create model based on past observations ($\theta X_{t-1}$) and past innovations ($a_{t}$) (difference between last and current observation)
I in ARIMA: integrated
In [1]:
### Load time series packages
In [24]:
# par(mfcol=c(2,1)) # plot parameter: print two plots above each other
data(electricity) # time series
plot(electricity, ylab="Kilowatt hour")
title(main="Non constant variance")
Keep variance constant by log transformation:
In [25]:
plot(log(electricity), ylab="log(Kilowatt hour)")
title(main="Constant variance")
There are two different co2
time series, so we'll have to specify which one
we want to load / work with:
In [26]:
data(co2, package="TSA")
The function diff
can be used to differenciate (e.g. detrend) the data.
lag=1: always substract the last data point
lag=12: always substract the n-12th data point
apply both lags to get the remainder
In [30]:
## Time series plot
par(mfcol=c(2,2)) # plot 4 graphs in a 2x2 matrix
plot(co2, ylab="", xlab="")
title(main="Original, non-stationary time series")
plot(diff(co2, lag=12), ylab="", xlab="")
title(main="One seasonal difference")
plot(diff(co2, lag=1), ylab="", xlab="")
title(main="One regular difference (i.e. detrended)")
plot(diff(diff(co2, lag=1), lag=12), ylab="", xlab="")
title(main="One regular + one\n seasonal difference")
In [36]:
### The autocorrelogram function (ACF)
plot(tempdub, main="Monthly average temperature")
acf(tempdub, ylab="", xlab="", main="ACF of monthly average temperature")
The ACF plot clearly shows that temperature is possitively correlated with 12 months ago (0.0, 1.0) temperature is negatively correlated with 6 months ago (0.5, 1.5)
In [37]:
plot(diff(tempdub, 12))
acf(diff(tempdub, 12))
Without seasonality, the ACF ownly shows one negative correlation with the same month one year ago. (This has to do with the stationary part...)
In [35]:
plot(co2, main="Monthly CO2 level")
acf(co2, lag.max=48, ylab="", xlab="", main="ACF of monthly CO2 level")
We will look at AR(1), MA(1), AR(2), MA(2) and ARMA(1,1).
We will use simulated, stationary data.
MA(2) means that the model only depends on last two innovations.
This is the most challenging part.
In [5]:
### ACF and PACF of an AR(1) model
# create 100 random data points in an AR model with coefficient phi 0.8 and -0.8
ar1.pos <- arima.sim(n= 100, model=list(ar=c(0.8)))
ar1.neg <- arima.sim(n= 100, model=list(ar=c(-0.8)))
title <- expression(paste("ACF of AR(1) model with ", phi == 0.8))
# exponential decrease
acf(ar1.pos, xlab="", ylab="", main=title)
title <- expression(paste("PACF of AR(1) with ", phi == 0.8))
pacf(ar1.pos, xlab="", ylab="", main=title)
title <- expression(paste("ACF of AR(1) with ", phi == -0.8))
acf(ar1.neg, xlab="", ylab="", main=title)
# exponential decrease with alternating signs
title <- expression(paste("PACF of AR(1) with ", phi == -0.8))
pacf(ar1.neg, xlab="", ylab="", main=title)
In [6]:
### ACF and PACF of an AR(2) model
ar2 <- arima.sim(n= 100, model=list(ar=c(0.8, -0.75)))
tit <- expression(paste("ACF of AR(2) with ", phi[1] == 0.8, " and ", phi[2] == -0.75))
# exponential decrease in ACF values with alternating signs
acf(ar2, xlab="", ylab="", main=tit)
tit <- expression(paste("PACF of AR(2) with ", phi[1] == 0.8, " and ", phi[2] == -0.75))
