The setup is a foil in its holder mounted to a foil holder meant to bock incident ions. The foil has a ~0.6mm hole in it to provide a baseline. The goal is to use the relative intensity of the witness hole to determine the intensity of holes in the foil.
A quick summary:
In [18]:
%matplotlib inline
#%matplotlib notebook
%load_ext version_information
%load_ext autoreload
In [19]:
import itertools
from pprint import pprint
from operator import getitem
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.colors import LogNorm
import numpy as np
import spacepy.plot as spp
import pymc3 as mc3
import tqdm
from MCA_file_viewer_v001 import GetMCAfile
%version_information matplotlib, numpy, pymc3
In [2]:
def plot_box(x, y, c='r', lw=0.6, ax=None):
if ax is None:
plt.plot((xind[0], xind[0]), (yind[0], yind[1]), lw=lw, c=c)
plt.plot((xind[1], xind[1]), (yind[0], yind[1]), lw=lw, c=c)
plt.plot((xind[0], xind[1]), (yind[0], yind[0]), lw=lw, c=c)
plt.plot((xind[0], xind[1]), (yind[1], yind[1]), lw=lw, c=c)
ax.plot((xind[0], xind[0]), (yind[0], yind[1]), lw=lw, c=c)
ax.plot((xind[1], xind[1]), (yind[0], yind[1]), lw=lw, c=c)
ax.plot((xind[0], xind[1]), (yind[0], yind[0]), lw=lw, c=c)
ax.plot((xind[0], xind[1]), (yind[1], yind[1]), lw=lw, c=c)
In [3]:
ZZ, XX, YY = GetMCAfile('16090203.mca')
# It is believed as of 2016-09-19 that the MCA records 2 counts for each count.
# This means all data are even and all the data can be divided by 2 to give the
# right number of counts. Per emails Larsen-Fernandes 2016-09-17
# These data are integres and care muct be taken to assure that /2 does not
# lead to number that are not representable in float
ZZ = ZZ.astype(float)
ZZ /= 2
XX = XX.astype(np.uint16) # as they all should be integers anyway
In [4]:
xind = (986, 1003)
yind = (492, 506)
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(20,8))
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(131)
ax2 = fig.add_subplot(132)
ax3 = fig.add_subplot(133)
pc = ax1.pcolormesh(XX, YY, ZZ, norm=LogNorm())
plt.colorbar(pc, ax=ax1)
plot_box(xind, yind, ax=ax1)
ax2.hist(ZZ.flatten(), 20)
ax3.hist(ZZ.flatten(), 20, normed=True)
Phil's data:
File name Witness cts Total cts Foil cts Open area
16090203 658 4570 3912 0.00102
In [5]:
total_cnts = ZZ.sum()
print('Total counts:{0} -- Phil got {1} -- remember /2'.format(total_cnts, 4570/2)) # remember we did a /2
In [6]:
# Is the whitness hole at x=1000, y=500?
XX.shape, YY.shape, ZZ.shape
In [7]:
print(ZZ[yind[0]:yind[1], xind[0]:xind[1]])
plt.pcolormesh(XX[xind[0]:xind[1]], YY[yind[0]:yind[1]], ZZ[yind[0]:yind[1], xind[0]:xind[1]] , norm=LogNorm())
witness_counts = ZZ[yind[0]:yind[1], xind[0]:xind[1]].sum()
print('Witness counts: {0}, Phil got {1}/2={2}'.format(witness_counts, 658, 658/2))
wit_pixels = 46
print('There {0} pixels in the witness peak'.format(wit_pixels))
total_counts = ZZ.sum()
print("There are a total of {0} counts".format(total_counts))
In [10]:
def neighbor_inds(x, y, xlim=(0,1023), ylim=(0,1023), center=False, mask=False):
given an x and y index return the 8 neighbor indices
if center also return the center index
if mask return a boolean mask over the whole 2d array
xi = np.clip([x + v for v in [-1, 0, 1]], xlim[0], xlim[1])
yi = np.clip([y + v for v in [-1, 0, 1]], ylim[0], ylim[1])
ans = [(i, j) for i, j in itertools.product(xi, yi)]
if not center:
if mask:
out = np.zeros((np.diff(xlim)+1, np.diff(ylim)+1), dtype=np.bool)
for c in ans:
out[c] = True
out = ans
return np.asarray(out)
# print(neighbor_inds(2,2, mask=True))
# print(ZZ[neighbor_inds(500, 992, mask=True)])
In [11]:
def get_alone_pixels(dat):
loop over all the data and store the value of all lone pixels
ans = []
for index, x in tqdm.tqdm_notebook(np.ndenumerate(dat)):
if (np.sum([ZZ[i, j] for i, j in neighbor_inds(index[0], index[1])]) == 0) and x != 0:
ans.append((index, x))
return ans
# print((neighbor_inds(5, 4)))
alone = get_alone_pixels(ZZ)
# ZZ[neighbor_inds(5, 4)[0]].shape
# print((neighbor_inds(5, 4))[0])
# print(ZZ[(neighbor_inds(5, 4))[0]].shape)
# ZZ[4,3]
In [12]:
ZZ[(965, 485)]
In [13]:
ni = neighbor_inds(4,3)[0]
print(ZZ[ni[0], ni[1]])
In [14]:
(ZZ % 2).any() # not all even any longer
In [15]:
n_noise = np.sum([v[1] for v in alone])
n_pixels = 1024*1024
noise_pixel = n_noise/n_pixels
print("There were a total of {0} random counts over {1} pixels, {2} cts/pixel".format(n_noise, n_pixels, noise_pixel))
Maybe we should consider just part of the MCP, lets get the min,max X and min,max Y where there are counts and just use that area. This will increase the cts/pixel.
In [16]:
minx_tmp = ZZ.sum(axis=0)
miny_tmp = ZZ.sum(axis=1)
Looks to go all the way to all sides in X-Y.
Now we can model the total open area of the foil given the noise estimate per pixel and the pixels that are a part of the witness sample and the total area.
We model the observed background as Poisson with center at the real background:
$obsnbkg \sim Pois(nbkg)$
We model the observed witness sample, $obswit$, as Poisson with center of background per pixel times number of pixels in peak plus the number of real counts:
$obswit \sim Pois(nbkg/C + witc)$, $C = \frac{A_w}{A_t}$
This then leaves the number of counts in open areas of the system (excluding witness) as a Poisson with center of background per pixel times number of pixels in the system (less witness) plus the real number of counts.
$obsopen \sim Pois(nbkg/D + realc)$, $D=\frac{A_t - A_w}{A_t}$
Then then the open area is given by the ratio number of counts, $realc$, over an unknown area, $A_o$, as related to witness counts, $witc$, to the witness area, $A_w$, which is assumed perfect as as 0.6mm hole.
$\frac{A_o}{realc}=\frac{A_w}{witc} => A_o = \frac{A_w}{witc}realc $
In [17]:
Aw = np.pi*(0.2/2)**2 # mm**2
Af = 182.75 # mm**2 this is the area of the foil
W_F_ratio = Aw/Af
print(Aw, Af, W_F_ratio)
C = wit_pixels/n_pixels
D = (n_pixels-wit_pixels)/n_pixels
print('C', C, 'D', D)
In [26]:
with mc3.Model() as model:
nbkg = mc3.Uniform('nbkg', 1, n_noise*5) # just 1 to some large number
obsnbkg = mc3.Poisson('obsnbkg', nbkg, observed=n_noise)
witc = mc3.Uniform('witc', 0, witness_counts*5) # just 0 to some large number
obswit = mc3.Poisson('obswit', nbkg*C + witc, observed=witness_counts)
realc = mc3.Uniform('realc', 0, total_counts*5) # just 0 to some large number
obsopen = mc3.Poisson('obsopen', nbkg*D + realc, observed=total_counts-witness_counts)
# @mc.deterministic(plot=True)
# def open_area(realc=realc, witc=witc):
# return realc*Aw/witc/Af
open_area = mc3.Deterministic('open_area', realc*Aw/witc/Af)
start = mc3.find_MAP()
trace = mc3.sample(20000, start=start)
In [27]:
In [28]:
print("Foil 1 \n")
witc_mean = np.mean(trace['witc'])
witc_std = np.std(trace['witc'])
print("Found witness counts of {0} turn into {1} +/- {2} ({3:.2f}%)\n".format(witness_counts, witc_mean, witc_std, witc_std/witc_mean*100))
realc_mean = np.mean(trace['realc'])
realc_std = np.std(trace['realc'])
print("Found non-witness counts of {0} turn into {1} +/- {2} ({3:.2f}%)\n".format(total_counts-witness_counts, realc_mean, realc_std, realc_std/realc_mean*100))
nbkg_mean = np.mean(trace['nbkg'])
nbkg_std = np.std(trace['nbkg'])
print("Found noise counts of {0} turn into {1} +/- {2} ({3:.2f}%)\n".format(0, nbkg_mean, nbkg_std, nbkg_std/nbkg_mean*100))
OA_median = np.median(trace['open_area'])
OA_mean = np.mean(trace['open_area'])
OA_std = np.std(trace['open_area'])
print("The open area fraction is {0:.6f} +/- {1:.6f} ({2:.2f}%) at the 1 stddev level from 1 measurement\n".format(OA_mean, OA_std,OA_std/OA_mean*100 ))
print("Phil got {0} for 1 measurement\n".format(0.00139))
print("The ratio Brian/Phil is: {0:.6f} or {1:.6f}".format(OA_mean/0.00139, 0.00139/OA_mean))
In [35]:
_Aw = np.pi*(0.2/2)**2 # mm**2
_Af = 182.75 # mm**2 this is the area of the foil
print(_Aw, _Af)
with mc3.Model() as model:
nbkg = mc3.Uniform('nbkg', 1, n_noise*5) # just 1 to some large number
obsnbkg = mc3.Poisson('obsnbkg', nbkg, observed=n_noise)
Aw = mc3.Normal('Aw', _Aw, sd=_Aw*0.2) # 20%
Af = mc3.Normal('Af', _Af, sd=_Af*0.1) # 10%
C = wit_pixels/n_pixels
D = (n_pixels-wit_pixels)/n_pixels
witc = mc3.Uniform('witc', 0, witness_counts*5) # just 0 to some large number
obswit = mc3.Poisson('obswit', nbkg*C + witc, observed=witness_counts)
realc = mc3.Uniform('realc', 0, total_counts*5) # just 0 to some large number
obsopen = mc3.Poisson('obsopen', nbkg*D + realc, observed=total_counts-witness_counts)
# @mc.deterministic(plot=True)
# def open_area(realc=realc, witc=witc):
# return realc*Aw/witc/Af
open_area = mc3.Deterministic('open_area', realc*Aw/witc/Af)
start = mc3.find_MAP()
trace = mc3.sample(20000, start=start)
In [36]:
In [37]:
print("Foil 1 \n")
witc_mean = np.mean(trace['witc'])
witc_std = np.std(trace['witc'])
print("Found witness counts of {0} turn into {1} +/- {2} ({3:.2f}%)\n".format(witness_counts, witc_mean, witc_std, witc_std/witc_mean*100))
realc_mean = np.mean(trace['realc'])
realc_std = np.std(trace['realc'])
print("Found non-witness counts of {0} turn into {1} +/- {2} ({3:.2f}%)\n".format(total_counts-witness_counts, realc_mean, realc_std, realc_std/realc_mean*100))
nbkg_mean = np.mean(trace['nbkg'])
nbkg_std = np.std(trace['nbkg'])
print("Found noise counts of {0} turn into {1} +/- {2} ({3:.2f}%)\n".format(0, nbkg_mean, nbkg_std, nbkg_std/nbkg_mean*100))
OA_median = np.median(trace['open_area'])
OA_mean = np.mean(trace['open_area'])
OA_std = np.std(trace['open_area'])
print("The open area fraction is {0:.6f} +/- {1:.6f} ({2:.2f}%) at the 1 stddev level from 1 measurement\n".format(OA_mean, OA_std,OA_std/OA_mean*100 ))
print("Phil got {0} for 1 measurement\n".format(0.00139))
print("The ratio Brian/Phil is: {0:.6f} or {1:.6f}".format(OA_mean/0.00139, 0.00139/OA_mean))
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