In [1]:
%matplotlib inline
#%matplotlib widget
from astropy.cosmology import LambdaCDM
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import cm 
from astropy import constants as const
import astropy.units as u
from scipy.integrate import quad
import ezgal # BC03 model maker
import os

Setup Cosmology

In [2]:
cosmo = LambdaCDM(H0=70, Om0=0.3, Ode0=0.7, Tcmb0=2.725)

Create Stellar Population

In [3]:
# check to make sure we have defined the bpz filter path
if not os.getenv('EZGAL_FILTERS'):
    os.environ['EZGAL_FILTERS'] = (f'{os.environ["HOME"]}/Projects/planckClusters/MOSAICpipe/bpz-1.99.3/FILTER/')

model = ezgal.model('bc03_ssp_z_0.02_salp.model')
model = model.make_exponential(1)
model.set_cosmology(Om=cosmo.Om0, Ol=cosmo.Ode0, h=cosmo.h, w=cosmo.w(0))
model.add_filter('g_MOSAICII.res', name='g')
model.add_filter('r_MOSAICII.res', name='r')
model.add_filter('i_MOSAICII.res', name='i')
model.add_filter('z_MOSAICII.res', name='z')
model.add_filter('K_KittPeak.res', name='K')

# Blanton 2003 Normalization
Mr_star = -20.44 + 5 * np.log10(cosmo.h) # abs mag.
# set the normalization
model.set_normalization('sloan_r', 0.1, Mr_star, vega=False)

/home/boada/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/scipy/integrate/ RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in true_divide
  h0divh1 = h0 / h1
/home/boada/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/scipy/integrate/ RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in true_divide
  y[slice1]*hsum*hsum/hprod +
/home/boada/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/scipy/integrate/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in add

Calculate a few things to get going.

In [4]:
# desired formation redshift
zf = 6.0
# fetch an array of redshifts out to given formation redshift
zs = model.get_zs(zf)
# Calculate some cosmological stuff
DM = cosmo.distmod(zs)
dlum = cosmo.luminosity_distance(zs)

Define the functions that we'll need

Need to compute the cluster volume...

$M_{vir} = 4/3 \pi r^3_{vir} \rho_c(r<r_{vir}) = 4/3 \pi r^3_{vir} \Delta_c \rho_c$

if we let $\Delta_c = 200$ then

$M_{200} = 4/3 \pi r^3_{200} 200 \rho_c$ with $\rho_c = \frac{3H(z)^2}{8\pi G}$

or just $M_{200} = V_{200}200\rho_c$. So we'll make a function to calculate $\rho_c$. And we'll make use of the astropy units package to do all the unit analysis for us.

Don't forget that $H(z) = H_0E(z)$

We also need to integrate the Schechter luminosity functions..

The Schechter Function:

For Luminosity:

$\Phi(L) = \phi^\star \frac{L}{L_\star}^\alpha e^{-\frac{L}{L_\star}}$

For Magnitudes:

$\Phi(M) = \phi^\star\frac{2}{5}log(10) (10^{\frac{2}{5}(M_\star - M)})^{\alpha+1} e^{-10^{\frac{2}{5}(M_\star - M)}}$

In [5]:
def rho_crit(z, cosmo):
    # convert G into better units:
    G =**2 * u.Mpc/(u.M_sun * u.s**2))
    return 3 / (8 * np.pi * G) * cosmo.H0**2 * cosmo.efunc(z)**2 # Mpc^3

def schechterL(luminosity, phiStar, alpha, LStar): 
    """Schechter luminosity function.""" 
    LOverLStar = (luminosity/LStar) 
    return (phiStar/LStar) * LOverLStar**alpha * np.exp(- LOverLStar) 

def schechterM(magnitude, phiStar, alpha, MStar): 
    """Schechter luminosity function by magnitudes."""
    # check to make sure things are all the same size
    if isinstance(phiStar, float) and isinstance(magnitude, np.ndarray):
        phiStar = np.ones_like(magnitude) * phiStar
    if isinstance(alpha , float) and isinstance(magnitude, np.ndarray):
        alpha = np.ones_like(magnitude) * alpha
    if isinstance(MStar, float) and isinstance(magnitude, np.ndarray):
        MStar = np.ones_like(magnitude) * MStar
    MStarMinM = 0.4 * (MStar - magnitude)
    return (0.4 * np.log(10) * phiStar * 10.0**(MStarMinM * (alpha + 1.)) * np.exp(-10.**MStarMinM))