# the two first lags are significant, the rest is not
pacf(ar2, xlab="", ylab="", main=tit)
In a MA model, we should see the opposite pattern:
In [7]:
### ACF and PACF of an MA(1) model
par(mfcol=c(2,2), cex.axis=1.5, cex.main=1.5)
ma1.pos <- arima.sim(n= 100, model=list(ma=c(0.8)))
ma1.neg <- arima.sim(n= 100, model=list(ma=c(-0.8)))
tit <- expression(paste("ACF of MA(1) with ", theta == 0.8))
acf(ma1.pos, xlab="", ylab="", main=tit)
tit <- expression(paste("PACF of MA(1) with ", theta == 0.8))
pacf(ma1.pos, xlab="", ylab="", main=tit)
tit <- expression(paste("ACF of MA(1) with ", theta == -0.8))
acf(ma1.neg, xlab="", ylab="", main=tit)
tit <- expression(paste("PACF of MA(1) with ", theta == -0.8))
pacf(ma1.neg, xlab="", ylab="", main=tit)
In [8]:
### ACF and PACF of an MA(2) model
ma2 <- arima.sim(n= 100, model=list(ma=c(1.5,0.8)))
tit <- expression(paste("ACF of MA(2) with ", theta[1] == 1.5, " and ", theta[2] == 0.8))
# should be an exponential decrease
acf(ma2, xlab="", ylab="", main=tit)
tit <- expression(paste("PACF of MA(2) with ", theta[1] == 1.5, " and ", theta[2] == 0.8))
# the first three lags are significant (it should be only the first two,
# since this is a MA model of order 2
pacf(ma2, xlab="", ylab="", main=tit)
In [9]:
### ACF and PACF of an ARMA(1,1) model
# We expect exponential decrease in ACF and a significant first lag in PACF.
arma1.1 <- arima.sim(n= 100, model=list(ar=0.8, ma=0.7))
tit <- expression(paste("ACF of ARMA(1,1) with ", phi == 0.8, " and ", theta == 0.7))
acf(arma1.1, xlab="", ylab="", main=tit)
tit <- expression(paste("PACF of ARMA(1,1) with ", phi == 0.8, " and ", theta == 0.7))
pacf(arma1.1, xlab="", ylab="", main=tit)
In [10]:
plot(co2, main="CO2 time series")
co2.stat <- diff(diff(co2, lag=1), lag=12) # detrend / deseasonalize
# no exponential decrease -> no AR
# lag 1.0 is significant -> MA(1, 1)
acf(co2.stat, xlab="", ylab="", main="ACF", lag.max=30)
# exponential decrease
pacf(co2.stat, xlab="", ylab="", main="PACF", lag.max=30)
In [11]:
# regular: c(p=AR,d=I, q=MA)
# seasonal: c(P=AR,D=I, Q=MA)
# here: MA(regular 1, seasonal 1)
arima.co2 <- arima(co2, order=c(0,1,1), seasonal=list(order=c(0,1,1)))
In [12]:
best.arima<-auto.arima(co2, d=1, D=1, max.p=5, max.q=5, max.P=2, max.Q=2)
In [13]:
### ACF and PACF of the standardized residuals
# We should not see any pattern in the residuals.
acf(rstandard(arima.co2), xlab="", ylab="", main="ACF of standardized residuals")
pacf(rstandard(arima.co2), xlab="", ylab="", main="PACF of standardized residuals")
In [14]:
### Ljung-Box-Pierce test
Box.test(rstandard(arima.co2), lag=12, type="Ljung-Box")
LB.test(arima.co2, lag=12)
In [15]:
### Plot of standardized residuals
# most residuals are within the SD, so the residuals are normaly distributed
plot(rstandard(arima.co2), xlab="", ylab="", main="", type="o", ylim=c(-3,3))
abline(h=2, lty=3, col="red")
abline(h=-2, lty=3, col="red")
In [44]:
# diagnose the model (like we did before, but in one step)
In [45]:
# there's another function called plot.Arima, so we'll have to use the namespace
TSA::plot.Arima(arima.co2, n.ahead=120, type='l')
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