In [128]:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import glob
from os import path
import itertools
import requests
from io import StringIO
from pandas import DataFrame
import requests
from time import sleep
from matplotlib.font_manager import FontProperties
import concurrent.futures
from matplotlib.ticker import ScalarFormatter, LogFormatter, LogFormatterExponent, LogFormatterMathtext
import datetime

In [96]:
fontP = FontProperties()

In [97]:
%matplotlib inline

In [4]:
def get_word(word):
  found = False
  while not found:
    req = requests.get(params={"response_type": "json", "keyword": word},
    if req.status_code ==
      df = pd.DataFrame.from_records(req.json())
      term = word.strip().replace(" ", "_")
      df = df.rename(columns={"total_articles_published": "Total", "article_matches": term})
      database = df[["Total", term, "year"]]
      return database
      print("We could not get the word '{}'\nsleeping for .1s ...".format(word))

In [5]:
def get_words(words):
  for i, word in enumerate(words):
    df = get_word(word)
    if i == 0:
      database = df
    df.drop("Total", 1, inplace=True)
    database = pd.merge(database, df, on="year", how="outer")
  database.set_index("year", inplace=True)
  values = database.values
  values = (database.values.T / database.Total.values).T
  values[:, 0] = database.Total.values
  database_norm = pd.DataFrame(data=values, columns=database.columns, index=database.index)
  database_norm.drop("Total", 1, inplace=True)
  return database_norm

In [6]:
def get_words_parallel(words):
    with concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=12) as executor:
        for i, (word, df) in enumerate(zip(words,, words))):
            if i == 0:
              database = df
            df.drop("Total", 1, inplace=True)
            database = pd.merge(database, df, on="year", how="outer")   
        database.set_index("year", inplace=True)
        values = database.values
        values = (database.values.T / database.Total.values).T
        values[:, 0] = database.Total.values
        database_norm = pd.DataFrame(data=values, columns=database.columns, index=database.index)
        database_norm.drop("Total", 1, inplace=True)
        return database_norm

In [ ]:
#def sum_columns(dataframe, column_names):
    #column_names_normalized = [x.replace(" ", "_") for x in column_names]
    #return dataframe[column_names_normalized].sum(axis=1)

In [36]:
g1  = ["monocultural", "mono-cultural", "mono cultural", "monoculturals", "mono-culturals", "mono culturals"]
g2 = [ "monoracial", "mono-racial", "mono racial", "monoracials", "mono-racials", "mono racials"]
g3 = ["monoethnic", "mono-ethnic", "mono ethnic", "monoethnics", "mono-ethnics", "mono ethnics"]
g4 = ["bicultural", "bi-cultural", "bi cultural", "biculturals", "bi-culturals", "bi culturals"]
g5 = ["biracial", "bi-racial", "bi racial", "biracials", "bi-racials", "bi racials"]
g6 = ["biethnic", "bi-ethnic", "bi ethnic", "biethnics", "bi-ethnics", "bi ethnics"]
g7 = ["interracial", "inter-racial", "inter racial", "interracials", "inter-racials", "inter racials"]
g8 = ["multiracial", "multi-racial", "multi racial", "multiracials", "multi-racials", "multi racials"]
g9 = ["multiethnic", "multi-ethnic", "multi ethnic", "multiethnics", "multi-ethnics", "multi ethnics"]
g10 = ["multicultural", "multi-cultural", "multi cultural", "multiculturals", "multi-culturals", "multi culturals"]
g11 = ["culturalpluralism", "cultural-pluralism", "cultural pluralism", "culturalpluralisms",
      "cultural-pluralisms", "cultural pluralisms"]
g12 = ["polyculturalism", "poly-culturalism", "poly culturalism", "polyculturalisms",
       "poly-culturalisms", "poly culturalisms"]
g13 = ["multiculturalism", "multi-culturalism", "multi culturalism", "multiculturalisms",
       "multi-culturalisms", "multi culturalisms"]
g14 = ["mixedrace", "mixed-race", "mixed race", "mixedraces", "mixed-races", "mixed races"]
g15 = ["mixedethnicity", "mixed-ethnicity", "mixed ethnicity", "mixedethnicities", "mixed-ethnicities",
       "mixed ethnicities"]
g16 = ["otherrace", "other-race", "other race", "otherraces", "other-races", "other races"]
g17 = ["otherethnicity", "other-ethnicity", "other ethnicity", "otherethnicities", "other-ethnicities",
       "other ethnicities"]
g18 = ["polyracial", "poly-racial", "poly racial", "polyracials", "poly-racials", "poly racials"]
g19 = ["polyethnic", "poly-ethnic", "poly ethnic", "polyethnics", "poly-ethnics", "poly ethnics"]
g20 = ["polycultural", "poly-cultural", "poly cultural", "polyculturals", "poly-culturals", "poly culturals"]