Functions to calculate everything at a specific redshift

In [6]:
def calc_Maglim(mlim, redshift, filter='i', cosmo=cosmo, model=model):
    return mlim - cosmo.distmod(redshift).value - model.get_kcorrects(zf, filters=filter, zs=redshift)
def calc_phistar(redshift, cosmo=cosmo):
    return 3.6 * cosmo.efunc(redshift)**2
def calc_alpha(redshift):
    return -1.05 * (1 + redshift)**(-2 / 3)
def calc_fr(redshift):
    return 0.8 * (1 + redshift)**(-1 / 2)

Start Calculating things

In [30]:
# So now we are going to calculate the volumes as a function of z

#M200 = mass_func(zarr) * u.solMass

M200 = 1e15 * u.solMass
V200 = M200/ (200 * rho_crit(zs, cosmo))

# Calculate the M_star values
Mstar = model.get_absolute_mags(zf, filters='i', zs=zs)

# calculate the abs mag of our limiting magnitude as a function of z
mlim = 23.5
#Mlim = Mstar - 2.5 * np.log10(0.4)
Mlim = mlim - cosmo.distmod(zs).value - model.get_kcorrects(zf, filters='i', zs=zs)

# Here are the Schechter function stuff from Liu et al.
phi_star = 3.6 * cosmo.efunc(zs)**2
alpha = -1.05 * (1 + zs)**(-2/3)
fr = 0.8*(1 + zs)**(-1/2)

In [8]:
LF = []
for phi, a, M_star, M_lim in zip(phi_star, alpha, Mstar, Mlim):
    if M_lim < M_star - 2.5 * np.log10(0.4):
        Mlimit = M_lim
        Mlimit = M_star - 2.5 * np.log10(0.4)
    y, err = quad(schechterM, -30, Mlimit, args=(phi, a, M_star))

In [9]:
plt.plot(zs, (LF * V200.value + 1) * fr)
ax = plt.gca()
ax.set_yticks(np.arange(0, 75, 10))
plt.xlim(0.1, 5)
plt.ylim(0, 80)
plt.ylabel('N (r < r200)')

In [10]:
calc_Maglim(23.5, 0.2)


In [11]:
magarr = np.arange(-30, -14, 0.2)

In [12]:
redshifts = np.arange(0.2, 2, 0.2) 
# make some colored lines for the plots
cm_subset = np.linspace(0.2, 0.8, len(redshifts))
colors = [cm.bone(x) for x in cm_subset]

The figure below is where we let both $\phi^\star$ and $\alpha$ evolve with redshift.

The vertical lines show the faint limit to our integral. In all cases we are integrating to $M=-30$ mag. So in the function above, we are integrating from the left to the right in this figure.

In [13]:
for z, c in zip(redshifts, colors):
    plt.plot(magarr, schechterM(magarr, calc_phistar(z), calc_alpha(z), model.get_absolute_mags(zf, filters='i', zs=z)), c=c)
    plt.axvline(calc_Maglim(23.5, z), c=c, label=f'{z:.2}')
plt.xlabel('Abs Magnitude')
plt.ylabel('$\Phi(M)$ [Ngal $Mpc^{-3}$]')
plt.ylim(0.01, 20)
plt.legend(loc='upper left')

<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7fbdc37dbe48>

The figure below is where we fix both $\phi^\star$ and $\alpha$ at some low redshift value, and do not allow them to evolve with redshift.

Here I've fixed them at $z=0.2$.

