In [94]:
import numpy 
from math import log
from matplotlib import pyplot
%matplotlib inline

In [123]:
T = 3600*24*27.3
dt = 100

mT = 5.972*10**24
mL = 7.348*10**22
G = 6.67408*10**-11

dataL = numpy.empty((N,4)) 
dataT = numpy.empty((N,4))

dataL0 = [-362600000,0,0,-1083.4] # conditions initiales
dataT0 = [0,0,0,0]

dataL[0] = dataL0
dataT[0] = dataT0

Codons la méthode "Runge-Kutta 4"

La fonction ci-dessous ne sera pas généralisable à plus de deux corps, ce qui évite de lourds calculs. La première ligne de out est la trajectoire de la Terre, la seconde celle de la lune. Nous avons pris u' = f(u) avec u = [x , y , vx , vy] Nous traiterons simultanément les trajectoires de la lune et de la Terre.

In [40]:
def f(uT,uL): 
    out = numpy.ones((2,4))  
    out[0] = numpy.array([uT[2],uT[3],-G*mL*(uT[0]-uL[0])/((uT[0]-uL[0])**2+(uT[1]-uL[1])**2)**(3/2),-G*mL*(uT[1]-uL[1])/((uT[0]-uL[0])**2+(uT[1]-uL[1])**2)**(3/2)])     
    out[1] = numpy.array([uL[2],uL[3],-G*mT*(uL[0]-uT[0])/((uT[0]-uL[0])**2+(uT[1]-uL[1])**2)**(3/2),-G*mT*(uL[1]-uT[1])/((uT[0]-uL[0])**2+(uT[1]-uL[1])**2)**(3/2)])

    return out

Ci-dessous la méthode "Runge-Kutta 4" appliquée directement aux trajectoires des deux astres.

In [41]:
def rk4(f,u,v,dt): 
    k1 = f(u,v)
    k2 = f(u+dt/2*k1[0,:],v+dt/2*k1[1,:])
    k3 = f(u+dt/2*k2[0,:],v+dt/2*k2[1,:])
    k4 = f(u+dt*k3[0,:],v+dt*k3[1,:])
    out = numpy.zeros((2,4))
    out[0] = u+dt/6*(k1[0,:]+2*k2[0,:]+2*k3[0,:]+k4[0,:])
    out[1] = v+dt/6*(k1[1,:]+2*k2[1,:]+2*k3[1,:]+k4[1,:])
    return out

On calcule maintenant la trajectoire. Notons que dataL[t] est le vecteur uL qui est l'input de f (idem pour dataT[t]).

In [42]:
N = 1+int(T/dt)

for t in range(1,N):
    W = rk4(f,dataT[t-1],dataL[t-1],dt)
    dataT[t] = W[0]
    dataL[t] = W[1]

posLT = dataL[:,0:2] - dataT[:,0:2] #position de la lune dans le repère de la Terre

In [43]:
# Plot the position of the moon and the earth in the initial frame

pyplot.plot(dataL[:,0],dataL[:,1], 'b-', label='RK4')
pyplot.plot(dataT[:,0],dataT[:,1], 'b-', label='RK4')
pyplot.title('Position of the moon and the earth in the initial frame')

In [44]:
# Plot the position of the moon in the rest frame of the earth

pyplot.plot(posLT[:,0],posLT[:,1], 'b-', label='RK4')
pyplot.title('Position of the moon in the rest frame of the earth')

Problèmes éventuels

  • Grands nombres, de l'ordre du 10^24

In [45]:
# Compute the parameters a,b,e

minX = 0
for i in range(1,N-1):
    if (posLT[i+1,0]>=posLT[i,0] and posLT[i,0]<posLT[i-1,0]):
        minX = posLT[i,0]
maxX = 0
for i in range(1,N-1):
    if (posLT[i+1,0]<=posLT[i,0] and posLT[i,0]>posLT[i-1,0]):
        maxX = posLT[i,0]

minY = 0
for i in range(1,N-1):
    if (posLT[i+1,1]>=posLT[i,1] and posLT[i,1]<posLT[i-1,1]):
        minY = posLT[i,1]
maxY = 0
for i in range(1,N-1):
    if (posLT[i+1,1]<=posLT[i,1] and posLT[i,1]>posLT[i-1,1]):
        maxY = posLT[i,1]
print("minX =", minX)
print("maxX =", maxX)
print("minY =", minY)
print("maxY =", maxY)
a = abs(maxX-minX)/2
b = abs(maxY-minY)/2
e = numpy.sqrt(1-b**2/a**2)

print("a =", a)
print("b =", b)
print("e =", e)

minX = -362599998.82
maxX = 404670942.482
minY = -383058329.509
maxY = 383058328.099
a = 383635470.651
b = 383058328.804
e = 0.0548319262482

In [46]:
# Compute the period

for i in range(2,N-1):
    if (posLT[i+1,0]>=posLT[i,0] and posLT[i,0]<posLT[i-1,0]):
        period = i*dt
print("period in seconds =", period)
print("period in 24h-days =", period/24/3600)

period in seconds = 2350400
period in 24h-days = 27.203703703703702

Order of convergence

In [62]:
# plagiat ?

def get_diffgrid(data_current, data_fine, dt):
    N_current = len(data_current[:,0])
    N_fine = len(data_fine[:,0])
    grid_size_ratio = int(numpy.ceil(N_fine/N_current))
    diffgrid = dt * numpy.sum( numpy.abs(\
            data_current[:,0]- data_fine[::grid_size_ratio,0])) 
    return diffgrid

In [139]:
# Show the order of the method

r = 2
h = 10

dt_values = numpy.array([h, r*h, r**2*h, r**3*h,r**4*h,r**5*h,r**6*h,r**7*h,r**8*h])

#dt_values = numpy.array([1000,300,100,30,10])  #,3,1
dataL_values = numpy.empty_like(dt_values, dtype=numpy.ndarray)

for i, dt in enumerate(dt_values):
    N = int(T/dt)+1
    dataL = numpy.empty((N, 4))
    dataT = numpy.empty((N, 4))
    dataL[0] = dataL0
    dataT[0] = dataT0

    for t in range(1,N):
        W = rk4(f, dataT[t-1], dataL[t-1], dt)
        dataT[t] = W[0]
        dataL[t] = W[1]
    dataL_values[i] = dataL

In [140]:
# Compute the differences

diffgridL = numpy.empty_like(dt_values, dtype=numpy.ndarray)

for i, dt in enumerate(dt_values):
    diffgridL[i] = get_diffgrid(dataL_values[i], dataL_values[0], dt)

In [141]:

[0.0 48.864058298677264 56.449983477941714 61.072963862679899
 14.141684626229107 59.982822914607823 459.65624992735684
 7146.5193011984229 115359.62082497776]

In [146]:
alpha = numpy.empty_like(dt_values, dtype=numpy.ndarray)

for i in range(0, len(dt_values)-2):
    alpha[i] = (log(get_diffgrid(dataL_values[i+2], dataL_values[i+1], dt_values[i+2])) 
             - log(get_diffgrid(dataL_values[i+1], dataL_values[i], dt_values[i+1]))) / log(r)


[-2.1341539783556143 3.148235537695043 -1.0272961557026385
 -0.044440627353790875 3.0915374366950132 4.0625613271827925
 4.016372956221617 None None]

In [143]:
pyplot.xlabel(r'$\Delta t$', fontsize=18)
pyplot.ylabel(r'$L_1$-norm of the grid differences', fontsize=18)
pyplot.loglog(dt_values[1:], diffgridL[1:], color='k', ls='--', lw=2, marker='o');

In [ ]: