', 'Medicis Pharmaceutical Corp'), ('881590', 'MRXT', 'Capital Financial Global Inc'), ('720896', 'MRY', 'Memry Corp'), ('1069546', 'MRYP', 'Merry Land Properties Inc'), ('855683', 'MS', 'Milestone Scientific Inc'), ('895421', 'MS', 'Morgan Stanley'), ('66570', 'MSA', 'Mine Safety Appliances Co'), ('1430060', 'MSAH', 'Man Shing Agricultural Holdings Inc'), ('65172', 'MSB', 'Mesabi Trust'), ('1374783', 'MSBF', 'MSB Financial Corp'), ('922244', 'MSBK', 'Main Street Banks Inc'), ('310568', 'MSCC', 'Microsemi Corp'), ('1408198', 'MSCI', 'Msci Inc'), ('904112', 'MSD', 'Morgan Stanley Emerging Markets Debt Fund Inc'), ('1425597', 'MSEH', 'Mesquite Mining Inc'), ('724941', 'MSEL', 'Merisel Inc'), ('1075993', 'MSEP', 'International Building Technologies Group Inc'), ('1082285', 'MSEV', 'Micron Enviro Systems Inc'), ('66004', 'MSEX', 'Middlesex Water Co'), ('878929', 'MSF', 'Morgan Stanley Emerging Markets Fund Inc'), ('1428688', 'MSF', 'Aip Multi-strategy Fund P'), ('1428690', 'MSF', 'Aip Multi-strategy Fund A'), ('720002', 'MSFG', 'Mainsource Financial Group'), ('789019', 'MSFT', 'Microsoft Corp'), ('1469372', 'MSG', 'Madison Square Garden Co'), ('14280', 'MSGI', 'Msgi Technology Solutions Inc'), ('1299967', 'MSHF', 'Mediashift Inc'), ('807630', 'MSHI', 'Man Sang Holdings Inc'), ('1372305', 'MSHI', 'Msti Holdings Inc'), ('1262104', 'MSHL', 'Mei Pharma Inc'), ('1001601', 'MSHT', 'MGT Capital Investments Inc'), ('68505', 'MSI', 'Motorola Solutions Inc'), ('1434485', 'MSIF', 'Medistaff Corp'), ('1024022', 'MSII', 'Media Sciences International Inc'), ('1418491', 'MSKA', 'Muskoka Flooring Corp'), ('745981', 'MSL', 'Midsouth Bancorp Inc'), ('940298', 'MSL', 'Manufacturers Services LTD'), ('1415684', 'MSLP', 'Musclepharm Corp'), ('916704', 'MSLV', 'Metasolv Inc'), ('1003078', 'MSM', 'MSC Industrial Direct Co Inc'), ('1304562', 'MSMAU', 'Millstream II Acquisition Corp'), ('104401', 'MSMT', 'Medical Solutions Management Inc'), ('32621', 'MSN', 'Emerson Radio Corp'), ('1091801', 'MSO', 'Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia Inc'), ('771556', 'MSOD', 'Mso Holdings Inc'), ('766404', 'MSOF', 'Multi Soft II Inc'), ('1394872', 'MSOL', 'Awg International Water Corp'), ('880432', 'MSON', 'Misonix Inc'), ('1317080', 'MSP', 'Madison Strategic Sector Premium Fund'), ('1224370', 'MSPD', 'Mindspeed Technologies Inc'), ('66895', 'MSPIQ', 'Mississippi Chemical Corp'), ('1160437', 'MSSI', 'Medical Staffing Solutions Inc'), ('319459', 'MSSN', 'Mission Resources Corp'), ('1288741', 'MSSR', 'Mccormick & Schmicks Seafood Restaurants Inc'), ('1420421', 'MSTG', 'Mustang Alliances Inc'), ('1099777', 'MSTI', 'Main Street Trust Inc'), ('1407591', 'MSTO', 'Green Mountain Recovery Inc'), ('1050446', 'MSTR', 'Microstrategy Inc'), ('1329944', 'MSVN', 'Mistral Ventures Inc'), ('1067419', 'MSW', 'Mission West Properties Inc'), ('1410730', 'MSWM', 'Metaswarm Inc'), ('1433818', 'MSXP', 'Nevada Gold Corp'), ('912734', 'MSY', 'Morgan Stanley High Yield Fund Inc'), ('1200528', 'MSYL', 'Lyynks Inc'), ('36270', 'MTB', 'M&T Bank Corp'), ('1081369', 'MTBR', 'Metabolic Research Inc'), ('1036668', 'MTCH', 'Matech Corp'), ('1095099', 'MTCH', 'Nortem NV'), ('1172243', 'MTCT', 'MTC Technologies Inc'), ('1037646', 'MTD', 'Mettler Toledo International Inc'), ('1520006', 'MTDR', 'Matador Resources Co'), ('1056358', 'MTEX', 'Mannatech Inc'), ('876437', 'MTG', 'Mgic Investment Corp'), ('1543367', 'MTGB', 'Meetinghouse Bancorp Inc'), ('1516973', 'MTGE', 'American Capital Mortgage Investment Corp'), ('833079', 'MTH', 'Meritage Homes Corp'), ('1177326', 'MTHC', 'Monarch Staffing Inc'), ('901696', 'MTIC', 'Mti Technology Corp'), ('311407', 'MTIX', 'Micro Therapeutics Inc'), ('1092945', 'MTIZ', 'Aclor International Inc'), ('1172631', 'MTKN', 'Solar3d Inc'), ('815910', 'MTLG', 'Metrologic Instruments Inc'), ('795665', 'MTLM', 'General Parametrics Corp'), ('906282', 'MTMC', 'MTM Technologies Inc'), ('929299', 'MTMD', 'Isolyser Co Inc'), ('1076044', 'MTMK', 'Health Partnership Inc'), ('812011', 'MTN', 'Vail Resorts Inc'), ('906525', 'MTOH', 'Metrocall Holdings Inc'), ('1113256', 'MTOR', 'Meritor Inc'), ('1389611', 'MTP', 'MLP & Strategic Equity Fund Inc'), ('313364', 'MTR', 'Mesa Royalty Trust'), ('39547', 'MTRM', 'Metromedia International Group Inc'), ('1104657', 'MTRN', 'Materion Corp'), ('866273', 'MTRX', 'Matrix Service Co'), ('67813', 'MTS', 'Montgomery Street Income Securities Inc'), ('68709', 'MTSC', 'MTS Systems Corp'), ('1493594', 'MTSI', 'M'), ('928421', 'MTSN', 'Mattson Technology Inc'), ('1404943', 'MTST', 'Metastat Inc'), ('1454021', 'MTT', 'Western Asset Municipal Defined Opportunity Trust Inc'), ('1508786', 'MTTA', 'Meta Gold Inc'), ('1165876', 'MTVI', 'Mediatelevision TV Inc'), ('61986', 'MTW', 'Manitowoc Co Inc'), ('891014', 'MTX', 'Minerals Technologies Inc'), ('944725', 'MTXC', 'United Western Bancorp Inc'), ('1006195', 'MTXX', 'Matrixx Initiatives Inc'), ('96988', 'MTY', 'Marlton Technologies Inc'), ('15615', 'MTZ', 'Mastec Inc'), ('723125', 'MU', 'Micron Technology Inc'), ('901243', 'MUA', 'Blackrock Muniassets Fund Inc'), ('1051004', 'MUC', 'Blackrock Muniholdings California Quality Fund Inc'), ('1301280', 'MUC', 'Muniholdings California Fund Inc'), ('1071899', 'MUE', 'Blackrock Muniholdings Quality Fund II Inc'), ('68726', 'MUEL', 'Mueller Paul Co'), ('1038190', 'MUH', 'Blackrock Muniholdings Fund II  Inc'), ('1232860', 'MUI', 'Blackrock Muni Intermediate Duration Fund Inc'), ('1053988', 'MUJ', 'Blackrock Muniholdings New Jersey Quality Fund Inc'), ('1068279', 'MUJ', 'Muniholdings New Jersey Insured Fund II Inc'), ('723733', 'MULT', 'Multi Solutions II Inc'), ('69407', 'MUO', 'Interest Shares Pioneer'), ('717423', 'MUR', 'Murphy Oil Corp'), ('1058234', 'MUS', 'Blackrock Muniholdings Quality Fund Inc'), ('1038363', 'MUSA', 'Metals USA Inc'), ('1362491', 'MUSA', 'Metals USA Holdings Corp'), ('1573516', 'MUSA', 'Murphy USA Inc'), ('1036425', 'MUSE', 'Micromuse Inc'), ('1399768', 'MV', 'Metavante Technologies Inc'), ('1277902', 'MVBF', 'MVB Financial Corp'), ('1099941', 'MVC', 'MVC Capital Inc'), ('934749', 'MVCO', 'Meadow Valley Corp'), ('1349108', 'MVE', 'Smart Move Inc'), ('835948', 'MVF', 'Blackrock Munivest Fund Inc'), ('925178', 'MVGR', 'Movie Gallery Inc'), ('65770', 'MVIS', 'Microvision Inc'), ('869087', 'MVK', 'Maverick Tube Corp'), ('933730', 'MVL', 'Marvel Enterprises Inc'), ('1361470', 'MVNR', 'Mavenir Systems Inc'), ('1432001', 'MVNTD', 'American Sands Energy Corp'), ('1371782', 'MVO', 'MV Oil Trust'), ('1193159', 'MVOG', 'Maverick Oil & Gas Inc'), ('1074929', 'MVRM', 'Maverick Minerals Corp'), ('1027443', 'MVSN', 'Macrovision Corp'), ('897269', 'MVT', 'Blackrock Munivest Fund II Inc'), ('1413891', 'MVTG', 'Mantra Venture Group LTD'), ('1104734', 'MVTS', 'Moventis Capital Inc'), ('884217', 'MW', 'Mens Wearhouse Inc'), ('1291000', 'MWA', 'Mueller Water Products Inc'), ('1350593', 'MWA', 'Mueller Water Products Inc'), ('883842', 'MWAV', 'Green ST Energy Inc'), ('1402328', 'MWBN', 'Sunshine Biopharma Inc'), ('1166036', 'MWE', 'Markwest Energy Partners LP'), ('785024', 'MWFS', 'Mid Wisconsin Financial Services Inc'), ('1012127', 'MWH', 'Baycorp Holdings LTD'), ('67931', 'MWI', 'Moore Wallace Inc'), ('1242047', 'MWIS', 'M Wise Inc'), ('1323974', 'MWIV', 'Mwi Veterinary Supply Inc'), ('1019756', 'MWP', 'Markwest Hydrocarbon Inc'), ('1571088', 'MWRX', 'Medworth Acquisition Corp'), ('1159297', 'MWV', 'Meadwestvaco Corp'), ('1020416', 'MWW', 'Monster Worldwide Inc'), ('319040', 'MWXI', 'Secured Digital Storage Corp'), ('1022080', 'MWY', 'Midway Games Inc'), ('1325702', 'MX', 'Magnachip Semiconductor Corp'), ('902748', 'MXA', 'Minnesota Municipal Income Portfolio Inc'), ('16859', 'MXBIF', 'MFC Industrial LTD'), ('66418', 'MXC', 'Mexco Energy Corp'), ('1166529', 'MXDY', 'Maximum Dynamics Inc'), ('863900', 'MXE', 'Mexico Equity & Income Fund Inc'), ('316621', 'MXES', 'Matrix Energy Services Corp'), ('1372183', 'MXEX', 'Next 1 Interactive Inc'), ('65433', 'MXF', 'Mexico Fund Inc'), ('1379377', 'MXFD', 'Maxlife Fund Corp'), ('743316', 'MXIM', 'Maxim Integrated Products Inc'), ('1288469', 'MXL', 'Maxlinear Inc'), ('63814', 'MXM', 'Maxxam Inc'), ('1183829', 'MXN', 'First American Minnesota Municipal Income Fund II Inc'), ('711039', 'MXO', 'Maxtor Corp'), ('1046672', 'MXOM', 'Pan American Goldfields LTD'), ('1041009', 'MXON', 'Revolutions Medical Corp'), ('890784', 'MXR', 'Ramp Corp'), ('1021061', 'MXT', 'Metris Companies Inc'), ('1054709', 'MXUS', 'Maxus Technology Corp'), ('1305451', 'MXVI', 'Fsona Systems Corp'), ('319815', 'MXWL', 'Maxwell Technologies Inc'), ('1329015', 'MYAR', 'Maysia Resources Corp'), ('1085104', 'MYBTF', 'China International Enterprises Inc'), ('882152', 'MYC', 'Blackrock Muniyield California Fund Inc'), ('1577095', 'MYCC', 'Clubcorp Holdings Inc'), ('1473490', 'MYCG', 'Wall Street Media Co Inc'), ('879361', 'MYD', 'Blackrock Muniyield Fund Inc'), ('69488', 'MYE', 'Myers Industries Inc'), ('1347004', 'MYEC', 'Myecheck Inc'), ('882153', 'MYF', 'Blackrock Muniyield Investment Fund'), ('63541', 'MYG', 'Maytag Corp'), ('899923', 'MYGN', 'Myriad Genetics Inc'), ('1070510', 'MYGP', 'Sars Corp'), ('883412', 'MYI', 'Blackrock Muniyield Quality Fund III Inc'), ('1023008', 'MYIQ', 'Edulink Inc'), ('884216', 'MYJ', 'Blackrock Muniyield New Jersey Fund Inc'), ('1133082', 'MYK', 'Mykrolis Corp'), ('69499', 'MYL', 'Mylan Inc'), ('882151', 'MYM', 'Blackrock Muniyield Michigan Quality Fund II Inc'), ('927761', 'MYMX', 'Mymetics Corp'), ('882150', 'MYN', 'Blackrock Muniyield New York Quality Fund Inc'), ('869531', 'MYNG', 'Golden Eagle International Inc'), ('1477168', 'MYOC', 'Jameson Stanford Resources Corp'), ('1101052', 'MYOG', 'Myogen Inc'), ('1402479', 'MYOS', 'Myos Corp'), ('817946', 'MYR', 'Jan Bell Marketing Inc'), ('1042501', 'MYRA', 'Myriad Entertainment & Resorts Inc'), ('700923', 'MYRG', 'Myr Group Inc'), ('1088436', 'MYRG', 'Military Resale Group Inc'), ('1459450', 'MYRX', 'Myrexis Inc'), ('776999', 'MYSL', 'My Screen Mobile Inc'), ('1044880', 'MYST', 'Mystic Financial Inc'), ('716823', 'MZ', 'MI 2009 Inc'), ('911308', 'MZA', 'Blackrock Muniyield Arizona Fund Inc'), ('1347870', 'MZAV', 'Imogo Mobile Technologies Corp'), ('1085113', 'MZBY', 'Mezabay International Inc'), ('753772', 'MZEI', 'Medizone International Inc'), ('1235511', 'MZF', 'Managed Duration Investment Grade Municipal Fund'), ('884847', 'MZT', 'MZT Holdings Inc'), ('1104485', 'N', 'Northern Oil & Gas Inc'), ('1117106', 'N', 'Netsuite Inc'), ('1422220', 'N', 'Maxim Tep Inc'), ('1074952', 'NAC', 'Nuveen California Dividend Advantage Municipal Fund'), ('1083839', 'NAD', 'Nuveen Dividend Advantage Municipal Fund'), ('913616', 'NADX', 'National Dentex Corp'), ('69671', 'NAFC', 'Nash Finch Co'), ('29952', 'NAGM', 'China Changjiang Mining & New Energy Company LTD'), ('1499501', 'NAGP', 'Native American Energy Group Inc'), ('946492', 'NAHC', 'National Atlantic Holdings Corp'), ('1319332', 'NAI', 'Allianzgi International & Premium Strategy Fund'), ('787253', 'NAII', 'Natural Alternatives International Inc'), ('1264755', 'NAL', 'Newalliance Bancshares Inc'), ('795800', 'NAN', 'North American Nickel Inc'), ('1074769', 'NAN', 'Nuveen New York Dividend Advantage Municipal Fund'), ('1444144', 'NANA', 'Accelera Innovations Inc'), ('1534628', 'NANA', 'Infinity Real Estate Holdings Corp'), ('1534629', 'NANA', 'Accelerated Acquisition XVII Inc'), ('1534731', 'NANA', 'Pyrotec Inc'), ('1088213', 'NANM', 'Nano Mask Inc'), ('704532', 'NANO', 'Nanometrics Inc'), ('1086417', 'NANS', 'Nanoscience Technologies Inc'), ('883107', 'NANX', 'Nanophase Technologies Corporation'), ('1336249', 'NAO', 'North American Insurance Leaders Inc'), ('1016277', 'NAP', 'National Processing Inc'), ('70453', 'NAPE', 'National Properties Corp'), ('1407623', 'NAQ', 'Retail Opportunity Investments Corp'), ('1059131', 'NASB', 'Nasb Financial Inc'), ('939928', 'NASDAQ', 'Logansport Financial Corp'), ('949876', 'NASI', 'North American Scientific Inc'), ('1415998', 'NASV', 'National Automation Services Inc'), ('1473591', 'NATC', 'Sonora Resources Corp'), ('69733', 'NATH', 'Nathans Famous Inc'), ('935494', 'NATI', 'National Instruments Corp'), ('808013', 'NATK', 'North American Technologies Group Inc'), ('1301106', 'NATL', 'National Interstate Corp'), ('275053', 'NATR', 'Natures Sunshine Products Inc'), ('1285828', 'NAUG', 'Nowauto Group Inc'), ('1399855', 'NAUH', 'National American University Holdings Inc'), ('93736', 'NAUT', 'Nautica Enterprises Inc'), ('808450', 'NAV', 'Navistar International Corp'), ('810509', 'NAVB', 'Navidea Biopharmaceuticals Inc'), ('793547', 'NAVG', 'Navigators Group Inc'), ('790272', 'NAVH', 'Navtech Inc'), ('1084750', 'NAVI', 'Navisite Inc'), ('911650', 'NAVR', 'Speed Commerce Inc'), ('945617', 'NAWL', 'Brazil Interactive Media Inc'), ('1039387', 'NAX', 'Natural Golf Corp'), ('892992', 'NAZ', 'Nuveen Arizona Premium Income Municipal Fund'), ('1102595', 'NBAN', 'North Bay Bancorp'), ('1478888', 'NBB', 'Nuveen Build America Bond Fund'), ('714530', 'NBBC', 'Newbridge Bancorp'), ('1496631', 'NBCB', 'First NBC Bank Holding Co'), ('1135554', 'NBCP', 'North Bancorp Inc'), ('893467', 'NBCT', 'Northwest Bancorporation Inc'), ('1049551', 'NBD', 'NB Capital Corp'), ('1056861', 'NBD', 'NB Finance LTD'), ('1493523', 'NBD', 'Nuveen Build America Bond Opportunity Fund'), ('1091418', 'NBDR', 'No Borders Inc'), ('1178839', 'NBH', 'Neuberger Berman Intermediate Municipal Fund Inc'), ('1475841', 'NBHC', 'National Bank Holdings Corp'), ('1220379', 'NBIV', 'Xsinventory'), ('914475', 'NBIX', 'Neurocrine Biosciences Inc'), ('1145728', 'NBJ', 'Nuveen Ohio Dividend Advantage Municipal Fund 2'), ('72207', 'NBL', 'Noble Energy Inc'), ('1433593', 'NBLM', 'Noble Medical Technologies Inc'), ('811831', 'NBN', 'Northeast Bancorp'), ('1178841', 'NBO', 'Neuberger Berman New York Intermediate Municipal Fund Inc'), ('790362', 'NBOH', 'National Bancshares Corp'), ('909281', 'NBP', 'Oneok Partners LP'), ('1163739', 'NBR', 'Nabors Industries LTD'), ('1450524', 'NBRI', 'North Bay Resources Inc'), ('320017', 'NBS', 'Neostem Inc'), ('71241', 'NBSC', 'New Brunswick Scientific Co Inc'), ('912623', 'NBSI', 'North Bancshares Inc'), ('790359', 'NBTB', 'NBT Bancorp Inc'), ('908837', 'NBTF', 'NB&T Financial Group Inc'), ('1178840', 'NBW', 'Neuberger Berman California Intermediate Municipal Fund Inc'), ('742054', 'NBY', 'Cadence Financial Corp'), ('1389545', 'NBY', 'Novabay Pharmaceuticals Inc'), ('789933', 'NC', 'Nacco Industries Inc'), ('818851', 'NCA', 'Nuveen California Municipal Value Fund Inc'), ('1439397', 'NCAP', 'Northsight Capital Inc'), ('1454979', 'NCB', 'Nuveen California Municipal Value Fund 2'), ('1263762', 'NCBC', 'New Century Bancorp Inc'), ('1075945', 'NCBS', 'New Commerce Bancorp'), ('69970', 'NCC', 'National City Corp'), ('839950', 'NCEB', 'North Coast Energy Inc'), ('356342', 'NCEM', 'Nevada Chemicals Inc'), ('1036075', 'NCEN', 'New Century Financial Corp'), ('1396334', 'NCEN', 'Nacel Energy Corp'), ('1079797', 'NCEY', 'New Century Energy Corp'), ('101844', 'NCF', 'National Commerce Financial Corp'), ('1582616', 'NCFT', 'Norcraft Companies Inc'), ('1019737', 'NCI', 'Navigant Consulting Inc'), ('1058553', 'NCII', 'Newcom International Inc'), ('1334478', 'NCIT', 'Nci Inc'), ('897422', 'NCL', 'Nuveen Insured California Premium Income Municipal Fund 2 In'), ('1513761', 'NCLH', 'Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings LTD'), ('1377630', 'NCMI', 'National Cinemedia Inc'), ('318716', 'NCNC', 'US Aerospace Inc'), ('862313', 'NCO', 'Nuveen California Municipal Market Opportunity Fund Inc'), ('1089575', 'NCOC', 'National Coal Corp'), ('1022608', 'NCOG', 'Nco Group Inc'), ('794487', 'NCOM', 'News Communications Inc'), ('856227', 'NCP', 'Nuveen California Performance Plus Municipal Fund Inc'), ('1134971', 'NCPM', 'Nco Portfolio Management Inc'), ('1089773', 'NCPN', 'Nortia Capital Partners Inc'), ('1543418', 'NCQ', 'Novacopper Inc'), ('70866', 'NCR', 'NCR Corp'), ('1421766', 'NCRG', 'Ceelox Inc'), ('1075343', 'NCRI', 'Ncric Group Inc'), ('1396797', 'NCRT', 'Norcor Technologies Corp'), ('874265', 'NCRX', 'Neighborcare Inc'), ('883902', 'NCS', 'Nci Building Systems Inc'), ('1172324', 'NCSH', 'Nano Chemical Systems Holdings Inc'), ('1066575', 'NCT', 'Newcastle Investment Holdings Corp'), ('1175483', 'NCT', 'Newcastle Investment Corp'), ('722051', 'NCTI', 'NCT Group Inc'), ('1310213', 'NCTW', 'Nascent Wine Company Inc'), ('905000', 'NCU', 'Nuveen California Premium Income Municipal Fund'), ('1214935', 'NCV', 'Allianzgi Convertible & Income Fund'), ('1227857', 'NCZ', 'Allianzgi Convertible & Income Fund II'), ('1120193', 'NDAQ', 'Nasdaq Omx Group Inc'), ('70033', 'NDC', 'Ndchealth Corp'), ('1276893', 'NDD', 'Neuberger Berman Dividend Advantage Fund Inc'), ('773468', 'NDE', 'Indymac Bancorp Inc'), ('1275158', 'NDLS', 'Noodles & Co'), ('1011290', 'NDN', '99 Cents Only Stores LLC'), ('1547158', 'NDP', 'Tortoise Energy Independence Fund Inc'), ('1520048', 'NDRO', 'Enduro Royalty Trust'), ('72331', 'NDSN', 'Nordson Corp'), ('1169055', 'NE', 'Noble Corp'), ('1458891', 'NE', 'Noble Corp PLC'), ('1195737', 'NEA', 'Nuveen Amt-free Municipal Income Fund'), ('205700', 'NEB', 'New England Business Service Inc'), ('1166760', 'NEBS', 'New England Bancshares Inc'), ('1338248', 'NEBS', 'New England Bancshares Inc'), ('1373853', 'NECA', 'New America Energy Corp'), ('1354772', 'NECB', 'Northeast Community Bancorp Inc'), ('1114643', 'NECE', 'Neco Energy Corp'), ('1096939', 'NECX', 'Vista International Technologies Inc'), ('753308', 'NEE', 'Nextera Energy Inc'), ('797838', 'NEFB', 'Neffs Bancorp Inc'), ('870756', 'NEGI', 'National Energy Group Inc'), ('1165336', 'NEGS', 'National Energy Services Co Inc'), ('942898', 'NEIB', 'Northeast Indiana Bancorp Inc'), ('1164727', 'NEM', 'Newmont Mining Corp'), ('1357800', 'NEMK', 'New Era Marketing Inc'), ('746514', 'NEN', 'New England Realty Associates Limited Partnership'), ('855667', 'NENA', 'Neenah Enterprises Inc'), ('1110903', 'NENG', 'Network Engines Inc'), ('1077183', 'NEO', 'Neogenomics Inc'), ('1096219', 'NEOF', 'Neoforma Inc'), ('711377', 'NEOG', 'Neogen Corp'), ('942788', 'NEOL', 'Neopharm Inc'), ('1022701', 'NEOM', 'Neomedia Technologies Inc'), ('87050', 'NEON', 'Neonode Inc'), ('1072978', 'NEON', 'Neon Systems Inc'), ('787251', 'NEP', 'China North East Petroleum Holdings LTD'), ('1504389', 'NEPA', 'Rich Pharmaceuticals Inc'), ('1050996', 'NEPF', 'Northeast Pennsylvania Financial Corp'), ('1196298', 'NEPH', 'Nephros Inc'), ('1401395', 'NEPT', 'Neptune Technologies & Bioressources Inc'), ('755806', 'NERX', 'Poniard Pharmaceuticals Inc'), ('1099609', 'NESK', 'Nesco Industries Inc'), ('720851', 'NESO', 'Nestor Inc'), ('353634', 'NESS', 'Ness Energy International Inc'), ('840824', 'NETE', 'Netegrity Inc'), ('1293330', 'NETE', 'Net Element Inc'), ('1499961', 'NETE', 'Net Element Inc'), ('1135711', 'NETL', 'Netlogic Microsystems Inc'), ('909793', 'NETM', 'Netmanage Inc'), ('1078203', 'NETP', 'Stamford Industrial Group Inc'), ('1005974', 'NETX', 'Netlojix Communications Inc'), ('1068144', 'NEU', 'Neuberger Berman Inc'), ('1282637', 'NEU', 'Newmarket Corp'), ('1464165', 'NEUKF', 'Neurokine Pharmaceuticals Inc'), ('861819', 'NEV', 'Nuevo Energy Co'), ('1469392', 'NEV', 'Nuveen Enhanced Municipal Value Fund'), ('1287286', 'NEW', 'New Century Financial Corp'), ('71337', 'NEWEN', 'New England Power Co'), ('850414', 'NEWH', 'New Horizons Worldwide Inc'), ('1579684', 'NEWM', 'New Media Investment Group Inc'), ('225263', 'NEWP', 'Newport Corp'), ('1373561', 'NEWS', 'Newstar Financial Inc'), ('1094019', 'NEWT', 'Newtek Business Services Inc'), ('833209', 'NEXA', 'Nexia Holdings Inc'), ('1093434', 'NEXC', 'Nexcen Brands Inc'), ('1017491', 'NEXM', 'Apricus Biosciences Inc'), ('917523', 'NEXS', 'Revolution Lighting Technologies Inc'), ('1167896', 'NEXT', 'Nextest Systems Corp'), ('1404636', 'NEYYF', 'Nimin Energy Corp'), ('352510', 'NFB', 'North Fork Bancorporation Inc'), ('1083220', 'NFBH', 'Xcel Brands Inc'), ('1401700', 'NFBK', 'Northfield Bancorp Inc'), ('1493225', 'NFBK', 'Northfield Bancorp Inc'), ('1090118', 'NFC', 'Nuveen Connecticut Dividend Advantage Municipal Fund'), ('1409253', 'NFDS', 'New Found Shrimp Inc'), ('1145254', 'NFDV', 'Netfran Development Corp'), ('1213660', 'NFEC', 'NF Energy Saving Corp'), ('1140586', 'NFEI', 'New Frontier Energy Inc'), ('70145', 'NFG', 'National Fuel Gas Co'), ('1260563', 'NFJ', 'Allianzgi NFJ Dividend Interest & Premium Strategy Fund'), ('890893', 'NFL', 'Nuveen Insured Florida Premium Income Municipal Fund'), ('1214605', 'NFLA', 'National Filing Agents Inc'), ('920947', 'NFLD', 'Northfield Laboratories Inc'), ('1065280', 'NFLX', 'Netflix Inc'), ('1090119', 'NFM', 'Nuveen Maryland Dividend Advantage Municipal Fund'), ('1183186', 'NFP', 'National Financial Partners Corp'), ('1029786', 'NFS', 'Nationwide Financial Services Inc'), ('1355855', 'NFSB', 'Newport Bancorp Inc'), ('823070', 'NFTI', 'Nofire Technologies Inc'), ('912750', 'NFX', 'Newfield Exploration Co'), ('1087783', 'NFZ', 'Nuveen Arizona Dividend Advantage Municipal Fund'), ('1173420', 'NG', 'Novagold Resources Inc'), ('55805', 'NGA', 'North American Galvanizing & Coatings Inc'), ('746834', 'NGAS', 'Ngas Resources Inc'), ('1090122', 'NGB', 'Nuveen Virginia Dividend Advantage Municipal Fund'), ('1279400', 'NGE', 'Engenio Information Technologies Inc'), ('1030339', 'NGEN', 'Nanogen Inc'), ('1543083', 'NGEY', 'New Global Energy Inc'), ('1369203', 'NGHI', 'HK Battery Technology Inc'), ('1166572', 'NGK', 'Nuveen Connecticut Dividend Advantage Municipal Fund 2'), ('1504461', 'NGL', 'NGL Energy Partners LP'), ('878808', 'NGLD', 'Firstgold Corp'), ('1379661', 'NGLS', 'Targa Resources Partners LP'), ('356292', 'NGMC', 'Next Generation Energy Corp'), ('1177218', 'NGO', 'Nuveen Connecticut Dividend Advantage Municipal Fund 3'), ('1297704', 'NGPC', 'NGP Capital Resources Co'), ('1024605', 'NGPX', 'New Generation Holdings Inc'), ('1015920', 'NGRU', 'Netguru Inc'), ('1084991', 'NGS', 'Natural Gas Services Group Inc'), ('1385830', 'NGSX', 'Neurogesx Inc'), ('895474', 'NGT', 'Eastern American Natural Gas Trust'), ('942650', 'NGTE', 'TN-K Energy Group Inc'), ('1547459', 'NGVC', 'Natural Grocers By Vitamin Cottage Inc'), ('1196366', 'NGX', 'Nuveen Massachusetts Amt-free Municipal Income Fund'), ('1398481', 'NGZ', 'Allianzgi Global Equity & Convertible Income Fund'), ('1047335', 'NHC', 'National Healthcare Corp'), ('1356115', 'NHF', 'Nexpoint Credit Strategies Fund'), ('728389', 'NHHC', 'National Home Health Care Corp'), ('877860', 'NHI', 'National Health Investors Inc'), ('751976', 'NHL', 'Newhall Land & Farming Co'), ('1023844', 'NHLD', 'National Holdings Corp'), ('780053', 'NHP', 'Nationwide Health Properties LLC'), ('1328511', 'NHPI', 'Neuro-hitech Inc'), ('1306109', 'NHPR', 'National Health Partners Inc'), ('1047334', 'NHR', 'National Health Realty Inc'), ('1420413', 'NHR', 'North Asia Investment Corp'), ('1233426', 'NHRX', 'Nationshealth Inc'), ('1228361', 'NHS', 'Neuberger Berman High Yield Strategies Fund'), ('1487610', 'NHS', 'Neuberger Berman High Yield Strategies Fund Inc'), ('846931', 'NHTB', 'New Hampshire Thrift Bancshares Inc'), ('1292470', 'NHWK', 'Nighthawk Radiology Holdings Inc'), ('1428816', 'NHYT', 'Neohydro Technologies Corp'), ('1111711', 'NI', 'Nisource Inc'), ('710976', 'NIAG', 'Niagara Corp'), ('772263', 'NICH', 'Nitches Inc'), ('1000045', 'NICK', 'Nicholas Financial Inc'), ('1067981', 'NICO', 'Far East Ventures Trading Co'), ('1557915', 'NID', 'Nuveen Intermediate Duration Municipal Term Fund'), ('1383441', 'NIE', 'Allianzgi Equity & Convertible Income Fund'), ('880843', 'NIF', 'Nuveen Premier Municipal Opportunity Fund Inc'), ('1037016', 'NIHD', 'Nii Holdings Inc'), ('1084475', 'NIHK', 'Nighthawk Systems Inc'), ('1177216', 'NII', 'Nuveen North Carolina Dividend Advantage Municipal Fund 3'), ('1076641', 'NIKU', 'Niku Corp'), ('1091171', 'NILE', 'Blue Nile Inc'), ('890119', 'NIM', 'Nuveen Select Maturities Municipal Fund'), ('720762', 'NIMU', 'Non Invasive Monitoring Systems Inc'), ('878242', 'NIO', 'Nuveen Municipal Opportunity Fund Inc'), ('1564584', 'NIQ', 'Nuveen Intermediate Duration Quality Municipal Term Fund'), ('1403795', 'NIV', 'Nivs Intellimedia Technology Group Inc'), ('1123312', 'NIVI', 'Yasheng Group'), ('770461', 'NIVM', 'National Investment Managers Inc'), ('1030192', 'NJMC', 'New Jersey Mining Co'), ('356309', 'NJR', 'New Jersey Resources Corp'), ('1454980', 'NJV', 'Nuveen New Jersey Municipal Value Fund'), ('1483830', 'NKA', 'Niska Gas Storage Partners LLC'), ('320187', 'NKE', 'Nike Inc'), ('1177219', 'NKG', 'Nuveen Georgia Dividend Advantage Municipal Fund 2'), ('1090117', 'NKL', 'Nuveen Insured California Dividend Advantage Municipal Fund'), ('1090123', 'NKO', 'Nuveen New York Dividend Advantage Municipal Income Fund'), ('1161069', 'NKR', 'Nuveen Arizona Dividend Advantage Municipal Fund 2'), ('796534', 'NKSH', 'National Bankshares Inc'), ('1333578', 'NKT', 'Newkirk Realty Trust Inc'), ('906709', 'NKTR', 'Nektar Therapeutics'), ('1195738', 'NKX', 'Nuveen California Amt-free Municipal Income Fund'), ('72162', 'NL', 'NL Industries Inc'), ('1298341', 'NLC', 'Nalco Holding Co'), ('721237', 'NLCI', 'Nobel Learning Communities Inc'), ('1280191', 'NLEQ', 'Nes Rentals Holdings Inc'), ('798078', 'NLN', 'National Lampoon Inc'), ('1387713', 'NLN', 'Neulion Inc'), ('1126234', 'NLNK', 'Newlink Genetics Corp'), ('1278384', 'NLP', 'NTS Realty Holdings LP'), ('1078207', 'NLS', 'Nautilus Inc'), ('1492633', 'NLSN', 'Nielsen Holdings NV'), ('1282631', 'NLST', 'Netlist Inc'), ('44800', 'NLX', 'Analex Corp'), ('1415362', 'NLX', 'Overture Acquisition Corp'), ('857501', 'NLXI', 'Jacobs Financial Group Inc'), ('1043219', 'NLY', 'Annaly Capital Management Inc'), ('857361', 'NMA', 'Nuveen Municipal Advantage Fund Inc'), ('1090120', 'NMB', 'Nuveen Massachusetts Dividend Advantage Municipal Fund'), ('1452751', 'NMBL', 'Nimble Storage Inc'), ('1412495', 'NMD', 'Nuveen Municipal High Income Opportunity Fund 2'), ('1493040', 'NMED', 'New Media Insight Group Inc'), ('1126983', 'NMEN', 'New Medium Enterprises Inc'), ('1496099', 'NMFC', 'New Mountain Finance Corp'), ('819539', 'NMG', 'Neiman Marcus Group Inc'), ('1030485', 'NMGC', 'Neomagic Corp'), ('1393283', 'NMGL', 'Elko Ventures Inc'), ('813562', 'NMHC', 'National Medical Health Card Systems Inc'), ('1333172', 'NMHIF', 'Navios Maritime Holdings Inc'), ('830271', 'NMI', 'Nuveen Municipal Income Fund Inc'), ('1547903', 'NMIH', 'Nmi Holdings Inc'), ('807524', 'NMIL', 'Newmil Bancorp Inc'), ('71932', 'NMKP', 'Niagara Mohawk Power Corp'), ('1092083', 'NMKT', 'Newmarket Technology Inc'), ('1562051', 'NML', 'Neuberger Berman MLP Income Fund Inc'), ('860188', 'NMO', 'Nuveen Municipal Market Opportunity Fund Inc'), ('890897', 'NMP', 'Nuveen Michigan Premium Income Municipal Fund Inc'), ('870753', 'NMRX', 'Numerex Corp'), ('915866', 'NMSS', 'Livewire Mobile Inc'), ('897419', 'NMT', 'Nuveen Massachusetts Premium Income Municipal Fund'), ('1017259', 'NMTI', 'NMT Medical Inc'), ('1101865', 'NMXS', 'Net Medical Xpress Solutions Inc'), ('897424', 'NMY', 'Nuveen Maryland Premium Income Municipal Fund'), ('1266585', 'NMZ', 'Nuveen Municipal High Income Opportunity Fund'), ('1437260', 'NNA', 'Navios Maritime Acquisition Corp'), ('863895', 'NNAN', 'Naturalnano Inc'), ('1158728', 'NNB', 'Nuveen Virginia Dividend Advantage Municipal Fund 2'), ('918541', 'NNBR', 'NN Inc'), ('899761', 'NNC', 'Nuveen North Carolina Premium Income Municipal Fund'), ('1112748', 'NNCO', 'Nannaco Inc'), ('108852', 'NNCT', 'Yankton Corp'), ('1176435', 'NNCT', '99 Cent Stuff Inc'), ('1098074', 'NNDS', 'NDS Group LTD'), ('885712', 'NNF', 'Nuveen New York Premium Income Municipal Fund Inc'), ('1258602', 'NNI', 'Nelnet Inc'), ('890898', 'NNJ', 'Nuveen New Jersey Premium Income Municipal Fund Inc'), ('830264', 'NNM', 'Nuveen New York Municipal Income Fund Inc'), ('751364', 'NNN', 'National Retail Properties Inc'), ('1158730', 'NNO', 'Nuveen North Carolina Dividend Advantage Municipal Fund 2'), ('856226', 'NNP', 'Nuveen New York Performance Plus Municipal Fund Inc'), ('891417', 'NNPP', 'Applied Nanotech Holdings Inc'), ('1286648', 'NNSR', 'Nanosensors Inc'), ('888981', 'NNUP', 'Nocopi Technologies Inc'), ('792161', 'NNUTU', 'Royal Hawaiian Orchards LP'), ('1379006', 'NNVC', 'Nanoviricides Inc'), ('818850', 'NNY', 'Nuveen New York Municipal Value Fund Inc'), ('1085115', 'NOAL', 'North American Liability Group Inc'), ('72205', 'NOBH', 'Nobility Homes Inc'), ('1034258', 'NOBL', 'Noble International LTD'), ('1133421', 'NOC', 'Northrop Grumman Corp'), ('820097', 'NOIZ', 'Micronetics Inc'), ('72243', 'NOLD', 'Noland Co'), ('899782', 'NOM', 'Nuveen Missouri Premium Income Municipal Fund'), ('1120023', 'NOMW', 'Nomatterware Inc'), ('847383', 'NOOF', 'New Frontier Media Inc'), ('1422105', 'NOR', 'Noranda Aluminum Holding Corp'), ('843296', 'NORPF', 'ST Barbara LTD'), ('1271076', 'NOTE', 'Modena 3 Inc'), ('1105692', 'NOTTRADING', 'Independent Asset Management Corp'), ('1021860', 'NOV', 'National Oilwell Varco Inc'), ('1086939', 'NOVA', 'Novamed Inc'), ('353191', 'NOVB', 'North Valley Bancorp'), ('758004', 'NOVL', 'Novell Inc'), ('815838', 'NOVN', 'Noven Pharmaceuticals Inc'), ('1025953', 'NOVS', 'Novation Companies Inc'), ('1012131', 'NOVT', 'Novoste Corp'), ('1425173', 'NOVZ', 'Novagen Ingenium Inc'), ('1373715', 'NOW', 'Servicenow Inc'), ('1227699', 'NOX', 'Neuberger Berman Income Opportunity Fund Inc'), ('1296435', 'NP', 'Neenah Paper Inc'), ('700733', 'NPBC', 'National Penn Bancshares Inc'), ('885711', 'NPC', 'Nuveen Insured California Premium Income Municipal Fund Inc'), ('1138659', 'NPDI', 'Neptune Industries Inc'), ('1279715', 'NPDV', 'Wright Investors Service Holdings Inc'), ('1309127', 'NPEN', 'North Penn Bancorp Inc'), ('1401434', 'NPEN', 'North Penn Bancorp Inc'), ('880845', 'NPF', 'Nuveen Premier Municipal Income Fund Inc'), ('1220819', 'NPFV', 'New Pacific Ventures Inc'), ('899758', 'NPG', 'Nuveen Georgia Premium Income Municipal Fund'), ('1119643', 'NPHC', 'Nutra Pharma Corp'), ('833251', 'NPI', 'Nuveen Premium Income Municipal Fund Inc'), ('80172', 'NPK', 'National Presto Industries Inc'), ('1178377', 'NPKG', 'Pollex Inc'), ('1054070', 'NPLA', 'Inplay Technologies Inc'), ('885734', 'NPM', 'Nuveen Premium Income Municipal Fund 2 Inc'), ('1454978', 'NPN', 'Nuveen Pennsylvania Municipal Value Fund'), ('1164863', 'NPO', 'Enpro Industries Inc'), ('849998', 'NPP', 'Nuveen Performance Plus Municipal Fund Inc'), ('764765', 'NPSI', 'North Pittsburgh Systems Inc'), ('890465', 'NPSP', 'NPS Pharmaceuticals Inc'), ('896061', 'NPT', 'Nuveen Premium Income Municipal Fund 4 Inc'), ('1171218', 'NPTE', 'North Pointe Holdings Corp'), ('833140', 'NPTH', 'Enpath Medical Inc'), ('1098532', 'NPTI', 'Neptune Society Inc'), ('1088788', 'NPTK', 'Nextpath Technologies Inc'), ('1227025', 'NPTN', 'Neophotonics Corp'), ('1261686', 'NPTT', 'Nptest Holding Corp'), ('897421', 'NPV', 'Nuveen Virginia Premium Income Municipal Fund'), ('1162816', 'NPWZ', 'Neah Power Systems Inc'), ('906959', 'NPX', 'Nuveen Premium Income Municipal Opportunity Fund'), ('897427', 'NPY', 'Nuveen Pennsylvania Premium Income Municipal Fund 2'), ('868440', 'NQC', 'Nuveen California Investment Quality Municipal Fund Inc'), ('872544', 'NQCI', 'National Quality Care Inc'), ('870779', 'NQF', 'Nuveen Florida Investment Quality Municipal Fund'), ('869405', 'NQI', 'Nuveen Quality Municipal Fund Inc'), ('870778', 'NQJ', 'Nuveen New Jersey Investment Quality Municipal Fund Inc'), ('862716', 'NQM', 'Nuveen Investment Quality Municipal Fund Inc'), ('868449', 'NQN', 'Nuveen New York Investment Quality Municipal Fund Inc'), ('870780', 'NQP', 'Nuveen Pennsylvania Investment Quality Municipal Fund'), ('872064', 'NQS', 'Nuveen Select Quality Municipal Fund Inc'), ('874506', 'NQU', 'Nuveen Quality Income Municipal Fund Inc'), ('71829', 'NR', 'Newpark Resources Inc'), ('1090121', 'NRB', 'Nuveen North Carolina Dividend Advantage Municipal Fund'), ('1388180', 'NRBT', 'Novus Robotics Inc'), ('70487', 'NRCIA', 'National Research Corp'), ('818010', 'NRCNA', 'Northland Cranberries Inc'), ('797167', 'NRDCQ', 'Naturade Inc'), ('72316', 'NRDS', 'Nord Resources Corp'), ('746253', 'NREB', 'Northern Empire Bancshares'), ('1273801', 'NRF', 'Northstar Realty Finance Corp'), ('1013871', 'NRG', 'NRG Energy Inc'), ('849043', 'NRGN', 'Neurogen Corp'), ('1228068', 'NRGP', 'Inergy Holdings LP'), ('356591', 'NRGX', 'Neurologix Inc'), ('1221327', 'NRI', 'Neuberger Berman Realty Income Fund Inc'), ('1163370', 'NRIM', 'Northrim Bancorp Inc'), ('1312211', 'NRIP', 'Nutri Pharmaceuticals Research Inc'), ('1195739', 'NRK', 'Nuveen New York Amt-free Municipal Income Fund'), ('1006820', 'NRLB', 'Northern California Bancorp Inc'), ('1096840', 'NRMG', 'Sunway Global Inc'), ('1261166', 'NRO', 'Neuberger Berman Real Estate Securities Income Fund Inc'), ('709005', 'NROM', 'Noble Romans Inc'), ('1171486', 'NRP', 'Natural Resource Partners LP'), ('1288379', 'NRPH', 'New River Pharmaceuticals Inc'), ('72418', 'NRRD', 'Norstan Inc'), ('72633', 'NRT', 'North European Oil Royalty Trust'), ('78311', 'NRVN', 'Swordfish Financial Inc'), ('1232951', 'NRWS', 'Narrowstep Inc'), ('1040839', 'NRXI', 'Nationsrx Inc'), ('819671', 'NRYM', 'National Realty LP'), ('1556593', 'NRZ', 'New Residential Investment Corp'), ('1110805', 'NS', 'Nustar Energy LP'), ('1432176', 'NSAV', 'Net Savings Link Inc'), ('1175029', 'NSBC', 'North State Bancorp'), ('1313730', 'NSBG', 'Atlantic Southern Financial Group Inc'), ('1068179', 'NSBK', 'Northern Star Financial Inc'), ('702165', 'NSC', 'Norfolk Southern Corp'), ('1088454', 'NSCN', 'Netscreen Technologies Inc'), ('1022505', 'NSCT', 'National Scientific Corp'), ('1157624', 'NSDA', 'Nassda Corp'), ('898624', 'NSDB', 'NSD Bancorp Inc'), ('1314822', 'NSE', 'New Skies Satellites Holdings LTD'), ('1527547', 'NSE', 'New Source Energy Corp'), ('865058', 'NSEC', 'National Security Group Inc'), ('744485', 'NSFC', 'Northern States Financial Corp'), ('1223786', 'NSH', 'Nustar GP Holdings LLC'), ('69680', 'NSHA', 'Nashua Corp'), ('932696', 'NSIT', 'Insight Enterprises Inc'), ('1093428', 'NSL', 'Nuveen Senior Income Fund'), ('1560443', 'NSLP', 'New Source Energy Partners LP'), ('1080316', 'NSLT', 'Nano Superlattice Technology Inc'), ('70530', 'NSM', 'National Semiconductor Corp'), ('1520566', 'NSM', 'Nationstar Mortgage Holdings Inc'), ('75448', 'NSO', 'Nstor Technologies Inc'), ('1116112', 'NSOL', 'US Fuel Corp'), ('1000753', 'NSP', 'Insperity Inc'), ('1105184', 'NSPH', 'Nanosphere Inc'), ('1433607', 'NSPR', 'Inspiremd Inc'), ('1265888', 'NSR', 'Neustar Inc'), ('92275', 'NSRP', 'Norfolk Southern Railway Co'), ('745026', 'NSS', 'NS Group Inc'), ('69633', 'NSSC', 'Napco Security Technologies Inc'), ('1035675', 'NST', 'Nstar'), ('1089638', 'NSTC', 'Ness Technologies Inc'), ('1401708', 'NSTG', 'Nanostring Technologies Inc'), ('737207', 'NSTK', 'Marina Biotech Inc'), ('1351509', 'NSTR', 'Northstar Neuroscience Inc'), ('722313', 'NSYS', 'Nortech Systems Inc'), ('72911', 'NT', 'Nortel Networks Corp'), ('1002047', 'NTAP', 'Netapp Inc'), ('1035826', 'NTBKQ', 'Netbank Inc'), ('899752', 'NTC', 'Nuveen Connecticut Premium Income Municipal Fund'), ('1078075', 'NTCT', 'Netscout Systems Inc'), ('1144347', 'NTDL', 'Interlink-us-network LTD'), ('877902', 'NTEC', 'Neose Technologies Inc'), ('1425905', 'NTEK', 'Aldar Group Inc'), ('1114937', 'NTEUE', 'NTL Europe Inc'), ('1084201', 'NTFSF', 'Sinovac Biotech LTD'), ('1031980', 'NTFY', 'Notify Technology Corp'), ('1057693', 'NTG', 'Natco Group Inc'), ('1284818', 'NTG', 'Napco Inc'), ('1490286', 'NTG', 'Tortoise MLP Fund Inc'), ('1122904', 'NTGR', 'Netgear Inc'), ('797564', 'NTHH', 'HST Global Inc'), ('875582', 'NTI', 'Northern Technologies International Corp'), ('1533454', 'NTI', 'Northern Tier Energy LP'), ('918112', 'NTII', 'Neurobiological Technologies Inc'), ('1065078', 'NTIP', 'Network 1 Technologies Inc'), ('1084827', 'NTIQ', 'Netiq Corp'), ('1216596', 'NTK', 'Nortek Inc'), ('1138586', 'NTLB', 'Union Dental Holdings Inc'), ('906347', 'NTLI', 'Virgin Media Holdings Inc'), ('1383825', 'NTLK', 'Net Talkcom Inc'), ('1328571', 'NTLS', 'Ntelos Holdings Corp'), ('927829', 'NTMD', 'Nitromed Inc'), ('318622', 'NTMM', 'Global Health Voyager Inc'), ('836937', 'NTMS', 'Esio Water & Beverage Development Corp'), ('748592', 'NTN', 'NTN Buzztime Inc'), ('1059189', 'NTNY', 'Nittany Financial Corp'), ('1025573', 'NTOL', 'Natrol Inc'), ('1086472', 'NTOP', 'Net2phone Inc'), ('1012482', 'NTPA', 'Netopia Inc'), ('1366578', 'NTQ', 'NTR Acquisition Co'), ('811419', 'NTRC', 'Natural Resources USA Corp'), ('1096376', 'NTRI', 'Nutri System Inc'), ('1135140', 'NTRN', 'Stock-trak Group Inc'), ('1087779', 'NTRO', 'Netro Corp'), ('73124', 'NTRS', 'Northern Trust Corp'), ('1095480', 'NTRT', 'Netratings LLC'), ('110536', 'NTSC', 'National Technical Systems Inc'), ('1071342', 'NTSL', 'Netsolve Inc'), ('1496623', 'NTSP', 'Netspend Holdings Inc'), ('1011028', 'NTST', 'Netsmart Technologies Inc'), ('1065734', 'NTTI', 'Nexplore Corp'), ('1084883', 'NTTL', 'Nettel Holdings Inc'), ('716749', 'NTUR', 'Natural Blue Resources Inc'), ('1039280', 'NTWK', 'Netsol Technologies Inc'), ('1077301', 'NTWO', 'N2H2 Inc'), ('878201', 'NTX', 'Nuveen Texas Quality Income Municipal Fund'), ('70793', 'NTY', 'Nbty Inc'), ('72741', 'NU', 'Northeast Utilities'), ('1002517', 'NUAN', 'Nuance Communications Inc'), ('1102556', 'NUAN', 'Nuance Communications'), ('879826', 'NUC', 'Nuveen California Quality Income Municipal Fund Inc'), ('947577', 'NUCO', 'Nuco2 Inc'), ('1106607', 'NUCO', 'JP Morgan Partners Bhca LP'), ('73309', 'NUE', 'Nucor Corp'), ('878180', 'NUF', 'Nuveen Florida Quality Income Municipal Fund'), ('1090215', 'NUFO', 'New Focus Inc'), ('718074', 'NUHC', 'Nu Horizons Electronics Corp'), ('1105192', 'NUI', 'Nui Corp'), ('1273385', 'NUIN', 'Nutrastar International Inc'), ('1161070', 'NUJ', 'Nuveen New Jersey Dividend Advantage Municipal Fund 2'), ('71557', 'NULM', 'New Ulm Telecom Inc'), ('878198', 'NUM', 'Nuveen Michigan Quality Income Municipal Fund'), ('1543637', 'NUMD', 'Nu-med Plus Inc'), ('879819', 'NUN', 'Nuveen New York Quality Income Municipal Fund Inc'), ('1333563', 'NUNC', 'Force Minerals Corp'), ('878200', 'NUO', 'Nuveen Ohio Quality Income Municipal Fund'), ('1289850', 'NURO', 'Neurometrix Inc'), ('1021561', 'NUS', 'Nu Skin Enterprises Inc'), ('1050007', 'NUTR', 'Nutraceutical International Corp'), ('812801', 'NUV', 'Nuveen Municipal Value Fund Inc'), ('1142596', 'NUVA', 'Nuvasive Inc'), ('1170652', 'NUVM', 'Nuvim Inc'), ('907654', 'NUVO', 'Arca Biopharma Inc'), ('1450445', 'NUW', 'Nuveen Amt-free Municipal Value Fund'), ('1009802', 'NUWV', 'Turnaround Partners Inc'), ('1096915', 'NVAE', 'Pcsupport Com Inc'), ('106374', 'NVAL', 'New Valley Corp'), ('1137469', 'NVAO', 'Nova Biosource Fuels Inc'), ('1000694', 'NVAX', 'Novavax Inc'), ('874142', 'NVC', 'Nuveen California Select Quality Municipal Fund Inc'), ('1043873', 'NVD', 'Novadel Pharma Inc'), ('1045810', 'NVDA', 'Nvidia Corp'), ('888358', 'NVDM', 'Novadigm Inc'), ('724910', 'NVEC', 'Nve Corp'), ('1532961', 'NVEE', 'NV5 Holdings Inc'), ('1119689', 'NVFN', 'Nuevo Financial Center Inc'), ('1090116', 'NVG', 'Nuveen Dividend Advantage Municipal Income Fund'), ('1075880', 'NVGN', 'Novogen LTD'), ('910655', 'NVH', 'National RV Holdings Inc'), ('868263', 'NVI', 'National Vision Associates LTD'), ('904896', 'NVIC', 'N-viro International Corp'), ('1292519', 'NVIV', 'Invivo Therapeutics Holdings Corp'), ('1165383', 'NVJ', 'Nuveen Ohio Dividend Advantage Municipal Fund 3'), ('1304280', 'NVL', 'Novelis Inc'), ('836106', 'NVLS', 'Novellus Systems Inc'), ('1157075', 'NVLX', 'Nuvilex Inc'), ('1109345', 'NVMI', 'Nova Measuring Instruments LTD'), ('1372184', 'NVMN', 'Radiant Creations Group Inc'), ('874143', 'NVN', 'Nuveen New York Select Quality Municipal Fund Inc'), ('1282980', 'NVNT', 'Novint Technologies Inc'), ('906163', 'NVR', 'NVR Inc'), ('1293413', 'NVSL', 'Naugatuck Valley Financial Corp'), ('1493552', 'NVSL', 'Naugatuck Valley Financial Corp'), ('877019', 'NVSRF', 'Pure Nickel Inc'), ('1006384', 'NVST', 'Golden Elephant Glass Technology Inc'), ('834208', 'NVT', 'Navteq Corp'), ('1022652', 'NVTL', 'Novatel Wireless Inc'), ('1127706', 'NVX', 'Nuveen California Dividend Advantage Municipal Fund 2'), ('1158729', 'NVY', 'Nuveen Pennsylvania  Dividend Advantage Municipal Fund 2'), ('1058033', 'NWAC', 'Northwest Airlines Corp'), ('53500', 'NWBA', 'New Bastion Development Inc'), ('799426', 'NWBD', 'New World Brands Inc'), ('1471265', 'NWBI', 'Northwest Bancshares Inc'), ('1072379', 'NWBT', 'Northwest Biotherapeutics Inc'), ('1157282', 'NWCB', 'Newnan Coweta Bancshares Inc'), ('934796', 'NWCN', 'Network CN Inc'), ('1089590', 'NWD', 'New Dragon Asia Corp'), ('73088', 'NWEC', 'Northwestern Corp'), ('1196362', 'NWF', 'Nuveen Insured Florida Tax Free Advantage Municipal Fund'), ('1041753', 'NWFI', 'Northway Financial Inc'), ('1013272', 'NWFL', 'Norwood Financial Corp'), ('352447', 'NWGD', 'Pogo Products LTD'), ('833837', 'NWGN', 'Newgen Technologies Inc'), ('1574596', 'NWHM', 'New Home Co LLC'), ('1177214', 'NWI', 'Nuveen Maryland Dividend Advantage Municipal Fund 3'), ('919864', 'NWINOB', 'Northwest Indiana Bancorp'), ('915016', 'NWIR', 'NWH Inc'), ('752431', 'NWK', 'Network Equipment Technologies Inc'), ('814453', 'NWL', 'Newell Rubbermaid Inc'), ('1134011', 'NWLF', 'New Life Scientific Inc'), ('70684', 'NWLI', 'National Western Life Insurance Co'), ('1353538', 'NWLM', 'Newtown Lane Marketing Inc'), ('1066764', 'NWMV', 'Spine Pain Management Inc'), ('73020', 'NWN', 'Northwest Natural Gas Co'), ('1289223', 'NWPG', 'Newport Gold Inc'), ('1163389', 'NWPP', 'New Peoples Bankshares Inc'), ('1119307', 'NWPW', 'Newpower Holdings Inc'), ('1001385', 'NWPX', 'Northwest Pipe Co'), ('894743', 'NWRE', 'Neoware Inc'), ('1017483', 'NWRS', 'Northwater Resources Inc'), ('1308161', 'NWS', 'Twenty-first Century Fox Inc'), ('1564708', 'NWS', 'News Corp'), ('1042064', 'NWSB', 'Northwest Bancorp Inc'), ('1080008', 'NWTB', 'Newtech Brake Corp'), ('1479488', 'NWTR', 'New Western Energy Corp'), ('1211351', 'NWY', 'New York & Company Inc'), ('276889', 'NX', 'Quanex Corp'), ('1423221', 'NX', 'Quanex Building Products Corp'), ('885732', 'NXC', 'Nuveen California Select Tax Free Income Portfolio'), ('1053113', 'NXCN', 'Nexicon'), ('1177212', 'NXE', 'Nuveen Arizona Dividend Advantage Municipal Fund 3'), ('1561781', 'NXES', 'Nexus Enterprise Solutions Inc'), ('1343465', 'NXGB', 'Nextgen Bioscience Inc'), ('835688', 'NXGNF', 'Laxai Pharma LTD'), ('1124111', 'NXGV', 'Nexgen Vision Inc'), ('1233275', 'NXHC', 'Nexcore Healthcare Capital Corp'), ('1087788', 'NXI', 'Nuveen Ohio Dividend Advantage Municipal Fund'), ('1087786', 'NXJ', 'Nuveen New Jersey Dividend Advantage Municipal Fund'), ('1131063', 'NXK', 'Nuveen New York Dividend Advantage Municipal Fund 2'), ('798288', 'NXL', 'Centro NP LLC'), ('1087787', 'NXM', 'Nuveen Pennsylvania Dividend Advantage Municipal Fund'), ('1088800', 'NXMR', 'Bank One Capital I'), ('885731', 'NXN', 'Nuveen New York Select Tax -free Income Portfolio'), ('883618', 'NXP', 'Nuveen Select Tax Free Income Portfolio'), ('1327195', 'NXPN', 'Northern Explorations LTD'), ('1047499', 'NXPS', 'Nexprise Inc'), ('885733', 'NXQ', 'Nuveen Select Tax Free Income Portfolio 2'), ('888411', 'NXR', 'Nuveen Select Tax Free Income Portfolio 3'), ('1070534', 'NXRA', 'Nextera Enterprises Inc'), ('314307', 'NXSO', 'Noxso Corp'), ('1142417', 'NXST', 'Nexstar Broadcasting Group Inc'), ('1071991', 'NXTI', 'Next Inc'), ('824169', 'NXTL', 'Nextel Communications Inc'), ('1333170', 'NXTM', 'Nxstage Medical Inc'), ('1085707', 'NXTP', 'Nextel Partners Inc'), ('1311344', 'NXTZ', 'Wren Inc'), ('1445625', 'NXWI', 'Technology Publishing Inc'), ('744962', 'NXXI', 'Nxxi Inc'), ('1131062', 'NXZ', 'Nuveen Dividend Advantage Municipal Fund 2'), ('910073', 'NYCB', 'New York Community Bancorp Inc'), ('884647', 'NYER', 'Nyer Medical Group Inc'), ('99047', 'NYFXE', 'Nyfix Inc'), ('1196875', 'NYH', 'Eaton Vance New York Municipal Bond Fund II'), ('1567683', 'NYLD', 'NRG Yield Inc'), ('847431', 'NYM', 'Nymagic Inc'), ('1273685', 'NYMT', 'New York Mortgage Trust Inc'), ('906780', 'NYNY', 'Empire Resorts Inc'), ('1020173', 'NYRR', 'New York Regional Rail Corp'), ('1467808', 'NYSYCO', 'China Cord Blood Corp'), ('71691', 'NYT', 'New York Times Co'), ('1475899', 'NYTE', 'Nytex Energy Holdings Inc'), ('1454981', 'NYV', 'Nuveen New York Municipal Value Fund 2'), ('1526185', 'NYWT', 'New York Tutor Co'), ('1326579', 'NYX', 'Nyse Group Inc'), ('1368007', 'NYX', 'Nyse Euronext'), ('1132484', 'NZ', 'Netezza Corp'), ('1137887', 'NZF', 'Nuveen Dividend Advantage Municipal Fund 3'), ('1137888', 'NZH', 'Nuveen California Dividend Advantage Municipal Fund 3'), ('1137885', 'NZR', 'Nuveen Maryland Dividend Advantage Municipal Fund 2'), ('1087785', 'NZW', 'Nuveen Michigan Dividend Advantage Municipal Fund'), ('1097668', 'NZX', 'Nuveen Georgia Dividend Advantage Municipal Fund'), ('749290', 'NZYM', 'Synthetech Inc'), ('726728', 'O', 'Realty Income Corp'), ('1107565', 'O', 'Osk Capital III Corp'), ('1470795', 'OABC', 'Omniamerican Bancorp Inc'), ('1403528', 'OAK', 'Oaktree Capital Group LLC'), ('949695', 'OAKF', 'International Private Satellite Partners LP'), ('949953', 'OAKF', 'Oak Hill Financial Inc'), ('216748', 'OAKR', 'Oakridge Energy Inc'), ('1547546', 'OAKS', 'Five Oaks Investment Corp'), ('824225', 'OAKT', 'Oak Technology Inc'), ('1043476', 'OAOT', 'Oao Technology Solutions Inc'), ('1486159', 'OAS', 'Oasis Petroleum Inc'), ('909990', 'OATS', 'Wild Oats Markets Inc'), ('1471088', 'OBAF', 'Oba Financial Services Inc'), ('1077618', 'OBAS', 'Optibase LTD'), ('350737', 'OBCI', 'Ocean Bio Chem Inc'), ('1025169', 'OBIE', 'Obie Media Corp'), ('1489256', 'OBJE', 'Obj Enterprises Inc'), ('1261204', 'OBNH', 'Obn Holdings'), ('825521', 'OBSD', 'Danzer Corp'), ('1370946', 'OC', 'Owens Corning'), ('931702', 'OCA', 'Oca Inc'), ('73952', 'OCAS', 'Ohio Casualty Corp'), ('1000230', 'OCCF', 'Optical Cable Corp'), ('1108185', 'OCCM', 'Occam Networks Inc'), ('1437494', 'OCEE', 'Ocean Energy Inc'), ('73759', 'OCEX', 'Oceanic Exploration Co'), ('1004702', 'OCFC', 'Oceanfirst Financial Corp'), ('1578932', 'OCIP', 'Oci Partners LP'), ('1575051', 'OCIR', 'Oci Resources LP'), ('799694', 'OCLG', 'Oncologix Tech Inc'), ('882484', 'OCLR', 'Ocular Sciences Inc'), ('1110647', 'OCLR', 'Oclaro Inc'), ('1367083', 'OCLS', 'Oculus Innovative Sciences Inc'), ('873860', 'OCN', 'Ocwen Financial Corp'), ('1182555', 'OCNB', 'Bridge Street Financial Inc'), ('1122668', 'OCPI', 'Optical Communication Products Inc'), ('353230', 'OCR', 'Omnicare Inc'), ('1114222', 'OCRI', 'Ocean Resources Inc'), ('1274644', 'OCRX', 'Ocera Therapeutics Inc'), ('1067675', 'OCTH', 'Oncourse Technologies Inc'), ('891462', 'OCTI', 'Octus Inc'), ('1071840', 'OCTL', 'New Energy Technologies Inc'), ('1444837', 'OCTX', 'Octagon 88 Resources Inc'), ('1355128', 'OCZ', 'Zco Liquidating Corp'), ('74046', 'ODC', 'Oil Dri Corp Of America'), ('1022536', 'ODDJ', 'Odd Job Stores Inc'), ('878927', 'ODFL', 'Old Dominion Freight Line Inc'), ('1292026', 'ODMO', 'Odimo Inc'), ('800240', 'ODP', 'Office Depot Inc'), ('1129623', 'ODSY', 'Odyssey Healthcare Inc'), ('1346377', 'ODYC', 'Odyne Corp'), ('1489300', 'ODZA', 'Odenza Corp'), ('73960', 'OE', 'Ohio Edison Co'), ('320321', 'OEI', 'Ocean Energy Inc'), ('1409375', 'OESX', 'Orion Energy Systems Inc'), ('860546', 'OFC', 'Corporate Office Properties Trust'), ('1501078', 'OFED', 'Oconee Federal Financial Corp'), ('1272771', 'OFFO', 'Osage Federal Financial Inc'), ('1030469', 'OFG', 'Ofg Bancorp'), ('1101020', 'OFI', 'Overhill Farms Inc'), ('884624', 'OFIX', 'Orthofix International N V'), ('1317945', 'OFLX', 'Omega Flex Inc'), ('1487918', 'OFS', 'Ofs Capital Corp'), ('1362599', 'OFSI', 'Omni Financial Services Inc'), ('1129981', 'OGBY', 'Oglebay Norton Co'), ('1082816', 'OGBYP', 'Oglebay Norton Co'), ('1021635', 'OGE', 'Oge Energy Corp'), ('1301180', 'OGNT', 'Organa Technologies Group Inc'), ('1587732', 'OGS', 'One Gas Inc'), ('1338648', 'OHAQ', 'Oracle Healthcare Acquisition Corp'), ('38570', 'OHB', 'Orleans Homebuilders Inc'), ('225211', 'OHGI', 'One Horizon Group Inc'), ('888491', 'OHI', 'Omega Healthcare Investors Inc'), ('30966', 'OHNA', 'Matrixx Resource Holdings Inc'), ('865084', 'OHP', 'Oxford Health Plans Inc'), ('887757', 'OHRI', 'Occupational Health & Rehabilitation Inc'), ('1173281', 'OHRP', 'Ohr Pharmaceutical Inc'), ('919644', 'OHSB', 'Ohio State Bancshares Inc'), ('812074', 'OI', 'Owens Illinois Inc'), ('835333', 'OIA', 'Invesco Municipal Income Opportunities Trust'), ('847593', 'OIB', 'Invesco Municipal Income Opportunities Trust II'), ('861069', 'OIC', 'Invesco Municipal Income Opportunities Trust III'), ('73773', 'OICO', 'Oi Corp'), ('73756', 'OII', 'Oceaneering International Inc'), ('1516007', 'OILT', 'Oiltanking Partners LP'), ('1486299', 'OINK', 'Tianli Agritech Inc'), ('1121484', 'OIS', 'Oil States International Inc'), ('885317', 'OISI', 'Ophthalmic Imaging Systems'), ('74154', 'OKE', 'Oneok Inc'), ('1039684', 'OKE', 'Oneok Inc'), ('1038459', 'OKFC', 'O A K Financial Corp'), ('830483', 'OKME', 'Oak Ridge Energy Technologies Inc'), ('1364714', 'OKN', 'Oceanaut Inc'), ('73605', 'OKRG', 'Oakridge Holdings Inc'), ('914374', 'OKSB', 'Southwest Bancorp Inc'), ('1310709', 'OLA', 'Guggenheim Enhanced Equity Income Fund F'), ('1314196', 'OLBG', 'Olb Group Inc'), ('1253317', 'OLBK', 'Old Line Bancshares Inc'), ('1096654', 'OLCB', 'Ohio Legacy Corp'), ('1297968', 'OLED', 'Cambridge Display Technology Inc'), ('74058', 'OLGR', 'Oilgear Co'), ('1278129', 'OLGX', 'Osteologix Inc'), ('1533311', 'OLIE', 'Olie Inc'), ('1166161', 'OLKT', 'Onelink Corp'), ('74303', 'OLN', 'Olin Corp'), ('712770', 'OLP', 'One Liberty Properties Inc'), ('1325823', 'OMAC', 'Brooke Credit Corp'), ('1389870', 'OMBP', 'Omni Bio Pharmaceutical Inc'), ('29989', 'OMC', 'Omnicom Group Inc'), ('926326', 'OMCL', 'Omnicell Inc'), ('1034592', 'OMCM', 'Omnicomm Systems Inc'), ('1411586', 'OMCY', 'Bear River Resources Inc'), ('1108943', 'OMDC', 'Gulf Coast Oil & Gas Inc'), ('842013', 'OMDI', 'Medefile International Inc'), ('1053650', 'OME', 'Omega Protein Corp'), ('1302573', 'OMED', 'Oncomed Pharmaceuticals Inc'), ('705671', 'OMEF', 'Omega Financial Corp'), ('1285819', 'OMER', 'Omeros Corp'), ('798528', 'OMEX', 'Odyssey Marine Exploration Inc'), ('899723', 'OMG', 'Om Group Inc'), ('1085402', 'OMHI', 'Omni Medical Holdings Inc'), ('75252', 'OMI', 'Owens & Minor Inc'), ('841501', 'OMIF', 'Owens Mortgage Investment Fund A Calif LTD Partnership'), ('1061571', 'OMM', 'Omi Corp'), ('1090061', 'OMN', 'Omnova Solutions Inc'), ('1046212', 'OMNI', 'Omni Energy Services Corp'), ('1375247', 'OMPI', 'Obagi Medical Products Inc'), ('1349426', 'OMRI', 'Omrix Biopharmaceuticals Inc'), ('946428', 'OMRX', 'Orthometrix  Inc'), ('829801', 'OMS', 'Oppenheimer Multi Sector Income Trust'), ('1477598', 'OMTH', 'Omthera Pharmaceuticals Inc'), ('1404804', 'OMTK', 'Omnitek Engineering Corp'), ('1020579', 'OMTL', 'Omtool LTD'), ('1357525', 'OMTR', 'Omniture Inc'), ('1449224', 'OMVE', 'Omni Ventures Inc'), ('12978', 'OMX', 'Mapleby Holdings Merger Corp'), ('929428', 'OMX', 'Officemax Inc'), ('707179', 'ONB', 'Old National Bancorp'), ('1425919', 'ONCE', 'Islet Sciences Inc'), ('1300867', 'ONCI', 'On4 Communications Inc'), ('1020871', 'ONCO', 'On Command Corp'), ('1111845', 'ONCP', 'Onecap'), ('1444307', 'ONCS', 'Oncosec Medical Inc'), ('1039646', 'ONCU', 'Oncure Medical Corp'), ('1067092', 'ONE', 'Bank One Corp'), ('1486800', 'ONE', 'Higher One Holdings Inc'), ('74585', 'ONEI', 'Oneida LTD'), ('1079880', 'ONES', 'Onesource Information Services Inc'), ('1096088', 'ONEV', 'One Voice Technologies Inc'), ('1372267', 'ONEZ', 'Contracted Services Inc'), ('1070190', 'ONFC', 'Oneida Financial Corp'), ('1485001', 'ONFC', 'Oneida Financial Corp'), ('755113', 'ONH', 'Orion Healthcorp Inc'), ('1174940', 'ONI', 'Oragenics Inc'), ('1520586', 'ONIN', 'Sport Tech Enterprises Inc'), ('1097864', 'ONNN', 'On Semiconductor Corp'), ('812446', 'ONPR', 'One Price Clothing Stores Inc'), ('909171', 'ONSE', 'Onsite Energy Corp'), ('919130', 'ONSM', 'Onstream Media Corp'), ('1012141', 'ONSS', 'On Site Sourcing Inc'), ('1045280', 'ONT', 'On2 Technologies Inc'), ('925288', 'ONTC', 'On Technology Corp'), ('1427352', 'ONTC', 'Inelco Corp'), ('1506385', 'ONTG', 'Ontarget360 Group Inc'), ('824104', 'ONTN', 'Full Motion Beverage Inc'), ('1130598', 'ONTX', 'Onconova Therapeutics Inc'), ('1412067', 'ONTY', 'Oncothyreon Inc'), ('1058786', 'ONVC', 'Online Vacation Center Holdings Corp'), ('1100917', 'ONVI', 'Onvia Inc'), ('1497253', 'ONVO', 'Organovo Holdings Inc'), ('1014383', 'ONXS', 'Onyx Software Corp'), ('1012140', 'ONXX', 'Onyx Pharmaceuticals Inc'), ('1192907', 'ONYI', 'Originally New York Inc'), ('1006614', 'ONYX', 'Onyx Acceptance Corp'), ('946356', 'OO', 'Oakley Inc'), ('1405287', 'OOO', 'Stream Global Services Inc'), ('1303433', 'OPBL', 'Optionable Inc'), ('1216128', 'OPBP', 'Oregon Pacific Bancorp'), ('1094139', 'OPCO', 'Ourpets Co'), ('1121648', 'OPCT', 'Opticnet Inc'), ('873538', 'OPEN', 'Open Solutions Inc'), ('1125914', 'OPEN', 'Opentable Inc'), ('1168776', 'OPGX', 'Optigenex Inc'), ('1288855', 'OPHC', 'Optimumbank Holdings Inc'), ('1410939', 'OPHT', 'Ophthotech Corp'), ('863061', 'OPIX', 'Odyssey Pictures Corp'), ('944809', 'OPK', 'Opko Health Inc'), ('1022225', 'OPLK', 'Oplink Communications Inc'), ('1060409', 'OPLM', 'Sunvesta Inc'), ('1116884', 'OPLO', 'Orderpro Logistics Inc'), ('820474', 'OPMC', 'Optimumcare Corp'), ('1015923', 'OPMR', 'Optimal Group Inc'), ('1108924', 'OPNT', 'Opnet Technologies Inc'), ('740971', 'OPOF', 'Old Point Financial Corp'), ('1448431', 'OPRX', 'Optimizerx Corp'), ('74688', 'OPST', 'Opt Sciences Corp'), ('1100813', 'OPSW', 'Opsware Inc'), ('311046', 'OPT', 'Opticare Health Systems Inc'), ('275858', 'OPTC', 'Optelecom-nkf Inc'), ('899297', 'OPTI', 'Opti Inc'), ('1014920', 'OPTK', 'Optika Inc'), ('907658', 'OPTL', 'Optical Sensors Inc'), ('1219169', 'OPTM', 'Optium Corp'), ('884064', 'OPTN', 'Option Care Inc'), ('1096689', 'OPTO', 'Optio Software Inc'), ('1142576', 'OPTR', 'Optimer Pharmaceuticals Inc'), ('1378140', 'OPTT', 'Ocean Power Technologies Inc'), ('1096958', 'OPTV', 'Opentv Corp'), ('1101152', 'OPWR', 'Online Power Supply Inc'), ('1069308', 'OPXA', 'Opexa Therapeutics Inc'), ('1397016', 'OPXS', 'Optex Systems Holdings Inc'), ('1157780', 'OPXT', 'Opnext Inc'), ('79163', 'OPY', 'Pledger & Co Inc'), ('791963', 'OPY', 'Oppenheimer Holdings Inc'), ('1296445', 'ORA', 'Ormat Technologies Inc'), ('1490711', 'ORAC', 'Sterilite Solutions Corp'), ('820736', 'ORB', 'Orbital Sciences Corp'), ('1361983', 'ORBC', 'Orbcomm Inc'), ('1370729', 'ORBM', 'Orbimage Inc'), ('74818', 'ORBT', 'Orbit International Corp'), ('1173495', 'ORBZ', 'Orbitz Inc'), ('1518621', 'ORC', 'Orchid Island Capital Inc'), ('1408956', 'ORCA', 'SGB International Holdings Inc'), ('888953', 'ORCC', 'Online Resources Corp'), ('1339729', 'ORCD', 'Orchard Enterprises Inc'), ('1107216', 'ORCH', 'Orchid Cellmark Inc'), ('911673', 'ORCI', 'Opinion Research Corp'), ('777676', 'ORCL', 'Oracle Systems'), ('1341439', 'ORCL', 'Oracle Corp'), ('1278906', 'OREX', 'Orexigen Therapeutics Inc'), ('1382911', 'OREX', 'Orexigen Therapeutics Inc'), ('1438672', 'ORFG', 'SNT Cleaning Inc'), ('1037115', 'ORFR', 'Orbit FR Inc'), ('1442634', 'ORG', 'Organic Alliance Inc'), ('1268039', 'ORGN', 'Origen Financial Inc'), ('832810', 'ORGT', 'Organitech USA Inc'), ('1137048', 'ORH', 'Odyssey Re Holdings Corp'), ('74260', 'ORI', 'Old Republic International Corp'), ('1374756', 'ORIT', 'Oritani Financial Corp'), ('1483195', 'ORIT', 'Oritani Financial Corp'), ('898173', 'ORLY', 'O Reilly Automotive Inc'), ('1556364', 'ORM', 'Owens Realty Mortgage Inc'), ('1176309', 'ORMP', 'Oramed Pharmaceuticals Inc'), ('1402829', 'ORN', 'Orion Marine Group Inc'), ('1098996', 'ORNC', 'Oranco Inc'), ('932372', 'ORNG', 'Spy Inc'), ('929548', 'ORPH', 'Orphan Medical Inc'), ('1358190', 'ORPN', 'Orient Paper Inc'), ('826154', 'ORRF', 'Orrstown Financial Services Inc'), ('1090052', 'ORTE', 'Oretech Inc'), ('889992', 'ORTN', 'Forticell Bioscience Inc'), ('1436164', 'ORYN', 'Oryon Technologies Inc'), ('915355', 'ORYX', 'Oryx Technology Corp'), ('830260', 'OS', 'Oregon Steel Mills Inc'), ('357173', 'OSBC', 'Old Second Bancorp Inc'), ('1375336', 'OSBK', 'Osage Bancshares Inc'), ('1180743', 'OSCE', 'Ceragenix Pharmaceuticals Inc'), ('356830', 'OSCI', 'Oscient Pharmaceuticals Corp'), ('924101', 'OSEE', 'Ose USA Inc'), ('1500198', 'OSEO', 'Original Source Entertainment Inc'), ('75208', 'OSG', 'Overseas Shipholding Group Inc'), ('1405686', 'OSGE', 'Osage Exploration & Development Inc'), ('1004411', 'OSGL', 'Gilla Inc'), ('896842', 'OSH', 'Osh 1 Liquidating Corp'), ('1298716', 'OSHC', 'Ocean Shore Holding Co'), ('1444397', 'OSHC', 'Ocean Shore Holding Co'), ('874691', 'OSI', 'Outback Steakhouse Inc'), ('729922', 'OSIP', 'Osi Pharmaceuticals Inc'), ('1360886', 'OSIR', 'Osiris Therapeutics Inc'), ('1039065', 'OSIS', 'Osi Systems Inc'), ('775158', 'OSK', 'Oshkosh Corp'), ('741390', 'OSKY', 'Midwestone Financial Group Inc'), ('1403433', 'OSLE', 'Osler Inc'), ('1409134', 'OSP', 'Osg America LP'), ('1118421', 'OSRC', 'Onesource Technologies Inc'), ('1122380', 'OSRS', 'Thomas Equipment Inc'), ('874734', 'OSTE', 'Osteotech Inc'), ('1130713', 'OSTK', 'Overstockcom Inc'), ('74273', 'OSTN', 'Old Stone Corp'), ('932631', 'OSTX', 'Ostex International Inc'), ('915354', 'OSULP', 'Osullivan Industries Holdings Inc'), ('1116463', 'OSUR', 'Orasure Technologies Inc'), ('928375', 'OTCQB', 'Dutch Gold Resources Inc'), ('1117458', 'OTD', 'O2diesel Corp'), ('1144546', 'OTEL', 'Ownertel Inc'), ('858748', 'OTES', 'Op Tech Environmental Services Inc'), ('1041122', 'OTFC', 'Oregon Trail Financial Corp'), ('1014343', 'OTGO', 'Organic To Go Food Corp'), ('1021604', 'OTIV', 'On Track Innovations LTD'), ('1006281', 'OTIX', 'Protalix Biotherapeutics Inc'), ('1054905', 'OTL', 'Innospec Inc'), ('1341997', 'OTMI', 'Optimum Interactive USA LTD'), ('1326852', 'OTOW', 'O2 Secure Wireless Inc'), ('1288359', 'OTT', 'Otelco Inc'), ('75129', 'OTTR', 'Otter Tail Corp'), ('1466593', 'OTTR', 'Otter Tail Corp'), ('1321070', 'OTTW', 'Ottawa Savings Bancorp Inc'), ('722839', 'OTV', 'Onetravel Holdings Inc'), ('846732', 'OUSA', 'Brendan Technologies Inc'), ('760326', 'OUTD', 'Outdoor Channel Holdings Inc'), ('867490', 'OUTL', 'Outlook Group Corp'), ('941604', 'OUTR', 'Outerwall Inc'), ('1544227', 'OVAS', 'Ovascience Inc'), ('894671', 'OVBC', 'Ohio Valley Banc Corp'), ('916545', 'OVEN', 'Turbochef Technologies Inc'), ('1060439', 'OVER', 'Overture Services Inc'), ('32284', 'OVLG', 'Ovale Group Inc'), ('1431567', 'OVLY', 'Oak Valley Bancorp'), ('1137764', 'OVNIF', 'Ocean Ventures Inc'), ('1061859', 'OVNT', 'Overnite Corp'), ('889930', 'OVRL', 'Overland Storage Inc'), ('1106851', 'OVTI', 'Omnivision Technologies Inc'), ('75234', 'OWENQ', 'Owens Corning Sales LLC'), ('1104538', 'OWHC', 'Ocean West Holding Corp'), ('1017616', 'OWOO', 'One World Holdings Inc'), ('921046', 'OWOS', 'Owosso Corp'), ('1394159', 'OWW', 'Orbitz Worldwide Inc'), ('34956', 'OXBT', 'Oxygen Biotherapeutics Inc'), ('1412347', 'OXF', 'Oxford Resource Partners LP'), ('1586049', 'OXFD', 'Oxford Immunotec Global PLC'), ('1168220', 'OXFV', 'Uluru Inc'), ('908259', 'OXGN', 'Oxigene Inc'), ('109657', 'OXIS', 'Oxis International Inc'), ('1495222', 'OXLC', 'Oxford Lane Capital Corp'), ('75288', 'OXM', 'Oxford Industries Inc'), ('1299688', 'OXPS', 'Optionsxpress Holdings Inc'), ('797468', 'OXY', 'Occidental Petroleum Corp'), ('934646', 'OYMP', 'Olympic Entertainment Group Inc'), ('1001115', 'OYOG', 'Geospace Technologies Corp'), ('1403256', 'OZM', 'Och-ziff Capital Management Group LLC'), ('1038205', 'OZRK', 'Bank Of The Ozarks Inc'), ('1230276', 'P', 'Pandora Media Inc'), ('1310897', 'PA', 'Panamsat Holding Corp'), ('1070423', 'PAA', 'Plains All American Pipeline LP'), ('705200', 'PAB', 'Pab Bankshares Inc'), ('1371487', 'PABR', 'Eqco2 Inc'), ('1299130', 'PACB', 'Pacific Biosciences Of California Inc'), ('1038541', 'PACI', 'Precision Auto Care Inc'), ('882830', 'PACK', 'Gibraltar Packaging Group Inc'), ('1091735', 'PACR', 'Pacer International Inc'), ('815017', 'PACT', 'Pacificnet Inc'), ('882800', 'PACV', 'Pacific Ventures Group Inc'), ('1071598', 'PACW', 'Pac-west Telecomm Inc'), ('1102112', 'PACW', 'Pacwest Bancorp'), ('1372041', 'PAET', 'Paetec Holding Corp'), ('1019849', 'PAG', 'Penske Automotive Group Inc'), ('771729', 'PAGI', 'Alabama Aircraft Industries Inc'), ('1410660', 'PAGP', 'Plains GP Holdings LP'), ('1581990', 'PAGP', 'Plains GP Holdings LP'), ('1590714', 'PAH', 'Platform Specialty Products Corp'), ('75398', 'PAI', 'Western Asset Income Fund'), ('801904', 'PALC', 'Pacific Alliance Corp'), ('1100389', 'PALM', 'Palm Inc'), ('1490078', 'PALTF', 'Pan American Lithium Corp'), ('1278465', 'PALV', 'Eurasia Energy LTD'), ('1493761', 'PAMT', 'Parametric Sound Corp'), ('1040017', 'PANC', 'Panacos Pharmaceuticals Inc'), ('1024048', 'PANG', 'Panacea Global Inc'), ('1005284', 'PANL', 'Universal Display Corp'), ('1327567', 'PANW', 'Palo Alto Networks Inc'), ('936446', 'PAOS', 'Precision Aerospace Components Inc'), ('773717', 'PAQS', 'Standard Metals Processing Inc'), ('1408501', 'PAR', '3par Inc'), ('76149', 'PARF', 'Paradise Inc'), ('802356', 'PARL', 'Parlux Fragrances Inc'), ('713275', 'PARS', 'Pharmos Corp'), ('1084230', 'PAS', 'Pepsiamericas Inc'), ('1082324', 'PASW', 'Virnetx Holding Corp'), ('1003961', 'PATD', 'Patapsco Bancorp Inc'), ('1375200', 'PATH', 'Nupathe Inc'), ('76605', 'PATK', 'Patrick Industries Inc'), ('844059', 'PATR', 'Patriot Transportation Holding Inc'), ('1017813', 'PATY', 'Patient Infosystems Inc'), ('1076607', 'PAVC', 'Apo Health Inc'), ('1346973', 'PAWS', 'Paws Pet Company Inc'), ('923877', 'PAX', 'Ion Media Networks Inc'), ('820580', 'PAY', 'Verifone Inc'), ('1312073', 'PAY', 'Verifone Systems Inc'), ('1338360', 'PAY', 'Pay88'), ('1017655', 'PAYD', 'Paid Inc'), ('1106976', 'PAYGARD', 'Paygard Inc'), ('723531', 'PAYX', 'Paychex Inc'), ('885542', 'PBCE', 'Peoples Bancorporation Inc'), ('854071', 'PBCI', 'Pamrapo Bancorp Inc'), ('1528610', 'PBCP', 'Polonia Bancorp Inc'), ('1378946', 'PBCT', 'Peoples United Financial Inc'), ('1496818', 'PBCW', 'Excelsis Investments Inc'), ('1267150', 'PBF', 'Pioneer Tax Free Income Fund'), ('1534504', 'PBF', 'PBF Energy Inc'), ('1076405', 'PBG', 'Pepsi Bottling Group Inc'), ('1295522', 'PBH', 'Prestige Brands International LLC'), ('1295947', 'PBH', 'Prestige Brands Holdings Inc'), ('1046188', 'PBHC', 'Pathfinder Bancorp Inc'), ('1077150', 'PBHG', 'Primary Business Systems Inc'), ('78814', 'PBI', 'Pitney Bowes Inc'), ('1358356', 'PBIB', 'Porter Bancorp Inc'), ('830656', 'PBIO', 'Pressure Biosciences Inc'), ('1302324', 'PBIP', 'Prudential Bancorp Inc Of Pennsylvania'), ('1578776', 'PBIP', 'Prudential Bancorp Inc'), ('1000235', 'PBIX', 'Patriot Bank Corp'), ('1069469', 'PBIZ', 'Goldleaf Financial Solutions Inc'), ('818969', 'PBKS', 'Provident Bankshares Corp'), ('1020475', 'PBME', 'Grandparentscom Inc'), ('1070154', 'PBNY', 'Sterling Bancorp'), ('1283193', 'PBOF', 'Pure Biofuels Corp'), ('1195734', 'PBPB', 'Potbelly Corp'), ('1511071', 'PBSK', 'Poage Bankshares Inc'), ('899166', 'PBSO', 'Point Blank Solutions Inc'), ('1304161', 'PBSV', 'Pharma-bio Serv Inc'), ('319654', 'PBT', 'Permian Basin Royalty Trust'), ('762128', 'PBTC', 'Peoples Banctrust Co Inc'), ('1268659', 'PBTH', 'Prolor Biotech Inc'), ('77449', 'PBY', 'Pep Boys Manny Moe & Jack'), ('1401667', 'PBYI', 'Puma Biotechnology Inc'), ('892980', 'PCA', 'Putnam California Investment Grade Municipal Trust'), ('1108507', 'PCAF', 'Printcafe Software Inc'), ('1321560', 'PCAP', 'Patriot Capital Funding Inc'), ('75362', 'PCAR', 'Paccar Inc'), ('357264', 'PCBC', 'Pacific Capital Bancorp'), ('1100983', 'PCBI', 'Peoples Community Bancorp Inc'), ('1084171', 'PCBK', 'Pollard Acquisition Corp'), ('1084717', 'PCBK', 'Pacific Continental Corp'), ('1388337', 'PCBN', 'Piedmont Community Bank Group Inc'), ('908311', 'PCC', 'PMC Commercial Trust'), ('1050377', 'PCCC', 'PC Connection Inc'), ('912048', 'PCCI', 'Pacific Crest Capital Inc'), ('1071775', 'PCCM', 'Pacific Cma Inc'), ('830748', 'PCE', 'Pacific Office Properties Trust Inc'), ('1172857', 'PCE', 'Pfgi Capital Corp'), ('810943', 'PCF', 'Putnam High Income Securities Fund'), ('867713', 'PCFC', 'Pioneer Commercial Funding Corp'), ('1137855', 'PCFG', 'Pacific Gold Corp'), ('936801', 'PCFHF', 'Pacific Harbour Capital LTD'), ('75488', 'PCG', 'Pacific Gas & Electric Co'), ('1004980', 'PCG', 'Pg&e Corp'), ('79716', 'PCH', 'Potlatch Corp Old'), ('1338749', 'PCH', 'Potlatch Corp'), ('876645', 'PCHM', 'Pharmchem Inc'), ('1558629', 'PCI', 'Pimco Dynamic Credit Income Fund'), ('1017440', 'PCIS', 'Access Plans USA Inc'), ('1170300', 'PCK', 'Pimco California Municipal Income Fund II'), ('849213', 'PCL', 'Plum Creek Timber Co Inc'), ('774695', 'PCLE', 'Pinnacle Systems Inc'), ('1171180', 'PCLI', 'Protocall Technologies Inc'), ('1044490', 'PCLL', 'Pacel Corp'), ('1075531', 'PCLN', 'Priceline Com Inc'), ('946112', 'PCLP', 'Paperclip Software Ince'), ('908187', 'PCM', 'PCM Fund Inc'), ('1391674', 'PCMT', 'PCMT Corp'), ('1160990', 'PCN', 'Pimco Corporate & Income Strategy Fund'), ('1074245', 'PCNTF', 'Pacific Internet LTD'), ('898444', 'PCO', 'Premcor USA Inc'), ('1159119', 'PCO', 'Premcor Inc'), ('1359555', 'PCO', 'Pendrell Corp'), ('1390533', 'PCOI', 'Northern Empire Energy Corp'), ('1389034', 'PCOM', 'Kallo Inc'), ('1273013', 'PCOP', 'Pharmacopeia Inc'), ('1106917', 'PCOR', 'Pinnacor Inc'), ('79958', 'PCP', 'Precision Castparts Corp'), ('1410690', 'PCPZ', 'Principle Security International Inc'), ('1140411', 'PCQ', 'Pimco California Municipal Income Fund'), ('923771', 'PCRG', 'Universal Property Development & Acquisition Corp'), ('1396814', 'PCRX', 'Pacira Pharmaceuticals Inc'), ('1086844', 'PCSA', 'Airgate PCS Inc'), ('1065191', 'PCSR', 'PCS Research Technology  Inc'), ('1302502', 'PCST', 'Pacific Coast National Bancorp'), ('1122020', 'PCSV', 'PCS Edventures Com Inc'), ('1057083', 'PCTI', 'PC Tel Inc'), ('945481', 'PCTU', 'Pro Tech Communications Inc'), ('1005972', 'PCTY', 'Party City Corp'), ('1124802', 'PCUV', 'PC Universe Inc'), ('938380', 'PCV', 'Putnam Convertible Opportunities & Income Trust'), ('1376812', 'PCX', 'Patriot Coal Corp'), ('949699', 'PCYC', 'Pharmacyclics Inc'), ('50471', 'PCYG', 'Park City Group Inc'), ('812306', 'PCYN', 'Procyon Corp'), ('78066', 'PD', 'Phelps Dodge Corp'), ('1167880', 'PDAE', 'Panda Ethanol Inc'), ('320575', 'PDC', 'Pioneer Energy Services Corp'), ('77877', 'PDCE', 'PDC Energy Inc'), ('1093984', 'PDCN', 'P D C Innovative Industries Inc'), ('891024', 'PDCO', 'Patterson Companies Inc'), ('833081', 'PDE', 'Pride International Inc'), ('789097', 'PDEC', 'Petals Decorative Accents Inc'), ('788920', 'PDEX', 'Pro Dex Inc'), ('868549', 'PDF', 'Hancock John Patriot Premium Dividend Fund I'), ('1120914', 'PDFS', 'PDF Solutions Inc'), ('771485', 'PDGE', 'PDG Environmental Inc'), ('1523733', 'PDH', 'Petrologistics LP'), ('313353', 'PDHO', 'Paradigm Holdings Inc'), ('1510599', 'PDI', 'Pimco Dynamic Income Fund'), ('1054102', 'PDII', 'Pdi Inc'), ('1140003', 'PDIV', 'Premier Development & Investment Inc'), ('882104', 'PDLI', 'PDL Biopharma Inc'), ('1042776', 'PDM', 'Piedmont Office Realty Trust Inc'), ('731245', 'PDNLB', 'Presidential Realty Corp'), ('81318', 'PDO', 'Pyramid Oil Co'), ('1410132', 'PDOS', 'Platinum Studios Inc'), ('1280894', 'PDPR', 'Pediatric Prosthetics Inc'), ('80293', 'PDQ', 'Prime Hospitality Corp'), ('759153', 'PDRT', 'Particle Drilling Technologies Inc'), ('921438', 'PDSG', 'PDS Gaming Corp'), ('855886', 'PDT', 'John Hancock Premium Dividend Fund'), ('1137667', 'PDVG', 'Pride Business Development Holdings Inc'), ('893949', 'PDX', 'Mednax Inc'), ('76174', 'PDYN', 'Paradyne Networks Inc'), ('1036081', 'PEAK', 'Peak International LTD'), ('1474098', 'PEB', 'Pebblebrook Hotel Trust'), ('1093672', 'PEBK', 'Peoples Bancorp Of North Carolina Inc'), ('318300', 'PEBO', 'Peoples Bancorp Inc'), ('1317577', 'PEC', 'Pike Corp'), ('1103013', 'PECS', 'Pec Solutions Inc'), ('1141197', 'PED', 'Pedevco Corp'), ('1289863', 'PED', 'Smartpros LTD'), ('1046587', 'PEDE', 'Great Pee Dee Bancorp Inc'), ('729156', 'PEDH', 'Peoples Educational Holdings'), ('917968', 'PEET', 'Peets Coffee & Tea Inc'), ('1024075', 'PEFF', 'Power Efficiency Corp'), ('1090431', 'PEFX', 'S&P 500 Protected Equity Fund'), ('788784', 'PEG', 'Public Service Enterprise Group Inc'), ('1013857', 'PEGA', 'Pegasystems Inc'), ('1561660', 'PEGI', 'Pattern Energy Group Inc'), ('81033', 'PEGPR', 'Public Service Electric & Gas Co'), ('1040261', 'PEGS', 'Pegasus Solutions Inc'), ('77281', 'PEI', 'Pennsylvania Real Estate Investment Trust'), ('1467434', 'PEII', 'Petron Energy II Inc'), ('778164', 'PEIX', 'Pacific Ethanol Inc'), ('1137360', 'PEK', 'Market Vectors ETF Trust'), ('1015789', 'PELE', 'Proelite Inc'), ('922577', 'PEM', 'Principled Equity Market Fund'), ('77227', 'PEN', 'Pennsylvania Electric Co'), ('1271810', 'PENDING', 'Riddle Records Inc'), ('1278363', 'PENDING', 'Marketing Worldwide Corp'), ('1399215', 'PENDING', 'Flo Corp'), ('1406932', 'PENDING', 'Witel Corp'), ('318107', 'PENG', 'Prima Energy Corp'), ('921738', 'PENN', 'Penn National Gaming Inc'), ('739608', 'PENX', 'Penford Corp'), ('216851', 'PEO', 'Petroleum & Resources Corp'), ('1485964', 'PEOP', 'Peoples Federal Bancshares Inc'), ('77476', 'PEP', 'Pepsico Inc'), ('1448242', 'PEPR', 'Pepper Rock Resources Corp'), ('1357878', 'PEPT', 'Peptide Technologies Inc'), ('894253', 'PER', 'Perot Systems Corp'), ('1521168', 'PER', 'Sandridge Permian Trust'), ('719662', 'PERF', 'Sona Mobile Holdings Corp'), ('880460', 'PERF', 'Perfumania Holdings Inc'), ('900349', 'PERY', 'Perry Ellis International Inc'), ('891532', 'PESI', 'Perma Fix Environmental Services Inc'), ('75527', 'PET', 'Pacific Enterprises Inc'), ('888455', 'PETC', 'Petco Animal Supplies Inc'), ('863157', 'PETM', 'Petsmart Inc'), ('1040130', 'PETS', 'Petmed Express Inc'), ('1509190', 'PETX', 'Aratana Therapeutics Inc'), ('911359', 'PEX', 'Petrocorp Inc'), ('1368613', 'PEX', 'Apex Bioventures Acquisition Corp'), ('1564822', 'PF', 'Pinnacle Foods Inc'), ('202932', 'PFACP', 'Pro-fac Cooperative Inc'), ('790023', 'PFAE', 'Pacific Aerospace & Electronics Inc'), ('1402281', 'PFAP', 'Camac Energy Inc'), ('1004969', 'PFB', 'PFF Bancorp Inc'), ('887919', 'PFBI', 'Premier Financial Bancorp Inc'), ('770460', 'PFBX', 'Peoples Financial Corp'), ('1039889', 'PFCB', 'P F Changs China Bistro Inc'), ('1098578', 'PFCE', 'Pacific Fuel Cell Corp'), ('929031', 'PFCO', 'Paula Financial'), ('868578', 'PFD', 'Flaherty & Crumrine Preferred Income Fund Inc'), ('869004', 'PFDC', 'Peoples Bancorp'), ('1103406', 'PFDE', 'Paramco Financial Group Inc'), ('78003', 'PFE', 'Pfizer Inc'), ('1013554', 'PFED', 'Park Bancorp Inc'), ('1345432', 'PFEN', 'Perfectenergy International LTD'), ('1126328', 'PFG', 'Principal Financial Group Inc'), ('1162328', 'PFG', 'Merrill Lynch Life Variable Annuity Separate Account C'), ('908254', 'PFGC', 'Performance Food Group Co'), ('316770', 'PFGI', 'Provident Financial Group Inc'), ('1037652', 'PFI', 'Pelican Financial Inc'), ('1289636', 'PFIE', 'Profire Energy Inc'), ('1163300', 'PFII', 'Mabwe Minerals Inc'), ('75340', 'PFIN', 'P&F Industries Inc'), ('1056943', 'PFIS', 'Peoples Financial Services Corp'), ('1244183', 'PFL', 'Pimco Income Strategy Fund'), ('1093728', 'PFLC', 'Pacific Financial Corp'), ('1158269', 'PFLD', 'Professionals Direct Inc'), ('1504619', 'PFLT', 'Pennantpark Floating Rate Capital LTD'), ('1267147', 'PFMH', 'Performance Health Technologies Inc'), ('1171546', 'PFMS', 'Paperfree Medical Solutions Inc'), ('1550695', 'PFMT', 'Performant Financial Corp'), ('1296250', 'PFN', 'Pimco Income Strategy Fund II'), ('790183', 'PFNC', 'Progress Financial Corp'), ('889428', 'PFND', 'Pathfinder Cell Therapy Inc'), ('1049861', 'PFNH', 'Griffin Industries Inc'), ('1421981', 'PFNI', 'Psychic Friends Network Inc'), ('1054508', 'PFNS', 'Penseco Financial Services Corp'), ('882071', 'PFO', 'Flaherty & Crumrine Preferred Income Opportunity Fund Inc'), ('1077561', 'PFOO', 'China Elite Information Co LTD'), ('1096555', 'PFOO', 'Myriad Interactive Media Inc'), ('1212458', 'PFPT', 'Proofpoint Inc'), ('1178970', 'PFS', 'Provident Financial Services Inc'), ('920945', 'PFSB', 'Pennfed Financial Services Inc'), ('1069799', 'PFSD', 'Pacific Sands Inc'), ('1400732', 'PFSF', 'Pacific Software Inc'), ('1568669', 'PFSI', 'Pennymac Financial Services Inc'), ('1051859', 'PFSL', 'Pocahontas Bancorp Inc'), ('1095315', 'PFSW', 'Pfsweb Inc'), ('1034840', 'PFSY', 'Pacific Systems Control Technology Inc'), ('1019787', 'PFTI', 'Puradyn Filter Technologies Inc'), ('1424328', 'PFVR', 'Sports Media Entertainment Corp'), ('1050180', 'PFWD', 'Phase Forward Inc'), ('80424', 'PG', 'Procter & Gamble Co'), ('1050743', 'PGC', 'Peapack Gladstone Financial Corp'), ('1462047', 'PGCG', 'Prime Global Capital Group Inc'), ('888154', 'PGD', 'Hancock John Patriot Global Dividend Fund'), ('790179', 'PGEC', 'Prestige Capital Corp'), ('1079297', 'PGEI', 'Progreen Properties Inc'), ('1284807', 'PGEM', 'Ply Gem Holdings Inc'), ('1042798', 'PGEPRB', 'Prime Group Realty Trust'), ('854580', 'PGF', 'Progressive Return Fund Inc'), ('81157', 'PGI', 'Pgi Inc'), ('1061164', 'PGID', 'Peregrine Industries Inc'), ('77385', 'PGL', 'Peoples Energy Corp'), ('1432196', 'PGLC', 'Pershing Gold Corp'), ('943032', 'PGLD', 'Phoenix Gold International Inc'), ('855048', 'PGM', 'Putnam Investment Grade Municipal Trust'), ('1094093', 'PGN', 'Progress Energy Inc'), ('1089979', 'PGNF', 'Paragon Financial Corp'), ('835887', 'PGNX', 'Progenics Pharmaceuticals Inc'), ('1080448', 'PGOL', 'Patriot Gold Corp'), ('1318025', 'PGP', 'Pimco Global Stocksplus & Income Fund'), ('80661', 'PGR', 'Progressive Corp'), ('1300662', 'PGRD', 'Proguard Acquisition Corp'), ('1329605', 'PGRIU', 'Platinum Energy Resources Inc'), ('1388510', 'PGRM', 'Pengram Corp'), ('1477032', 'PGRX', 'Prospect Global Resources Inc'), ('1363254', 'PGSI', 'Pegasi Energy Resources Corporation'), ('1413990', 'PGSY', 'Portlogic Systems Inc'), ('1354327', 'PGTI', 'PGT Inc'), ('1553404', 'PGTK', 'Pacific Green Technologies Inc'), ('1135338', 'PGTV', 'Pegasus Communications Corp'), ('1126752', 'PGWC', 'Pegasus Wireless Corp'), ('1557523', 'PGZ', 'Principal Real Estate Income Fund'), ('76334', 'PH', 'Parker Hannifin Corp'), ('1072546', 'PHAR', 'Pharmanetics Inc'), ('915127', 'PHC', 'PHC Inc'), ('1037975', 'PHCC', 'Priority Healthcare Corp'), ('1138476', 'PHCO', 'Pacific Health Care Organization Inc'), ('1305767', 'PHD', 'Pioneer Floating Rate Trust'), ('1136386', 'PHDTF', 'Digital Rooster Com Inc'), ('837951', 'PHF', 'Pacholder High Yield Fund Inc'), ('49397', 'PHFB', 'Phantom Fiber Corp'), ('1003936', 'PHFC', 'Pittsburgh Financial Corp'), ('353827', 'PHFR', 'Pharmaceutical Formulations Inc'), ('761237', 'PHGN', 'Imcor Pharmaceutical Co'), ('1017837', 'PHGW', 'Phone1globalwide Inc'), ('77776', 'PHH', 'PHH Corp'), ('923473', 'PHHM', 'Palm Harbor Homes Inc'), ('350403', 'PHII', 'Phi Inc'), ('888719', 'PHIS', 'China Lithium Technologies Inc'), ('1219360', 'PHK', 'Pimco High Income Fund'), ('1000278', 'PHLI', 'Pacifichealth Laboratories Inc'), ('909109', 'PHLY', 'Philadelphia Consolidated Holding Corp'), ('822416', 'PHM', 'Pultegroup Inc'), ('711665', 'PHMD', 'Photomedex Inc'), ('1161582', 'PHOT', 'Growlife Inc'), ('1203866', 'PHRM', 'Pharmion Corp'), ('1027974', 'PHS', 'Pacificare Health Systems Inc'), ('1158026', 'PHSB', 'PHSB Financial Corp'), ('1040853', 'PHST', 'Pharsight Corp'), ('1166258', 'PHT', 'Pioneer High Income Trust'), ('1002663', 'PHTN', 'Photon Dynamics Inc'), ('791050', 'PHTW', 'Photoworks Inc'), ('1096631', 'PHWY', 'Pathway Corp'), ('315131', 'PHX', 'Panhandle Oil & Gas Inc'), ('832904', 'PHY', 'Prospect Street High Income Portfolio Inc'), ('1010397', 'PHYX', 'Physiometrix Inc'), ('842891', 'PIA', 'Invesco Municipal Premium Income Trust'), ('830122', 'PICO', 'Pico Holdings Inc'), ('277923', 'PICZQ', 'Piccadilly Cafeterias Inc'), ('1366826', 'PIED', 'Piedmont Mining Company Inc'), ('1364123', 'PIEX', 'Pioneer Exploration Inc'), ('931015', 'PII', 'Polaris Industries Inc'), ('845072', 'PIII', 'Peco II Inc'), ('1094286', 'PIK', 'Water Pik Technologies Inc'), ('906337', 'PILL', 'Proxymed Inc'), ('830622', 'PIM', 'Putnam Master Intermediate Income Trust'), ('1272550', 'PIMO', 'Premier Alliance Group Inc'), ('1463191', 'PIMZ', 'Pimi Agro Cleantech Inc'), ('1577916', 'PINC', 'Premier Inc'), ('1362120', 'PINN', 'Pinnacle Gas Resources Inc'), ('1520047', 'PINV', 'Pharma Investing News Inc'), ('351349', 'PIOL', 'Pioneer Oil & Gas'), ('1264314', 'PIP', 'Pharmathene Inc'), ('1326190', 'PIP', 'Pharmathene Inc'), ('278130', 'PIR', 'Pier 1 Imports Inc'), ('1365754', 'PIR', 'Pier 1 Imports US Inc'), ('1383637', 'PIVN', 'Phoenix International Ventures Inc'), ('1160420', 'PIVX', 'Adia Nutrition Inc'), ('1023298', 'PIXG', 'Avenue Entertainment Group Inc'), ('1002114', 'PIXR', 'Pixar'), ('1230245', 'PJC', 'Jaffray Companies Piper'), ('1096789', 'PJTG', 'Project Group Inc'), ('1315399', 'PKBK', 'Parke Bancorp Inc'), ('76321', 'PKD', 'Parker Drilling Co'), ('1171159', 'PKDY', 'Packaging Dynamics Corp'), ('76267', 'PKE', 'Park Electrochemical Corp'), ('824851', 'PKEH', 'Peak Entertainment Holdings Inc'), ('75677', 'PKG', 'Packaging Corp Of America'), ('1364798', 'PKGH', 'JPG Associates Inc'), ('31791', 'PKI', 'Perkinelmer Inc'), ('1412350', 'PKO', 'Pimco Income Opportunity Fund'), ('76282', 'PKOH', 'Park Ohio Holdings Corp'), ('1310982', 'PKPL', 'Park Place Energy Corp'), ('701374', 'PKS', 'Six Flags Entertainment Corp'), ('1067797', 'PKSI', 'Primus Knowledge Solutions Inc'), ('1011344', 'PKTR', 'Packeteer Inc'), ('1128189', 'PKTX', 'Protokinetix Inc'), ('1394120', 'PKVG', 'Anhui Taiyang Poultry Co Inc'), ('729237', 'PKY', 'Parkway Properties Inc'), ('355429', 'PL', 'Protective Life Corp'), ('1072341', 'PLA', 'Playboy Enterprises Inc'), ('810136', 'PLAB', 'Photronics Inc'), ('1297633', 'PLAY', 'Portalplayer Inc'), ('849667', 'PLB', 'American Italian Pasta Co'), ('1168455', 'PLBC', 'Plumas Bancorp'), ('1110781', 'PLBI', 'Proton Laboratories Inc'), ('704159', 'PLCC', 'Paulson Capital Corp'), ('1041859', 'PLCE', 'Childrens Place Retail Stores Inc'), ('1010552', 'PLCM', 'Polycom Inc'), ('879682', 'PLCSF', 'PLC Systems Inc'), ('899881', 'PLD', 'Prologis'), ('1458704', 'PLDI', 'Plantation Lifecare Developers Inc'), ('1022243', 'PLE', 'Pinnacle Bancshares Inc'), ('80124', 'PLFE', 'Presidential Life Corp'), ('948844', 'PLI', 'Proliance International Inc'), ('1408808', 'PLI', 'Peplin Inc'), ('1123845', 'PLKC', 'Planetlink Communications Inc'), ('1041379', 'PLKI', 'Popeyes Louisiana Kitchen Inc'), ('1076505', 'PLKT', 'Planktos Corp'), ('75829', 'PLL', 'Pall Corp'), ('710846', 'PLLK', 'Fushi Copperweld Inc'), ('750561', 'PLLL', 'Parallel Petroleum Corp'), ('1082822', 'PLMA', 'Palomar Enterprises Inc'), ('878748', 'PLMD', 'Polymedica Industries Inc'), ('706874', 'PLMT', 'Palmetto Bancshares Inc'), ('722392', 'PLNR', 'Planar Systems Inc'), ('896861', 'PLNT', 'Planet Technologies Inc'), ('1368044', 'PLNU', 'Plastinum Corp'), ('1287213', 'PLOW', 'Douglas Dynamics Inc'), ('793421', 'PLP', 'Phosphate Resource Partners Limited Partnership'), ('80035', 'PLPC', 'Preformed Line Products Co'), ('1455819', 'PLPE', 'Vape Holdings Inc'), ('1317880', 'PLPL', 'Plandai Biotechnology Inc'), ('1362925', 'PLPM', 'Planet Payment Inc'), ('79225', 'PLRB', 'Plymouth Rubber Co Inc'), ('1330340', 'PLRO', 'Platinum Research Organization Inc'), ('1279410', 'PLSB', 'Placer Sierra Bancshares'), ('914025', 'PLT', 'Plantronics Inc'), ('1371455', 'PLTE', 'Claymont Steel Holdings Inc'), ('1093691', 'PLUG', 'Plug Power Inc'), ('1035656', 'PLUM', 'Plumtree Software Inc'), ('1022408', 'PLUS', 'Eplus Inc'), ('1101816', 'PLWY', 'Peoplesway Com Inc'), ('350426', 'PLX', 'Plains Resources Inc'), ('785786', 'PLXS', 'Plexus Corp'), ('850579', 'PLXT', 'PLX Technology Inc'), ('1413329', 'PM', 'Philip Morris International Inc'), ('1041665', 'PMACA', 'Pma Capital Corp'), ('1356735', 'PMAH', 'Plasmatech Inc'), ('1477009', 'PMAP', 'Advanced Cannabis Solutions Inc'), ('1109546', 'PMBC', 'Pacific Mercantile Bancorp'), ('722571', 'PMC', 'PMC Capital Inc'), ('1388195', 'PMC', 'Pharmerica Corp'), ('1516522', 'PMCM', 'Primco Management Inc'), ('767920', 'PMCS', 'PMC Sierra Inc'), ('1073949', 'PMCY', 'Patriot Motorcycle Corp'), ('806517', 'PMD', 'Psychemedics Corp'), ('814057', 'PMDL', 'Pace Medical Inc'), ('790526', 'PMDX', 'Radnet Inc'), ('916444', 'PMED', 'Paradigm Medical Industries Inc'), ('1140392', 'PMF', 'Pimco Municipal Income Fund'), ('76954', 'PMFG', 'Peerless Manufacturing Co'), ('1422862', 'PMFG', 'PMFG Inc'), ('1329606', 'PMFI', 'Probe Manufacturing Inc'), ('892884', 'PMG', 'Putnam  Municipal Bond Fund'), ('892994', 'PMG', 'Boulevard Auto Trust 1992-1'), ('1423593', 'PMG', 'Patriot Risk Management Inc'), ('887398', 'PMH', 'Putnam Tax Free Health Care Fund'), ('935724', 'PMI', 'Pmi Group Inc'), ('1453820', 'PMIC', 'Penn Millers Holding Corp'), ('1001917', 'PMID', 'Pyramid Breweries Inc'), ('1408300', 'PMIG', 'Pmi Construction Group'), ('1398090', 'PMII', 'Power Medical Interventions Inc'), ('1170299', 'PML', 'Pimco Municipal Income Fund II'), ('882991', 'PMLK', 'Primelink Systems Inc'), ('1474167', 'PMLT', 'Cosmos Holdings Inc'), ('844790', 'PMM', 'Putnam Managed Municipal Income Trust'), ('892960', 'PMN', 'Putnam New York Investment Grade Municipal Trust'), ('900422', 'PMO', 'Putnam Municipal Opportunities Trust'), ('1330487', 'PMQCU', 'Chem RX Corp'), ('883979', 'PMRY', 'Pomeroy It Solutions Inc'), ('895810', 'PMSI', 'Prime Medical Services Inc'), ('824463', 'PMT', 'Putnam Master Income Trust'), ('1464423', 'PMT', 'Pennymac Mortgage Investment Trust'), ('881695', 'PMTI', 'Palomar Medical Technologies Inc'), ('924829', 'PMTR', 'Pemstar Inc'), ('1108730', 'PMWI', 'Public Media Works Inc'), ('1181506', 'PMX', 'Pimco Municipal Income Fund III'), ('1471387', 'PMXO', 'PMX Communities Inc'), ('1380713', 'PNAM', 'Pana-minerales SA'), ('1042521', 'PNB', 'Sun American Bancorp'), ('707855', 'PNBC', 'Princeton National Bancorp Inc'), ('1113026', 'PNBI', 'Pioneer Bankshares Inc'), ('1098146', 'PNBK', 'Patriot National Bancorp Inc'), ('713676', 'PNC', 'PNC Financial Services Group Inc'), ('1437596', 'PNCH', 'Ic Punch Media Inc'), ('1166291', 'PNCL', 'Pinnacle Airlines Corp'), ('1080319', 'PNDR', 'Empire Global Corp'), ('1140410', 'PNF', 'Pimco New York Municipal Income Fund'), ('1115055', 'PNFP', 'Pinnacle Financial Partners Inc'), ('77155', 'PNFT', 'Penn Traffic Co'), ('910110', 'PNG', 'Penn America Group Inc'), ('1481506', 'PNG', 'Paa Natural Gas Storage LP'), ('1222557', 'PNGC', 'Penge Corp'), ('1027235', 'PNHV', 'Asia Travel Corp'), ('1170311', 'PNI', 'Pimco New York Municipal Income Fund II'), ('356213', 'PNK', 'Pinnacle Entertainment Inc'), ('1376502', 'PNLT', 'Charleston Basics Inc'), ('1108426', 'PNM', 'PNM Resources Inc'), ('77106', 'PNN', 'Penn Engineering & Manufacturing Corp'), ('1383414', 'PNNT', 'Pennantpark Investment Corp'), ('788885', 'PNNW', 'Pennichuck Corp'), ('1059404', 'PNO', 'Path 1 Network Technologies Inc'), ('1040454', 'PNP', 'Pan Pacific Retail Properties Inc'), ('77360', 'PNR', 'Pentair LTD'), ('724606', 'PNRA', 'Panera Bread Co'), ('56868', 'PNRG', 'Primeenergy Corp'), ('1043825', 'PNRR', 'Iron Eagle Group Inc'), ('1004608', 'PNS', 'Pinnacle Data Systems Inc'), ('1123541', 'PNSN', 'Penson Worldwide Inc'), ('917331', 'PNTE', 'Pointe Financial Corp'), ('1037131', 'PNTV', 'Players Network'), ('764622', 'PNW', 'Pinnacle West Capital Corp'), ('949504', 'PNWB', 'Pacific Northwest Bancorp'), ('1129633', 'PNX', 'Phoenix Companies Inc'), ('1373683', 'PNXE', 'Exotacar Inc'), ('78460', 'PNY', 'Piedmont Natural Gas Co Inc'), ('893813', 'POCC', 'Penn Octane Corp'), ('867840', 'POCI', 'Precision Optics Corp Inc'), ('1145197', 'PODD', 'Insulet Corp'), ('1006264', 'POG', 'Patina Oil & Gas Corp'), ('1191354', 'POGI', 'Paradigm Oil & Gas Inc'), ('1227728', 'POHC', 'Polaroid Holding Co'), ('1157843', 'POHF', 'Peoples Ohio Financial Corp'), ('1109348', 'POIG', 'Petrol Oil & Gas Inc'), ('1122976', 'POL', 'Polyone Corp'), ('927417', 'POLGA', 'Polymer Group Inc'), ('317158', 'POLXF', 'Polydex Pharmaceuticals LTD'), ('79732', 'POM', 'Potomac Electric Power Co'), ('1135971', 'POM', 'Pepco Holdings Inc'), ('908754', 'POMH', 'Murdock Communications Corp'), ('1252956', 'POMH', 'Polar Molecular Holding Corp'), ('916230', 'PONE', 'Protection One Inc'), ('830141', 'PONR', 'Pioneer Companies Inc'), ('945841', 'POOL', 'Pool Corp'), ('311871', 'POP', 'Pope & Talbot Inc'), ('784011', 'POPEZ', 'Pope Resources LTD Partnership'), ('784977', 'POR', 'Portland General Electric Co'), ('1143967', 'PORK', 'Premium Standard Farms Inc'), ('1374718', 'PORS', 'Powerraise Inc'), ('79564', 'PORT', 'Porta Systems Corp'), ('1099517', 'PORT', 'Port Financial Corp'), ('883977', 'POS', 'Catalina Marketing Corp'), ('844985', 'POSC', 'Positron Corp'), ('1018693', 'POSO', 'Prosofttraining'), ('79677', 'POSS', 'Possis Medical Inc'), ('1530950', 'POST', 'Post Holdings Inc'), ('1403674', 'POTG', 'Portage Resources Inc'), ('833640', 'POWI', 'Power Integrations Inc'), ('80420', 'POWL', 'Powell Industries Inc'), ('1505892', 'POWN', 'Pow Entertainment Inc'), ('882154', 'POWR', 'Powersecure International Inc'), ('1059790', 'POZN', 'Pozen Inc'), ('77278', 'PP', 'Pennsylvania Power Co'), ('894158', 'PP', 'Synthetic Biologics Inc'), ('1011699', 'PP', 'Prentiss Properties Trust'), ('1454238', 'PPA', 'Protective Products Of America Inc'), ('1377490', 'PPACU', 'Pinpoint Advance Corp'), ('1338929', 'PPBG', 'Premiere Opportunities Group Inc'), ('1028918', 'PPBI', 'Pacific Premier Bancorp Inc'), ('103123', 'PPBN', 'VCR Income Properties'), ('1031233', 'PPBN', 'Pinnacle Bankshares Corp'), ('802481', 'PPC', 'Pilgrims Pride Corp'), ('1517681', 'PPCH', 'Propanc Health Group Corp'), ('1047188', 'PPCO', 'Penwest Pharmaceuticals Co'), ('311657', 'PPD', 'Pre Paid Legal Services Inc'), ('1086533', 'PPDA', 'Pipeline Data Inc'), ('1436872', 'PPDC', 'Prepaid Card Holdings Inc'), ('1003124', 'PPDI', 'Pharmaceutical Product Development Inc'), ('899581', 'PPF', 'Hancock John Patriot Preferred Dividend Fund'), ('1387522', 'PPFP', 'Pacific Copper Corp'), ('1104901', 'PPFR', 'Peoples First Inc'), ('79879', 'PPG', 'PPG Industries Inc'), ('704562', 'PPHM', 'Peregrine Pharmaceuticals Inc'), ('1508128', 'PPI', 'Passport Potash Inc'), ('1017137', 'PPID', 'Prescient Applied Intelligence Inc'), ('1084133', 'PPKI', 'Global Beverage Solutions Inc'), ('1440819', 'PPKSD', 'Paperworks Inc'), ('317187', 'PPL', 'PPL Electric Utilities Corp'), ('922224', 'PPL', 'PPL Corp'), ('791770', 'PPLB', 'Sequential Brands Group Inc'), ('1202507', 'PPLC', 'Ppol Inc'), ('1037249', 'PPLM', 'Peoples Community Capital Corp'), ('890516', 'PPM', 'Investment Grade Municipal Income Fund'), ('1001065', 'PPMC', 'Power Sports Factory Inc'), ('1145906', 'PPNT', 'Peoplenet International Corp'), ('1292556', 'PPO', 'Polypore International Inc'), ('1294819', 'PPO', 'Polypore Inc'), ('230463', 'PPP', 'Pogo Producing Co LLC'), ('826020', 'PPR', 'Ing Prime Rate Trust'), ('1240093', 'PPRG', 'Patient Portal Technologies Inc'), ('76286', 'PPRM', 'Park Premier Mining Co'), ('1294649', 'PPRO', 'Patent Properties Inc'), ('1388686', 'PPRW', 'Harrys Trucking Inc'), ('903127', 'PPS', 'Post Properties Inc'), ('1449792', 'PPSI', 'Pioneer Power Solutions Inc'), ('827773', 'PPT', 'Putnam Premier Income Trust'), ('858155', 'PPTI', 'Protein Polymer Technologies Inc'), ('1430057', 'PPTO', 'Tidewater Resources Inc'), ('704460', 'PPTV', 'PPT Vision Inc'), ('1357939', 'PPWE', 'Ivecon Corp'), ('1168397', 'PPX', 'Pacific Energy Partners LP'), ('1341768', 'PPZY', 'Deal A Day Group Corp'), ('872248', 'PQ', 'Petroquest Energy Inc'), ('215219', 'PQE', 'Voyager Learning Co'), ('355787', 'PR', 'Price Communications Corp'), ('1127703', 'PRA', 'Proassurance Corp'), ('1185348', 'PRAA', 'Portfolio Recovery Associates Inc'), ('354383', 'PRAB', 'Prab Inc'), ('911787', 'PRAC', 'Productivity Technologies Corp'), ('1293243', 'PRAI', 'Pra International'), ('1299966', 'PRB', 'Black Raven Energy Inc'), ('1028751', 'PRBZ', 'Probusiness Services Inc'), ('779164', 'PRC', 'Proterion Corp'), ('1025711', 'PRCM', 'Procom Technology Inc'), ('887226', 'PRCP', 'Perceptron Inc'), ('1033025', 'PRCS', 'Praecis Pharmaceuticals Inc'), ('859636', 'PRCU', 'Pride Companies LP'), ('856072', 'PRCY', 'Procyte Corp'), ('727489', 'PRDS', 'Predictive Systems Inc'), ('911421', 'PRE', 'Partnerre LTD'), ('1436351', 'PREA', 'Pure Earth Inc'), ('930007', 'PREEF', 'Pace Select Advisors Trust'), ('854399', 'PREM', 'Premier Community Bankshares Inc'), ('888507', 'PREZQ', 'President Casinos Inc'), ('790988', 'PRFS', 'Pennrock Financial Services Corp'), ('1085869', 'PRFT', 'Perficient Inc'), ('934868', 'PRGF', 'Proginet Corp'), ('1031107', 'PRGN', 'Peregrine Systems Inc'), ('820096', 'PRGO', 'Perrigo Co'), ('1585364', 'PRGO', 'Perrigo Co PLC'), ('876167', 'PRGS', 'Progress Software Corp'), ('1007330', 'PRGX', 'PRGX Global Inc'), ('1134765', 'PRH', 'True Drinks Holdings Inc'), ('1475922', 'PRI', 'Primerica Inc'), ('1093027', 'PRIT', 'Predict It Inc'), ('805676', 'PRK', 'Park National Corp'), ('1297937', 'PRKA', 'Parks America Inc'), ('914139', 'PRKR', 'Parkervision Inc'), ('1016965', 'PRL', 'Prolong International Corp'), ('1443669', 'PRLB', 'Proto Labs Inc'), ('928953', 'PRLE', 'Paragon Real Estate Equity & Investment Trust'), ('938320', 'PRLO', 'Prologic Management Systems Inc'), ('897893', 'PRLS', 'Peerless Systems Corp'), ('724988', 'PRLX', 'Parlex Corp'), ('884382', 'PRM', 'Primedia Inc'), ('1041581', 'PRMC', 'Prime Companies Inc'), ('1365101', 'PRMW', 'Primo Water Corp'), ('1111710', 'PRNC', 'PR Specialists Inc'), ('1165231', 'PRNW', 'Procera Networks Inc'), ('1392972', 'PRO', 'Pros Holdings Inc'), ('1029299', 'PROJ', 'Deltek Inc'), ('1434110', 'PROP', 'Propell Technologies Group Inc'), ('1273397', 'PROS', 'Procentury Corp'), ('1469559', 'PROT', 'Proteonomix Inc'), ('1010470', 'PROV', 'Provident Financial Holdings Inc'), ('1112263', 'PROX', 'Proxim Corp'), ('1421100', 'PRPM', 'Propalms Inc'), ('1263074', 'PRPX', 'Portec Rail Products Inc'), ('1170593', 'PRS', 'Primus Guaranty LTD'), ('1220754', 'PRSC', 'Providence Service Corp'), ('1111553', 'PRSE', 'Precise Software Solutions LTD'), ('1080306', 'PRSF', 'Portal Software Inc'), ('79661', 'PRSI', 'Portsmouth Square Inc'), ('1068851', 'PRSP', 'Prosperity Bancshares Inc'), ('1117733', 'PRSS', 'Cafepress Inc'), ('846876', 'PRST', 'Presstek Inc'), ('1084400', 'PRSW', 'Persistence Software Inc'), ('1559053', 'PRTA', 'Prothena Corp PLC'), ('1014653', 'PRTK', 'Wavetrue Inc'), ('1114617', 'PRTN', 'Proton Energy Systems Inc'), ('1094656', 'PRTP', 'American Golden Century Investments Inc'), ('1163345', 'PRTR', 'Partners Trust Financial Group Inc'), ('1378950', 'PRTS', 'US Auto Parts Network Inc'), ('1099215', 'PRTX', 'Protalex Inc'), ('1137774', 'PRU', 'Prudential Financial Inc'), ('1044942', 'PRV', 'Province Healthcare Co'), ('1125557', 'PRVB', 'Powder River Basin Gas Corp'), ('1263756', 'PRVD', 'Provide Commerce Inc'), ('704172', 'PRVH', 'Phi Group Inc'), ('1068084', 'PRVT', 'Private Media Group Inc'), ('1091271', 'PRVWZ', 'Preview Systems Inc'), ('1121786', 'PRWK', 'Practiceworks Inc'), ('1102287', 'PRWT', 'Premierwest Bancorp'), ('878088', 'PRX', 'Par Pharmaceutical Companies Inc'), ('1082198', 'PRXG', 'Pernix Group Inc'), ('796764', 'PRXI', 'Premier Exhibitions Inc'), ('799729', 'PRXL', 'Parexel International Corp'), ('1003472', 'PRZ', 'Paincare Holdings Inc'), ('318380', 'PSA', 'Public Storage Inc'), ('1393311', 'PSA', 'Public Storage'), ('893430', 'PSAI', 'Pediatric Services Of America Inc'), ('866368', 'PSB', 'PS Business Parks Inc'), ('1169424', 'PSBC', 'Pacific State Bancorp'), ('1235091', 'PSBG', 'PSB Group Inc'), ('1293211', 'PSBH', 'PSB Holdings Inc'), ('1047537', 'PSBI', 'PSB Bancorp Inc'), ('948368', 'PSBQ', 'PSB Holdings Inc'), ('1095701', 'PSCDE', 'Philip Services Corp'), ('888702', 'PSCP', 'Coupon Express Inc'), ('1085392', 'PSD', 'Puget Energy Inc'), ('1123130', 'PSDI', 'Presidion Corp'), ('1314102', 'PSDV', 'Psivida Corp'), ('1407463', 'PSE', 'Pioneer Southwest Energy Partners LP'), ('1287032', 'PSEC', 'Prospect Capital Corp'), ('1088399', 'PSED', 'Poseidis Inc'), ('1001426', 'PSEM', 'Pericom Semiconductor Corp'), ('1498612', 'PSF', 'Cohen & Steers Select Preferred & Income Fund Inc'), ('1031340', 'PSFC', 'Peoples Sidney Financial Corp'), ('875570', 'PSFT', 'Peoplesoft Inc'), ('1391614', 'PSGY', 'Princeton Security Technologies Inc'), ('1347022', 'PSID', 'Positiveid Corp'), ('1137091', 'PSIX', 'Power Solutions International Inc'), ('1362180', 'PSMH', 'PSM Holdings Inc'), ('880177', 'PSMI', 'Peregrine Semiconductor Corp'), ('1041803', 'PSMT', 'Pricesmart Inc'), ('908235', 'PSOF', 'Prism Software Corp'), ('1124217', 'PSOL', 'Primal Solutions Inc'), ('1451654', 'PSON', 'Petrosonic Energy Inc'), ('1451822', 'PSPN', 'PSP Industries Inc'), ('1289001', 'PSPT', 'Peoplesupport Inc'), ('1221554', 'PSPW', '3power Energy Group Inc'), ('1178056', 'PSRC', 'Palmsource Inc'), ('1415306', 'PSRU', 'International Medical Staffing'), ('1060232', 'PSS', 'Collective Brands Inc'), ('920527', 'PSSI', 'PSS World Medical Inc'), ('225628', 'PSSR', 'Passur Aerospace Inc'), ('1511618', 'PSSS', 'Puissant Industries Inc'), ('913032', 'PSTA', 'Monterey Gourmet Foods'), ('1507277', 'PSTB', 'Park Sterling Corp'), ('878556', 'PSTI', 'Per Se Technologies Inc'), ('1158780', 'PSTI', 'Pluristem Therapeutics Inc'), ('77808', 'PSTLS', 'Petrie Stores Liquidating Trust'), ('1473061', 'PSTR', 'Postrock Energy Corp'), ('812301', 'PSTX', 'Patient Safety Technologies Inc'), ('874841', 'PSUN', 'Pacific Sunwear Of California Inc'), ('1229876', 'PSW', 'Blackrock Credit Allocation Income Trust I Inc'), ('1534701', 'PSX', 'Phillips 66'), ('1572910', 'PSXP', 'Phillips 66 Partners LP'), ('1215664', 'PSY', 'Blackrock Credit Allocation Income Trust II Inc'), ('829608', 'PSYS', 'Psychiatric Solutions Inc'), ('1398488', 'PSZR', 'Pop Starz Records Inc'), ('1431880', 'PTAM', 'Potash America Inc'), ('925173', 'PTBS', 'Potomac Bancshares Inc'), ('708821', 'PTC', 'Par Technology Corp'), ('857005', 'PTC', 'PTC Inc'), ('275866', 'PTCH', 'Pacer Technology'), ('1402186', 'PTCK', 'Meltdown Massage & Body Works Inc'), ('1070081', 'PTCT', 'PTC Therapeutics Inc'), ('832767', 'PTEC', 'Phoenix Technologies LTD'), ('880804', 'PTEK', 'Premiere Global Services Inc'), ('1302177', 'PTEK', 'Pokertek Inc'), ('1377469', 'PTEL', 'Pegasus Tel Inc'), ('889900', 'PTEN', 'Patterson Uti Energy Inc'), ('90045', 'PTG', 'Paragon Technologies Inc'), ('1057226', 'PTGC', 'Nationwide Utilities Corp'), ('1028425', 'PTHDF', 'Poet Holdings Inc'), ('1324503', 'PTI', 'Patni Computer Systems LTD'), ('1400431', 'PTI', 'Patheon Inc'), ('1069530', 'PTIE', 'Pain Therapeutics Inc'), ('1064481', 'PTII', 'Patch International Inc'), ('1003950', 'PTIX', 'Performance Technologies Inc'), ('1269021', 'PTLA', 'Portola Pharmaceuticals Inc'), ('77864', 'PTLD', 'Petrol Industries Inc'), ('901823', 'PTM', 'Putnam Managed High Yield Trust'), ('95585', 'PTMK', 'Pathmark Stores Inc'), ('911216', 'PTN', 'Palatin Technologies Inc'), ('1185218', 'PTNK', 'Paradise Tan Inc'), ('311505', 'PTNX', 'Printronix Inc'), ('1062441', 'PTON', 'Penton Media Inc'), ('1384365', 'PTOO', 'Pitooey Inc'), ('1171500', 'PTP', 'Platinum Underwriters Holdings LTD'), ('1346526', 'PTPE', 'Esp Resources Inc'), ('1172298', 'PTRC', 'Petro River Oil Corp'), ('1075043', 'PTRS', 'Patron Holdings Inc'), ('805729', 'PTRT', 'China Forestry Inc'), ('915862', 'PTRY', 'Pantry Inc'), ('836564', 'PTSC', 'Patriot Scientific Corp'), ('1204413', 'PTSEF', 'Points International LTD'), ('1288382', 'PTSG', 'Petrosearch Energy Corp'), ('1080924', 'PTSH', 'PTS Inc'), ('798287', 'PTSI', 'Pam Transportation Services Inc'), ('1014733', 'PTSX', 'Point 360'), ('1398797', 'PTSX', 'Point360'), ('1172852', 'PTT', 'VCG Holding Corp'), ('75894', 'PTTTS', 'Palmetto Real Estate Trust'), ('1089976', 'PTV', 'Pactiv LLC'), ('1024126', 'PTX', 'Pernix Therapeutics Holdings Inc'), ('1190935', 'PTY', 'Pimco Corporate & Income Opportunity Fund'), ('814181', 'PTYA', 'Penn Treaty American Corp'), ('1068848', 'PTZ', 'Pulitzer Inc'), ('1141964', 'PUBC', 'Public Co Management Corp'), ('899849', 'PUBSF', 'Elephant & Castle Group Inc'), ('1162747', 'PUDA', 'Puda Coal Inc'), ('909483', 'PUFF', 'Grand Havana Enterprises Inc'), ('1062438', 'PULB', 'Pulaski Financial Corp'), ('96763', 'PULS', 'Pulse Electronics Corp'), ('1222244', 'PUMD', 'Prourocare Medical Inc'), ('1033660', 'PUMP', 'Animas Corp'), ('1418452', 'PUNK', 'Epunk Inc'), ('1074961', 'PUPS', 'Pick Ups Plus Inc'), ('1006028', 'PURE', 'Pure Bioscience Inc'), ('356446', 'PURW', 'Pure World Inc'), ('1112425', 'PURY', 'Pureray Corp'), ('908566', 'PUSH', 'National Financial Services Corp'), ('77159', 'PVA', 'Penn Virginia Corp'), ('81288', 'PVCC', 'PVC Container Corp'), ('315545', 'PVCT', 'Provectus Biopharmaceuticals Inc'), ('1506522', 'PVEN', 'Press Ventures Inc'), ('928592', 'PVFC', 'PVF Capital Corp'), ('1366292', 'PVG', 'Penn Virginia GP Holdings LP'), ('78239', 'PVH', 'PVH Corp'), ('1022911', 'PVIS', 'Panavision Inc'), ('1093800', 'PVLH', 'Unr Holdings Inc'), ('1112477', 'PVLN', 'Pavilion Bancorp Inc'), ('1035713', 'PVN', 'Providian Financial Corp'), ('1134982', 'PVNC', 'Prevention Insurance Com Inc'), ('1362377', 'PVNX', 'Pure Vanilla Exchange Inc'), ('1144945', 'PVR', 'PVR Partners LP'), ('820907', 'PVSA', 'Parkvale Financial Corp'), ('942319', 'PVST', 'Planvista Corp'), ('1042821', 'PVSW', 'Pervasive Software Inc'), ('1506302', 'PVTA', 'Preventia Inc'), ('889936', 'PVTB', 'Privatebancorp Inc'), ('1086329', 'PVTL', 'Pivotal Corp'), ('78838', 'PW', 'Pittsburgh & West Virginia Railroad'), ('1532619', 'PW', 'Power REIT'), ('1023362', 'PWAV', 'Powerwave Technologies Inc'), ('827055', 'PWCL', 'Powercold Corp'), ('1086303', 'PWEB', 'Pacific Webworks Inc'), ('852426', 'PWEI', 'PW Eagle Inc'), ('1042825', 'PWER', 'Power One Inc'), ('1006762', 'PWHT', 'Migo Software Inc'), ('894536', 'PWNX', 'Powerlinx Inc'), ('716605', 'PWOD', 'Penns Woods Bancorp Inc'), ('1468780', 'PWON', 'Powin Corp'), ('1050915', 'PWR', 'Quanta Services Inc'), ('1121885', 'PWRC', 'Powerchannel Holdings Inc'), ('1082733', 'PWRI', 'Nustate Energy Holdings Inc'), ('1063530', 'PWRM', 'Power 3 Medical Products Inc'), ('1066978', 'PWTC', 'Power Technology Inc'), ('1111814', 'PWVE', 'Tabatha V Inc'), ('933972', 'PWVI', 'Powerverde Inc'), ('831968', 'PWX', 'Providence & Worcester Railroad Co'), ('884905', 'PX', 'Praxair Inc'), ('1408961', 'PXCE', 'Pax Biofuels Inc'), ('1038357', 'PXD', 'Pioneer Natural Resources Co'), ('26820', 'PXG', 'Phoenix Footwear Group Inc'), ('1040161', 'PXLW', 'Pixelworks Inc'), ('891456', 'PXP', 'Plains Exploration & Production Co'), ('1113679', 'PXPT', 'Practicexpert Inc'), ('75681', 'PXR', 'Paxar Corp'), ('1342643', 'PXTE', 'Worthington Energy Inc'), ('1365359', 'PYBX', 'Playbox US Inc'), ('276720', 'PYCO', 'Pure Cycle Corp'), ('1088034', 'PYDS', 'Payment Data Systems Inc'), ('848077', 'PYM', 'Putnam High Yield Municipal Trust'), ('1341843', 'PYMX', 'Polymedix Inc'), ('1181505', 'PYN', 'Pimco New York Municipal Income Fund III'), ('1016289', 'PYR', 'Pyr Energy Corp'), ('1044847', 'PYSJ', 'Payless Telecom Solutions Inc'), ('863441', 'PYSU', 'Polymer Solutions Inc'), ('1002422', 'PYTO', 'Phytomedical Technologies Inc'), ('842699', 'PYX', 'Playtex Products Inc'), ('1037759', 'PYXP', 'Pony Express USA Inc'), ('814139', 'PZA', 'Provena Foods Inc'), ('1181504', 'PZC', 'Pimco California Municipal Income Fund III'), ('1342854', 'PZG', 'Paramount Gold & Silver Corp'), ('1399249', 'PZN', 'Pzena Investment Management Inc'), ('1063561', 'PZZ', 'Prospect Medical Holdings Inc'), ('901491', 'PZZA', 'Papa Johns International Inc'), ('718332', 'PZZI', 'Pizza Inn Holdings Inc'), ('1037949', 'Q', 'Qwest Communications International Inc'), ('1478242', 'Q', 'Quintiles Transnational Holdings Inc'), ('1036188', 'QADI', 'Qad Inc'), ('758938', 'QBAK', 'Qualstar Corp'), ('912465', 'QCBC', 'Quaker City Bancorp Inc'), ('1289505', 'QCCO', 'QC Holdings Inc'), ('804328', 'QCOM', 'Qualcomm Inc'), ('891288', 'QCOR', 'Questcor Pharmaceuticals Inc'), ('906465', 'QCRH', 'QCR Holdings Inc'), ('1092619', 'QCYR', 'Quincy Energy Corp'), ('1018833', 'QD', 'Quadramed Corp'), ('353569', 'QDEL', 'Quidel Corp'), ('917126', 'QDIN', 'Quality Dining Inc'), ('1438650', 'QEBR', 'Qe Brushes Inc'), ('1295961', 'QEGY', 'Quantum Energy Inc'), ('1407185', 'QELP', 'Quest Energy Partners LP'), ('1108827', 'QEP', 'Qep Resources Inc'), ('1017815', 'QEPC', 'Qep Co Inc'), ('1576044', 'QEPM', 'Qep Midstream Partners LP'), ('103341', 'QFAB', 'Quaker Fabric Corp'), ('27960', 'QGI', 'Qsgi Inc'), ('868278', 'QGLY', 'Prophase Labs Inc'), ('1118847', 'QGP', 'Quantum Group Inc'), ('1125672', 'QIII', 'Qi Systems Inc'), ('918386', 'QLGC', 'Qlogic Corp'), ('1305294', 'QLIK', 'Qlik Technologies Inc'), ('827809', 'QLTI', 'QLT Inc'), ('1391142', 'QLTS', 'Q Lotus Holdings Inc'), ('922863', 'QLTY', 'Quality Distribution Inc'), ('1107843', 'QLYS', 'Qualys Inc'), ('1325098', 'QMAR', 'Bird Acquisition Corp'), ('1101433', 'QMCI', 'Quotemedia Inc'), ('1088206', 'QMDT', 'Quick-med Technologies Inc'), ('729213', 'QMED', 'Qmed Inc'), ('1102901', 'QMM', 'Q Comm International Inc'), ('1130126', 'QMMG', 'Quest Minerals & Mining Corp'), ('1006691', 'QMRK', 'Qualmark Corp'), ('81350', 'QMTL', 'Blink Logic Inc'), ('750558', 'QNBC', 'QNB Corp'), ('1117297', 'QNST', 'Quinstreet Inc'), ('1264242', 'QNTA', 'Quanta Capital Holdings LTD'), ('1024678', 'QNTSQ', 'Quintus Corp'), ('1353637', 'QNTV', 'Qnective Inc'), ('855743', 'QOBJ', 'Queryobject Systems Corp'), ('1089104', 'QOIL', 'Quest Oil Corp'), ('1579252', 'QPAC', 'Quinpario Acquisition Corp'), ('1310753', 'QPCI', 'QPC Lasers'), ('843462', 'QPDC', 'Quality Products Inc'), ('1423586', 'QPRJ', 'Unwall International Inc'), ('1381186', 'QQQX', 'Nasdaq Premium Income & Growth Fund Inc'), ('775351', 'QRCP', 'Quest Resource Corp'), ('1502012', 'QRE', 'QR Energy LP'), ('1380501', 'QRR', 'Quadra Realty Trust Inc'), ('906551', 'QRSI', 'QRS Corp'), ('1088033', 'QSFT', 'Quest Software Inc'), ('708818', 'QSII', 'Quality Systems Inc'), ('1301843', 'QSPW', 'Quantum Ventures Inc'), ('1174228', 'QSTG', 'Quest Group International Inc'), ('1107714', 'QTEK', 'Quintek Technologies Inc'), ('1581889', 'QTET', 'Quartet Merger Corp'), ('1061316', 'QTII', 'Quadtech International Inc'), ('709283', 'QTM', 'Quantum Corp'), ('919623', 'QTRN', 'Quintiles Transnational Corp'), ('1577368', 'QTS', 'QTS Realty Trust Inc'), ('1440799', 'QTUM', 'Quantum Information Inc'), ('1166380', 'QTWW', 'Quantum Fuel Systems Technologies Worldwide Inc'), ('1481792', 'QUAD', 'Quad'), ('882508', 'QUIK', 'Quicklogic Corporation'), ('1166409', 'QUIN', 'Quinton Cardiology Systems Inc'), ('796577', 'QUIP', 'Quipp Inc'), ('32870', 'QUIX', 'Quixote Corp'), ('1122991', 'QUMI', 'Datajack Inc'), ('892482', 'QUMU', 'Qumu Corp'), ('1079996', 'QUOT', 'Life Quotes Inc'), ('726603', 'QUSA', 'Questar Assessment Inc'), ('1094561', 'QVDX', 'Quovadx Inc'), ('1487091', 'QWTR', 'Quest Water Global Inc'), ('85961', 'R', 'Ryder System Inc'), ('930548', 'RA', 'Reckson Associates Realty Corp'), ('902722', 'RAA', 'Blackrock California Investment Quality Municipal Trust Inc'), ('1316625', 'RACK', 'Silicon Graphics International Corp'), ('1476638', 'RACK', 'Rackwise Inc'), ('84129', 'RAD', 'Rite Aid Corp'), ('718573', 'RADN', 'Radyne Corp'), ('845818', 'RADS', 'Radiant Systems Inc'), ('792984', 'RADVA', 'Radva Corp'), ('1084876', 'RAE', 'Rae Systems Inc'), ('1385617', 'RAF', 'RMR Asia Real Estate Fund'), ('99249', 'RAFI', 'Regency Affiliates Inc'), ('1390778', 'RAGO', 'Rango Energy Inc'), ('874385', 'RAGS', 'Rag Shops Inc'), ('1029506', 'RAH', 'Ralcorp Holdings Inc'), ('1275283', 'RAI', 'Reynolds American Inc'), ('1320854', 'RAIL', 'Freightcar America Inc'), ('1363171', 'RAK', 'Renaissance Acquisition Corp'), ('1313911', 'RALY', 'Rally Software Development Corp'), ('1352713', 'RAMR', 'Ram Holdings LTD'), ('81955', 'RAND', 'Rand Capital Corp'), ('1353374', 'RAP', 'RMR Asia Pacific Real Estate Fund'), ('1452477', 'RAP', 'RMR Real Estate Income Fund'), ('1340995', 'RAPI', 'Restaurant Acquisition Partners Inc'), ('1282549', 'RAPM', 'Clyvia Inc'), ('1420526', 'RAPT', 'Giddy-up Productions Inc'), ('1367398', 'RARA', 'Raran Corp'), ('883976', 'RARE', 'Rare Hospitality International Inc'), ('1515673', 'RARE', 'Ultragenyx Pharmaceutical Inc'), ('1045425', 'RAS', 'Rait Financial Trust'), ('1080866', 'RATE', 'Bankrate Inc'), ('1518222', 'RATE', 'Bankrate Inc'), ('82166', 'RAVN', 'Raven Industries Inc'), ('1107694', 'RAX', 'Rackspace Hosting Inc'), ('797917', 'RAY', 'Raytech Corp'), ('1489744', 'RAYS', 'Interdom Corp'), ('1081290', 'RBAK', 'Redback Networks Inc'), ('82811', 'RBC', 'Regal Beloit Corp'), ('921557', 'RBCAA', 'Republic Bancorp Inc'), ('830052', 'RBCL', 'RBC Life Sciences Inc'), ('1410172', 'RBCN', 'Rubicon Technology Inc'), ('1081078', 'RBCV', 'Api Technologies Corp'), ('872855', 'RBI', 'Sport Supply Group Inc'), ('1121459', 'RBIO', 'Rapid Bio Tests Corp'), ('1430523', 'RBIZ', 'Realbiz Media Group Inc'), ('770949', 'RBK', 'Reebok International LTD'), ('1065002', 'RBKV', 'Resource Bankshares Corp'), ('1104681', 'RBLG', 'Roebling Financial Corp Inc'), ('806888', 'RBM', 'Response Biomedical Corp'), ('84290', 'RBN', 'Robbins & Myers Inc'), ('813808', 'RBNC', 'Republic Bancorp Inc'), ('1159991', 'RBNCP', 'Republic Capital Trust I'), ('1058441', 'RBOW', 'Rainbow Rentals Inc'), ('922487', 'RBPAA', 'Royal Bancshares Of Pennsylvania Inc'), ('1057791', 'RBY', 'Rubicon Minerals Corp'), ('1379810', 'RBYC', 'Ruby Creek Resources Inc'), ('1100091', 'RCAA', 'Reclamation Consulting & Applications Inc'), ('1568832', 'RCAP', 'RCS Capital Corp'), ('1322979', 'RCC', 'Small Cap Premium & Dividend Income Fund Inc'), ('869561', 'RCCC', 'Rural Cellular Corp'), ('789881', 'RCF', 'Rica Foods Inc'), ('1489902', 'RCHR', 'Rich Star Development Corp'), ('920052', 'RCI', 'Renal Care Group Inc'), ('729217', 'RCII', 'Rent A Center Inc'), ('933036', 'RCII', 'Rent A Center Inc De'), ('1311131', 'RCKB', 'Rockville Financial Inc'), ('1501364', 'RCKB', 'Rockville Financial Inc'), ('895456', 'RCKY', 'Rocky Brands Inc'), ('884887', 'RCL', 'Royal Caribbean Cruises LTD'), ('700841', 'RCMT', 'RCM Technologies Inc'), ('1041858', 'RCNI', 'RCN Corp'), ('1091284', 'RCOM', 'Register Com Inc'), ('1463729', 'RCPT', 'Receptos Inc'), ('1403301', 'RCR', 'RMR Dividend Capture Fund'), ('1034239', 'RCRC', 'RC2 Corp'), ('916183', 'RCS', 'Pimco Strategic Global Government Fund Inc'), ('1099957', 'RCT', 'Rochester Resources LTD'), ('1301046', 'RCTC', 'Thunderball Entertainment Inc'), ('733337', 'RCVA', 'Receivable Acquisition & Management Corp'), ('858558', 'RDA', 'Readers Digest Association Inc'), ('1177274', 'RDBO', 'Rodobo International Inc'), ('85408', 'RDC', 'Rowan Companies PLC'), ('95052', 'RDEN', 'Elizabeth Arden Inc'), ('812152', 'RDGA', 'Ridgefield Acquisition Corp'), ('716634', 'RDI', 'Reading International Inc'), ('1483496', 'RDMP', 'Red Mountain Resources Inc'), ('890926', 'RDN', 'Radian Group Inc'), ('1308438', 'RDR', 'RMR Preferred Dividend Fund'), ('1114999', 'RDVWF', 'Radview Software LTD'), ('1095073', 'RE', 'Everest Re Group LTD'), ('1520528', 'REAC', 'Real Estate Contacts Inc'), ('840007', 'REBC', 'Redwood Empire Bancorp'), ('1084765', 'RECN', 'Resources Connection Inc'), ('1437557', 'RECV', 'Lilis Energy Inc'), ('1121131', 'RED', 'Redline Performance Products Inc'), ('1236038', 'REDE', 'Redenvelope Inc'), ('944400', 'REDI', 'Remote Dynamics Inc'), ('1178513', 'REDZ', 'Purple Beverage Company Inc'), ('1419806', 'REE', 'Rare Element Resources LTD'), ('1140215', 'REEDR', 'Reeds Inc'), ('82788', 'REF', 'Refac Optical Group'), ('793524', 'REFR', 'Research Frontiers Inc'), ('910606', 'REG', 'Regency Centers Corp'), ('1405682', 'REGI', 'Renewable Energy Group Inc'), ('872589', 'REGN', 'Regeneron Pharmaceuticals Inc'), ('319200', 'REGT', 'Regent Technologies Inc'), ('743241', 'REIC', 'Latteno Food Corp'), ('1397807', 'REITPLUS', 'Amreit Inc'), ('355048', 'RELL', 'Funds Transfer Inc'), ('355948', 'RELL', 'Richardson Electronics LTD'), ('768710', 'RELV', 'Reliv International Inc'), ('874992', 'REM', 'Remington Oil & Gas Corp'), ('769874', 'REMC', 'Remec Liquidating Trust'), ('1078037', 'REMI', 'Remedent Inc'), ('1013467', 'REMX', 'Remedytemp Inc'), ('1046859', 'REMY', 'Remy International Inc'), ('1469510', 'REN', 'Resolute Energy Corp'), ('1282449', 'RENG', 'Heron Realty Corp'), ('1282496', 'RENG', 'Radial Energy Inc'), ('919567', 'RENN', 'Renn Global Entrepreneurs Fund Inc'), ('800458', 'RENT', 'Rentrak Corp'), ('1335288', 'REOS', 'Reostar Energy Corp'), ('1005501', 'REPB', 'Republic Bancshares Inc'), ('704440', 'REPR', 'Repro Med Systems Inc'), ('1535469', 'REPW', 'Noho Inc'), ('742278', 'RES', 'RPC Inc'), ('84278', 'RESC', 'Roanoke Electric Steel Corp'), ('1555039', 'RESI', 'Altisource Residential Corp'), ('780434', 'RESP', 'Respironics Inc'), ('1350620', 'REST', 'Restore Medical Inc'), ('891915', 'RESY', 'Reconditioned Systems Inc'), ('1161676', 'RET', 'Equity Securities Trust II'), ('1094360', 'RETK', 'Retek Inc'), ('887921', 'REV', 'Revlon Inc'), ('1320767', 'REVO', 'Revolutionary Concepts Inc'), ('1113668', 'REVU', 'Princeton Review Inc'), ('744187', 'REX', 'Rex American Resources Corp'), ('83402', 'REXI', 'Resource America Inc'), ('850476', 'REXL', 'Rexhall Industries Inc'), ('1571283', 'REXR', 'Rexford Industrial Realty Inc'), ('1397516', 'REXX', 'Rex Energy Corp'), ('83588', 'REY', 'Reynolds & Reynolds Co'), ('36032', 'RF', 'Regions Financial Corp'), ('1281761', 'RF', 'Regions Financial Corp'), ('902719', 'RFA', 'Blackrock Investment Quality Municipal Income Trust'), ('1133597', 'RFCG', 'Refocus Group Inc'), ('891290', 'RFI', 'Cohen & Steers Total Return Realty Fund Inc'), ('740664', 'RFIL', 'R F Industries LTD'), ('911160', 'RFMD', 'RF Micro Devices Inc'), ('922204', 'RFMI', 'RF Monolithics Inc'), ('1100394', 'RFNN', 'Redfin Network Inc'), ('1299993', 'RFR', 'RMR Fire Fund'), ('906408', 'RFS', 'RFS Hotel Investors Inc'), ('1001791', 'RFSV', 'Ridgestone Financial Services Inc'), ('1321746', 'RFX', 'Refco Inc'), ('1415936', 'RFXC', 'Reflex Inc'), ('898174', 'RGA', 'Reinsurance Group Of America Inc'), ('883697', 'RGBI', 'Regen Biologics Inc'), ('932136', 'RGBLV', 'Sustainable Environmental Technologies Corp'), ('1168696', 'RGC', 'Regal Entertainment Group'), ('913015', 'RGCI', 'Regent Communications Inc'), ('1069533', 'RGCO', 'RGC Resources Inc'), ('1311596', 'RGDO', 'Regado Biosciences Inc'), ('1124608', 'RGDX', 'Response Genetics Inc'), ('730272', 'RGEN', 'Repligen Corp'), ('1016933', 'RGF', 'R&G Financial Corp'), ('1438035', 'RGFR', 'Rangeford Resources Inc'), ('918577', 'RGIDQ', 'Rouge Industries Inc'), ('85535', 'RGLD', 'Royal Gold Inc'), ('1505512', 'RGLS', 'Regulus Therapeutics Inc'), ('1088401', 'RGMI', 'RG America Inc'), ('707511', 'RGN', 'Regenerx Biopharmaceuticals Inc'), ('1056598', 'RGNA', 'Regeneca Inc'), ('1338613', 'RGP', 'Regency Energy Partners LP'), ('95029', 'RGR', 'Sturm Ruger & Co Inc'), ('1363598', 'RGRK', 'Regal Rock Inc'), ('1076700', 'RGRP', 'Piksel Inc'), ('716643', 'RGS', 'Regis Corp'), ('1514490', 'RGT', 'Royce Global Value Trust Inc'), ('922330', 'RGUS', 'Regi U S Inc'), ('1031329', 'RGX', 'Radiologix Inc'), ('1528849', 'RH', 'Restoration Hardware Holdings Inc'), ('812191', 'RHB', 'Rehabcare Group Inc'), ('315213', 'RHI', 'Half Robert International Inc'), ('1410637', 'RHIE', 'Rhi Entertainment Inc'), ('1070512', 'RHNI', 'Redhand International Inc'), ('1040829', 'RHP', 'Ryman Hospitality Properties Inc'), ('1278038', 'RHR', 'RMR Hospitality & Real Estate Fund'), ('828878', 'RHRS', 'Great China International Holdings Inc'), ('802806', 'RHT', 'Right Management Consultants Inc'), ('1087423', 'RHT', 'Red Hat Inc'), ('1108028', 'RHWC', 'Reliant Home Warranty Corp'), ('783728', 'RHWT', 'Ridgewood Hotels Inc'), ('1445918', 'RIBS', 'Bourbon Brothers Holding Corp'), ('1063537', 'RIBT', 'Ricebran Technologies'), ('1023996', 'RIC', 'Richmont Mines Inc'), ('1588238', 'RICE', 'Rice Energy Inc'), ('935419', 'RICK', 'Ricks Cabaret International Inc'), ('1061881', 'RICX', 'Ricex Co'), ('1191256', 'RIF', 'Aew Real Estate Income Fund'), ('1443387', 'RIF', 'Old RMR Real Estate Income Fund'), ('1083269', 'RIG', 'Transocean Inc'), ('1451505', 'RIG', 'Transocean LTD'), ('1034842', 'RIGL', 'Rigel Pharmaceuticals Inc'), ('350847', 'RIGS', 'Riggs National Corp'), ('1506270', 'RIHT', 'Rightscorp Inc'), ('1039757', 'RIMS', 'Robocom Systems International Inc'), ('1034379', 'RINO', 'Blue Rhino Corp'), ('1230795', 'RIRI', 'Caliber Energy Inc'), ('1173557', 'RIT', 'LMP Real Estate Income Fund Inc'), ('1056421', 'RITA', 'Rita Medical Systems Inc'), ('1041844', 'RITT', 'Rit Technologies LTD'), ('1015593', 'RIVR', 'Valley Bancorp River'), ('1159154', 'RJET', 'Republic Airways Holdings Inc'), ('720005', 'RJF', 'Raymond James Financial Inc'), ('805900', 'RJI', 'Reeds Jewelers Inc'), ('83612', 'RJR', 'RJ Reynolds Tobacco Holdings Inc'), ('1129162', 'RKE', 'Cap Rock Energy Corp'), ('1059099', 'RKNW', 'Remote Knowledge Inc'), ('230498', 'RKT', 'Rock-tenn Co'), ('1085203', 'RKTI', 'Rocketinfo Inc'), ('1294016', 'RKUS', 'Ruckus Wireless Inc'), ('1420046', 'RKYB', 'Rickys Board Shop Inc'), ('1037038', 'RL', 'Ralph Lauren Corp'), ('1397771', 'RLBS', 'Reliance Bancshares Inc'), ('34285', 'RLBY', 'Reliability Inc'), ('1327471', 'RLD', 'Reald Inc'), ('1116937', 'RLF', 'Cohen & Steers Advantage Income Realty Fund Inc'), ('1171155', 'RLGT', 'Radiant Logistics Inc'), ('1398987', 'RLGY', 'Realogy Holdings Corp'), ('1052595', 'RLH', 'Red Lion Hotels Corp'), ('84246', 'RLI', 'Rli Corp'), ('1406243', 'RLIA', 'Reliabrand Inc'), ('1511337', 'RLJ', 'RLJ Lodging Trust'), ('1546381', 'RLJE', 'RLJ Entertainment Inc'), ('1358654', 'RLKX', 'Red Metal Resources LTD'), ('1297336', 'RLOC', 'Reachlocal Inc'), ('1294250', 'RLOG', 'Rand Logistics Inc'), ('1030484', 'RLRN', 'Renaissance Learning Inc'), ('1383756', 'RLYL', 'Dussault Apparel Inc'), ('1416792', 'RLYP', 'Relypsa Inc'), ('1519401', 'RM', 'Regional Management Corp'), ('1581091', 'RMAX', 'Re'), ('917273', 'RMBS', 'Rambus Inc'), ('785815', 'RMCF', 'Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory Inc'), ('943819', 'RMD', 'Resmed Inc'), ('1312112', 'RMDT', 'RMD Technologies Inc'), ('1295172', 'RMG', 'Riskmetrics Group Inc'), ('1017958', 'RMHT', 'RMH Teleservices Inc'), ('801873', 'RMI', 'Rotonics Manufacturing Inc'), ('757523', 'RMK', 'Aramark Corp'), ('1144528', 'RMK', 'Aramark Corp'), ('1094007', 'RMKR', 'Rainmaker Systems Inc'), ('85812', 'RML', 'Russell Corp'), ('1021096', 'RMLX', 'Roomlinx Inc'), ('1177131', 'RMR', 'RMR Real Estate Fund'), ('912147', 'RMT', 'Royce Micro-cap Trust Inc'), ('1041024', 'RMTI', 'Rockwell Medical Inc'), ('849502', 'RMTR', 'Ramtron International Corp'), ('1317405', 'RMX', 'Ready MIX Inc'), ('1116613', 'RNA', 'Ribapharm Inc'), ('892112', 'RNAI', 'Sirna Therapeutics Inc'), ('1522538', 'RNBI', 'Rainbow International Corp'), ('819706', 'RNBO', 'Rainbow Technologies Inc'), ('869498', 'RNCP', 'Ronco Corp'), ('1046832', 'RNDC', 'Raindance Communications Inc'), ('1536035', 'RNDY', 'Roundys Inc'), ('918686', 'RNE', 'Morgan Stanley Eastern Europe Fund Inc'), ('1162112', 'RNET', 'Rignet Inc'), ('1525998', 'RNF', 'Rentech Nitrogen Partners LP'), ('1384905', 'RNG', 'Ringcentral Inc'), ('1384195', 'RNGE', 'Ring Energy Inc'), ('1398931', 'RNGY', 'Renegy Holdings Inc'), ('862255', 'RNHDA', 'Reinhold Industries Inc'), ('1356093', 'RNIN', 'Wireless Ronin Technologies Inc'), ('902731', 'RNJ', 'Blackrock New Jersey Investment Quality Municipal Trust Inc'), ('1076534', 'RNKE', 'Roanoke Technology Corp'), ('1228627', 'RNN', 'Rexahn Pharmaceuticals Inc'), ('1490630', 'RNO', 'Rhino Resource Partners LP'), ('1111247', 'RNOW', 'Rightnow Technologies Inc'), ('1224450', 'RNP', 'Cohen & Steers REIT & Preferred Income Fund Inc'), ('1423723', 'RNPR', 'Rhino Productions Inc'), ('913144', 'RNR', 'Renaissancere Holdings LTD'), ('715072', 'RNST', 'Renasant Corp'), ('1118361', 'RNVS', 'Renovis Inc'), ('1046327', 'RNWK', 'Realnetworks Inc'), ('902717', 'RNY', 'Blackrock New York Investment Quality Municipal Trust Inc'), ('84581', 'ROAC', 'Rock Of Ages Corp'), ('1141496', 'ROAD', 'Roadway Corp'), ('1315695', 'ROC', 'Rockwood Holdings Inc'), ('912562', 'ROCK', 'Gibraltar Industries Inc'), ('868368', 'ROCM', 'Rochester Medical Corporation'), ('726977', 'RODM', 'Rodman & Renshaw Capital Group Inc'), ('1293283', 'ROEB', 'Roebling Financial Corp Inc'), ('828064', 'ROFO', 'Rockford Corp'), ('84748', 'ROG', 'Rogers Corp'), ('847480', 'ROG', 'Tax Exempt Securities Trust Series 302'), ('928447', 'ROGI', 'Radiant Oil & Gas Inc'), ('84792', 'ROH', 'Rohm & Haas Co'), ('1175108', 'ROHI', 'Rotech Healthcare Inc'), ('1383145', 'ROHT', 'Royale Globe Holding Inc'), ('1041657', 'ROIAK', 'Radio One Inc'), ('866492', 'ROIE', 'Tectonic Network Inc'), ('1537834', 'ROIL', 'Richfield Oil & Gas Co'), ('1581607', 'ROIQU', 'Roi Acquisition Corp II'), ('1024478', 'ROK', 'Rockwell Automation Inc'), ('84839', 'ROL', 'Rollins Inc'), ('1324948', 'ROLL', 'RBC Bearings Inc'), ('1355823', 'ROMA', 'Roma Financial Corp'), ('1088144', 'ROME', 'Rome Bancorp Inc'), ('1013236', 'ROMN', 'Film Roman Inc'), ('84919', 'RONC', 'RCLC Inc'), ('845385', 'RONE', 'Regal One Corp'), ('1448064', 'ROOM', 'Roomstore Inc'), ('882835', 'ROP', 'Roper Industries Inc'), ('1340282', 'ROSE', 'Rosetta Resources Inc'), ('873594', 'ROSS', 'Ross Systems Inc'), ('745732', 'ROST', 'Ross Stores Inc'), ('1396054', 'ROSV', 'Rostock Ventures Corp'), ('1289441', 'ROTB', 'Rotoblock Corp'), ('1411730', 'ROTED', 'Solaris Power Cells Inc'), ('1028985', 'ROV', 'Spectrum Brands Inc'), ('1424454', 'ROVI', 'Rovi Corp'), ('85417', 'ROW', 'Rowe Companies'), ('1311538', 'ROX', 'Castle Brands Inc'), ('1122787', 'ROXI', 'Napster Inc'), ('1102392', 'ROYE', 'Royal Energy Resources Inc'), ('864839', 'ROYL', 'Royale Energy Inc'), ('1538822', 'ROYT', 'Pacific Coast Oil Trust'), ('1286225', 'RP', 'Realpage Inc'), ('1335686', 'RPB', 'Republic Property Trust'), ('1328003', 'RPBC', 'Redpoint Bio Corp'), ('1125028', 'RPDT', 'Rapidtron Inc'), ('1170895', 'RPF', 'Cohen & Steers Premium Income Realty Fund Inc'), ('1243800', 'RPFG', 'Rainier Pacific Financial Group Inc'), ('919606', 'RPHL', 'Rockport Healthcare Group Inc'), ('1011109', 'RPI', 'Roberts Realty Investors Inc'), ('913659', 'RPID', 'Rapid Link Inc'), ('110621', 'RPM', 'RPM International Inc'), ('1077385', 'RPMV', 'RPM Advantage Inc'), ('918765', 'RPRN', 'Reptron Electronics Inc'), ('76878', 'RPRS', 'Republic Resources Inc'), ('897075', 'RPRX', 'Repros Therapeutics Inc'), ('1420070', 'RPSE', 'Research Pharmaceutical Services Inc'), ('842183', 'RPT', 'Ramco Gershenson Properties Trust'), ('1070698', 'RPTP', 'Raptor Pharmaceutical Corp'), ('1203944', 'RPTP', 'Raptor Pharmaceuticals Corp'), ('1509432', 'RPXC', 'RPX Corp'), ('1157842', 'RQI', 'Cohen & Steers Quality Income Realty Fund Inc'), ('887637', 'RRA', 'Railamerica Inc'), ('315852', 'RRC', 'Range Resources Corp'), ('29669', 'RRD', 'RR Donnelley & Sons Co'), ('1168786', 'RRE', 'Aim Select Real Estate Income Fund'), ('1557725', 'RREDX', 'Resource Real Estate Diversified Income Fund'), ('1171759', 'RRGB', 'Red Robin Gourmet Burgers Inc'), ('1527622', 'RRMS', 'Rose Rock Midstream LP'), ('1329957', 'RRPH', 'Osl Holdings Inc'), ('1389305', 'RRR', 'RSC Holdings Inc'), ('1440024', 'RRTS', 'Roadrunner Transportation Systems Inc'), ('861884', 'RS', 'Reliance Steel & Aluminum Co'), ('932064', 'RSAS', 'Rsa Security Inc'), ('1103090', 'RSCF', 'Reflect Scientific Inc'), ('776325', 'RSCR', 'Res Care Inc'), ('769591', 'RSCT', 'Nayna Networks Inc'), ('85388', 'RSE', 'Rouse Company'), ('1528558', 'RSE', 'Rouse Properties Inc'), ('1106207', 'RSFF', 'Resolve Staffing Inc'), ('1060391', 'RSG', 'Republic Services Inc'), ('1225452', 'RSGX', 'Resourcing Solutions Group Inc'), ('96289', 'RSH', 'Radioshack Corp'), ('853697', 'RSII', 'Rsi Holdings Inc'), ('8412', 'RSKIA', 'Atwood Oceanics Inc Qualified Stock Option Plans'), ('84112', 'RSKIA', 'Risk George Industries Inc'), ('1020828', 'RSLN', 'Roslyn Bancorp Inc'), ('1026595', 'RSMI', 'Rim Semiconductor Co'), ('1301574', 'RSMTH', 'Rush Exploration Inc'), ('1332551', 'RSO', 'Resource Capital Corp'), ('1425565', 'RSOL', 'Real Goods Solar Inc'), ('1375554', 'RSOO', 'Bill The Butcher Inc'), ('1473332', 'RSOX', 'Resaca Exploitation Inc'), ('1588216', 'RSPP', 'RSP Permian Inc'), ('1401671', 'RSRS', 'Ridgestone Resources Inc'), ('83350', 'RSRV', 'Reserve Petroleum Co'), ('1386301', 'RSSS', 'Research Solutions Inc'), ('1020905', 'RST', 'Boca Resorts Inc'), ('1351285', 'RST', 'Rosetta Stone Inc'), ('1103078', 'RSTG', 'Raser Technologies Inc'), ('1019361', 'RSTI', 'Rofin Sinar Technologies Inc'), ('1123028', 'RSTN', 'Riverstone Networks Inc'), ('863821', 'RSTO', 'Restoration Hardware Inc'), ('1084561', 'RSTRC', 'Rstar Corp'), ('1163542', 'RSVB', 'RSV Bancorp Inc'), ('1296001', 'RSVM', 'Sendtec Inc'), ('873044', 'RSYS', 'Radisys Corp'), ('68270', 'RT', 'Ruby Tuesday Inc'), ('790528', 'RT', 'Ryerson Inc'), ('1018349', 'RTC', 'Riviera Tool Co'), ('1094392', 'RTEC', 'Rudolph Technologies Inc'), ('1112279', 'RTHG', 'R-tec Holding Inc'), ('1068717', 'RTI', 'Rti International Metals Inc'), ('1100441', 'RTIX', 'Rti Surgical Inc'), ('868725', 'RTK', 'Rentech Inc'), ('1064060', 'RTLX', 'Retalix LTD'), ('1047122', 'RTN', 'Raytheon Co'), ('812355', 'RTOH', 'Orion Ethanol Inc'), ('1015383', 'RTRO', 'Retrospettiva Inc'), ('1438533', 'RTRX', 'Retrophin Inc'), ('1425264', 'RTSO', 'RTS Oil Holdings Inc'), ('1056904', 'RTSX', 'Radiation Therapy Services Inc'), ('1419559', 'RTTE', 'Cam Group Inc'), ('1265419', 'RTU', 'Cohen & Steers REIT & Utility Income Fund Inc'), ('915781', 'RTWI', 'RTW Inc'), ('1169138', 'RUBD', 'Sentaida Tire Co LTD'), ('85684', 'RUBM', 'Admiralty Holding Co'), ('1082423', 'RUBO', 'Rubios Restaurants Inc'), ('799875', 'RUBR', 'Rubber Research Elastomerics Inc'), ('1471458', 'RUE', 'Rue21 Inc'), ('98544', 'RUM', 'Cruzan International Inc'), ('1003429', 'RUNI', 'Reunion Industries Inc'), ('792487', 'RUREC', 'Rural Metro Corp'), ('906326', 'RUREC', 'Rural'), ('1012019', 'RUSH', 'Rush Enterprises Inc'), ('1369092', 'RUSO', 'Cassidy Media Inc'), ('1324272', 'RUTH', 'Ruths Hospitality Group Inc'), ('1320092', 'RUTX', 'Republic Companies Group Inc'), ('1496268', 'RVAAX', 'Reva Medical Inc'), ('1357326', 'RVBD', 'Riverbed Technology Inc'), ('1402357', 'RVDM', 'Riverdale Mining Inc'), ('822076', 'RVEE', 'Holiday RV Superstores Inc'), ('1487782', 'RVEN', 'Reven Housing REIT Inc'), ('934650', 'RVFD', 'Riviana Foods Inc'), ('1307901', 'RVFT', 'Girasolar Inc'), ('899647', 'RVHL', 'Riviera Holdings Corp'), ('874444', 'RVI', 'Retail Ventures Inc'), ('1404592', 'RVM', 'Revett Minerals Inc'), ('1332052', 'RVNG', 'Raven Gold Corp'), ('1058056', 'RVNM', 'Made In America Entertainment Inc'), ('1076744', 'RVNM', 'Emav Holdings Inc'), ('946563', 'RVP', 'Retractable Technologies Inc'), ('1041368', 'RVSB', 'Riverview Bancorp Inc'), ('225868', 'RVSI', 'Robotic Vision Systems Inc'), ('804116', 'RVT', 'Royce Value Trust Inc'), ('1176337', 'RVTIF', 'Rival Technologies Inc'), ('1455206', 'RVUE', 'Rvue Holdings Inc'), ('1023184', 'RWAV', 'Rogue Wave Software Inc'), ('2186', 'RWC', 'Relm Wireless Corp'), ('1067342', 'RWDE', 'Reward Enterprises Inc'), ('1294178', 'RWF', 'Cohen & Steers Worldwide Realty Income Fund Inc'), ('742094', 'RWMC', 'Redwood Microcap Fund Inc'), ('1413862', 'RWMI', 'Regalworks Media Inc'), ('1088537', 'RWNT', 'Reality Wireless Networks  Inc'), ('930236', 'RWT', 'Redwood Trust Inc'), ('88437', 'RWWI', 'Securities Management Co Inc'), ('893046', 'RWY', 'Rent Way Inc'), ('1058083', 'RX', 'Ims Health Inc'), ('1405350', 'RXBD', 'Xsovt Brands Inc'), ('1115295', 'RXBZ', 'Rxbazaar Inc'), ('1533040', 'RXII', 'Rxi Pharmaceuticals Corp'), ('1402945', 'RXMD', 'Progressive Care Inc'), ('1439288', 'RXN', 'Rexnord Corp'), ('838879', 'RXPC', 'Radient Pharmaceuticals Corp'), ('355622', 'RYAN', 'Ryans Restaurant Group Inc'), ('947011', 'RYBO', 'Smart-tek Solutions Inc'), ('1344770', 'RYCT', 'Recycle Tech Inc'), ('1303531', 'RYFL', 'Royal Financial Inc'), ('1355762', 'RYJ', 'Claymore Exchange-traded Fund Trust'), ('85974', 'RYL', 'Ryland Group Inc'), ('1371424', 'RYMM', 'Royal Mines & Minerals Corp'), ('52827', 'RYN', 'Rayonier Inc'), ('1080399', 'RYPE', 'Royalite Petroleum Co Inc'), ('1096296', 'RYQG', 'Mineralrite Corp'), ('1451775', 'RYSD', 'Royal Style Design Inc'), ('1027162', 'RYSMF', 'Royal Standard Minerals Inc'), ('1472601', 'RYUN', 'Respect Your Universe Inc'), ('1333614', 'RZRR', 'Razor Resources Inc'), ('1057507', 'RZT', 'Resortquest International Inc'), ('101830', 'S', 'Sprint Corp'), ('319256', 'S', 'Sears Roebuck & Co'), ('1087934', 'SAAS', 'Incontact Inc'), ('1515353', 'SAAX', 'Saasmax Inc'), ('1070380', 'SABA', 'Saba Software Inc'), ('1490224', 'SABR', 'Sabre Industries Inc'), ('1474266', 'SACQ', 'Smsa Gainesville Acquisition Corp'), ('1443105', 'SAEI', 'Supatcha Resources Inc'), ('1514732', 'SAEX', 'Saexploration Holdings Inc'), ('798738', 'SAF', 'Scudder New Asia Fund Inc'), ('86104', 'SAFC', 'Safeco Corp'), ('806168', 'SAFE', 'Invivo Corp'), ('812128', 'SAFM', 'Sanderson Farms Inc'), ('921066', 'SAFS', 'Rtin Holdings Inc'), ('1172052', 'SAFT', 'Safety Insurance Group Inc'), ('918964', 'SAFY', 'International Textile Group Inc'), ('1386765', 'SAGA', 'Saga Energy Inc'), ('1043509', 'SAH', 'Sonic Automotive Inc'), ('1571123', 'SAIC', 'Science Applications International Corp'), ('1161165', 'SAIL', 'Ecoloclean Industries Inc'), ('1118037', 'SAJA', 'Sajan Inc'), ('1060219', 'SAL', 'Salisbury Bancorp Inc'), ('893741', 'SALDQ', 'Fresh Choice Inc'), ('1475274', 'SALE', 'Retailmenot Inc'), ('1050606', 'SALM', 'Salem Communications Corp'), ('1084332', 'SALN', 'Salon Media Group Inc'), ('949870', 'SAM', 'Boston Beer Co Inc'), ('914478', 'SAMC', 'Samsonite Corp'), ('1549966', 'SAMG', 'Silvercrest Asset Management Group Inc'), ('1304668', 'SAMM', 'South American Minerals Inc'), ('913610', 'SANG', 'Sangstat Medical Corp'), ('897723', 'SANM', 'Sanmina Corp'), ('1350970', 'SANM', 'Sanmina-sci USA Inc'), ('1499275', 'SANP', 'Santo Mining Corp'), ('1477246', 'SANW', 'S&W Seed Co'), ('799097', 'SANZ', 'San Holdings Inc'), ('1008817', 'SAPE', 'Sapient Corp'), ('1408276', 'SAPX', 'Seven Arts Entertainment Inc'), ('1375495', 'SAQC', 'Solar Acquisition Corp'), ('1096339', 'SARA', 'Saratoga Resources Inc'), ('824410', 'SASR', 'Sandy Spring Bancorp Inc'), ('889423', 'SATC', 'Satcon Technology Corp'), ('810029', 'SATH', 'Summit America Television Inc'), ('1415404', 'SATS', 'Echostar Corp'), ('714284', 'SAUP', 'Sorl Auto Parts Inc'), ('860519', 'SAVB', 'Savannah Bancorp Inc'), ('1498710', 'SAVE', 'Spirit Airlines Inc'), ('1546679', 'SAVI', 'Mobetize Corp'), ('1279493', 'SAX', 'Saxon Capital Inc'), ('1160425', 'SAXN', 'Saxon Capital Inc'), ('1034054', 'SBAC', 'Sba Communications Corp'), ('1102432', 'SBAT', 'Viking Investments Group Inc'), ('1028954', 'SBBX', 'Sussex Bancorp'), ('730708', 'SBCF', 'Seacoast Banking Corp Of Florida'), ('205545', 'SBF', 'Legg Mason Partners Equity Fund Inc'), ('767405', 'SBFG', 'SB Financial Group Inc'), ('914851', 'SBFM', 'Smith Barney Fund Management LLC'), ('906237', 'SBG', 'Western Asset 2008 Worldwide Dollar Government Term Trust Inc'), ('820067', 'SBGA', 'Summit Bank Corp'), ('912752', 'SBGI', 'Sinclair Broadcast Group Inc'), ('1368458', 'SBH', 'Sally Beauty Holdings Inc'), ('882300', 'SBI', 'Western Asset Intermediate Muni Fund Inc'), ('891098', 'SBIB', 'Sterling Bancshares Inc'), ('276380', 'SBIG', 'Seibels Bruce Group Inc'), ('1091312', 'SBII', 'Symbion Inc'), ('719483', 'SBIO', 'Synbiotics Corp'), ('745344', 'SBIT', 'Summit Bancshares Inc'), ('1107699', 'SBJX', 'Subjex Corp'), ('925464', 'SBKC', 'Security Bank Corp'), ('278352', 'SBL', 'Symbol Technologies Inc'), ('922341', 'SBLK', 'Seabulk International Inc'), ('1386716', 'SBLK', 'Star Bulk Carriers Corp'), ('850519', 'SBLUQ', 'Sonicblue Inc'), ('1097882', 'SBMC', 'Connecticut Bancshares Inc'), ('703904', 'SBNC', 'Southern Bancshares NC Inc'), ('1120427', 'SBNK', 'Sonoma Valley Bancorp'), ('1121260', 'SBNS', 'Shallbetter Industries Inc'), ('90057', 'SBON', 'Siboney Corp'), ('1099958', 'SBP', 'Santander Bancorp'), ('1492298', 'SBRA', 'Sabra Health Care REIT Inc'), ('1103120', 'SBRD', 'Tsingyuan Brewery LTD'), ('927720', 'SBSA', 'Spanish Broadcasting System Inc'), ('880208', 'SBSE', 'SBS Technologies Inc'), ('1092197', 'SBSF', 'Stratabase'), ('705432', 'SBSI', 'Southside Bancshares Inc'), ('1046120', 'SBSQ', 'Sunburst Acquisitions III Inc'), ('1085220', 'SBSS', 'SBS Interactive Co'), ('1288496', 'SBSW', 'Sand Hill It Security Acquisition Corp'), ('1354174', 'SBTB', 'SBT Bancorp Inc'), ('1110396', 'SBTI', 'Sino-biotics Inc'), ('829224', 'SBUX', 'Starbucks Corp'), ('914035', 'SBW', 'Western Asset Worldwide Income Fund Inc'), ('1557255', 'SBY', 'Silver Bay Realty Trust Corp'), ('1106842', 'SBYN', 'Seebeyond Technology Corp'), ('1580608', 'SC', 'Santander Consumer USA Holdings Inc'), ('1358164', 'SCA', 'Security Capital Assurance LTD'), ('1022926', 'SCAI', 'Sanchez Computer Associates Inc'), ('1411574', 'SCAI', 'Surgical Care Affiliates Inc'), ('894508', 'SCB', 'Community Bankshares Inc'), ('1005268', 'SCBI', 'SCB Computer Technology Inc'), ('764038', 'SCBT', 'First Financial Holdings Inc'), ('314340', 'SCC', 'Security Capital Corp'), ('830616', 'SCCI', 'Sci Engineered Materials Inc'), ('1001838', 'SCCO', 'Southern Copper Corp'), ('1270131', 'SCD', 'LMP Capital & Income Fund Inc'), ('92103', 'SCE', 'Southern California Edison Co'), ('1315373', 'SCEY', 'Sun Cal Energy  Inc'), ('1276531', 'SCFE', 'Scientific Energy Inc'), ('1061692', 'SCFS', 'Seacoast Financial Services Corp'), ('91882', 'SCG', 'South Carolina Electric & Gas Co'), ('754737', 'SCG', 'Scana Corp'), ('1415286', 'SCGC', 'Sara Creek Gold Corp'), ('1512074', 'SCGQ', 'RMG Networks Holding Corp'), ('1014669', 'SCHI', 'Sterling Chemicals Inc'), ('866729', 'SCHL', 'Scholastic Corp'), ('912603', 'SCHN', 'Schnitzer Steel Industries Inc'), ('1055454', 'SCHS', 'School Specialty Inc'), ('316709', 'SCHW', 'Schwab Charles Corp'), ('89089', 'SCI', 'Service Corporation International'), ('727672', 'SCIE', 'Spectrascience Inc'), ('95302', 'SCII', 'Worldwide Biotech & Pharmaceutical Co'), ('1042173', 'SCIL', 'Scientific Learning Corp'), ('1488934', 'SCIO', 'Scio Diamond Technology Corp'), ('944075', 'SCKT', 'Socket Mobile Inc'), ('94049', 'SCL', 'Stepan Co'), ('1058027', 'SCLD', 'Steelcloud Inc'), ('1472277', 'SCLG', 'Secure Luggage Solutions Inc'), ('351532', 'SCLL', 'Stem Cell Innovations Inc'), ('880771', 'SCLN', 'Sciclone Pharmaceuticals Inc'), ('1120096', 'SCLX', 'Sino Clean Energy Inc'), ('1505497', 'SCLZ', 'Biorestorative Therapies Inc'), ('1551901', 'SCM', 'Stellus Capital Investment Corp'), ('1159427', 'SCMF', 'Southern Community Financial Corp'), ('1365216', 'SCMP', 'Sucampo Pharmaceuticals Inc'), ('1092367', 'SCMR', 'Sycamore Networks Inc'), ('87802', 'SCND', 'Scientific Industries Inc'), ('217222', 'SCNI', 'Scanner Technologies Corp'), ('1385872', 'SCNU', 'Sentra Consulting Corp'), ('49401', 'SCNYB', 'Saucony Inc'), ('895665', 'SCON', 'Superconductor Technologies Inc'), ('1342575', 'SCOP', 'Scopus Video Networks LTD'), ('1158172', 'SCOR', 'Comscore Inc'), ('1102542', 'SCOX', 'Sco Group Inc'), ('87864', 'SCP', 'Scope Industries'), ('1009416', 'SCPI', 'Strategic Capital Resources Inc'), ('1495899', 'SCQO', 'Enerpulse Technologies Inc'), ('88095', 'SCRA', 'Sea Containers LTD'), ('1045942', 'SCRA', 'Securealert Inc'), ('831489', 'SCRH', 'Scores Holding Co Inc'), ('807873', 'SCRI', 'Sicor Inc'), ('1538217', 'SCRI', 'Social Reality Inc'), ('1366823', 'SCRK', 'Spring Creek Capital Corp'), ('1417370', 'SCRQF', 'Autochina International LTD'), ('1050825', 'SCS', 'Steelcase Inc'), ('918965', 'SCSC', 'Scansource Inc'), ('1279756', 'SCSG', 'Southcrest Financial Group Inc'), ('827187', 'SCSS', 'Select Comfort Corp'), ('1177702', 'SCST', 'Saia Inc'), ('1064122', 'SCT', 'Scottish Re Group LTD'), ('707606', 'SCTC', 'Systems & Computer Technology Corp'), ('1366047', 'SCTI', 'Gibraltar Steel Corp Of New York'), ('1100772', 'SCTN', 'Schimatic Cash Transactions Network Com Inc'), ('1408356', 'SCTY', 'Solarcity Corp'), ('1178818', 'SCU', 'Storm Cat Energy Corp'), ('18530', 'SCUC', 'Securecare Technologies Inc'), ('1001916', 'SCUR', 'Secure Computing Corp'), ('895447', 'SCVL', 'Shoe Carnival Inc'), ('93676', 'SCX', 'Starrett L S Co'), ('1371474', 'SCXN', 'Scout Exploration Inc'), ('924373', 'SCY', 'Sports Club Co Inc'), ('1349436', 'SD', 'Sandridge Energy Inc'), ('1163698', 'SDBT', 'Soundbite Communications Inc'), ('940516', 'SDGL', 'Secured Digital Applications Inc'), ('1502774', 'SDGU', 'Rio Bravo Oil Inc'), ('764843', 'SDNA', 'Sedona Corp'), ('1508381', 'SDNT', 'Drywave Technologies Inc'), ('86521', 'SDO', 'San Diego Gas & Electric Co'), ('911649', 'SDOI', 'Special Diversified Opportunities Inc'), ('892832', 'SDON', 'Sandston Corp'), ('1538267', 'SDR', 'Sandridge Mississippian Trust II'), ('1017290', 'SDRG', 'Silver Dragon Resources Inc'), ('1083661', 'SDRT', 'Source Direct Holdings Inc'), ('789388', 'SDS', 'Sungard Data Systems Inc'), ('1509228', 'SDT', 'Sandridge Mississippian Trust I'), ('1160165', 'SDTHQ', 'Shengdatech Inc'), ('1371011', 'SDXC', 'Switch & Data Facilities Company Inc'), ('92344', 'SE', '7 Eleven Inc'), ('1373835', 'SE', 'Spectra Energy Corp'), ('1231129', 'SEA', 'American Seafoods Corp'), ('1328307', 'SEA', 'Star Maritime Acquisition Corp'), ('1292087', 'SEAA', 'Lotus Pharmaceuticals Inc'), ('1267201', 'SEAB', 'Seabright Holdings Inc'), ('1019671', 'SEAC', 'Seachange International Inc'), ('1564902', 'SEAS', 'Seaworld Entertainment Inc'), ('88121', 'SEB', 'Seaboard Corp'), ('353386', 'SEBC', 'Southeastern Banking Corp'), ('1006835', 'SEBL', 'Siebel Systems Inc'), ('803112', 'SECD', 'Second Bancorp Inc'), ('925661', 'SECT', 'Sector 10 Inc'), ('775926', 'SECU', 'Securac Corp'), ('800286', 'SED', 'Sed International Holdings Inc'), ('925524', 'SEEC', 'Seec Inc'), ('1321851', 'SEED', 'Origin Agritech LTD'), ('1321573', 'SEFE', 'Sefe Inc'), ('1277138', 'SEFL', 'Se Financial Corp'), ('894572', 'SEGU', 'Segue Software Inc'), ('77597', 'SEH', 'Spartech Corp'), ('896397', 'SEHI', 'Southern Energy Homes Inc'), ('350894', 'SEIC', 'Sei Investments Co'), ('1161647', 'SEIH', 'S3 Investment Company Inc'), ('857694', 'SEL', 'Seligman Select Municipal Fund Inc'), ('750813', 'SELA', 'Seitel Inc'), ('1217027', 'SELR', 'Stellar Resources LTD'), ('1404280', 'SELR', 'Steele Resources Corp'), ('1035688', 'SEM', 'Select Medical Corp'), ('1320414', 'SEM', 'Select Medical Holdings Corp'), ('1489136', 'SEMG', 'Semgroup Corp'), ('818074', 'SEMI', 'All American Semiconductor Inc'), ('277158', 'SEN', 'Semco Energy Inc'), ('88948', 'SENEA', 'Seneca Foods Corp'), ('1097136', 'SENO', 'Senorx Inc'), ('1061688', 'SENR', 'Satellite Enterprises Corp'), ('1576197', 'SENR', 'Strategic Environmental & Energy Resources Inc'), ('729599', 'SENS', 'Sentex Sensing Technology Inc'), ('1394074', 'SEP', 'Spectra Energy Partners LP'), ('877357', 'SEPR', 'Sunovion Pharmaceuticals Inc'), ('1160544', 'SEQU', 'Sterling Equity Holdings Inc'), ('1063939', 'SERC', 'Service Bancorp Inc'), ('1104671', 'SERG', 'Star Energy Corp'), ('767673', 'SERO', 'Serologicals Corp'), ('825411', 'SEV', 'Sevcon Inc'), ('104375', 'SEVI', 'Highline Technical Innovations Inc'), ('1281984', 'SEWC', 'Sew Cal Logo Inc'), ('1036292', 'SEYE', 'Signature Eyewear Inc'), ('720672', 'SF', 'Stifel Financial Corp'), ('87777', 'SFA', 'Scientific Atlanta Inc'), ('922011', 'SFAR', 'Lustros Inc'), ('829117', 'SFAZ', 'Safe Technologies International Inc'), ('857499', 'SFBC', 'Slades Ferry Bancorp'), ('1541119', 'SFBC', 'Sound Financial Bancorp Inc'), ('1311926', 'SFBD', 'Softbrands Inc'), ('1094635', 'SFBI', 'Security Financial Bancorp Inc'), ('1271073', 'SFBR', 'Safebrain Systems Inc'), ('1277406', 'SFC', 'Spirit Realty Capital Inc'), ('1089542', 'SFCC', 'Pharmanet Development Group Inc'), ('1387673', 'SFCF', 'Powrtec Corp'), ('91388', 'SFD', 'Smithfield Foods Inc'), ('1105309', 'SFDA', 'Bloodhound Search Technologies Inc'), ('818677', 'SFDL', 'Security Federal Corp'), ('1378214', 'SFDX', 'Sanford Exploration Inc'), ('86115', 'SFE', 'Safeguard Scientifics Inc'), ('86759', 'SFEF', 'Santa Fe Financial Corp'), ('1494162', 'SFEX', 'Solarflex Corp'), ('893486', 'SFF', 'Santa Fe Energy Trust'), ('914789', 'SFFB', 'Southern Financial Bancorp Inc'), ('912567', 'SFFC', 'Statefed Financial Corp'), ('1064236', 'SFFS', 'Sound Federal Bancorp Inc'), ('1079577', 'SFG', 'Stancorp Financial Group Inc'), ('751418', 'SFGC', 'SFG Financial Corp'), ('727303', 'SFGD', 'Safeguard Health Enterprises Inc'), ('1095651', 'SFI', 'Istar Financial Inc'), ('833080', 'SFIN', 'Safetek International Inc'), ('1157850', 'SFLD', 'Springfield Company Inc'), ('847555', 'SFLK', 'Identiphi Inc'), ('1125920', 'SFLY', 'Shutterfly Inc'), ('1575515', 'SFM', 'Sprouts Farmers Market Inc'), ('1464830', 'SFMI', 'Silver Falcon Mining Inc'), ('914536', 'SFN', 'SFN Group Inc'), ('914539', 'SFN', 'Rotary Power International Inc'), ('90498', 'SFNC', 'Simmons First National Corp'), ('1040461', 'SFNCP', 'Simmons First Capital Trust'), ('1261436', 'SFNS', 'Summit Financial Services Group Inc'), ('850313', 'SFNT', 'Safenet Inc'), ('878280', 'SFP', 'Salton Inc'), ('1508262', 'SFPI', 'Santa Fe Petroleum Inc'), ('1059040', 'SFRF', 'Sunamerica Senior Floating Rate Fund Inc'), ('1106213', 'SFRX', 'Seafarer Exploration Corp'), ('1402305', 'SFSF', 'Successfactors Inc'), ('1171596', 'SFSH', 'Sinofresh Healthcare Inc'), ('1090009', 'SFST', 'Southern First Bancshares Inc'), ('745614', 'SFSW', 'State Financial Services Corp'), ('1080398', 'SFTV', 'Titan Energy Worldwide Inc'), ('773937', 'SFXC', 'Serefex Corp'), ('1553588', 'SFXE', 'SFX Entertainment Inc'), ('351817', 'SFY', 'Swift Energy Co'), ('886136', 'SGA', 'Saga Communications Inc'), ('1111695', 'SGAL', 'Storage Alliance Inc'), ('1326364', 'SGAS', 'Sino Gas International Holdings Inc'), ('315849', 'SGB', 'Southwest Georgia Financial Corp'), ('1104280', 'SGBI', 'Sangui Biotech International Inc'), ('95574', 'SGC', 'Superior Uniform Group Inc'), ('737455', 'SGCA', 'Cruisecam International Inc'), ('1106836', 'SGDD', 'SGD Holdings LTD'), ('791450', 'SGDE', 'Sportsmans Guide Inc'), ('1301557', 'SGDM', 'Stargold Mines Inc'), ('1060736', 'SGEN', 'Seattle Genetics Inc'), ('864415', 'SGF', 'Aberdeen Singapore Fund Inc'), ('38984', 'SGGH', 'Signature Group Holdings Inc'), ('1175416', 'SGGV', 'Sterling Group Ventures Inc'), ('864890', 'SGHL', 'Sentigen Holding Corp'), ('1133598', 'SGHT', 'Dealeradvance Inc'), ('802301', 'SGI', 'Graphics Properties Holdings Inc'), ('719164', 'SGK', 'Schawk Inc'), ('880943', 'SGL', 'Strategic Global Income Fund Inc'), ('1433551', 'SGLA', 'Sino Green Land Corp'), ('1135194', 'SGLS', 'Signature Leisure Inc'), ('1454389', 'SGM', 'Stonegate Mortgage Corp'), ('915358', 'SGMA', 'Sigmatron International Inc'), ('919175', 'SGMD', 'Sugarmade Inc'), ('891389', 'SGMG', 'Spectre Gaming Inc'), ('1001233', 'SGMO', 'Sangamo Biosciences Inc'), ('750004', 'SGMS', 'Scientific Games Corp'), ('810365', 'SGN', 'Heart Tronics'), ('926287', 'SGNC', 'Sanguine Corp'), ('1058425', 'SGNT', 'Sagent Technology Inc'), ('1369786', 'SGNT', 'Sagent Pharmaceuticals Inc'), ('1004989', 'SGRP', 'Spar Group Inc'), ('1295079', 'SGTI', 'West Coast Car Co'), ('1043639', 'SGTL', 'Sigmatel LLC'), ('1002590', 'SGU', 'Star Gas Partners LP'), ('1125603', 'SGXP', 'SGX Pharmaceuticals Inc'), ('904080', 'SGY', 'Stone Energy Corp'), ('1249869', 'SGYI', 'Strategy International Insurance Group Inc'), ('1347613', 'SGYP', 'Synergy Pharmaceuticals Inc'), ('1145761', 'SGZI', 'US China Mining Group Inc'), ('1326710', 'SHA', 'Shanghai Century Acquisition Corp'), ('914024', 'SHAW', 'Shaw Group Inc'), ('1035092', 'SHBI', 'Shore Bancshares Inc'), ('1045690', 'SHBK', 'Shore Financial Corp'), ('1343101', 'SHEA', 'Shea Development Corp'), ('354963', 'SHEN', 'Shenandoah Telecommunications Co'), ('1038368', 'SHF', 'Schuff International Inc'), ('718789', 'SHFL', 'SHFL Entertainment Inc'), ('1448397', 'SHIP', 'Seanergy Maritime Holdings Corp'), ('1081047', 'SHIR', 'Shannon International Inc'), ('1310067', 'SHLD', 'Sears Holdings Corp'), ('935066', 'SHLL', 'Shells Seafood Restaurants Inc'), ('87565', 'SHLM', 'Schulman A Inc'), ('904979', 'SHLO', 'Shiloh Industries Inc'), ('1085254', 'SHMT', 'Hii Technologies Inc'), ('1369774', 'SHNL', 'Shiner International Inc'), ('1295810', 'SHO', 'Sunstone Hotel Investors Inc'), ('1051009', 'SHOE', 'Shoe Pavilion Inc'), ('913241', 'SHOO', 'Steven Madden LTD'), ('89925', 'SHOP', 'Shopsmith Inc'), ('1108482', 'SHOP', 'Shopping Com LTD'), ('1388133', 'SHOR', 'Shoretel Inc'), ('1548309', 'SHOS', 'Sears Hometown & Outlet Stores Inc'), ('936402', 'SHPGY', 'Shire PLC'), ('790228', 'SHPI', 'Specialized Health Products International Inc'), ('1325279', 'SHPN', 'Cellcyte Genetics Corp'), ('1143238', 'SHPR', 'Poly Shield Technologies Inc'), ('1125903', 'SHRN', 'Shelron Group Inc'), ('1340838', 'SHRN', 'FT 1088'), ('811696', 'SHRP', 'Tsic Inc'), ('1384034', 'SHRW', 'Shoppers Wallet Inc'), ('865754', 'SHS', 'Sauer Danfoss Inc'), ('1126703', 'SHSH', 'Shoshone Silver'), ('906933', 'SHU', 'Shurgard Storage Centers Inc'), ('89800', 'SHW', 'Sherwin Williams Co'), ('790024', 'SHZ', 'China Shen Zhou Mining & Resources Inc'), ('1488419', 'SIAF', 'Sino Agro Food Inc'), ('90185', 'SIAL', 'Sigma Aldrich Corp'), ('1042801', 'SIB', 'Staten Island Bancorp Inc'), ('1513971', 'SIBC', 'State Investors Bancorp Inc'), ('1099728', 'SIBE', 'Sibling Group Holdings Inc'), ('1301299', 'SIBN', 'Siberian Energy Group Inc'), ('350644', 'SIDY', 'Lattice Inc'), ('754009', 'SIE', 'Sierra Health Services Inc'), ('65596', 'SIEB', 'Siebert Financial Corp'), ('90168', 'SIF', 'Sifco Industries Inc'), ('1292580', 'SIFI', 'Si Financial Group Inc'), ('1500213', 'SIFI', 'Si Financial Group Inc'), ('832988', 'SIG', 'Signet Jewelers LTD'), ('1010086', 'SIGA', 'Siga Technologies Inc'), ('230557', 'SIGI', 'Selective Insurance Group Inc'), ('790715', 'SIGM', 'Sigma Designs Inc'), ('1406574', 'SIHI', 'Sinohub Inc'), ('721083', 'SII', 'Smith International Inc'), ('53320', 'SIII', 'Strategic Internet Investments Inc'), ('90283', 'SILI', 'Siliconix Inc'), ('1058307', 'SILV', 'Silver Horn Mining LTD'), ('922932', 'SILW', 'Silent Witness Enterprises LTD'), ('764039', 'SIMC', 'Simclar Inc'), ('1003214', 'SIMG', 'Silicon Image Inc'), ('1501972', 'SIMH', 'Sanomedics International Holdings Inc'), ('1094005', 'SINA', 'Sina Corp'), ('1422892', 'SINO', 'Sino-global Shipping America LTD'), ('1143363', 'SINT', 'Si International Inc'), ('764667', 'SINX', 'Sionix Corp'), ('1007800', 'SIPX', 'Sipex Corp'), ('1181232', 'SIR', 'Sirva Inc'), ('1537667', 'SIR', 'Select Income REIT'), ('851199', 'SIRC', 'Siricomm Inc'), ('1163943', 'SIRF', 'Sirf Technology Holdings Inc'), ('1076966', 'SIRG', 'Sierra Resource Group Inc'), ('908937', 'SIRI', 'Sirius XM Holdings Inc'), ('1014507', 'SIRO', 'Sirona Dental Systems Inc'), ('1388775', 'SIRT', 'Sirtris Pharmaceuticals Inc'), ('719582', 'SISI', 'Si Technologies Inc'), ('1117258', 'SITG', 'Security Intelligence Technologies Inc'), ('812551', 'SITN', 'Siti-sites Com Inc'), ('1157817', 'SITO', 'Single Touch Systems Inc'), ('719739', 'SIVB', 'SVB Financial Group'), ('832407', 'SIXX', 'Sixx Holdings Inc'), ('805419', 'SIZ', 'Sizeler Property Investors Inc'), ('1107206', 'SJCK', 'Spear & Jackson Inc'), ('1376980', 'SJEL', 'SJ Electronics Inc'), ('91928', 'SJI', 'South Jersey Industries Inc'), ('91419', 'SJM', 'Smucker J M Co'), ('1015856', 'SJOE', 'ST Joseph Capital Corp'), ('1368883', 'SJQU', 'San Joaquin Bancorp'), ('319655', 'SJT', 'San Juan Basin Royalty Trust'), ('766829', 'SJW', 'SJW Corp'), ('1438945', 'SKAX', 'Strike Axe Inc'), ('1072685', 'SKBO', 'Skibo Financial Corp'), ('1081172', 'SKBW', 'Skybridge Wireless Inc'), ('89041', 'SKCO', 'Sagemark Companies LTD'), ('1089697', 'SKE', 'Spinnaker Exploration Co'), ('1512693', 'SKER', 'Guwenhua International Co'), ('723924', 'SKFB', 'S&K Famous Brands Inc'), ('1285543', 'SKFT', 'Strikeforce Technologies Inc'), ('1414295', 'SKGP', 'Oxford City Football Club Inc'), ('1351051', 'SKH', 'Skilled Healthcare Group Inc'), ('1327364', 'SKII', 'Shengkai Innovations Inc'), ('940181', 'SKIL', 'Skillsoft LTD'), ('1546853', 'SKKY', 'Skkynet Cloud Systems Inc'), ('1446159', 'SKLN', 'Skyline Medical Inc'), ('926229', 'SKML', 'Scantek Medical Inc'), ('1300744', 'SKNN', 'Skins Inc'), ('878314', 'SKO', 'Shopko Stores Inc'), ('1013609', 'SKP', 'Scpie Holdings Inc'), ('1183276', 'SKPI', 'Sky Petroleum Inc'), ('1354027', 'SKPN', 'Sky Postal Networks Inc'), ('1286992', 'SKRV', 'SK Realty Ventures Inc'), ('1362703', 'SKRY', 'Quint Media Inc'), ('812900', 'SKS', 'Saks Inc'), ('899715', 'SKT', 'Tanger Factory Outlet Centers Inc'), ('1423542', 'SKUL', 'Skullcandy Inc'), ('1085277', 'SKVI', 'Skinvisible Inc'), ('1030708', 'SKVY', 'Sentry Technology Corp'), ('1065837', 'SKX', 'Skechers USA Inc'), ('90896', 'SKY', 'Skyline Corp'), ('1061354', 'SKYC', 'Skylynx Communications Inc'), ('855876', 'SKYF', 'Sky Financial Group Inc'), ('1332445', 'SKYH', 'Sky Harvest Energy Corp'), ('1095751', 'SKYI', 'Skye International Inc'), ('916271', 'SKYL', 'Skyline Multimedia Entertainment Inc'), ('1051066', 'SKYN', 'Skynet Holdings Inc'), ('756502', 'SKYT', 'Skyterra Communications Inc'), ('1097900', 'SKYU', 'Skyframes Inc'), ('793733', 'SKYW', 'Skywest Inc'), ('908785', 'SLA', 'American Select Portfolio Inc'), ('1038074', 'SLAB', 'Silicon Laboratories Inc'), ('87347', 'SLB', 'Schlumberger LTD'), ('1355607', 'SLBA', 'Santa Lucia Bancorp'), ('1524741', 'SLCA', 'US Silica Holdings Inc'), ('723928', 'SLCM', 'Silicon Mountain Holdings Inc'), ('904350', 'SLDE', 'Moqizone Holding Corp'), ('811671', 'SLFI', 'Sterling Financial Corp'), ('1040971', 'SLG', 'SL Green Realty Corp'), ('8800', 'SLGD', 'El Chem Machinery Inc'), ('88000', 'SLGD', 'Scotts Liquid Gold Inc'), ('1098875', 'SLGI', 'Securelogic Corp'), ('731727', 'SLGLF', 'Silverado Gold Mines LTD'), ('849869', 'SLGN', 'Silgan Holdings Inc'), ('1285894', 'SLGR', 'Stallion Group'), ('1084226', 'SLGT', 'Searchlight Minerals Corp'), ('1438882', 'SLGX', 'Sillenger Exploration Corp'), ('1324245', 'SLH', 'Solera Holdings Inc'), ('89270', 'SLI', 'SL Industries Inc'), ('749753', 'SLIF', 'Sealife Corp'), ('1501845', 'SLIO', 'Solo International Inc'), ('1073090', 'SLLI', 'Sorell Inc'), ('1132590', 'SLLR', 'Stellar Technologies Inc'), ('1032033', 'SLM', 'SLM Corp'), ('1274211', 'SLMU', 'Salamon Group Inc'), ('1371659', 'SLND', 'Solar Night Industries Inc'), ('894268', 'SLNK', 'Spectralink Corp'), ('1528098', 'SLNN', 'Saleen Automotive Inc'), ('86346', 'SLNT', 'Salant Corp'), ('1165006', 'SLNX', 'Solanex Management Inc'), ('1528749', 'SLOT', 'San Lotus Holding Inc'), ('1023459', 'SLP', 'Simulations Plus Inc'), ('1547355', 'SLPC', 'Sichuan Leaders Petrochemical Co'), ('1096560', 'SLPH', 'Sulphco Inc'), ('1068618', 'SLPW', 'Solpower Corp'), ('835541', 'SLR', 'Solectron Corp'), ('1418076', 'SLRC', 'Solar Capital LTD'), ('1058322', 'SLRE', 'Solar Energy LTD'), ('1357231', 'SLRK', 'Solera National Bancorp Inc'), ('1159019', 'SLRXF', 'Tribute Pharmaceuticals Canada Inc'), ('1105360', 'SLRY', 'Salary Com Inc'), ('1121785', 'SLS', 'SLS International Inc'), ('1392577', 'SLS', 'Seligman Lasalle International Real Estate Fund Inc'), ('1348610', 'SLTA', 'Soltera Mining Corp'), ('1090908', 'SLTC', 'Selectica Inc'), ('1171298', 'SLTM', 'Solta Medical Inc'), ('894049', 'SLTN', 'Powerchannel Inc'), ('1434994', 'SLVH', 'Silver Hill Mines Inc'), ('1385329', 'SLVM', 'Silverstar Mining Corp'), ('912766', 'SLVN', 'Laureate Education Inc'), ('880584', 'SLWF', 'GDT Tek Inc'), ('913275', 'SLXA', 'Solexa Inc'), ('1009356', 'SLXP', 'Salix Pharmaceuticals LTD'), ('893538', 'SM', 'SM Energy Co'), ('1292055', 'SMA', 'Symmetry Medical Inc'), ('353203', 'SMAL', 'Summit Bancshares Inc'), ('853971', 'SMAN', 'Standard Management Corp'), ('104410', 'SMAV', 'Samarnan Investment Corp'), ('916907', 'SMBC', 'Southern Missouri Bancorp Inc'), ('1358656', 'SMCG', 'Millennium India Acquisition Co Inc'), ('1375365', 'SMCI', 'Super Micro Computer Inc'), ('923601', 'SMD', 'Singing Machine Co Inc'), ('1053691', 'SMDI', 'Stratus Media Group Inc'), ('1103777', 'SMDI', 'Sirenza Microdevices Inc'), ('898770', 'SMED', 'Sharps Compliance Corp'), ('1135263', 'SMEG', 'Starmed Group Inc'), ('875751', 'SMF', 'Smart & Final Inc'), ('1513970', 'SMF', 'Salient MLP & Energy Infrastructure Fund'), ('825542', 'SMG', 'Scotts Miracle-gro Co'), ('1426506', 'SMGI', 'SMG Indium Resources LTD'), ('1086082', 'SMGY', 'Smart Energy Solutions Inc'), ('1071341', 'SMHG', 'Edelman Financial Group Inc'), ('1495900', 'SMHQ', 'Smsa Humble Acquisition Corp'), ('924719', 'SMID', 'Smith Midland Corp'), ('922612', 'SMIT', 'Schmitt Industries Inc'), ('1370544', 'SMKY', 'Smoky Market Foods Inc'), ('1367617', 'SMKZ', 'Smokers Lozenge Inc'), ('1549922', 'SMLP', 'Summit Midstream Partners LP'), ('1534293', 'SMM', 'Salient Midstream & MLP Fund'), ('811808', 'SMMF', 'Summit Financial Group Inc'), ('1300414', 'SMMM', 'Shimoda Marketing Inc'), ('1095330', 'SMMX', 'Symyx Technologies Inc'), ('1490381', 'SMNG', 'Strategic Mining Corp'), ('1078259', 'SMNS', 'Seminis Inc'), ('1326973', 'SMOD', 'Smart Modular Technologies WWH Inc'), ('93389', 'SMP', 'Standard Motor Products Inc'), ('1412109', 'SMPL', 'Simplicity Bancorp Inc'), ('1094243', 'SMRA', 'Somera Communications Inc'), ('846775', 'SMRL', 'Simtrol Inc'), ('884940', 'SMRT', 'Stein Mart Inc'), ('1439746', 'SMSA', 'Resource Holdings Inc'), ('93384', 'SMSC', 'Standard Microsystems Corp'), ('948708', 'SMSI', 'Smith Micro Software Inc'), ('1116198', 'SMSN', 'Systems Management Solutions Inc'), ('915773', 'SMT', 'Summit Properties Inc'), ('747345', 'SMTB', 'Smithtown Bancorp Inc'), ('88941', 'SMTC', 'Semtech Corp'), ('26987', 'SMTIC', 'Smtek International Inc'), ('934550', 'SMTL', 'Semitool Inc'), ('1506439', 'SMTP', 'SMTP Inc'), ('1057293', 'SMTR', 'Smartire Systems Inc'), ('704328', 'SMTS', 'Somanetics Corp'), ('1108320', 'SMTX', 'SMTC Corp'), ('1089525', 'SMVD', 'Smart Video Technologies Inc'), ('941914', 'SMXC', 'Smithway Motor Xpress Corp'), ('1452476', 'SMXI', 'Sebring Software Inc'), ('1089499', 'SMXT', 'College Tonight Inc'), ('1342936', 'SMYD', 'Advanced Voice Recognition Systems Inc'), ('1528837', 'SN', 'Sanchez Energy Corp'), ('91440', 'SNA', 'Snap-on Inc'), ('944508', 'SNAK', 'Inventure Foods Inc'), ('1017793', 'SNBC', 'Sun Bancorp Inc'), ('1332626', 'SNBI', 'State National Bancshares Inc'), ('1293314', 'SNBT', 'SNB Bancshares Inc'), ('1017906', 'SNC', 'Snyder Communications Inc'), ('1171017', 'SNCB', 'Southern Community Bancshares Inc'), ('1105982', 'SNCI', 'Sonic Innovations Inc'), ('1131554', 'SNCR', 'Synchronoss Technologies Inc'), ('1000180', 'SNDK', 'Sandisk Corp'), ('753899', 'SNDS', 'Sands Regent'), ('1071620', 'SNDV', 'Soundview Technology Group Inc'), ('1140382', 'SNDZ', 'Sunridge International Inc'), ('1516805', 'SNEC', 'Moxian China Inc'), ('1107563', 'SNEN', 'Sinoenergy Corp'), ('825517', 'SNET', 'Sourcinglink Net Inc'), ('1261487', 'SNEY', 'Sunergy Inc'), ('818105', 'SNF', 'Ibero-america Fund Inc'), ('318673', 'SNFCA', 'Security National Financial Corp'), ('1421907', 'SNFV', 'Trident Brands Inc'), ('812796', 'SNGX', 'Soligenix Inc'), ('1075415', 'SNH', 'Senior Housing Properties Trust'), ('1140414', 'SNHI', 'Legend Oil & Gas LTD'), ('1024795', 'SNHY', 'Sun Hydraulics Corp'), ('1430602', 'SNI', 'Scripps Networks Interactive Inc'), ('916235', 'SNIC', 'Sonic Solutions'), ('95779', 'SNKI', 'Swank Inc'), ('1308930', 'SNMA', 'Sonoma College Inc'), ('1088005', 'SNMD', 'Sun New Media Inc'), ('1123979', 'SNMX', 'Senomyx Inc'), ('1571398', 'SNNY', 'Sunnyside Bancorp Inc'), ('1388311', 'SNOH', 'Vlov Inc'), ('1587755', 'SNOW', 'Intrawest Resorts Holdings Inc'), ('1470915', 'SNPK', 'Pharmagen Inc'), ('883241', 'SNPS', 'Synopsys Inc'), ('1417664', 'SNPY', 'Sino Payments Inc'), ('95366', 'SNR', 'Sunair Services Corp'), ('1101661', 'SNRN', 'Sonoran Energy Inc'), ('1016577', 'SNRR', 'Sunterra Corp'), ('1066551', 'SNRV', 'Sun River Energy Inc'), ('1421665', 'SNRY', 'Solar Energy Initiatives Inc'), ('93859', 'SNS', 'Biglari Holdings Inc'), ('1077638', 'SNSG', 'Sense Technologies Inc'), ('91741', 'SNSTA', 'HPT SN Holding Inc'), ('1035354', 'SNT', 'Senesco Technologies Inc'), ('1157601', 'SNTA', 'Synta Pharmaceuticals Corp'), ('789944', 'SNTKY', 'Independence Resources PLC'), ('4317', 'SNTO', 'Sento Corp'), ('1172480', 'SNTS', 'Santarus Inc'), ('949858', 'SNUS', 'Oncogenex Pharmaceuticals Inc'), ('18349', 'SNV', 'Synovus Financial Corp'), ('1316826', 'SNVH', 'Synova Healthcare Group Inc'), ('1093885', 'SNWL', 'Sonicwall Inc'), ('1417663', 'SNWV', 'Sanuwave Health Inc'), ('1177394', 'SNX', 'Synnex Corp'), ('1119809', 'SNYD', 'Sino-bon Entertainment Inc'), ('92122', 'SO', 'Southern Co'), ('1043382', 'SOA', 'Solutia Inc'), ('1094895', 'SOAP', 'Soapstone Networks Inc'), ('1049576', 'SOBGF', 'Soil Biogenics LTD'), ('934860', 'SOBI', 'Sobieski Bancorp Inc'), ('1345715', 'SOC', 'Stoneleigh Partners Acquisition Corp'), ('1083689', 'SOCB', 'Southcoast Financial Corp'), ('92108', 'SOCG', 'Southern California Gas Co'), ('87086', 'SOCR', 'Scan Optics Inc'), ('91668', 'SODI', 'Solitron Devices Inc'), ('1307873', 'SOEN', 'Solar Enertech Corp'), ('1029744', 'SOFO', 'Sonic Foundry Inc'), ('354260', 'SOFT', 'Softech Inc'), ('1326250', 'SOHL', 'Southern Trust Securities Holding Corp'), ('1104188', 'SOHU', 'Sohu Com Inc'), ('1227282', 'SOIGF', 'Strata Oil & Gas Inc'), ('1355835', 'SOKF', 'American Business Holdings Inc'), ('912088', 'SOL', 'Sola International Inc'), ('1298978', 'SOLD', 'Market Leader Inc'), ('1240722', 'SOLM', 'Solomon Technologies Inc'), ('1113513', 'SOLN', 'Mobilesmith Inc'), ('703699', 'SOMC', 'Southern Michigan Bancorp Inc'), ('836809', 'SOMD', 'Studio One Media Inc'), ('1189396', 'SOMH', 'Somerset Hills Bancorp'), ('1339455', 'SOMX', 'Somaxon Pharmaceuticals Inc'), ('91767', 'SON', 'Sonoco Products Co'), ('1325670', 'SONA', 'Southern National Bancorp Of Virginia Inc'), ('868611', 'SONC', 'Sonic Corp'), ('1063254', 'SONE', 'S1 Corp'), ('1055355', 'SONO', 'Sonosite Inc'), ('1105472', 'SONS', 'Sonus Networks Inc'), ('723312', 'SONX', 'Sonex Research Inc'), ('861370', 'SOON', 'Flyingeagle Pu Technical Corp'), ('1533615', 'SOOP', 'Scoop Media Inc'), ('1314363', 'SOPO', 'Source Petroleum Inc'), ('1210618', 'SOPW', 'Solar Power Inc'), ('91847', 'SOR', 'Source Capital Inc'), ('943605', 'SORC', 'Source Interlink Companies Inc'), ('913600', 'SORT', 'Gunther International LTD'), ('933452', 'SOS', 'Storage Computer Corp'), ('1510130', 'SOST', 'Southern States Sign Co'), ('1101423', 'SOSV', 'Senior Optician Service Inc'), ('806172', 'SOTK', 'Sono Tek Corp'), ('92081', 'SOTR', 'Southtrust Corp'), ('1515115', 'SOUL', 'Soul & Vibe Interactive Inc'), ('1475273', 'SOUP', 'Soupman Inc'), ('1346405', 'SOUT', 'Southridge Technology Group Inc'), ('92545', 'SOV', 'Sovereign Corp'), ('811830', 'SOV', 'Santander Holdings USA Inc'), ('1031896', 'SOYL', 'American Soil Technologies Inc'), ('1108955', 'SOYO', 'Soyo Group Inc'), ('1123333', 'SP', 'Specialty Laboratories Inc'), ('92679', 'SPA', 'Sparton Corp'), ('1426530', 'SPAG', 'Spartan Gold LTD'), ('93003', 'SPAI', 'Sports Arenas Inc'), ('718924', 'SPAN', 'Span America Medical Systems Inc'), ('743238', 'SPAR', 'Spartan Motors Inc'), ('1487730', 'SPB', 'Spectrum Brands Holdings Inc'), ('1493182', 'SPBC', 'SP Bancorp Inc'), ('1103577', 'SPBU', 'Spare Backup Inc'), ('1291855', 'SPCBF', 'Supercom LTD'), ('830318', 'SPCC', 'Spectrasource Corp'), ('892907', 'SPCH', 'Sport Chalet Inc'), ('1104891', 'SPCK', 'Superclick Inc'), ('1489039', 'SPCN', 'Specialty Contractors Inc'), ('813747', 'SPCO', 'Enterprise Informatics Inc'), ('1002520', 'SPDE', 'Speedus Corp'), ('1031833', 'SPDV', 'Spacedev Inc'), ('355933', 'SPE', 'Special Opportunities Fund'), ('897802', 'SPE', 'Special Opportunities Fund Inc'), ('92769', 'SPEC', 'Spectrum Control Inc'), ('1158419', 'SPEM', 'Speedemissions Inc'), ('12239', 'SPEX', 'Spherix Inc'), ('878560', 'SPF', 'Standard Pacific Corp'), ('1063761', 'SPG', 'Simon Property Group Inc'), ('276641', 'SPGLQ', 'Spiegel Inc'), ('1091539', 'SPGR', 'Superior Galleries Inc'), ('1005210', 'SPH', 'Suburban Propane Partners LP'), ('1563855', 'SPHS', 'Sophiris Bio Inc'), ('731657', 'SPIR', 'Spire Corp'), ('1367722', 'SPKL', 'Spicy Pickle Franchising Inc'), ('1353283', 'SPLK', 'Splunk Inc'), ('1357642', 'SPLM', 'Summit Exploration Inc'), ('945688', 'SPLN', 'Sportsline Com Inc'), ('791519', 'SPLS', 'Staples Inc'), ('1367396', 'SPMD', 'Idearc Inc'), ('886835', 'SPN', 'Superior Energy Services Inc'), ('789132', 'SPNC', 'Spectranetics Corp'), ('867038', 'SPND', 'Spindletop Oil & Gas Co'), ('1201251', 'SPNG', 'Spongetech Delivery Systems Inc'), ('1452857', 'SPNHU', 'Steel Partners Holdings LP'), ('1017535', 'SPNT', 'Shopnet Com Inc'), ('716778', 'SPOM', 'Spo Global Inc'), ('1034992', 'SPOP', 'Spectrum Organic Products Inc'), ('892653', 'SPOR', 'Sport Haley Inc'), ('1037388', 'SPOT', 'Intelsat Corp'), ('831547', 'SPPI', 'Spectrum Pharmaceuticals Inc'), ('919640', 'SPPR', 'Supertel Hospitality Inc'), ('929545', 'SPPR', 'Supertel Hospitality Inc'), ('102754', 'SPR', 'Sterling Capital Corp'), ('1364885', 'SPR', 'Spirit Aerosystems Holdings Inc'), ('1108064', 'SPRA', 'Spur Ranch Inc'), ('771249', 'SPRI', 'Sports Resorts International Inc'), ('747540', 'SPRS', 'Surge Components Inc'), ('1104855', 'SPRT', 'Supportcom Inc'), ('1092699', 'SPSC', 'SPS Commerce Inc'), ('1229195', 'SPSC', 'Horne International Inc'), ('1312547', 'SPSI', 'New Oriental Energy & Chemical Corp'), ('869570', 'SPSS', 'SPSS Inc'), ('1271193', 'SPSX', 'Superior Essex Inc'), ('319013', 'SPTM', 'Spectrum Laboratories Inc'), ('877422', 'SPTN', 'Spartan Stores Inc'), ('1066923', 'SPU', 'Skypeople Fruit Juice Inc'), ('88205', 'SPW', 'SPX Corp'), ('1086474', 'SPWP', 'Summit National Consolidation Group Inc'), ('867773', 'SPWR', 'Sunpower Corp'), ('1111345', 'SPWX', 'Speechworks International Inc'), ('1420985', 'SPXP', 'Spirit Exploration Inc'), ('1310291', 'SPYE', 'Blue Water Ventures International Inc'), ('1353386', 'SPYP', 'Liandi Clean Technology Inc'), ('1565248', 'SPZA', 'Spriza Inc'), ('890821', 'SPZR', 'Spatializer Audio Laboratories Inc'), ('95301', 'SQAA', 'Sequa Corp'), ('862813', 'SQF', 'Seligman Quality Municipal Fund Inc'), ('1082526', 'SQI', 'Sciquest Inc'), ('1076481', 'SQNM', 'Sequenom Inc'), ('1123606', 'SQUM', 'Sequiam Corp'), ('93456', 'SR', 'Standard Register Co'), ('817516', 'SRAM', 'Simtek Corp'), ('1393403', 'SRBL', 'Sovereign Lithium Inc'), ('1443388', 'SRBR', 'Green Hygienics Holdings Inc'), ('1308606', 'SRC', 'Spirit Realty Capital Inc'), ('34782', 'SRCE', '1ST Source Corp'), ('1083087', 'SRCH', 'US Search Corp Com'), ('1318196', 'SRCI', 'Sono Resources Inc'), ('884782', 'SRCK', 'Slippery Rock Financial Corp'), ('861878', 'SRCL', 'Stericycle Inc'), ('1368505', 'SRCN', 'Silica Resources Corp'), ('318299', 'SRCO', 'Sparta Commercial Services Inc'), ('936931', 'SRCP', 'Sourcecorp Inc'), ('1103645', 'SRCX', 'Innuity Inc'), ('1364139', 'SRDP', 'Nabo Inc'), ('924717', 'SRDX', 'Surmodics Inc'), ('1032208', 'SRE', 'Sempra Energy'), ('1090062', 'SREA', 'Score One Inc'), ('1310114', 'SREV', 'Servicesource International Inc'), ('1526629', 'SRF', 'Cushing Royalty & Income Fund'), ('854099', 'SRGG', 'Surgical Laser Technologies Inc'), ('1053648', 'SRGG', 'Surge Global Energy Inc'), ('1070289', 'SRGL', 'Surgilight Inc'), ('1390707', 'SRGU', 'Seanergy Maritime Corp'), ('1401835', 'SRGZ', 'Star Gold Corp'), ('1043337', 'SRI', 'Stoneridge Inc'), ('884321', 'SRII', 'Speaking Roses International Inc'), ('1106643', 'SRKS', 'Siteworks Inc'), ('1346685', 'SRLM', 'Sterling Mining Co'), ('1525287', 'SRLP', 'Sprague Resources LP'), ('1156295', 'SRLSQ', 'Seracare Life Sciences Inc'), ('100625', 'SRMC', 'Sierra Monitor Corp'), ('946453', 'SRN', 'Southern Banc Co Inc'), ('1073967', 'SRNA', 'Serena Software Inc'), ('1482541', 'SRNA', 'Surna Inc'), ('850261', 'SRNE', 'Sorrento Therapeutics Inc'), ('1321517', 'SRNW', 'Stratos Renewables Corp'), ('1231160', 'SRO', 'DWS Rreef Real Estate Fund II Inc'), ('741508', 'SRP', 'NV Energy Inc'), ('873303', 'SRPT', 'Sarepta Therapeutics Inc'), ('1179126', 'SRQ', 'DWS Rreef Real Estate Fund Inc'), ('94887', 'SRR', 'Stride Rite Corp'), ('1083490', 'SRRE', 'Sunrise Real Estate Group Inc'), ('1288195', 'SRRY', 'Sancon Resources Recovery Inc'), ('1016470', 'SRSL', 'SRS Labs Inc'), ('1031029', 'SRT', 'Startek Inc'), ('907152', 'SRTI', 'Sunrise Telecom Inc'), ('1425897', 'SRUI', 'Double Halo Resources Inc'), ('1400897', 'SRV', 'Cushing MLP Total Return Fund'), ('1409432', 'SRVS', 'National Graphite Corp'), ('1310488', 'SRVV', 'Bioforce Nanosciences Holdings Inc'), ('1108906', 'SRVY', 'Greenfield Online Inc'), ('1378866', 'SRWY', 'Photomatica Inc'), ('906192', 'SRX', 'Sra International Inc'), ('1229146', 'SRYB', 'Surrey Bancorp'), ('784932', 'SRYP', 'Surety Capital Corp'), ('1011064', 'SRZ', 'Sunrise Senior Living Inc'), ('1205431', 'SSAG', 'Ssa Global Technologies Inc'), ('1362719', 'SSBX', 'Silver State Bancorp'), ('94610', 'SSCC', 'Smurfit-stone Container Corp'), ('919226', 'SSCC', 'Smurfit Stone Container Corp'), ('729588', 'SSCI', 'Solar Satellite Communication Inc'), ('1473287', 'SSCR', 'Smsa Crane Acquisition Corp'), ('92284', 'SSCT', 'Southern Scottish Inns Inc'), ('920371', 'SSD', 'Simpson Manufacturing Co Inc'), ('1137046', 'SSE', 'Southern Connecticut Bancorp Inc'), ('1341315', 'SSEY', 'Surge Enterprises Inc'), ('1014964', 'SSFC', 'South Street Financial Corp'), ('1023860', 'SSFN', 'Stewardship Financial Corp'), ('1468639', 'SSGI', 'Ssgi Inc'), ('1506492', 'SSH', 'Sunshine Heart Inc'), ('312258', 'SSHZ', 'Sino Shipping Holdings Inc'), ('6885', 'SSI', 'Stage Stores Inc'), ('1072048', 'SSI', 'Spectrasite Inc'), ('1407268', 'SSIE', 'Forcefield Energy Inc'), ('1381341', 'SSKY', 'Sea 2 Sky Corp'), ('1404079', 'SSN', 'Samson Oil & Gas LTD'), ('1137149', 'SSNB', 'Sunset Brands Inc'), ('1011661', 'SSNC', 'SS&C Technologies Inc'), ('1402436', 'SSNC', 'SS&C Technologies Holdings Inc'), ('1180079', 'SSNI', 'Silver Spring Networks Inc'), ('1061027', 'SSNS', 'Sunesis Pharmaceuticals Inc'), ('1093928', 'SSOU', 'Silicon South Inc'), ('832428', 'SSP', 'Scripps E W Co'), ('1078717', 'SSPX', 'SSP Solutions Inc'), ('1380024', 'SSRC', 'Sentisearch Inc'), ('1163968', 'SSRF', 'Ijj Corp'), ('1005698', 'SSRV', 'Smartserv Online Inc'), ('944314', 'SSS', 'Sovran Self Storage Inc'), ('1100131', 'SSSI', 'Sedona Software Solutions Inc'), ('1412339', 'SSTA', 'Silver Star Capital Holdings Inc'), ('855906', 'SSTI', 'Silicon Storage Technology Inc'), ('1549346', 'SSTK', 'Shutterstock Inc'), ('1455674', 'SSTP', 'Sustainable Power Corp'), ('1003390', 'SSTR', 'Silverstar Holdings LTD'), ('736314', 'SSTY', 'Sure Trace Security Corp'), ('94185', 'SSUG', 'Sterling Sugars Inc'), ('851943', 'SSVC', 'Secured Services Inc'), ('1401475', 'SSVE', 'Supportsave Solutions Inc'), ('1044391', 'SSVG', 'Stratus Services Group Inc'), ('95572', 'SSVM', 'Solar Wind Energy Tower Inc'), ('1307989', 'SSWC', 'Kenergy Scientific Inc'), ('789887', 'SSWM', 'Sub Surface Waste Management Of Delaware Inc'), ('96793', 'SSY', 'Sunlink Health Systems Inc'), ('915735', 'SSYS', 'Stratasys Inc'), ('93444', 'ST', 'SPS Technologies Inc'), ('1477294', 'ST', 'Sensata Technologies Holding NV'), ('718937', 'STAA', 'Staar Surgical Co'), ('1499717', 'STAF', 'Staffing 360 Solutions Inc'), ('1479094', 'STAG', 'Stag Industrial Inc'), ('866830', 'STAK', 'Entorian Technologies Inc'), ('1020999', 'STAN', 'Superior Consultant Holdings Corp'), ('1059262', 'STAN', 'SP Plus Corp'), ('883670', 'STAR', 'Lone Star Steakhouse & Saloon Inc'), ('1391672', 'STAR', 'Starent Networks Corp'), ('882365', 'STAT', 'I Stat Corporation'), ('1581164', 'STAY', 'Extended Stay America Inc'), ('723458', 'STB', 'State Bancorp Inc'), ('719220', 'STBA', 'S&T Bancorp Inc'), ('1166362', 'STBI', 'Sturgis Bancorp Inc'), ('1358697', 'STBK', 'Sterling Banks Inc'), ('1382231', 'STBR', 'Strongbow Resources Inc'), ('1497275', 'STBZ', 'State Bank Financial Corp'), ('94344', 'STC', 'Stewart Information Services Corp'), ('319008', 'STCA', 'Statmon Technologies Corp'), ('1390662', 'STCC', 'China Jianye Fuel Inc'), ('1574815', 'STCK', 'Stock Building Supply Holdings Inc'), ('906473', 'STCR', 'Starcraft Corp'), ('205921', 'STDE', 'Standard Energy Corp'), ('1158694', 'STDR', 'Efactor Group Corp'), ('815065', 'STE', 'Steris Corp'), ('1102741', 'STEC', 'Stec Inc'), ('878522', 'STEI', 'Stewart Enterprises Inc'), ('934851', 'STEK', 'Mansur Industries Inc'), ('867347', 'STEL', 'Stellent Inc'), ('883975', 'STEM', 'Stemcells Inc'), ('350557', 'STEN', 'Sten Corp'), ('1439813', 'STEV', 'Stevia Corp'), ('836435', 'STFA', 'Stratford American Corp'), ('874977', 'STFC', 'State Auto Financial Corp'), ('897941', 'STFR', 'ST Francis Capital Corp'), ('1093546', 'STG', 'Stonepath Group Inc'), ('1108674', 'STGN', 'Stratagene  Corp'), ('875762', 'STHK', 'Startech Environmental Corp'), ('750556', 'STI', 'Suntrust Banks Inc'), ('1487347', 'STIE', 'Santaro Interactive Entertainment Co'), ('810270', 'STIV', 'Starinvest Group Inc'), ('1306944', 'STIY', 'Stinger Systems Inc'), ('708250', 'STIZ', 'Scientific Technologies Inc'), ('203077', 'STJ', 'ST Jude Medical Inc'), ('758256', 'STJC', 'Saint James Co'), ('1177135', 'STJO', 'ST Joseph Inc'), ('94673', 'STK', 'Storage Technology Corp'), ('1471420', 'STK', 'Columbia Seligman Premium Technology Growth Fund Inc'), ('351834', 'STKL', 'Sunopta Inc'), ('1017156', 'STKP', 'Steakhouse Partners Inc'), ('94538', 'STKR', 'Stockeryale Inc'), ('1399520', 'STKS', 'Committed Capital Acquisition Corp'), ('93451', 'STL', 'Sterling Bancorp'), ('1022671', 'STLD', 'Steel Dynamics Inc'), ('1135443', 'STLOF', 'Shep Technologies Inc'), ('1111721', 'STLW', 'Stratos International Inc'), ('797465', 'STLY', 'Stanley Furniture Co Inc'), ('1264587', 'STML', 'Stemline Therapeutics Inc'), ('1082923', 'STMP', 'Stampscom Inc'), ('898660', 'STN', 'Station Casinos Inc'), ('1111872', 'STND', 'Sensor System Solutions Inc'), ('1492915', 'STND', 'Standard Financial Corp'), ('1206527', 'STNL', 'Solution Technology International Inc'), ('1018946', 'STNR', 'Steiner Leisure LTD'), ('1286131', 'STON', 'Stonemor Partners LP'), ('1075658', 'STOR', 'Storagenetworks Inc'), ('1286690', 'STOY', 'Acorn Acquisition Corp'), ('1403997', 'STPC', 'Sitesearch Corp'), ('1081091', 'STPR', 'Studio II Brands Inc'), ('847942', 'STQN', 'Strategic Acquisitions Inc'), ('751652', 'STR', 'Questar Corp'), ('1013934', 'STRA', 'Strayer Education Inc'), ('1014041', 'STRC', 'Sri Surgical Express Inc'), ('73822', 'STRD', 'Strategic Distribution Inc'), ('1473597', 'STRI', 'STR Holdings Inc'), ('874238', 'STRL', 'Sterling Construction Co Inc'), ('1008586', 'STRM', 'Streamline Health Solutions Inc'), ('728331', 'STRN', 'Sutron Corp'), ('1574460', 'STRP', 'Straight Path Communications Inc'), ('885508', 'STRS', 'Stratus Properties Inc'), ('933034', 'STRT', 'Strattec Security Corp'), ('1043156', 'STRZ', 'Star Buffet Inc'), ('1507934', 'STRZA', 'Starz'), ('350846', 'STS', 'Supreme Industries Inc'), ('891106', 'STSA', 'Sterling Financial Corp'), ('1368761', 'STSC', 'Start Scientific Inc'), ('1082696', 'STSF', 'Hendrx Corp'), ('776008', 'STSI', 'Star Scientific Inc'), ('26537', 'STST', 'Argon ST Inc'), ('93751', 'STT', 'State Street Corp'), ('51387', 'STTC', 'Softnet Technology Corp'), ('1277998', 'STTH', 'Stratum Holdings Inc'), ('771790', 'STTX', 'Steel Technologies Inc'), ('893955', 'STU', 'Student Loan Corp'), ('1073508', 'STUA', 'Student Advantage Inc'), ('1355839', 'STVI', 'Snap Interactive Inc'), ('1473334', 'STVS', 'Nova Lifestyle Inc'), ('93319', 'STW', 'Standard Commercial Corp'), ('1103795', 'STWA', 'Save The World Air Inc'), ('1465128', 'STWD', 'Starwood Property Trust Inc'), ('1338629', 'STWG', 'S2C Global Systems Inc'), ('1357838', 'STWS', 'STW Resources Holding Corp'), ('1137789', 'STX', 'Seagate Technology PLC'), ('812703', 'STXN', 'Stratex Networks Inc'), ('1289340', 'STXS', 'Stereotaxis Inc'), ('1288946', 'STXX', 'South Texas Oil Co'), ('16918', 'STZ', 'Constellation Brands Inc'), ('1297568', 'SUAI', 'Specialty Underwriters Alliance Inc'), ('713975', 'SUBI', 'Sun Bancorp Inc'), ('754673', 'SUBK', 'Suffolk Bancorp'), ('1045993', 'SUBO', 'Summit Brokerage Services Inc'), ('1144392', 'SUCN', 'Superiorclean Inc'), ('1356505', 'SUFH', 'Surfect Holdings Inc'), ('1060770', 'SUFI', 'Superior Financial Corp'), ('203248', 'SUG', 'Southern Union Co'), ('1427644', 'SUGO', 'American Mineral Group Inc'), ('912593', 'SUI', 'Sun Communities Inc'), ('1394130', 'SUIP', 'Sunrise Holdings LTD'), ('1396633', 'SUME', 'Summer Energy Holdings Inc'), ('856223', 'SUMM', 'Summit Financial Corp'), ('1314772', 'SUMR', 'Summer Infant Inc'), ('1269132', 'SUMT', 'Sumtotal Systems Inc'), ('1104332', 'SUMU', 'Oasys Mobile Inc'), ('62262', 'SUMX', 'Summa Industries'), ('95304', 'SUN', 'Sunoco Inc'), ('1072695', 'SUNB', 'Suncoast Bancorp Inc'), ('904978', 'SUNH', 'Sun Healthcare Group Inc'), ('810370', 'SUNI', 'Adal Group Inc'), ('1160513', 'SUNN', 'Suntron Corp'), ('1076784', 'SUNO', 'Yosen Group Inc'), ('1508171', 'SUNS', 'Solar Senior Capital LTD'), ('709519', 'SUNW', 'Sun Microsystems Inc'), ('95552', 'SUP', 'Superior Industries International Inc'), ('919722', 'SUPG', 'Astex Pharmaceuticals Inc'), ('1356576', 'SUPN', 'Supernus Pharmaceuticals Inc'), ('730000', 'SUPX', 'Supertex Inc'), ('1029405', 'SUQU', 'Surequest Systems Inc'), ('1044566', 'SUR', 'Cna Surety Corp'), ('1121309', 'SURE', 'Surebeam Corp'), ('836429', 'SURG', 'Synergetics USA Inc'), ('1452176', 'SURP', 'Surepure Inc'), ('943117', 'SURW', 'Surewest Communications'), ('1552275', 'SUSP', 'Susser Petroleum Partners LP'), ('700863', 'SUSQ', 'Susquehanna Bancshares Inc'), ('1361709', 'SUSS', 'Susser Holdings Corp'), ('937814', 'SUTU', 'Sutura Inc'), ('806592', 'SUWN', 'Sunwin Stevia International Inc'), ('885534', 'SVAD', 'Statsure Diagnostic Systems Inc'), ('1035372', 'SVBC', 'Sistersville Bancorp Inc'), ('1011698', 'SVBF', 'SVB Financial Services Inc'), ('868271', 'SVBI', 'Severn Bancorp Inc'), ('1031093', 'SVBR', 'Silver Bull Resources Inc'), ('94328', 'SVC', 'Stewart & Stevenson Services Inc'), ('1225078', 'SVCF', 'Service 1ST Bancorp'), ('1092753', 'SVCX', 'SVC Financial Services Inc'), ('919173', 'SVECF', 'Scanvec Amiable LTD'), ('1496383', 'SVEN', 'Superior Venture Corp'), ('1125280', 'SVFC', 'Intellicell Biosciences Inc'), ('1115975', 'SVGI', 'Silvergraph International Inc'), ('1039213', 'SVIN', 'Scheid Vineyards Inc'), ('1033032', 'SVLF', 'Silverleaf Resorts Inc'), ('1547716', 'SVLT', 'Sunvault Energy Inc'), ('1052045', 'SVM', 'Servicemaster Co LLC'), ('64647', 'SVMT', 'Sensivida Medical Technologies Inc'), ('794929', 'SVNR', 'China Travel Resort Holdings Inc'), ('722104', 'SVNT', 'Savient Pharmaceuticals Inc'), ('1097641', 'SVNX', '724 Solutions Inc'), ('1326299', 'SVOX', 'Starvox Communications Inc'), ('1169264', 'SVR', 'Syniverse Holdings Inc'), ('1172638', 'SVR', 'Tsi Telecommunication Holdings LLC'), ('1216964', 'SVSE', 'Silver Star Energy Inc'), ('1099814', 'SVSN', 'Stereo Vision Entertainment Inc'), ('1096187', 'SVSO', 'Sheervision Inc'), ('947156', 'SVSSF', 'Seven Seas Petroleum Inc'), ('89140', 'SVT', 'Servotronics Inc'), ('1101046', 'SVTLE', 'Sivault Systems Inc'), ('95521', 'SVU', 'Supervalu Inc'), ('1495584', 'SVVC', 'Firsthand Technology Value Fund Inc'), ('1058444', 'SVVS', 'Savvis Inc'), ('1019852', 'SVXP', 'Sovereign Exploration Associates International Inc'), ('1113190', 'SVYR', 'Savoy Resources Corp'), ('1216199', 'SWAT', 'Pepperball Technologies Inc'), ('1579471', 'SWAY', 'Starwood Waypoint Residential Trust'), ('1085223', 'SWBD', 'Switchboard Inc'), ('1027258', 'SWBT', 'Amegy Bancorporation Inc'), ('931948', 'SWC', 'Stillwater Mining Co'), ('1514682', 'SWCAU', 'Healthcare Corp Of America'), ('1275873', 'SWCB', 'Southwest Community Bancorp'), ('1170848', 'SWCC', 'Southwest Casino Corp'), ('1387998', 'SWDE', 'Casey Container Corp'), ('1473637', 'SWDZ', 'Eco-tek Group Inc'), ('1054097', 'SWEB', 'Invictus Financial Inc'), ('863557', 'SWFT', 'Swift Transportation Co Inc'), ('1492691', 'SWFT', 'Swift Transportation Co'), ('1301874', 'SWGP', 'Heavy Earth Resources Inc'), ('1092796', 'SWHC', 'Smith & Wesson Holding Corp'), ('102588', 'SWHI', 'Sonomawest Holdings Inc'), ('1437395', 'SWHN', 'Swissinso Holding Inc'), ('1428669', 'SWI', 'Solarwinds Inc'), ('1067606', 'SWIM', 'Anthony & Sylvan Pools Corp'), ('93556', 'SWK', 'Stanley Black & Decker Inc'), ('4127', 'SWKS', 'Skyworks Solutions Inc'), ('1000623', 'SWM', 'Schweitzer Mauduit International Inc'), ('318245', 'SWME', 'Swiss Medica Inc'), ('7332', 'SWN', 'Southwestern Energy Co'), ('1137047', 'SWRG', 'Smith & Wollensky Restaurant Group Inc'), ('1132887', 'SWRI', 'Seawright Holdings Inc'), ('1355304', 'SWRL', 'U-swirl Inc'), ('878520', 'SWS', 'SWS Group Inc'), ('1504747', 'SWSH', 'Swisher Hygiene Inc'), ('1323715', 'SWSI', 'Superior Well Services Inc'), ('1435163', 'SWTR', 'Centaurus Diamond Technologies Inc'), ('1338067', 'SWTS', 'Sweet Success Enterprises Inc'), ('813619', 'SWTX', 'Southwall Technologies Inc'), ('1497046', 'SWVI', 'Swingplane Ventures Inc'), ('943820', 'SWW', 'Sitel Corp'), ('92472', 'SWWC', 'Southwest Water Co'), ('864264', 'SWWI', 'Simon Worldwide Inc'), ('92416', 'SWX', 'Southwest Gas Corp'), ('86144', 'SWY', 'Safeway Inc'), ('1128723', 'SWYC', 'Skyway Communications Holding Corp'), ('813623', 'SWZ', 'Swiss Helvetia Fund Inc'), ('1514705', 'SXC', 'Suncoke Energy Inc'), ('1363851', 'SXCI', 'Catamaran Corp'), ('1555538', 'SXCP', 'Suncoke Energy Partners LP'), ('1360555', 'SXE', 'Stanley Inc'), ('1547638', 'SXE', 'Southcross Energy Partners LP'), ('310354', 'SXI', 'Standex International Corp'), ('1161154', 'SXL', 'Sunoco Logistics Partners LP'), ('310142', 'SXT', 'Sensient Technologies Corp'), ('1403385', 'SYA', 'Symetra Financial Corp'), ('1123425', 'SYBF', 'Syntec Biofuel Inc'), ('870228', 'SYBR', 'Synergy Brands Inc'), ('768262', 'SYBS', 'Sybase Inc'), ('835324', 'SYBT', 'S Y Bancorp Inc'), ('1107604', 'SYCI', 'Syndication Net Com Inc'), ('1121302', 'SYD', 'Sybron Dental Specialties Inc'), ('1056757', 'SYEV', 'Seychelle Environmental Technologies Inc'), ('1044434', 'SYFS', 'Syndicated Food Service International Inc'), ('895565', 'SYGR', 'Synagro Technologies Inc'), ('878903', 'SYI', 'Alteon Inc'), ('310764', 'SYK', 'Stryker Corp'), ('1010612', 'SYKE', 'Sykes Enterprises Inc'), ('861291', 'SYLN', 'Sylvan Inc'), ('912086', 'SYMBA', 'Symbollon Corp'), ('849399', 'SYMC', 'Symantec Corp'), ('82628', 'SYMM', 'Symmetricom Inc'), ('1375063', 'SYMX', 'Synthesis Energy Systems Inc'), ('817720', 'SYNA', 'Synaptics Inc'), ('1020716', 'SYNC', 'Intellisync Corp'), ('1408278', 'SYNC', 'Synacor Inc'), ('1174258', 'SYNF', 'Synergy Financial Group Inc'), ('1263766', 'SYNF', 'Synergy Financial Group Inc'), ('95953', 'SYNL', 'Synalloy Corp'), ('1029023', 'SYNM', 'Syntroleum Corp'), ('780127', 'SYNO', 'Synovis Life Technologies Inc'), ('1027362', 'SYNP', 'Synplicity Inc'), ('1040426', 'SYNT', 'Syntel Inc'), ('1437750', 'SYNW', 'Sync2 Networks Corp'), ('823130', 'SYNX', 'Synergx Systems Inc'), ('864240', 'SYPR', 'Sypris Solutions Inc'), ('1413507', 'SYRG', 'Synergy Resources Corp'), ('96057', 'SYS', 'Kratos Technology & Training Solutions Inc'), ('1132034', 'SYSC', 'Xa Inc'), ('1286603', 'SYSN', 'Synetics Solutions Inc'), ('1096934', 'SYTE', 'Sitestar Corp'), ('1030839', 'SYVC', 'Synovics Pharmaceuticals'), ('945114', 'SYX', 'Systemax Inc'), ('945699', 'SYXI', 'Ixys Corp'), ('96021', 'SYY', 'Sysco Corp'), ('1309141', 'SYYC', 'Sydys Corp'), ('870760', 'SZ', 'Worldwide Restaurant Concepts Inc'), ('925963', 'SZB', 'Southfirst Bancshares Inc'), ('1506488', 'SZC', 'Cushing Renaissance Fund'), ('917492', 'SZF', 'Jardine Fleming India Fund Inc'), ('86940', 'SZH', 'Savannah Electric & Power Co'), ('1156867', 'SZMD', 'SZM Distributors Inc'), ('1311230', 'SZYM', 'Solazyme Inc'), ('5907', 'T', 'At&t Corp'), ('732717', 'T', 'At&t Inc'), ('1026304', 'T', 'Buckhead Community Bancorp Inc'), ('1378453', 'TA', 'Travelcenters Of America LLC'), ('1393371', 'TAAA', 'Triple A Medical Inc'), ('1448776', 'TACN', 'Tradeon Inc'), ('1121225', 'TACQ', 'Minrad International Inc'), ('1017303', 'TACT', 'Transact Technologies Inc'), ('1077915', 'TADF', 'Tactical Air Defense Services Inc'), ('1128581', 'TAEC', 'Todays Alternative Energy Corp'), ('1430306', 'TAEI', 'Tonix Pharmaceuticals Holding Corp'), ('1323143', 'TAGG', 'Taglikeme Corp'), ('944948', 'TAGS', 'Tarrant Apparel Group'), ('1471824', 'TAGS', 'Teucrium Commodity Trust'), ('99197', 'TAI', 'Transamerica Income Shares Inc'), ('942126', 'TAIT', 'Taitron Components Inc'), ('1331745', 'TAL', 'Tal International Group Inc'), ('948545', 'TALK', 'Tel Save Com Inc'), ('1373444', 'TALK', 'Italk Inc'), ('1011601', 'TALL', 'Activecore Technologies Inc'), ('1047881', 'TALN', 'Talon International Inc'), ('917524', 'TALX', 'Talx Corp'), ('1407161', 'TAM', 'Titanium Asset Management Corp'), ('1547063', 'TAM', 'Taminco Corp'), ('1374845', 'TAMO', 'Tamm Oil & Gas Corp'), ('1320338', 'TAOM', 'Tao Minerals LTD'), ('24545', 'TAP', 'Molson Coors Brewing Co'), ('919482', 'TAP', 'Travelers Property Casualty Corp'), ('1374346', 'TAQ', 'Transforma Acquisition Group Inc'), ('1009480', 'TARG', 'Target Logistics Inc'), ('1398161', 'TARG', 'Targanta Therapeutics Corp'), ('1387054', 'TARM', 'Tara Minerals Corp'), ('906338', 'TAROF', 'Taro Pharmaceutical Industries LTD'), ('1038217', 'TARR', 'Tarragon Corp'), ('1069183', 'TASR', 'Taser International Inc'), ('809248', 'TAST', 'Carrols Restaurant Group Inc'), ('1092289', 'TAT', 'Transatlantic Petroleum LTD'), ('1528930', 'TAX', 'JTH Holding Inc'), ('1000209', 'TAXI', 'Medallion Financial Corp'), ('811036', 'TAXS', 'Taxmasters Inc'), ('1025536', 'TAYC', 'Taylor Capital Group Inc'), ('96536', 'TAYD', 'Taylor Devices Inc'), ('913201', 'TBA', 'Tba Entertainment Corp'), ('869487', 'TBAC', 'Tandy Brands Accessories Inc'), ('1478838', 'TBBC', 'Enter Corp'), ('1295401', 'TBBK', 'Bancorp Inc'), ('96412', 'TBC', 'Tasty Baking Co'), ('718449', 'TBCC', 'TBC Corp'), ('1497764', 'TBD', 'Awareness For Teens Inc'), ('1530163', 'TBD', 'Darkstar Ventures Inc'), ('1550518', 'TBD', 'Lion Consulting Group Inc'), ('1561504', 'TBD', 'Top To Bottom Pressure Washing Inc'), ('1565383', 'TBD', 'Lollipop Corp'), ('1568139', 'TBD', 'Olivia Inc'), ('751288', 'TBDI', 'TMBR Sharp Drilling Inc'), ('1168556', 'TBGU', 'Tiens Biotech Group USA Inc'), ('1234383', 'TBHS', 'Bank Holdings'), ('14803', 'TBI', 'Brown Tom Inc'), ('768899', 'TBI', 'Trueblue Inc'), ('1043961', 'TBIO', 'Transgenomic Inc'), ('1368960', 'TBJK', 'Timberjack Sporting Supplies Inc'), ('814361', 'TBL', 'Timberland Co'), ('1288750', 'TBLC', 'Timberline Resources Corp'), ('1119807', 'TBLZ', 'Trailblazer Resources Inc'), ('1065298', 'TBNC', 'Superior Bancorp'), ('1447051', 'TBNK', 'Territorial Bancorp Inc'), ('1485933', 'TBOW', 'Trunkbow International Holdings LTD'), ('1092448', 'TBRE', 'Numobile Inc'), ('1065648', 'TBSI', 'TBS International LTD'), ('1479920', 'TBSI', 'TBS International PLC'), ('1090396', 'TBTC', 'Table Trac Inc'), ('726451', 'TBTI', 'Telebyte Technology Inc'), ('853695', 'TBUS', 'Dri Corp'), ('1000227', 'TBWC', 'TB Woods Corp'), ('868689', 'TBYH', 'T Bay Holdings Inc'), ('1415020', 'TC', 'Thompson Creek Metals Co Inc'), ('1144835', 'TCAHQ', 'Touch America Holdings Inc'), ('809246', 'TCAM', 'Transport Corporation Of America Inc'), ('1379785', 'TCAP', 'Triangle Capital Corp'), ('777513', 'TCAR', 'Tendercare International Inc'), ('1128790', 'TCAY', 'Qwick Media Inc'), ('814184', 'TCB', 'TCF Financial Corp'), ('1048435', 'TCBA', 'Tarpon Coast Bancorp Inc'), ('1077428', 'TCBI', 'Texas Capital Bancshares Inc'), ('356171', 'TCBK', 'Trico Bancshares'), ('1022438', 'TCC', 'Trammell Crow Co'), ('883787', 'TCCC', '3ci Complete Compliance Corp'), ('96699', 'TCCO', 'Technical Communications Corp'), ('855874', 'TCFC', 'Community Financial Corp'), ('96664', 'TCHL', 'Renewal Fuels Inc'), ('733590', 'TCI', 'Transcontinental Realty Investors Inc'), ('1178156', 'TCLL', 'Tricell Inc'), ('1333291', 'TCMI', 'Triple Crown Media Inc'), ('1077800', 'TCNH', 'Accelpath Inc'), ('890319', 'TCO', 'Taubman Centers Inc'), ('1139570', 'TCOMOTCBB', 'Subaye Inc'), ('1075607', 'TCP', 'TC Pipelines LP'), ('1370755', 'TCPC', 'TCP Capital Corp'), ('1420419', 'TCPW', 'Tech Power Inc'), ('854875', 'TCR', 'Cornerstone Realty Income Trust Inc'), ('1464963', 'TCRD', 'THL Credit Inc'), ('1411688', 'TCS', 'Container Store Group Inc'), ('1383960', 'TCSR', 'University General Health System Inc'), ('906110', 'TCT', 'Town & Country Trust'), ('1405082', 'TCW', 'Triplecrown Acquisition Corp'), ('909226', 'TCWF', 'Templeton China World Fund'), ('909494', 'TCX', 'Tucows Inc'), ('847015', 'TCXB', 'Medican Enterprises Inc'), ('1178409', 'TDBK', 'Tidelands Bancshares Inc'), ('816761', 'TDC', 'Teradata Corp'), ('1282847', 'TDCB', 'Third Century Bancorp'), ('1118974', 'TDCH', '30DC Inc'), ('1375195', 'TDCP', '3dicon Corp'), ('919893', 'TDF', 'Templeton Dragon Fund Inc'), ('1260221', 'TDG', 'Transdigm Group Inc'), ('1092105', 'TDII', 'Triad Industries Inc'), ('907237', 'TDKM', 'TDK Mediactive Inc'), ('1051512', 'TDS', 'Telephone & Data Systems Inc'), ('98222', 'TDW', 'Tidewater Inc'), ('1038792', 'TDWV', 'Tidalwave Holdings Inc'), ('1094285', 'TDY', 'Teledyne Technologies Inc'), ('351902', 'TDYT', 'Thermodynetics Inc'), ('350563', 'TE', 'Teco Energy Inc'), ('352049', 'TE', 'Toledo Edison Co'), ('1314592', 'TEA', 'Teavana Holdings Inc'), ('805054', 'TEAM', 'Techteam Global Inc'), ('1299139', 'TEAR', 'Tearlab Corp'), ('1131072', 'TEC', 'Teton Energy Corp'), ('790703', 'TECD', 'Tech Data Corp'), ('842023', 'TECH', 'Techne Corp'), ('1415605', 'TECM', 'Ultra Care Inc'), ('1075773', 'TECO', 'Treaty Energy Corp'), ('96831', 'TECUA', 'Tecumseh Products Co'), ('1190132', 'TEDG', 'China Biopharma Inc'), ('1413581', 'TEDG', 'Teen Education Group Inc'), ('319016', 'TEEE', 'Golf Rounds Com Inc'), ('1370292', 'TEEX', 'Treasure Explorations Inc'), ('916863', 'TEG', 'Integrys Energy Group Inc'), ('906448', 'TEGN', 'Vu1 Corp'), ('1383394', 'TEGY', 'Transact Energy Corp'), ('909112', 'TEI', 'Templeton Emerging Markets Income Fund'), ('869688', 'TEJS', 'Tejas Inc'), ('96879', 'TEK', 'Tektronix Inc'), ('716214', 'TEKC', 'Teknowledge Corp'), ('1385157', 'TEL', 'Te Connectivity LTD'), ('1109196', 'TELK', 'Telik Inc'), ('97148', 'TELOZ', 'Tel Offshore Trust'), ('97052', 'TELT', 'Teltronics Inc'), ('1024725', 'TEN', 'Tenneco Inc'), ('1051118', 'TENF', 'Tenfold Corp'), ('919721', 'TENG', 'Trans Energy Inc'), ('1035374', 'TENT', 'Fox & Hound Restaurant Group'), ('1569134', 'TEP', 'Tallgrass Energy Partners LP'), ('97210', 'TER', 'Teradyne Inc'), ('316672', 'TERA', 'Teraforce Technology Corp'), ('1052303', 'TERN', 'Terayon Communication Systems'), ('1336467', 'TES', 'American Telecom Services Inc'), ('804121', 'TESI', 'Tangram Enterprise Solutions Inc'), ('1022705', 'TESO', 'Tesco Corp'), ('927355', 'TESS', 'Tessco Technologies Inc'), ('94136', 'TEST', 'Sterling Electronics Corp'), ('839443', 'TEVE', 'Telvue Corp'), ('97216', 'TEX', 'Terex Corp'), ('1143548', 'TEXG', 'Terax Energy Inc'), ('861865', 'TF', 'Thai Capital Fund Inc'), ('1074865', 'TFAC', 'Twin Faces East Entertainment Corp'), ('836267', 'TFC', 'Shelton Greater China Fund'), ('895329', 'TFCO', 'Tufco Technologies Inc'), ('1090870', 'TFCT', '21ST Century Technologies Inc'), ('1407384', 'TFDI', 'Film Department Holdings Inc'), ('1414043', 'TFER', 'Titan Iron Ore Corp'), ('1000048', 'TFF', 'Technology Flavors & Fragrances Inc'), ('1025315', 'TFHD', '24holdings Inc'), ('719271', 'TFHIZ', 'Transfinancial Holdings Inc'), ('1082484', 'TFIN', 'Team Financial Inc'), ('1489979', 'TFM', 'Fresh Market Inc'), ('1059579', 'TFN', 'Telava Networks Inc'), ('32272', 'TFSI', 'Three Five Systems Inc'), ('1381668', 'TFSL', 'TFS Financial Corp'), ('1062195', 'TFSM', '24'), ('96943', 'TFX', 'Teleflex Inc'), ('850429', 'TG', 'Tredegar Corp'), ('1001614', 'TGC', 'Tengasco Inc'), ('799165', 'TGE', 'TGC Industries Inc'), ('921114', 'TGEN', 'Ampliphi Biosciences Corp'), ('1537435', 'TGEN', 'Tecogen Inc'), ('876134', 'TGFIN', 'Tgfin Holdings Inc'), ('1021162', 'TGI', 'Triumph Group Inc'), ('911631', 'TGIC', 'Triad Guaranty Inc'), ('900017', 'TGIS', 'Thomas Group Inc'), ('1066684', 'TGLO', 'Theglobe Com Inc'), ('1052284', 'TGLP', 'Tongli Pharmaceuticals USA Inc'), ('1534675', 'TGLS', 'Tecnoglass Inc'), ('1188303', 'TGN', 'Texas Genco Holdings Inc'), ('813718', 'TGPC', 'Momentum Biofuels Inc'), ('916485', 'TGSI', 'Trans Global Services Inc'), ('27419', 'TGT', 'Target Corp'), ('946115', 'TGT', 'Target Receivables Corp'), ('1065581', 'TGTL', 'Tiger Telematics Inc'), ('1001316', 'TGTX', 'TG Therapeutics Inc'), ('1124019', 'TGWC', '360 Global Wine Co'), ('795551', 'TGX', 'Theragenics Corp'), ('1408193', 'TGY', 'Tremisis Energy Acquisition Corp II'), ('1289255', 'THAI', 'Index Oil & Gas Inc'), ('1027882', 'THAN', 'Thane International Inc'), ('70318', 'THC', 'Tenet Healthcare Corp'), ('880036', 'THCX', 'Hockey Co'), ('898441', 'THDO', '3do Co'), ('1210697', 'THE', 'Todco'), ('1073695', 'THER', 'Therasense Inc'), ('1109262', 'THFC', 'Technol Fuel Conditioners Inc'), ('714562', 'THFF', 'First Financial Corp'), ('944695', 'THG', 'Hanover Insurance Group Inc'), ('1345111', 'THI', 'Tim Hortons Inc'), ('829323', 'THK', 'Inuvo Inc'), ('1183765', 'THLD', 'Threshold Pharmaceuticals Inc'), ('1134115', 'THM', 'International Tower Hill Mines LTD'), ('850660', 'THMD', 'Victor Technologies Group Inc'), ('1074142', 'THME', 'Thermoelastic Technologies Inc'), ('711034', 'THMG', 'Thunder Mountain Gold Inc'), ('730263', 'THO', 'Thor Industries Inc'), ('350907', 'THOR', 'Thoratec Corp'), ('1070630', 'THPHF', 'Thinkpath Inc'), ('865570', 'THQI', 'THQ Inc'), ('1489096', 'THR', 'Thermon Group Holdings Inc'), ('921051', 'THRD', 'TF Financial Corp'), ('1080014', 'THRX', 'Theravance Inc'), ('1320695', 'THS', 'Treehouse Foods Inc'), ('1564709', 'THST', 'Truett-hurst Inc'), ('1375686', 'THTI', 'THT Heat Transfer Technology Inc'), ('1058539', 'THTL', 'Thistle Group Holdings Co'), ('1083753', 'THV', 'Thermoview Industries Inc'), ('944468', 'THVB', 'Thomasville Bancshares Inc'), ('1451598', 'THWI', 'Seaospa Inc'), ('1015293', 'THX', 'Houston Exploration Co'), ('1013796', 'TIBB', 'Tib Financial Corp'), ('1085280', 'TIBX', 'Tibco Software Inc'), ('1259429', 'TICC', 'Ticc Capital Corp'), ('1016611', 'TIDC', 'Total Identity Corp'), ('1088881', 'TIDE', 'Tidelands Oil & Gas Corp'), ('1107104', 'TIDE', 'Tidelands Oil & Gas Corp'), ('1011657', 'TIE', 'Titanium Metals Corp'), ('1045150', 'TIER', 'Official Payments Holdings Inc'), ('98246', 'TIF', 'Tiffany & Co'), ('1095276', 'TIGE', 'Whitney Information Network Inc'), ('820738', 'TIGR', 'Tigerlogic Corp'), ('97886', 'TII', 'Thomas Industries Inc'), ('277928', 'TIII', 'Tii Network Technologies Inc'), ('96885', 'TIK', 'Tel Instrument Electronics Corp'), ('1370433', 'TIL', 'Trans-india Acquisition Corp'), ('715787', 'TILE', 'Interface Inc'), ('731939', 'TIN', 'Temple Inland Inc'), ('893739', 'TINY', 'Harris & Harris Group Inc'), ('1551047', 'TIPRX', 'Total Income Plus Real Estate Fund'), ('1324189', 'TIS', 'Orchids Paper Products Co'), ('1175872', 'TISDZ', 'Treasure Island Royalty Trust'), ('318833', 'TISI', 'Team Inc'), ('845696', 'TISI', 'Lga Holdings Inc'), ('1409171', 'TITN', 'Titan Machinery Inc'), ('932144', 'TITT', 'Titan Technologies Inc'), ('22551', 'TIV', 'Tri Valley Corp'), ('1088825', 'TIVO', 'Tivo Inc'), ('925956', 'TIXC', 'Tix Corp'), ('1038083', 'TIXX', 'Tickets Com Inc'), ('109198', 'TJX', 'TJX Companies Inc'), ('1080922', 'TKCI', 'Keith Companies Inc'), ('1117095', 'TKCRF', 'Tikcro Technologies LTD'), ('1084557', 'TKER', 'Tasker Products Corp'), ('856218', 'TKF', 'Turkish Investment Fund Inc'), ('1368154', 'TKGN', 'Tekoil & Gas Corp'), ('790705', 'TKLC', 'Tekelec'), ('1299648', 'TKNK', 'Teknik Digital Arts Inc'), ('1094084', 'TKOI', 'Telkonet Inc'), ('98362', 'TKR', 'Timken Co'), ('1502777', 'TKSS', 'Premier Brands Inc'), ('1006637', 'TKTM', 'Ticketmaster'), ('885259', 'TKTX', 'Transkaryotic Therapies Inc'), ('317771', 'TLAB', 'Tellabs Inc'), ('912263', 'TLB', 'Talbots Inc'), ('1123219', 'TLCB', 'Telco Blue Inc'), ('948704', 'TLCC', 'Transderm Laboratories Corp'), ('1101688', 'TLCO', 'Teleconnect Inc'), ('1405197', 'TLCR', 'Talecris Biotherapeutics Holdings Corp'), ('1010610', 'TLCV', 'TLC Vision Corp'), ('798122', 'TLDG', 'Teledigital Inc'), ('1098301', 'TLEI', 'Total Luxury Group Inc'), ('1134203', 'TLEO', 'Taleo Corp'), ('909724', 'TLF', 'Tandy Leather Factory Inc'), ('1278739', 'TLGB', 'Teleglobe International Holdings LTD'), ('1002531', 'TLGD', 'Tollgrade Communications Inc'), ('1068963', 'TLI', 'LMP Corporate Loan Fund Inc'), ('944310', 'TLKP', 'Talkpoint Communications Inc'), ('928659', 'TLL', 'Teletouch Communications Inc'), ('1507615', 'TLLP', 'Tesoro Logistics LP'), ('810018', 'TLNT', 'Telenetics Corp'), ('1361248', 'TLOG', 'Tetralogic Pharmaceuticals Corp'), ('1140028', 'TLON', 'Talon Therapeutics Inc'), ('1319229', 'TLP', 'Transmontaigne Partners LP'), ('889057', 'TLRK', 'Tularik Inc'), ('320121', 'TLSRP', 'Telos Corp'), ('1290416', 'TLST', 'Telesis Technology Corp'), ('1479526', 'TLWS', 'China Modern Agricultural Information Inc'), ('742814', 'TLXT', 'Telemetrix Inc'), ('1226944', 'TLYH', 'Premier Wealth Management Inc'), ('1524025', 'TLYS', 'Tillys Inc'), ('892535', 'TMA', 'TMST Inc'), ('1403008', 'TMAK', 'Touchmark Bancshares Inc'), ('1012159', 'TMAS', 'Timco Aviation Services Inc'), ('1074663', 'TMAX', 'Trans Max Technologies Inc'), ('314436', 'TMBS', 'Timberline Software Corporation'), ('1001808', 'TMBT', 'Timebeat Com Enterprises Inc'), ('1377318', 'TMCI', 'Tombstone Cards Inc'), ('1172678', 'TMCV', 'Temecula Valley Bancorp Inc'), ('357001', 'TMED', 'Trimedyne Inc'), ('1163680', 'TMEG', 'Trimedia Entertainment Group Inc'), ('884504', 'TMEN', 'Thermoenergy Corp'), ('1100125', 'TMFZ', 'TMSF Holdings Inc'), ('755199', 'TMG', 'Transmontaigne Inc'), ('1301839', 'TMGG', 'Tintic Gold Mining Co'), ('1082754', 'TMH', 'Team Health Holdings Inc'), ('1562476', 'TMHC', 'Taylor Morrison Home Corp'), ('1399067', 'TMI', 'China Mediaexpress Holdings Inc'), ('320335', 'TMK', 'Torchmark Corp'), ('1138680', 'TMLL', 'Third Millennium Industries Inc'), ('909736', 'TMLN', 'Timeline Inc'), ('1434589', 'TMMME', 'T3 Motion Inc'), ('1094814', 'TMNG', 'Management Network Group Inc'), ('97745', 'TMO', 'Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc'), ('1011733', 'TMOL', 'Trimol Group Inc'), ('1005817', 'TMP', 'Tompkins Financial Corp'), ('869369', 'TMR', 'Meridian Resource Corp'), ('912890', 'TMRK', 'Terremark Worldwide Inc'), ('1491501', 'TMS', 'TMS International Corp'), ('1402457', 'TMSH', 'Timeshare Holdings Inc'), ('835412', 'TMSS', 'TMS Inc'), ('1001193', 'TMTA', 'Transmeta Corp'), ('818675', 'TMTM', 'Third Millennium Telecommunications Inc'), ('1097609', 'TMUS', 'Voicestream Wireless Corp'), ('1283699', 'TMUS', 'T-mobile US Inc'), ('1022509', 'TMWD', 'Tumbleweed Communications Corp'), ('1132645', 'TMXN', 'Transmeridian Exploration Inc'), ('1474439', 'TNAV', 'Telenav Inc'), ('97854', 'TNB', 'Thomas & Betts Corp'), ('1452011', 'TNBI', 'Tanke Biosciences Corp'), ('97134', 'TNC', 'Tennant Co'), ('1438133', 'TNDM', 'Tandem Diabetes Care Inc'), ('806129', 'TNEX', 'Tunex International Inc'), ('1368879', 'TNF', 'Tailwind Financial Inc'), ('1296391', 'TNGN', 'Tengion Inc'), ('1093902', 'TNGO', 'Tango Inc'), ('1182325', 'TNGO', 'Tangoe Inc'), ('1446414', 'TNGS', 'Xtrasafe Inc'), ('879575', 'TNH', 'Terra Nitrogen Co LP'), ('1162139', 'TNH', 'CF Industries Enterprises Inc'), ('1162145', 'TNH', 'CF Industries Sales LLC'), ('99106', 'TNLX', 'Trans Lux Corp'), ('71023', 'TNM', 'Thomas Nelson Inc'), ('1099414', 'TNOX', 'Tanox Inc'), ('723615', 'TNRK', 'TNR Technical Inc'), ('1167370', 'TNRO', 'Terra Nostra Resources Corp'), ('1268671', 'TNS', 'TNS Inc'), ('859621', 'TNSB', 'Transbotics Corp'), ('1345059', 'TNSP', 'Tank Sports Inc'), ('774055', 'TNSX', 'Transaxis Inc'), ('1097896', 'TNSX', 'Big Tree Group Inc'), ('1286345', 'TNTD', 'Hpil Holding'), ('847597', 'TNTU', 'Tengtu International Corp'), ('929757', 'TNTX', 'T Netix Inc'), ('802257', 'TNTY', 'Trunity Holdings Inc'), ('1499467', 'TNUG', 'Tundra Gold Corp'), ('1408299', 'TNUS', 'Entia Biosciences Inc'), ('1298663', 'TNVAU', 'Clearpoint Business Resources Inc'), ('884892', 'TNVF', 'TNFG Corp'), ('1046578', 'TOA', 'Tousa Inc'), ('1276130', 'TOAK', 'Treaty Oak Bancorp Inc'), ('740942', 'TOBC', 'Tower Bancorp Inc'), ('98537', 'TOD', 'Todd Shipyards Corp'), ('1418475', 'TODT', 'Taste On Demand Inc'), ('730349', 'TOF', 'Tofutti Brands Inc'), ('107284', 'TOFC', 'Frederick Investments Williams'), ('1072847', 'TOFC', 'Tower Financial Corp'), ('1402175', 'TOH', 'Hicks Acquisition Co I Inc'), ('794170', 'TOL', 'Toll Brothers Inc'), ('888747', 'TOM', 'Hilfiger Tommy Corp'), ('1317872', 'TOMO', 'Tomotherapy Inc'), ('1170605', 'TONE', 'Tierone Corp'), ('1046687', 'TONS', 'Novamerican Steel Inc'), ('1362614', 'TONS', 'Symmetry Holdings Inc'), ('1382298', 'TOO', 'Teekay Offshore Partners LP'), ('1103640', 'TOPG', 'Omphalos Corp'), ('812076', 'TOPP', 'Topps Co Inc'), ('1281198', 'TORA', 'Searchcore Inc'), ('1129650', 'TORC', 'Torch Offshore Inc'), ('842295', 'TORM', 'Tor Minerals International Inc'), ('1333519', 'TORO', 'Toro Ventures Inc'), ('1174290', 'TOTG', '2-track Global Inc'), ('1063197', 'TOVC', 'Torvec Inc'), ('1485469', 'TOWR', 'Tower International Inc'), ('739944', 'TOX', 'Medtox Scientific Inc'), ('1005414', 'TOY', 'Toys R US Inc'), ('77543', 'TPC', 'Tutor Perini Corp'), ('1091973', 'TPC', 'Suncom Wireless Holdings Inc'), ('1452217', 'TPCG', 'TPC Group Inc'), ('1011550', 'TPDI', 'True Product Id Inc'), ('1381435', 'TPET', 'Giggles N Hugs Inc'), ('1283709', 'TPGI', 'Thomas Properties Group Inc'), ('1561680', 'TPH', 'Tri Pointe Homes Inc'), ('724742', 'TPHS', 'Trinity Place Holdings Inc'), ('1362718', 'TPI', 'Tianyin Pharmaceutical Co Inc'), ('1094038', 'TPIV', 'Tapimmune Inc'), ('97517', 'TPL', 'Texas Pacific Land Trust'), ('1281922', 'TPLM', 'Triangle Petroleum Corp'), ('1504167', 'TPND', 'Thompson Designs Inc'), ('1521013', 'TPNI', 'Pulse Network Inc'), ('1496443', 'TPNL', '3pea International Inc'), ('1303565', 'TPO', 'Tarpon Industries Inc'), ('1535079', 'TPOI', 'Touchpoint Metrics Inc'), ('98827', 'TPOP', 'Tower Properties Co'), ('857644', 'TPP', 'Teppco Partners LP'), ('891504', 'TPPH', 'Tapestry Pharmaceuticals Inc'), ('1289632', 'TPQC', 'Trinity Partners Acquistion Co Inc'), ('1576018', 'TPRE', 'Third Point Reinsurance LTD'), ('1041426', 'TPTH', 'Tripath Imaging Inc'), ('1097297', 'TPTI', 'Tippingpoint Technologies Inc'), ('819927', 'TPWR', 'American Digital Communications Inc'), ('1206264', 'TPX', 'Tempur Sealy International Inc'), ('98410', 'TPY', 'Tipperary Corp'), ('1059280', 'TPZ', 'Topaz Group Inc'), ('1408201', 'TPZ', 'Tortoise Power & Energy Infrastructure Fund Inc'), ('1022964', 'TQ', 'Cash Technologies Inc'), ('913885', 'TQNT', 'Triquint Semiconductor Inc'), ('29322', 'TQST', 'Tradequest International Inc'), ('98677', 'TR', 'Tootsie Roll Industries Inc'), ('722079', 'TRA', 'Terra Industries Inc'), ('1405286', 'TRAB', 'Kushi Resources Inc'), ('922811', 'TRAC', 'Track Data Corp'), ('1111559', 'TRAD', 'Tradestation Group Inc'), ('1333513', 'TRAK', 'Dealertrack Technologies Inc'), ('726513', 'TRB', 'Tribune Co'), ('1022097', 'TRBD', 'Turbodyne Technologies Inc'), ('1298521', 'TRBN', 'Trubion Pharmaceuticals Inc'), ('1038194', 'TRBR', 'Equivantage Home Equity Loan Trust Series 1997-01'), ('1039184', 'TRBR', 'Trailer Bridge Inc'), ('787648', 'TRBS', 'Texas Regional Bancshares Inc'), ('1093636', 'TRBW', 'Atlas Technology Group Inc'), ('1042610', 'TRBX', 'TRB Systems International Inc'), ('1078724', 'TRBY', 'Torbay Holdings Inc'), ('96869', 'TRC', 'Tejon Ranch Co'), ('1262175', 'TRCA', 'Tercica Inc'), ('1343034', 'TRCB', 'Two River Bancorp'), ('1431959', 'TRCH', 'Torchlight Energy Resources Inc'), ('741556', 'TRCI', 'Technology Research Corp'), ('858452', 'TRCR', 'Transcend Services Inc'), ('313337', 'TRCY', 'Tri City Bankshares Corp'), ('1115954', 'TRDM', 'Trend Mining Co'), ('924505', 'TRDO', 'Intrado Inc'), ('815098', 'TRDY', 'Trudy Corp'), ('1173643', 'TRE', 'Tanzanian Royalty Exploration Corp'), ('1096479', 'TREE', 'Lendingtree Inc'), ('1434621', 'TREE', 'Treecom Inc'), ('1133932', 'TREK', 'Trek Resources Inc'), ('859747', 'TREN', 'Torrent Energy Corp'), ('1445942', 'TRER', 'Texas Rare Earth Resources Corp'), ('1069878', 'TREX', 'Trex Co Inc'), ('930828', 'TRF', 'Templeton Russia & East European Fund Inc'), ('1097503', 'TRFC', 'Trafficcom Inc'), ('1089297', 'TRFG', 'Trimfast Group Inc'), ('1000297', 'TRFX', 'Traffix Inc'), ('98720', 'TRGL', 'Toreador Resources Corp'), ('1420030', 'TRGM', 'Targeted Medical Pharma Inc'), ('1389170', 'TRGP', 'Targa Resources Corp'), ('1124105', 'TRGT', 'Targacept Inc'), ('862510', 'TRH', 'Transatlantic Holdings Inc'), ('1074771', 'TRI', 'Triad Hospitals Inc'), ('859475', 'TRIDQ', 'Trident Microsystems Inc'), ('1096509', 'TRIN', 'Trinsic Inc'), ('1526520', 'TRIP', 'Tripadvisor Inc'), ('1304901', 'TRIS', 'Tri-s Security Corp'), ('934648', 'TRK', 'Speedway Motorsports Inc'), ('868326', 'TRKN', 'Trikon Technologies Inc'), ('789853', 'TRKR', 'Tracker Corp Of America'), ('1349454', 'TRLA', 'Trulia Inc'), ('1160858', 'TRLG', 'True Religion Apparel Inc'), ('1462223', 'TRLI', 'Truli Media Group Inc'), ('921549', 'TRMA', 'Trico Marine Services Inc'), ('864749', 'TRMB', 'Trimble Navigation LTD'), ('948727', 'TRMH', 'Logan International Corp'), ('36146', 'TRMK', 'Trustmark Corp'), ('749254', 'TRMM', 'TRM Corp'), ('1375796', 'TRMR', 'Tremor Video Inc'), ('99780', 'TRN', 'Trinity Industries Inc'), ('99102', 'TRNI', 'Trans Industries Inc'), ('1476150', 'TRNO', 'Terreno Realty Corp'), ('99302', 'TRNS', 'Transcat Inc'), ('99313', 'TRNT', 'Transnet Corp'), ('1492658', 'TRNX', 'Tornier NV'), ('858629', 'TROV', 'Trover Solutions Inc'), ('1213037', 'TROV', 'Trovagene Inc'), ('1113169', 'TROW', 'Price T Rowe Group Inc'), ('1530804', 'TROX', 'Tronox LTD'), ('1060595', 'TROY', 'Troy Group Inc'), ('1045739', 'TRPH', 'Etelos Inc'), ('1055313', 'TRPL', 'Contex Enterprise Group Inc'), ('920691', 'TRPS', 'Tripos Inc'), ('103096', 'TRR', 'TRC Companies Inc'), ('1364560', 'TRRP', 'Terrapin Enterprises Inc'), ('842633', 'TRS', 'Trimas Corp'), ('1095594', 'TRSI', 'T'), ('796228', 'TRSN', 'Transnational Industries Inc'), ('357301', 'TRST', 'Trustco Bank Corp N Y'), ('732026', 'TRT', 'Trio Tech International'), ('1451512', 'TRTC', 'Terra Tech Corp'), ('912030', 'TRU', 'Torch Energy Royalty Trust'), ('891523', 'TRUE', 'Centrue Financial Corp'), ('1019650', 'TRUE', 'Unionbancorp Inc'), ('1346861', 'TRUL', 'Trulite Inc'), ('1003007', 'TRUY', 'Treasury International Inc'), ('86312', 'TRV', 'Travelers Companies Inc'), ('1024124', 'TRV', 'Thousand Trails Inc'), ('1429560', 'TRVN', 'Trevena Inc'), ('1012734', 'TRVS', 'Travis Boats & Motors Inc'), ('1267097', 'TRW', 'TRW Automotive Holdings Corp'), ('1328910', 'TRX', 'Tronox Inc'), ('876378', 'TRXC', 'Transenterix Inc'), ('1103025', 'TRXI', 'TRX Inc'), ('1075046', 'TRYF', 'Troy Financial Corp'), ('1117045', 'TRYF', 'Trycera Financial Inc'), ('1090051', 'TRYT', 'Trinity3 Corp'), ('1258786', 'TRYXF', 'MGN Technologies Inc'), ('1161935', 'TRZ', 'Trizec Properties Inc'), ('912262', 'TSA', 'Gart Sports Co'), ('1374537', 'TSBC', 'TSB Financial Corp'), ('1046050', 'TSBK', 'Timberland Bancorp Inc'), ('1380846', 'TSC', 'Tristate Capital Holdings Inc'), ('877645', 'TSCC', 'Technology Solutions Company'), ('916365', 'TSCO', 'Tractor Supply Co'), ('1010398', 'TSEO', 'Tri State 1ST Bank Inc'), ('1106644', 'TSET', 'China Pharma Holdings Inc'), ('797871', 'TSFG', 'South Financial Group Inc'), ('1020265', 'TSG', 'Sabre Holdings Corp'), ('934538', 'TSH', 'Teche Holding Co'), ('1337340', 'TSHO', 'Tradeshow Marketing Co LTD'), ('809559', 'TSI', 'TCW Strategic Income Fund Inc'), ('1044324', 'TSIC', 'Tropical Sportswear International Corp'), ('1168895', 'TSIX', 'Tornado Gold International Corp'), ('1382158', 'TSL', 'Trina Solar LTD'), ('1318605', 'TSLA', 'Tesla Motors Inc'), ('1583001', 'TSLF', 'THL Credit Senior Loan Fund'), ('1092662', 'TSLU', 'Chembio Diagnostics Inc'), ('100493', 'TSN', 'Tyson Foods Inc'), ('1398026', 'TSNI', 'Castillo Inc'), ('1162721', 'TSNU', 'Cygnus Oil & Gas Corp'), ('50104', 'TSO', 'Tesoro Corp'), ('1419051', 'TSOI', 'Therapeutic Solutions International Inc'), ('1368961', 'TSPDE', 'Tradeshow Products Inc'), ('1178711', 'TSPT', 'Transcept Pharmaceuticals Inc'), ('889232', 'TSRA', 'Investor Ab'), ('1261694', 'TSRA', 'Tessera Technologies Inc'), ('1299901', 'TSRE', 'Trade Street Residential Inc'), ('98338', 'TSRI', 'TSR Inc'), ('1491576', 'TSRO', 'Tesaro Inc'), ('1356857', 'TSRX', 'Trius Therapeutics Inc'), ('721683', 'TSS', 'Total System Services Inc'), ('1320760', 'TSSI', 'TSS Inc'), ('751160', 'TSSW', 'Touchstone Software Corp'), ('1080056', 'TST', 'Thestreet Inc'), ('900393', 'TSTA', 'Turbosonic Technologies Inc'), ('817129', 'TSTC', 'Telestone Technologies Corp'), ('785557', 'TSTF', 'DLH Holdings Corp'), ('1054131', 'TSTN', 'Turnstone Systems Inc'), ('913665', 'TSTR', 'Terrestar Corp'), ('1032462', 'TSY', 'Ff-tsy Holding Co II LLC'), ('1027876', 'TSYI', 'Terra Systems Corp'), ('726561', 'TSYS', 'Telecommunications Systems Inc'), ('1111665', 'TSYS', 'Telecommunication Systems Inc'), ('737758', 'TTC', 'Toro Co'), ('1309541', 'TTDS', 'Triton Distribution Systems Inc'), ('1013880', 'TTEC', 'Teletech Holdings Inc'), ('1138978', 'TTEG', 'Turbine Truck Engines Inc'), ('831641', 'TTEK', 'Tetra Tech Inc'), ('903267', 'TTEN', '3tec Energy Corp'), ('879884', 'TTES', 'T-3 Energy Services Inc'), ('822794', 'TTF', 'Thai Fund Inc'), ('816949', 'TTG', 'Tutogen Medical Inc'), ('770471', 'TTGH', 'Titan Global Holdings Inc'), ('1293282', 'TTGT', 'Techtarget Inc'), ('1399250', 'TTHI', 'Transition Therapeutics Inc'), ('844965', 'TTI', 'Tetra Technologies Inc'), ('356590', 'TTII', 'Tree Top Industries Inc'), ('1062720', 'TTIN', 'Transfer Technology International Corp'), ('851560', 'TTLA', 'Tarantella Inc'), ('98752', 'TTLO', 'Torotel Inc'), ('894568', 'TTMC', 'Touchtunes Music Corp'), ('1116942', 'TTMI', 'TTM Technologies Inc'), ('32258', 'TTN', 'L-3 Communications Titan Corp'), ('1392902', 'TTNC', 'Tecton Corp'), ('1499197', 'TTNH', 'Powder River Coal Corp'), ('910267', 'TTNP', 'Titan Pharmaceuticals Inc'), ('1338520', 'TTNUF', 'Titanium Group LTD'), ('1526329', 'TTP', 'Tortoise Pipeline & Energy Fund Inc'), ('1373707', 'TTPH', 'Tetraphase Pharmaceuticals Inc'), ('1362659', 'TTRX', 'Tetragenex Pharmaceuticals Inc'), ('1552800', 'TTS', 'Tile Shop Holdings Inc'), ('1376634', 'TTSPJ', 'Transtech Services Partners Inc'), ('1357115', 'TTSR', 'Brekford Corp'), ('1172178', 'TTUM', 'Liberty Star Uranium & Metals Corp'), ('946581', 'TTWO', 'Take Two Interactive Software Inc'), ('1102414', 'TTXI', 'Greenshift Corp'), ('1378948', 'TTXP', 'Trilliant Exploration Corp'), ('1396016', 'TTY', 'Exceed Co LTD'), ('101704', 'TTYL', 'TWL Corp'), ('1038280', 'TUC', 'Mac-gray Corp'), ('878726', 'TUES', 'Tuesday Morning Corp'), ('1450551', 'TUFF', 'Tuffnell LTD'), ('810113', 'TUG', 'Maritrans Inc'), ('1535031', 'TUMI', 'Tumi Holdings Inc'), ('1108058', 'TUNE', 'Microtune Inc'), ('1475065', 'TUNG', 'Tungsten Corp'), ('1008654', 'TUP', 'Tupperware Brands Corp'), ('1113313', 'TURI', 'Arvana Inc'), ('893965', 'TUTR', 'Tro Learning Inc'), ('878436', 'TUTS', 'Tut Systems Inc'), ('736952', 'TUX', 'Tuxis Corp'), ('1415581', 'TUX', 'Trian Acquisition I Corp'), ('1316924', 'TUYU', 'Trueyoucom'), ('1007367', 'TVCP', 'TVC Telecom Inc'), ('821899', 'TVEN', 'Terrace Ventures Inc'), ('1084899', 'TVEO', 'Greenworld Development Inc'), ('1337749', 'TVH', 'Media & Entertainment Holdings Inc'), ('1109279', 'TVIA', 'Tvia Inc'), ('352079', 'TVIN', 'Tvi Corp'), ('931058', 'TVL', 'Lin Television Corp'), ('1166789', 'TVL', 'Lin TV Corp'), ('1262159', 'TVLH', 'China New Energy Group Co'), ('1098343', 'TVOG', 'Turner Valley Oil & Gas Inc'), ('100331', 'TW', '21ST Century Insurance Group'), ('1470215', 'TW', 'Towers Watson & Co'), ('828119', 'TWAV', 'Therma Wave Inc'), ('1085482', 'TWB', 'Tween Brands Inc'), ('94056', 'TWC', 'Stephan Co'), ('1377013', 'TWC', 'Time Warner Cable Inc'), ('1349437', 'TWER', 'Towerstream Corp'), ('1289592', 'TWGP', 'Tower Group International LTD'), ('1263282', 'TWH', 'Washtenaw Group Inc'), ('899751', 'TWI', 'Titan International Inc'), ('100378', 'TWIN', 'Twin Disc Inc'), ('1122211', 'TWKGQ', 'Trenwick Group LTD'), ('1015868', 'TWLB', 'Twinlab Corp'), ('1171529', 'TWLL', 'Techwell Inc'), ('795212', 'TWMC', 'Trans World Entertainment Corp'), ('804123', 'TWN', 'Taiwan Fund Inc'), ('1465740', 'TWO', 'Two Harbors Investment Corp'), ('914577', 'TWOC', 'Trans World Corp'), ('1340354', 'TWPG', 'Thomas Weisel Partners Group Inc'), ('925548', 'TWRAQ', 'Tower Automotive Inc'), ('1120370', 'TWRT', 'Broadwind Energy Inc'), ('1109153', 'TWSI', 'Tristar Wellness Solutions Inc'), ('1057758', 'TWTC', 'TW Telecom Inc'), ('1120438', 'TWTI', 'Third Wave Technologies Inc'), ('1060390', 'TWTR', 'Tweeter Home Entertainment Group Inc'), ('1418091', 'TWTR', 'Twitter Inc'), ('1159041', 'TWTV', 'Two Way TV US Inc'), ('1333675', 'TWWI', 'Z Yachts Inc'), ('1105705', 'TWX', 'Time Warner Inc'), ('944739', 'TXCC', 'Transwitch Corp'), ('313395', 'TXCO', 'Txco Resources Inc'), ('1102944', 'TXEO', 'SNRG Corp'), ('1429627', 'TXGE', 'Texas Gulf Energy Inc'), ('1127572', 'TXHE', 'Texhoma Energy Inc'), ('1133798', 'TXHG', 'TX Holdings Inc'), ('97472', 'TXI', 'Texas Industries Inc'), ('217209', 'TXLA', 'Oyco Inc'), ('25743', 'TXMD', 'Therapeuticsmd Inc'), ('97476', 'TXN', 'Texas Instruments Inc'), ('1171749', 'TXPO', 'TXP Corp'), ('1289460', 'TXRH', 'Texas Roadhouse Inc'), ('217346', 'TXT', 'Textron Inc'), ('1301560', 'TXTG', 'Textechnologies Inc'), ('1565337', 'TXTR', 'Textura Corp'), ('1023291', 'TXU', 'Energy Future Holdings Corp'), ('1169238', 'TXUI', 'Texas United Bancshares Inc'), ('99614', 'TY', 'Tri-continental Corp'), ('820600', 'TYBR', 'Omagine Inc'), ('833444', 'TYC', 'Tyco International LTD'), ('1003986', 'TYCB', 'Taylor Calvin B Bankshares Inc'), ('1268533', 'TYG', 'Tortoise Energy Infrastructure Corp'), ('860731', 'TYL', 'Tyler Technologies Inc'), ('1314104', 'TYN', 'Tortoise North American Energy Corp'), ('1385292', 'TYPE', 'Monotype Imaging Holdings Inc'), ('1236275', 'TYRIA', 'Silversun Technologies Inc'), ('1280226', 'TYW', 'Security Income Fund'), ('1319869', 'TYY', 'Tortoise Energy Capital Corp'), ('1172367', 'TZC', 'Trizec Canada Inc'), ('1092458', 'TZIX', 'Trizetto Group Inc'), ('1093837', 'TZMT', 'Telzuit Medical Technologies Inc'), ('1133311', 'TZOO', 'Travelzoo Inc'), ('1529505', 'UAC', 'United States Commodity Funds Trust I'), ('1308208', 'UACL', 'Universal Truckload Services Inc'), ('867963', 'UAHC', 'United American Healthcare Corp'), ('100517', 'UAL', 'United Continental Holdings Inc'), ('1514128', 'UAM', 'Universal American Corp'), ('1096688', 'UAMA', 'United American Corp'), ('101538', 'UAMY', 'United States Antimony Corp'), ('1425292', 'UAN', 'CVR Partners LP'), ('1279529', 'UAPH', 'Uap Holding Corp'), ('1336917', 'UARM', 'Under Armour Inc'), ('1070699', 'UAXSQ', 'Universal Access Global Holdings Inc'), ('1011659', 'UB', 'Unionbancal Corp'), ('1029800', 'UBA', 'Urstadt Biddle Properties Inc'), ('704561', 'UBAB', 'United Bancorporation Of Alabama Inc'), ('1172813', 'UBAL', 'Urbanalien Corp'), ('731653', 'UBCP', 'United Bancorp Inc'), ('1082384', 'UBDT', 'China Green Material Technologies Inc'), ('814055', 'UBET', 'Youbet Com Inc'), ('1137547', 'UBFO', 'United Security Bancshares'), ('707805', 'UBH', 'Usb Holding Co Inc'), ('1279695', 'UBI', 'Universal Biosensors Inc'), ('775345', 'UBMI', 'United Bancorp Inc'), ('1011309', 'UBMT', 'United Financial Corp'), ('1319572', 'UBNK', 'United Financial Bancorp Inc'), ('1405049', 'UBNK', 'United Financial Bancorp Inc'), ('1511737', 'UBNT', 'Ubiquiti Networks Inc'), ('1087456', 'UBOH', 'United Bancshares Inc'), ('1411460', 'UBQU', 'Ubiquitech Software Corp'), ('1320729', 'UBRG', 'Universal Bioenergy Inc'), ('883948', 'UBSH', 'Union First Market Bankshares Corp'), ('886948', 'UBSH', 'Winthrop Resources Corp'), ('729986', 'UBSI', 'United Bankshares Inc'), ('855684', 'UCAP', 'Ucap Inc'), ('1344970', 'UCBA', 'United Community Bancorp'), ('1514131', 'UCBA', 'United Community Bancorp'), ('1046183', 'UCBC', 'Union Community Bancorp'), ('1061580', 'UCBH', 'Ucbh Holdings Inc'), ('857855', 'UCBI', 'United Community Banks Inc'), ('1337009', 'UCCC', 'Uan Cultural & Creative Co LTD'), ('1300524', 'UCCD', 'American International Holdings Corp'), ('707886', 'UCFC', 'United Community Financial Corp'), ('1072935', 'UCHBE', 'Uc Hub Group Inc'), ('1487252', 'UCHN', 'Radtek Inc'), ('1356462', 'UCHT', 'Yucheng Technologies LTD'), ('773660', 'UCI', 'Healthmarkets Inc'), ('737561', 'UCIA', 'Uci Medical Affiliates Inc'), ('716039', 'UCL', 'Unocal Corp'), ('792341', 'UCMP', 'Unicomp Inc'), ('1057234', 'UCO', 'Universal Compression Holdings Inc'), ('1134061', 'UCOMA', 'Unitedglobalcom Inc'), ('1572684', 'UCP', 'Ucp Inc'), ('1428508', 'UCPA', 'Bark Group Inc'), ('354507', 'UCPI', 'Striker Oil & Gas Inc'), ('1382994', 'UCR', 'Macroshares Oil Up Tradeable Trust'), ('1098207', 'UCSY', 'Universal Communication Systems Inc'), ('1275014', 'UCTT', 'Ultra Clean Holdings Inc'), ('1051719', 'UDI', 'United Defense Industries Inc'), ('74208', 'UDR', 'Udr Inc'), ('1133260', 'UDRL', 'Union Drilling Inc'), ('931947', 'UDTA', 'Ultradata Systems Inc'), ('1049505', 'UDWK', 'US Dataworks Inc'), ('1334933', 'UEC', 'Uranium Energy Corp'), ('1096938', 'UEEC', 'United Health Products Inc'), ('101984', 'UEIC', 'Universal Electronics Inc'), ('100826', 'UEP', 'Union Electric Co'), ('1041514', 'UEPS', 'Net 1 Ueps Technologies Inc'), ('101990', 'UFAB', 'Unifab International Inc'), ('714286', 'UFBC', 'United Financial Banking Companies Inc'), ('926164', 'UFBS', 'Provident Community Bancshares Inc'), ('1097805', 'UFBV', 'Hyaton Organics Inc'), ('101199', 'UFCS', 'United Fire Group Inc'), ('1137031', 'UFEN', 'Brands Shopping Network Inc'), ('1369233', 'UFFC', 'Ufood Restaurant Group Inc'), ('100726', 'UFI', 'Unifi Inc'), ('916823', 'UFM', 'United Financial Mortgage Corp'), ('912767', 'UFPI', 'Universal Forest Products Inc'), ('914156', 'UFPT', 'Ufp Technologies Inc'), ('1381531', 'UFS', 'Domtar Corp'), ('1018725', 'UFSI', 'Ultimate Franchise Systems Inc'), ('101295', 'UG', 'United Guardian Inc'), ('1396878', 'UGA', 'United States Gasoline Fund LP'), ('1070778', 'UGCE', 'Ugc Europe Inc'), ('859916', 'UGHO', 'Universal Guardian Holdings Inc'), ('884614', 'UGI', 'Ugi Corp'), ('1138188', 'UGMI', 'Ugomedia Interactive Corp'), ('352747', 'UGNE', 'Unigene Laboratories Inc'), ('1041019', 'UGVMF', 'Ungava Mines Inc'), ('4457', 'UHAL', 'Amerco'), ('709878', 'UHCO', 'Caremark Ulysses Holding Corp'), ('354567', 'UHCP', 'Glen Rose Petroleum Corp'), ('1171008', 'UHFI', 'Uhf Inc'), ('1381871', 'UHLN', 'US Highland Inc'), ('1396877', 'UHN', 'United States Diesel-heating Oil Fund LP'), ('352915', 'UHS', 'Universal Health Services Inc'), ('798783', 'UHT', 'Universal Health Realty Income Trust'), ('101271', 'UIC', 'United Industrial Corp'), ('1401521', 'UIHC', 'United Insurance Holdings Corp'), ('1082510', 'UIL', 'Uil Holdings Corp'), ('746838', 'UIS', 'Unisys Corp'), ('1327299', 'UITK', 'Ultitek LTD'), ('875657', 'ULBI', 'Ultralife Corp'), ('1103184', 'ULCM', 'Ulticom Inc'), ('882873', 'ULGX', 'Urologix Inc'), ('1403568', 'ULTA', 'Ulta Salon Cosmetics & Fragrance Inc'), ('911626', 'ULTEQ', 'Ultimate Electronics Inc'), ('1016125', 'ULTI', 'Ultimate Software Group Inc'), ('1368765', 'UMAM', 'Umami Sustainable Seafood Inc'), ('101382', 'UMBF', 'Umb Financial Corp'), ('831460', 'UMCI', 'United Medicorp Inc'), ('752642', 'UMH', 'Umh Properties Inc'), ('1162780', 'UMIT', 'Um Investment Trust'), ('702167', 'UMNY', 'Universal Money Centers Inc'), ('1077771', 'UMPQ', 'Umpqua Holdings Corp'), ('1095963', 'UMSY', 'US Medsys Corp'), ('1044590', 'UNA', 'Intermec Inc'), ('100716', 'UNAM', 'Unico American Corp'), ('1126719', 'UNASSIGNED', 'Kadalak Entertainment Group Inc'), ('706863', 'UNB', 'Union Bankshares Inc'), ('745083', 'UNBH', 'Union Bankshares Co'), ('831959', 'UNBJ', 'United National Bancorp'), ('1138804', 'UNCA', 'Unica Corp'), ('1145202', 'UNCL', 'Mru Holdings Inc'), ('1110737', 'UNCN', 'Unico Inc'), ('763950', 'UNDT', 'Universal Detection Technology'), ('717954', 'UNF', 'Unifirst Corp'), ('1020859', 'UNFI', 'United Natural Foods Inc'), ('880562', 'UNFY', 'Daegis Inc'), ('1376227', 'UNG', 'United States Natural Gas Fund LP'), ('731766', 'UNH', 'Unitedhealth Group Inc'), ('805020', 'UNI', 'Uni Marts Inc'), ('811211', 'UNIB', 'University Bancorp Inc'), ('1476170', 'UNIS', 'Unilife Corp'), ('746481', 'UNIZ', 'Unizan Financial Corp'), ('1405513', 'UNL', 'United States 12 Month Natural Gas Fund LP'), ('352710', 'UNLL', 'Unioil'), ('5513', 'UNM', 'Unum Group'), ('922712', 'UNMG', 'Unimark Group Inc'), ('1393772', 'UNMN', 'United Mines Inc'), ('874482', 'UNNF', 'Union National Financial Corp'), ('100885', 'UNP', 'Union Pacific Corp'), ('1116734', 'UNRG', 'United Energy Corp'), ('941138', 'UNS', 'Uns Energy Corp'), ('1482073', 'UNSN', 'Unseen Solar Inc'), ('1434389', 'UNSS', 'Universal Solar Technology Inc'), ('798949', 'UNT', 'Unit Corp'), ('1142701', 'UNTD', 'United Online Inc'), ('826773', 'UNTK', 'Unitek Global Services Inc'), ('920427', 'UNTY', 'Unity Bancorp Inc'), ('1092042', 'UNTY', 'Urs Operating Services Inc'), ('1029825', 'UNVC', 'Univec Inc'), ('1297024', 'UNVF', 'Orsus Xelent Technologies Inc'), ('1024149', 'UNWR', 'US Unwired Inc'), ('1171012', 'UNXL', 'Uni-pixel'), ('917821', 'UOMD', 'ST Lawrence Energy Corp'), ('1174891', 'UPBS', 'Realsource Residential Inc'), ('100893', 'UPC', 'Union Planters Corp'), ('1108487', 'UPCS', 'Ubiquitel Inc'), ('1049231', 'UPFC', 'United Pan Am Financial Corp'), ('1372000', 'UPG', 'Universal Power Group Inc'), ('890846', 'UPI', 'Uroplasty Inc'), ('1082506', 'UPIP', 'Unwired Planet Inc'), ('1022646', 'UPL', 'Ultra Petroleum Corp'), ('1390705', 'UPNT', 'Uplift Nutrition Inc'), ('1469115', 'UPOW', 'Uan Power Corp'), ('1271940', 'UPRO', 'Unipro Financial Services Inc'), ('1090727', 'UPS', 'United Parcel Service Inc'), ('1261019', 'UPSN', 'Upsnap Inc'), ('1271075', 'UPST', 'Usellcom Inc'), ('315449', 'UQM', 'Uqm Technologies Inc'), ('1410253', 'URBF', 'Urban Barns Foods Inc'), ('912615', 'URBN', 'Urban Outfitters Inc'), ('806171', 'URBT', 'Urban Television Network Corp'), ('1349777', 'URCO', 'Uranium 308 Corp'), ('1098881', 'UREE', 'US Rare Earths Inc'), ('1375205', 'URG', 'Ur-energy Inc'), ('881905', 'URGI', 'United Retail Group Inc'), ('1316854', 'URHN', 'Uranium Hunter Corp'), ('1047166', 'URI', 'United Rentals North America Inc'), ('1067701', 'URI', 'United Rentals Inc'), ('1363958', 'URON', 'Western Capital Resources Inc'), ('839470', 'URRE', 'Uranium Resources Inc'), ('102379', 'URS', 'Urs Corp'), ('1056562', 'URSI', 'United Road Services Inc'), ('1405037', 'URX', 'United Refining Energy Corp'), ('1162324', 'URZ', 'Uranerz Energy Corp'), ('799195', 'USA', 'Liberty All Star Equity Fund'), ('1522727', 'USAC', 'USA Compression Partners LP'), ('883945', 'USAK', 'USA Truck Inc'), ('931584', 'USAP', 'Universal Stainless & Alloy Products Inc'), ('896429', 'USAT', 'USA Technologies Inc'), ('36104', 'USB', 'US Bancorp'), ('1332341', 'USBE', 'US Bioenergy Corp'), ('1122130', 'USBF', 'Elysium Internet Inc'), ('717806', 'USBI', 'United Security Bancshares Inc'), ('1105947', 'USBU', 'USA Broadband Inc'), ('1104194', 'USCN', 'Noble Consolidated Industries Corp'), ('1073429', 'USCR', 'US Concrete Inc'), ('873185', 'USCS', 'Uscorp'), ('1022962', 'USDA', 'US Data Authority Inc'), ('943895', 'USDC', 'Usdata Corp'), ('101594', 'USEG', 'US Energy Corp'), ('351917', 'USEY', 'U S Energy Systems Inc'), ('881791', 'USFC', 'Usfreightways Corp'), ('1487920', 'USFC', 'USA Synthetic Fuel Corp'), ('1490872', 'USFP', 'US Federal Properties Trust Inc'), ('757011', 'USG', 'Usg Corp'), ('314203', 'USGL', 'Mcewen Mining Inc'), ('844789', 'USHS', 'US Home Systems Inc'), ('1102643', 'USIH', 'Usi Holdings Corp'), ('912083', 'USIW', 'U S Wireless Corp'), ('1041095', 'USL', 'U S Liquids Inc'), ('1405528', 'USL', 'United States 12 Month Oil Fund LP'), ('82020', 'USLM', 'United States Lime & Minerals Inc'), ('821130', 'USM', 'United States Cellular Corp'), ('1507881', 'USMD', 'Usmd Holdings Inc'), ('1479247', 'USMI', 'United States Commodity Index Funds Trust'), ('1289945', 'USMO', 'USA Mobility Inc'), ('896264', 'USNA', 'Usana Health Sciences Inc'), ('879206', 'USNR', 'Usn Corp'), ('1089815', 'USNU', 'US Neurosurgical Inc'), ('1327068', 'USO', 'United States Oil Fund LP'), ('1439154', 'USOG', 'United States Oil & Gas Corp'), ('943061', 'USON', 'US Oncology Inc'), ('885978', 'USPH', 'U S Physical Therapy Inc'), ('1101723', 'USPI', 'United Surgical Partners International Inc'), ('1286181', 'USPR', 'U S Precious Metals Inc'), ('1370618', 'USQ', 'Union Street Acquisition Corp'), ('1056064', 'USRT', 'U S Realtel Inc'), ('1299716', 'USS', 'US Shipping Partners LP'), ('811669', 'UST', 'Ust Inc'), ('350194', 'USTI', 'United Systems Technology Inc'), ('1422357', 'USTP', 'USA Therapy Inc'), ('355999', 'USTR', 'United Stationers Inc'), ('1436309', 'USTU', 'US Tungsten Corp'), ('1065059', 'USU', 'Usec Inc'), ('1360442', 'USUN', 'Cannabis Sativa Inc'), ('1107280', 'USVO', 'Oculus Visiontech