In my opinion, this looks a lot more like what we would expect for a LF. It still doesn't fully capture the evolution of the LF that I'd expect. I'd expect the

In [14]:
for z, c in zip(redshifts, colors):
    plt.plot(magarr, schechterM(magarr, calc_phistar(0.2), calc_alpha(z), model.get_absolute_mags(zf, filters='i', zs=z)), c=c)
    plt.axvline(calc_Maglim(23.5, z), c=c, label=f'{z:.2}')
plt.xlabel('Abs Magnitude')
plt.ylabel('$\Phi(M)$ [Ngal $Mpc^{-3}$]')
plt.ylim(0.01, 10)
plt.legend(loc='upper left')

<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7fbdc3617198>

In [52]:
LF = []
for phi, a, M_star, M_lim in zip(phi_star, alpha, Mstar, Mlim):
    if M_lim < M_star - 2.5 * np.log10(0.4):
        Mlimit = M_lim
        Mlimit = M_star - 2.5 * np.log10(0.4)
    y, err = quad(schechterM, -30, Mlimit, args=(7, -0.8, M_star))
    #print(M_star - M_lim, y)

Here is the above figure, with $\phi^\star$ and $\alpha$ fixed to their $z=0.2$ values.

In [53]:
plt.plot(zs, (LF * V200.value + 1) * fr)
ax = plt.gca()
#ax.set_yticks(np.arange(0, 75, 10))
plt.xlim(0.1, 2)
#plt.ylim(0, 80)
plt.ylabel('N (r < r200)')

In [23]:
LF * V200.value + 1

array([360.90991063, 359.28042458, 357.64962801, 356.01767866,
       354.38473317, 352.75094699, 351.1164744 , 349.48146843,
       347.84608083, 346.21046206, 344.57476119, 342.93912595,
       341.30370263, 339.66863608, 338.03406966, 336.40014522,
       334.76700308, 333.13478201, 331.50361915, 329.87365006,
       321.74633934, 313.66823857, 305.65435579, 297.71856597,
       289.87358771, 282.13097547, 274.50112548, 266.99329392,
       259.6156256 , 252.37519146, 245.27803334, 238.32921441,
       231.53287402, 224.89228539, 218.40991532, 212.0874846 ,
       205.92602842, 199.92595601, 194.08710875, 188.40881644,
       182.8899512 , 177.52897873, 172.32400672, 167.27283029,
       162.37297438, 157.62173303, 153.0162056 , 148.55333008,
       144.22991337, 140.04265893, 135.98819162, 132.06308019,
       124.62387252, 111.68619887, 100.43002174,  90.47143393,
        80.95658235,  72.82278658,  65.31209292,  58.44757696,
        52.51903425,  47.91412591,  44.43216167,  41.44892959,
        38.66534867,  36.07551793,  34.11599406,  32.20946812,
        30.26154347,  28.92097551,  27.71568612,  26.45853942,
        25.28905895,  24.32488628,  23.29462833,  22.1879892 ,
        21.25792441,  20.57632613,  19.87423264,  19.22225221,
        18.58765962,  18.31633786,  17.97278576,  17.53424846,
        17.06817319,  16.59176023,  16.29428701,  16.00058357,
        15.69765762,  15.47996613,  15.24140797,  15.05986725,
        14.85994431,  14.70977715,  14.5969299 ,  14.57086628,
        14.68872939,  14.63018289,  14.64587561,  14.66825963,
        14.51390943,  14.34062137,  13.90320966,  13.38068286,
        12.79779709,  12.28131802,  11.71526143,  11.21288052,
        10.67518953,  10.12055446,   9.58559459,   9.07250096,
         8.63747387,   8.22701398,   7.84156049,   7.48220736,
         7.15053903,   6.88762102,   6.6472647 ,   6.41716748,
         6.22867544,   5.99307657,   5.66390515,   5.31155347,
         4.98184587,   4.71496643,   4.50836268,   4.27608793,
         4.05149244,   3.82697108,   3.62624228,   3.44527983,
         3.23026591,   2.99761419,   2.62917292])

