SI Calculation: an example using generated sample trades

Here we will generate sample trades from the RTS 2 Annex III taxonomy. Each sample trade is then enriched with the information needed run an SI calculation.

Once the trade data is assembled the the data normally provided by the regulator is synthesised.

Lastly, the SI calculations are run

The SI calculation includes a number of tests. See Article 15 (page 39) of Brussels, 25.4.2016 C(2016) 2398 final for the three derivatives tests: a, b and c.

Generate some trade data

The first step is to use the RTS 2 Annex III taxonomy to generate some sample trades.

In [1]:
# First we need to import the libraries we'll be needing
import rts2_annex3
import pandas as pd

import random

In [2]:
# Get the root of the RTS 2 Annex III taxonomy
root = rts2_annex3.class_root

# Get the Asset Class we would like to generate trades for
asset_class = root.asset_class_by_name("Credit Derivatives")

# Ask the Asset class to generate some sample trade
sample_trades = asset_class.make_test_samples(number=500)

In [3]:
print("Generated {count} trades.  here is one example:\n".format(count=len(sample_trades)))

Generated 500 trades.  here is one example:

{'cds_index_sub_class': 'cds_index_sub_class.value', 'to_date':, 3, 13), 'asset_class_name': 'Credit Derivatives', 'sub_asset_class_name': 'CDS index options', 'from_date':, 6, 17)}


In a real firm with real trades we would need to know the LEI (Legal Entity Identifier - ISO 17442) of the legal entity which did each trade because SI status is reported distinctly for each legal entity, identified by an LEI.

Firms may do trades within a single legal entity, perhaps to move risk from one trading desk to another. These are called intra-entity trades and must be filtered out before the SI calculation. For this example we'll say that all the trades we generated are inter-entity trades (i.e. trades between distinct legal entities), so we count them all.

In this example we'll use just one LEI, and not even a valid one, but it will suffice for the example.

In [4]:
# Typically trades invole two parties, the bank and a counterparty (the client).
# For the SI calculation we just need the bank LEI.

for sample_trade in sample_trades:
    sample_trade.lei = 'Our_bank_LEI'

# Print the LEI from one of the trades (they're all the same!)



Trade Date

The SI calculation includes checks for frequency, the number of trades done in a single week. To work that out we need a trade date for each trade. Here we'll just use a few dates and add these to our sample trades.

In [5]:
# We give each sample trade a trade date in a 30 day range of dates
# and an ISO week number (c.f.

import datetime

sample_dates = []
today =
for day_number in range(-30, 0):
    a_date =  today + datetime.timedelta(day_number)
    if a_date.weekday() < 6:

for sample_trade in sample_trades:
    selected_date = random.choice(sample_dates)
    sample_trade.trade_date = selected_date
    sample_trade.trade_date_week = selected_date.isocalendar()[1]
# Print the one of the modified sample trades

a_trade = random.choice(sample_trades)



A MIC (Market Identifier Code - ISO 10383) is an ID for a trading venue, for example a stock exchange. The regulator is expected to provide a list of MIC values which identify venues which are recognised for the purposes of the SI calculation. Trades which are done on vs. off recognised venues are counted differently.

In [6]:
# We define our MICs.  A MIC value is always 4 charcters in length.  The values used
# here are made-up nonsense, but good enough for an illustration

eea_mics = ['EEA1', 'EEA2', 'EEA3']
non_eea_mics = ['OFF1', 'OFF2', 'OFF3', 'OFF4']
all_mics = eea_mics + non_eea_mics

# Add a MIC to each sample trade
for sample_trade in sample_trades:
    sample_trade.mic = random.choice(all_mics)

# Print the one of the modified sample trades
a_trade = random.choice(sample_trades)


Own Account

We need to know if a trade was done on the firms own account. Such trades are counted differently.

In [7]:
# Own Account is a boolean; either this is a trade which the regulator views as being
# on the bank's own account, or not.  I use a random boolean with a probability.

own_account_probability = 0.25

for sample_trade in sample_trades:
    sample_trade.own_account = random.random() < own_account_probability
# Print the one of the modified sample trades
a_trade = random.choice(sample_trades)


Client Order

We need to know if a trade was done in response to a client order. Such trades are counted differently.

In [8]:
# Client Order is also simply a boolean.  Either this is a trade which was done
# in response to a client order, or not.  I use a random boolean.

client_order_probability = 0.5

for sample_trade in sample_trades:
    sample_trade.client_order = random.random() < client_order_probability
# Print the one of the modified sample trades
a_trade = random.choice(sample_trades)


EUR Notional

Another measure used by the SI calculation is the EUR notional value of each trade. Here we assign a notional value to each trade.

In [9]:
# Add a random-ish Euro Notional amount of n million EUR to each trade

notional_amounts = [x * 1000000 for x in [1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 5, 10, 25]]

for sample_trade in sample_trades:
    sample_trade.eur_notional = random.choice(notional_amounts)

# Print the one of the modified sample trades
a_trade = random.choice(sample_trades)


RTS 2 Annex III Classification

The last step before we start the SI calculation is to add the RTS 2 Annex III classification to each trade.

In [10]:
# Now classify each trade and add the JSON classification back to the trade
for sample_trade in sample_trades:
    classification = root.classification_for(subject=sample_trade)
    sample_trade.rts2_classification = classification

# Print the one of the modified sample trades
a_trade = random.choice(sample_trades)

    "RTS2 version": "EU 2017/583 of 14 July 2016",
    "Asset class": "Credit Derivatives",
    "Sub-asset class": "Single name credit default swap (CDS)",
    "Segmentation criterion 1 description": "underlying reference entity",
    "Segmentation criterion 1": "underlying_ref_entity.value",
    "Segmentation criterion 2 description": "underlying reference entity type defined as follows: \"Issuer of sovereign and public type\" means an issuer entity which is either: (a) the Union; (b) a Member State including a government department, an agency or a special purpose vehicle of a Member State; (c) a sovereign entity which is not listed under points (a) and (b); (d) in the case of a federal Member State, a member of that federation; (e) a special purpose vehicle for several Member States; (f) an international financial institution established by two or more Member States which have the purpose of mobilising funding and providing financial assistance to the benefit of its members that are experiencing or are threatened by severe financial problems; (g) the European Investment Bank; (h) a public entity which is not a sovereign issuer as specified in the points (a) to (c). \"Issuer of corporate type\" means an issuer entity which is not an issuer of sovereign and public type.",
    "Segmentation criterion 2": "ref_entity_type.value",
    "Segmentation criterion 3 description": "notional currency defined as the currency in which the notional amount of the derivative is denominated",
    "Segmentation criterion 3": "notional_currency.value",
    "Segmentation criterion 4 description": "time maturity bucket of the CDS defined as follows:",
    "Segmentation criterion 4": "Maturity bucket 1: Zero to 1 year"

Do the SI calculation

The "calculation" is really a set of filters 3 filters (a, b & c as shown below), which might identify an firm as being an SI for a particular RTS 2 subclass.

The filters all focus on the count and notional sums of trades which are OTC (not traded on EEA recognised venue), own account (traded using the banks money) and in response to a client order. Here we'll call this subset of trades SI-trades.

Tests a & b also ask if a particulat RTS 2 sub class is liquid. Whether an instrument is liquid or not is determined by the regulator, and the regulator must publish this, together with the total trade count and total notional, for each sub class.

a. If the RTS 2 Annex III sub class is liquid

  • and the count of SI-trades >= 2.5% of eu_rts2_trade_count
  • and average weekly number of SI-trades >= 1

b. If the RTS 2 Annex III sub class is not liquid

  • and average weekly number of SI-trades >= 1

c. If the sum of EUR notional for SI-trades is

  • >= 25% of all trades notional for the LEI
  • or >= 1% of EU trade notional

An Object Oriented Calculator

Here we build a tiny Python application to do the SI calculation on the generated trades.

The result of the calculation is a JSON report of the RTS 2 Annex III sub classes for which our LEI is a Systematic Internaliser.

We define 3 classes:

  • SIReport - This represents the report spanning all RTS 2 classes for one LEI
  • RTS2SubClass - This represents the information in a report for just one RTS 2 sub class
  • Aggregations - Represents the various counts and sums for one RTS 2 sub class

If you want to see the report, scroll past the code to the next text box.