In [39]:
all_terms = g1 + g2 + g3 + g4 + g5 + g6 + g7 + g8 + g9 + g10 + g11 + g12 + g13 + g14 + g15 + g16 + g17 + g18 + g19 + g20

In [40]:
data = get_words_parallel(all_terms)

We could not get the word 'monoculturals'
sleeping for .1s ...We could not get the word 'monocultural'
sleeping for .1s ...We could not get the word 'mono-racials'
sleeping for .1s ...
We could not get the word 'mono-racial'
sleeping for .1s ...We could not get the word 'mono-culturals'
sleeping for .1s ...We could not get the word 'mono racials'
sleeping for .1s ...

We could not get the word 'monoethnic'
sleeping for .1s ...
We could not get the word 'mono cultural'
sleeping for .1s ...We could not get the word 'mono-cultural'
sleeping for .1s ...

We could not get the word 'mono ethnic'
sleeping for .1s ...We could not get the word 'mono-ethnic'
sleeping for .1s ...

We could not get the word 'monoethnics'
sleeping for .1s ...
We could not get the word 'mono-culturals'
sleeping for .1s ...We could not get the word 'monoculturals'
sleeping for .1s ...We could not get the word 'mono-racial'
sleeping for .1s ...We could not get the word 'monoethnic'
sleeping for .1s ...We could not get the word 'bicultural'
sleeping for .1s ...We could not get the word 'mono-cultural'
sleeping for .1s ...We could not get the word 'mono-ethnic'
sleeping for .1s ...We could not get the word 'monocultural'
sleeping for .1s ...We could not get the word 'mono racials'
sleeping for .1s ...

We could not get the word 'mono ethnic'
sleeping for .1s ...We could not get the word 'mono ethnics'
sleeping for .1s ...

We could not get the word 'bi-cultural'
sleeping for .1s ...
We could not get the word 'mono-culturals'
sleeping for .1s ...
We could not get the word 'bi-culturals'
sleeping for .1s ...We could not get the word 'mono ethnics'
sleeping for .1s ...We could not get the word 'mono racials'
sleeping for .1s ...We could not get the word 'mono-cultural'
sleeping for .1s ...We could not get the word 'mono-racial'
sleeping for .1s ...
We could not get the word 'bicultural'
sleeping for .1s ...We could not get the word 'monoethnic'
sleeping for .1s ...We could not get the word 'monoculturals'
sleeping for .1s ...We could not get the word 'biculturals'
sleeping for .1s ...

We could not get the word 'biracial'
sleeping for .1s ...We could not get the word 'bi culturals'
sleeping for .1s ...

We could not get the word 'mono-racial'
sleeping for .1s ...We could not get the word 'mono-cultural'
sleeping for .1s ...We could not get the word 'bi-culturals'
sleeping for .1s ...
We could not get the word 'monoculturals'
sleeping for .1s ...We could not get the word 'mono-culturals'
sleeping for .1s ...We could not get the word 'mono racials'
sleeping for .1s ...
We could not get the word 'monoethnic'
sleeping for .1s ...

We could not get the word 'bi culturals'
sleeping for .1s ...We could not get the word 'bi-racial'
sleeping for .1s ...We could not get the word 'mono ethnics'
sleeping for .1s ...We could not get the word 'bi racial'
sleeping for .1s ...

We could not get the word 'bi racials'
sleeping for .1s ...
We could not get the word 'bi-culturals'
sleeping for .1s ...
We could not get the word 'mono-culturals'
sleeping for .1s ...
We could not get the word 'mono-racial'
sleeping for .1s ...We could not get the word 'bi-racial'
sleeping for .1s ...We could not get the word 'mono-cultural'
sleeping for .1s ...We could not get the word 'bi-ethnic'
sleeping for .1s ...

We could not get the word 'bi culturals'
sleeping for .1s ...We could not get the word 'mono ethnics'
sleeping for .1s ...

We could not get the word 'monoethnic'
sleeping for .1s ...
We could not get the word 'mono racials'
sleeping for .1s ...
We could not get the word 'biethnics'
sleeping for .1s ...
We could not get the word 'bi-ethnics'
sleeping for .1s ...
We could not get the word 'bi-culturals'
sleeping for .1s ...
We could not get the word 'mono ethnics'
sleeping for .1s ...We could not get the word 'bi culturals'
sleeping for .1s ...We could not get the word 'bi-racial'
sleeping for .1s ...
We could not get the word 'mono-racial'
sleeping for .1s ...
We could not get the word 'mono-cultural'
sleeping for .1s ...We could not get the word 'biethnics'
sleeping for .1s ...
We could not get the word 'monoethnic'
sleeping for .1s ...

We could not get the word 'bi ethnics'
sleeping for .1s ...We could not get the word 'interracial'
sleeping for .1s ...We could not get the word 'inter-racial'
sleeping for .1s ...We could not get the word 'inter racial'
sleeping for .1s ...

We could not get the word 'interracials'
sleeping for .1s ...
We could not get the word 'bi-racial'
sleeping for .1s ...We could not get the word 'mono-racial'
sleeping for .1s ...
We could not get the word 'mono-cultural'
sleeping for .1s ...We could not get the word 'biethnics'
sleeping for .1s ...

We could not get the word 'inter racials'
sleeping for .1s ...
We could not get the word 'bi ethnics'
sleeping for .1s ...We could not get the word 'interracial'
sleeping for .1s ...We could not get the word 'inter racial'
sleeping for .1s ...

We could not get the word 'multiracial'
sleeping for .1s ...
We could not get the word 'multi-racial'
sleeping for .1s ...
We could not get the word 'multiracials'
sleeping for .1s ...
We could not get the word 'mono-racial'
sleeping for .1s ...
We could not get the word 'multi-racials'
sleeping for .1s ...We could not get the word 'multi racials'
sleeping for .1s ...We could not get the word 'mono-cultural'
sleeping for .1s ...

We could not get the word 'bi ethnics'
sleeping for .1s ...We could not get the word 'inter racial'
sleeping for .1s ...

We could not get the word 'biethnics'
sleeping for .1s ...
We could not get the word 'interracial'
sleeping for .1s ...We could not get the word 'multi-racial'
sleeping for .1s ...

We could not get the word 'multi ethnic'
sleeping for .1s ...We could not get the word 'multi-ethnic'
sleeping for .1s ...

We could not get the word 'multiracials'
sleeping for .1s ...
We could not get the word 'mono-cultural'
sleeping for .1s ...We could not get the word 'multiethnics'
sleeping for .1s ...

We could not get the word 'bi ethnics'
sleeping for .1s ...We could not get the word 'multi ethnics'
sleeping for .1s ...
We could not get the word 'biethnics'
sleeping for .1s ...We could not get the word 'inter racial'
sleeping for .1s ...

We could not get the word 'interracial'
sleeping for .1s ...We could not get the word 'multi-cultural'
sleeping for .1s ...
We could not get the word 'multi-ethnic'
sleeping for .1s ...We could not get the word 'multi ethnic'
sleeping for .1s ...

We could not get the word 'multiculturals'
sleeping for .1s ...
We could not get the word 'multiracials'
sleeping for .1s ...
We could not get the word 'biethnics'
sleeping for .1s ...We could not get the word 'multi-culturals'
sleeping for .1s ...We could not get the word 'multiethnics'
sleeping for .1s ...We could not get the word 'inter racial'
sleeping for .1s ...We could not get the word 'mono-cultural'
sleeping for .1s ...

We could not get the word 'culturalpluralism'
sleeping for .1s ...
We could not get the word 'multi-cultural'
sleeping for .1s ...We could not get the word 'interracial'
sleeping for .1s ...We could not get the word 'cultural-pluralism'
sleeping for .1s ...

We could not get the word 'multi ethnic'
sleeping for .1s ...We could not get the word 'multiracials'
sleeping for .1s ...
We could not get the word 'culturalpluralisms'
sleeping for .1s ...

We could not get the word 'inter racial'
sleeping for .1s ...
We could not get the word 'cultural-pluralisms'
sleeping for .1s ...We could not get the word 'multi-culturals'
sleeping for .1s ...

We could not get the word 'cultural pluralisms'
sleeping for .1s ...
We could not get the word 'polyculturalism'
sleeping for .1s ...
We could not get the word 'mono-cultural'
sleeping for .1s ...
We could not get the word 'multi-cultural'
sleeping for .1s ...We could not get the word 'cultural-pluralism'
sleeping for .1s ...We could not get the word 'culturalpluralisms'
sleeping for .1s ...We could not get the word 'multi ethnic'
sleeping for .1s ...We could not get the word 'poly-culturalism'
sleeping for .1s ...

We could not get the word 'poly culturalism'
sleeping for .1s ...
We could not get the word 'multi-culturals'
sleeping for .1s ...
We could not get the word 'cultural-pluralisms'
sleeping for .1s ...
We could not get the word 'polyculturalisms'
sleeping for .1s ...We could not get the word 'cultural pluralisms'
sleeping for .1s ...

We could not get the word 'polyculturalism'
sleeping for .1s ...
We could not get the word 'cultural-pluralism'
sleeping for .1s ...
We could not get the word 'multi ethnic'
sleeping for .1s ...We could not get the word 'poly culturalisms'
sleeping for .1s ...We could not get the word 'multiculturalism'
sleeping for .1s ...We could not get the word 'multi-cultural'
sleeping for .1s ...

We could not get the word 'multi-culturalism'
sleeping for .1s ...
We could not get the word 'multi culturalism'
sleeping for .1s ...
We could not get the word 'multi-culturals'
sleeping for .1s ...
We could not get the word 'multiculturalisms'
sleeping for .1s ...
We could not get the word 'polyculturalisms'
sleeping for .1s ...
We could not get the word 'multi-culturalisms'
sleeping for .1s ...
We could not get the word 'polyculturalism'
sleeping for .1s ...
We could not get the word 'multi-cultural'
sleeping for .1s ...We could not get the word 'multi-culturalism'
sleeping for .1s ...We could not get the word 'multi culturalisms'
sleeping for .1s ...We could not get the word 'poly culturalisms'
sleeping for .1s ...We could not get the word 'mixedrace'
sleeping for .1s ...

We could not get the word 'multi culturalism'
sleeping for .1s ...
We could not get the word 'multiculturalisms'
sleeping for .1s ...
We could not get the word 'multi-culturals'
sleeping for .1s ...
We could not get the word 'mixed race'
sleeping for .1s ...
We could not get the word 'multi-culturalisms'
sleeping for .1s ...
We could not get the word 'polyculturalism'
sleeping for .1s ...
We could not get the word 'poly culturalisms'
sleeping for .1s ...We could not get the word 'multi-culturalism'
sleeping for .1s ...We could not get the word 'multi-cultural'
sleeping for .1s ...

We could not get the word 'mixed races'
sleeping for .1s ...
We could not get the word 'mixedraces'
sleeping for .1s ...
We could not get the word 'multi culturalism'
sleeping for .1s ...
We could not get the word 'mixed-race'
sleeping for .1s ...
We could not get the word 'multiculturalisms'
sleeping for .1s ...We could not get the word 'multi-culturals'
sleeping for .1s ...

We could not get the word 'mixedethnicity'
sleeping for .1s ...
We could not get the word 'mixed race'
sleeping for .1s ...
We could not get the word 'polyculturalism'
sleeping for .1s ...
We could not get the word 'multi-cultural'
sleeping for .1s ...
We could not get the word 'poly culturalisms'
sleeping for .1s ...We could not get the word 'mixed races'
sleeping for .1s ...We could not get the word 'mixedraces'
sleeping for .1s ...

We could not get the word 'mixedethnicities'
sleeping for .1s ...
We could not get the word 'mixed-ethnicities'
sleeping for .1s ...
We could not get the word 'mixed ethnicities'
sleeping for .1s ...
We could not get the word 'multiculturalisms'
sleeping for .1s ...
We could not get the word 'multi-culturals'
sleeping for .1s ...
We could not get the word 'polyculturalism'
sleeping for .1s ...We could not get the word 'mixed race'
sleeping for .1s ...We could not get the word 'mixedethnicity'
sleeping for .1s ...

We could not get the word 'mixed races'
sleeping for .1s ...
We could not get the word 'mixedraces'
sleeping for .1s ...
We could not get the word 'mixedethnicities'
sleeping for .1s ...
We could not get the word 'other-race'
sleeping for .1s ...We could not get the word 'otherrace'
sleeping for .1s ...

We could not get the word 'other race'
sleeping for .1s ...
We could not get the word 'otherraces'
sleeping for .1s ...
We could not get the word 'other-races'
sleeping for .1s ...
We could not get the word 'otherethnicity'
sleeping for .1s ...
We could not get the word 'mixedethnicity'
sleeping for .1s ...We could not get the word 'other races'
sleeping for .1s ...

We could not get the word 'multi-culturals'
sleeping for .1s ...
We could not get the word 'mixed races'
sleeping for .1s ...
We could not get the word 'other-ethnicity'
sleeping for .1s ...We could not get the word 'other-race'
sleeping for .1s ...We could not get the word 'otherrace'
sleeping for .1s ...

We could not get the word 'mixedethnicities'
sleeping for .1s ...
We could not get the word 'other ethnicity'
sleeping for .1s ...
We could not get the word 'otherethnicities'
sleeping for .1s ...
We could not get the word 'other-ethnicities'
sleeping for .1s ...
We could not get the word 'other ethnicities'
sleeping for .1s ...We could not get the word 'mixedethnicity'
sleeping for .1s ...

We could not get the word 'polyracial'
sleeping for .1s ...
We could not get the word 'poly-racial'
sleeping for .1s ...
We could not get the word 'mixedethnicities'
sleeping for .1s ...
We could not get the word 'otherrace'
sleeping for .1s ...We could not get the word 'other-race'
sleeping for .1s ...

We could not get the word 'other-ethnicity'
sleeping for .1s ...
We could not get the word 'poly racial'
sleeping for .1s ...We could not get the word 'other ethnicity'
sleeping for .1s ...

We could not get the word 'polyracials'
sleeping for .1s ...
We could not get the word 'other-ethnicities'
sleeping for .1s ...
We could not get the word 'other ethnicities'
sleeping for .1s ...
We could not get the word 'mixedethnicity'
sleeping for .1s ...
We could not get the word 'poly-racials'
sleeping for .1s ...
We could not get the word 'poly racials'
sleeping for .1s ...
We could not get the word 'mixedethnicities'
sleeping for .1s ...We could not get the word 'other-race'
sleeping for .1s ...We could not get the word 'otherrace'
sleeping for .1s ...
We could not get the word 'other-ethnicity'
sleeping for .1s ...

We could not get the word 'poly racial'
sleeping for .1s ...We could not get the word 'other ethnicity'
sleeping for .1s ...

We could not get the word 'polyracials'
sleeping for .1s ...
We could not get the word 'other ethnicities'
sleeping for .1s ...
We could not get the word 'polyethnic'
sleeping for .1s ...
We could not get the word 'poly-ethnic'
sleeping for .1s ...
We could not get the word 'poly racials'
sleeping for .1s ...
We could not get the word 'polyethnics'
sleeping for .1s ...
We could not get the word 'other-race'
sleeping for .1s ...
We could not get the word 'poly-ethnics'
sleeping for .1s ...We could not get the word 'other-ethnicity'
sleeping for .1s ...We could not get the word 'poly ethnics'
sleeping for .1s ...

We could not get the word 'other ethnicity'
sleeping for .1s ...We could not get the word 'poly racial'
sleeping for .1s ...

We could not get the word 'polycultural'
sleeping for .1s ...
We could not get the word 'polyethnic'
sleeping for .1s ...
We could not get the word 'poly cultural'
sleeping for .1s ...
We could not get the word 'poly racials'
sleeping for .1s ...
We could not get the word 'poly-ethnic'
sleeping for .1s ...
We could not get the word 'polyculturals'
sleeping for .1s ...
We could not get the word 'poly ethnics'
sleeping for .1s ...
We could not get the word 'other-ethnicity'
sleeping for .1s ...We could not get the word 'other-race'
sleeping for .1s ...

We could not get the word 'poly-culturals'
sleeping for .1s ...
We could not get the word 'other ethnicity'
sleeping for .1s ...
We could not get the word 'poly culturals'
sleeping for .1s ...
We could not get the word 'poly cultural'
sleeping for .1s ...
We could not get the word 'poly racials'
sleeping for .1s ...
We could not get the word 'poly-ethnic'
sleeping for .1s ...
We could not get the word 'other-ethnicity'
sleeping for .1s ...We could not get the word 'other-race'
sleeping for .1s ...

We could not get the word 'poly-culturals'
sleeping for .1s ...
We could not get the word 'other ethnicity'
sleeping for .1s ...
We could not get the word 'poly cultural'
sleeping for .1s ...
We could not get the word 'poly-ethnic'
sleeping for .1s ...
We could not get the word 'other-ethnicity'
sleeping for .1s ...
We could not get the word 'other-race'
sleeping for .1s ...
We could not get the word 'poly-culturals'
sleeping for .1s ...
We could not get the word 'poly cultural'
sleeping for .1s ...
We could not get the word 'poly-ethnic'
sleeping for .1s ...
We could not get the word 'other-race'
sleeping for .1s ...
We could not get the word 'poly-culturals'
sleeping for .1s ...
We could not get the word 'poly cultural'
sleeping for .1s ...We could not get the word 'poly-ethnic'
sleeping for .1s ...

We could not get the word 'other-race'
sleeping for .1s ...
We could not get the word 'poly cultural'
sleeping for .1s ...
We could not get the word 'other-race'
sleeping for .1s ...
We could not get the word 'poly cultural'
sleeping for .1s ...
We could not get the word 'other-race'
sleeping for .1s ...
We could not get the word 'poly cultural'
sleeping for .1s ...
We could not get the word 'poly cultural'
sleeping for .1s ...
We could not get the word 'poly cultural'
sleeping for .1s ...
We could not get the word 'poly cultural'
sleeping for .1s ...

In [119]:
data = pd.read_csv("nyt_terms.csv", index_col="year")

In [120]:
data.index = pd.to_datetime(data.index, format="%Y")

In [121]:

DatetimeIndex(['1851-01-01', '1852-01-01', '1853-01-01', '1854-01-01',
               '1855-01-01', '1856-01-01', '1857-01-01', '1858-01-01',
               '1859-01-01', '1860-01-01',
               '2007-01-01', '2008-01-01', '2009-01-01', '2010-01-01',
               '2011-01-01', '2012-01-01', '2013-01-01', '2014-01-01',
               '2015-01-01', '2016-01-01'],
              dtype='datetime64[ns]', name='year', length=166, freq=None)

In [42]:

monocultural mono-cultural mono_cultural monoculturals mono-culturals mono_culturals monoracial mono-racial mono_racial monoracials ... poly_ethnic polyethnics poly-ethnics poly_ethnics polycultural poly-cultural poly_cultural polyculturals poly-culturals poly_culturals
1851 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1852 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1853 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1854 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1855 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

5 rows × 120 columns

In [35]:
#for i, group in enumerate([g1, g2, g3]):
    #data["g{}".format(i+1)] = sum_columns(data, group)

Combining Terms

In [149]:
data["monocultural"] = data["monocultural"] + data["mono-cultural"] + data["mono_cultural"] + data["monoculturals"] + data["mono-culturals"] + data["mono_culturals"]

In [150]:
data["monoracial"] = data["monoracial"] + data["mono-racial"] + data["mono_racial"] + data["monoracials"] + data["mono-racials"] + data["mono_racials"]

In [151]:
data["monoethnic"] = data["monoethnic"] + data["mono-ethnic"] + data["mono_ethnic"] + data["monoethnics"] + data["mono-ethnics"] + data["mono_ethnics"]

In [152]:
data["bicultural"] = data["bicultural"] + data["bi-cultural"] + data["bi_cultural"] + data["biculturals"] + data["bi-culturals"] + data["bi_culturals"]

In [153]:
data["biracial"] = data["biracial"] + data["bi-racial"] + data["bi_racial"] + data["biracials"] + data["bi-racials"] + data["bi_racials"]

In [154]:
data["biethnic"] = data["biethnic"] + data["bi-ethnic"] + data["bi_ethnic"] + data["biethnics"] + data["bi-ethnics"] + data["bi_ethnics"]

In [155]:
data["multicultural"] = data["multicultural"] + data["multi-cultural"] + data["multi_cultural"] + data["multiculturals"] + data["multi-culturals"] + data["multi_culturals"]

In [156]:
data["multiracial"] = data["multiracial"] + data["multi-racial"] + data["multi_racial"] + data["multiracials"] + data["multi-racials"] + data["multi_racials"]

In [157]:
data["multiethnic"] = data["multiethnic"] + data["multi-ethnic"] + data["multi_ethnic"] + data["multiethnics"] + data["multi-ethnics"] + data["multi_ethnics"]

In [158]:
data["cultural pluralism"] = data["culturalpluralism"] + data["cultural-pluralism"] + data["cultural_pluralism"] + data["culturalpluralisms"] + data["cultural-pluralisms"] + data["cultural_pluralisms"]

In [159]:
data["polyculturalism"] = data["polyculturalism"] + data["poly-culturalism"] + data["poly_culturalism"] + data["polyculturalisms"] + data["poly-culturalisms"] + data["poly_culturalisms"]

In [160]:
data["multiculturalism"] = data["multiculturalism"] + data["multi-culturalism"] + data["multi_culturalism"] + data["multiculturalisms"] + data["multi-culturalisms"] + data["multi_culturalisms"]

In [161]:
data["mixed race"] = data["mixedrace"] + data["mixed-race"] + data["mixed_race"] + data["mixedraces"] + data["mixed-races"] + data["mixed_races"]

In [162]:
data["mixed ethnicity"] = data["mixedethnicity"] + data["mixed-ethnicity"] + data["mixed_ethnicity"] + data["mixedethnicities"] + data["mixed-ethnicities"] + data["mixed_ethnicities"]

In [163]:
data["other race"] = data["otherrace"] + data["other-race"] + data["other_race"] + data["otherraces"] + data["other-races"] + data["other_races"]

In [164]:
data["other ethnicity"] = data["otherethnicity"] + data["other-ethnicity"] + data["other_ethnicity"] + data["otherethnicities"] + data["other-ethnicities"] + data["other_ethnicities"]

In [165]:
data["interracial"] = data["interracial"] + data["inter-racial"] + data["inter_racial"] + data["interracials"] + data["inter-racials"] + data["inter_racials"]

In [166]:
data["polycultural"] = data["polycultural"] + data["poly-cultural"] + data["poly_cultural"] + data["polyculturals"] + data["poly-culturals"] + data["poly_culturals"]

In [167]:
data["polyracial"] = data["polyracial"] + data["poly-racial"] + data["poly_racial"] + data["polyracials"] + data["poly-racials"] + data["poly_racials"]

In [168]:
data["polyethnic"] = data["polyethnic"] + data["poly-ethnic"] + data["poly_ethnic"] + data["polyethnics"] + data["poly-ethnics"] + data["poly_ethnics"]


In [179]:
def plot(dataframe, words,years_to_average_over):
    #markers = itertools.cycle(['s', 'D', '*', 'p', 'h', 'o', '+', 'd'])
    line_types = itertools.cycle(['-', '--', '-.'])
    df = dataframe[words]
    smoothed_data = df.rolling(window=years_to_average_over).mean()

    for i,word in enumerate(words):
        plt.plot(smoothed_data.index, smoothed_data[word], next(line_types), 
    axis_1 = plt.gca()

    axis_1.set_yscale('log') # You can disable
    axis_1.set_ylim(ymin=1e-6,ymax=1e-2) # You can disable
    axis_1.yaxis.set_major_formatter(LogFormatterMathtext())  # You can disable

    font = {'family': "Times New Roman",
            'color': 'black',
           'size': 12}
    axis_1.set_ylabel("Percentage of New York Times Articles (%)", font)
    axis_1.set_xlabel("Year", font)
    #axis_1.yaxis.set_major_formatter(FixedOrderFormatter(-3)) # You can enable
    plt.legend(words, loc=2,ncol=3)

New Plots

In [180]:
#Figure 1 
words = ["monocultural", "monoracial", "monoethnic"]

//anaconda/lib/python3.5/site-packages/matplotlib/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in less_equal
  a[a <= 0.0] = 1e-300

In [181]:
#Figure 2
words = ["bicultural", "biracial", "biethnic", "interracial"]

//anaconda/lib/python3.5/site-packages/matplotlib/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in less_equal
  a[a <= 0.0] = 1e-300

In [182]:
#Figure 3
words = ["multicultural", "multiracial", "multiethnic", 
         "polyracial", "polyethnic", "polycultural"]

//anaconda/lib/python3.5/site-packages/matplotlib/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in less_equal
  a[a <= 0.0] = 1e-300

In [183]:
#Figure 4
words = ["mixed race", "mixed ethnicity", "other race", "other ethnicity"]

//anaconda/lib/python3.5/site-packages/matplotlib/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in less_equal
  a[a <= 0.0] = 1e-300

In [184]:
#Figure 5
words = ["multiculturalism", "polyculturalism", "cultural pluralism"]

//anaconda/lib/python3.5/site-packages/matplotlib/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in less_equal
  a[a <= 0.0] = 1e-300

In [185]:
#Figure 6
words = ["monocultural", "bicultural", "interracial", 
         "multiracial", "multicultural", "mixed race"]

//anaconda/lib/python3.5/site-packages/matplotlib/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in less_equal
  a[a <= 0.0] = 1e-300

Old Plots

In [99]:
#Figure 1
years_to_average_over = 10
smoothed_data = data[["monocultural", "monoracial", "monoethnic"]].rolling(window=years_to_average_over).mean()
axis = smoothed_data.plot()
fig = plt.gcf()
_ = axis.legend(prop=fontP, loc="best")

In [65]:
#Figure 2
years_to_average_over = 10
smoothed_data = data[["bicultural", "biracial", "biethnic", "interracial"]].rolling(window=years_to_average_over).mean()
axis = smoothed_data.plot()
fig = plt.gcf()
_ = axis.legend(prop=fontP, loc="best")

In [66]:
#Figure 3
years_to_average_over = 10
smoothed_data = data[["multicultural", "multiracial", "multiethnic", "polyracial", "polyethnic", "polycultural"]].rolling(window=years_to_average_over).mean()
axis = smoothed_data.plot()
fig = plt.gcf()
_ = axis.legend(prop=fontP, loc="best")

In [67]:
#Figure 4
years_to_average_over = 10
smoothed_data = data[["mixed race", "mixed ethnicity", "other race", "other ethnicity"]].rolling(window=years_to_average_over).mean()
axis = smoothed_data.plot()
fig = plt.gcf()
_ = axis.legend(prop=fontP, loc="best")

In [68]:
#Figure 5
years_to_average_over = 10
smoothed_data = data[["multiculturalism", "polyculturalism", "cultural pluralism"]].rolling(window=years_to_average_over).mean()
axis = smoothed_data.plot()
fig = plt.gcf()
_ = axis.legend(prop=fontP, loc="best")

In [98]:
#Figure 6
years_to_average_over = 10
smoothed_data = data[["monocultural", "bicultural", "interracial", "multiracial", "multicultural", "mixed race"]].rolling(window=years_to_average_over).mean()
axis = smoothed_data.plot()
fig = plt.gcf()
_ = axis.legend(prop=fontP, loc="best")

In [ ]: