In [40]:
# import required libraries
import numpy as np
from scipy import special
import math
import mne
import pylab as plt
In [41]:
# make Mike X Cohen's example data into mne Epochs object
data = np.genfromtxt('example data.csv', delimiter=',') # load the data
data = data.reshape((64, 640, 99), order='F') # re-arrange data into a 3d array
data = np.rollaxis(data, 2) # swap data's shape
data = (data)*1e-6 # re-scale data
coordinates = np.genfromtxt('coordinates.csv', delimiter=',') # get electrode positions
ch_names = ['Fp1','AF7','AF3','F1','F3','F5','F7','FT7','FC5','FC3','FC1','C1','C3','C5','T7','TP7','CP5','CP3','CP1',
'P4','P6','P8','P10','PO8','PO4','O2'] # channel names
sfreq = 256 # sampling rate
pos = np.rollaxis(coordinates, 1) # swap coordinates' shape
pos[:,[0]], pos[:,[1]] = pos[:,[1]], pos[:,[0]] # swap coordinates' positions
pos[:,[0]] = pos[:,[0]] * -1 # invert first coordinate
dig_ch_pos = dict(zip(ch_names, pos)) # assign channel names to coordinates
montage = mne.channels.DigMontage(dig_ch_pos=dig_ch_pos) # make montage
info = mne.create_info(ch_names=ch_names, sfreq=sfreq, ch_types='eeg', montage=montage) # create info
epochs = mne.EpochsArray(data=data, info=info, tmin=-1) # make Epochs onject
In [42]:
# define functions
def surface_laplacian(epochs, leg_order, m, smoothing, montage):
This function attempts to compute the surface laplacian transform to an mne Epochs object. The
algorithm follows the formulations of Perrin et al. (1989) and it consists for the most part in a
nearly-literal translation of Mike X Cohen's 'Analyzing neural time series data' corresponding MATLAB
code (2014).
- epochs: mne Epochs object
- leg_order: maximum order of the Legendre polynomial
- m: smothness parameter for G and H
- smoothing: smothness parameter for the diagonal of G
- montage: montage to reconstruct the transformed Epochs object (same as in raw data import)
- before: sham reconstruction of the original Epochs object
- after: surface laplacian transform of the original Epochs object
- Perrin, F., Pernier, J., Bertrand, O. & Echallier, J.F. (1989). Spherical splines for scalp
potential and current density mapping. Electroencephalography and clinical Neurophysiology, 72,
- Cohen, M.X. (2014). Surface Laplacian In Analyzing neural time series data: theory and practice
(pp. 275-290). London, England: The MIT Press.
# import libraries
import numpy as np
from scipy import special
import math
import mne
# get electrodes positions
locs = epochs._get_channel_positions()
x = locs[:,0]
y = locs[:,1]
z = locs[:,2]
# arrange data
data = epochs.get_data() # data
data = np.rollaxis(data, 0, 3)
orig_data_size = np.squeeze(data.shape)
numelectrodes = len(x)
# normalize cartesian coordenates to sphere unit
def cart2sph(x, y, z):
hxy = np.hypot(x, y)
r = np.hypot(hxy, z)
el = np.arctan2(z, hxy)
az = np.arctan2(y, x)
return az, el, r
junk1, junk2, spherical_radii = cart2sph(x,y,z)
maxrad = np.max(spherical_radii)
x = x/maxrad
y = y/maxrad
z = z/maxrad
# compute cousine distance between all pairs of electrodes
cosdist = np.zeros((numelectrodes, numelectrodes))
for i in range(numelectrodes):
for j in range(i+1,numelectrodes):
cosdist[i,j] = 1 - (((x[i] - x[j])**2 + (y[i] - y[j])**2 + (z[i] - z[j])**2)/2)
cosdist = cosdist + cosdist.T + np.identity(numelectrodes)
# get legendre polynomials
legpoly = np.zeros((leg_order, numelectrodes, numelectrodes))
for ni in range(leg_order):
for i in range(numelectrodes):
for j in range(i+1, numelectrodes):
#temp = special.lpn(8,cosdist[0,1])[0][8]
legpoly[ni,i,j] = special.lpn(ni+1,cosdist[i,j])[0][ni+1]
legpoly = legpoly + np.transpose(legpoly,(0,2,1))
for i in range(leg_order):
legpoly[i,:,:] = legpoly[i,:,:] + np.identity(numelectrodes)
# compute G and H matrixes
twoN1 = np.multiply(2, range(1, leg_order+1))+1
gdenom = np.power(np.multiply(range(1, leg_order+1), range(2, leg_order+2)), m, dtype=float)
hdenom = np.power(np.multiply(range(1, leg_order+1), range(2, leg_order+2)), m-1, dtype=float)
G = np.zeros((numelectrodes, numelectrodes))
H = np.zeros((numelectrodes, numelectrodes))
for i in range(numelectrodes):
for j in range(i, numelectrodes):
g = 0
h = 0
for ni in range(leg_order):
g = g + (twoN1[ni] * legpoly[ni,i,j]) / gdenom[ni]
h = h - (twoN1[ni] * legpoly[ni,i,j]) / hdenom[ni]
G[i,j] = g / (4*math.pi)
H[i,j] = -h / (4*math.pi)
G = G + G.T
H = H + H.T
G = G - np.identity(numelectrodes) * G[1,1] / 2
H = H - np.identity(numelectrodes) * H[1,1] / 2
if np.any(orig_data_size==1):
data = data[:]
data = np.reshape(data, (orig_data_size[0],[1:3])))
# compute C matrix
Gs = G + np.identity(numelectrodes) * smoothing
GsinvS = np.sum(np.linalg.inv(Gs), 0)
dataGs =, np.linalg.inv(Gs))
C = dataGs -, 1)/np.sum(GsinvS)).T, np.atleast_2d(GsinvS))
# apply transform
original = np.reshape(data, orig_data_size)
surf_lap = np.reshape(np.transpose(,np.transpose(H))), orig_data_size)
# re-arrange data into mne's Epochs object
events =
event_id = epochs.event_id
ch_names = epochs.ch_names
sfreq =['sfreq']
tmin = epochs.tmin
info = mne.create_info(ch_names=ch_names, sfreq=sfreq, ch_types='eeg', montage=montage)
original = np.rollaxis(original, 2, 0)
surf_lap = np.rollaxis(surf_lap, 2, 0)
before = mne.EpochsArray(data=original, info=info, events=events, event_id=event_id, tmin=tmin,
after = mne.EpochsArray(data=surf_lap, info=info, events=events, event_id=event_id, tmin=tmin,
return after, before
In [43]:
# compute the transform
surf_lap, surf_orig = surface_laplacian(epochs=epochs, m=4, leg_order=50, smoothing=1e-5, montage=montage)
In [44]:
# make ERPs
bf_erp = surf_orig.average()
at_erp = surf_lap.average()
In [46]:
# plot topographies
bf_erp.plot_topomap(np.arange(0, 0.7, 0.1), vmin=-10, vmax=10, units="$\mu V$", time_unit='ms', cmap="jet", title="Voltage", scalings=dict(eeg=1e6))
at_erp.plot_topomap(np.arange(0, 0.7, 0.1), vmin=-40, vmax=40, units="$\mu V/mm^2$", time_unit='ms', cmap="jet", title="Laplacian", scalings=dict(eeg=2e6))