Inc'), ('895716', 'USWI', 'Starvox Communications Inc'), ('1135264', 'USWO', 'US Wireless Online Inc'), ('1336644', 'UTA', 'Universal Travel Group'), ('1045689', 'UTBI', 'United Tennessee Bankshares Inc'), ('1192931', 'UTDF', 'United Financial Inc'), ('1386018', 'UTEI', 'Tiger Oil & Energy Inc'), ('909791', 'UTEK', 'Ultratech Inc'), ('1275617', 'UTF', 'Cohen & Steers Infrastructure Fund Inc'), ('1263994', 'UTG', 'Reaves Utility Income Fund'), ('832480', 'UTGI', 'Utg Inc'), ('1082554', 'UTHR', 'United Therapeutics Corp'), ('1261654', 'UTI', 'Universal Technical Institute Inc'), ('1124827', 'UTIW', 'Uti Worldwide Inc'), ('842010', 'UTIX', 'Utix Group Inc'), ('1098482', 'UTK', 'Innovaro Inc'), ('755001', 'UTL', 'Unitil Corp'), ('706698', 'UTMD', 'Utah Medical Products Inc'), ('1310482', 'UTOG', 'Lodge Bay Oil & Gas Corp'), ('835270', 'UTRXB', 'Unitronix Corp'), ('1030471', 'UTSI', 'Utstarcom Holdings Corp'), ('1295190', 'UTUC', 'Utah Uranium Corp'), ('102267', 'UTWN', 'Uptowner Inns Inc'), ('1100451', 'UTWY', 'Unity Wireless Corp'), ('101829', 'UTX', 'United Technologies Corp'), ('102109', 'UUU', 'Universal Security Instruments Inc'), ('1057909', 'UVBV', 'Universal Beverages Holdings Corp'), ('894680', 'UVCL', 'Univercell Holdings Inc'), ('891166', 'UVE', 'Universal Insurance Holdings Inc'), ('1207029', 'UVEC', 'Universal Energy Corp'), ('1385310', 'UVFT', 'Uv Flu Technologies Inc'), ('852564', 'UVIC', 'Unilens Vision Inc'), ('1017008', 'UVN', 'Univision Communications Inc'), ('931457', 'UVSL', 'Universal Automotive Industries Inc'), ('102212', 'UVSP', 'Univest Corp Of Pennsylvania'), ('102037', 'UVV', 'Universal Corp'), ('277058', 'UWN', 'Nevada Gold & Casinos Inc'), ('1108699', 'UWNK', 'Uwink Inc'), ('847074', 'UXP', 'United States Exploration Inc'), ('1403161', 'V', 'Visa Inc'), ('1572334', 'VABK', 'Virginia National Bankshares Corp'), ('1524358', 'VAC', 'Marriott Vacations Worldwide Corp'), ('1393935', 'VAEV', 'Vanity Events Holding Inc'), ('1035770', 'VAIL', 'Vail Banks Inc'), ('102741', 'VAL', 'Valspar Corp'), ('102756', 'VALU', 'Value Line Fund Inc'), ('717720', 'VALU', 'Value Line Inc'), ('877273', 'VANS', 'Vans Inc'), ('889518', 'VAP', 'Van Kampen Advantage Pennsylvania Municipal Income Trust'), ('1232400', 'VAPH', 'Vaso Active Pharmaceuticals Inc'), ('1522236', 'VAPN', 'Sealand Natural Resources Inc'), ('203527', 'VAR', 'Varian Medical Systems Inc'), ('1079028', 'VARI', 'Varian Inc'), ('1123361', 'VAS', 'Viasys Healthcare Inc'), ('1030206', 'VASC', 'Vascular Solutions Inc'), ('839087', 'VASO', 'Vasomedical Inc'), ('1075056', 'VAST', 'Vastera Inc'), ('1034397', 'VATA', 'Versata Inc'), ('895577', 'VAZ', 'Delaware Investments Arizona Municipal Income Fund Inc'), ('1551887', 'VAZGF', 'Corecomm Solutions Inc'), ('922814', 'VBAC', 'Virbac Corp'), ('1095861', 'VBAL', 'Vision Bancshares Inc'), ('1506295', 'VBCO', 'Vizconnect Inc'), ('5094', 'VBF', 'Invesco Bond Fund'), ('1290476', 'VBFC', 'Village Bank & Trust Financial Corp'), ('1073876', 'VBIB', 'Visual Bible International Inc'), ('1222792', 'VBRE', 'Vibe Records Inc Nevada'), ('1111335', 'VC', 'Visteon Corp'), ('1223533', 'VCAN', 'Vican Resources Inc'), ('318291', 'VCAT', 'Venture Catalyst Inc'), ('1099305', 'VCBI', 'Virginia Commerce Bancorp Inc'), ('1302244', 'VCBP', 'Valley Commerce Bancorp'), ('1368745', 'VCDV', 'Yanglin Soybean Inc'), ('907573', 'VCF', 'Delaware Investments Colorado Municipal Income Fund Inc'), ('1282266', 'VCG', 'Windstream Holdings Inc'), ('883293', 'VCI', 'Valassis Communications Inc'), ('1080034', 'VCLK', 'Valueclick Inc'), ('1391750', 'VCMG', 'Veracity Management Global Inc'), ('1394782', 'VCMG', 'Valles Capital Management Group Inc'), ('943742', 'VCMP', 'Vcampus Corp'), ('1129260', 'VCRA', 'Vocera Communications Inc'), ('921313', 'VCST', 'Viewcast Com Inc'), ('1099509', 'VCSY', 'Vertical Computer Systems Inc'), ('895531', 'VCV', 'Invesco California Value Municipal Income Trust'), ('813565', 'VCYA', 'Velocity Portfolio Group Inc'), ('1384101', 'VCYT', 'Veracyte Inc'), ('773135', 'VDCY', 'Video City Inc'), ('1044777', 'VDSI', 'Vasco Data Security International Inc'), ('103145', 'VECO', 'Veeco Instruments Inc'), ('1343259', 'VECT', 'Navitrak International Corp'), ('1122099', 'VEDO', 'Villageedocs Inc'), ('1393052', 'VEEV', 'Veeva Systems Inc'), ('1028394', 'VEII', 'Voyager Entertainment International Inc'), ('103682', 'VEL', 'Virginia Electric & Power Co'), ('1526689', 'VEND', 'Fresh Healthy Vending International Inc'), ('747605', 'VERA', 'Veramark Technologies Inc'), ('1109754', 'VERS', 'Versicor Inc'), ('1043946', 'VERT', 'Verticalnet Inc'), ('103361', 'VES', 'Vestaur Securities Fund'), ('1002902', 'VEXP', 'Velocity Express Corp'), ('103379', 'VFC', 'V F Corp'), ('1036070', 'VFGI', 'Stellarone Corp'), ('890285', 'VFIN', 'Vfinance Inc'), ('895574', 'VFL', 'Delaware Investments National Municipal Income Fund'), ('921366', 'VFLX', 'Variflex Inc'), ('877701', 'VFM', 'Van Kampen Florida Quality Municipal Trust'), ('1061233', 'VFTR', 'Network Holdings International Inc'), ('1103760', 'VFTR', 'Visual Frontier Inc'), ('1272830', 'VG', 'Vonage Holdings Corp'), ('886093', 'VGCP', 'Viking Capital Group Inc'), ('1453001', 'VGEN', 'Vaccinogen Inc'), ('725876', 'VGGL', 'Viggle Inc'), ('1528811', 'VGI', 'Virtus Global Multi-sector Income Fund'), ('1504937', 'VGLD', 'Valor Gold Corp'), ('880892', 'VGM', 'Invesco Trust For Investment Grade Municipals'), ('785081', 'VGNI', 'Viragen International Inc'), ('59440', 'VGR', 'Vector Group LTD'), ('1465062', 'VGREF', 'Viaspace Green Energy Inc'), ('1040022', 'VGTI', 'Virtgame Com Corp'), ('1355451', 'VGTL', 'Vgtel Inc'), ('783324', 'VGZ', 'Vista Gold Corp'), ('1449709', 'VHCI', 'Valiant Health Care Inc'), ('59255', 'VHI', 'Valhi Inc'), ('1301838', 'VHMC', 'Valley High Mining Co'), ('1045829', 'VHS', 'Vanguard Health Systems Inc'), ('1163332', 'VHSL', 'Vertical Health Solutions Inc'), ('1339947', 'VIA', 'Viacom Inc'), ('1114529', 'VIAC', 'Viacell Inc'), ('1101169', 'VIAS', 'Viasystems Group Inc'), ('1096768', 'VIBE', 'Vidable Inc'), ('883266', 'VIC', 'Van Kampen Trust For Investment Grade California Muni'), ('819050', 'VICL', 'Vical Inc'), ('751978', 'VICR', 'Vicor Corp'), ('758743', 'VIDE', 'Video Display Corp'), ('1003740', 'VIEF', 'Vie Financial Group Inc'), ('868267', 'VIFL', 'Food Technology Service Inc'), ('849135', 'VIG', 'Van Kampen Investment Grade Municipal Trust'), ('1042185', 'VIGN', 'Vignette Corp'), ('1135657', 'VIGS', 'Eco-stim Energy Solutions Inc'), ('310056', 'VII', 'Vicon Industries Inc'), ('1405424', 'VIIC', 'Vision Industries Corp'), ('1111118', 'VIIN', 'Motor Sport Country Club Holdings Inc'), ('1435055', 'VILF', 'Vida Life International LTD'), ('880893', 'VIM', 'Invesco Van Kampen Trust For Value Municipals'), ('820026', 'VIN', 'Van Kampen Income Trust'), ('1059581', 'VINT', 'Golden State Vintners Inc'), ('1497120', 'VINTB', 'Global Vision Holdings Inc'), ('944522', 'VION', 'Vion Pharmaceuticals Inc'), ('751365', 'VIRC', 'Virco MFG Corporation'), ('1050776', 'VIRL', 'Virage Logic Corp'), ('1451448', 'VIRZ', 'Virtual Closet Inc'), ('1018332', 'VISG', 'L-1 Identity Solutions Inc'), ('1098226', 'VISH', 'Viastar Media Corp'), ('103872', 'VISI', 'Volt Information Sciences Inc'), ('895651', 'VISN', 'Sight Resource Corp'), ('843506', 'VIT', 'Van Kampen High Income Trust'), ('913756', 'VITA', 'Orthovita Inc'), ('1401688', 'VITC', 'Vitacostcom Inc'), ('865846', 'VITL', 'Vital Signs Inc'), ('1050808', 'VITR', 'Vitria Technology Inc'), ('1088734', 'VIVI', 'River Hawk Aviation Inc'), ('1450704', 'VIVK', 'Vivakor Inc'), ('794172', 'VIVO', 'Meridian Bioscience Inc'), ('1087955', 'VIXL', 'Vixel Corp'), ('1082249', 'VJET', 'Visijet Inc'), ('889526', 'VKA', 'Van Kampen Advantage Municipal Income Trust'), ('840248', 'VKC', 'Van Kampen California Municipal Trust'), ('908993', 'VKI', 'Invesco Advantage Municipal Income Trust II'), ('912022', 'VKL', 'Van Kampen Select Sector Municipal Trust'), ('877463', 'VKQ', 'Invesco Municipal Trust'), ('894241', 'VKS', 'Van Kampen Strategic Sector Municipal Trust'), ('1065754', 'VKSY', 'Viking Systems Inc'), ('895529', 'VKV', 'Van Kampen Value Municipal Income Trust'), ('1324570', 'VLCM', 'Volcom Inc'), ('1013453', 'VLCO', 'Valcom Inc'), ('1114040', 'VLCT', 'Valicert Inc'), ('1100644', 'VLDI', 'Validian Corp'), ('917173', 'VLDS', 'Vari L Co Inc'), ('1030715', 'VLG', 'Valley National Gases Inc'), ('1094961', 'VLGC', 'Monogram Biosciences Inc'), ('103595', 'VLGEA', 'Village Super Market Inc'), ('1370823', 'VLLA', 'Vella Productions Inc'), ('1295334', 'VLLY', 'Valley Bancorp'), ('885551', 'VLNC', 'Valence Technology Inc'), ('1035002', 'VLO', 'Valero Energy Corp'), ('1583103', 'VLP', 'Valero Energy Partners LP'), ('1305409', 'VLRX', 'Valera Pharmaceuticals Inc'), ('1119690', 'VLSHV', 'Valesc Holdings Inc'), ('276242', 'VLT', 'Van Kampen High Yield Fund'), ('846671', 'VLT', 'Invesco High Income Trust II'), ('1141363', 'VLTA', 'Vialta Inc'), ('1050550', 'VLTR', 'Volterra Semiconductor Corp'), ('932352', 'VLTS', 'Urigen Pharmaceuticals Inc'), ('714310', 'VLY', 'Valley National Bancorp'), ('1396546', 'VM', 'Virgin Mobile USA Inc'), ('103973', 'VMC', 'Legacy Vulcan Corp'), ('1396009', 'VMC', 'Vulcan Materials Co'), ('1408057', 'VMCI', 'Imedicor'), ('1102942', 'VMCS', 'Visualmed Clinical Solutions Corp'), ('1099531', 'VMDC', 'Vantagemed Corp'), ('1270400', 'VMED', 'Virgin Media Inc'), ('1407190', 'VMEM', 'Violin Memory Inc'), ('1160164', 'VMHIF', 'Virtual Media Holdings Inc'), ('102729', 'VMI', 'Valmont Industries Inc'), ('1094816', 'VMII', 'Voice Mobility International Inc'), ('895658', 'VMM', 'Delaware Investments Minnesota Municipal Income Fund II Inc'), ('884174', 'VMN', 'Delaware Investments Minnesota Municipal Income Fund Inc'), ('884152', 'VMO', 'Invesco Municipal Opportunity Trust'), ('893160', 'VMSI', 'Ventana Medical Systems Inc'), ('818305', 'VMT', 'Van Kampen Municipal Income Trust'), ('890515', 'VMV', 'Invesco Van Kampen Massachusetts Value Municipal Income Trust'), ('1124610', 'VMW', 'Vmware Inc'), ('840256', 'VNBC', 'Vineyard National Bancorp'), ('1579157', 'VNCE', 'Vince Holding Corp'), ('1347178', 'VNDA', 'Vanda Pharmaceuticals Inc'), ('1426568', 'VNDB', 'Wishart Enterprises LTD'), ('1008946', 'VNEC', 'V One Corp'), ('1497649', 'VNGE', 'Vanguard Energy Corp'), ('1279620', 'VNGM', 'Vanguard Minerals Corp'), ('877467', 'VNM', 'Van Kampen New York Quality Municipal Trust'), ('899689', 'VNO', 'Vornado Realty Trust'), ('10885', 'VNOW', 'Thomas W Beeson'), ('1384072', 'VNR', 'Vanguard Natural Resources LLC'), ('93314', 'VNRX', 'Volitionrx LTD'), ('1497130', 'VNTH', 'Vantage Health'), ('1533932', 'VNTV', 'Vantiv Inc'), ('1040666', 'VNUS', 'Vnus Medical Technologies Inc'), ('895530', 'VNV', 'Van Kampen New York Value Municipal Income Trust'), ('1098402', 'VNWI', 'Via Net Works Inc'), ('1000495', 'VNWK', 'Visual Networks Inc'), ('1004673', 'VNX', 'Entertainment Gaming Asia Inc'), ('1095901', 'VNX', 'Veridian Corp'), ('1329919', 'VOCS', 'Vocus Inc'), ('793171', 'VODG', 'Vitro Diagnostics Inc'), ('1400728', 'VOEL', 'Well Power Inc'), ('1100954', 'VOII', 'Voip Inc'), ('1136711', 'VOIS', 'Mind Solutions Inc'), ('1354217', 'VOLC', 'Volcano Corp'), ('1454725', 'VOLT', 'First Power & Light Inc'), ('877649', 'VOQ', 'Invesco Van Kampen Ohio Quality Municipal Trust'), ('902754', 'VOT', 'Van Kampen Municipal Opportunity Trust II'), ('889527', 'VOV', 'Van Kampen Ohio Value Municipal Income Trust'), ('1110520', 'VOXI', 'Voxcorp Inc'), ('933454', 'VOXW', 'Voxware Inc'), ('807707', 'VOXX', 'Voxx International Corp'), ('807708', 'VOXX', 'Kenetech Corp'), ('1535929', 'VOYA', 'Ing US Inc'), ('844856', 'VPCOR', 'Vapor Corp'), ('1133192', 'VPER', 'Viper Networks Inc'), ('85608', 'VPF', 'Valpey Fisher Corp'), ('1356628', 'VPFG', 'Viewpoint Financial Group'), ('1487052', 'VPFG', 'Viewpoint Financial Group Inc'), ('1487952', 'VPG', 'Vishay Precision Group Inc'), ('755229', 'VPGI', 'Vpgi Corp'), ('946840', 'VPHM', 'Viropharma Inc'), ('809428', 'VPI', 'Vintage Petroleum Inc'), ('1437283', 'VPIG', 'Virtual Piggy Inc'), ('877703', 'VPQ', 'Van Kampen Pennsylvania Quality Municipal Trust'), ('853180', 'VPR', 'Invesco Senior Loan Fund'), ('703901', 'VPRO', 'Viropro Inc'), ('1350421', 'VPRS', 'Rambo Medical Group Inc'), ('1262976', 'VPRT', 'Vistaprint NV'), ('1123316', 'VPS', 'Crystal Rock Holdings Inc'), ('895528', 'VPV', 'Invesco Pennsylvania Value Municipal Income Trust'), ('1337213', 'VPWI', 'Viper Powersports Inc'), ('1313024', 'VQ', 'Venoco Inc'), ('877461', 'VQC', 'Van Kampen California Quality Municipal Trust'), ('745788', 'VQPH', 'Vioquest Pharmaceuticals Inc'), ('1348259', 'VR', 'Validus Holdings LTD'), ('353482', 'VRA', 'Viragen Inc'), ('1495320', 'VRA', 'Vera Bradley Inc'), ('1361579', 'VRAD', 'Virtual Radiologic Corp'), ('1091326', 'VRAL', 'Viral Genetics Inc'), ('860097', 'VRC', 'Varco International Inc'), ('1064011', 'VRDE', 'Veridien Corp'), ('1269127', 'VRDM', 'Greenshift Corp'), ('1061583', 'VRDOQ', 'Firstworld Communications Inc'), ('1399480', 'VRDT', 'VRDT Corp'), ('1101147', 'VRGE', 'Virage Inc'), ('1352341', 'VRGY', 'Verigy LTD'), ('774937', 'VRLK', 'Alas Aviation Corp'), ('926617', 'VRML', 'Vermillion Inc'), ('1410428', 'VRNG', 'Vringo Inc'), ('1049210', 'VRNM', 'Verenium Corp'), ('1166388', 'VRNT', 'Verint Systems Inc'), ('1164155', 'VROT', 'Vitrotech Corp'), ('1421182', 'VRS', 'Verso Paper Corp'), ('1442145', 'VRSK', 'Verisk Analytics Inc'), ('1014473', 'VRSN', 'Verisign Inc'), ('797448', 'VRSO', 'Verso Technologies Inc'), ('1121936', 'VRST', 'Verisity LTD'), ('1328300', 'VRTA', 'Vestin Realty Mortgage I Inc'), ('1327603', 'VRTB', 'Vestin Realty Mortgage II Inc'), ('773318', 'VRTC', 'Veritec Inc'), ('883237', 'VRTS', 'Virtus Investment Partners Inc'), ('1084408', 'VRTS', 'Veritas Software Corp'), ('1207074', 'VRTU', 'Virtusa Corp'), ('875320', 'VRTX', 'Vertex Pharmaceuticals Inc'), ('949956', 'VRTY', 'Verity Inc'), ('1301081', 'VRUS', 'Pharmasset Inc'), ('885590', 'VRX', 'Valeant Pharmaceuticals International Inc'), ('930184', 'VRX', 'Valeant Pharmaceuticals International'), ('1386787', 'VRY', 'Victory Acquisition Corp'), ('797721', 'VSAT', 'Viasat Inc'), ('1143921', 'VSB', 'Vantagesouth Bancshares Inc'), ('1225874', 'VSBN', 'VSB Bancorp Inc'), ('1003226', 'VSCE', 'First Physicians Capital Group Inc'), ('894237', 'VSCI', 'Vision Sciences Inc'), ('1307752', 'VSCP', 'Virtualscopics Inc'), ('1343202', 'VSE', 'Verasun Energy Corp'), ('1079023', 'VSEA', 'Varian Semiconductor Equipment Associates Inc'), ('102752', 'VSEC', 'Vse Corp'), ('1024342', 'VSF', 'Vita Food Products Inc'), ('812914', 'VSFL', 'Semele Group Inc'), ('103730', 'VSH', 'Vishay Intertechnology Inc'), ('1121130', 'VSHC', 'Visualmed Clinical Systems Corp'), ('1360530', 'VSI', 'Vitamin Shoppe Inc'), ('936130', 'VSNI', 'Viseon Inc'), ('865917', 'VSNT', 'Versant Corp'), ('1270200', 'VSPC', 'Viaspace Inc'), ('803647', 'VSR', 'Versar Inc'), ('1353505', 'VSRV', 'Voiceserve Inc'), ('1428469', 'VSST', 'Voice Assist Inc'), ('787030', 'VSTA', 'Vistacare LLC'), ('1411685', 'VSTA', 'Vistagen Therapeutics Inc'), ('789851', 'VSTH', 'Larson Davis Inc'), ('842638', 'VSTI', 'Versus Technology Inc'), ('1526119', 'VSTM', 'Verastem Inc'), ('1068132', 'VSTN', 'Vestin Group Inc'), ('1069502', 'VSTY', 'Varsity Group Inc'), ('1074828', 'VSUL', 'Visualant Inc'), ('772370', 'VSUS', 'New Colombia Resources Inc'), ('1075857', 'VSYM', 'View Systems Inc'), ('1158387', 'VSYS', 'Viscount Systems Inc'), ('911576', 'VTA', 'Vesta Insurance Group Inc'), ('1393662', 'VTA', 'Invesco Dynamic Credit Opportunities Fund'), ('912888', 'VTAL', 'Vital Images Inc'), ('1419577', 'VTDI', 'Vision Dynamics Corp'), ('949491', 'VTEK', 'Vodavi Technology Inc'), ('883268', 'VTF', 'Van Kampen Trust For Investment Grade Florida Municipals'), ('1380565', 'VTG', 'Vantage Energy Services Inc'), ('1419428', 'VTG', 'Vantage Drilling Co'), ('1089473', 'VTIV', 'Inventiv Health Inc'), ('883269', 'VTJ', 'Invesco Van Kampen Trust For Investment Grade New Jersey Municipals'), ('1346988', 'VTKT', 'Verutek Technologies Inc'), ('1175597', 'VTLAF', 'Viatel Holding Bermuda LTD'), ('1145700', 'VTLV', 'Vital Living Inc'), ('1483623', 'VTMB', 'Vitamin Blue Inc'), ('883265', 'VTN', 'Invesco Trust For Investment Grade New York Municipals'), ('946823', 'VTNC', 'Vitran Corp Inc'), ('883267', 'VTP', 'Van Kampen Trust For Investment Grade Pennsylvania Municipal'), ('740260', 'VTR', 'Ventas Inc'), ('1082706', 'VTRR', 'Satelinx International Inc'), ('1020996', 'VTRU', 'Memberworks Inc'), ('28866', 'VTS', 'Cggveritas Services Holding US Inc'), ('1085243', 'VTSI', 'Virtra Systems Inc'), ('880446', 'VTSS', 'Vitesse Semiconductor Corp'), ('1085106', 'VTST', 'Vitalstate Inc'), ('1421871', 'VTUR', 'Bonamour Inc'), ('1426800', 'VTUS', 'Ventrus Biosciences Inc'), ('848446', 'VUL', 'Vulcan International Corp'), ('1463972', 'VUZI', 'Vuzix Corp'), ('1096385', 'VVC', 'Vectren Corp'), ('1079110', 'VVDB', 'Viavid Broadcasting Inc'), ('1290689', 'VVDL', 'Vivid Learning Systems Inc'), ('884219', 'VVI', 'Viad Corp'), ('1293593', 'VVIN', 'Synutra International Inc'), ('1059366', 'VVR', 'NBG Radio Network Inc'), ('1059386', 'VVR', 'Invesco Senior Income Trust'), ('870826', 'VVTV', 'Valuevision Media Inc'), ('881524', 'VVUS', 'Vivus Inc'), ('1063199', 'VVVIQ', 'V3 Semiconductor Inc'), ('1028584', 'VWKS', 'Amicas Inc'), ('919794', 'VWPT', 'Viewpoint Corp'), ('1036265', 'VXEN', 'Vtex Energy Inc'), ('1424768', 'VYCO', 'Vycor Medical Inc'), ('700764', 'VYEY', 'Victory Energy Corp'), ('921590', 'VYFC', 'Valley Financial Corp'), ('1140300', 'VYGO', 'Voyager Petroleum Inc'), ('1139950', 'VYHN', 'Vyteris Holdings Nevada Inc'), ('910347', 'VYM', 'Delaware Investments Minnesota Municipal Income Fund III Inc'), ('1308027', 'VYST', 'Vystar Corp'), ('1104730', 'VYYO', 'Vyyo Inc'), ('732712', 'VZ', 'Verizon Communications Inc'), ('1097452', 'VZRO', 'Vizario Inc'), ('943452', 'WAB', 'Westinghouse Air Brake Technologies Corp'), ('311094', 'WABC', 'Westamerica Bancorporation'), ('1040719', 'WAC', 'Walter Investment Management Corp'), ('936528', 'WAFD', 'Washington Federal Inc'), ('104207', 'WAG', 'Walgreen Co'), ('1158863', 'WAGE', 'Wageworks Inc'), ('1378718', 'WAIR', 'Wesco Aircraft Holdings Inc'), ('1092531', 'WAIV', 'World Associates Inc'), ('1085175', 'WAKE', 'Wake Forest Bancshares Inc'), ('1212545', 'WAL', 'Western Alliance Bancorporation'), ('1399352', 'WARM', 'Hpev Inc'), ('737468', 'WASH', 'Washington Trust Bancorp Inc'), ('1421603', 'WASM', 'Westmountain Asset Management Inc'), ('1000697', 'WAT', 'Waters Corp'), ('1329517', 'WAUW', 'Waterstone Financial Inc'), ('1478909', 'WAV', 'Wave2wave Communications Inc'), ('1374993', 'WAVE', 'Nextwave Wireless Inc'), ('844053', 'WAVR', 'Waverider Communications Inc'), ('860401', 'WAVSA', 'Far Vista Interactive Corp'), ('1370816', 'WAVU', 'FBC Holding Inc'), ('919013', 'WAVX', 'Wave Systems Corp'), ('105096', 'WAXM', 'Waxman Industries Inc'), ('1036030', 'WAYN', 'Wayne Savings Bancshares Inc'), ('36995', 'WB', 'Wachovia Corp New'), ('1553326', 'WBB', 'Westbury Bancorp Inc'), ('1140303', 'WBBM', 'Medical Connections Holdings Inc'), ('1390844', 'WBC', 'Wabco Holdings Inc'), ('1058690', 'WBCO', 'Washington Banking Co'), ('1286923', 'WBKA', 'Waterbank Of America USA Inc'), ('742070', 'WBKC', 'Westbank Corp'), ('1500836', 'WBKC', 'Wolverine Bancorp Inc'), ('1326583', 'WBMD', 'Webmd Health Corp'), ('1144686', 'WBNK', 'Waccamaw Bankshares Inc'), ('715273', 'WBR', 'Wyndham International Inc'), ('801337', 'WBS', 'Webster Financial Corp'), ('1098277', 'WBSN', 'Websense Inc'), ('1047865', 'WBSTP', 'Webster Preferred Capital Corp'), ('1416729', 'WBXU', 'Webxu Inc'), ('1184702', 'WC', 'Wellchoice Inc'), ('1282398', 'WCAA', 'Wca Waste Corp'), ('936404', 'WCAP', 'Winfield Capital Corp'), ('717059', 'WCBO', 'West Coast Bancorp'), ('923336', 'WCBO', 'West Coast Bancorp'), ('929008', 'WCC', 'Wesco International Inc'), ('1064796', 'WCC', 'Wesco Distribution Inc'), ('1089830', 'WCFB', 'Webster City Federal Bancorp'), ('1279363', 'WCG', 'Wellcare Health Plans Inc'), ('1137778', 'WCI', 'Wci Communities Inc'), ('1574532', 'WCIC', 'Wci Communities Inc'), ('1057058', 'WCN', 'Waste Connections Inc'), ('1113445', 'WCRX', 'Galen Holdings PLC'), ('1323854', 'WCRX', 'Warner Chilcott PLC'), ('104348', 'WCS', 'Wallace Computer Services Inc'), ('1119821', 'WCSY', 'Wealthcraft Systems Inc'), ('1516887', 'WCUI', 'Wellness Center USA Inc'), ('1343601', 'WCYO', 'West Canyon Energy Corp'), ('1497770', 'WD', 'Walker & Dunlop Inc'), ('855581', 'WDACPK', 'Weida Communications Inc'), ('1107522', 'WDAM', 'World Am Inc'), ('1327811', 'WDAY', 'Workday Inc'), ('106040', 'WDC', 'Western Digital Corp'), ('1961', 'WDDD', 'Worlds Inc'), ('105132', 'WDFC', 'WD 40 Co'), ('108215', 'WDHD', 'Woodhead Industries Inc'), ('1314054', 'WDKA', 'Panache Beverage Inc'), ('1120411', 'WDMG', 'Winsonic Digital Media Group LTD'), ('1034760', 'WDPT', 'Widepoint Corp'), ('1052100', 'WDR', 'Waddell & Reed Financial Inc'), ('1043473', 'WDSO', 'Wireless Data Solutions Inc'), ('1113226', 'WDSP', 'Wintech Digital System Technology Corp'), ('890447', 'WDWT', 'Vertex Energy Inc'), ('1163792', 'WEA', 'Western Asset Premier Bond Fund'), ('916314', 'WEB', 'Webco Industries Inc'), ('1011901', 'WEBB', 'Webb Interactive Services Inc'), ('1063438', 'WEBK', 'West Essex Bancorp Inc'), ('1526952', 'WEBK', 'Wellesley Bancorp Inc'), ('1035096', 'WEBM', 'Webmethods Inc'), ('1083712', 'WEBM', 'Mediabistro Inc'), ('1109935', 'WEBX', 'Webex Communications Inc'), ('783325', 'WEC', 'Wisconsin Energy Corp'), ('1468276', 'WECS', 'Wecosign Inc'), ('13606', 'WEDC', 'White Electronic Designs Corp'), ('1108828', 'WEDXF', 'Westaim Corp'), ('934739', 'WEFC', 'Wells Financial Corp'), ('85149', 'WEFN', 'Webfinancial Corp'), ('1024109', 'WEGC', 'Westside Energy Corp'), ('814915', 'WEGI', 'Windswept Environmental Group Inc'), ('1523854', 'WEIN', 'West End Indiana Bancshares Inc'), ('833845', 'WEL', 'Boots & Coots Inc'), ('949189', 'WELL', 'Mach One Corp'), ('107815', 'WELPP', 'Wisconsin Electric Power Co'), ('30697', 'WEN', 'Wendys Co'), ('105668', 'WEN', 'Wendys International Inc'), ('793074', 'WERN', 'Werner Enterprises Inc'), ('813461', 'WES', 'Westcorp'), ('1414475', 'WES', 'Western Gas Partners LP'), ('1347452', 'WEST', 'Andalay Solar Inc'), ('880631', 'WETF', 'Wisdomtree Investments Inc'), ('1421636', 'WETM', 'Westmountain Alternative Energy Inc'), ('749935', 'WEX', 'Winland Electronics Inc'), ('1309108', 'WEX', 'Wex Inc'), ('1522164', 'WEYI', 'Westpoint Energy Inc'), ('106532', 'WEYS', 'Weyco Group Inc'), ('1476264', 'WFBI', 'Washingtonfirst Bankshares Inc'), ('72971', 'WFC', 'Wells Fargo & Company'), ('1157647', 'WFD', 'Westfield Financial Inc'), ('1081004', 'WFHC', 'Women First Healthcare Inc'), ('857907', 'WFI', 'Winton Financial Corp'), ('1192069', 'WFLD', 'Winfield Financial Group Inc'), ('1092802', 'WFLR', 'Auri Inc'), ('865436', 'WFMI', 'Whole Foods Market Inc'), ('945436', 'WFR', 'Sunedison Inc'), ('38981', 'WFRI', 'Wireless Frontier Internet Inc'), ('1106181', 'WFSC', 'Weststar Financial Services Corp'), ('946343', 'WFSI', 'WFS Financial Inc'), ('946353', 'WFSI', 'Empire State Municipal Exempt Trust Guaranteed Ser 119'), ('1087843', 'WFSM', 'Westborough Financial Services Inc'), ('1170565', 'WFT', 'Weatherford International LTD'), ('1453090', 'WFT', 'Weatherford International LTD'), ('895450', 'WG', 'Willbros Group Inc'), ('1449732', 'WG', 'Willbros Group Inc'), ('105608', 'WGA', 'Wells Gardner Electronics Corp'), ('1030058', 'WGAT', 'Worldgate Communications Inc'), ('1163428', 'WGBC', 'Willow Financial Bancorp Inc'), ('1368993', 'WGBS', 'Wafergen Bio-systems Inc'), ('1208038', 'WGDF', 'Western Goldfields Inc'), ('906469', 'WGII', 'Washington Group International Inc'), ('1103601', 'WGL', 'WGL Holdings Inc'), ('1171176', 'WGLF', 'World Golf Inc'), ('1175442', 'WGMI', 'Win Global Markets Inc'), ('1115568', 'WGNB', 'WGNB Corp'), ('715073', 'WGNR', 'Wegener Corp'), ('107687', 'WGO', 'Winnebago Industries Inc'), ('1423902', 'WGP', 'Western Gas Equity Partners LP'), ('856716', 'WGR', 'Western Gas Resources Inc'), ('1062019', 'WGRD', 'Watchguard Technologies Inc'), ('1169709', 'WHAIE', 'World Health Alternatives Inc'), ('1552198', 'WHF', 'Whitehorse Finance Inc'), ('1165002', 'WHG', 'Westwood Holdings Group Inc'), ('1434388', 'WHHT', 'Wonhe High-tech International Inc'), ('1084887', 'WHI', 'W Holding Co Inc'), ('1108520', 'WHIT', 'Whittier Energy Corp'), ('1013706', 'WHLM', 'Wilhelmina International Inc'), ('1527541', 'WHLR', 'Wheeler Real Estate Investment Trust Inc'), ('1051034', 'WHQ', 'W-H Energy Services Inc'), ('106640', 'WHR', 'Whirlpool Corp'), ('1024520', 'WHRT', 'World Heart Corp'), ('1417003', 'WHX', 'Whiting USA Trust I'), ('1254370', 'WIA', 'Western Asset'), ('1285224', 'WIBC', 'Wilshire Bancorp Inc'), ('1169988', 'WIFI', 'Boingo Wireless Inc'), ('910620', 'WIKS', 'Wickes Inc'), ('107681', 'WIN', 'Winn Dixie Stores Inc'), ('908315', 'WINA', 'Winmark Corp'), ('833829', 'WIND', 'Wind River Systems Inc'), ('1434804', 'WIND', 'First Wind Holdings Inc'), ('1050031', 'WINS', 'Sm&a'), ('850460', 'WIRE', 'Encore Wire Corp'), ('107832', 'WISLI', 'Wisconsin Power & Light Co'), ('912875', 'WITM', 'Wits Basin Precious Minerals Inc'), ('1097338', 'WITS', 'Witness Systems Inc'), ('1267902', 'WIW', 'Western Asset'), ('352183', 'WIX', 'Whitman Education Group Inc'), ('1162896', 'WIZD', 'Wizard World Inc'), ('105006', 'WJCI', 'WJ Communications Inc'), ('814183', 'WJIL', 'Inzon Corp'), ('1484042', 'WKBT', 'Weikang Bio-technology Group Co Inc'), ('1007021', 'WKGP', 'Workgroup Technology Corp'), ('846377', 'WKLI', 'Source Financial Inc'), ('1298093', 'WKR', 'White Knight Resources LTD'), ('872821', 'WL', 'Wilmington Trust Corp'), ('106455', 'WLB', 'Westmoreland Coal Co'), ('1406251', 'WLBC', 'Global Consumer Acquisition Corp'), ('107469', 'WLBR', 'Wilson Brothers USA Inc'), ('105532', 'WLC', 'Wellco Enterprises Inc'), ('949240', 'WLDA', 'World Air Holdings Inc'), ('1370450', 'WLDN', 'Willdan Group Inc'), ('1018164', 'WLFC', 'Willis Lease Finance Corp'), ('1100080', 'WLFI', 'Beverly Hills Weight Loss & Wellness Inc'), ('1139614', 'WLGC', 'Wordlogic Corp'), ('1268236', 'WLHO', 'H2diesel Holdings Inc'), ('1262823', 'WLK', 'Westlake Chemical Corp'), ('104224', 'WLKF', 'Walker Financial Corp'), ('1037682', 'WLKN', 'Waterlink Inc'), ('1255474', 'WLL', 'Whiting Petroleum Corp'), ('812708', 'WLM', 'Wellman Inc'), ('1263004', 'WLON', 'Wilon Resources Inc'), ('1013220', 'WLP', 'Wellpoint Health Networks Inc'), ('1156039', 'WLP', 'Wellpoint Inc'), ('1095996', 'WLS', 'William Lyon Homes'), ('1130131', 'WLSA', 'Wireless Age Communications Inc'), ('923144', 'WLSC', 'Williams Scotsman International Inc'), ('1016607', 'WLSN', 'Wilsons The Leather Experts Inc'), ('837173', 'WLT', 'Walter Energy Inc'), ('821407', 'WLV', 'Wolverine Tube Inc'), ('823768', 'WM', 'Waste Management Inc'), ('933136', 'WM', 'Wmi Holdings Corp'), ('912833', 'WMAR', 'West Marine Inc'), ('107263', 'WMB', 'Williams Companies Inc'), ('1465885', 'WMC', 'Western Asset Mortgage Capital Corp'), ('854860', 'WMCO', 'Williams Controls Inc'), ('1004963', 'WMD', 'Cotelligent Inc'), ('1421602', 'WMDS', 'Westmountain Distressed Debt Inc'), ('1111816', 'WMFG', 'Worldwide Energy & Manufacturing USA Inc'), ('1319161', 'WMG', 'Warner Music Group Corp'), ('1137861', 'WMGI', 'Wright Medical Group Inc'), ('105418', 'WMK', 'Weis Markets Inc'), ('1377963', 'WMNT', 'Westmont Resources Inc'), ('1081255', 'WMON', 'Wattage Monitor Inc'), ('1420821', 'WMPN', 'William Penn Bancorp Inc'), ('350077', 'WMS', 'WMS Industries Inc'), ('107294', 'WMSI', 'Williams Industries Inc'), ('104169', 'WMT', 'Wal Mart Stores Inc'), ('1035517', 'WMTG', 'Winmax Trading Group Inc'), ('1421601', 'WMTN', 'Westmountain Gold Inc'), ('1411583', 'WMZ', 'Williams Pipeline Partners LP'), ('1188382', 'WNAPR', 'Wachovia Preferred Funding Corp'), ('879526', 'WNC', 'Wabash National Corp'), ('726435', 'WNCF', 'Apollo Solar Energy Inc'), ('1405252', 'WNCH', 'Sterling Exploration Inc'), ('714256', 'WNDM', 'Wound Management Technologies Inc'), ('1022368', 'WNI', 'Schiff Nutrition International Inc'), ('52234', 'WNMLA', 'Winmill & Co Inc'), ('788134', 'WNNB', 'Wayne Bancorp Inc'), ('1339048', 'WNR', 'Western Refining Inc'), ('1581908', 'WNRL', 'Western Refining Logistics LP'), ('1138932', 'WNWG', 'Wentworth Energy Inc'), ('897545', 'WNWN', 'Winwin Gaming Inc'), ('743758', 'WNYN', 'Warp 9 Inc'), ('107454', 'WOC', 'Wilshire Enterprises Inc'), ('920769', 'WOFC', 'Western Ohio Financial Corp'), ('1219584', 'WOIZ', 'Woize International LTD'), ('1294538', 'WOLF', 'Great Wolf Resorts Inc'), ('1084103', 'WOLV', 'Netwolves Corp'), ('1424404', 'WOLV', 'Wolverine Exploration Inc'), ('817366', 'WOOF', 'Vca Antech Inc'), ('108516', 'WOR', 'Worthington Industries Inc'), ('1055564', 'WORK', 'Workflow Management Inc'), ('1416712', 'WOVT', 'Catalyst Ventures Inc'), ('1025378', 'WPC', 'W P Carey Inc'), ('1545406', 'WPC', 'W P Carey Inc'), ('1086745', 'WPCS', 'WPCS International Inc'), ('939729', 'WPEC', 'Western Power & Equipment Corp'), ('104889', 'WPO', 'Graham Holdings Co'), ('105076', 'WPP', 'Wausau Paper Corp'), ('1370416', 'WPRT', 'Westport Innovations Inc'), ('941738', 'WPSC', 'Wheeling Pittsburgh Corp'), ('1574963', 'WPT', 'World Point Terminals LP'), ('1363488', 'WPUR', 'Waterpure International'), ('1518832', 'WPX', 'WPX Energy Inc'), ('1324518', 'WPZ', 'Williams Partners LP'), ('1089932', 'WQNI', 'WQN Inc'), ('54507', 'WR', 'Westar Energy Inc'), ('1051473', 'WRBO', 'Western Reserve Bancorp Inc'), ('889005', 'WRC', 'Kerr-mcgee Nevada LLC'), ('857847', 'WRDP', 'Worldport Communications Inc'), ('1245841', 'WRDS', 'Wild Craze Inc'), ('104894', 'WRE', 'Washington Real Estate Investment Trust'), ('892986', 'WRES', 'Warren Resources Inc'), ('828916', 'WRI', 'Weingarten Realty Investors'), ('108385', 'WRLD', 'World Acceptance Corp'), ('1170422', 'WRLI', 'World Information Technology Inc'), ('915324', 'WRLS', 'Telular Corp'), ('801351', 'WRNC', 'Warnaco Group Inc'), ('1072886', 'WRO', 'Woronoco Bancorp Inc'), ('1038222', 'WRP', 'Reis Inc'), ('1173942', 'WRS', 'Windrose Medical Properties Trust'), ('1315054', 'WRSP', 'Worldspace Inc'), ('849979', 'WRTL', 'Weirton Steel Corp'), ('1318545', 'WRVC', 'White River Capital Inc'), ('1415022', 'WSB', 'WSB Holdings Inc'), ('1072688', 'WSBA', 'Western Sierra Bancorp'), ('20356', 'WSBC', 'Circle Fine Art Corp'), ('203596', 'WSBC', 'Wesbanco Inc'), ('1569994', 'WSBF', 'Waterstone Financial Inc'), ('1046209', 'WSBI', 'Warwick Community Bancorp Inc'), ('105729', 'WSC', 'Wesco Financial LLC'), ('924095', 'WSCC', 'Waterside Capital Corp'), ('1069489', 'WSCE', 'Wescorp Energy Inc'), ('104897', 'WSCI', 'Wsi Industries Inc'), ('1374567', 'WSCU', 'Liberator Inc'), ('1343254', 'WSEG', 'Western Standard Energy Corp'), ('1372791', 'WSFG', 'WSB Financial Group Inc'), ('1095373', 'WSFL', 'Woodstock Holdings Inc'), ('828944', 'WSFS', 'WSFS Financial Corp'), ('1423417', 'WSFU', 'Consolidated Gems Inc'), ('919742', 'WSGI', 'World Surveillance Group Inc'), ('1389294', 'WSGP', 'Western Graphite Inc'), ('1081009', 'WSH', 'Willis Group LTD'), ('1140536', 'WSH', 'Willis Group Holdings PLC'), ('1129120', 'WSHA', 'E-debit Global Corp'), ('828189', 'WSHD', 'Green Builders Inc'), ('1065736', 'WSII', 'Waste Services Inc'), ('107757', 'WSKI', 'Winter Sports Inc'), ('803003', 'WSKI', 'Winter Sports Inc'), ('719955', 'WSM', 'Williams Sonoma Inc'), ('821537', 'WSNG', 'WSN Group Inc'), ('105016', 'WSO', 'Watsco Inc'), ('852952', 'WSPTE', 'Westpoint Stevens Inc'), ('42050', 'WSRM', 'Western Sierra Mining Corp'), ('1091158', 'WSSI', 'Visual Sciences Inc'), ('105770', 'WST', 'West Pharmaceutical Services Inc'), ('1024657', 'WSTC', 'West Corp'), ('106318', 'WSTD', 'Western Standard Corp'), ('931911', 'WSTF', 'Westaff Inc'), ('945983', 'WSTG', 'Wayside Technology Group Inc'), ('1002135', 'WSTL', 'Westell Technologies Inc'), ('1095266', 'WSTM', 'Workstream Inc'), ('1093677', 'WSTR', 'Worldstar Energy Corp'), ('1106974', 'WSYS', 'Westergaard Com Inc'), ('930686', 'WSZZ', 'Western Sizzlin Corp'), ('1028130', 'WTAI', 'World Transport Authority Inc'), ('1127007', 'WTAR', 'Watair Inc'), ('1166928', 'WTBA', 'West Bancorporation Inc'), ('877542', 'WTCO', 'WTC Industries Inc'), ('904901', 'WTCT', 'Watchit Technologies Inc'), ('735571', 'WTEC', 'Warrantech Corp'), ('781902', 'WTEK', 'International Baler Corp'), ('1195454', 'WTEL', 'Wiltel Communications Group Inc'), ('764839', 'WTER', 'Puresafe Water Systems Inc'), ('1532390', 'WTER', 'Alkaline Water Co Inc'), ('1015328', 'WTFC', 'Wintrust Financial Corp'), ('1401306', 'WTFS', 'Xinde Technology Co'), ('1072702', 'WTHD', 'Asiamart Inc'), ('1288403', 'WTI', 'W&T Offshore Inc'), ('776867', 'WTM', 'White Mountains Insurance Group LTD'), ('42284', 'WTMK', 'Whitemark Homes Inc'), ('106926', 'WTNY', 'Whitney Holding Corp'), ('78128', 'WTR', 'Aqua America Inc'), ('104987', 'WTRS', 'Zareba Systems Inc'), ('1335950', 'WTRY', 'World Trophy Outfitters Inc'), ('795403', 'WTS', 'Watts Water Technologies Inc'), ('863456', 'WTSLA', 'Wet Seal Inc'), ('878828', 'WTT', 'Wireless Telecom Group Inc'), ('895007', 'WTU', 'Williams Coal Seam Gas Royalty Trust'), ('105319', 'WTW', 'Weight Watchers International Inc'), ('1365135', 'WU', 'Western Union Co'), ('1113450', 'WUFG', 'Why USA Financial Group Inc'), ('842694', 'WUHN', 'Wuhan General Group China Inc'), ('910679', 'WVFC', 'WVS Financial Corp'), ('838875', 'WVVI', 'Willamette Valley Vineyards Inc'), ('935493', 'WVWCQ', 'Azzurra Holding Corp'), ('1103126', 'WW', 'Towers Watson Delaware Inc'), ('1036478', 'WWAG', 'Wwa Group Inc'), ('1555365', 'WWAV', 'Whitewave Foods Co'), ('1361872', 'WWAY', 'Westway Group Inc'), ('930738', 'WWCA', 'Western Wireless Corp'), ('108312', 'WWD', 'Woodward Inc'), ('1091907', 'WWE', 'World Wrestling Entertainmentinc'), ('1052671', 'WWEI', 'Welwind Energy International Corp'), ('1125845', 'WWIN', 'Waste Industries USA Inc'), ('1001260', 'WWLI', 'Whitewing Environmental Corp'), ('1031744', 'WWRL', 'World Wireless Communications Inc'), ('1342792', 'WWSI', 'Worldwide Strategies Inc'), ('866671', 'WWTR', 'Western Water Co'), ('110471', 'WWW', 'Wolverine World Wide Inc'), ('1114302', 'WWWI', 'World Wide Web Inc'), ('1095291', 'WWWW', 'Webcom Group Inc'), ('108601', 'WWY', 'Wrigley WM JR Co'), ('106618', 'WXCP', 'Handy & Harman LTD'), ('920605', 'WXH', 'Winston Hotels Inc'), ('106535', 'WY', 'Weyerhaeuser Co'), ('5187', 'WYE', 'Wyeth'), ('1361658', 'WYN', 'Wyndham Worldwide Corp'), ('833203', 'WYND', 'Wyndstorm Corp'), ('1174922', 'WYNN', 'Wynn Resorts LTD'), ('108729', 'WYOI', 'Sun Motor International Inc'), ('1034650', 'WYPT', 'Waypoint Financial Corp'), ('107874', 'WZR', 'Wiser Oil Co'), ('902750', 'XAA', 'American Municipal Income Portfolio Inc'), ('1027826', 'XAFRX', 'Aim Floating Rate Fund'), ('1157543', 'XAMSX', 'Advantage Advisers Multi - Sector Fund I'), ('854398', 'XATA', 'XRS Corp'), ('1442741', 'XBKS', 'Xenith Bankshares Inc'), ('1373485', 'XBOR', 'Cross Border Resources Inc'), ('1393631', 'XBTC', 'Xhibit Corp'), ('54424', 'XCHC', 'Endocan Corporation'), ('1384356', 'XCHO', 'Xenacare Holdings Inc'), ('1465509', 'XCLL', 'Xcelmobility Inc'), ('316300', 'XCO', 'Exco Resources Inc'), ('752789', 'XCPL', 'Xcorporeal Inc'), ('1140505', 'XCPL', 'Xcorporeal Inc'), ('108770', 'XDRC', 'Xedar Corp'), ('825322', 'XDSL', 'Mphase Technologies Inc'), ('1168054', 'XEC', 'Cimarex Energy Co'), ('1000686', 'XECO', 'Sino-american Development Corp'), ('1052593', 'XEDA', 'Axeda Systems Inc'), ('72903', 'XEL', 'Xcel Energy Inc'), ('742550', 'XETA', 'Xeta Technologies Inc'), ('1517653', 'XFCH', 'X-factor Communications Holdings Inc'), ('1048501', 'XFMY', 'Xformity Technologies Inc'), ('1126216', 'XFN', 'NTS Inc'), ('1116449', 'XGEN', 'Xenogen Corp'), ('1565228', 'XGTI', 'XG Technology Inc'), ('1104904', 'XHUA', 'Xinhua China LTD'), ('319191', 'XICO', 'Xicor Inc'), ('813781', 'XIDE', 'Exide Technologies'), ('1144331', 'XJT', 'Expressjet Holdings Inc'), ('919611', 'XKEM', 'Xechem International Inc'), ('875159', 'XL', 'XL Group PLC'), ('929647', 'XLG', 'Price Legacy Corp'), ('743988', 'XLNX', 'Xilinx Inc'), ('1138608', 'XLRC', 'XLR Medical Corp'), ('1280600', 'XLRN', 'Acceleron Pharma Inc'), ('1177845', 'XLRT', 'Xplore Technologies Corp'), ('1524471', 'XLS', 'Exelis Inc'), ('873603', 'XLTC', 'Excel Technology Inc'), ('1113027', 'XMAVX', 'Munder Series Trust'), ('1160479', 'XMCP', 'Xiom Corp'), ('1091530', 'XMSR', 'XM Satellite Radio Holdings Inc'), ('1326732', 'XNCR', 'Xencor Inc'), ('1289550', 'XNNC', 'Xenonics Holdings Inc'), ('1130591', 'XNPT', 'Xenoport Inc'), ('1435936', 'XNRG', 'Xun Energy Inc'), ('1236997', 'XNWK', 'Counterpath Corp'), ('1111634', 'XOHO', 'Xo Holdings Inc'), ('34088', 'XOM', 'Exxon Mobil Corp'), ('791908', 'XOMA', 'Xoma Corp'), ('1356090', 'XON', 'Intrexon Corp'), ('1561627', 'XONE', 'Exone Co'), ('1315657', 'XOOM', 'Xoom Corp'), ('1062292', 'XOXO', 'Xo Group Inc'), ('854904', 'XPITX', 'Invesco Prime Income Trust'), ('917225', 'XPL', 'Solitario Exploration & Royalty Corp'), ('1166003', 'XPO', 'Xpo Logistics Inc'), ('1048142', 'XPOI', 'Xponential Inc'), ('923571', 'XPRSA', 'US Xpress Enterprises Inc'), ('1192305', 'XPRT', 'Lecg Corp'), ('1084597', 'XPWR', 'Xzeres Corp'), ('818479', 'XRAY', 'Dentsply International Inc'), ('1168375', 'XRGC', 'XRG Inc'), ('790818', 'XRIT', 'X Rite Inc'), ('1287151', 'XRM', 'Xerium Technologies Inc'), ('108772', 'XRX', 'Xerox Corp'), ('1124959', 'XSIQX', 'Ing Senior Income Fund'), ('1109076', 'XSNTX', 'Seligman New Technologies Fund II Inc'), ('1039466', 'XSNX', 'Xsunx Inc'), ('1132340', 'XSONF', 'Claxson Interactive Group Inc'), ('1086890', 'XSTFX', 'Seligman New Technologies Fund Inc'), ('1179060', 'XTEX', 'Crosstex Energy LP'), ('1145061', 'XTHN', 'Xethanol Corp'), ('1023549', 'XTLB', 'XTL Biopharmaceuticals LTD'), ('1540145', 'XTLS', 'Xstelos Holdings Inc'), ('1051490', 'XTND', 'Extended Systems Inc'), ('1212235', 'XTNT', 'Xtent Inc'), ('868809', 'XTO', 'Xto Energy Inc'), ('1481218', 'XTOG', 'Massive Interactive Inc'), ('1046112', 'XTRM', 'Brass Eagle Inc'), ('1405227', 'XTRN', 'Las Vegas Railway Express Inc'), ('1209821', 'XTXI', 'Crosstex Energy Inc'), ('1371781', 'XWES', 'World Energy Solutions Inc'), ('1005504', 'XWG', 'Wireless Xcessories Group Inc'), ('830159', 'XXAAN', 'American Tax Credit Properties LP'), ('842314', 'XXAAO', 'American Tax Credit Properties II LP'), ('856135', 'XXBNA', 'American Tax Credit Properties III LP'), ('897315', 'XXBNB', 'American Tax Credit Trust Series I'), ('1059926', 'XXEBB', 'Ebs Building LLC'), ('1066463', 'XXELG', 'Ebs Litigation LLC'), ('1065923', 'XXEPS', 'Ebs Pension LLC'), ('1120295', 'XXIA', 'Ixia'), ('1347858', 'XXII', '22ND Century Group Inc'), ('785959', 'XXMCS', 'ML Media Partners LP'), ('872467', 'XXVR', 'Krupp Government Income Trust-ii'), ('1013148', 'XYBRQ', 'Xybernaut Corp'), ('1524472', 'XYL', 'Xylem Inc'), ('920749', 'XYNY', 'Xynergy Corp'), ('775368', 'Y', 'Alleghany Corp'), ('1084544', 'YAKC', 'Yak Communications Inc'), ('787849', 'YANB', 'Yardville National Bancorp'), ('1013266', 'YAVL', 'Yadkin Valley Co'), ('1131166', 'YBLT', 'Sahara Media Holdings Inc'), ('929144', 'YBTVA', 'Young Broadcasting Inc'), ('1084242', 'YCC', 'Yankee Candle Co Inc'), ('1375483', 'YCKM', 'Hoopsoft Development Corp'), ('712511', 'YDIW', 'Proxim Wireless Corp'), ('1366367', 'YDKN', 'Yadkin Financial Corp'), ('949874', 'YDNT', 'Young Innovations Inc'), ('1345016', 'YELP', 'Yelp Inc'), ('1449527', 'YESD', 'PR Complete Holdings Inc'), ('1424100', 'YEVN', 'Your Event Inc'), ('1280396', 'YGDC', 'Yukon Gold Corp Inc'), ('1011006', 'YHOO', 'Yahoo Inc'), ('915766', 'YIFN', 'Yifan Communications Inc'), ('1157667', 'YIWA', 'Yi Wan Group Inc'), ('1401983', 'YLOH', 'Yellow Hill Energy Inc'), ('1178347', 'YMI', 'Ym Biosciences Inc'), ('821572', 'YOCM', 'Yocream International Inc'), ('837852', 'YOD', 'You On Demand Holdings Inc'), ('1398551', 'YONG', 'Yongye International Inc'), ('108985', 'YORW', 'York Water Co'), ('904851', 'YPF', 'Ypf Sociedad Anonima'), ('1511735', 'YPPN', 'Yappn Corp'), ('716006', 'YRCW', 'Yrc Worldwide Inc'), ('842662', 'YRK', 'York International Corp'), ('1452274', 'YRRC', 'York Resources Inc'), ('1103926', 'YSTM', 'Youthstream Media Networks Inc'), ('852766', 'YTBLA', 'Ytb International Inc'), ('1311673', 'YTFD', 'Yacht Finders Inc'), ('1141395', 'YTLI', 'Y-tel International Inc'), ('1406588', 'YTRV', 'Yaterra Ventures Corp'), ('1047857', 'YUII', 'Yuhe International Inc'), ('1041061', 'YUM', 'Yum Brands Inc'), ('1415624', 'YUME', 'Yume Inc'), ('1073748', 'YUMM', 'Yummies Inc'), ('1418730', 'YWYH', 'Your Way Holding Corp'), ('790549', 'YYNIA', 'Westin Hotels LTD Partnership'), ('1427310', 'YYYY', 'Colony Energy Inc'), ('1334814', 'Z', 'Zillow Inc'), ('1423818', 'Z', 'Z-ii Inc'), ('1296205', 'ZAGG', 'Zagg Inc'), ('1098329', 'ZANC', 'Zann Corp'), ('1133872', 'ZANE', 'Zanett Inc'), ('797542', 'ZAXS', 'Zaxis International Inc'), ('1528393', 'ZAZA', 'Zaza Energy Corp'), ('1140310', 'ZBB', 'ZBB Energy Corp'), ('877212', 'ZBRA', 'Zebra Technologies Corp'), ('109312', 'ZCO', 'Ziegler Companies Inc'), ('1108345', 'ZCOM', 'Impreso Inc'), ('1395400', 'ZEEZ', 'Enhance Skin Products Inc'), ('928373', 'ZENX', 'Aduddell Industries Inc'), ('1408287', 'ZEP', 'Zep Inc'), ('917470', 'ZEUS', 'Olympic Steel Inc'), ('812090', 'ZF', 'Zweig Fund Inc'), ('1527590', 'ZFC', 'Zais Financial Corp'), ('1129425', 'ZGEN', 'Zymogenetics Inc'), ('1375151', 'ZGNX', 'Zogenix Inc'), ('1101680', 'ZHNE', 'Zhone Technologies Inc'), ('1277092', 'ZHNP', 'Zhongpin Inc'), ('922658', 'ZICA', 'Zi Corp'), ('830142', 'ZIF', 'Western Asset Zenix Income Fund Inc'), ('730716', 'ZIGO', 'Zygo Corp'), ('827156', 'ZILA', 'Zila Inc'), ('319450', 'ZILG', 'Zilog Inc'), ('1124160', 'ZIMCF', 'Zim Corp'), ('1385544', 'ZINC', 'Horsehead Holding Corp'), ('1404212', 'ZINN', 'Allied American Steel Corp'), ('109380', 'ZION', 'Zions Bancorporation'), ('1131457', 'ZIP', 'Zipcar Inc'), ('1142512', 'ZIPR', 'Ziprealty Inc'), ('855612', 'ZIXI', 'Zix Corp'), ('109156', 'ZLC', 'Zale Corp'), ('1135906', 'ZLCS', 'Zalicus Inc'), ('1094806', 'ZLNK', 'Zoolink Corp'), ('1415336', 'ZLTQ', 'Zeltiq Aesthetics Inc'), ('1373467', 'ZLUE', 'Global Sunrise Inc'), ('883741', 'ZMBA', 'Zamba Corp'), ('1136869', 'ZMH', 'Zimmer Holdings Inc'), ('1467761', 'ZMTP', 'Zoom Telephonics Inc'), ('1131312', 'ZN', 'Zion Oil & Gas Inc'), ('886912', 'ZNCM', 'Zunicom Inc'), ('1439404', 'ZNGA', 'Zynga Inc'), ('109261', 'ZNT', 'Zenith National Insurance Corp'), ('887568', 'ZOLL', 'Zoll Medical Corp'), ('890923', 'ZOLT', 'Zoltek Companies Inc'), ('1010788', 'ZOMX', 'Zomax Inc'), ('1327793', 'ZONM', 'Zone Mining LTD'), ('1013786', 'ZONS', 'Zones Inc'), ('822708', 'ZOOM', 'Zoom Technologies Inc'), ('1329484', 'ZORM', 'Zoro Mining Corp'), ('1024628', 'ZP', 'Zap'), ('1083243', 'ZPCM', 'Zap Com Corp'), ('1439446', 'ZPNP', 'Zapnaps Inc'), ('805305', 'ZQK', 'Quiksilver Inc'), ('825305', 'ZQK', 'Credit Suisse Mid Cap Core Fund Inc'), ('1003022', 'ZRAN', 'Zoran Corp'), ('845807', 'ZROS', 'Voyant International Corp'), ('730476', 'ZSEV', 'Z Seven Fund Inc'), ('1403794', 'ZSTN', 'ZST Digital Networks Inc'), ('1052257', 'ZTM', 'Z Trim Holdings Inc'), ('836412', 'ZTR', 'Zweig Total Return Fund Inc'), ('1555280', 'ZTS', 'Zoetis Inc'), ('1478484', 'ZU', 'Zulily Inc'), ('1318008', 'ZUMZ', 'Zumiez Inc'), ('1309710', 'ZVUE', 'Handheld Entertainment Inc'), ('827056', 'ZVXI', 'Zevex International Inc'), ('846475', 'ZYNX', 'Zynex Inc'), ('1406796', 'ZYTC', 'Zyto Corp'), ('748015', 'ZZ', 'Sealy Corp'), ('827830', 'ZZGQI', 'Wilder Richman Historic Properties II LP')]