In [32]:
Mpiv = 6e14
zpiv = 0.46

fr2 = 0.68 * (M200.value / Mpiv)**-0.1 * ((1 + zs)/ (1 + zpiv))** -0.65

In [44]:
plt.plot(fr, fr2)
plt.plot(fr, fr3)
plt.plot([0,1], [0,1], c='k')

[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7fbdc252cf60>]

In [41]:
from scipy.special import erf

N200 = LF * V200.value + 1

gz = 0.206 - 0.371 * zs
hz = -3.6 + 25.8 * zs

fr3 = gz * erf(np.log10(N200) - np.log10(hz)) + 0.69

/home/boada/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in log10

In [42]:

array([       nan,        nan,        nan,        nan,        nan,
              nan,        nan,        nan,        nan,        nan,
              nan,        nan,        nan,        nan,        nan,
              nan,        nan,        nan,        nan,        nan,
              nan, 0.84034781, 0.83102449, 0.82163418, 0.81219032,
       0.80270987, 0.79320968, 0.78370595, 0.77421438, 0.76475025,
       0.75532861, 0.74596434, 0.73667226, 0.72746715, 0.71836375,
       0.70937683, 0.7005211 , 0.69181125, 0.68326189, 0.67488752,
       0.66670251, 0.65872103, 0.65095702, 0.64342415, 0.63613575,
       0.62910481, 0.62234389, 0.61586512, 0.60968012, 0.60380002,
       0.59823535, 0.59299609, 0.58912007, 0.58799143, 0.5879358 ,
       0.58905226, 0.59190517, 0.59585794, 0.60147692, 0.60879097,
       0.61726965, 0.62569085, 0.6335974 , 0.64183236, 0.65097884,
       0.66098736, 0.67009332, 0.68011027, 0.69148789, 0.70109453,
       0.71081316, 0.72159564, 0.73267446, 0.74319792, 0.75482886,
       0.7677491 , 0.78009129, 0.79104439, 0.80264852, 0.81429351,
       0.82623378, 0.83505393, 0.84479651, 0.85576351, 0.8673258 ,
       0.87932141, 0.88958234, 0.89999904, 0.91072279, 0.92059004,
       0.93086779, 0.9405651 , 0.95062724, 0.96015214, 0.96927159,
       0.97727675, 1.00658139, 1.03896859, 1.07079807, 1.10297671,
       1.13847289, 1.17483242, 1.2163715 , 1.26024566, 1.30609028,
       1.35145682, 1.39851876, 1.44493524, 1.49266597, 1.54130678,
       1.59000348, 1.63862236, 1.68578605, 1.73262555, 1.77907152,
       1.82504652, 1.87046883, 1.91432527, 1.95768539, 2.00082418,
       2.04298352, 2.08625651, 2.13170467, 2.17761411, 2.22288396,
       2.26660093, 2.30886435, 2.3515976 , 2.39404335, 2.4363559 ,
       2.47803882, 2.51919653, 2.56088655, 2.60272634, 2.64670663])

In [43]:

array([0.82365522, 0.82100254, 0.81837144, 0.81576165, 0.81317287,
       0.81060485, 0.80805732, 0.80553001, 0.80302267, 0.80053505,
       0.79806689, 0.79561797, 0.79318803, 0.79077683, 0.78838416,
       0.78600979, 0.78365348, 0.78131501, 0.77899419, 0.77669078,
       0.76542784, 0.75457046, 0.74409568, 0.7339823 , 0.7242107 ,
       0.71476271, 0.70562145, 0.69677124, 0.68819747, 0.67988654,
       0.67182574, 0.6640032 , 0.6564078 , 0.64902913, 0.64185744,
       0.63488355, 0.62809885, 0.62149522, 0.61506502, 0.60880107,
       0.60269655, 0.59674506, 0.59094052, 0.58527719, 0.57974963,
       0.57435269, 0.56908149, 0.56393139, 0.55889797, 0.55397705,
       0.54916464, 0.54445696, 0.53985039, 0.53534148, 0.53092696,
       0.52660369, 0.52236868, 0.51821906, 0.51415212, 0.51016523,
       0.50625589, 0.50242171, 0.49866039, 0.49496974, 0.49134765,
       0.48779209, 0.48430113, 0.4808729 , 0.4775056 , 0.47419753,
       0.47094701, 0.46775247, 0.46461236, 0.46152522, 0.45848962,
       0.4555042 , 0.45256764, 0.44967866, 0.44683604, 0.44403859,
       0.44128518, 0.4385747 , 0.43590609, 0.43327831, 0.43069037,
       0.42814132, 0.42563022, 0.42315617, 0.4207183 , 0.41831577,
       0.41594776, 0.41361349, 0.41131219, 0.40904311, 0.40680554,
       0.40459879, 0.39606667, 0.38797694, 0.38029388, 0.37298563,
       0.36602366, 0.35938237, 0.35303867, 0.3469717 , 0.34116259,
       0.33559416, 0.33025081, 0.32511825, 0.32018346, 0.31543447,
       0.3108603 , 0.30645083, 0.30219675, 0.29808944, 0.29412094,
       0.29028386, 0.28657136, 0.28297705, 0.27949502, 0.27611974,
       0.27284603, 0.26966909, 0.2665844 , 0.26358773, 0.26067512,
       0.25784284, 0.2550874 , 0.25240549, 0.24979402, 0.24725006,
       0.24477086, 0.2423538 , 0.23999642, 0.2376964 , 0.23545151])

In [54]:


In [46]:

array([  3.61628424,   3.63273137,   3.6493422 ,   3.66611754,
         3.6830582 ,   3.70016499,   3.71743872,   3.73488021,
         3.75249026,   3.77026968,   3.78821929,   3.8063399 ,
         3.82463232,   3.84309735,   3.86173582,   3.88054852,
         3.89953628,   3.9186999 ,   3.9380402 ,   3.95755798,
         4.05783755,   4.16267589,   4.2721744 ,   4.38643445,
         4.50555743,   4.62964473,   4.75879774,   4.89311787,
         5.03270649,   5.17766503,   5.32809488,   5.48409745,
         5.64577414,   5.81322637,   5.98655557,   6.16586313,
         6.35125049,   6.54281907,   6.7406703 ,   6.9449056 ,
         7.15562641,   7.37293417,   7.5969303 ,   7.82771627,
         8.0653935 ,   8.31006345,   8.56182756,   8.82078729,
         9.08704409,   9.36069943,   9.64185476,   9.93061155,
        10.22707127,  10.53133538,  10.84350536,  11.16368269,
        11.49196884,  11.82846529,  12.17327353,  12.52649505,
        12.88823134,  13.25858389,  13.63765419,  14.02554375,
        14.42235406,  14.82818664,  15.24314298,  15.66732461,
        16.10083302,  16.54376975,  16.9962363 ,  17.45833421,
        17.93016498,  18.41183016,  18.90343127,  19.40506985,
        19.91684743,  20.43886555,  20.97122575,  21.51402959,
        22.06737859,  22.63137433,  23.20611834,  23.7917122 ,
        24.38825744,  24.99585565,  25.61460838,  26.2446172 ,
        26.88598368,  27.53880939,  28.20319592,  28.87924484,
        29.56705774,  30.26673619,  30.97838179,  31.70209613,
        34.71967278,  37.93847726,  41.36501277,  45.00578325,
        48.86729337,  52.95604855,  57.27855492,  61.84131938,
        66.65084954,  71.71365376,  77.03624114,  82.6251215 ,
        88.48680541,  94.62780417, 101.05462982, 107.77379514,
       114.79181364, 122.11519958, 129.75046792, 137.7041344 ,
       145.98271548, 154.59272835, 163.54069094, 172.83312193,
       182.4765407 , 192.47746742, 202.84242295, 213.57792891,
       224.69050764, 236.18668225, 248.07297655, 260.35591509,
       273.04202319, 286.13782687, 299.6498529 , 313.58462879,
       327.94868279, 342.74854386, 357.99074174])

In [ ]: