Consider the following assessment criteria which map a score out of 100 to an assessment grade:
Grade | Raw score (/100) |
Excellent | $\ge 82$ |
Very good | $\ge 76.5$ and $< 82$ |
Good | $\ge 66$ and $< 76.5$ |
Need improvement | $\ge 45$ and $< 66$ |
Did you try? | $< 45$ |
Write a program that asks for the input score and prints the appropriate grade. Print an error message if the input score is greater than 100 or less than zero.
Recall that
# Get input from user
number = float(input('How many seconds in one minute? '))
can be used for interactive input.
In [1]:
# Get input from user
score = float(input('What\'s your score? '))
if score < 0 or score > 100:
print('Score must be between 0 and 100')
elif score < 45:
print('Did you try?')
elif score < 66:
print('Need improvement')
elif score < 76.5:
elif score < 82:
print('Very good')
Bisection is an iterative method for approximating roots of a function. Say we know that the function $f(x)$ has one root between $x_{0}$ and $x_{1}$ ($x_{0} < x_{1}$). We then:
Evaluate $f(x_0) \cdot f(x_{\rm mid})$
If $f(x_0) \cdot f(x_{\rm mid}) < 0$:
$f$ must change sign somewhere between $x_0$ and $x_{\rm mid}$, hence the root must lie between $x_0$ and $x_{\rm mid}$, so set $x_1 = x_{\rm mid}$.
$f$ must change sign somewhere between $x_{\rm mid}$ and $x_1$, so set $x_0 = x_{\rm mid}$.
The above steps can be repeated a specified number of times, or until $|f_{\rm mid}|$ is below a tolerance, with $x_{\rm mid}$ being the approximate root.
Task: The function
$$ f(x) = x^3 - 6x^2 + 4x + 12 $$has one root somewhere between $x_0 = 3$ and $x_1 = 6$.
loop).Hint: Use abs
to compute the absolute value of a number, e.g. y = abs(x)
assigns the absolute value of x
to y
In [2]:
# Number of iterations to do
n_iter = 15
# Initialize x_0 and x_1
x_0 = 3
x_1 = 6
for i in range(n_iter):
# Compute x_mid
x_mid = (x_0 + x_1) / 2
# Compute f for the three values
f_0 = x_0**3 - 6*x_0**2 + 4*x_0 + 12
f_1 = x_1**3 - 6*x_1**2 + 4*x_1 + 12
f_mid = x_mid**3 - 6*x_mid**2 + 4*x_mid + 12
# Check the value of f_0*f_mid to determine how to update the endpoints
if f_0*f_mid < 0:
x_1 = x_mid
x_0 = x_mid
print('Approximated root:', x_mid)
In [3]:
# Desired precision
prec = 1e-6
# Counter for number of iterations
n_iter = 0
# Initialize x_0 and x_1
x_0 = 3
x_1 = 6
# Update the number of iterations
n_iter += 1
# Compute x_mid
x_mid = (x_0 + x_1) / 2
# Compute f for the three values
f_0 = x_0**3 - 6*x_0**2 + 4*x_0 + 12
f_1 = x_1**3 - 6*x_1**2 + 4*x_1 + 12
f_mid = x_mid**3 - 6*x_mid**2 + 4*x_mid + 12
# Check the value of f_0*f_mid to determine how to update the endpoints
if f_0*f_mid < 0:
x_1 = x_mid
x_0 = x_mid
# Check if the desired precision is reached and break
if abs(f_mid) < prec:
print('Approximated root:', x_mid)
print('Number of iterations required:', n_iter)
The power series expansion for sine is:
$$ \sin(x) = \sum_{n = 0}^{\infty} (-1)^n \frac{x^{2n +1}}{(2n+1)!} $$(See mathematics data book for a less compact version; the compact version is preferred here as it is simpler to program.)
Using a for
statement, approximate $\sin(3\pi/2)$ using 15 terms in the series exansion and report the absolute error.
Using a while
statement, compute how many terms in the series are required to approximate $\sin(3\pi/2)$ to within $1 \times 10^{-8}$.
Note: Calculators and computers use iterative or series expansions to compute trigonometric functions, similar to the one above (although they use more efficient formulations than the above series).
To compute the factorial and to get a good approximation of $\pi$, use the Python math
import math
nfact = math.factorial(10)
pi = math.pi
You only need 'import math
' once at the top of your program. Standard modules, like math
will be explained in a later exercise. If you want to test for angles for which sine is not simple, you can use
a = 1.3
s = math.sin(a)
to get an accurate computation of sine to check the error.
In [4]:
# Import math module to compute factorial and sine
import math
In [5]:
# Number of iterations to do
n_terms = 15
# Initialize x and its sine
x = 3*math.pi/2
sin_x = 0
for i in range(n_terms):
# Add the next term to the summatory
sin_x += (-1)**i * (x**(2*i+1) / math.factorial(2*i+1))
print('Calculated sine:', sin_x)
print('Absolute error:', abs(sin_x - math.sin(x)))
In [6]:
# Desired precision
prec = 1e-8
# Initialize x, its sine, the "real" sine and the number of terms used
x = 3*math.pi/2
sin_x = 0
true_sin_x = math.sin(x)
n_terms = 0
# Initialize the counter
i = 0
# Update the number of terms
n_terms += 1
# Add the next term to the summatory
sin_x += (-1)**i * (x**(2*i+1) / math.factorial(2*i+1))
# Update counter
i += 1
# Check if the desired precision is reached and break
if abs(sin_x - true_sin_x) < prec:
print('Calculated sine:', sin_x)
print('Number of terms required:', n_terms)