In [20]:

<class 'str'>
cik                                         320193
conm                                     APPLE INC
type                                          10-K
date                                    2014-10-27
path    edgar/data/320193/0001193125-14-383437.txt
Name: 949564, dtype: object downloaded and wrote to text file
cik                                         320193
conm                                     APPLE INC
type                                          10-K
date                                    2015-10-28
path    edgar/data/320193/0001193125-15-356351.txt
Name: 1947147, dtype: object downloaded and wrote to text file
cik                                         320193
conm                                     APPLE INC
type                                          10-K
date                                    2016-10-26
path    edgar/data/320193/0001628280-16-020309.txt
Name: 2902467, dtype: object downloaded and wrote to text file
cik                                         320193
conm                                     APPLE INC
type                                          10-K
date                                    2017-11-03
path    edgar/data/320193/0000320193-17-000070.txt
Name: 3873039, dtype: object downloaded and wrote to text file

In [14]:
#for testing the functions in here:
df_screenerresults = pd.read_excel ("screener_results.xls")
print (df_screenerresults.iloc[7])
#get_list_sec_filings ()
#ibd_df = get_ibd_data (df_screenerresults.iloc[7])

Symbol                                                                        AL
Company Name                                                      Air Lease Corp
Security Type                                                       Common Stock
Security Price                                                              43.3
EPS Growth (Last Qtr vs. Same Qtr Prior Yr)                              374.157
EPS Growth (TTM vs Prior TTM)                                            98.2558
Return on Equity (TTM)                                                   20.4359
Positive Earnings Surprises (90 Days)                                    21.9793
Institutional Ownership (Last vs. Prior Qtr)                              -1.395
Net Insider Shares Bought                                                      0
Sector                                                               Industrials
Industry                                        Trading Companies & Distributors
Sub-Industry                                    Trading Companies & Distributors
Name: 7, dtype: object

In [23]:
print (df_screenerresults.iloc[7].Symbol)
ibd_df = add_Ibd_data (df_screenerresults.iloc[5:7])
print (ibd_df)

C:\Users\Carola\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\ SettingWithCopyWarning: 
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame.
Try using .loc[row_indexer,col_indexer] = value instead

See the caveats in the documentation:
C:\Users\Carola\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\ SettingWithCopyWarning: 
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame.
Try using .loc[row_indexer,col_indexer] = value instead

See the caveats in the documentation:
  This is separate from the ipykernel package so we can avoid doing imports until
url2: None
url3b: None
url2: None
url3b: None
  Symbol                    Company Name Security Type  Security Price  \
5    WMS   Advanced Drainage Systems Inc  Common Stock           24.85   
6    AMG  Affiliated Managers Group Inc.  Common Stock          161.72   

   EPS Growth (Last Qtr vs. Same Qtr Prior Yr)  EPS Growth (TTM vs Prior TTM)  \
5                                    264.28571                       21.31148   
6                                     30.04695                       44.26788   

   Return on Equity (TTM)  Positive Earnings Surprises (90 Days)  \
5                 18.0826                               37.93103   
6                 19.5563                                    NaN   

   Institutional Ownership (Last vs. Prior Qtr)  Net Insider Shares Bought  \
5                                       -0.7735                        0.0   
6                                       -0.4269                        0.0   

        Sector           Industry                      Sub-Industry IBD_group  \
5  Industrials  Building Products                 Building Products             
6   Financials    Capital Markets  Asset Management & Custody Banks             

5         0  
6         0  

In [27]:
df = df_screenerresults.iloc[7:9]
df_is = add_initial_sales_data (df)
print (df_is)

C:\Users\Carola\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\ SettingWithCopyWarning: 
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame.
Try using .loc[row_indexer,col_indexer] = value instead

See the caveats in the documentation:
C:\Users\Carola\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\ SettingWithCopyWarning: 
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame.
Try using .loc[row_indexer,col_indexer] = value instead

See the caveats in the documentation:
  This is separate from the ipykernel package so we can avoid doing imports until
C:\Users\Carola\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\ SettingWithCopyWarning: 
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame.
Try using .loc[row_indexer,col_indexer] = value instead

See the caveats in the documentation:
  after removing the cwd from sys.path.
C:\Users\Carola\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\ SettingWithCopyWarning: 
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame.
Try using .loc[row_indexer,col_indexer] = value instead

See the caveats in the documentation:
C:\Users\Carola\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\ SettingWithCopyWarning: 
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame.
Try using .loc[row_indexer,col_indexer] = value instead

See the caveats in the documentation:
C:\Users\Carola\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\ SettingWithCopyWarning: 
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame.
Try using .loc[row_indexer,col_indexer] = value instead

See the caveats in the documentation:
  import sys
C:\Users\Carola\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\ SettingWithCopyWarning: 
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame.
Try using .loc[row_indexer,col_indexer] = value instead

See the caveats in the documentation:
C:\Users\Carola\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\ SettingWithCopyWarning: 
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame.
Try using .loc[row_indexer,col_indexer] = value instead

See the caveats in the documentation:
  if __name__ == '__main__':
C:\Users\Carola\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\ SettingWithCopyWarning: 
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame

See the caveats in the documentation:
  del sys.path[0]
1,451 1,451
432 432
               Symbol             Company Name Security Type  Security Price  \
7                  AL           Air Lease Corp  Common Stock           43.30   
8                ALEX  Alexander & Baldwin Inc  Common Stock           23.08   
current_year      NaN                      NaN           NaN             NaN   
last_year         NaN                      NaN           NaN             NaN   
last_last_year    NaN                      NaN           NaN             NaN   
current_Q         NaN                      NaN           NaN             NaN   
last_Q            NaN                      NaN           NaN             NaN   
last_last_Q       NaN                      NaN           NaN             NaN   
current_Y_date    NaN                      NaN           NaN             NaN   
current_Q_date    NaN                      NaN           NaN             NaN   

                EPS Growth (Last Qtr vs. Same Qtr Prior Yr)  \
7                                                 374.15730   
8                                                1166.66667   
current_year                                            NaN   
last_year                                               NaN   
last_last_year                                          NaN   
current_Q                                               NaN   
last_Q                                                  NaN   
last_last_Q                                             NaN   
current_Y_date                                          NaN   
current_Q_date                                          NaN   

                EPS Growth (TTM vs Prior TTM)  Return on Equity (TTM)  \
7                                    98.25581                 20.4359   
8                                   473.84615                 21.0663   
current_year                              NaN                     NaN   
last_year                                 NaN                     NaN   
last_last_year                            NaN                     NaN   
current_Q                                 NaN                     NaN   
last_Q                                    NaN                     NaN   
last_last_Q                               NaN                     NaN   
current_Y_date                            NaN                     NaN   
current_Q_date                            NaN                     NaN   

                Positive Earnings Surprises (90 Days)  \
7                                            21.97929   
8                                           700.00000   
current_year                                      NaN   
last_year                                         NaN   
last_last_year                                    NaN   
current_Q                                         NaN   
last_Q                                            NaN   
last_last_Q                                       NaN   
current_Y_date                                    NaN   
current_Q_date                                    NaN   

                Institutional Ownership (Last vs. Prior Qtr)  \
7                                                    -1.3950   
8                                                     4.7212   
current_year                                             NaN   
last_year                                                NaN   
last_last_year                                           NaN   
current_Q                                                NaN   
last_Q                                                   NaN   
last_last_Q                                              NaN   
current_Y_date                                           NaN   
current_Q_date                                           NaN   

                Net Insider Shares Bought     ...     current_year last_year  \
7                                     0.0     ...              0.0       0.0   
8                                     0.0     ...              0.0       0.0   
current_year                          NaN     ...              NaN       NaN   
last_year                             NaN     ...              NaN       NaN   
last_last_year                        NaN     ...              NaN       NaN   
current_Q                             NaN     ...              NaN       NaN   
last_Q                                NaN     ...              NaN       NaN   
last_last_Q                           NaN     ...              NaN       NaN   
current_Y_date                        NaN     ...              NaN       NaN   
current_Q_date                        NaN     ...              NaN       NaN   

               last_last_year  current_Q  last_Q  last_last_Q  current_Y_date  \
7                         0.0        0.0     0.0          0.0                   
8                         0.0        0.0     0.0          0.0                   
current_year              NaN        NaN     NaN          NaN             NaN   
last_year                 NaN        NaN     NaN          NaN             NaN   
last_last_year            NaN        NaN     NaN          NaN             NaN   
current_Q                 NaN        NaN     NaN          NaN             NaN   
last_Q                    NaN        NaN     NaN          NaN             NaN   
last_last_Q               NaN        NaN     NaN          NaN             NaN   
current_Y_date            NaN        NaN     NaN          NaN             NaN   
current_Q_date            NaN        NaN     NaN          NaN             NaN   

                current_Q_date          AL        ALEX  
7                                      NaN         NaN  
8                                      NaN         NaN  
current_year               NaN       1,451         432  
last_year                  NaN       1,339         388  
last_last_year             NaN       1,175         571  
current_Q                  NaN         NaN         NaN  
last_Q                     NaN         NaN         NaN  
last_last_Q                NaN         NaN         NaN  
current_Y_date             NaN    12/31/17    12/31/17  
current_Q_date             NaN  03/31/2018  03/31/2018  

[10 rows x 23 columns]

In [30]:
asd= (get_annual_sales_data (df_screenerresults.iloc[7].Symbol))
print (type(asd))
print (asd.columns)
print (asd.index)
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Index(['12/31/17', '12/31/16', '12/31/15', '12/31/14', '12/31/13'], dtype='object')
Index(['0', 'Sales/Turnover (Net)', 'Cost of Goods Sold',
       'Gross Profit (Loss)', 'Selling, General and Administrative Expenses',
       'Operating Income Before Depreciation',
       'Depreciation and Amortization – Total\t\t',
       'Operating Income After Depreciation', 'Interest and Related Expense',
       'Non–operating Income (Expense) – Total', 'Key Component',
       'Interest Income – Total', 'Special Items Income (Expense)',
       'Pretax Income', ' Income Taxes – Total Expense (Credit)',
       ' Minority Interest – Income Account',
       ' Income Before Extraordinary Items',
       ' Dividends – Preferred/Preference',
       ' Income Before Extraordinary Items –Available for Common',
       ' Common Stock Equivalents – Dollar Savings ',
       ' Income Before Extraordinary Items –Adjusted for Common Stock Equivalents',
       '  Extraordinary Items and Discontinued Operations Credit (Expense)',
       'NET INCOME (LOSS)'],

In [16]:
print (get_quarterly_sales_data (df_screenerresults.iloc[7].Symbol))
                                                   03/31/2018 12/31/2017  \
0                                                                    NaN   
Sales/Turnover (Net)                                      378        378   
Cost of Goods Sold                                         27         31   
Gross Profit (Loss)                                       351        347   
Selling, General and Administrative Expenses               --         --   
Operating Income Before Depreciation                      351        347   
Depreciation and Amortization – Total\t\t                 136        130   
Operating Income After Depreciation                       215        217   
Interest and Related Expense                               90         84   
Non–operating Income (Expense) – Total                     16         32   
Key Component                                                              
Interest Income – Total                                    --         --   
Special Items Income (Expense)                              0          0   
Pretax Income                                             141        166   
 Income Taxes – Total Expense (Credit)                     31      (305)   
 Minority Interest – Income Account                         0          0   
 Income Before Extraordinary Items                        111        471   
 Dividends – Preferred/Preference                           0          0   
 Income Before Extraordinary Items –Available f...        111        471   
 Common Stock Equivalents – Dollar Savings                  0          0   
 Income Before Extraordinary Items –Adjusted fo...        111        471   
  Extraordinary Items and Discontinued Operatio...          0          0   
NET INCOME (LOSS)                                         111        471   

                                                   09/30/2017 06/30/2017  \
0                                                         NaN        NaN   
Sales/Turnover (Net)                                      359          0   
Cost of Goods Sold                                         25        NaN   
Gross Profit (Loss)                                       335        NaN   
Selling, General and Administrative Expenses               --        NaN   
Operating Income Before Depreciation                      335        NaN   
Depreciation and Amortization – Total\t\t                 128        NaN   
Operating Income After Depreciation                       207        NaN   
Interest and Related Expense                               82        NaN   
Non–operating Income (Expense) – Total                     29        NaN   
Key Component                                                        NaN   
Interest Income – Total                                    --        NaN   
Special Items Income (Expense)                              0        NaN   
Pretax Income                                             154        NaN   
 Income Taxes – Total Expense (Credit)                     55        NaN   
 Minority Interest – Income Account                         0        NaN   
 Income Before Extraordinary Items                         99        NaN   
 Dividends – Preferred/Preference                           0        NaN   
 Income Before Extraordinary Items –Available f...         99        NaN   
 Common Stock Equivalents – Dollar Savings                  0        NaN   
 Income Before Extraordinary Items –Adjusted fo...         99        NaN   
  Extraordinary Items and Discontinued Operatio...          0        NaN   
NET INCOME (LOSS)                                          99        NaN   

0                                                         NaN  
Sales/Turnover (Net)                                      NaN  
Cost of Goods Sold                                        NaN  
Gross Profit (Loss)                                       NaN  
Selling, General and Administrative Expenses              NaN  
Operating Income Before Depreciation                      NaN  
Depreciation and Amortization – Total\t\t                 NaN  
Operating Income After Depreciation                       NaN  
Interest and Related Expense                              NaN  
Non–operating Income (Expense) – Total                    NaN  
Key Component                                             NaN  
Interest Income – Total                                   NaN  
Special Items Income (Expense)                            NaN  
Pretax Income                                             NaN  
 Income Taxes – Total Expense (Credit)                    NaN  
 Minority Interest – Income Account                       NaN  
 Income Before Extraordinary Items                        NaN  
 Dividends – Preferred/Preference                         NaN  
 Income Before Extraordinary Items –Available f...        NaN  
 Common Stock Equivalents – Dollar Savings                NaN  
 Income Before Extraordinary Items –Adjusted fo...        NaN  
  Extraordinary Items and Discontinued Operatio...        NaN  
NET INCOME (LOSS)                                         NaN