This Jupyter notebook is intented to be used alongside the book Python for Bioinformatics
Note: Before opening the file, this file should be accesible from this Jupyter notebook. In order to do so, the following commands will download these files from Github and extract them into a directory called samples.
In [1]:
!curl -o samples.tar.bz2
!mkdir samples
!tar xvfj samples.tar.bz2 -C samples
The following command will install Biopython in the Jupyter Notebook
In [3]:
!conda install biopython -y
Listing 17.1: Primer design out of one sequence without Biopython
In [4]:
from Bio import SeqIO
sfile = open('samples/hsc1.fasta')
# mysel stores a SeqRecord object generated from the
# first record in the fasta file.
myseq =, "fasta")
# title stores the "id" attribute of the SeqRecord object.
title =
seq = str(myseq.seq).upper()
win_size = 45
i = 0
number_l = []
# This while is used to walk over the sequence.
while i<=(len(seq)-win_size):
# Each position of number_l stores the amount of 'AAT'
# found on each window.
number_l.append(seq[i:i + win_size].count('AAT'))
i += 1 # This is the same as i = i+1
# pos stores the position of the window with the highest
# amount of 'AAT'
pos = number_l.index(max(number_l))
data = {'title': title, 'seq': seq, 'pos': pos, 'win_size':
win_size, 'len_seq': len(seq)}
# Saves the data formated as the input file needed by
# primer3.
with open('swforprimer3.txt','w') as f_out:
with open('template') as tpl:
completed =**data)
Listing 17.2: Primer design out of one sequence without Biopython
In [5]:
from Bio import SeqIO
from Bio.Emboss.Applications import Primer3Commandline
INPUT_SEQUENCE = open('samples/hsc1.fasta')
OUTPUT_SEQUENCE = 'primer.txt'
sfile = open('samples/hsc1.fasta')
myseq =, 'fasta')
title =
seq = str(myseq.seq).upper()
win_size = 45
i = 0
number_l = []
while i <= (len(seq) - win_size):
number_l.append(seq[i:i + win_size].count('AAT'))
i += 1 # This is the same as i = i+1
pos = number_l.index(max(number_l))
pr_cl = Primer3Commandline(sequence=INPUT_SEQUENCE, auto=True)
pr_cl.outfile = OUTPUT_SEQUENCE
pr_cl.osize = 18
pr_cl.maxsize = 20
pr_cl.minsize = 15
pr_cl.explainflag = 1 = (pos, win_size)
pr_cl.prange = (win_size, len(seq))