Object oriented programming is a different way of thinking.
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from IPython.display import Image
Initial concepts
Reuse is provided by:
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# Definiting a Car class
class Car(object):
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from IPython.display import Image
Attributes are data associated with an object (instance) or class. Object attributes (and methods) are specified by using "self". Instance attributes and methods are accessed using the dot "." operator.
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class Car(object):
# The following method is called when the class
# is created or "constructed". The variables "self.x" refers
# to the variable "x" in a created object.
def __init__(self, color, car_type, speed):
self.color = color
self.car_type = car_type
self.speed = speed
In [7]:
class Car(object):
# The following method is called when the class
# is created or "constructed". The variables "self.x" refers
# to the variable "x" in a created object.
def __init__(self, color, car_type, speed):
self.color = color
self.car_type = car_type
self.speed = speed
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# Creating an object for a class with arguments in the __init__ method
car = Car("Blue", "HatchBack", 100)
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# Creating an object for a class with arguments in the __init__ method
joe_car = Car("Blue", "Sedan", 100)
dave_car = Car("Red", "Sports", 150)
print ("Type of joe_car is %s. Type of dave_car is %s"% (type(joe_car), type(dave_car)))
In [10]:
# Accessed instance attributes
joe_car = Car("Blue", "Sedan", 100)
print ("Type of joe_car has (color, type, speed)=%s." % str((joe_car.color, joe_car.car_type, joe_car.speed)))
EXERCISE: Change the constructor for Car to include the attribute "doors".
In [11]:
from IPython.display import Image
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#Class diagram
from IPython.display import Image
Image(filename='SingleClassDiagram.png', width=200, height=200)
A class diagram provides a more compact representation of a class. There are three sections.
Instance methods
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class Car(object):
def __init__(self, color, car_type, speed):
:param str color:
:param str car_type:
:param int speed:
self.color = color
self.car_type = car_type
self.speed = speed
def start(self):
print ("%s %s started!" % (self.color, self.car_type))
def stop(self):
def turn(self, direction):
:parm str direction: left or right
In [14]:
car = Car("Blue", "Sedan", 100)
EXERCISE: Implement the stop and turn methods. Run the methods.
Inheritance is a common way that classes reuse data and code from other classes. A child class or derived class gets attributes and methods from its parent class.
Inheritance is represented in diagrams as an arror from the child class to its parent class.
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from IPython.display import Image
Image(filename='SimpleClassHierarchy.png', width=400, height=400)
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# Code for inheritance
class Sedan(Car):
# Sedan inherits from car
def __init__(self, color, speed):
:param str color:
:param int speed:
super().__init__(color, "Sedan", speed)
def play_cd(self):
print ("Playing cd in %s sedan" % self.color)
In [17]:
sedan = Sedan("Yellow", 1e6)
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In [19]:
joe_car = Sedan("Blue", 100)
print ("Type of joe_car has (color, type, speed)=%s." % str((joe_car.color, joe_car.car_type, joe_car.speed)))
Exercise: Implement SportsCar and create dave_car from SportsCar. Print attributes of dave_car.
In [20]:
from IPython.display import Image
Image(filename='ClassInheritance.png', width=400, height=400)
Subclasses can have their own methods.
Exercise: Add the play_cd() to Sedan and play_bluetooth() method to SportsCar. Construct a test to run these methods.
A design methodology must specify:
Object oriented designed
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from IPython.display import Image
Image(filename='ATMClassDiagram.png', width=400, height=400)
The diamond arrow is a "has-a" relationship. For example, the Controller has-a ATMInput. This means that a Controller object has an instance variable for an ATMInput object.
An interaction diagram specifies how components interact to achieve a use case.
Interactions are from one object to another object, indicating that the first object calls a method in the second object.
Rules for drawing lines in an interaction diagram:
In [22]:
from IPython.display import Image
Image(filename='ATMAuthentication.png', width=800, height=800)
Look at Objects/ATMDiagrams.pdf for a solution.
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from IPython.display import Image
Image(filename='SciSheetsCoreClasses.png', width=300, height=30)