Parameter identification interface

User-interface to perform parameter identification of bioscrape/SBML models

  • Simple functions to import models/data
  • Use the fast deterministic and stochastic simulators available within bioscrape
  • (Optionally) Specify parameter priors, desired likelihood/cost functions
  • Create your own likelihood functions interface

Loglikelihood Functions

Bioscrape comes with a number of built in log-likelihood functions for deterministic or stochastic parameter inference. These functions are detailed in the following notebook. First, a simple model is made to test the functions:

$\emptyset \xrightarrow[]{k_1} X \; \; \; \; X \xrightarrow[]{d_1} \emptyset$

A set of N trajectories is then generated from this model, from either the same or different initial conditions, across the same or different time-windows. Gaussian noise is then added to all the samples. Finally, bioscrape inference functions are used to run MCMC to get parameter distributions.

In [1]:
%matplotlib inline
import bioscrape as bs
from bioscrape.types import Model
from bioscrape.simulator import py_simulate_model

import numpy as np
import pylab as plt

# Import bioscrape XML / bioscrape model object M / SBML file
# M  = bs.types.read_model_from_sbml(filename)
# M = Model('models/pid_model.xml')

# Or...Create a Model using the bioscrape API
species = ['X']
reactions = [(['X'], [], 'massaction', {'k':'d1'}), ([], ['X'], 'massaction', {'k':'k1'})]
k1 = 10.0
d1 = .2
params = [('k1', k1), ('d1', d1)]
initial_condition = {'X':0}
M = Model(species = species, reactions = reactions, parameters = params, 
          initial_condition_dict = initial_condition)

# Import data from CSV
# data = import_timeseries('test_data.csv', time_column = 2, value_column = 4, properties = {3 : 51})


N = 10 #Number of trajectories
nT = 50 #number of timepoints
noise_std = 0.02 #Standar deviation of the guassian noise added onto the measurements

MultipleTimepoints = True #Different timepoints for each trajectory? # No need to set this explicitly with experimental data, it is detected automatically
timepoint_list = [] # No need to generate this for experimental data, it is automatically detected from the data
timepoints = np.linspace(np.random.randint(0, 10), np.random.randint(10, 100), nT) # Needed for simulation of bioscrape model
# timepoints = np.linspace(0, 100, nT) 
#Generate Trajectories
R = [] #Results as Pandas Dataframes
data = [] #Results will become a numpy array
MultipleInitialConditions = True #Different initial conditions for each trajectory? # No need to specify here for experimental data, can be detected automatically

X0_list = [] #multiple initial conditions will be saved for inference
for n in range(N):
    if MultipleInitialConditions:
        initial_condition = {'X': np.random.randint(0, 100)}
    if MultipleTimepoints:
        timepoints = np.linspace(np.random.randint(0, 10, 1), np.random.randint(10, 100, 1), num = 50).flatten()
    r = py_simulate_model(timepoints, Model = M, stochastic = True)
    r['X'] = r['X'].to_numpy() + np.random.normal(loc = 0, scale = noise_std, size = nT)

M_original = Model(species = species, reactions = reactions, parameters = params, 
          initial_condition_dict = initial_condition)

To run the MCMC algorithm to identify parameters from the data, the following code can be used.

In [2]:
# Run parameter identification procedure using Python emcee -
from bioscrape.pid_interfaces import *
from bioscrape.emcee_interface import *

pid = initialize_mcmc()
pid.exp_data = data
pid.time_column = ['time']
pid.measurements = ['X']
pid.M = M
pid.prior = {'k1' : ['uniform', 0.1, 1000],'d1' : ['uniform', 1e-2, 10]}
pid.params_to_estimate = ['k1', 'd1']
pid.type = 'deterministic'
pid.timepoints = timepoint_list
pid.initial_conditions = X0_list
pid.nsamples = 500
pid.nsteps = 200
pid.nwalkers = 100
pid.init_seed = 0.15
fitted_model, params = pid.run_mcmc(plot_show = True, progress = True, debug = False)

C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\bioscrape\ UserWarning: Timepoints given by user, not using the data to extract the timepoints automatically.
  warnings.warn('Timepoints given by user, not using the data to extract the timepoints automatically.')
C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\emcee\moves\ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in double_scalars
  lnpdiff = f + nlp - state.log_prob[j]
Successfully completed MCMC parameter identification procedure. Parameter distribution data written to mcmc_results.csv file

Plot all data

In [3]:
for i in range(len(timepoint_list)):
    sim_x = py_simulate_model(timepoints, Model = M_original, stochastic = False)
    sim_x_inf = py_simulate_model(timepoints, Model = fitted_model, stochastic = False)
    plt.plot(timepoint_list[i], data[i]['X'], label = 'Data')
    plt.plot(timepoint_list[i], sim_x['X'], 'r--', label = 'Original model')
    plt.plot(timepoint_list[i], sim_x_inf['X'], 'k', label = 'Identified model')
    plt.title('Initial condition : {0}'.format(X0_list[i]))

In [4]:
import pandas as pd
# Write noisy data to csv
# df = pd.concat(R)
file_name = 'test_data.csv'
R[-1].to_csv(file_name, sep='\t', header = True)

In [5]:

In [6]:

array([0.20728981, 8.52263379])

In [ ]: