Fisher's Iris


From the Wikipedia article “Iris flower data set”

The Iris flower data set or Fisher’s Iris data set is a multivariate data set introduced by Ronald Fisher in his 1936 paper "The use of multiple measurements in taxonomic problems as an example of linear discriminant analysis". It is sometimes called Anderson’s Iris data set because Edgar Anderson collected the data to quantify the variation of Iris flowers.

The data set consists of 50 samples from each of three species of Iris (Iris setosa, Iris virginica and Iris versicolor). Four features were measured from each sample: the length and the width of the sepals and petals, in centimetres.

To download this data into an Excel spreadsheet, click on Fisher's Iris


In [1]:
# numpy efficiently deals with numerical multi-dimensional arrays.
import numpy as np

# matplotlib is a plotting library, and pyplot is its easy-to-use module.
import matplotlib.pyplot as pl

# This just sets the default plot size to be bigger.
pl.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (16.0, 8.0)

load data

In [2]:
# Load data
OriginalData = np.loadtxt("iris.csv",str, delimiter=",", skiprows=1, unpack=True)
# Transposing the data
data = OriginalData.transpose()
# get each column
sepal_length = sepal_width = petal_length = petal_width = species =[]
sepal_length , sepal_width , petal_length , petal_width , species = OriginalData

create a simple plot

Create a scatter plot of sepal length on the x-axis versus sepal width on the y-axis.

In [3]:
# Create the plot.
pl.scatter(sepal_length, sepal_width, c='black')

# Set some properties for the plot.

# Show the plot.
pl.title('relationship between sepal Length and width')

a more complex plot

Re-create the above plot, but this time plot the setosa data points in red, the versicolor data point in green, and the virginica data points in blue.

In [4]:
# copy of data as numpy.array

# replase '_data', column 'species' to colors
# adapt from :
_data[_data[:,4] == 'setosa',4] = 'red'
_data[_data[:,4] == 'virginica',4] = 'blue'
_data[_data[:,4] == 'versicolor',4] = 'green'

# create a color and label set        
colors = np.array(_data)[:,4]
labels = np.array(data)[:,4]

# Create the plot.
pl.scatter(sepal_length, sepal_width, c=colors, label=labels)

# match label for colors
# adap from :
import matplotlib.patches as mpatches
handles = [mpatches.Patch(color=colour, label=label) for label, colour in [('setosa', 'red'), ('virginica', 'blue'), ('versicolor', 'green')]]

# Set some properties for the plot.

# Show the plot

Use seaborn

Use the seaborn library to create a scatterplot matrix of all five variables.

In [5]:
# use pandas reload iris.csv
import pandas
iris = pandas.read_csv('iris.csv')

# use seaborn library show plots
import seaborn
seaborn.pairplot(iris, hue="species")

Fit a line

Fit a straight line to the variables petal length and petal width for the whole data set. Plot the data points in a scatter plot with the best fit line shown

straight lines, pick a model: $$ y = m * x + c $$

calculating the cost: $$ \sum_i (y_i - mx_i - c)^2 $$

cost = lambda m,c: np.sum([(petal_width[i] - m * petal_length[i] - c)**2 for i in range(petal_width.size)])

minimising the cost:

$$ Cost(m, c) = \sum_i (y_i - mx_i - c)^2 $$

In [6]:
# here, just use the numpy.polyfit function to get the best values for m and c.
petal_length = np.array(petal_length).astype(np.float)
petal_width = np.array(petal_width).astype(np.float)
m,c=np.polyfit(petal_length, petal_width, 1)
print("m is %8.6f and c is %6.6f." % (m, c))

m is 0.416419 and c is -0.366514.

plot the data points in a scatter plot with the best fit line shown.

In [7]:
# Create the plot.
pl.plot(petal_length, m * petal_length + c, 'b-')
pl.plot(petal_length, petal_width, 'k.')

# Set some properties for the plot.

# Show the plot.
pl.title('relationship between petal Length and width')

Calculate the R-squared value

calculate the R-squared value for your line above.

formula: $$ R^2 = 1 - \frac{\sum_i (y_i - m x_i - c)^2}{\sum_i (y_i - \bar{y})^2} $$

In [8]:
# here, just use the numpy.corrcoef function to get the same value.
rsq = np.corrcoef(petal_length, petal_width)[0][1]**2
print("The R-squared value is %6.4f" % rsq)

The R-squared value is 0.9269

Fit another line

Use numpy to select only the data points where species is setosa. Fit a straight line to the variables petal length and petal width. Plot the data points in a scatter plot with the best fit line shown.

In [9]:
# get a copy of data
data_ = np.array(data)

# get setosa data set
# adapt from:
setosa = []
setosa = data_[np.where(data_[:,4] == 'setosa')]
setosa_petal_length = np.array(setosa[:,2]).astype(np.float)
setosa_petal_width = np.array(setosa[:,3]).astype(np.float)

# pick model y = m * x + c
# get best m & c
m,c=np.polyfit(setosa_petal_length, setosa_petal_width, 1)
print("m is %8.6f and c is %6.6f." % (m, c))

# Create the plot.
pl.plot(setosa_petal_length, m * setosa_petal_length + c, 'b-')
pl.plot(setosa_petal_length, setosa_petal_width, 'k.')

m is 0.189262 and c is -0.033080.

Calculate the R-squared value

calculate the R-squared value for your line above.

In [10]:
# again, use numpy.corrcoef function to get R-squared.
rsq = np.corrcoef(setosa_petal_length, setosa_petal_width)[0][1]**2
print("The R-squared value is %6.4f" % rsq)

The R-squared value is 0.0938

Use gradient descent

Use gradient descent to approximate the best fit line for the petal length and petal width setosa values. Compare the outputs to your calculations above.

gradient descent: In gradient descent, we select a random guess of a parameter and iteratively improve that guess.

For instance, we might pick $1.0$ as our initial guess for $m$ and then create a for loop to iteratively improve the value of $m$. The way we improve $m$ is to first take the partial derivative of our cost function with respect to $m$.

Calculate the partial derivatives

formula: $$ \begin{align} Cost(m, c) &= \sum_i (y_i - mx_i - c)^2 \\[1cm] \frac{\partial Cost}{\partial m} &= \sum 2(y_i - m x_i -c)(-x_i) \\ &= -2 \sum x_i (y_i - m x_i -c) \\[0.5cm] \frac{\partial Cost}{\partial c} & = \sum 2(y_i - m x_i -c)(-1) \\ & = -2 \sum (y_i - m x_i -c) \\ \end{align} $$

Code the partial derivatives

In [11]:
def grad_m(x, y, m, c):
  return -2.0 * np.sum(x * (y - m * x - c))

In [12]:
def grad_c(x, y, m , c):
  return -2.0 * np.sum(y - m * x - c)


run our gradient descent algorithm. For mm , we keep replacing its value with m−ηgrad_m(x,y,m,c)m−ηgrad_m(x,y,m,c) until it doesn't change. For cc , we keep replacing its value with c−ηgrad_c(x,y,m,c)c−ηgrad_c(x,y,m,c) until it doesn't change.

In [13]:
eta = 0.0001
m, c = 1.0, 1.0
change = True

while change:
  mnew = m - eta * grad_m(setosa_petal_length, setosa_petal_width, m, c)
  cnew = c - eta * grad_c(setosa_petal_length, setosa_petal_width, m, c)
  if m == mnew and c == cnew:
    change = False
    m, c = mnew, cnew
print("m: %20.16f  c: %20.16f" % (m, c))

m:   0.1892624728849683  c:  -0.0330802603035933

Compare to values of $m$ & $c$ we got earlier:

m is 0.189262 and c is -0.033080.

(almost equivalent)

In [14]:
# Show the plot.
pl.plot(setosa_petal_length, m * setosa_petal_length + c, 'b-')
pl.plot(setosa_petal_length, setosa_petal_width, 'k.')
