In [2]:
from itertools import combinations_with_replacement as combos
fact = [1]
prod = 1
for k in range(1, 10):
prod *= k
total = 0
for d in range(2, 9):
for v in combos(range(10), d):
N = sum(fact[x] for x in v)
if tuple(sorted(map(int, str(N)))) == v:
total += N
Explanation: If $N$ is a $d$-digit number, then $10^{d-1} \le N < 10^d$, and the sum of factorials of the digits of $N$ is at most $9! \cdot d$. Consequently, if $N$ equals the sum of factorials of its digits, then $10^{d-1} \le 9! \cdot d$, which implies $d \le 8$.
Instead of checking all numbers less than $10^8$, we check all combinations of at most 8 digits, with repetition allowed. For each combination $v$, we calculate $N$, the sum of factorials of the elements of $v$. Then we convert $N$ back to a combination of digits $v'$. If $v = v'$, then $N$ is one of the numbers that we are looking for, so we add it to the total.