In [11]:
import collections
import json

class SIReport(object):
    def for_trades(cls, trades):
        new_report = cls()
        return new_report
    def __init__(self):
        self.trades = []
        self.sub_classes = dict()
        self._number_of_weeks = None
    def add_trades(self, trades):
        for trade in trades:
            rts2_string = trade.rts2_classification.as_json()
            if not rts2_string in self.sub_classes:
                self.sub_classes[rts2_string] = RTS2SubClass(self, trade)
            sub_class = self.sub_classes[rts2_string]
        self._number_of_weeks = None

    def number_of_weeks(self):
        if self._number_of_weeks is None:
            min_week = min(self.trades, key=lambda t: t.trade_date_week).trade_date_week
            max_week = max(self.trades, key=lambda t: t.trade_date_week).trade_date_week
            self._number_of_weeks = max_week - min_week + 1
        return self._number_of_weeks

    def si_sub_classes(self):
        return [sub_class for sub_class in self.sub_classes.values() 
                if sub_class.si_status()]
    def report(self):
        si_sub_classes = self.si_sub_classes()
        report_items = [
            'This LEI is an SI for {si_count} of {all_count} '
            'sub classes traded over {weeks} weeks.'.format(
        for sub_class in si_sub_classes:
        return json.dumps(report_items, indent=4)

class RTS2SubClass(object):
    def __init__(self, si_report, sample_trade):
        self.si_report = si_report
        self.sample_trade = sample_trade
        self.is_liquid = random.random() < 0.5
        self.trades = []
        self._aggregations = None

    def aggregations(self):
        # I keep all the computed results in one object so I can drop the cache
        # if a trade is added
        if self._aggregations is None:
            self._aggregations = Aggregations(sub_class=self)
        return self._aggregations
    def add_trade(self, trade):
        self._aggregations = None

    def si_status(self):
        This is the SI Calculation.  It is applied distinctly to each sub class.
        It's quite simple once everything is aggregated.
        Note that these are the rules for derivatives trades only.
        agg = self.aggregations
        if self.is_liquid \
            and agg.trade_count >= (0.025 * agg.eu_trade_count) \
            and agg.avg_weekly_trades >= 1:
                return "SI - (a) Liquid instrument test"
        if not self.is_liquid \
            and agg.avg_weekly_trades >= 1:
                return "SI - (b) Non-liquid instrument test"
        if agg.notional_sum >= (0.25 * agg.lei_notional_sum) \
            or agg.notional_sum >= (0.01 * agg.eu_notional_sum):
                return "SI - (c) Notional size test"
        return None
    def report(self):
        report_list = ['Status: {status}.'.format(status=self.si_status())]
        agg_dict = vars(self.aggregations).copy()
        del agg_dict['sub_class']
        del agg_dict['si_trades']
        return report_list

class Aggregations(object):
    Each instance of Aggregations represents the subset of the trades for
    a sub class which are OTC client orders on the own account of the LEI.
    The SI calculation tests are with respect to this subset of the trades.

    def __init__(self, sub_class):
        self.sub_class = sub_class
        # Build the aggregations for this sub class
        self.si_trades = [
                trade for trade in self.sub_class.trades
                if (not trade.mic in eea_mics)  # OTC
                    and trade.own_account       # Traded on own account
                    and trade.client_order]     # in response to a client order
        self.trade_count = len(self.si_trades)
        self.notional_sum = sum([abs(trade.eur_notional) for trade in self.si_trades])
        self.avg_weekly_trades = self.trade_count / self.sub_class.si_report.number_of_weeks
        # Now I synthesise the EU figures which should really come from the regulator
        self.eu_trade_count = self.trade_count * 40 + random.choice([
                                self.trade_count * -1, self.trade_count])
        if self.notional_sum:
            self.eu_notional_sum  = self.notional_sum * 100 + random.choice([
                                    self.notional_sum * -1, self.notional_sum])
            self.eu_notional_sum = 1

        # I keep this sub class sum here so it gets flushed if trades added
        self.lei_notional_sum = sum(
                [abs(trade.eur_notional) for trade in self.sub_class.trades])

Run the report

Having defined the classes we should be able to just run the report.

Note that the result is different every time the report is run because the EU totals are re-synthesised each time and are random. With real data the report would be stable, and indeed this test could be changed to always produce the same results; the current implementaion is intended to show some variety.

In [12]:
# First create an instance of our report

report = SIReport.for_trades(sample_trades)

# Then get the JSON report and print it


    "This LEI is an SI for 6 of 12 sub classes traded over 5 weeks.",
        "Status: SI - (b) Non-liquid instrument test.",
            "eu_notional_sum": 4554000000,
            "notional_sum": 46000000,
            "avg_weekly_trades": 1.0,
            "trade_count": 5,
            "lei_notional_sum": 304000000,
            "eu_trade_count": 205
            "RTS2 version": "EU 2017/583 of 14 July 2016",
            "Asset class": "Credit Derivatives",
            "Sub-asset class": "Single name CDS options",
            "Segmentation criterion 1 description": "single name CDS sub-class as specified for the sub-asset class of single name CDS",
            "Segmentation criterion 1": "cds_sub_class.value",
            "Segmentation criterion 2 description": "time maturity bucket of the option defined as follows:",
            "Segmentation criterion 2": "Maturity bucket 1: Zero to 6 months"
        "Status: SI - (c) Notional size test.",
            "eu_notional_sum": 693000000,
            "notional_sum": 7000000,
            "avg_weekly_trades": 0.6,
            "trade_count": 3,
            "lei_notional_sum": 184000000,
            "eu_trade_count": 123
            "RTS2 version": "EU 2017/583 of 14 July 2016",
            "Asset class": "Credit Derivatives",
            "Sub-asset class": "CDS index options",
            "Segmentation criterion 1 description": "CDS index sub-class as specified for the sub-asset class of index credit default swap (CDS )",
            "Segmentation criterion 1": "cds_index_sub_class.value",
            "Segmentation criterion 2 description": "time maturity bucket of the option defined as follows:",
            "Segmentation criterion 2": "Maturity bucket 1: Zero to 6 months"
        "Status: SI - (a) Liquid instrument test.",
            "eu_notional_sum": 4752000000,
            "notional_sum": 48000000,
            "avg_weekly_trades": 1.0,
            "trade_count": 5,
            "lei_notional_sum": 448000000,
            "eu_trade_count": 195
            "RTS2 version": "EU 2017/583 of 14 July 2016",
            "Asset class": "Credit Derivatives",
            "Sub-asset class": "Single name credit default swap (CDS)",
            "Segmentation criterion 1 description": "underlying reference entity",
            "Segmentation criterion 1": "underlying_ref_entity.value",
            "Segmentation criterion 2 description": "underlying reference entity type defined as follows: \"Issuer of sovereign and public type\" means an issuer entity which is either: (a) the Union; (b) a Member State including a government department, an agency or a special purpose vehicle of a Member State; (c) a sovereign entity which is not listed under points (a) and (b); (d) in the case of a federal Member State, a member of that federation; (e) a special purpose vehicle for several Member States; (f) an international financial institution established by two or more Member States which have the purpose of mobilising funding and providing financial assistance to the benefit of its members that are experiencing or are threatened by severe financial problems; (g) the European Investment Bank; (h) a public entity which is not a sovereign issuer as specified in the points (a) to (c). \"Issuer of corporate type\" means an issuer entity which is not an issuer of sovereign and public type.",
            "Segmentation criterion 2": "ref_entity_type.value",
            "Segmentation criterion 3 description": "notional currency defined as the currency in which the notional amount of the derivative is denominated",
            "Segmentation criterion 3": "notional_currency.value",
            "Segmentation criterion 4 description": "time maturity bucket of the CDS defined as follows:",
            "Segmentation criterion 4": "Maturity bucket 1: Zero to 1 year"
        "Status: SI - (b) Non-liquid instrument test.",
            "eu_notional_sum": 3232000000,
            "notional_sum": 32000000,
            "avg_weekly_trades": 1.2,
            "trade_count": 6,
            "lei_notional_sum": 444000000,
            "eu_trade_count": 246
            "RTS2 version": "EU 2017/583 of 14 July 2016",
            "Asset class": "Credit Derivatives",
            "Sub-asset class": "Index credit default swap (CDS)",
            "Segmentation criterion 1 description": "underlying index",
            "Segmentation criterion 1": "underlying_index.value",
            "Segmentation criterion 2 description": "notional currency defined as the currency in which the notional amount of the derivative is denominated",
            "Segmentation criterion 2": "notional_currency.value",
            "Segmentation criterion 3 description": "time maturity bucket of the CDS defined as follows:",
            "Segmentation criterion 3": "Maturity bucket 1: Zero to 1 year"
        "Status: SI - (a) Liquid instrument test.",
            "eu_notional_sum": 2323000000,
            "notional_sum": 23000000,
            "avg_weekly_trades": 1.6,
            "trade_count": 8,
            "lei_notional_sum": 400000000,
            "eu_trade_count": 312
            "RTS2 version": "EU 2017/583 of 14 July 2016",
            "Asset class": "Credit Derivatives",
            "Sub-asset class": "Other credit derivatives"
        "Status: SI - (c) Notional size test.",
            "eu_notional_sum": 5050000000,
            "notional_sum": 50000000,
            "avg_weekly_trades": 0.4,
            "trade_count": 2,
            "lei_notional_sum": 121000000,
            "eu_trade_count": 78
            "RTS2 version": "EU 2017/583 of 14 July 2016",
            "Asset class": "Credit Derivatives",
            "Sub-asset class": "CDS index options",
            "Segmentation criterion 1 description": "CDS index sub-class as specified for the sub-asset class of index credit default swap (CDS )",
            "Segmentation criterion 1": "cds_index_sub_class.value",
            "Segmentation criterion 2 description": "time maturity bucket of the option defined as follows:",
            "Segmentation criterion 2": "Maturity bucket 2: 6 months to 1 year"

A Declarative Calculator

Here we use Pandas to run the calculation in a more declarative, relational kind of way.

First we pick up the EU data from the OO model so the results here will be the same as the results in the OO report above.

In [13]:
def eu_data_for_sub_class(sub_class):
    return dict(

# The set of all trades (by LEI if there is more than one)
sub_classes = pd.DataFrame\
    .from_records([eu_data_for_sub_class(s) for s in list(report.sub_classes.values())])\

In [14]:
# Put the essential information for each trade into a Pandas table.

def si_details_from_sample(sample_trade):
    return dict(

all_trades = pd.DataFrame.from_records([si_details_from_sample(s) for s in sample_trades])

In [15]:
# Get the sum of all trades by RTS 2 sub class and add it as a column to the 
# This should exactly match the figure in the OO report.

lei_notional_sum_series = \
    all_trades[['rts2_classification', 'eur_notional']]\

sub_classes['lei_notional_sum'] = lei_notional_sum_series

In [16]:
# Get the trades which are OTC own account client trades
si_trades = all_trades[
    & all_trades.own_account
    & all_trades.client_order]

In [17]:
# For the SI trades, group by RTS 2 classification geting counts and notional sums
si_agg_series = si_trades[['rts2_classification', 'eur_notional']]\
    .agg(['count', 'sum'])

agg_df = pd.DataFrame(si_agg_series)
agg_df.columns = ['trade_count', 'notional_sum']

sub_classes2 = pd.merge(
    how='inner', on='rts2_classification')

In [18]:
# Add a column for the average number of trades per week
min_week_number = all_trades['trade_date_week'].min()
max_week_number = all_trades['trade_date_week'].max()
number_of_weeks = max_week_number - min_week_number + 1

sub_classes3 = sub_classes2.copy()
sub_classes3['avg_weekly_trades'] = sub_classes3['trade_count']\
    .apply(lambda x: x /  number_of_weeks)

This is the calculation

In [19]:
# Filter a

fa = sub_classes3.copy()
   & (fa.trade_count >= (fa.eu_trade_count * 0.025))
   & (fa.avg_weekly_trades >= 1)]

rts2_classification eu_notional_sum eu_trade_count is_liquid lei_notional_sum trade_count notional_sum avg_weekly_trades
2 {"RTS2 version": "EU 2017/583 of 14 July 2016"... 4752000000 195 True 448000000 5 48000000 1.0
5 {"RTS2 version": "EU 2017/583 of 14 July 2016"... 2323000000 312 True 400000000 8 23000000 1.6

In [20]:
# Filter b

fb = sub_classes3.copy()
   & (fb.avg_weekly_trades >= 1)]

rts2_classification eu_notional_sum eu_trade_count is_liquid lei_notional_sum trade_count notional_sum avg_weekly_trades
0 {"RTS2 version": "EU 2017/583 of 14 July 2016"... 4554000000 205 False 304000000 5 46000000 1.0
4 {"RTS2 version": "EU 2017/583 of 14 July 2016"... 3232000000 246 False 444000000 6 32000000 1.2

In [21]:
# Filter c

fc = sub_classes3.copy()
fc[  (fc.notional_sum >= (fc.lei_notional_sum * 0.25))
   | (fc.notional_sum >= (fc.eu_notional_sum * 0.01))]

rts2_classification eu_notional_sum eu_trade_count is_liquid lei_notional_sum trade_count notional_sum avg_weekly_trades
0 {"RTS2 version": "EU 2017/583 of 14 July 2016"... 4554000000 205 False 304000000 5 46000000 1.0
1 {"RTS2 version": "EU 2017/583 of 14 July 2016"... 693000000 123 True 184000000 3 7000000 0.6
2 {"RTS2 version": "EU 2017/583 of 14 July 2016"... 4752000000 195 True 448000000 5 48000000 1.0
7 {"RTS2 version": "EU 2017/583 of 14 July 2016"... 5050000000 78 True 121000000 2 50000000 0.4