In [2]:
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from scipy.integrate import odeint
Solving the two differential equations given:
In [3]:
gamma = 4.4983169634398596e-06
To solve these, I first define a derivative function:
In [4]:
def derivs(solarray, t, M, S):
"""Computes the derivatives of the equations dictating the behavior of the stars orbiting galaxy M and the
disrupting galaxy, S
solarray : solution array for the differential equations
t : array of time values
M : central mass of main galaxy
S : central mass of disrupting galaxy
derivarray : an array of the velocities and accelerations of galaxy S and stars, m
derivarray = np.zeros(len(solarray))
R_x = solarray[0]
R_y = solarray[1]
R = np.sqrt(solarray[0]**2+solarray[1]**2)
vR_x = solarray[2]
vR_y = solarray[3]
dR_x = vR_x
dR_y = vR_y
dvR_x = ((-gamma*(M+S)*R_x)/R**3)
dvR_y = ((-gamma*(M+S)*R_y)/R**3)
derivarray[0] = dR_x
derivarray[1] = dR_y
derivarray[2] = dvR_x
derivarray[3] = dvR_y
for n in range(1,int(len(solarray)/4)):
r_x = solarray[4*n]
r_y = solarray[4*n+1]
r = np.sqrt(r_x**2+r_y**2)
vr_x = solarray[4*n+2]
vr_y = solarray[4*n+3]
p_x = R_x - r_x
p_y = R_y - r_y
p = np.sqrt(p_x**2+p_y**2)
dr_x = vr_x
dr_y = vr_y
dvr_x = -gamma*((M/r**3)*r_x-(S/p**3)*p_x+(S/R**3)*R_x)
dvr_y = -gamma*((M/r**3)*r_y-(S/p**3)*p_y+(S/R**3)*R_y)
derivarray[4*n] = dr_x
derivarray[4*n+1] = dr_y
derivarray[4*n+2] = dvr_x
derivarray[4*n+3] = dvr_y
return derivarray
In [5]:
a = derivs([-24,70,200,-200,-3.5,3.5,-200,-200,-3.5,-3.5,200,-200],1,1e11,1e11)
In [23]:
Then I use odeint to solve the equations
In [6]:
def equationsolver(ic,max_time,time_step,M,S):
"""Solves the differential equations using odeint and the derivs function defined above
ic : initial conditions
max_time : maximum time to be used for time array
time_step : step size of time array
M : central mass of main galaxy
S : central mass of disrupting galaxy
sol : solution array for the differential equations
t = np.linspace(0,max_time,time_step)
sol = odeint(derivs, ic, t, args=(M,S),atol=1e-3,rtol=1e-3)
return sol
In [7]:
b = equationsolver([-24,70,200,-200,-3.5,3.5,-200,-200,-3.5,-3.5,200,-200],1,100,1e11,1e11)
In [8]:
In the end, I get a solution array in the form: