This Jupyter notebook is intented to be used alongside the book Python for Bioinformatics
Note: Before opening the file, this file should be accesible from this Jupyter notebook. In order to do so, the following commands will download these files from Github and extract them into a directory called samples.
In [1]:
!curl -o samples.tar.bz2
!mkdir samples
!tar xvfj samples.tar.bz2 -C samples
The following programs needs a MongoDB database in order to run. Enter your DB parameters in the line starting with CONNECTION_STRING.
Listing 22.1: Convert the data from a CSV file to insert it into MongoDB
In [1]:
import csv
import gzip
import os
from pymongo import MongoClient, TEXT
FILE_NAME = 'samples/TAIR7_Transcripts_by_map_position.gz'
CONNECTION_STRING = os.getenv('MONGODB_CS', 'localhost:27017')
# Get a file handler of an uncompressed file:
with, "rt", newline="") as f_unzip:
rows = csv.reader(f_unzip, delimiter='\t')
next(rows) # Skip the header
# Dictionary for storing markers and associated information:
at_d = {}
# Load the dictionary using the data in the file:
for row in rows:
if row[0] in at_d:
chromosome, left_val, right_val = at_d[row[0]]
c7 = int(row[7])
left = c7 if c7<int(left_val) else left_val
c8 = int(row[8])
right = c8 if c8>int(right_val) else right_val
at_d[row[0]] = (int(chromosome), left, right)
at_d[row[0]] = (int(row[5]), int(row[7]), int(row[8]))
# Make a list with dictionaries to be stored as documents in
# MongoDB
markers = []
for marker in at_d:
markers.append({'marker_id': marker, 'chromosome':
at_d[marker][0], 'start': at_d[marker][1],
'end': at_d[marker][2]})
client = MongoClient(CONNECTION_STRING)
db = client.pr4
collection = db.markers_map4
collection.create_index([('marker_id', TEXT)])
Listing 22.2: Draw markers in chromosomes from data extracted from a MongoDB database
In [2]:
import os
import re
from pymongo import MongoClient
from Bio.Graphics import BasicChromosome
from reportlab.lib import colors
from reportlab.lib.units import cm
CONNECTION_STRING = os.getenv('MONGODB_CS', 'localhost:27017')
def sortmarkers(crms,end):
""" Sort markers into chromosomes """
i = 0
crms_o = [[] for r in range(len(end))]
crms_fo = [[] for r in range(len(end))]
for crm in crms:
for marker in crm:
# add the marker start position at each chromosome.
crms_fo[i].sort() # Sort the marker positions.
i += 1
i = 0
for order in crms_fo:
# Using the marker order set in crms_fo, fill crms_o
# with all the marker information
for pos in order:
for mark in crms[i]:
if pos==mark[1]:
i += 1
return crms_o
def getchromo(crms_o, end):
""" From an ordered list of markers, generate chromosomes.
chromo = [[] for r in range(len(end))]
i = 0
for crm_o in crms_o:
j = 0
if len(crm_o)>1:
for mark in crm_o:
if mark==crm_o[0]: #first marker
chromo[i].append(('', None, mark[1]))
ant = mark[2]
elif mark==crm_o[-1]: #last marker
chromo[i].append(('', None, mark[1]-ant))
chromo[i].append(('', None, end[i]-mark[2]))
chromo[i].append(('', None, mark[1]-ant))
elif len(crm_o)==1: # For chromosomes with one marker
chromo[i].append(('', None, crm_o[0][1]))
chromo[i].append(('', None, end[i]-crm_o[0][2]))
# For chromosomes without markers
# Add 3% of each chromosome.
chromo[i].append(('', None, int(0.03*end[i])))
chromo[i].append(('', None, end[i]))
chromo[i].append(('', None, int(0.03*end[i])))
i += 1
j += 1
return chromo
def addends(chromo):
""" Adds a 3% of blank region at both ends for better
graphic output.
size = 0
for x in chromo:
size += x[2]
# get 3% of size of each chromosome:
endsize = int(float(size)*.03)
# add this size to both ends in chromo:
chromo.insert(0,('', None, endsize))
chromo.append(('', None, endsize))
return chromo
def load_chrom(chr_name):
""" Generate a chromosome with information
cur_chromosome = BasicChromosome.Chromosome(chr_name[0])
chr_segment_info = chr_name[1]
for seg_info_num in range(len(chr_segment_info)):
label, color, scale = chr_segment_info[seg_info_num]
# make the top and bottom telomeres
if seg_info_num == 0:
cur_segment = BasicChromosome.TelomereSegment()
elif seg_info_num == len(chr_segment_info) - 1:
cur_segment = BasicChromosome.TelomereSegment(1)
# otherwise, they are just regular segments
cur_segment = BasicChromosome.ChromosomeSegment()
cur_segment.label = label
cur_segment.label_size = 12
cur_segment.fill_color = color
cur_segment.scale = scale
cur_chromosome.scale_num = max(END) + (max(END)*.04)
return cur_chromosome
def dblookup(atgids):
""" Code to retrieve all marker data from name using MongoDB
client = MongoClient(CONNECTION_STRING)
db = client.pr4
collection = db.markers_map4
markers = []
for marker in atgids:
mrk = collection.find_one({'marker_id': marker})
if mrk:
markers.append((marker, (mrk['chromosome'],
mrk['start'], mrk['end'])))
print('Marker {0} is not in the DB'.format(marker))
return markers
# Size of each chromosome:
END = (30427563, 19696817, 23467989, 18581571, 26986107)
gids = []
rx_rid = re.compile('^AT[1-5]G\d{5}$')
print('''Enter AT ID or press 'enter' to stop entering IDs.
Valid IDs:
Also you can enter DBDEMO to use predefined set of markers
fetched from a MongoDB database. Enter NODBDEMO to use a
predefined set of markers without database access.''')
while True:
rid = input('Enter Gene ID: ')
if not rid:
if rid=='DBDEMO':
gids = ['AT3G14890','AT1G66160','AT3G55260','AT5G59570',
elif rid=='NODBDEMO':
samplemarkers=[('AT3G14890', (3, 5008749, 5013275)),
('AT1G66160', (1, 24640827, 24642411)),
('AT3G55260', (3, 20500225, 20504056)),
('AT1G10960', (1, 3664385, 3665040)),
('AT5G23350', (5, 7857646, 7859280)),
('AT5G15250', (5, 4950414, 4952780)),
('AT1G55700', (1, 20825263, 20827306)),
('AT5G21090', (5, 7164583, 7167257)),
('AT5G10470', (5, 3289228, 3297249)),
('AT2G28000', (2, 11933524, 11936523)),
('AT3G03020', (3, 680920, 682009)),
('AT4G26000', (4, 13197255, 13199845)),
('AT4G32551', (4, 15707516, 15713587))]
if rx_rid.match(rid):
print("Bad format, please enter it again")
if rid!='NODBDEMO':
samplemarkers = dblookup(gids)
crms = [[] for r in range(len(END))]
for x in samplemarkers:
crms[int(x[1][0])-1].append((x[0], x[1][1], x[1][2]))
crms_o = sortmarkers(crms, END)
chromo = getchromo(crms_o, END)
all_chr_info = [('Chr I', chromo[0]), ('Chr II', chromo[1]),
('Chr III', chromo[2]), ('Chr IV', chromo[3]),
('Chr V', chromo[4])]
organism = BasicChromosome.Organism()
organism.page_size = (29.7*cm, 21*cm) #A4 landscape
for chr_info in all_chr_info:
newcrom = (chr_info[0], addends(chr_info[1]))
organism.draw('at.pdf','Arabidopsis thaliana')